Character skills in EVE Online. Skills (Skills) in Eve Online How many years does it take to learn all the skills in Eve

In the second part of the guide to exploring in EVE Online we'll talk about ships and skills. The material was prepared together with the guys from our corporation - The Eastern Cartel, as well as using English-language sources. Let's start with the ships.

1. Ships for exploration in EVE Online

1.1 T1 frigates

The most accessible ships for exploration are T1 frigates: Imicus , Magnate , Heron , Probe. They have small bonuses to scanning and hacking containers. The advantages include low skill requirements and low cost. The disadvantages include the fact that Covert Ops Cloaking Device II cannot be installed on them. This is a key module for exploring in lowsec, zeros and W-Space. It provides invisibility during warp, and also does not impose restrictions during normal flight. Without it, you will be easy prey for campers at lowsec gates and those who want to catch you in VH.

However, with well-pumped skills and straight hands, these frigates pose a threat to other ships of a similar class. Let's say, the nondescript Imicus has a fairly spacious hangar for drones (for eight) and is capable of managing four. Just now, my co-corps dismantled the Manticore stealth bomber on such a boat, and before that, drove off the Heron. True, he is a fan of PvP on frigates, so this is a special case.

Therefore, the recommendation is simple: fly them in highsec to gain initial experience. Of course, no one forbids you to fly along lowsec and climb into wormholes, but be prepared for the fact that those who like easy prey will catch you there.

1.2 T2 frigates (Covert Ops)

More advanced versions of explorer frigates -, Anathema , Cheetah , Helios. In addition to stronger scan bonuses, they can carry Covert Ops Cloaking Device II. This qualitatively changes the process of moving through dangerous sectors of space. You can warp with a carpetcutter while remaining invisible. This makes the ship almost elusive. Also, the shred does not affect the normal movement speed, unlike other similar modules. This is a big plus if you are welding to a date or relic, and the containers are located at a distance of 60-70 km or more. In addition, T2 frigates have bonuses to combat capabilities. Another plus is that T2 frigates are relatively inexpensive. The body with body kit will cost you 25-30kk. This money is earned in one successful flight.

The disadvantages include the fact that it takes a long time to develop skills on them. Requirements: Racial frigates and Electronic Upgrades in V, which takes about three weeks in total. In addition, they are completely unsuitable for passing combat anomalies and dates and archaeological sites protected by sleepers. All it takes is a couple of sleeper frigates to turn your ship into junk.

1.3 Faction ships

Faction ships for exploration include ships from the Sisters of EVE faction: frigate Astero, cruiser and battleship Nestor. They have bonuses for scanning and hacking. The advantages include low minimum skill requirements and the ability to carry a carpet clog. Often, beginners choose these ships because they can quickly board them, rather than having to wait three weeks for the skills needed for T2 frigates to develop.

How do skills affect the game?

Skills are a major part of character development in EVE Online. They affect the player's abilities and capabilities in all game situations- both in combat or mining, and in production, trade and even corporate management. Also, in the game there is large number ships and items that cannot be used without a certain level of some skill. Each subsequent level of skill development affects the character's abilities - you can get full information about how each skill works from its description.

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How do you level up (learn) skills?

The most in a simple way Leveling up your character in EVE Online is about learning skills. In the world of New Eden there are no class restrictions. In theory, you can master absolutely all the skills that are in the game.

There are so many existing skills in EVE Online that it is unlikely that you will ever be able to level them all up. Therefore, it will be better to focus on one specific main activity in EVE Online.

The second direction of player development in EVE Online is obtaining the most powerful ships and equipment, which requires a lot of money or resources and already specified skills. You can either create ships yourself or buy them on the galactic market.

The main difference between EVE Online and most other MMORPGs is the lack of character levels. However, skills have levels in EVE. The skill learning system in EVE Online is also different from other online games. Skills grow regardless of your actions in the game, and are calculated separately, depending on the time spent studying.

Time is the most important factor influencing the speed of learning skills. Learning each skill requires a certain amount of time and occurs even when you are not in the game. The player can make a plan for leveling up skills in EVE Online by adding them to the learning queue.

In EVE Online leveling skills looks more like data is being downloaded into the pilot's brain rather than something he is actively learning through use. This means that your pilot will continue his training, even when you decide to take a break from the game, the main thing is that your account is active.

What does skill level mean in EVE Online?

Each skill in EVE Online has five levels. In order to move to the next level of its development, it is necessary to accumulate a certain number of SP (skill points) - the higher the skill level, the more points required.

It takes much longer to learn a skill to the fifth level than to the first, and to move from the fourth to the fifth it takes more time than to develop a skill from the first to the fourth level. This system allows novice pilots and those who have not yet decided on their specialization to relatively quickly catch up in the development of experienced players and be practically with them at the same efficiency level, however, in order to achieve maximum impact, you need to spend a lot of time.

Can I develop more than one character on the same account at the same time?

Yes, it's possible. You can open an additional skill queue for 30 days using PLEX. Also, with the help of an additional PLEX, you can learn skills simultaneously with two characters of the same account. But only one character can be in the game at a time, regardless of whether this service is activated.

In EVE Online, each activity is closely tied to the abilities that are currently available to the pilot. Leveling them up takes real time, and the higher you plan your development, the more effort you will have to put into leveling up your character. Ability to control a variety of ships, mining useful resources from space objects, the use of available modules - you will have to comprehend all this by studying skills.

In total, the game has several hundred (400, to be more precise) different abilities. It will take a pilot several decades of real time to study absolutely everything, so only a few manage to reach the development ceiling in this space sandbox. Of course, you can use an item such as the Skill Injector at any time, which will give you a certain amount of free SP, which can then be distributed among the necessary skills. But this requires serious financial investments, which is not suitable for everyone.

All skills in EVEE Online are divided into certain areas:

  • Armor – is responsible for the “hardness” of your space vessel;
  • Rockets, machine guns, lasers, etc. (Gunnery, Missiles) – regulate the amount of damage inflicted when using a certain type of weapon;
  • Scanning – determining the ability to scan an area to detect valuable resources and loot;
  • Drones – allows you to take cybernetic devices on board a ship to protect the ship from enemy attacks;
  • EW (Electronic Systems) - the use of modules to counter scanning and other electrical devices of enemy ships;
  • Engineering – improvement of the CPU, cap and other elements of the ship;
  • Corporation Management – ​​adds the ability to create and manage gaming communities called corporations.
  • This is not the entire list of available types of abilities that absolutely every player can learn. However, you should remember that first of all you should spend time leveling up in EVE Online in the direction that is relevant to you at the moment. Do you want to quickly start fighting with other players? Are you planning to engage in trading or mining asteroids? Then choose the skills you need and ignore those that are not very useful specifically for your character.

    A little about attributes

    In EVE Online, there is a system of attributes - skills that are responsible for the speed of learning skills, divided according to certain characteristics. There are five attributes in total: intelligence, willpower, memory, charisma and perception. Optimizing these elements will allow you to distribute your in-game (and real) time as efficiently as possible to learn the necessary skills.

    Each new player by default has 20 points allocated for each attribute. A certain skill has a primary and a secondary attribute, and the number of points of each directly affects the speed at which the ability is learned. We can calculate the time it will take us to achieve the desired value of the ability using the following formula:

    (SP(needed) – SP(available) / (primary attribute + (secondary attribute / 2))

    Each omega clone receives approximately 30 SP per hour, while alpha clones can only count on half that - 15 SP. Accordingly, if you want to become a professional pilot, then don’t even dream about Eva being free; you’ll have to quickly turn your “alpha” into an “omega” by buying Plex. And the faster you do this, the sooner you can learn all the necessary abilities.

    So, all existing attributes can be divided into three groups, which are suitable for players in different areas of activity:

  • Fans of PVP will need to pour the maximum number of points into willpower and perception (operational learning of the abilities responsible for the right to pilot combat ships and use combat modules);
  • Drone operators and production workers must devote all their efforts to intelligence and memory (drones will be able to deal more damage, and the production of valuable materials will take less time than usual);
  • Scanners and those who like to trade between sectors should keep charisma in the leading positions of the attributes (this will allow them to quickly earn a positive reputation with NPCs and “beat out” high prices for goods).
  • Ivmon is a useful tool that will allow you to calculate your character development plan for the year ahead. If you have distributed SP incorrectly, you can change them using implants (this can also be specified in Ivmon).

    EVE Online has a lot of opportunities to accelerate your character development. Following the example of Skill Injectors and implants, you can use a variety of boosters that give a temporary bonus to all attributes. This will temporarily reduce the number of hours required to study abilities. But all this, like buying Plex, requires certain financial investments. So each player must decide for himself whether he wants to quickly and without much effort (with serious financial costs) become a thunderstorm in space or whether it is better to save the budget and achieve what he wants over time.

    In EVE Online, a character's basic stats affect how quickly they learn skills. Each skill has primary And secondary characteristics used in calculating the amount of time needed to learn this skill. Each skill primarily uses characteristics that are relevant to the type of activity (battles, trade, research, production, etc.).

    Start playing EVE Online and see the quality and uniqueness of this universe. This game is worth trying for every gamer.

    How can you speed up learning skills?

    There are several ways to speed up your skill learning in EVE Online. The speed of character development depends on its characteristics. Accordingly, by increasing certain characteristics you can achieve faster pumping.


    The speed of learning skills can be increased by installing implants. Special implants will increase certain characteristics and, as a result, the speed of learning skills.

    You can buy similar implants at gaming market in the corresponding section (Implants and combat stimulants → Performance enhancement systems).

    Redistribution of characteristics

    If you want to immerse yourself in a specific aspect of the game, then a good action would be redistribution of characteristics in such a way as to reduce the time required to learn the relevant skills. An excellent example would be the characteristics “Willpower” and “Reaction Speed”, which are very important for learning combat skills.

    Redistribution of characteristics can be done in the character information panel. It should be noted that only a few sessions of characteristics redistribution are available. Once used, the next session will be provided in exactly 365 days.

    So, accelerating the learning of skills in EVE Online is possible using two main methods - implants and redistribution of character characteristics.

    • Published: March 15, 2014
    • Updated: September 16, 2014

    System of character skills (skills) in EVE Online is unique in its kind, the likes of which are not found in almost any MMORPG. It is characterized primarily huge variety skills, and secondly, a special scheme for studying and upgrading them. Unlike most modern online games skills in EVE Online are upgraded regardless of their use - it takes what is required only time and nothing more. In addition, skills are upgraded even when you are not in the game, which makes it possible not to waste offline time in vain.

    Recruits are always in demand on any front! Register in EVE Online and feel free to apply to the combat corporations of Russian-speaking alliances. You will always be supported, trained and will not be offended.

    How to level up skills in the world of EVE Online

    Your character's skill system requires your character to initially acquire a book with a specific skill. These books are usually bought by players in the markets, however, like most game items they are initially mined by someone. Some skill books can be purchased for Loyalty Points(a special currency that is given as a reward for completing missions), while others can be obtained from a container in the anomalies using a data analyzer.

    If your character has all the necessary skills to learn this skill, then you can use a book at any time that will teach your character this skill. Then you can fill out the queue for learning skills in any order convenient for you.

    It should be noted that by default, the queue for learning skills cannot exceed one day from the moment the first skill in the queue starts learning.

    You can study as many different skills as you like, but between the first and last skill the time required to study can't be more than a day.

    Put last in the learning queue the skill that takes the longest to learn (for example, several days). This way you will protect yourself from accidentally being idle in learning skills.

    Skill Options in EVE Online

    Each skill in EVE Online has two parameters - its difficulty and level. A skill can have 5 levels in total - the first is obtained by using the book, the last is achieved by leveling up. Leveling up each subsequent level takes exactly 5 times longer than researching the previous one. The difficulty of a skill is a multiplier of the time required to learn it.

    What do character skills affect in EVE Online?

    In the world of EVE Online skills(they are also skills) character influence every aspect of the game, even social interactions between players. In addition to the well-known and understandable combat skills and ore mining skills, there are also skills in managing corporations and alliances, fleet management skills, and much more.

    Ship skills affect what ships you can control and what bonuses you will receive from operating a ship. Almost every skill is easy increases by the same amount any indicators.

    If you want to get acquainted with the game, then it makes no sense for you to initially achieve maximum level in all skills - 3 or 4 levels are enough. The difference between skill level 4 and 5 is not that big.

    If you want to be a professional in your field, then without the maximum level 5 you will not achieve ideal results.
