Freestyle games on bmx without long loading times. Freestyle and bike racing game online

Motorcycle racing has long attracted many children who dreamed of learning how to ride a two-wheeled friend and compete with friends on special race tracks with springboards and pits. But motorcycles for sports competitions were very expensive big money, and managing them was not so easy. Training to operate such a motorcycle lasted for years, and the athlete had to constantly improve his skills. So the kids couldn't resist and created their own sport, calling it BMX!

They made special tracks that replicated those on which professional racers competed with each other! Soon, the new sport became so popular that specialized bicycles began to be produced for it! And then the first professional competitions began to appear. From a backyard entertainment for young people, BMX has turned into an independent sport, surpassing in popularity even its ancestor - motocross!

However, BMX very quickly ceased to be an ordinary race and grew into stunt competitions, where people have to perform cool stunts by jumping on railings, climbing mountains, sliding down vertical walls and jumping from great heights! Now, you can find more than a thousand specialized models of bicycles designed for performing tricks, and there are areas with jumps and arches in almost every district of any European and American city! And of course, games about BMX couldn’t help but appear! There aren't many of them yet, but you can find interesting examples where you can perform up to 30 different tricks and jump over ramps!

BMX stunt game

In this game you are transported somewhere in America, you can even assume that you are somewhere in New York, since the top of the famous skyscraper is visible behind you. You can move your bike using the arrows, and the spacebar and buttons from 1 to 10 are responsible for performing tricks! To jump high, press the space bar, after which, start performing one of the necessary techniques. Try to land on your wheels, otherwise you will fall and hit your head right on the ground! Be careful and don't endanger your hero! The BMX stunts game is made for desperate boys who are not afraid of abrasions and are always ready to carry out their plans to the end!

REAL two player action!

TIPS goals included!

AMAZING FREESTYLE PROMOTION! Wheelie Racing, Tricks, Ramp Jumpin', Trackin' Tricks, Slow Races – Mega Fun! Ride the halfpipe, but don't go over the edge. Impress your buddies with these diamond flounder BMX stunt CHALLENGES!!!

2 Player Action, Ramp Transitions, Wheelies, Half Pipe Tricks, Pipe Jumps, Freestyle Competition - and they're all great - amazingly playable - David Darling

LOADING: 128K users ENTER key

48K users load type “” press ENTER

Compete in all these fantastic freestyle events and show what you are

the best there is!

Wheelie challenge... Ride down the track keeping your front wheel in the air - watch out for rocks and oil slicks.

Ramp Jump... Fly off the ramp and jump over the line of your buddies in this all action jump spectacular.

Half-pipe... a real RAD event – ​​grabbing air as you stunt turns on the wickedly fast pipe!

Slow running… Slow down at a fast pace with this well-tricked slow race – you

you need a spot-on sense of balance for this

High Jump Quarter Tube... Get airborne in this absolutely brilliant high jump

Freestyle tricks... Pop the rear wheel, pull the bunny hop, wheelie against the wall;

Stocks and more...


This game is compatible with Sinclair, KEMPSTON and Joystick Cursor Interfaces/Adapters.

Player 1 Player 2

Left / Pedal left W O Right / Pedal right E P Wheel up Q K Wheels down.

During the game, press the 1 key to pause.

Hold CAPS SHIFT and press 2 to exit the game.


Wheelies...Use the right to control your rear wheel for as far as possible.

Ramp jump... use the left pedal and right pedal as an alternative to build up speed, and then kick hard at the right moment to jump over your buddies.

Half pipes... Perform as many turns as possible at the time allowed... use

RIGHT when moving to the right and left when moving to the left increase speed, then KICK at the right moment to turn.

Slow racing... Keep your balance, pedal gently LEFT and RIGHT - but not

go too fast!

High jump Quarter-pipe... Holding right accelerate, right kick

moment to turn.

Freestyle tricks... we'll leave you to work this is one of...

You could write FOR CODEMASTERS

CodeMasters excellence is the result of use best games progammers are there. The best programmers deserve the best rewards. If you are good enough to program for us then write to David Darling now - you will not regret it.

This game was brought to you...

Design and coding: Peter Williamson

Graphics: Neil Adamson Music/FX: David Whittaker Project Directors: Richard and David Darling Production: Mike Clarke / Raghu Regan Design & Illustration: Nigel Fletcher

This program, including code, graphics, music and art are copyright

from CodeMasters Software Co. Ltd and no part may be copied, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any form or by any means, hired or lent without the express permission of Codemasters Software Co. Ltd.


If you love active sports and adrenaline, then the Bmx Bike Freestyle & Racing game is exactly what you need. In it you will become a dexterous cyclist who will have to show all his skills on the tracks that have been prepared for you in advance. You just have to ride them and overcome all sorts of obstacles, while showing acrobatic stunts. In addition, in the game there will be gold coins scattered along the tracks, which you will collect as a reward for your skill. Gradually, the levels in the game Freestyle and bike racing will become more and more difficult and you will have to improve your skills in order to successfully overcome them on your bike. Remember that after a fall you will return either to the starting point of the route, or to the last checkpoint, if you managed to get to it. Control in the game Bmx Bike Freestyle & Racing is carried out using the arrows on the keyboard, with which you will jump up and change your balance on the bike. Given online application available for access on mobile phones or tablets, which became possible thanks to HTML5 technology, which is gaining increasing popularity in the world of the gaming industry.
