Exchange of metal money for paper money in a savings bank. Is it possible to exchange change for banknotes at Sberbank?

If a person suddenly has a lot of small change and has nowhere to change it, the question arises: does Sberbank accept coins? In this article we will try to answer in the most detailed way how you can exchange change for paper banknotes at Sberbank.

So, first, let's look at the official documentation.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation, by resolution No. 318-P dated April 24, 2008, as amended on February 16, 2015, obliges banks operating in the territory Russian Federation, carry out unimpeded exchange and exchange of banknotes, both paper and metal coins (changes).

How can you donate change (small coins) to Sberbank

If you need to get rid of a large number of small metal coins, then you can bring them to Sberbank and make an exchange, following our simple instructions:

    First, you need to show the bank employee your passport or document identifying you (identity).

  • After this, the manager will ask you to write an application in any form.

Attention: In this application you will need to indicate:

  1. Your full name.
  2. Denomination of coins you are preparing for exchange (exchange)
  3. The denomination of money you want to receive the amount to be exchanged.
  4. Signature, date of the document.

    You may also be asked to fill out a form that has already been printed, but it may vary from department to department, since there is no clearly established template.

  • After this, you should wait a little while the bank employee counts and rechecks the coins.
  • At the checkout you will be given the equivalent of paper banknotes for the amount deposited at the bank.

What small coins can you get money for by donating them to Sberbank?

When filling out an application for exchanging money, you will need to indicate both the number of coins being exchanged and their denomination. If you have money of different denominations, for example 2, 5, 10 rubles, then indicate that. The exchange includes 3 coins with a face value of 10 rubles, 15 coins with a face value of 5 rubles and 20 coins with a face value of 2 rubles.

You also need to remember the fact that for exchange transactions, the bank charges a commission, which ranges from 1 to 3% of the exchange amount. This amount cannot be less than 100 rubles. This norm applies to all banks since 2009.

We also recommend that you prepare all the small change for exchange before visiting the bank, packaging them in separate bags. Place money of the same denomination in each bag, and write the amount and denomination on the bag itself. This safety net will somewhat reduce the waiting time while the bank manager calculates the money being exchanged.

The passport that you bring with you can be useful if some coins are found to be counterfeit.

Video instructions for exchanging small change at Sberbank:

Another important point that is worth knowing is that not every division of Sberbank can carry out exchange transactions. It is better to coordinate your visit with Sberbank employees in advance. In the same branches where there are special machines for counting metal money, you can appear at any time convenient for you.
In the same case, if there is no such equipment, then you should listen to our recommendation and call the bank office in advance, especially if you plan to exchange a lot of small change in cash.

Attention: since the recalculation of exchanged coins is a rather painstaking procedure and takes a lot of time, unscrupulous bank employees may refuse service to the client and refuse to exchange change for paper money. In this case, remember that such a practice is a violation, and ask to invite the head of the branch, explaining to him the essence of the complaint and the fact that the banks are obliged to exchange banknotes established by legislative acts. Even if in this case, the savings bank refuses to exchange change for paper money, we recommend contacting the prosecutor’s office and the Court.

Where can I exchange 10 and 50 kopecks?

Let's start with the fact that in the territory modern Russia coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks are a means of payment, and they are subject to the requirements of the Central Bank Resolution. Any organizations, shops, banks are required to accept them as a unit of payment.

There is also a small life hack that allows you to avoid commissions for exchange transactions. To do this, you just need to put the change you have for exchange into your bank account or bank card.

This operation is performed without commission. But in the future you can withdraw money both at this bank branch and at any ATM, and also pay for services by bank card no one has canceled yet.

This concludes our review. Now the question of whether it is possible to hand over change to Sberbank, buy gold, currency or other bank services with it can be considered closed. The answer is simple - all this and much more can be done in a bank within the framework of current legislation.

I love learning everything new, interesting and unusual. And also - wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take hot cocoa and tell you about the latest in the financial market, hot stories from the offices of bank consultants and other interesting things.

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Each Sberbank employee is obliged to exchange coins and paper bills to their clients within the framework of regulation No. 318-P of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, Sberbank provides such services, which will be discussed in detail below.

How can you donate coins to Sberbank

  1. It is necessary to present the bank employee with an identification document (passport).
  2. A statement is written in any form indicating the denomination of banknotes that are provided for exchange, and the denomination paper money. The surname with initials of the individual applying for the service, the date of filing the application, the name of the organization (if required), the amount in numbers and words are also indicated. At the end, the client signs the document. Some bank branches have a ready-made application template that the client can receive upon request.
  3. Within a short time, the bank teller will count the client’s money to ensure its authenticity and solvency. After signing the application, the client receives the specified amount in paper bills.

Can all coins be returned to Sberbank for exchange?

Depending on the Sberbank branch, the service fee may differ and range from 1 to 3%. In this case, the commission will definitely be at least 100 rubles.

In the application form, the client must indicate the number of coins and their denomination (required if the coins are of different denominations). Coins to be exchanged for banknotes must be sorted in advance by the client into different containers or bags depending on the denomination. For convenience, you can put a piece of paper in each container with the denomination written on it. Then the exchange process at the bank will speed up. Having a client’s passport is necessary in case a bank employee discovers counterfeit coins in order to immediately determine the identity.

It is recommended that such exchange transactions be discussed in advance with representatives of Sberbank, since in some branches coins are counted by a special machine. In this case, the client is served at any time convenient for him.

If there is no branch with such a machine in your region or it’s a long way to get to it, then you will have to manually count the coins. Therefore, in this case, it is worth agreeing with the bank in advance about the time of arrival to carry out the exchange, since this will take more time. A time will be scheduled when the ticket office is less busy.

If a client contacts any of the bank branches for exchanging coins for banknotes, but he is denied service, he may demand to call the head of the department. The client may refer to his rights and relevant regulations of the Russian Federation. In case complete failure in service, the client can contact the internal affairs authorities to protect their rights and interests.

Exchange of coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks

Coins in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks are a valid means of payment throughout Russia. Therefore, all structures, including banks and retail outlets, are required to accept them. To avoid unpleasant situations when exchanging money and making commissions, you can transfer your change to a savings book. The next day or any other day, you can come and receive the money deposited, which the bank employee will give out in paper bills.

At Sberbank you can also buy currency, lotteries and carry out many other important payment transactions.

Paper bills are always present in most people's wallets. However, despite the era plastic cards and contactless payments, very often you have to pay or deal with cash. And in such cases, like it or not, you are faced with the need to exchange money for small change, which often turns out to be big problem. Today, there are many ways to exchange - from the most traditional, such as buying something in a store, to more complex ones, expressed in going to financial and commercial institutions. Let's analyze in detail where to change money for small change?

Exchange in banking institutions

Changing paper money into change at a bank is not difficult. However, before visiting the bank, you need to be sure of the authenticity of the bills that are subject to exchange.

Until recently, this service was provided completely free conditions, and now each commercial bank has the right to indicate its percentage for providing this option. For example, the most popular PJSC Sberbank in Russia takes 1-2% of the exchange amount for its benefit. However, this option is only suitable if you need to exchange large number five thousand bills for fairly small money, otherwise going through this procedure is pointless.

Rules for exchanging banknotes for change in a bank

If you still need to exchange a banknote for small change, you will have to comply with some requirements.

Firstly, when contacting any bank branch, you must have a document confirming your identity (passport, driver’s license).

Secondly, a document (application) is drawn up, which contains in detail all the information about the individual, as well as the denomination and number of the bill that needs to be exchanged.

Next, the cashier checks the authenticity of the bill and issues change in the change currency you specified. This can be paper money with a denomination less than that shown to the cashier or small coins. Afterwards, the cashier makes a note on the application to complete the operation and gives small money to the bank visitor.

At the same time, you need to remember about the commission that each bank sets at its own discretion. Therefore, before carrying out this operation, you should check with the administrator regarding this detail, since the percentage may vary not only from bank to bank, but even be different in one institution, in its different branches.

Why can a bank refuse to change a large bill?

The method of changing money at a bank is the least common service of all. It is obvious that banking institutions, like no other, deal with banknotes and must carry out any transactions without hindrance, but in practice not every bank has such an option in general list services provided. So, when visiting another bank for an exchange, it is worth keeping in mind that you may be refused, regardless of the status of the financial institution, and you will have to accept the bank’s position.

Where can you change banknotes for small change, if not at an ATM?

One of the easiest and at the same time unpretentious ways to make money is through an ATM. The exchange is convenient because transactions can be carried out 24 hours a day, and for this you only need to have an appropriate bank card. The process is completely simple - we top up the card account, and then withdraw the required amount in small bills. But even with this method of exchange there is difficulty, since the ATM does not always have small money and options for withdrawing and replenishing an account.

However, this option is one of the fastest, and even if you can’t exchange it for small change, you can at least exchange it for a lower denomination, which will make the exchange process easier in the future.

Where to change banknotes for change on public transport

Each of us has experience using public transport. For everyone this is their own story. Someone uses it every day, and someone even forgot the number of the bus or tram that is heading towards his house. However, most of us found ourselves in an awkward situation when traveling on a tram or trolleybus, if in the morning we handed it to the conductor with a secret desire to exchange it for smaller bills and coins.

In some cases, you can travel to your destination for free, and therefore be left with the same large bill. And the picture is completely opposite if you approach the conductor with a similar request at the end of the work shift. After all, each conductor hands over the accumulated cash, reports and recalculates it, and will happily exchange the small change accumulated during the day for the large bills you offer. This exchange method has a drawback. In the case of exchanging a large banknote offered for coins, the time for mutual settlement may be delayed, despite the fact that the time of arrival of transport at the depot at the end of the shift is strictly regulated.

Subway tokens as an alternative

This method is good in cities with underground transport, since, collecting a large flow of passengers, cashiers always have a supply of cash. During the next operation to purchase a token, you can always exchange the large amount you have for coins. The advantage is the machines, which also have the function of issuing change, which is good news.

Use a vending device

Under Soviet rule, the question of where to exchange banknotes for small change was not acute for society, since special machines in which bills could be exchanged for small change were very popular. These machines were everywhere. Nowadays, these devices are not present in our lives, but some analogues - vending machines - are very rarely found. These devices are distinguished by the highest commission - up to 5%, but the device can not only exchange your banknote for small change, but also, on the contrary, accumulate all your accumulated coins and issue a brand new banknote.

Often such devices are installed in combination with a light snack, similar to a vending machine, and if you pay attention to such devices, you will notice that you come across models not only with your favorite coffee and chocolate, but also those that can dispense small change. Here you can also simply change a banknote if you put the banknote into the machine in a hurry, but do not place an order. And the question of where you can change money for small change is closed.

Other ways to exchange banknotes

The most obvious way, which most people follow, is to go to the nearest store (stall, kiosk, pavilion) and buy some small goods there, such as chewing gum or ice cream. Often sellers are reluctant to part with the money they have accumulated during the day. bargaining chip, and the situation is especially difficult in the early morning or early afternoon, when there are clearly few coins in the cash register. As practice and logic show, it is better to carry out an exchange operation in the evening, when enough coins have accumulated in stores, the number of visitors in the evening is minimized and the cash register must be returned soon.

As a result, the question of where to change banknotes for small change should no longer cause difficulties.

Let us note that several months ago, by order of the Central Bank of Russia, 2 new banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2,000 rubles were introduced into circulation in the Russian economy. This action necessary to facilitate payment transactions and reduce the load on the largest banknote of 5,000 rubles.

In any case, each person should consciously approach where to exchange paper money for change, weighing the pros and cons, because you can not only fail to achieve your goal, but also end up in an awkward position.

Is your piggy bank finally full, has your wallet become heavy with iron money, or is your income coming to you in the form of coins due to duty? In such a situation, you will certainly someday ask yourself the question: “Where can I exchange change for paper money?” We will tell you a few secrets that will help you do this quickly and without any problems.

Opening a deposit

Naturally, the first thing most of us will do is take a bag of accumulated change to the bank. And they will be surprised to discover that the cashier has every right not to provide you with exchange services! However, do not rush to leave the bank in anger. You can use a little trick - contact the operator with a request to open a deposit on demand. And then - top up your account with the amount you brought. In this case, the cashier simply cannot refuse to accept your money, even if you brought 10-kopeck coins.

And then you can terminate this deposit even on the same day, having received the deposited amount in normal paper bills. However, we do not advise you to rush into this - nothing prevents the cashier from giving you the money back in your own coins. Therefore, it is better to come for your savings on another day, when a shift worker is working or when the employee’s annoyance with you for the tedious counting of coins has subsided.

You can also divide your wealth into several parts and open similar deposits in different branches, so as not to overload the cash register workers. Alternative way- pay off loan debt with small change, pay for utilities at the cash register, or apply for a so-called “instant issuance” card. Remember that according to Art. 16 of the Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", as well as according to Federal Law No. 318-P, in this case you should not be charged any fee for counting coins.

Exchange at the bank

No matter what the cashier tells you, but, according to Art. 5.8 Regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated April 24, 2008 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions”, banks still provide services for exchanging small denomination money for large denominations, and vice versa. But it's not that simple. For the owner of iron wealth, this is associated with a lot of inconvenience. We'll tell you how to exchange change at Sberbank (and other banks work on a similar principle):

  • The bank is authorized to make such an exchange with a commission - usually it is 3-5% of the total amount (Article 29 of Federal Law No. 395-1).
  • The applicant must present a passport or other document proving his identity.
  • Savings should definitely not lie in a common pile, but be sorted by merit. Without this, the cashier may not accept the money - the counting machines break down from counting coins of different denominations.
  • It is imperative to draw up a written statement in free form, indicating:
    • Full name applied;
    • the total amount of money brought for exchange (in numbers and in words);
    • a detailed transcript of what was brought (1 kopeck - 123 pieces, 5 rubles - 10 pieces, etc.);
    • signature.

Some Sberbank branches are also equipped with special machines where you can exchange change for banknotes, as well as terminals that can accept change as payment for services. However, finding such devices is rare, so you should call the hotline and ask where such terminals are located in your immediate vicinity.

Exchange at Russian Post

Where else can I donate change? Post offices still carry out operations, the cost of which is specified down to the kopeck, so small change is in use there. There is a high probability that the operator will exchange your savings very willingly. However, he is not obliged to do this and may well refuse if there is a line of visitors behind you, there is already a lot of small change in his cash register, or he simply does not want to bother with the counting. Therefore, it is best to visit the branch on a weekday morning, when there are not many customers, and bring with you a small bag of coins.

In payment terminals

We continue to list places where it is possible to exchange change for paper money. Pay attention to terminals like QIWI with openings for accepting coins. By paying for online purchases or utilities through them, after a certain period of time you will get rid of your iron savings. In Moscow, for example, there is a network of terminals that accept coins for payment. However, the commission for such a payment is appropriate - more than 10% of the amount.

Self-service cash registers

In many large hypermarkets, payment for purchases is made not at the cashier, but using a special coupon in the terminal. The latter have the option of accepting not only paper money, but also small change.

Where can I exchange change for paper money this way? In a number of chain stores:

  • "Auchan".
  • "Crossroads".
  • "Magnolia".

In vending machines with food and drinks

In this case, you need to use a little trick:

  • Load the change into the device, and then click on “Cancel action”. The machine will return what you loaded to you in a larger denomination.
  • Not all machines have a "Cancel" button. But many give change. Therefore, where to donate change is already obvious. Throw your coins into the device and choose the cheapest product. There is a high probability that the change will be counted in “ten-ruble” or “five-ruble” units.

Pay with coins

The easiest way is to slowly, every day, get rid of your small change, buying something necessary with it. Where can I exchange change for banknotes? Pay for travel with it - minibus drivers often do not have enough change for change. You can't go wrong if you go to the pharmacy with coins - in some branches there is an acute shortage of them. However, in these cases, you need to carry small handfuls of iron money with you so that the worker does not spend a lot of time counting them.

Well, that’s basically all we wanted to tell you about where to exchange change for paper money. All you have to do is choose a method convenient for yourself and get rid of the accumulated coins.

Where to donate change in Moscow? Most of us have three-liter jars at home filled with money (it’s a pity, not paper, but metal). Someone is storing rubles in a desk drawer. Some people prefer a vase. The most correct ones throw change into piggy banks, so that later they can break them and become rich like Pinocchio. True, he was taught where to put his coins (dig a hole in the field and throw them there with the words “crex, fex, pex”), but we still doubt it. It’s somehow undignified to go to the store with a bag of money (although in many pavilions they will only say thank you, because small things are often not enough for change). Sticking them into the windshield of a car is even more so (city bus drivers once loved to show off this). Taking a little every day and using it is downright laziness.

It turns out that special machines have appeared in Moscow that accept coins of all denominations (from 1 kopeck to 10 rubles). You just need to pour your wealth onto the metal tray, pull the handle and wait for the device to count your savings. The soulless machine takes 11.9% for itself. You can either transfer everything else to a card or deposit it into your mobile phone account (the terminal does not issue cash).


You can find out the location of such machines on the website of the coin company - (there are now 34 of them in the capital). They work from ten in the morning to ten in the evening and are located in large shopping centers (“Auchan”, “Aviapark”, “Vodny”, “East Wind”, “Golden Babylon” and others).

To test the miraculous mechanism, I began to beg for money from my colleagues. And collected 800 rubles in coins ( different denominations). I divided them into four bags, put them in my backpack and went to the nearest address on Leningradsky Prospekt. In the metro, as luck would have it, they stopped me and asked me to put my luggage in a special box.

And what is this? - the mustachioed guard marveled when he saw four piles of unknown origin.

Money,” I answered proudly and unzipped the zipper (on the backpack).

In the shopping center there was a machine waiting for me with an inventive inscription: “Nowhere to put your change? Bring it to us to change it.” I looked around and, making sure that no one saw me, took out the first bag. Money fell down the metal bottoms as if in slot machine. And the inscription appeared on the screen: 190 rubles (I have no idea where the ten went! I counted the coins several times). The commission amounted to 22 rubles 61 kopecks. And the net accrual: 167 rubles 39 kopecks. Then the machine offered to choose where to put them - on the phone or on the card. I chose the first one and entered my mobile phone number. The money arrived within two hours (and that’s a minus). The terminal did not issue any receipt (and this is also a minus). My backpack has become a little lighter (and that’s a plus).

By the way, I wouldn’t be able to put my pennies on the card, because the minimum amount for transferring through an automatic machine is 1000 rubles (money can take three days, depending on the bank).

There are a lot of people who want to sell small items,” the shopping center sellers told me. - Some come almost with bags. And they hand over the money in separate batches. But homeless people don’t even come close to the terminal. Because they need cash.


Then I looked into Sberbank on Novy Arbat and took out the second bag there. The girl in heels shot her eyes at me and told me to take the ticket. Half an hour later I was called into the sixth room and immediately kicked out back.

Distribute the coins according to their face value,” the cashier said with the usual malice. - So that our machine doesn’t break down.

But I had 30 minutes! During this time I would have time to build a pyramid out of them.

He went out to the rest of the clients, poured money on the table and began to sort through it like buckwheat.

“But he seems to be dressed normally,” the old women discussed me, rejoicing at at least some kind of entertainment. - He doesn't look like a beggar.

Five minutes later, the cashier put my pennies through a machine that looked like a juicer and announced that she was ready to give me 200 rubles. I even smiled with happiness (Sberbank does not charge any commission). You need to have your passport with you.

But problems arose with other banks, of which there are hundreds in Moscow. In many departments, change in principle is not changed. And if they change, they charge interest. For example, on Arbat at the Bank of Moscow it’s 10% and at least 200 rubles (my entire next bag!). The same conditions apply to VTB Bank. But Rosbank and Alfa do not have such a service at all (apparently they don’t want to bother with clients like me).

P.S. During my trip, I felt like the hero of the famous comedy “The Money Changers” directed by Georgy Shengelia. Only in the film it was the other way around. The heroes rode around Soviet Union and exchanged bills for small change. This made absolute sense. After the currency reform of 1961, a 10-fold denomination of banknotes was expected, but this did not apply to kopecks. And one underground millionaire realized that if he exchanged his fortune for small coins, he would not lose anything. And even vice versa - it will enrich itself compared to others. Then I thought. What's the point of this coin company collecting change? Is it really a big benefit? Or are we facing financial turmoil and someone, like those same money changers, decided to profit from this?
