World of tanks research. Advanced level

World of Tanks features more than 450 tanks belonging to nine in-game nations. To gain access to different types of combat vehicles, the player needs to research and purchase them.


All tanks are researched for experience and purchased for credits. The player receives both in battles. Premium technology is an exception. It does not need to be researched, and the purchase costs not credits, but .

To start researching a tank, you need to research all the vehicles in its development branch that are located in front of it. At the same time, the player examines both the tanks themselves and their main modules.

Step 1

In the main Hangar window, select the “Research” tab.

Step 2

Select the tank you are interested in in the development tree. The numbers under the image of the tank show how much experience/credits are needed to research/purchase it.

Important: To research a tank, you need to open the previous vehicle in the development branch and accumulate a certain amount of experience required for research on it. In some cases, it is necessary to further examine the most important components: guns, turrets and engines. Therefore, carefully study the research design before spending your accumulated experience.

Step 3

As soon as you have required quantity experience, use it to unlock the initial modification of the tank with basic set modules. To do this, click on the green button under the car icon, or right-click on the icon and select “Explore,” or left-click on the icon itself.

Step 4

Once you have the required amount of credits, you will be able to buy the researched tank.

Step 5

Step 6

Click on the button Buy.

Important: the tank will appear in your Hangar only if you have a free slot. The slot can be purchased at any time for game gold. In addition, you can free up an already occupied slot by selling the tank it contains.

Ready! You have successfully researched and purchased the required tank.

If you want to learn more about which module sets to research for which tank, check out the guide article.

That is, you cannot immediately pick up and open a tank of the tenth level; to do this, you will have to start your research from the first vehicle, from the very weak tank, which looks more like a tractor with a cannon than a tank. But already within the framework of this very first of ours tank wot We will find an internal research tree on the; tank modules will have to be researched separately.

General principle

In general, the idea is already clear, to open certain tank, we have to explore the previous one in the research tree. In this case, each tank will have to be brought to the top at least partially, because to open the next vehicle you will need to research some modules on the current tank. In practice, almost all tanks will have to be brought to the top, opening most of the modules.

Research price

All research in the game requires in-game credits and experience. Both of these resources can be earned in battles or purchased. More precisely, you can only buy credits, but you cannot buy experience in the game. But this is a question for donors; in the usual case, in battles we gain experience and credits. The better we perform in battle, the more experience and credits we earn.


Experience from one tank cannot be spent on researching modules of another tank. Only free experience has this opportunity; it can be spent on any research. In general, 5% of all experience gained by the player is converted into free experience. This is truly a small part, so there is no such thing as too much free experience.

This is understandable, because there is a special paid service that allows you to transfer experience from elite tanks(where all modules are explored) into a free experience. This income item in the KVG estimate is very significant, since not everyone likes to waste time on gradually pumping up tanks and dull pumping up modules.


Not everything is going smoothly with loans either, because somewhere from the fifth level of tanks their profitability begins to decline, and already somewhere from the eighth level we begin to go into the negative on loans in battles. So the further game will require credits, and not bring them. Everything would be fine, but the cost of tanks grows exponentially and already from the seventh level amounts to millions.

So we have to either spend real money on the game, buying gold, or ride in tanks of the fifth level for thousands of battles. Here, too, everything is logical, because developers need to receive their income. So those who want to quickly jump through the tank research tree will have to pay. With some assumptions, it can be noted that experience and credits can be purchased for real money.

Buying a tank instead of researching

The format is simple - we buy a premium tank, earn credits and experience from it. Then we transfer the experience from it into free experience for gold, and open the necessary equipment. Yes, we most likely will not be able to play a tank purchased in this way. Yes, we will spend a lot of real money. But the goal was to quickly jump through the research tree to the top.

There is no need to remind you that I personally am on www.. Firstly, I am personally against using paid services, fortunately, for now you can win in wot without it. The main reason is that such costs are unlikely to be justified in the future. Secondly, among the walk-through tanks there are many very interesting vehicles. Thirdly, by going through the research tree in the normal mode, you have a better chance of learning to play well.

Tank Research

This is the level of development of a specific nation's tree in the game. Tanks are presented in the form of cubes connected by arrows. In general, everything follows an increasing trend, that is, there are several branches, for example medium tanks, heavy tanks, light tanks, and so on, within which we have few alternatives. We upgrade a lower level tank, then move on to a higher model in the same branch.

There are also inter-class transitions, when we can jump to another branch. Although in this case you will have to go through a connecting tank. There are also obvious forks where we can choose in which direction to develop further. It can be safely noted that transition arrows are rare in the wot research tree, which generally slows down the research process.

Module Research

Already within the tank we will have to examine modules in the form of guns, turrets, chassis and other useful equipment. The fact is that in their basic, so-called stock state, the tanks are a frankly sad sight. Formally, you can research the next tank in a branch without researching all the modules. But in fact, you can’t miss anything.

The fact is that researching the next tank in a branch requires more and more experience, and it is unlikely that you will be able to play effectively on a tank that does not have all the modules installed. And actually earning experience for modules when your tank barely moves and shoots poorly is still a pleasure.

Here again there is a kind of reference to the translation of experience into free experience, another silent proposal for the use of paid services. Naturally, the most important, critically needed modules can only be examined last. So on many tanks the banal road to the top will be long and difficult.


There are also tanks in the game that you can buy right away without torturing yourself with any research. These include, naturally, tanks of the first levels of all nations. Not only do they not need to be researched, but they are also sold for free, as long as there is a slot in the hangar. However, this chapter is not about them, but about quite serious tanks.

A number of tanks can be bought for gold, these are the so-called premium tanks.. In general, these tanks are slightly inferior to their standard counterparts, but they do not need to be researched, they are immediately sold in top-end configuration. In addition, they have a reduced level of battles and increased profitability. They can also be used to train crews for other tanks of the same type.

I re-read the paragraph and came to the conclusion that I need to clarify the situation a little. Don't get me wrong, premium tanks in the game do not beat the rest, on the contrary, they are weaker, but have some benefits. If you don’t know how to play the world of tanks, then you will show disgusting results even on premium vehicles. Don’t rush to spend 1,500 rubles for a premium tank; first, get comfortable with the game for free.

If you really want to invest in the game and speed up the research process, then it’s better to start with a premium account. Believe me, not all players like premium tanks and playing on them. And for beginners, it’s better not to think about premium tanks at all, or rather not to think about purchasing them.


Already in the conclusion, I will note that researching even one branch of tanks will take a lot of time (counting for quarters), especially if you do not plan to invest real money in the game. There is no need to go to extremes and spend many hours playing the game, trying to research the desired tank. There's no need to rush, because he might not be so good.

Remember also that the research tree was compiled for a reason, not in a random order. With the help of the developers, tanks and modules are sorted along the development tree in exactly the way that is beneficial to them. It is necessary that the player more often has a desire not to suffer, but to add gold to his account and complete a tank or module for free experience.

What would the lists of tanks of all nations be without prototype tanks?

We have collected for you all the development trees of each nation in World of Tanks and excluded from them prototype tanks and tank projects that exist only on paper. There are no tanks left in the technology trees that were not embodied in metal. This is what we got.

Chinese development tree

The Chinese tree mainly loses tanks of levels 8-10. It's interesting to note that WZ-120 is simply the production name for the Type-59. It's literally the same car.

Czech development tree

Goodbye Czech tree. Only tanks of levels 2 and 3 remain in it. Known by the Germans as Pz 35 (t) and Pz 38 (t).

French development tree

The French tree has largely disappeared. This nation did not have heavy tanks before or after World War II. The only exception was perhaps the TT B1. Tank destroyers ceased to exist, like most self-propelled guns.

German development tree

The German tree lost a lot of cars, almost the entire 10th level disappeared. It is worth noting that many German tanks are prototypes of later versions of tanks. For example, VK 30.02M and Panther. Or VK 36.01H and Tiger.

American development tree

American tank destroyers and self-propelled guns remained almost untouched, but the TT and tank destroyer branches almost disappeared.

Japanese development tree

Japan lost almost all tanks above level 5. Not too surprising considering Japan was more concerned about its air and naval forces as an island nation.

The USSR lost an entire line heavy tanks, almost all of its light tanks, another branch of tank destroyers and 3 out of 4 development sub-branches. Almost all premium tanks also disappeared, being prototypes, and the remaining vehicles were participants in the Lend-Lease program.

British development tree

The UK boasts the most comprehensive technology tree in World of Tanks. However, their medium tanks only lose levels 1 and 10. However, the entire branch of tank destroyers lost all their vehicles after level 2. All


Advanced level

If you have already mastered the basics of the game and are ready to delve deeper into the possibilities of the tank universe, this section is especially for you.

Here you will learn how to research modules and tanks, manage a crew, participate in advanced types of battles, buy and sell armored vehicles and components, use chats and channels.

In this chapter:

Premium account

Research of tanks and modules

Premium account

If you are serious about developing your tank fleet, you should consider purchasing a premium account. Such an account will allow you to earn 50% more experience and credits per battle and, accordingly, develop faster.

A premium account can be purchased for in-game gold for a period of 1 or 3 days, a week or a month.

To buy a premium account:

1. Click Buy Premium.

2. In the window that opens, select the period for which you want to purchase a premium account:

 For a month (30 days)  For a week (7 days)  For three days (72 hours)  For a day (24 hours)

3. Click Buy. A message about the successful acquisition of an account will appear in the system channel, as well as the expiration date of the premium account. The corresponding amount of gold will be debited from your game account.

Explore new modules and tanks to expand your arsenal of armored vehicles, advance in the game and gain more opportunities on the battlefield. To develop, use the experience gained in battles (see

"Experience ").

There are two ways to research modules and tanks:

 Research of the current tank. Development occurs through research and acquisition of modules for the current tank.

 Researching tanks in the tank tree . In this case, you discover new tanks sequentially, moving along the tank tree.

It is not allowed to purchase new, high-quality

level tanks for money, as well as switching to a tree of another nation, even if there are vehicles of the same level in several trees.

Researching modules for the current tank

To research modules for the current tank:

See also:

Go to the Hangar.

Click the Explore button. Next to the button is the earned income.

Installing modules

Experience you have that you can spend on research.

Purchasing modules

3. The module research window will open. A fragment of the tank tree will be displayed in the window. This fragment starts on the selected tank, includes all possible module improvements for this tank and shows the next tanks after the current one in the tree of its nation.

4. To view the characteristics of the module you are interested in, right-click on it and select “Module Information”.

5. Left-click on the desired module or right-click on it and select Explore.

6. Click Yes in the confirmation window that appears. The specified number of points will be deducted from your game experience, and the purchased module will become available.

Researched module.

Module available for research. The required amount of experience is indicated next to it.

Module not available for research.

pens for purchase on the module panel in the Hangar and in the Store. For more details see " Installing modules" and "Purchasing modules".


Tank tree

The tank tree represents all the tanks of a given nation, starting from the most basic to the most complex. Allows you to see the overall picture of research, tracking the progress of the transition from one tank to another. Located on the research screen.

1. Click Research. A page with a tree of tanks will open.

2. Select the desired nation by going to the USSR, Germany or USA tab. The tank tree for the selected nation will open. Tanks available for research are highlighted, indicating the number of experience points per tank.

3. To view the characteristics of a specific tank, click

The arms race will never stop. The warring parties need to constantly improve their combat vehicles. Firepower, mobility, range, armor - you need to increase efficiency in all respects in order to gain the maximum advantage over the enemy.

Now we will break down all the different ways to research and purchase the coveted module packages that you can find in the research tree.

Research tree

When you first start playing World of Tanks Console, you will immediately have access to tier 1 light tanks of each nation. In battles with other armored vehicles, you will receive experience and silver, which can be spent on researching modifications of your tank - the so-called module packs. They, as a rule, increase the combat parameters of the vehicle. As soon as you improve the turret, gun, chassis and engine, you can unlock the next level of vehicle in this development branch.

To see the research tree for each nation, switch to the Tanks tab. Here the machines are arranged in horizontal rows depending on their type. In total, the game features 10 levels and 5 types of equipment:

light tanks;
medium tanks;
heavy tanks;
Tank destroyer;
Self-propelled guns.

In order for a high-level tank to become available, it is necessary to research all previous vehicles and module packages. Green arrows in the research tree show which vehicles and module packs you need to research in order to move on to the next tank. For example, American branch starts with the Tier 1 light tank T22 Proto. Four green arrows lead from it to four level 2 cars.

To see the available modifications of the selected equipment, click the button. By studying module packs, you not only improve the characteristics of your current tank, but also get closer to unlocking more powerful vehicles.

Equipment parameters

Highlight any tank in the research tree and press the button. In a new window you will see its type, brief description And basic characteristics. All vehicles in the game have many parameters that together determine the effectiveness of the tank in certain conditions.

The main parameters of the vehicle are displayed by scales on the right on the “Tanks” tab. There are five of them in total:

  • strength;
  • firepower;
  • armor;
  • speed;
  • review.

The color scale of each of these parameters shows how high this characteristic is for the selected tank: red - low rating, yellow - medium, green - high. Gray the maximum of a specific parameter is indicated, taking into account all module packages.

Module packs can increase the effectiveness of four components: gun, engine, chassis and turret. When you select a module package, you will immediately see the changes that its installation will lead to. By clicking the button, you can learn more about the changes.

Once you have researched and purchased a module pack once, it can be installed on the tank and removed many times.

Tip: while in the Hangar, click the button to see module packages for your armored vehicles.

The price of war

All cars and their modifications have two costs:

  • The cost of research is indicated by a star and is paid for by experience. You can buy and use a tank or its modifications only after they have been researched.
  • The purchase price is indicated by a coin and indicates the amount of silver required.

Please note: to advance through the research tree, you only need to study previous vehicles and module packs, you do not need to purchase them. For example, if you want to purchase a tank destroyer of the 4th Hetzer level, but don't want to buy a Tier 3 tank destroyer Marder II, you can research Marder II and the necessary module packs. After that, research Hetzer using free experience and buy it with silver.

Experience, elite and premium cars

Experience is added to the tank when you use it in battle. The experience earned can be spent on researching module packages or on opening subsequent vehicles of the same branch. At the end of each battle, you receive free experience equal to 5% of what you earned in that battle. It can be used for any research. Let's say you fall in love with a certain tank and play only on it, you have accumulated a lot of experience and you want to use it as a free tank. In such a situation, the elite status of the equipment will help you.

A vehicle is considered elite if all its modifications and all tanks with which it is associated in the research tree have been researched. If your tank is elite, then by paying a little gold, you can transfer all the experience accumulated on it into free experience, and then use this experience to open any tanks. Elite vehicles are indicated by a gold wreath around their type icon.

Another way to get free experience is through premium tanks. They are not included in the research tree and can be purchased at any time for gold, regardless of other research. Premium vehicles allow you to immediately convert your experience into free experience for gold, since it does not have module packages and is not connected to other machines in the research tree.

Happy research and great shopping! By car!
