Games for girls make your own pony. Pony creator games

Graphically, the process of creating a pony is very similar to Photoshop. In the center of the screen is the pony herself. On the left side there are virtual buttons such as “Create”, “Accessories”, “Torso”, “Head” and “Hairstyle”. If you click on any of these buttons, sub-themes will appear that allow you to customize your pony just the way you like it.

In the lower right corner there is a Zoom scale. In the upper left corner there are buttons: “Movement mode” and “Pose mode”. There are also arrows to the right and left, with which you can turn the beautiful pony in any direction.

There is a button with a camera. By clicking on this button, you will take a photo of the current image of the pony if you want to remember it.

Click on different options, see what they are, and gradually create a beautiful pony. If you are still unclear on how to work with the game, click on the question mark.

You can, of course, start with anything, but the most logical thing to start with is choosing the color, height and size. Next you can think about decorative wings. Next you can customize the ears, horns, eyes, hooves and head shape. The horse's hairstyles alone have more than 70 options.

Here you can also choose animation, landscapes and accessories. If you press the button with dice, the game will start giving out different ready-made pony options at random.

Purpose of the game

The goal of the game is to develop the participant's creative skills, which will ultimately lead to the fact that he himself realizes that such abilities need to be developed. This may result in a talented artist or designer in the future, but for now let's play this game.

Make your pony the cutest one! Also, do not forget that we have a more advanced version of this game on our website -

The version of the pony creator game with hairstyles will allow you to choose a beautiful tail and mane and customize them as you like. Thanks to the available accessories, you can add even more individual features to your heroine. Select:
  • wonderful hat
  • add glasses
  • hang decorations for the torso, head and legs.
  • But the most interesting thing is the driving mode. In it, the player and creator of his pony can turn his head, control all the legs of his ward, and observe how the horse looks in different poses. Also, games create your own pony online are equipped with the ability to generate a random character. Click on the cube icon at the top and get a new heroine from Equestria each time, which you can then modify by adding or removing some details from her image. The Zoom button will help you zoom in or out of the model. After your new pony When it's ready, use the camera button to save your creation. This game is entirely in Russian, making it understandable and simple for the youngest designers. Develop your creativity, give free rein to your imagination. Even if things don’t work out, you can always start again or work on individual traits of your magical heroine. Create a character that will be closest to you in spirit. Share the picture with your friends and brag to your parents.

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    About pony editors

    The cartoon about cute ponies who fight dangerous enemies and, thanks to their friendship, defeat them, has become very popular not only in America, but almost throughout the world. And of course, with the growing popularity, all kinds of pictures, videos and drawings with cartoon characters began to appear. But fans of the cartoon did not limit themselves to drawings alone, and one of them released a game that is a pony editor. The create your own pony game allows you to create your own cartoon character and save it on your computer, or send a link to the character to a friend.

    But we note that there is not just one editor, but there are at least several of them, and each of the editors differs in some features and models of heroes, so first you will need to choose one of them, and then create your own characters. By the way, you don’t have to invent ponies at all; you can find pictures of your favorite cartoon ponies and make them in the editor. Now we will look at one of the most popular and sophisticated editors.

    Features of the game create your own pony

    In the most popular editor, which we will review, it is possible to create almost any pony that is found in the first three seasons of the cartoon, since almost all forms of horns, manes, tails and other attributes are collected here.

    In addition, you will have the opportunity to completely customize the colors of each of the details on the horse’s body, as well as the color of the body itself and even the eyes. Let's take a closer look at all the sections of the editor.

    • Body - on the left, at the very beginning we see three switches. The first switch is responsible for the height and age of the pony. By setting it to the minimum value, you can make a little one who hasn’t even gone to school yet, and by setting it to the maximum value, you can make a pony with huge legs. The second switch is responsible for the thickness of your new character. The further to the left the arrow is, the thicker your hero will be and, accordingly, the further to the right, the thinner. Below you can choose one of eight head shape options. As well as one or five options for horn shapes and one of many wings. But if you don’t want your hero to have a horn and wings, then they can be easily removed.
    • Eye (eyes) - choose the shape of the eyes, which greatly affects the expression on the pony's muzzle and the pupil of the eye. In addition, you can choose your eye color from thousands of possible options. Different eyebrow options will also be available.
    • Mane (hairstyle) - choose one of hundreds of hairstyles that will suit both fillies and stallions. After choosing the shape of the hairstyle, you can change its color. The game allows you to choose one color or two. If you choose two, the ends of the tail and mane will be this color.
    • Background (picture background) - at this point in the game create your pony, you can choose a picture background on top of which your character will be depicted. There are 7 different pictures available here, in addition you can make the background a solid color, but for this you need to adjust the palette.
    • Color (body color) - at the beginning we are asked to set the type of coloring; you can make your pony spotted, striped, or set any of 10 patterns. Once you have established the shape, you can paint this pattern in any color. Below you can customize the pattern on the face and hooves.
    • Face (muzzle) - edit the face of the resulting hero. The first thing you need to figure out is the shape of the mouth. There are a lot of options in this game and it is very important to choose the right one, because the mouth is responsible for the expression that will be on the face. Thanks to your mouth, you can make your character evil, kind, cheerful, harmless or, on the contrary, aggressive. Then you can add freckles, change the shape of the ears, and you can even make them grow not up, but down. The final touch for the muzzle will be the opportunity to make a mustache and beard.
    • Tail - The tail is very important for any pony, so be very careful when selecting its shape. After selecting the shape, the tail in this game can be painted in different colors. You can choose one color to use or two.
    • Advanced (settings) - here you can save the resulting image in several options - in good quality, as well as with and without a background. In addition, a special code is available here, with which you can always return to changing the resulting character.

    In addition to changing the character's appearance, this game allows you to choose accessories for all parts of the pony's body and poses. You can select an existing pose or create one yourself in a special pose editor.

    With the release of each new season of the series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the popularity of the franchise in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet is only growing. For several years now, the creators of the project have been finding something to surprise the viewer: the eternal theme - the importance of love and friendship - is presented to us again and again from the most unexpected points of view, through the most amazing plot twists. Naturally, the release of the next episode of MLP instantly provokes the appearance of “tons” of fan art on the Internet: drawings, comics, and even short videos about the adventures of ponies.

    Projects in the “original” genre especially stand out among other works of fans of the series. This term is usually used to designate any fan art, the creator of which has depicted in his work dedicated to his favorite cartoon universe a unique character invented by him personally. It is for such authors that Pony Creator was invented - a visual editor that allows you to use ready-made templates and a couple of mouse clicks to depict a horse in the style of the series “Friendship is Miracle”.

    What is the "pony editor"?

    Any of the “pony editors” existing today works according to the following scheme:

    The only difference between all these similar applications is in the basic models of heroes, on the basis of which the user is invited to create his own project, as well as in the number of templates for manes, ponytails, horns, etc. available for use.

    Gaming Features

    The Pony Creator app will be of interest not only to those who want to come up with own character. Due to the huge number of available templates, you can depict any existing hero from the first seasons of MLP.

    In addition, Pony Creator 2018 provides a wide range of possibilities for coloring the finished picture. The user can separately set the color for each part of the horse’s body, which allows you to create truly unique character models.

    How to play Pony Creator

    It is clear that there is no gameplay as such in “create a pony” type applications. The user does not have to delve into the twists and turns of the plot or solve complex puzzles. Pony Creator is a creative process in its purest form, where the player has to create his own unique image of a horse, assembling it from ready-made templates like a mosaic, and then color the resulting picture.

    It’s not for nothing that pony games are highlighted in a special section: millions of fans want to play May Little Ponies - create, dress up, care for and go through incredible adventures together. This is because the games “My little pony"made with love for the cartoon "Friendship is Miracle" - recognized not only by the audience of little girls, but also by adult players around the world!

    The best games from Ponyville

    Children love Pony games because they are dedicated to a beautiful and kind cartoon. Together it is interesting to continue the familiar stories of horse girls - choosing hairstyles and changing outfits. Cool games dress up ponies for Equestria Girls are already waiting in fashion simulators for Sparkle and Applejack, Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash. Adventure lovers can attack enemies with the game "", prepare babies for a beauty contest, or treat them in a clinic.

    Adult players love that the pony games are polished, attractive, and filled with detail. A wonderful series of games "" will help everyone show off their creator's talents. This "how to make a pony" game (creator) will help you make your character unique by choosing from a stunning variety of manes, tails, hooves, accessories, poses and hairstyles.

    Whoever you are, have fun playing. And we will help you choose the most suitable entertainment!
