Review of the game amazing spider man. Review of the game The Amazing Spider-Man

Company Activision after a series of successful adventures Spider-Man Based on the comics in the new game, I decided to bet on a restart of the film series. And if to choose Garfield(an actor, not a cat) in the role of the main character can be treated differently, then Ultimate a comic book series as a basis should give the project new strength. Being a plot successor to the film of the same name, the game was never able to receive the official voices of the cast, and even appearance Numerous characters can be called only vaguely similar to the characters in the film.

Events Amazing Spiderman take place some time after the film's story. Curt Connors, who turned into a mutant lizard in the original film, is now in a mental hospital, and the corporation Oscorp under the leadership Alistair Smith continues prohibited experiments on crossing species. Gwen And Peter penetrate into Oscorp to collect evidence of illegal activities and find themselves at the epicenter of a disaster, where the mutants who have burst onto the streets of the city and a dangerous virus are just the tip of the iceberg.

Permanent creator of the game series Spiderman, company Beenox decided to abandon the linear narrative, and offers the player open world with dynamically changing conditions. Sunrises, sunsets and lunar New York incredibly beautifully made. Images from the game can be used as wallpaper on a fashionable device. Fast flights over skyscrapers, which have become a signature feature of the film remake, are implemented with warmth and attention to detail, and two new features make the game a little simpler and more dynamic. One of them is Web Rush. The player at any time can press the right bumper and slow down time by choosing the point where he should move Spider-Man. This function is especially convenient during fast travel around the city or large-scale battles with numerous enemies. In fights with bosses, this ability allows you to dodge a deadly attack, and in side modes, like running around points, it helps you complete the task faster. It also serves to strike an unwary enemy or interact with objects that are in Web Rush helpfully highlighted in red. The second possibility is Web Retreat. Since health Spider-Man not indefinitely, then from time to time he must leave the battlefield to rest. This is what it is used for Web Retreat, which instantly transports the hero to a safe distance. The ability becomes especially useful during stealth missions, when it is easier to hide from an alarmed enemy than to engage in direct confrontation.

Combat system V Amazing Spiderman compared to previous parts, it has undergone a number of changes, becoming more like Batman: Arkham City . The hero delivers a series of attacks with one button, combining this with web and dodges. He can also pick up one of the interactive objects and throw it into a crowd of enemies, stunning and entangling defeated opponents in a net. Stealth mode is also taken from Batman, only here the boundaries of the zone of silent capture of the enemy are determined by an illusory lilac network. There is also the possibility of leveling up the hero in the game, but it plays practically no role, since from the very beginning you have the two new abilities listed above.

Amazing Spiderman is an open world game, which means you can simply fly over the city, collecting 700 pages of torn comic books, or complete side quests. Among them: rescuing infected people and transferring them to a mobile hospital, photographing objects, performing stunts and flying through control points, apprehending criminals by jumping on police cars, helping the police from a helicopter, protecting the weak from evil criminals and capturing escaped prisoners. But all these side quests are so boring and linear that after repeating the same actions for the tenth time, collecting comic book pages while flying over the city looks like a real pleasure. Particularly fun is the repeated photography of a small piece of land with three objects.

Will the new Spider-Man be any better than the old one? Will the world see another epic game about a comic book hero? Could the guys from Beenox make a better game than their predecessors? The answers to these questions (which, in fact, are absolutely identical) are in our review.


After the frankly unsightly latest installations in the series of games about Spider-Man, no one expected that “another game based on the film” could somehow change the situation. If Shattered Dimensions at least tried to entertain the player with motley wall climbers (the monochrome Spider-Man from the world of Noir gained many fans), then Edge of Time completely disappointed fans of the hero dressed in red and blue.


For review (and our sincere surprise) The Amazing Spider-Man turned out to be even better than the film of the same name. Having returned the wall climber to the open world and taught him new techniques, the guys from Beenox, of course, did not break the template, but they certainly modified it slightly.
The game’s script continues the events of the film of the same name, and if you haven’t watched the film itself, then it’s better to refrain from playing through TASM if you don’t want to spoil your impressions with “spoilers” of varying sizes. In short: the city, under the close supervision of Spider-Man, is filled with bestial mutants and robots, and the townspeople are threatened by a deadly and extremely contagious virus. But rest assured, Spider-Man will save everyone (no other way). Not without the help of true friends, of course.
The plot confidently leads the hero to victory over evil, without even trying to use the space that independence from the film script provides. Clichéd dialogues, unconvincing acting and the predictability of every turn of the script - it seems as if the entire salary of the screenwriters was given to the designers (who drank it away on the first day, but more on that later).


Yes, on the one hand, it’s good when the hero is not burdened with complex twists and turns, leaving him only with the salvation of the world, but still it would be nice if Beenox drew a couple more non-linear routes for the wall climber on the way to the final credits.
What Beenox did not disappoint with was game mechanics and simply (let's not be afraid of this word) wonderful behavior of the camera. Clinging to the web, it seems, even to the clouds, Spider-Man quickly moves around the city: he soars sharply up, then quickly rushes down at a dizzying speed. The invisible operator tirelessly follows the hero and does a truly impressive job, snatching the most spectacular angles.


In addition to a convenient camera, The Amazing Spider-man pampers the player with the so-called Web Rush. This system slows down time, allowing Spider-Man to rapidly move to various points marked by silhouettes. In battle with the help of Web Rush, the wall climber works wonders, moving between enemies with lightning speed and generously distributing blows and slaps. It is worth noting that this is an almost irreplaceable innovation in battles in confined spaces, since the pace of what is happening sometimes makes it difficult to focus well on the opponents and the position of the hero himself in space.
In general, Beenox was very inspired latest games about Rocksteady's Batman, creating the game's combat system. This is so noticeable that almost every movement of the wall climber will remind you of a long-eared peace officer in black.


Hand-to-hand combat in Batman: Arkham Asylum/City forced the player not only to frantically hit the buttons, slamming their noses into the skulls of thugs: it brought tactics and grace to this process. A magnificent series of spectacular slaps could easily be disgraced by a missed hook. Bats demanded control over himself and the situation.
With Spider-Man, everything is much simpler - hit, jump, hit, jump, hit again and jump again. With a plethora of acrobatic fighting moves and truly impressive attacks at his disposal, Spider-Man simply doesn't use them. And not only because opponents willingly fold into even stacks under his heroic blows. The combat system in The Amazing Spider-man is spectacular, simple, but at the same time not fully developed.
What’s strange is that, having done so much work on the exterior of the city, Beenox were too stingy and too lazy to finish it inside. Most of the locations look the same and unprepossessing, reminiscent of long corridors lined with decoration boxes.

No less illogical are the games that have become the plot copy of a film that took place not so long ago. They are nothing more than an attempt to make additional millions of dollars and euros from scratch, and there are many examples of this!

Therefore, when conceiving the next project based on a film (or a sequel to it), developers must turn themselves inside out to make a game that will appeal to everyone.

The Amazing Spider-Man(in English version Amazing Spider-Man) revived the abandoned series about the famous superhero in red and blue tights. The attempt is commendable, especially in the wake of the popularity of the remade film with new characters. Then the natural instinct of the developers worked - they decided to develop the plot not within the “framework” of the film, but to go beyond and simply continue the story shown in cinemas.

Mutants and robots

The plot famously starts from the Oscorp laboratory, where a couple of the main characters (Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy) go for some unknown reason. In fact, we are given a hint that Peter is interested in the situation regarding the work of Dr. Connors, who was sent to a mental hospital/prison after the incident with the Lizard. There are persistent rumors that Connors' experiments are being continued by the young and ambitious scientist Alistair Smythe.

While trying to sneak Parker into a secret part of the laboratory, where they continue to use Connors' knowledge, a mutant breaks out and infects all scientists within reach. Gwen, saving her beloved, pushes him into the next room, and then gets caught herself.

Having transferred Gwen to a small room, Parker, in the form of Spider, goes to the city. Here he will face another problem. Nanorobots released by Alistair Smythe (although they are clearly not the same size as the prefix “nano”), designed to stop the spread of infection. But soulless machines are chasing Spider-Man because he, too, is essentially a modified mutant.

What to do? Is your loved one infected? Who should I go to for the vaccine? There is only one answer - you need to trust the one who started it all.

In search of a vaccine

There is no point in telling further developments. Amazing Spider-Man cannot boast of some kind of wow scenario, because the hero is not the same, and the situation is not suitable for this. All overkill scenarios come down to one formula: “superhero” vs “many enemies” = “happy ending”. You don’t need to be a genius to understand that the developers won’t be able to come up with anything new. A cliched cliche will continue to draw attention to itself with its comic-like quality, even if you hit yourself against a wall. Rocksteady took noir as an ideal in their Batman dilogy, but Beenox it was necessary to invent and invent the impossible. Spider-Man initially cannot boast of the gothic style that has become so popular lately. Real New York - there must be real (or almost real) problems.

But no matter what the comic script is, it is consistent. And here the developers hit the mark 100%. Not only is the plot a direct continuation of the film (and knowing the popularity of The Amazing Spider-Man around the world, one must assume good sales), but the game also tells the story in an accessible way interesting story. The missions are not very big, but they keep you on your toes all the time. The only catch is that the constant skirmishes in enclosed spaces begin to get boring closer to the middle of the game. In addition, constantly wandering around the city during secondary missions becomes boring. And if for the first couple of hours of the game you, with childish naivety, realize your old dream - to fly comfortably on a web, then as you progress through it you involuntarily come across the idea that Manhattan is just a soulless box with tall buildings, looks beautiful on the outside, but is faceless and bland on the inside. If so Beenox and was going to make the game look like Batman: Arkham City(and at the moment, this is an example in the genre of games based on comics), then they should have paid attention to the extras.

People on the streets, like soulless java scripts (although “as if” is clearly superfluous here), walk through the city, staring at the marble tiles of the sidewalk. And it doesn’t matter that a huge mutant Rhinoceros is jumping nearby, which can infect them with a deadly virus without the right to vaccination. The only time people ran away different sides- this is when a huge robot worm appears from the earth. That's where the drama is! This is where the epic is!

Monsters on the loose

Each mission ends with some kind of boss. All of them are fantastically drawn, endowed with unusual and unique abilities. In the process of eliminating them, you don’t know what to expect in the next second. Having glued your fins together several times, you begin to understand the mechanics of the enemy’s battle and adapt. The bosses themselves are amazing. I remember when I was a little kid I caught a cartoon from 1994. There were the classic characters Bruiser, Rhino, Scorpio...

The funny thing is that they are here too. But Beenox they were beaten in such a way that Rhino the Rhino turned into just a mutant Rhino, turning over parked cars. And the Spider will need Scorpio’s blood like air, and he will chase his fellow arthropod throughout the sewer. And the old characters, in a new way, really fit into the concept of the world created together with the film’s directors and game developers. Everything resonates perfectly and looks amazing.

Attack, hit, retreat

Another positive point is the combat system. I don’t know if this is so important, but the combat is incredibly similar to the analogue from the Batman duology. This fact once again suggests what kind of game was in front of the developers’ eyes when they were making Amazing Spider-Man. Moreover, the battles between different types and the birth of opponents occur in different ways. Unarmed opponents can be eliminated in a short, incendiary fight using kicks, punches and web attacks. You can’t kill opponents with weapons so easily, but 3-4 bullets are enough to send Parker to spider heaven. Therefore, such opponents need to be eliminated logically, consistently and, most importantly, quietly. I especially liked the system of strikes and subsequent retreats. We irritate the enemies, keep them in suspense, and then jump from the ceiling and hit their heads on the floor.

The third type of enemy is robots. Alistair Smythe did his best - they have all the gadgets to eliminate not only mutants, but also Spider-Man. Killing them is very difficult...

Action with a dash of MMO

Another thing that must be noted is the excellent talent tree. As your skills improve, experience points gained from combos or in special packages with nano-technologies can be spent on improving attacks, strengthening the web, or learning how to spur opponents to walls. It looks impressive when in battle you pin an enemy standing close to the wall with spiderweb superglue.


It would be foolish to believe that Amazing Spider-Man will become something incredibly new in the gaming industry. Many generally hoped that failure, as with Edge of Time, will not follow and the game will even sell at all. The fears turned out to be unfounded. Yes, new game about Spider-Man was not a revelation for most players. Few people paid attention to its existence, because projects like this are still designed for the fan sector, and not for a wide audience from 10 to 40 years old.

But even with all its cliché, the plot is not sewn with white threads, it does not seem like something alien against the backdrop of good graphics. It continues the story begun in the cinema and brings old heroes to the screens in a new interpretation.

The game lives on a combat system and tactical passage of different opponents, and battles with monsters are a separate ode of praise. IN Beenox No wonder they eat their bread. And even though the project as a whole came out without a twist, it looks great and will definitely find a couple of its fans.

PS... We thank the company New Disk for kindly providing the version of the game.

Review (review) games The Amazing Spider-Man
So, we decided to breathe into the adventures about Spider-Man new life. They're playing it in cinemas The Amazing Spider-Man. Tobey Maguire and Kirsten Dunst were thrown out into the cold. So you can forget about the last three parts as if they never happened. And the game product of the same name is already waiting for players on store shelves. I would like to warn you right away: if you have not seen the film, but are planning to do so, then start the game after watching it, because the plot in the project starts two weeks after the events of this remake. Although spoilers are not critical, but still.

To be honest, it’s not entirely clear what these Hollywood producers are so itching for? Many people are asking a reasonable question: was it worth rebooting this famous franchise? Moreover, this film turned out to be some kind of half-hearted retelling of all parts of the old trilogy. But let's get back to the game itself. The developers also seemed to want to bring something new. And it turned out as always.

Plot The Amazing Spider-Man not too complicated and extremely predictable. A couple of weeks after the end of the film, our superhero suddenly learns that the villain Oscorp is continuing his interspecies experiments, which created a terrible lizard. So we will already have all the abilities available. To prevent the spread of the virus throughout New York (oh, how painfully familiar this all is), Spider-Man must defeat many terrible creatures of experiments on his way, such as Rhinoceros and Scorpio. You'll have to climb through all sorts of evil places: a mental hospital, a sewer, and the huge city itself.

I don’t know where some journalists saw similarities with the recent Deus Ex: Human Revolution . Game mechanics in some places it resembles more Batman: Arkham City than the adventures of Adam Jensen. The same similar elements of battles and stealth, but here the level of execution is still much lower. There are ordinary prisoner fighters, and there are also those holed up with a sniper. Carrying out combinations of techniques is somehow too simple. Although maybe it's a convenient joystick. With a mouse and keyboard, such tricks are clearly more difficult to pull off.

The hero's movement around the city does not look very realistic. Sometimes there is a feeling that the web is literally clinging to the air. Or behind the clouds, I don’t even know. It looks very stupid when you can easily cross a park by air that has virtually no high-rise buildings. It seems like a trifle, but it’s unpleasant. This game is not spared from such a disease as collecting all sorts of worthless bonuses in the form of comic book pages or opening new costumes. This is already fun exclusively for schoolchildren, who have plenty of time for such useless things.

The gameplay borrows a lot from Batman Arkham City, as already said. Spider-Man, however, can still crawl along walls and ceilings, which makes his passage easier. Movements, animation - all this looks decent, but nothing more. All this has happened before. And the special moves are reminiscent of Batman’s abilities: you can snatch a weapon out of your hands with a web, there is special vision, dodging bullets, as well as many other web abilities that are purchased in a separate menu.

Side quests that are scattered around the city are still monotonous and secondary. Salvation civilians, the destruction of all sorts of strange robots is all ordinary things for our superhero. Although the stealth style is present, it is not very suitable for Spider-Man. At least with this implementation. Ultimately, the main goals of missions are usually something like “pull that lever, collect these three things and fight the boss in a closed location.” Oddly enough, this principle still works. It's not that this gameplay is "wrong." It's just that all this is quite boring in other similar games.

Boss fights leave a better impression than anything else. All sorts of Spider-Man abilities, like Web Rush and web shooting, allow you to quickly calculate weak points monsters. The dynamics are spot on, the controls are responsive, and these battles are a bit of fun. It’s a pity that the rest of the time you have to carry out routine tasks.

In terms of graphics, everything is no longer so rosy. The city overall looks fine. If you look at him in motion, so to speak. But here in indoors The flaws in the work of designers and artists are already more obvious. The character and monster models look especially bad. Sometimes it seems that they were taken from games on old consoles like PS2 or Xbox. Only Spider-Man himself looks decent. But again, let’s not quibble too much about the game based on a film that has just been released. Development deadlines in such situations are tighter than the currently fashionable skinny jeans.

However, the game The Amazing Spider-Man It didn't turn out as bad as I thought at first. At least for a film project, everything was done well. But secondaryness and mediocrity follow Spider-Man until the very end. The creators failed to breathe new life into the superhero's adventures. But at least they didn’t destroy what worked well in previous franchise projects. Old Spider-Man: Web of Shadows The game cannot be surpassed - unfortunately, it fell short. Only a big and lively city leaves a better impression. So the fans will be happy, but the rest will hardly be surprised by another action game about a jumper with a web.

– The city looks good, it’s interesting to travel around it;
Gameplay mixed with elements of stealth and battles in the style of Batman Arkham City;
– There are a couple of interesting levels.

– Graphics do not meet current standards;
– The plot is predictable and secondary;
– Stealth gameplay begins to repeat itself already in the middle of the game.

Our rating: 6.7/10

Tell friends:

FULL NAME: The Amazing Spider-Man / In the CIS New Spider-Man


PUBLISHER: Activision/in the CIS New disc


GENRE: Action-adventure

Buy a licensed disc with the game The Amazing Spider-Man

Like a spider weaving its web, Beenox studio set up its own webs and began to lure players from all over the world into them. But it didn’t take much to entice. Project with a cult character Marvel Universe Comics, and even released under the hype of the film of the same name, many would have swept off the shelves like hot cakes without hesitation for a long time. But, as you know, in most cases, games based on a film license are made in haste, which has an extremely negative impact on their quality. Has a newcomer joined their ranks? The Amazing Spider-Man published by "New Disc" in the CIS under the name "New Spider-Man"? Let's figure it out.

The first nice feature of the game is its storyline. It does not repeat the events shown in the last film about Peter Parker, but begins a couple of months after the film’s ending. In order to avoid spoilers, I will only describe the general situation: from secret laboratories Oscorp, a company engaged in experiments with mutations and interspecies crossings, escapes with mutant hybrids that are carriers of a dangerous infection. As if this were not enough, robots programmed to destroy these same hybrids and, accordingly, people infected by them, went after them to the city. Guess who will have to clear up all the mess? Put on the red mask and go!

And again we find ourselves in virtual New York, on the island of Manhattan. At first, looking at the city from above, you can’t help but get enough of the contemplation of the local landscapes, and the feeling of flying when you jump from a skyscraper and just before the fall, you quickly rise up on a spider’s web, in The Amazing Spider-Man simply indescribable. By the way, moving around using the web has become much easier than in previous games about Spider-Man, because our hero does not hesitate to cling directly to the air (or maybe he grabs onto the poor birds).

Flying between skyscrapers, you don’t see any flaws in the graphic plan. From above, the city really looks beautiful and impressive, but as soon as you go down, you can’t help but notice low-poly landscapes and objects here and there (you can’t even look at cardboard cars without tears). It is impossible not to mention the indifferent passers-by, who apparently don’t care that there is an epidemic in the city, and reptile-men and rat-men are roaming around. Fortunately, Spidey himself and his animation are simply amazing. It is a pleasure to watch his actions, both during flights and during fights.

Mostly story missions V The Amazing Spider-Man are carried out in closed rooms of laboratories and sewers. After all, it is there that the protagonist can easily hide and quietly, one by one, eliminate the enemies. Spider-Man can easily stick himself to any wall or even the ceiling, while the camera also flips, which creates a funny feeling of disorientation. With this part of the visual side of the game, things are a little better than with the city streets, but not everyone will like climbing through the same sewers and laboratories.

Having leveled up a little, you can allocate a couple of development points to learn new abilities. For example, one of these skills allows Spider to wrap knocked-out opponents in cocoons of cobwebs and carefully hang them from the ceiling. This way, their comrades won’t notice the bodies lying on the floor and won’t raise the alarm ahead of time.

No one forbids entering into open battle. If a group of enemies is not armed, then defeating such poor fellows in hand-to-hand combat is quite simple. Combat system The Amazing Spider-Man suspiciously reminiscent of the combat from last year's Batman: Arkham City. They prepared the same cocktail of attacks, dodges, counter-strikes and finishing moves for us.

Without straining too much, we press one button at a time and don’t forget to click the second when a special icon appears above the Spider’s head to carry out a counter-attack. Meanwhile, on the screen, Spidey performs miracles of acrobatics and relishes handing out punches to a crowd of unfortunate jocks and mutants. It’s a little more difficult with armed opponents: here you’ll have to constantly hide, flying on a web from one corner to another. For a quick retreat in particularly hot battles, there is even a separate button - personally, it saved me from certain death more than once.

Another new product The Amazing Spider-Man, which significantly makes the player’s life easier when moving around the city and fighting enemies, is a system called Web Rush. It allows you to slow down the passage of time and choose the desired direction to jump. You can also mark any enemy as a target, after which our hero will immediately fly up to the poor fellow and greet him with a powerful kick.

We can't help but mention the boss battles. They give it to both mutants and huge robots. Unfortunately, fights with hybrids mostly come down to the banal “rebound - hit - dodge” - repeat three times. It's much more fun to pound giant pieces of iron, battles with which take place right in open city, and not in cramped enclosed spaces. Such massacres look very spectacular and impressive.

In between completing main missions in The Amazing Spider-Man You can do smaller tasks. For example, hit robbers who attack civilians, or deliver infected people to the nearest hospital. These tasks take at most half a minute and at first are perceived only as nice bonus, but then it becomes unclear why there was a need to churn out a hundred essentially the same mini-missions? The chase missions were implemented completely disgustingly: I jumped on the criminals’ car and the simplest mini-game “hit one button at a time” began. But there are about twenty of exactly the same puzzles in the game!

Such monotony and outright primitivism of most of the additional games soon discourages any desire to explore the city and forces us to return to the tracks of the main plot. The only one worthy of attention side mission— bank robbery with the Black Cat. By the way, those who like to collect various junk hidden in the levels have something to do here: paper pages are scattered throughout Manhattan, collecting a certain number of which gives access to viewing entire issues of Spider-Man comics.

It just so happens that games about Spider are mostly either frankly unsuccessful or more or less tolerable products that can only appeal to the most hardcore fans of the red-and-blue superhero. This time it turned out to be a solid middle peasant with its own carriage of shortcomings, but at the same time able to boast of a large number of positive aspects. Whatever one may say, The Amazing Spider-Man- without exaggeration, one of best games about Peter Parker, and therefore I still advise fans of the genre and Marvel comics to pay attention to it.
