Catacombs of Suramar. Legion Dungeon Preview: Catacombs of Suramar and Quarter of Stars Wild Mage Lyris

The developers have published a review of the next pair of dungeons that will appear in World of Warcraft with Legion expansion— Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars. The unique thing about these dungeons is that they are Mythic only and require access to them.

Official Blizzard quote ()

Many challenges await the heroes of Azeroth - in particular, dungeons scattered throughout the Broken Isles. In this review we will talk about two of them: the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars.

These dungeons are somewhat different from others (like the Maw of Souls) in that they require players to be more prepared. To get there, level 110 players will need to increase their reputation in Suramar, which can be done by completing a quest chain in this zone. In addition, you must log in in advance assembled group. The Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars can only be completed on Mythic difficulty, which, of course, makes them even more interesting. If you're looking for a thrill, check out the information below and go dungeon crawling!

Catacombs of Suramar

Minimum level: 110
Zone: Suramar
Number of bosses: 5

Suramar itself is huge, but the network of tunnels beneath it extends far beyond the city. The Nightborne depend on the power of the Nightwell, and the Catacombs of Suramar carry its power throughout the city. These intricate labyrinths were built under the foundations of the largest buildings thousands of years ago, and most citizens have no idea what lurks in the darkness beneath their feet...

    Developer Comment: When we needed to start working on the Suramar dungeon, we thought back to older dungeons like Blackrock Depths, which covered a huge area and had a lot of passages and nooks and crannies. We came to the conclusion that the catacombs under the huge Suramar would serve as an excellent platform for recreating something similar. The Catacombs of Suramar will not have random bosses like Assault on the Violet Fortress, but each time you enter the dungeon, different doors will open, which will allow you to diversify the gameplay and the order of the passage of the labyrinth of corridors.

Ivanir: cut off from the power of the Nightwell and thrown into the Catacombs, Ivanir wandered aimlessly through their labyrinths and gradually faded away until he came across a treasure hidden at the base of the great library of Suramar. He spent days studying the tomes in an effort to decipher them and absorbed the energy of the archive's relics in order to somehow extend his life. But the magic that supports his body cannot preserve his mind.

Corstilax: This huge golem patrols the tunnels beneath Suramar in search of anomalies, which he promptly corrects. He came across one of these anomalies - a gap in the conductor channeling the power of the Night Well, and is now working to eliminate it. But strangers in the tunnels are also an anomaly, and Cortilax may well deal with it.

General Xakal: When Gul'dan threatened the rulers with force if they disobeyed, he did not mince words. The demons of the Legion, led by Xakal, have already entered the tunnels under Suramar. And the general is ready, at the first order, to start wreaking death and chaos on the streets of the city.

Nal'tira: this huge spider made a nest in the holes in the roots of the great manatree. For many years she absorbed free magical energy this place, making her one of the most dangerous predators in the Catacombs.

Advisor Vandros: Vandros is one of Elisande's closest advisors, whose skill in harnessing the arcane energies of the Nightwell is second only to that of the Grand Master. He usually does not descend into the Catacombs, but after studying reports of resistance from the Nightfallen and their allies, he decides to take matters into his own hands.

Quarter of Stars

Minimum level: 110
Zone: Suramar
Requirements: certain reputation in Suramar, group for completing a Mythic dungeon
Number of bosses: 3

Despite Legion patrols that darken the streets of glorious Suramar with their presence, members of the high society of the Nightborne community continue to follow traditions. Tonight, the chilly streets of the noble quarter are filled with the screams of revelers, as a social event is taking place in the largest mansion. There are rumors that Grand Master Elisande herself will appear there to support her most trusted allies in these difficult times.

Hello, dear readers of the portal site! This guide will tell you all the features of the new "Rogue-like" single-player mode in Hearthstone. Here we will describe the best way to complete the dungeon with all classes, show a list of bosses, treasures, and also give tips and life hacks on how to win with all classes and get an exclusive card back!

Dungeon Hike is a new solo game mode introduced in the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion. Its features of increasing difficulty and permadeath make this PvE mode a challenging (but free) challenge for players.

The dungeon crawl is completely free and offers players plenty of tools and maps to fully enjoy.

What is "Rogue-like"?

For those who don't know, "Rogue-like" (or "roguelike") is a type of RPG games, which can be described as going through a dungeon with varying levels that are different for all players each time. Typically, these types of games feature a fantasy story that is heavily influenced by board game predecessors such as Dungeons and Dragons. In roguelikes, the player controls a character, collects loot, and risks permanent death during their adventure.

By taking players on a Dungeon Crawling, Hearthstone hopes to replicate some of the usual features of popular roguelike games while maintaining many of the mechanics that players have come to expect.

Dungeon Battle

At the beginning of a Dungeon Journey, players are asked to choose a class, which is given a base set of 10 cards. During their adventure, players will fight their way through 8 randomly dropped bosses. common pool as many as 48 pieces. Each boss has a unique hero power and its own assortment of cards and mechanics. This variability allows players to make a unique playthrough that will change with each new attempt.

Increasing difficulty

Players will fight one boss at a time. As you progress, the bosses you will encounter will become more and more difficult. At first they will be very easy to defeat, but in the later stages you will have to use both powerful cards and cunning strategies. The final boss of the Dungeon Run presents a very challenging goal for brave players who make it far.

Permanent death

As with any other dungeon crawl, a failed attempt results in death! In the new mode, this means that the player's deck and progress will be instantly lost, and he or she will have to start a new Campaign.

We don’t have all the details for each boss yet, but read below about their names, hero powers, and some of the features we’ve learned about.

It turns out that bosses can have different hero powers depending on the level you meet them at!

P.S. Since it is impossible to accurately check (yet) all the descriptions and names of the bosses, the names will be in English, and the descriptions will be approximate.

List of Dungeon Crawl bosses(click to open)


She's really AFK, so kill her quickly. This isn't exactly an easy win because at some point she comes back and puts a bunch of 8/8 giants on the table, so be careful!

Black grain

Brimstone Guardian

Encourager Jin'zo

Bink the Robber




Chronomancer Inara

Elder Ternoput

Elder Jari



Giant rat

The Giant Rat is one of the early bosses you'll encounter when you first begin your Trek.

Priest Graves


Lava room

Wild Mage Lyris

Mushroom seller Max

Mushroom Mancer Flurgle

Miner Hamm

Trap room

The trap room is the most difficult enemy when completing the Dungeon Campaign. It is so difficult that its appearance rate has been deliberately reduced!

Bard Russell

Spirit Speaker Azun

mother of slugs

Voodoo Master Zgniz

Waxmancer Sturmi


Drakosha - he will most likely become one of the bosses you will meet at the beginning of your Campaign.

Killer barbel

The boss art is the same as on the Kobold Barbarian collectible card.

Treasure Vault

Thief Teddock


Overseer Mogark

George and Karl

Karl and George

Great Khrum



List of final bosses

If you can make it to the very end of the dungeon, you will meet one of the five final bosses! The list is incomplete.

King of the Wiggles

King Wiggler is one of the final bosses of the Dungeon Campaign. He starts the game with 2 mana crystals, so on his next turn (3 mana), he will immediately be able to use the hero power. His Hero Power generates one of the treasures you saw when you completed the dungeon. He will also at some point play a Rakanishu card (this is the elemental that sits in the lantern on the top of his head). The card deals 4 damage to a random enemy.

Asari Eater


Wustraz the Ancient

Zol Invulnerable

Zol has several rays, here are the ones that are known now:

  • Ray of Confusion: Take control of a random enemy creature.
  • Death Ray: Destroy all enemy creatures with incomplete health.
  • Disintegration Ray: Destroy 1 enemy mana crystal.
  • Fear Ray: Shuffles a random enemy minion into your opponent's deck.
  • Freeze Ray: Freeze a random enemy creature and creatures next to it.

As you'll see in the video below, Zol uses a Discard Warlock deck. Freeze Mage/Spellcaster, looks like one of the best decks, against this final boss.

Select your reward

After defeating the boss, players will be given the opportunity to choose new cards to strengthen their deck. The cards are offered in three sets with different themes, designed to interact with the player's class. Each class has many options for sets of spells, creatures, and various combinations.

Selecting a set increases the chances that a similar set will be offered again, allowing you to build a strong deck with certain synergies to take down the more difficult bosses players will face later in the game.

Like the bosses, the rewards offered will be different in each run, giving players a unique experience each time they begin a Dungeon Journey.

Parts of Quel'Delar

It seems you can assemble two parts of Quel'Delar and get a complete sword that looks like this (the image belongs to the Reddit user who put it together!):

There are two sword pieces that you can get in your treasure options: the Hilt of Quel'Delar and the Blade of Quel'Delar!

Rewards from dungeon crawls

Sometimes players will unlock powerful treasure maps that are unique to the Dungeon Run. These treasures are frankly powerful and will not be able to find their way into your card collection. However, they can provide players with enough power to defeat the final boss.

Passive Treasures

Treasures with a passive effect give players a constant advantage from the very beginning of each game. These treasures range from buffing (like Mariel Trueheart) or nerfing hero power to giving all creatures +1/+1 (like Prince Keleseth).

  • War Totem– passive. Warcries trigger twice.
  • Captured Flag– passive. Your creatures get +1/+1
  • Invisibility Cloak– passive. Your creatures have permanent “Camouflage”.
  • Ring of Mariel– passive. Your Hero Power is improved and costs (1).
  • Khadgar's Divination Ball– passive. Your spells cost (1) less.
  • Security symbol– passive. Enemy creatures cost (1) more.
  • Mysterious Tome– passive. At the start of the match, you play 3 random secrets.
  • Potion of Vitality– passive. Doubles your health at the start of the match.
  • Scepter of Summoning– passive. Your creatures cost (5) or more (5).
  • Backpacks– passive. At the start of the match you draw 2 cards.

Treasures with an active effect

The remaining treasure pieces are added to the player's deck like any other card. However, they have an absurd level of power for their cost. When used, these treasure cards can quickly turn the outcome of a match in a player's favor. They include completely new mechanics: stealing cards directly from your opponent's hands and recruiting creatures.

  • Amulet of Dominance(2 mana) – You gain control of your opponent's minion and add this card to your dungeon deck.
  • Bag of coins(0 mana) – Fills your hand with Coins.
  • Walking boots(1 mana) – your creatures cost (0) this turn.
  • Dr. Boom's Boombox(4 mana) – summons 7 explosion bots.
  • Embers of Ragnaros(3 mana) – releases three fireball, causing 8 units. damage
  • Robber's Gloves(1 Mana) – You steal 3 cards from your opponent's hand.
  • Golden Kobold(3 mana – 6 attack – 6 health) – provocation. Battlecry: Replaces cards in your hand with legendary creatures.
  • Pickaxe of Greed(2 mana - 3 attack - 2 durability) - after your hero attacks, you receive an empty mana crystal.
  • Horn of Cenarius(2 mana) – you recruit 3 creatures.
  • Portable ice wall(1 mana – 3 attacks – 15 health) – provocation. Cannot attack. Freezes any character it damages.
  • Burner stick(10 mana) – randomly casts Pyroblasts until one of the heroes dies.
  • Hourglass(7 mana) – you make an extra move. Costs (1) less for each boss you defeat this trip.
  • Striking Dagger(2 mana - 1 attack - 4 durability) - poison. Mega Windfury (Can attack four times per turn)
  • Rod of Disembodiment(3 mana) – Silences all enemy creatures and destroys them.
  • Wax Fury(3 mana - 5 attack - 1 health) - Deathrattle: Summon this creature again.
  • Wish(10 mana) – Summons legendary creatures to your side until the table is full. Fully restores your hero's health.
  • Wand(3 mana) – you draw 3 cards. They cost (0).
  • Magic mirror(1 mana) – Summon a copy of the chosen creature and put it into the dungeon deck.

Rewards for the new mode Dungeon Crawl

Completing the Dungeon Run with all nine classes is no easy feat - you'll be rewarded with an exclusive Candle King card back!

Blizzard has also added three one-time dungeon crawl quests that will reward players with one Kobolds and Catacombs card pack. In addition to a free random Legendary weapon and three boosters for logging into the game, this will give you three more card packs!

Here is a list of these unique tasks:

  • Kobolds and Catacombs - Start your Dungeon Journey. Reward: 1 Kobolds and Catacombs booster;
  • Kobolds and Catacombs - Kill 5 dungeon bosses. Reward: 1 Kobolds and Catacombs booster;
  • Kobolds and Catacombs - Kill 10 dungeon bosses. Reward: 1 Kobolds and Catacombs booster pack.

You can receive a new daily task randomly, like other daily tasks.

Speleologist— defeat 5 Bosses in the Dungeons. Reward: 1 classic booster pack

You can check out gameplay Dungeon crawls and other informational videos below!

Epic hike fromDay9 and Ben Broad

Dave Kosak talks about Hiking in the Dungeon

Introductory trip fromBlizzard

Quest: “Ancient Forge”

Quest objectives:


And also... take this one with you key, our scouts found it in one of the dungeon rooms. According to the legends of the Order, only such a key can open the doors to the Forge.


1150 units experience

Order of the Dungeon Keeper faction reputation +5

Rybak Pavel

(Lake of Meetings)

Quest: “Fishing rod for karakurt”

Quest objectives:


In the Catacombs of Ar Qaim, just in that underground river in which you are planning to fish, lives one difficult fish - the Diamond. The fish is not a simple fish, and it is not easy to catch it. She only bites when baited with gold coins. So I have a fishing rod for such bait, but I haven’t been able to find the coins themselves. In general, if you find bait for this fishing rod somewhere and catch me a Diamond fish, so be it, I’ll give you a fishing rod for catching karakurt! Just don’t forget to return my fishing rod!


Rod for underground fishing

Fishing Guild Faction Reputation +25

Quests before descent:


Quest: “Rejuvenation Fountain (repeatable)”

Quest objectives:


An acquaintance from the Order of the Grays told me that in the Catacombs there is such a magical fountain - whoever washes himself with water from it will become the most beautiful in the world! Can you get me some water? I see that you are also one of these... well, Grays. And I will kiss you! Well, I’ll help with florins, I don’t mind! Well please! And to prove that the fountain really exists, he sold me this Gray Key... ahem...! Here you go, you will definitely need it!


20 fl.

Ar Kaim Guard Captain

(Central Square)

Quest: "Skeleton Prince (repeatable)"

Quest objectives:


Captain Ar Kaim of the Guard asked to go down to the city catacombs and check the veracity of the rumors about the Skeleton Prince who had settled there.
The entrance to the Catacombs is in the Grotto of Mad Courage.


11000 units experience for 10 levels And18000 units experience for 11th levels

Reputation of the faction of residents of the city of Ar Qaim +10;

Faction Reputation of the Order of the Dungeon Keepers +5

Gray Jamis

(Grotto of Mad Courage)

Quest: "Elixir of the Order of the Grays (amber) (repeatable)"

Quest objectives:


Somewhere deep in the Catacombs of Ar Kaim lies the Ancient Forge, in the crucibles of which the Demon Blacksmith forges the most powerful armor and weapons in our world. The Order needs this weapon to fight the Mist!
Now you are an Initiate of the Order, and your first task will be to go down to the Catacombs and find the Demon Blacksmith there. Be careful, don't let the Mist take over you!
And also... take this key with you, our scouts found it in one of the dungeon rooms. If you believe the legends of the Order, only such a key can open the doors to the Forge.


Rune "Salvation"(1 piece)

1150 units experience for 10 levels and 1800 units experience for 11th levels

Order of the Dungeon Keepers faction reputation +1

Catacomb Guardian Darohir

(Grotto of Mad Courage)

Quest: "Monsters in the Catacombs of Ar Kaim (repeatable)"

Quest objectives:


The Emir of Ar Qaim announced a reward for killing the monsters that appeared in the Catacombs.
Kill the Red Demon Knight, Cave Cyclops, Underground Stone Golem and return to Guard Darohir for your reward.


4600 units experience for 10 levels And7200 units experience for 11th levels

Breath of Death(success: 10%) Has some chance of inflicting "Poisoning" per victim (-25 for three subsequent turns) 24 hours.

Walkthrough of the dungeon:

There are 4 floors in the Catacombs, each of which we will describe separately. You can open the map in a new window (simply by clicking on it), since we will use the same notations as there.

Bots that give a lot of experience for killing (for 10th levels):

  • Dark Mage - 15,000 per group
  • Escaped Failed Zombie - 15,000 per group
  • Golem-Kritosdoh - 5000 per group
  • Underground Stone Golem - 5000 per group
  • Headhunter - 5000 per group

First floor:

Encountered monsters:

If you went underground for the first time, as soon as you boot, you will see bot (#1), you take it from him exercise:

Next, killing bots, you move along the map. On the way there will be Recovery Key, then you will see bot (#2)- This The Hermit of Ar Qaim, to execute previous task, all you need to do is with it talk. Pass task you can straightaway, returning to the beginning, or when you go down to the Catacombs in next time.

You also need to take from the Hermit 2 tasks:

The Hermit of Ar Qaim

Quest: "Underground Stone Golems" (repeatable)"

Quest objectives:


I have this to say to you: for one extremely important experiment, I needed three Gray runestones. Unfortunately, you can only get them by killing them. Stone golems, that the restoration keys are guarding the Catacombs, and I don’t have time to deal with such nonsense.

If you bring me three such stones, and as a reward I will give you a rare diamond, which I once found in such depths where you shouldn’t go. I would, of course, hold it, but I need rune stones more now, yes.


Alknea Diamond(1 piece)

Behind the Hermit box(red on the map) in it you can find 3 amber.

Further down the road - another one Recovery Key, and in front of him is the first quest bot - Underground stone golem. Attention! This is a quest bot, so you need to beat it the whole team. Each participant in the battle will receive first Gray Runestone.

After the golem, we recover and go up. It's standing there bot (#3). We take it from him exercise(for those who for the first time in the dungeon):

Gray Apprentice Velmar

Quest: “The Key to the Stone Door”

Quest objectives:


Here's the thing - the elders sent me to guard a hidden body in a stone room... ummm... in general, they set me up to guard this room. And I about... ahem... lost the key to the door, you know.

I went down to look at the underground river and accidentally dropped a key from the bank. And there the local octopus picked it up and was gone. Now I don’t know what to do, I don’t have a fishing rod. The only bait for octopus is algae from the anchor swamps, they only bite on them... it seems.

Help me catch Octopus and return the door key. And I will thank you, don’t doubt it, after all, I’m from the same Order, I see you have the sign of an Initiate, huh?


500 units experience

Stone key of Ar Qaim

The bot will give you bait - Bunch of Algae, but you can complete this task only in next trip, because first you need to complete the task "Fishing rod for karakurt" and get for it Fishing rod for underground fishing .

If you have already received a fishing rod- go to Well, catch it there Octopus. The task is desirable hand in immediately, since Octopus shelf life - 24 hours. If you are sure that you will go down to the Catacombs in the next 24 hours, you can take it on your next hike.

Attention! Until you complete this task, you will not be able to receive Faces of the Demiurges (needed for forging Hammer items)

After completing this quest from the same bot, every trip you can take it already next task:

Gray Apprentice Velmar

Quest: “The Stone Secret of the Order of the Grays (repeatable)”

Quest objectives:


In general, as I already said, they put me here in this little room to protect me from all sorts of... curious people. Wow. And there are always some monsters accumulating there, you see. Apparently they come from the body... ummm... somehow magically come, in short.

If you helped me get rid of them, I would be indebted to you for the rest of my life. Well, I would give you something... and, by the way, here - I found such a thing in the dungeon - maybe it will come in handy for you - look how beautiful the mask is! And it’s ancient, I’m telling you that for sure!


Face of the Demiurge(1 piece)

Hunters are right there behind the door. 1 person must attack(usually the one who opened the door does this), since the bots are quest and their cannot be divided. Everyone else simply intervenes for the attacker. After you kill the bots, you need hand in the assignment and return down to teleport ("A").

Second floor

New monsters are being added:

From the teleport you go forward, in front of you gratings- they are still closed, we need higher, in a spiral. Killing bots along the way, reach lever. Stands near him Cave Cyclops- bot quest, so you need to kill the whole team. There - Escaped Failed Zombie. You also need to hit together, since all participants in the battle will receive Crown of the Ancient Kings(needed for Knife gear).

After turn the lever - all the bars open, which you passed by earlier. Since they stood behind bars bots, on the way back, you will have to kill them. Also, from the upper left grille it will come out Red Demon Knight. You need to beat him the whole team, quest bot. Then you go down down- up to the first open grate - this is the entrance to the so-called "gut". There, at the top - box(yellow), in it you can find Coins(needed for the task "Fishing rod for karakurt"). One coin is enough for you. Diamond fish usually gets caught from the first cast.

Next - from the chest down. In front of you door, leading to Forge. A Sublucent Wight walks near the door. The bot is really very sneaky, loves criticize out of the blue, be careful.

In Kuzna waiting for you: 2 Skeleton Knights, 2 Skeleton Officers And Mglyst. Knights and Officers stand two by two. Even if you have a team of 11 levels, they are still better divide- it’s easier to deal with them this way. It is advisable to kill bots fast since they are all located close to each other and if you drag out the fight - they will come to the rescue All. Worth higher Demon Blacksmith, you need with him talk for the quest "Ancient Forge", and also, with him you can:

  • to know what to forge things from for level 11;
  • exchange unnecessary ingredients (faces, diamonds, horns, steel spiders, crowns, anchor flowers) to the Loyalty of the Order of Underground Miners;
  • shackle level 11 equipment.

Behind the Demon - box(white), in it you can findZywiec(10 pieces per team), it can be caught Bottom karakurt(needed to exchange for star). You need to catch on Lake of Meetings.

After you've talked to the Blacksmith, go back, at the fork - down and to the teleport. Still standing near the teleport Well, people walk around him 2 Skeleton Guards, and behind them Golem Kritosdoh.

If you are collecting sword, then you definitely need to kill Golem, as it falls from it second Gray runestone. Steel Spider.Attention! Don't forget to dialWater from the fountain(for task "Youth Fountain").

After - up. In front of you Malaya Karyazhka, behind her box(pink) in which you can findLotus. Below, between teleports - Prince of Skeletons. In what order to kill them is up to you.

It's not so easy to kill a prince, That's why heal should be on you Necessarily. If the team does not have 11 levels, then the Paracelsus Mechanisms from the Temple, clones or santas may also be useful to you in this battle. From a bot one person(random), falls Thorn.

For the Prince 2 teleports while we write about upper- he leads to top floor Catacombs ( teleport "C").

Fourth Floor (cleanup)

New bots:

When you enter the teleport, you will see a room with many branches and bots in them. Right there, in the middle - Recovery Key.

Against - Exit, using which, The delay in visiting the dungeon will be reduced to 12 hours.

Above the key - Big karyaga, behind her - box(blue) in which they lie randomly:

If you are level 10, but you need the Web, then it's better ask or pay someone from 11 levels to Karyagu they killed for you, because you can't handle it on your own.

If you are level 11 and want to kill Karyagu yourself, then you must be tank or critic, because Dodge on it NOT working. Stones are definitely needed Damage, Armor, Crete And HP.

Lower teleporter ("D") near the Prince - leads to To the Hermit of Ar Qaim. There you can turn in completed quests, but you will have to walk back :)

Congratulations! The catacombs are completely completed! We hope this information is useful to you.

Prepared overview of raids and dungeons in Legion: what changes have appeared, what rewards await players, how the mining system in dungeons has changed and WOW raids Legion.

Legion Dungeons

Key news about Legion dungeons for 5 players:

  • There are 4 difficulties available: Normal, Heroic, Mythic and Mythic + (the last three are only at level 110).
  • The total number of dungeons for 5 people is 10. 4 of them are available during leveling, 9 are available for completion in Mythic+ mode. Two dungeons in Suramar are only available on Mythic difficulty and require certain conditions to be met in order to enter them.
  • Thanks to new mechanics players different levels can complete one dungeon and feel like they're doing the same damage.
  • Dungeon loot levels at level 110:
    • Normal – 810
    • Heroic – 825
    • Mythic – 840
  • All equipment can drop with the “battle-forged” (+5-15 levels) or “titan-forged” (+20 or more levels) upgrades, which increases its level.
  • To get in line for heroics, intermediate level The character must have at least 810 items.
  • Some send players into Legion dungeons to deal with rare monsters.
  • For achieving Glory of the Legion Hero you can get the mount: Reins of the Hippogriff with Arcane Plumage (check out our guides: mount guide and Glory of the Legion Hero guide).
  • Mythic+ mode is replacement for the test mode from the previous ones Add-ons World of Warcraft. This mode is intended for the most skilled players.
  • There is a progressive difficulty scale for the E+ mode, when special abilities and effects are added to the monsters in the dungeon - such effects change every week and can affect the optimal setup of classes and specializations for completing the dungeon.

Legion Dungeon Reviews

We have prepared reviews of many Legion dungeons. In the guides you will find information and tactics on bosses, interesting loot and tips for completing achievements.

Dungeon Complexity Where is it located (map)
Black Rook Fortress N (110), G, E, E+ Western coast of Valshara
Quarter of Stars E, E+ Suramar
Darkheart Thicket N (98), G, E, E+ North of Valshara
Eye of Azshara N (98), G, E, E+ East of Azsuna
Halls of Valor N (98), G, E, E+ East of Stormheim
Maw of Souls N (110), G, E, E+ Stormheim
Neltharion's Lair N (98), G, E, E+ Highmountain North
Catacombs of Suramar E, E+ Suramar
Casemates of the Guardians N (110), G, E, E+ Isle of the Guardians in Azsuna
Assault on the Violet Fortress N (105), G, E Dalaran

Loot system in Legion dungeons

In WOW Legion the developers have returned the traditional loot system– loot from bosses will no longer be repeated in different dungeons. All normals are now flexible in terms of levels (like Legion locations, they adapt to the player’s level).

For normals at level 110, the standard item level is 810, for heroics - 825, for Mythic dungeons - 840.

Through the system of "battle-hardened" items maximum level items at the start of the Legion – 850. The same items can be obtained for completing local quests.

Hit Conditions (Suramar)

To get to the Catacombs of Suramar and the Quarter of Stars, you need to fulfill certain conditions. E These dungeons are only available on E and E+ difficulties, but you can get two sets with special effects in them.

  • Reach 8000/12000 Respect reputation with the Nightfallen faction.
  • Earn the Darkened But Not Forgotten achievement, and complete the "Lunar Twilight" and "Blood and Wine" steps in the Good Suramaritan achievement.
  • Complete the "Political Arts" step by giving Arluin two separate bribes of 800 and 1200 Ancient Mana (read where to get Ancient Mana in WOW)
  • Complete the quest Friends with Benefit.

Legion Dungeon Rewards

You can receive the following rewards:

  • Glory to the Legion Hero gives a total of 290 achievement points + Hippogryph mount with arcane plumage.
  • For completing the first heroic per week, Great Adventurer Glory is given.
  • For the achievement Poor Unfortunate Souls in the Maw of Souls you can get the Swimming pet (see List of all Legion pets).
  • Most Legion professions have quests that send the player into dungeons to obtain higher rank recipes.
  • Each dungeon drops recipes for professions, as well as Blood of Sargeras (read how to get Blood of Sargeras in WOW)

World quests

Among the local quests there are those that send the player to one of the Legion’s dungeons. In addition to equipment, such quests provide reputation with a certain faction of the Broken Isles.

For example, the quest Neltharion's Treasure gives reputation with the Highmountain Tribes, and to complete it you need to find a rare monster and kill the final boss in Neltharion's Lair.

Mythic+ Reward

The Mythic+ mode will open on September 20 – from now on you will be able to get keys to dungeons of this type. Main features of this mode:

  • Certain keys unlock increasingly difficult versions of the dungeon. You can upgrade the key by completing the dungeon within a certain time frame.
  • The loot system is still being developed. Currently, players are receiving pieces of equipment that will help them in the battle against the final boss.
  • For the best dungeon completed in one week you will receive corresponding box with loot and key in your class stronghold next week. The quality of the loot and key will depend on the results of last week.
  • Monsters in E+ dungeons have a specific set of mechanics that change every week. This way, players will create appropriate group variations for the dungeon this week.
  • There are no restrictions on access to Mythic+ dungeons. The role of restrictions is played by the level and number of keys that the player can receive.
  • Achieving 1st on the server! Lord of the Keys from the “Rituals of Power” category is intended for the first player on the server who will complete the dungeon in Mythic+ mode of at least difficulty level 15 within the allotted time.
  • One special artifact skin is unlocked by completing the Lord of the Keys achievement.

Legion Raids

  • Emerald Nightmare. A raid consisting of 7 bosses. What the players dreamed and asked for. He was created by the Titans as an ideal version of Azeroth itself. However, something went wrong and darkness began to engulf the world. In The Emerald Nightmare, players will have to walk the line between our reality and the reality of the Emerald Dream, find Cenarius and fight the mighty Xavius.
  • Palace of Suramar. There are already 10 bosses. The royal elven palace, ruled by the Supreme Master. He made a deal with the Legion, allowing them to use the Pillar of Creation to create the Nightwell. This raid will remind players of the Black Temple. You will begin fighting in the catacombs, moving through the royal quarter and ending at the Well, where you will find Gul'dan. And he will no longer escape from here, battle cannot be avoided!

Useful guides on the Legion

What did you like about the new dungeons and raids in the WOW Legion expansion? What do you think of the Mythic + dungeon mode idea?
