Playing fields for dhow games. Playing fields

In the lives of older preschoolers, a new form of story play - director's play - with small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or several roles, occupies a large place.

Games with layouts help create such conditions; they are more high degree role-playing games, they are in demand by older preschoolers and contribute to the development of the child.

Playing with models is a higher level of development of role-playing games; it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. Organizing a subject-game environment using layouts in senior groups preschool age, the teacher has the opportunity to solve the problem associated with the development of plot development in children and the free manifestation of their individual style characteristics in the game.

Purpose: teaching game modeling, developing safe behavior on the roadway.

Goal: making a model for game modeling in working with children of senior preschool age.

Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, road signs, and expand knowledge about the rules for safe behavior of children on the street;

Encourage children to engage in independent activities in the traffic rules corner.

Game layout can be used for development fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, spatial orientation



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Combined kindergarten No. 194"

The pedagogical value of the layout is

playing field in the organization

subject-game environment of the preschool educational institution.

("Journey to Moon City")

Compiled by: Vera Sergeevna Kritskaya,

senior teacher MBDOU No. 194

The pedagogical value of the playing field layout in the organization of the subject-playing environment of a preschool educational institution.

In the lives of older preschoolers, a large place is occupied by a new form of story play - director's play - with small toys, where the child unfolds events with toy characters, identifying himself with them or distancing himself, performing one or several roles.

A mockup is a scaled-down example of space and objects in an imaginary world (realistic or fantasy).

Considering diversity story games, teachers should focus on organizing such story-based games in which every child will be able to:

Satisfy your interests;

Realize your potential;

Create game plot and implement it;

Demonstrate individual characteristics of gaming creativity.

Games with layouts help create such conditions; they are a higher level of role-playing games, they are in demand by older preschoolers and contribute to the development of the child.

Playing with models is a higher level of development of role-playing games; it is in demand by children and contributes to their development. By organizing an object-based play environment using layouts in groups of senior preschool age, the teacher has the opportunity to solve the problem associated with the development of plotting in children and the free manifestation of their individual style characteristics in the game.

In kindergartens, first of all, a “universal” layout is needed. “Universal” layouts are divided into two types:

1. Layout models:

The layout model is a small plane with stable structures fixed on it (houses, churches, traffic lights), the addition of themed figures-characters and objects denoting actions-events, small transport - cars, planes, sets of small figures - characters - family, soldiers, fairy-tale characters, fantasy characters, surroundings (trees, flowers).

2. Layout cards:

Layout maps are planes with places marked on them for the location of possible objects and several key objects - space markers. Thus, on the “City Streets” layout map, roads and sites for buildings are highlighted in color, the territory is supplemented with several proportionate objects (houses, garages, gas stations) and the addition are objects indicating events - actions - this is transport.

Children's level of curiosity and cognitive interest increases. In everyday life, they ask questions concerning objects and phenomena that lie beyond the circle of direct observation. Preschoolers show an interest in educational literature (about nature, historical events, space, human health); children include their new ideas in game plots and drawing themes.

There are techniques to increase children's interest in playing with models. This is, first of all, fiction that creates in the imagination of children various “worlds” with amazing characters and plots. Literary texts, as well as cartoons, interest children and help them decide on the selection of characters and thematic specification of the layout. Thus, the “City Streets” layout map can temporarily turn into the Flower City of Dunno and his friends, the landscape layout map can turn into the edge of the forest where Winnie the Pooh or Baba Yaga lives.

Inhabitants-characters, additional surroundings for the layout, and the layout itself can be made in the process of productive joint activities children with a teacher (from paper, cardboard, wire, salt dough, natural material), which contributes to the development of creativity in various types activities (in manual labor, design and production of models).

In a number of programs, prototyping is considered as an environmentally oriented activity that helps consolidate ideas about the natural world, allows you to transform acquired knowledge into play, saturating children's lives with new impressions and stimulating children's creativity.

Making a model contributes to the development of speech: when making a model, children describe, compare, reason, thereby expanding their vocabulary.

There is a close connection between prototyping and mathematics: in the process of work, mathematical concepts such as space, quantity, size, color, etc. are reinforced.

Layout contributes to the sensory development of children: working with materials of different texture, quality, and shape develops senses and activates fine motor skills of the hands.


The layout of the playing field is the central element that organizes the object environment for playing with small toys. It acts as a “trigger” that promotes the development of children’s imagination and creativity, where the teacher, without directly participating in the game, acts as a creator of problem-game situations and an assistant in the implementation of game plans (i.e., the teacher guides children’s plans with questions: “ What happened next?”, “What happened to them?”). The layout elevates the game to a story-driven new level, promotes the general development of preschool children, is a link between various forms of adult-children and free children's activity.


Purpose : training in game modeling, formation of safe behavior on the roadway.

Target : making a model for game modeling in working with children of senior preschool age.


Continue to familiarize children with traffic rules, the purpose and signals of traffic lights, road signs, and expand knowledge about the rules for safe behavior of children on the street;

Encourage children to engage in independent activities in the traffic rules corner.

The game layout can be used to develop fine motor skills, visual perception, social and everyday orientation, spatial orientation.

Subject material: figures of people, houses, trees, road signs, traffic lights, models of cars and trucks, special vehicles.

Equipment : boxes of different sizes, colored and textured paper, cardboard, tubes, sticks, toothpicks, scissors, glue.

Name of the lesson stage

Activities of a teacher

Children's activities

1 Motivation

The postman brought us a letter.

Children listen carefully to the teacher.

Guys, do you want to know what it says?

Yes, we want!

The teacher reads the letter.

I came into the world

I fell from the moon.

I wanted to walk around the city,

To find friends for yourself,

But there are cars around me -

Tires squeal and squeal.

So I came to you here.

Help me friends.

Me and the residents of Moon City. We are in trouble. We have accidents all the time. Help us please.

Active listening

Search question.

The teacher asks questions

Shall we help our guest? Shall we teach him the rules of the road?

What do you need to know for this?

Answers to the search question.

Children answer the questions:

Yes we can!

Traffic Laws

What do you know about them?

You need to cross the road at a special zebra crossing.

There are traffic lights on the streets.

You cannot play on the roadway, etc.

How do you follow the rules?

We turn to green light.

We only get on public transport at bus stops, etc.

Why do accidents happen?

Pedestrians and drivers do not follow traffic rules.

How can you help Luntik?

Teach to follow traffic rules.

2. Hitting the road

Warm up.

Our little feet

They walk briskly along the road

The path is open to us everywhere - are coming

We are pedestrians now

And now we'll run- are running

We are rushing to the bus.

We were afraid of being late, - are running

We were very worried.

Now we are passengers

We settled in well.

We drove for a long, long time - sit down

And we arrived in the Moon City.

Beautiful city and big - are surprised

He greets guests with his soul -raise their hands up

Children performing motor exercises with speech accompaniment

3. Busy street

On the table is a model of a street without road signs:

Different people live here -

Both the driver and the pedestrian.

The king rules the country

Great traffic light,

So that it doesn't happen sometimes

There's confusion there.

Children look at the layout


Why do accidents happen?

Children answer the questions:

Drivers and pedestrians do not follow traffic rules.

What is the roadway for?

For transport passage

How should you cross the street?

You need to first look to the left, and, having reached the middle of the roadway, to the right.

What does an exemplary pedestrian say to cars?

Hey cars, full speed ahead!

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I'll make way for you!

Where can you cross the street?

Where the “Pedestrian Crossing” sign is installed

Guys, look, are there any road signs or traffic lights on this street?


How to help Luntik and the residents of the Lunar City?

You can make road signs, traffic lights and place them on the street.

Luntik suggests going to a road sign workshop.

4. Polite passengers.


Guys, to get to the workshop, we need to take a bus.

Do you know how I ride on the bus? I run up to the bus, push everyone aside, rush into the cabin and climb into the first seat. Then I kick everyone, pull off their hats, and stand with my feet on the seat. Oh, and fun! Everyone starts making noise and getting indignant, but I feel good!

Active listening.

The teacher asks the children:

Guys, would you like to be on the same bus with Luntik?

Children's answers:


Explain what Luntik is doing wrong?

Children explain how to behave correctly on the bus:

When a bus approaches, you must stand away from the edge of the sidewalk.

Approach the door only when you are at a complete stop.

Do not push passengers.

Give way to elders.

Do not make noise or disturb passengers.


Oh guys, I'm so ashamed of my behavior. Thank you for explaining to me how to behave on the bus.

Now I will drive, following the rules.

We arrived at the road sign workshop.

5. Road signs workshop.

Why are road signs needed?

Children's answers:

To cross the road correctly.

There is a hospital, parking lot, etc. nearby.

The teacher invites the children to make road signs.

Children make road signs - traffic lights, bus stops, pedestrian crossings, hospitals, etc.

Work in pairs, individual work, paper construction with applique elements.

6. Crossroads “Prohibited-allowed”

The teacher suggests playing the game:

A cultured passenger should know what is allowed and what is prohibited in transport.

If it is prohibited, then stomp your feet.

If allowed, clap your hands.

Riding like a hare, as you know...

Give way to the old lady...

Pushing everyone aside, shouting...

And stand quietly...

Taking ice cream on the bus...

Well, and the apples in the bag...

Play ball at the bus stop...

Let mother and child pass...

Walk around the back of the bus...

Well, in front, of course,

Performing motor exercises with speech accompaniment.

Children finish the phrase with a movement:

It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


It is prohibited


We take road signs, traffic lights and go to the streets of the Moon City.

Children take with them paper road signs and traffic lights.

7. Street of the Moon City.

Invite children to place road signs and traffic lights on the layout and explain what they are for.

Children place road signs and traffic lights on right place, explain their meanings.

8. Conclusion.


Thank you, guys, for helping me and the residents of our Lunar City understand the rules of the road and teaching us how to behave in transport. We will try not to violate traffic rules.

Guys, what good deed have we done today?

Helped Luntik and the residents of Lunar City understand the traffic rules.

We were taught to follow the rules of behavior in transport.

They told me how to cross the street correctly, etc.

It's time for us to return to our city. After all, in our city, road signs surround us everywhere, on the streets and roads.

Striped horse

Leads across the street.

We need to be very careful here

We need to make a transition.

Don't rush, but first thing

Look left, look right:

There are no cars - we walk boldly!

There is a car - stop and wait!

Be friends with them and they will never let you down.

There are so many difficulties on the roads,

But you have no reason to be afraid of them.

Because traffic rules

Pedestrians and cars have them.

And so that everyone is in a good mood,

Children, follow the traffic rules.

Children get on the “bus” and return to the group.

9. Reflection

Guys, if you liked helping Luntik, then place a green circle next to the green traffic light,

if it was not interesting, then yellow,

If it was difficult, then red.

The children do it.

Non-traditional equipment – "Playing Fields" developed for preschool children and used in educational activities in physical culture in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, DS No. 44 “Golden Key”. The playing fields are part of the equipment of the peer-reviewed modified program " Fun workout» for children 5-7 years old.

The playing fields are squares (1.5m x 1.5m) or rectangles (1.5m x 75cm) made of high-quality plywood, which is wrapped on top with thin foam rubber, which is not secured in anything. Various plot playing fields made of gabardine are sewn onto this base, which are put on the base like a sheet and attached with reverse side rubber ropes into sewn fabric loops. Thus, the field is stretched from above and is safe for children's bare feet. On the field itself, variants of images are sewn (leaves, hummocks, flowers, etc.) or three-dimensional figures (stumps, mushrooms, logs, etc.) necessary for passing obstacles in the lesson in an in-line manner are attached with Velcro. The playing fields can be easily removed from the base, processed by a laundress in washing machines and used again.

Playing field "River"- designed for training and strengthening standing long jump.

Playing field "Glade"

Playing field "Flowers"- designed to develop leg strength when jumping from a deep squat.

Playing field "Glade"- designed to develop dexterity and speed in passing set obstacles.

Playing fields “Leaf fall”, “From hummock to hummock”» - designed to consolidate and improve jumps on two and one legs with forward movement.

In preparation for the lesson, the playing fields are selected and placed in gym in the required sequence depending on the objectives of the lesson. Used in the main part of the lesson, children perform exercises in a continuous manner at a fast pace at the stage of consolidating movements.

Objectives of using playing fields:

  1. Development physical qualities: speed of movement, motor reaction, pace of movement, agility, strength.
    1. Development of coordination abilities: accuracy of movements, balance.
    2. Consolidation and improvement of basic types of movements.
    3. Formation of sustainable interest of preschool children in physical education classes.

Practical significance determined by development:

  1. Lesson notes with the selection of physical exercises and the sequence of performing the main types of movements.
  2. A card index of outdoor games using “Game Fields”.

Educational effect:

  1. The high level of physical fitness of children aged 5-7 years increased by 57%, and is 78%; there is no low level.
  2. Indicators of the growth rate of physical qualities have increased and amount to 18%.
  3. Children's team "Olympic Hopes" from the Nizhnevartovsk Medical Educational Institution DS No. 44 "Golden Key" in 2015. took 1st place in city competitions among children of the preschool educational institution “Cross of Nations”; 1st place in city competitions in general physical training within the framework of the Spartakiad among preschool institutions cities.

3.12 For sports games, the following types of playing fields are arranged: football, handball, rugby, field hockey, baseball, etc. Their main characteristics are given in Table 3.3.

3.13 Fields for sports games with goals (rugby, football, field hockey, etc.) should be oriented with their longitudinal axes in the north-south direction. Deviation in any direction is allowed, not exceeding 20°. The baseball field should be oriented from west to east.

If there are several sports fields of the same type within sports facilities, no more than one third of these fields may be oriented in the east-west direction.

3.14 Football fields. The football field is a flat area surrounded around the perimeter by a safety zone free of any objects.

Table 3.3 - Main characteristics of playing fields

Type of sport

Planning dimensions of the site, m

One-time field capacity, people/shift

Type of top (working) layer *

Playing field

Security zone

Construction dimensions

During the competition

During training sessions

Front side


NV-1, NV-2, V-1

The length of the playing lane for 1 hole is 130 - 150 m, width 40 - 50 m

9 holes - 25 hectares

18 holes - 50 ha

Natural lawn, sand, etc.

Rugby** (amateurs, professionals)

34 (per shift)

HB-1, HB-2, V-1 (synthetic grass)

90 - 110

HB-1, B-1 (synthetic grass), HB-2

Field hockey**

HB-2 or B-1 (synthetic grass)

* See section 8. Accepted according to Figure 8.1.

** The dimensions of individual fields are given.

*** Behind the house line.

**** Behind the “kona” line.

The field for playing football is rectangular in shape and is limited by the side lines and goal lines. It should have a width of 60 to 75 m and a length of 90 to 110 m (optimal size 68 × 105 m). For all-Russian and international competitions, the size of the playing field should not be less than 64x100 m (Figures 3.8, A and 3.9).

With several football fields in one complex, no more than half of them are allowed to be 98x64 m in size. The same dimensions should, as a rule, be taken for football fields (regardless of their number) located in small settlements, in rural areas and in residential areas, without reducing the capacity shown in table 3.3.

As an exception, in cramped areas in the current building conditions, it is allowed (for games according to simplified rules) to reduce the size of the playing field to 50x75 m, and for children aged 10 - 14 years to 40x60 m. The design of fields of a reduced size should be specified in the assignment for design and be coordinated with the relevant committee for physical culture and sports.

For training football players, the complex should have separate football fields of various sizes, some of them with grassless surfaces (Figure 3.10).

3.15 Outside the field of play (regardless of its size), areas free from any objects must be provided (strips parallel to the goal lines and side lines); the width of the zone behind the goal lines is 4 - 8 m, and along the side lines - 2 - 4 m. The width of the zone between fields of play located adjacent to the long sides can be taken at least 2 m. If the fields are located adjacent to each other, it is necessary to provide delay devices balls placed no closer than 4 m from the goal line. On the fields that are part of the sports core, it is allowed to reduce the width of the stripes up to the inner edge of the running track.

3.16 On football fields of all sizes, except for fields for playing children aged 12 - 13 years, the same, regular markings are used, and for children playing on a field of reduced size, simplified markings are used (Figure 3.9, B).

It should be marked with clearly visible lines no more than 0.12 m wide; The width of the lines is included in the size of the field of play and other areas limited by them.

The field equipment consists of one pair of goals (fixed or removable) and four corner flags. The main dimensions of stationary gates on ordinary fields are shown in Figure 3.9. On fields with simplified markings (for children aged 10 - 14 years), portable goals should be installed 6 m long and 2 m high (both sizes are clear).

3.17 Field For hockey on grass. The construction dimensions of the site are 99.4 × 61 m, the size of the playing field is 91.4 m in length and 50 - 55 m in width. The marking of the playing field is shown in Figure 3.8, B. The field is marked with white lines 7.5 cm wide. The gates are installed in the middle of the front line. The gate size is 3.66 m in width and 2.14 m in height. From each outer side of the goal post, four marks 30 - 40 cm long are made, two at a distance of 4.5 m and two at a distance of 9.15 m. Flags are placed at the corners of the field (1.2 - 1.5 m).

3.18 Baseball- a hit and run game between two teams of 9 players each. The goal of the game is to make more runs across all bases than the opposing team. During each pitch, the players on the batting team try to run all the bases as many times as possible. The game is played on a court consisting of an inner and outer field. The 27.44 x 27.44 m infield is an area located between the four bases. The outer field measuring 114.5x114.5 m is a site adjacent to the inner field and limited by the continuation of its two lines. The layout of the field elements is shown in Figure 3.11. The width of the marking lines is 5 - 10 cm. The color is not set, but it should contrast with the field, presumably white.

The outer field is delimited by an adjacent 5 m wide strip (usually of hard earth) which serves as a safety zone. The transition from grass to hard ground increases the player's alertness near the edge of the playing field.

The base of the house is a white rubber pentagonal plate, and the other three bases are marked with white canvas bags.

The pitcher's platform, the player serving the ball, is a rectangular plate of white rubber, 60x15 cm in size. It is usually installed on a raised platform.

Behind the base of the house, on a circular platform with a diameter of at least 5.5 m (optimally 10 m), there is a catcher - a player who catches the ball.

3.19 Field For rugby. The standard construction dimensions of the field are 120×72 m, the capacity is 34 people per shift. In accordance with the competition rules, the size of the playing field can have a length from 107 to 132 m, a width from 66 to 68.57 m. The layout of the playing field for rugby is shown in Figure 3.12. The field is marked with white lines 12 cm wide. The width of the side line is not included in the size of the playing field. The goal lines refer to the in-goal, the touch lines and corner flag posts are not included in the in-goal area. The goal is installed on the front line. The distance between the inner edges of the vertical goal posts is 5.65 m, and from the ground surface to the top edge of the crossbar is 3 m.

The designs of rugby fields are the same as for football fields (turf - HB-2, lawnless from an optimal mixture - HB-1, with synthetic grass - B-1). Rugby can also be played on a regular football field. In this case, the goal is installed on the front lines of the football field.

The American rugby field, measuring 109.75x48.8 m, has the same turf surface as the football field, but differs from it in its special markings: transverse stripes (corridors) every 6 m.
