Musically didactic games for the development of musical abilities. Development of musical abilities in preschool children through musical and didactic games

During my internship in elementary school, I used various games for the development of musical abilities: for the development of pitch, timbre, diatonic hearing, the development of a sense of rhythm, musical memory, children's creativity. Games made my lessons more interesting. In didactic games, the children were given various tasks, the solution of which required concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They contributed to the development of sensations and perceptions, the formation of ideas, and the assimilation of knowledge in younger schoolchildren. It is necessary to ensure that didactic play is not only a form of assimilation of individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child and serves to shape his musical abilities.

Games for developing pitch hearing

"Musical Lotto"

Game material: Cards according to the number of players, on each are drawn five lines (staff), circles - notes, children's musical instruments (balalaikas, metallophone, triola).

Progress of the game: The student leader plays the melody on one of the instruments up, down, or on one sound. The guys must lay out the notes on the card - circles from the first line to the fifth or from the fifth to the first, or on one line.

"Repeat the sounds"

Game material: Cards (according to the number of players) with the image of three bells: red - “Dan”, green - “Don”, yellow - “Ding”, small cards with the image of the same bells (one for each); glockenspiel.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children a large card with bells: “Look, children, three bells are drawn on this card. The red bell rings low, we will call it “dan”, it sounds like this (sings up to the first octave): dan-dan-dan. The green bell rings a little higher, we will call it “don”, it sounds like this (sings E of the first octave): don-don-don. The yellow bell rings with the highest sound, we will call it “ding”, and it sounds like this (sings the G of the first octave): ding-ding-ding. The teacher asks the children to sing how the bell sounds: low, medium, high. Then all the children are given one large card.

The teacher shows a small card, for example, with a yellow bell. The one who finds out sings “ding-ding-ding” (sol of the first octave). The teacher gives him a card, and the child covers the yellow bell on the large card with it.

The metallophone can be used to check the children's answers, and also if the child finds it difficult to sing (he plays the metallophone himself).

Games to develop a sense of rhythm.

"Our Journey"

Game material: Metallophone, tambourine, square, spoons, musical hammer, drum.

Progress of the game:“Guys, let's come up with a short story about your journey, which can be depicted on some musical instrument. For example, Olya went outside and went down the stairs (playing the metallophone).

I saw a friend, she was very good at jumping rope. Like this (beats the drum rhythmically). Olya also wanted to jump. And she ran home to get a jump rope, jumping over the steps (playing the metallophone).

The guys either continue the story or come up with their own story.

"Identify by rhythm"

Game material: Cards, on one half of which a rhythmic pattern of a song familiar to children is depicted, the other half is empty; pictures illustrating the content of the song; children's musical instruments - a group of percussion (spoons, square, drum, musical hammer, etc.). Each person is given 2-3 cards.

Progress of the game: The student-leader performs a rhythmic pattern of a familiar song on one of the instruments. The guys determine the song by the rhythm, and cover the empty half of the card with a picture (the presenter gives the picture after the correct answer).

When the game is repeated, the leader becomes the one who has never made a mistake.

Games for developing timbre hearing

“What are they playing on?”

Game material: cards (according to the number of players), on one half of which there is an image of children's musical instruments, the other half is empty; chips and children's musical instruments.

Progress of the game: The guys are given several cards. The student-leader plays a melody or rhythmic pattern on some instrument (there is a small screen in front of the leader). The guys determine the sound of the instrument and cover the second half of the card with a chip.

The game can be played like a lotto. On one large card, divided into 4-6 squares, an image of various tools is given. Small cards with images of the same tools should be greater and equal to the number large maps. Each child is given one big map and 4-6 small ones.

The game is played in the same way, but only the children cover the corresponding image on the large one with a small card.

"Musical Riddles"

Game material: Metallophone, triangle, bells, tambourine, harp, cymbals.

Progress of the game: The guys sit in a semicircle in front of a screen, behind which there are musical instruments and toys on the table. The student-leader plays melodies or rhythmic patterns on an instrument. Children guess. For the correct answer, the student receives a chip. The one with the largest number of chips wins.

Games for the development of diatonic hearing.

“We’ll binge loudly and quietly”

Game material: Any toy.

Progress of the game: The guys choose a driver. He leaves the room. Everyone agrees on where to hide the toy. The driver must find it, guided by the volume of the song that all the children sing: the sound intensifies as it approaches the place where the toy is located, or weakens as it moves away from it. If the student successfully completed the task. When the game is repeated, he has the right to hide the toy.

Games for developing memory and hearing.

"Our songs"

Game material: Picture cards (according to the number of players) illustrating the content of songs familiar to children, metallophone, record player, chips.

Progress of the game: The guys are given 2-3 cards. The melody of the song is performed on a metallophone or in a recording. Children recognize the song and cover the correct card with a chip. The one who covers all the cards correctly wins.

"Name the composer of the music"

Game material: Program works by M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, D. Kabalevsky.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows the children portraits of composers M. Glinka, P. Tchaikovsky, D. Kabalevsky, and asks them to name familiar works by these composers. Then one or another piece is played. The called child must name this work and talk about it. For a complete answer, the student receives two points. The one who receives wins larger number points.

“What music?”

Game material: Player, recording of waltz, dance, polka; cards with images of dancing couples - waltz, folk dance and polka.

Progress of the game: The children are given cards. The teacher lets you listen to the player or plays musical pieces that correspond to the content of the pictures on the cards. The guys recognize the works and pick up the correct card.

Games for developing children's creativity.

"Music box"

Game material: A colorfully designed box, cards with drawings illustrating the content of familiar songs (the name of the song and composer are indicated on the back of the card for control).

Progress of the game: The box holds 5-6 cards. The guys take turns taking out cards and handing them to the leader. Naming the piece of music and the composer. Songs are performed without musical accompaniment by a group of children or individually.

Didactic games for developing children's musical abilities.

    Magic cubes.

Large cubes are covered on each side with pictures: animals or transport or professions, etc.

These are games for developing the expressiveness of movements and reinforcing material on lexical topic.

Progress of the game:

The presenter throws the dice. Children, with the help of expressive movements accompanied by music, convey the image of what or who is depicted in the picture.

    "Who's sitting in the pond?"

This is a game to differentiate between the polka and waltz genres.

A picture of a pond, pictures of a frog and a fish.

Progress of the game:

The presenter shows a picture of a pond and explains that fish and frogs live in the pond. The fish move energetically, quickly, to the music of a polka, and the fish move smoothly, spinning, moving their fins to the music of a waltz.

    "Cats and Kittens"

This is a game to develop children's sense of rhythm.

Pictures with big cats and little kittens.

Progress of the game:

The presenter shows an image of a large and a small cat and asks how they differ. The children answer. The presenter suggests denoting a large cat with a long clap “Me-ay!”, and a kitten with a short “MUR”.

Then the leader lays out various rhythmic groups, and the children clap and pronounce the rhythm. You can invite children to invent and lay out rhythms themselves and clap them.

    "Who's walking in the garden?"

A game to differentiate between the march and polka genres.

Picture-garden, figures of a boy and a girl.

Progress of the game:

Children with a leader look at the image of the garden. The presenter says that the apples are ripe in the garden, and the boys and girls will soon come to pick them. Boys walk with a firm, confident gait, energetically, like this - it sounds like a march, and girls walk easily, cheerfully, skipping, like this - it sounds like a polka.

    “Who is walking along the path?”

A game to develop an understanding of the figurative content of music or to distinguish registers - high, medium and low.

A picture depicting a forest. Figures of children and animals.

Progress of the game:

Children are shown a picture of a forest and a path and discuss who can walk along the forest path. Examples of answers: children, animals...

1st option:

Boys and girls are walking along the path, they are going for mushrooms. Then the game is similar to the game “Who is walking in the garden?”

2nd option:

Forest animals are walking along the path: a wolf, a hedgehog, a hare - low, medium and high registers.

Children listen to musical fragments and determine who is walking along the path. One of the children inserts the corresponding picture into the “pocket”. You can also suggest conveying a musical image in motion.

3rd option:

You can divide children into groups: girls and boys or wolves, hedgehogs, hares. Children listen to music. The group whose music is played comes out. The presenter shows the correct answer using a picture.

    Didactic game "Ten".

The game is an egg carton with colorful Kinder Surprise eggs with different fillings - cereals, salt, pebbles...

The presenter says that the hen Ryaba laid eggs, not simple ones, but musical ones. Each one makes its own sound - knocking, rattling, rustling... They are all different in appearance. But each egg has a sounding pair.

This is a hearing development game. Children must listen to the sound of each egg from one row, and then match it with a pair from the second row of eggs.

    Didactic game "Skier"

A game to distinguish the direction of movement of a melody - up or down.

A picture with a snow slide and an image of a skier.

Progress of the game:

The presenter shows the children an image of a snow slide and tells them that skiers ride on this slide. “When the skier goes up, the melody also moves up, like this... (an ascending scale is played), or like this... (another ascending scale), or like this.. And when the skier slides down the hill, the melody also moves down... (examples) »

Then various up and down scales are played, and one of the children places the image of the skier in the appropriate position.

2nd option (complicated):

The distinction between major and minor is added to the task.

Sometimes a skier falls, then the music sounds sad, in a minor key.

Children listen to where the skier is going and whether he fell or not.

Examples of musical and didactic games.

Games for developing rhythmic hearing:

- “Rhythmic Echo”

- “Identify by rhythm”

- “Remember the melody”

- “Find out and sing.”

Games for developing dynamic hearing:

- “Loud - quiet”

- “Loud and quiet music”

Games for the development of timbre and pitch hearing:

- “Musical Lotto”

Games to develop singing abilities:

- “Musical Spinning Top”

- “What song are we from?”

- "Concert"

- “Conductor Competition”

Games for the perception of musical works:

- “Tell me about music”

- "Clowns"

- “Music Quiz”

- “Pictures Alive”

- “Sun and Cloud”

Musically didactic games(goals, methodology ):

Game "Rhythmic Echo"

Target: development of rhythmic hearing, memory, preparatory stage to training

musical notation.

Equipment: musical composition board, sheet music.

Method of playing the game: The teacher claps the rhythm of any Popevka known to the children.

Children repeat the teacher’s rhythm and pronounce the syllables: “ti” - eighths, “ta” - quarters.

Game "Identify by rhythm"

Goal: development of rhythmic hearing, attention, reaction speed, memory, timbre

Game material: cards, on one half of which there is a rhythmic

a drawing of a song familiar to children, and the other half is empty; pictures illustrating

triangle, drum, tambourine, musical hammer, etc.). Each player is given

2-3 cards each.

(Illustrations of the card are attached).

Progress of the game : the teacher performs a rhythmic pattern of a familiar song or Popevka on

one of the musical instruments. Children identify a song and a picture by rhythm

cover the empty half of the card (the presenter gives the picture after the correct answer).

The rhythm can be clapped, tapped with cubes, sticks, spoons, etc. when repeated

The leader of the game is the one who has never made a mistake.

Note: At the discretion of the teacher and depending on the preparedness of the class

the rhythmic pattern on the cards can be depicted in the form of durations. Or

the rhythmic pattern can be depicted in the form of short or long stripes.

Game "Remember the Melody"

Goal: development of rhythmic hearing, memory, attention, reaction speed, skill

accurately reproduce a rhythmic pattern according to a rhythmic pattern.

Game material: rhythmic patterns on cards or on a typesetting canvas.

Method of playing the game : the teacher depicts rhythm or rhythmic on the board

a diagram of fragments from famous musical works or songs, and children should,

clapping the rhythm, find out the melody.

Note: This game allows the teacher to practice rhythmically difficult passages

from vocal works.

Game "Find out and sing"

Goal: development of rhythmic hearing, memory, thinking, reaction speed, singing


Game material: cards according to the number of participants. The cards show

rhythmic patterns of fragments from works familiar to children.

Method of playing the game : The teacher gives the children cards with rhythmic

excerpts from songs. Children should, having clapped the rhythm, recognize the piece and also accurately

Note: Cards may have different rhythmic patterns from the same

vocal work. You can build a whole “chain” of these schemes and then

the result will be a whole piece, the rhythm of which the children must perform in a “chain” and

Game "Echo"

Goal: development of dynamic hearing, vocal abilities, form

a comprehensive view of the song.

Method of playing the game: the teacher sings a phrase from the song, and the students must

repeat in exactly the same way, with the same dynamic shades, pauses, etc. Sing the same way

and the second phrase. Then the teacher sings two phrases at once, adding a third. Are being played out

different options: the teacher sings loudly, the children sing quietly and vice versa. Then the teacher suggests

game to any student who completed the task.

Game "Loud - Quiet"

Goal: development of dynamic hearing, attention, reaction speed.

Game material: toy.

Methodology : A driver is selected from among the students and leaves the classroom.

The others agree and hide the toy. The driver, entering the classroom, must find her,

guided by the sound of the song that the class students sing (in order to consolidate

the song you just learned is used). The sound of the song intensifies as

approaching the toy and vice versa, subsides as you move away from it.

Game "Musical Lotto"

Goal: development of timbre hearing, attention, memory, speech, education of listening skills


Game material: cards (according to the number of students), which depict various

musical instruments. (Sample card attached).

Method of playing the game : The teacher distributes cards to each child. Students

listen to a piece of music and cover those instruments with chips

who perform music. This may be one or more musical

tools. The student who correctly covers the sounding chips with a chip wins.


Game "My Family"

Goal: development of timbre hearing, ability to distinguish registers.

Game “Musical Top” Game material: cards with images of family members: mother, father, child.

(Samples of cards are attached).

Method of playing the game : The teacher distributes cards to each student. At

listening to a piece of music or an entire piece, students

Goal: development of timbre hearing, to form an idea of ​​timbre.

Method of playing the game : the teacher calls the children (the number depends on the phrases,

sentences or verses in a song). Each child gets a “role”, i.e. will

perform a fragment from a familiar song. Then the children go to the back of the class and sing each

your part of the song.

Goal: consolidation of the song repertoire, development of rhythmic hearing, attention,

Game material and method of playing the game: a cardboard circle around the edge

Illustrations for songs are pasted. There is a moving arrow in the center of the circle. Direction

The arrows indicate which song the child should sing. (Illustration attached).

Note: The game can be played to reinforce learned songs (at the end

quarter, year) or as a concert for the birthday boy.

Game “What song are we from?”

Goal: development of singing skills, pure intonation, hearing, memory, consolidation

learned repertoire.

Game material: illustrations for songs children have learned or use

children's drawings (homework).

Method of playing the game : the teacher offers children illustrations of famous songs

or heroes of songs, children guess. The song is performed in different versions: according to roles,

in an ensemble, with soloists, in a dramatization, etc.

Game "Concert"

Goal: development of singing skills, memory, education of performing and

listening culture.

Method of playing the game : after learning several songs (you can at the end

quarters, half-years), students perform songs familiar to them in concert performance:

with a soloist, an ensemble, in the form of a performance, a “chain”, in costumes, in masks, etc.

Game "Conductor Competition"

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about the elements of musical speech, development of skills

improvisation, attention, memory, reaction speed.

Methodology : each child who takes the role of conductor offers

his own tempo of performing the song and conducts at this tempo. Each "conductor" performs

one verse. The class then determines the best, most comfortable pace.

performance of the song, thereby choosing the best conductor, who leads

performing the entire song at your own pace.

Game "Sun - Cloud" »

Goal: teaching musical notation, developing a sense of harmony, consolidating concepts

“major”, “minor”, ​​education of listening culture.

Game material: 2 cards according to the number of children in the class, which depict

cloud and sunshine. (Illustrations attached).

Method of playing the game : when listening to music,

Students hold up the appropriate card. After listening they explain

Why did they pick up this particular card? To the child who correctly picked up the card and

managed to explain correctly - the trick is “note”.

Riddle game “Tell me about music” »

Goal: to develop the ability to formulate your opinion about music, express it,

nurturing a listening culture and determining the type of development of music.

Methodology for conducting the game : the teacher offers to listen to a song or musical

work and be ready to answer any question. For example: your impression of

listened to music (song); what fret?; composer or folk music (song)?

etc. After listening to the students' speeches, the teacher names the children (awards) who have

were the most interesting answers.

Note. This game can be used in lessons during various types

activities. The number of questions depends on the preparedness of the class, repertoire and

lesson topics.

Game "Clowns" »

Goal: education of listening culture, development of modal sense and musical

Game material: two clowns in colorful costumes. One clown is sad and

the other is cheerful. Flannelograph. (Illustrations attached).

Method of playing the game : the teacher performs a work by D.B. Kabalevsky

"Clowns" Students, listening to music, must determine which clown’s music is playing and

put on a flannelgraph the clown himself in a certain costume. If the music

major, cheerful, then the clown is cheerful, in a bright suit and vice versa.

Note. When playing this game, you can use music at the discretion of the teacher. For

strengthening the modal feeling and determining the nature of the music.

Game "Music Quiz" »

Goal: consolidation of knowledge about musical works, composers, development

musical memory and listening culture.

Method of playing the game : the teacher performs or gives recorded musical

works familiar to children. The game can be used after learning both vocal,

as well as instrumental works. Play the game to consolidate students’ knowledge

at the end of each quarter or year.

Game "Pictures Alive"

Goal: consolidation of the material covered, development of musical memory,

rhythmic and musical hearing.

Game material: drawings by students (homework for the quarter).

Method of playing the game : the teacher places new drawings of children for a quarter and

invites them to find out which picture “came to life.” The teacher performs (or in a recording)

excerpts from musical works or fragments of songs. Children answer

additional questions.


The games and gaming techniques that I use in my lessons help

to intensify interest among schoolchildren in music lessons, develop their creative

abilities help children to open up.

Using all the above methods and techniques for teaching music helps not

only in teaching music, but also in nurturing the child’s personality, because they

activate the mental activity of schoolchildren, have a positive effect

influence on its development.

I think the most important thing is that the child not only learns in the lesson, but also that the lesson

touched his soul.

In the process of musical and didactic games, students develop memory. They

remember composers, names of musical works, musical genres,

elements of musical speech.

1. Musical and didactic games help children not only work creatively

in the classroom, but also to apply this knowledge in life.

2. The proposed musical and didactic games can be arranged

regarding the topics of the lessons, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the classes,

interests of students, as well as consolidating and developing certain knowledge, skills,

Systematic use of musical and didactic games in music lessons

allows us to conclude that games have a direct impact on

development of musical abilities, creative thinking, ability to

Musical and didactic games for the development of musical and sensory abilities.

Games to develop pitch hearing.

Birds and chicks

Target: To develop in children the ability to distinguish sounds (low and high).

Progress of the game: Each child has one picture (a circle). The teacher plays low and high sounds on the metallophone. Children listen to sounds, if the sound is high, the children pick up a picture with a chick (small yellow circle), if the sound is low, raise the picture with the bird (large brown circle)

Game material: Pictures with a big bird and chicks or different mugs

In size and color.

Who's singing?

Target: To develop in children the ability to distinguish sounds (low, medium, high).

Progress of the game: The teacher talks about a musical family, shows a picture and says that everyone in this family loves music, but sings in different voices. Dad is short, mom is average, son is tall. The teacher plays low, medium, high sounds on the metallophone. Children listen to sounds and pick up the desired picture.

Game material:Rectangles are differentsize and color.


Target: Distinguish between the pitch of sounds and the direction of the melody up and down.

Progress of the game: After getting acquainted with the song “Ladder” by E. Tilicheeva, the teacher plays the instrument and invites the children to find out where the girl is going, and then show a picture with the corresponding image.

Game material:Demonstration material - “Ladder”.

Guess the bell

Target: Distinguish sounds by pitch (low, high)

Progress of the game : The teacher rings one or the other bell in turn, the children recognize the sounds and pick up the card.

Game material:Low sound - blue triangle, high sound - red


Games to develop a sense of rhythm.

Game with a tambourine

Target: Arouse in children joy and desire to play on noise


Progress of the game: The teacher plays the rhythm of the melody, the children repeat it by clapping their hands or playing a noise instrument.

Game material:Any musical noise instrument.


Progress of the game: The child pronounces his name loudly and clearly: Ta-nya, Se-ryo-zha, then claps the rhythm with his hands. The same with pictures and toys. For example:

kosh-ka, so-ba-ka.

Game material: Any noise instrument, pictures, toys.


Target: Teach children to feel the change in tempo from slow to moderate to fast, and then from fast to moderate to slow.

Progress of the game: The play “Carousel” by G. Levkodimov is performed, in which the change in tempo is clearly visible. The teacher draws the children’s attention to this feature of the work and, when performing it again, invites one of the children to convey the gradual change in tempo in the music using a toy carousel. By rotating the upper part of the carousel with his hand, the child swings it, either intensifying or slowing down the movement of the carousel in accordance with changes in the tempo of the music.

Game material:A small toy carousel, easily driven.

Games for different timbre colors.

In the forest

Target: Identify animals by their timbre coloration.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows a picture of a forest and says: “Children, look what a beautiful forest, there are birches, fir trees, berries. Tanya came to this forest, and someone was hiding behind the tree.” While listening to melodies, the children, together with Tanya, guess the animals, the teacher changes the pictures.

Game material:Table – “Forest”, pictures of a hare, bear, fox, doll – Tanya.

Musical repertoire:“Bunny” by Lobachev, “Bear” by M. Sarkov, “Bunnies and Chanterelles” by G. Fonarovsky.

Musical house

Target: Develop the ability to distinguish the timbre of various musical instruments.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows a picture - a fairy-tale house in which musicians live. By listening to music, children guess the instrument.

Game material:Musical instruments, fairytale house, demonstration material depicting musical instruments, audio recording.

Dynamics difference games.

Loud - Quiet

Target: Determine the loud and quiet sound of music.

Progress of the game: Children listen to music. If the melody sounds loud, then the children clap their hands loudly or show a red square. If it’s quiet, the children clap quietly or show a gray square.

Game material:Two squares: red – loud, gray – quiet.

Quietly, beat the tambourine louder.

Progress of the game: Introduce the song “Hush, beat the tambourine louder.” The teacher performs a song, the children whose name is sung hit the tambourine loudly or quietly.

Game material: Tambourine.

Loudly - quietly binge drinking.

Progress of the game: Children choose a driver. He leaves the room. Hide the toy.

The driver must find it, guided by the volume of the song that all the children sing: the sound of the song intensifies as the driver approaches the place where the toy is located or weakens as it moves away from it.

Game material: Any toy.

Music perception games.

Sunshine and cloud

Target: Develop an understanding of the different nature of music (cheerful, cheerful; calm, lullaby; sad, melancholy).

Progress of the lesson: Children are given one set of cards (sun and cloud) and are asked to listen to musical pieces of different character. Children determine the character of each of them and show cards.

Game material:“Sun” - red circles, “cloud” - blue ovals.


Target: Upon introduction, the children guess the name of the song. Determine the chorus, the chorus to the song.

Progress of the game: The teacher explains to the children that Pinocchio came to visit us and brought songs with him, and which ones the children must guess from the introduction. The game can be played on music. h

classes in order to consolidate the material.

Game material:audio recording, pictures for music. works, Pinocchio (toy).

Song - dance - march.

Target: Develop an understanding of music genres, the ability to distinguish between a song, dance, and march.

Progress of the game: Children listen in turn to three plays of different genres. They define the “three pillars” of music and depict them with hand gestures – a song, a dance, a march.

Game material:Cards "Three Whales".

Blinkova Anna Anatolyevna
Musical and didactic games and manuals for the development of musical abilities of preschool children

Are necessary for children's education preschool age music. Through musically– didactic games and benefits activate children's musical abilities. Data games and benefits help active perception music for preschoolers, introducing them to the basics in an accessible form musical art.

Second slide


1. Develop musical abilities through musical means didactic games and benefits.

2. Involve children preschool age to the basics of musical art, expand them musical horizons.

Third slide


1. Instill an interest in independent musical activity(game, research, performing).

2. Build knowledge about the tools musical expressiveness and properties musical sound(pitch, timbre, volume, duration, teach to be able to distinguish between them in the proposed musical works.

3. Develop musical and sensory abilities, activate children's auditory perception.

Fourth slide

The difference between musical teaching aids and games.

Musically- didactic game has game plot, game action rules that must be followed. The peculiarity of the games is that they can be used by children independently outside music lessons.

Musical and didactic manual as an educational tool it is mainly used in music lesson. They include visual visibility: cards, pictures with movable parts, media files.

Fifth slide

Classification musical and didactic games.

The first includes games that give children an idea of ​​character

music(cheerful, sad, musical genres(song, dance, march).

The second includes games, the purpose of which is to give an idea of ​​the content music, O musical images.

The third group consists games that form children’s ideas about means musical expressiveness.

Sixth slide

Application musically- didactic games and benefits:

1. While singing.

2. During the hearing music.

3. In the process of rhythmic movements.

4. In progress playing musical instruments.

The valuable thing about these games is that they are based on synthesis music and movements. Characteristic for each didactic games is the presence in her:

a) learning task;

c) rules;

d) game actions.

Species musical and didactic games:

1. For development of high-altitude hearing.

2. On development of timbre hearing.

3. On development diatonic hearing.

4. On development of memory and hearing.

5. On development of children's creativity.

Value musical and didactic aids and games is that they have a complex effect on the child, causing visual, auditory and motor activity, thereby expanding musical perception in general.

In my work I use the following games:

Eighth slide

Game "Sun and Cloud"

Target: develop children have ideas about different characters music.

Ninth slide

Didactic materials:set of cards "The sun is smiling" "Rain".

Musical material: Cheerful music and sad.

Children listening music, show card "The sun is smiling" or "rain".

Tenth slide

Game “What is Masha doing?”

Target: Developing children's ability to distinguish different types of music

Didactic material: Card "House"(large card) and small cards Masha is sleeping, Masha is dancing, Masha is crying, Masha is playing

Move games the adult invites the children to look at the picture where Masha’s house is drawn and what she is doing there you will find out for yourself when you hear music. sounds music characterizing Masha’s activity After listening music Children choose a card that matches the nature of the piece they heard. lullaby Mozart game clowns Kabalevsky dance vocalise Rachmaninov.

Musically didactic game strings percussion noise musical instruments(For older keyboards)

Target: introduce string drums and noise musical tools to teach how to classify them by grouping them based on common characteristics, develop figurative and logical thinking attention and speech.

Didactic material:large card "Snow White and the Dwarf" small cards "Noise Instruments", "Percussion Instruments" "String Instruments" "Keyboard Instruments"

The teacher distributes cards with musical instruments for children, face down. Then the presenter tells a fairy tale about the gnome and Snow White and offers to help the gnome determine where and what instruments are noise percussion strings or keyboards (additionally)

Game « Musical house»

Target: teach children to distinguish between genres music song(sad, cheerful, march, dance.

Children sitting on chairs and watching a video game: The screen shows a house and four windows. Sounds music:

1. Lullaby: a window opens with a drawing of a sleeping child, sounds music. Children answer the teacher's questions.

2. Song "Once palm, two palm» : A window opens with a singing girl. Children answer the teacher's questions.

3. March: A window with walking soldiers opens. Children answer the teacher's questions.

Musically educational game"Bird and Chicks"

Target: teach children to distinguish between tall and low sounds

Didactic material: a large non-color picture and three small color cut pictures musical instrument.

Progress of the game

An adult gives two children black and white pictures, reminds the players of the bird's voice (presses bottom key) and the voices of the chicks (presses top key). The presenter takes the picture and turns it towards him, presses the key and asks: “Who is singing, the bird or the chick?”. After the correct answer, children receive a card and cover part of the image of a large card with it.

Slide 18 game “Guess Alyonka’s mood”

Target: development of attention in children, the ability to distinguish the emotional mood of speech and convey a certain emotional state or mood with one’s voice.

Didactic material: cards with facial expressions (fear, surprise, joy, sadness, anger).

Progress of the game

An adult shows a facial picture to the driver (fear, surprise, joy, sadness, anger, etc.) the child stands in the center. Children move in a circle, singing a song. The last two lines are sung by the child driving, showing the emotion from the picture and addressing the one he chooses from the circle. The partner must guess the emotion from the picture. If the task is completed correctly, the child who guesses continues the game. The driver changes, the game continues using other facial pictures.

I walk in a circle, children sing as they walk in a circle

And I sing a song

Well, don't yawn,

Guess the mood kids stop

Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay, the driving child sings.

Guess the mood. Speaks with facial expressions

As a result of systematic use on music lessons musically- didactic games and benefits children have increased interest in music. Children listen carefully music and emotionally respond to contrasting works, distinguish not only high and low sounds by ear, but also determine the sounds of various instruments, understand genres music.

Publications on the topic:

"Cossack region". Modified program for the development of musical abilities of preschoolers Goal of the program: Formation in preschoolers of a general understanding of the history and culture of the Don region through musical folklore.

Musical and didactic games and their role in the development of children's musical and creative abilities One of the most accessible means of learning music as an art form that meets the capabilities, characteristics, interests and needs.

"Teremok" - development of sound hearing. “How many of us are singing” - the ability to hear the number of sounds. “Mom and kids” - development of pitch.

Musical and didactic games in kindergarten are a means of enhancing the musical development of each child, which allows for inclusion.
