How to Get to Darkshore 3.3 5. Cataclysm: Darkshore Overview

Character questions "How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and back?" arise not only among new players of the game "Word of Warcraft". But even those who have long received a high level also forget the route back. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the guide and find out how to get from Darnassus to Stormwind and vice versa.

What is Darnassus and where is it located?

Darnassus is one of the main cities of the capital of the night elves faction, so it is located on their starting location. That is, everyone who started playing for this race, after the tenth level, gets into Darnassus. Quests (tasks) lead there, and only through this city you can get to others. After all, the initial location is located in the north of the Kalimdor mainland, on an island in the branches of a huge tree.

In connection with this location, many players often have the question: "How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind or to another city?" After all, when you enter the capital of the night elves, it is not clear from the first time whether there is any kind of transport or teleport here.

Also sometimes high level players forget how to get back to Darnassus. The question is: why do they need it at all, because the location seems to be the initial one? As mentioned earlier, Darnassus is not just a city, it is the capital. Here are all the teachers of professions and classes, here you can learn horseback riding, buy transport in the form of saber teeth and several pets (owls and hawks). Therefore, many come back here when they accumulate gold in order to replenish their collections of vehicles and satellites.

How to get from Darnassus to Stormwind: looking for vehicles

There are no means of transportation in Darnassus itself. Therefore, in order to get into Stormwind, you need to get out of it. To do this, go to the middle of the city to big tree where the bank is located. From there head west. You will see a large pink tent. Go into it - you will be teleported to the shore of the location. Here you can already get to anywhere in the world "WWII"

WOW: how to get to Stormwind from Darnassus?

From almost any city, this can be done in four ways:

  • air transport;
  • through a magical portal;
  • on the ship;
  • at its own pace.

When you went through the tent from Darnassus to the shore, you can see three piers. And if you go a little further, you will also find

In order not to visit any other locations and immediately get to Stormwind - the main capital of the Alliance, it is recommended to use the ship. To do this, go to the end of the pier, which is located to the left of the house, located behind the portal tent. Wait for the ship, go to its deck and sail away. You will be presented with a loading screen with a dotted line indicating your route from Darnassus to Stormwind. You will sail to the port of the main capital. Therefore, you can go back in the same way.

You can also get to Stormwind by detours:

  • Get on the air transport of the flight manager and fly to the village - the next pumping location, and from there fly further and so with various transfers get to Stormwind. Such a route is useful if you plan to upgrade your character in places planned by the game itself.
  • Meet the mage in Darnassus high level and ask him to open a portal to Stormwind.
  • Join a guild and ask someone currently in Stormwind to summon you with the appropriate spell.

If you are already a high level and you have air transport, then you can independently fly over the water and land on the lands of Kalimdor, and from there fly to Stormwind.

They get back to Darnassus in the same ways that they get out of it.

In this short article, we will talk about the two fish of the War Mode - bounty hunting and air supplies.


When you arrive at any location with the war mode turned on, the buff "Soldier of the Horde / Alliance" appears on you, which increases the amount of honor received for killing enemy players. If you kill ten enemies and never die yourself, you will receive the rank of "Alliance / Horde Assassin", damage and healing will increase by 15%, and a bounty will be placed on your head! Your location will be shown to players of the opposite faction located in the same location on the map and minimap, you will not be able to fly (but you can ride a regular mount), and for your kill, enemies will receive an additional reward: conquest points (in BfA, in no pre-patch), an additional honor, and a supply bag that can contain items of equipment.

The Killer rank drops when the character dies or leaves the location.

Why kill the Killers is understandable - for an additional reward. But why get this rank? First, for fun, of course. Especially horny, because you can still go into invisibility, and, despite the fact that you will be visible on the mini-map, it is still problematic to catch such a comrade.

Secondly, to get an achievement that will count towards the meta-achievement, for completing which you can get the title "Conqueror of Azeroth"!

Can you become an Assassin while in a raid? Yes, but in this case, the players will get the rank randomly, even if everyone has already killed 9 players and will kill 10, only one will become the Killer.

Is it possible to become a Assassin, and then get into a raid? Yes! In this case, it will be very problematic to punish you and you will be able to continue to create atrocities, steal and kill!

Air supplies, aka air drop

Once every 20 minutes (at least on Darkshore in this time range) a helicopter will appear in the location, flying along a certain trajectory and dropping a box in a random place, which will slowly fall to the ground. The box is visible thanks to the parachute, and the helicopter is very well heard.

When the box touches the ground, it can be opened. At the same time, it will turn from a box into a chest with the emblems of the faction to which the player who used the box belonged, and within a few minutes all players of the same faction will be able to receive loot from this chest. And the one who opens the box first will also receive the "Front Delivery" achievement, which also counts for the "Conqueror of Azeroth".

By the way, groups and raids are constantly gathering on Darkshore to farm air drops, and the DBM addon helps in this, counting down the time until the next appearance of the helicopter.

Now you see that there is something to do in the war mode?;)

Game Designers Luis Barriga and Craig Amai discussed with us the upcoming changes to Darkshore, the fate of Auberdine, and the challenges they faced while redesigning the famous location.

Q. What was the original concept for the location?

A. Darkshore was the area that the Cataclysm changed the most, so the main idea is to show the shake-up from those events in a literal sense. That was the approach we took when we thought about the plot and appearance.

In terms of gameplay, our goal was to take advantage of environmental changes and use them to tie into quest chains. It was difficult to tie progress within Darkshore so that the experience gained by players was larger and didn't require constant movement back and forth.

Q. Who is the location for? (levels, factions)

A. Darkshore is for Alliance players, primarily night elves and worgen, from level 11 to 20.

Q. What has changed in the location?

O. Auberdine was destroyed; some species have completely disappeared, and the ground has cracked in several places.

The cataclysm has also benefited some of the nearby enemies, including coastal nagas, the Twilight's Hammer, and the hostile Shatterspear trolls, who are trying to weaken the night elf settlements.

Q. What happened to Auberdine?

F. Auberdine was near one of the breaches in the ground, and what was not destroyed immediately after the Cataclysm was destroyed by air elementals called by the Twilight's Hammer cultists. The city is mostly in ruins, but some survivors are still nearby.

Q. With Auberdine in ruins, where are the night elves now?

O. Lor'danel. This is a small night elf city north of the Ruins of Auberdine.

Q. Without spoilers, what will be the main storyline of the location?

A. Darkshore was heavily damaged by seismic activity during the Cataclysm. The night elves try to survive by helping the refugees and do what they can to repel the attacks of the Twilight's Hammer cult, nagas and trolls. Meanwhile, Malfurion Stormrage has awakened from the Emerald Dream and visited the epicenter of the destruction, summoning the ancient powers of Cenarius to correct them.

Q. What do you think will be the most memorable part of the location changes?

A. Without a doubt, the most memorable in Darkshore will be the giant crow in the center of the location, where the forces of the Cataclysm and the force caused by Malfurion oppose each other. Our artists and designers have done something absolutely amazing in terms of visualizing these destructions, and they look phenomenal.

Q. How does it feel to redo a location like this?

A. Remaking Darkshore was more difficult than we originally thought. It was one of the first locations we focused around to figure out the destruction from the Cataclysm. We set a goal to add some themed quests and showcase the changes in appearance. When we focused on visual changes, we were faced with the fact that these changes would require a lot more effort.

Q. What was the most difficult aspect of these changes?

A. At first we thought we could work with most of the original quests in Darkshore, but most of them didn't fit with the new zone context and main story. For example, ridding flora and fauna of corruption would be inappropriate against the background of giant rifts, elementals, nagas ... and even worse. Researching the old content and starting with the stubs - then coming up with a new plan - this was probably the hardest part.

Q. What is the first thing players will do or see?

A. Players will start in the city of Lor'danel and then progress through the quest chains naturally, gradually moving south. High level players (15 and above) can run ahead and meet Malfurion Stormrage in the center of the zone, but Darkshore is best experienced by fully exploring the location's history.

Q. What happened in Master's Glaive? The last time we saw him, everything was buried underground there.

A. The Twilight's Hammer cultists are currently digging up the remains of Soggoth, one of the powerful servants of the Old Gods, right under the Master's Glaive, intending to bring him back to life. Players will have to destroy the cultists' plan before Soggoth's revival is completed.

No, we are not talking about a meta-achievement, which consists in completing a series of tasks related to seasonal events, as a result of which you will receive a proto-dragon with the original coloration. It's about something else.

When I was a noob who just got out of the starting location and started playing WoW, one of the driving motives was the desire to see THIS world. Any crap like content patches for the endgame was perceived by me as something transcendental and even interfering with the game. I remember with a smile my reaction to patch 2.4.0, which brought the Isle of Quel'Danas and the Sunwell into operation. The patch came out a week after I started an account and managed to download one and a half gigs to raise the game from 2.0 to 2.3.3. “Damn, you need to download something again ... have they gone crazy there every week you need to drive traffic?”. Then the endgame was far away and the news about it somehow had little effect on my in-game life.

I think that for many who start playing the desire to see what is there, “beyond the horizon”, in the next location, is also a driving force. And the impressions of what we discover are some of the brightest in the game in the first months of the game. Therefore, one of my tips for beginners is not to rush. Do not rush to pump levels, striving for a level cap. You will have time to go there and not only joy, but also disappointment will await you there. Enjoy what you see around you and for one more reason - this world will soon change forever. At least this is what the developer promises us in the foreseeable future. And everything that surrounds us now will remain only on our “Screenshots” folders ...

"The Great Strange Journey" this is a small project dedicated to locations, as well as instances of the Old World, which will be changed by a global catastrophe. I think that for beginners this will be a kind of guide that will help them in mastering the solo content of the Old World. For the elderly - a reason to remember youth. For everyone after the Cataclysm - then a reason to shed a tear. I hope you enjoy the project.

In today's pilot episode, I want to talk a little about what the Darkshore location is like. Why is she? Probably because after the Nubian Dun Morogh, having barely hit the 10th, I decided to see the elven lands. Kalimdor has always interested me more than the Eastern Kingdoms. Then the ship to Auberdine went from the harbor of Menethil. I did not know then that there was a tunnel passage from Loch Modan to the Wetlands. Leaping from the dam, I, of course, crashed, and then died three times from crocodiles prowling along the road. God, they were level 20+…

So, Darkshore (original title Darkshore). The Darkshore is a long strip in the northwest of Kalimdor. The location is controlled by the Alliance and is designed for characters of 10-20 levels. The main trade and transport hub is the night elf port - Auberdine. From the Eastern Kingdoms, you can get here from Stormwind Harbor (the leftmost pier, if you look towards the sea). From the port itself you can get to starting locations Draenei and Night Elves. In Auberdine, you can relax, repair, craft, send mail and, of course, take a flying taxi - a griffin.

By itself, Darkshore is a rather gloomy location. The twilight is eternal here and animals roam in these forests, break up the camps of furblogs, nagas and other evil spirits that prevent you from living, but at the same time give you a lot of reasons to quest. The main quest hub is the same Auberdine.

In the location, you can stumble upon elven ruins and, on a very interesting monument to a very distant past, the remains of the Ancient God, from which a giant sword sticks out. Who this Ancient One was and who was the hero that defeated him - the story is silent about this. There are no other special attractions here.

Judging by what is known about the fate of this location, Darkshore will undergo serious destruction. So - hurry up to visit this gloomy, but nevertheless romantic place.

Today we caught up with game designers Luis Barriga and Craig Amai to talk about the changes to the landscape of Darkshore, the fate of Auberdine, and the hard work of overhauling the old zone.

Q. What was the original concept of the zone?
Darkshore was one of the territories most affected by the cataclysm. Our main idea was to make the area literally torn apart. That's the approach we took when reshaping the look and feel of Darkshore.

Concerning gameplay, then we decided to build on changes in the environment and use them in the plot of tasks. We've been able to design quests in a way that makes them easier to complete and allows players to spend less time running back and forth.

Q. What levels and factions is this zone intended for?
Darkshore is intended for Alliance players - primarily night elves and worgen from level 11 to 20.

Q. What changes have taken place in the zone?
Auberdine is destroyed. Some species of creatures died out, and the earth opened up in several places.

Cataclysm also gave nearby enemies - coastal naga, Twilight's Hammer cultists, and enterprising Spearspear trolls - the chance to use gaps in the weakened defenses of the night elf settlements to their advantage.

Q. What happened to Auberdine?
Auberdine was literally razed to the ground, and what the cataclysm did not destroy was besieged by air elementals led by the Twilight's Hammer cult. The city is mostly in ruins, but some of its inhabitants managed to survive.

Q. If Auberdine is destroyed, where have the night elves gone?
In Lor'danel. This is a small elven town north of the ruins of Auberdine.

Q. Briefly describe the general history of Darkshore.
Darkshore was hit hard by the earthquakes in Cataclysm. The night elves barely survive, help the refugees, and fend off the advancing forces of the Twilight's Hammer, naga, and Piercing Spear trolls whenever they can. At the same time, Malfurion Stormrage, who has recently awakened from the Emerald Dream, travels to the epicenter of destruction, where he calls on the ancient power of Cenarius to stop them.

Q. Which of the innovations would you call the most exciting?
This is no doubt a gigantic crater at the center of the zone, where the destructive forces of the cataclysm battle against the primal force of Malfurion Stormrage. Our talented artists and level designers have created for us a truly epic energy vortex, the centerpiece of the picture of destruction. She looks phenomenal!

Q. And how much effort did you spend on such a processing of the zone?
To be honest, redesigning Darkshore took a lot more work than we thought. This is one of the zones where everything is built around the consequences of the cataclysm, so we added several tasks on this topic and finalized their general direction. Although at first everything was based solely on visual changes, it soon became clear that we would need a lot more human resources to create stories that would fit with the features of the new area and its history.

Q. What was the most difficult part of implementing these changes?
At first we thought that we could use most of original assignments in Darkshore, but it turned out that the context new history zones are meaningless. For example, searching for corrupted animals or studying the remains of sea monsters is not appropriate when everything around is devastated by natural disasters, elementals, nagas, and maybe worse. So, realizing that we would have to remove all the old content and create new content from scratch, and then translate these plans into the game, was perhaps the most difficult part of the process.

Q. What happens at the Sword of Dominion? The last time we saw him almost buried in the ground.
The Twilight's Hammer cult has recently begun digging out the remains of Soggoth, one of the Old Gods' most powerful servants, from under the Overlord's Sword to bring him back to life. The players will have to interfere with their plans before the new incarnation of Soggoth gains full power.

Q. What's new in the Grove of the Ancients?
The Grove of the Ancients was protected by the power of its powerful inhabitants from most of the destruction caused by the Cataclysm. But this required great strength, and therefore most of the ancient guardians fell into a state of hibernation. Players will need to find a way to awaken the ancients to help them in their fight to save life in Darkshore.

Luis and Craig, thank you for taking the time to share your insight into the development of the new Darkshore for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm!
