Hunter call of the wild strongholds. Review of theHunter: Call of the Wild

How to put a scope on a rifle and load cartridges?

I personally encountered a misunderstanding about installing the scope and cartridges when I picked up a .270 rifle.
Perhaps it will work in other cases. So, everything has been purchased, there are cartridges and a scope in the inventory and warehouse. To begin, select the desired barrel and press MMB (mouse wheel). In theory, this button allows you to quickly install and remove the sight. If it doesn’t help, then press F2 and look carefully at the picture:

When you select a rifle without ammo and a scope, four circles appear on the right - two empty, two with a scope and ammo. Using the cursor, drag the cartridges and the sight into the upper empty circles. Congratulations, you have installed the scope and ammo on your rifle.)

z.y. In almost the same way, you can change the types of cartridges by first purchasing them in the store. In the comments they write that instead of dragging, you can double-click on the slot.

Why is my character barely moving?

Don’t flatter yourself, turn down the graphics and the character’s mobility will return)
Even at medium settings the picture is quite good.
I play on i3 4370+ gtx660
Yes, and you can check the vertical sync box on weak machines.
And the game behaves faster on an SSD than on an HDD.

The only point I don't understand. With my eyes I see a bird, a bunny, a squirrel in the distance, but through the optics it’s not there =/ I wonder if it’s also on ultra?

What happens if you jump from an observation tower?

Does an animal go blind at night from a flashlight?

A purely individual feeling, based on an attack by three bears at night.
I shined a light in their eyes - they stood up - I shot. As a result - 20+ rounds, - 70% HP and three bear skins with a lot of holes.

Perhaps I’m mistaken, but deer behave differently at night in the beam of a flashlight, they freeze for a moment.

What to spend the first money on?

243 rifle is frankly rather weak.
If you are not tempted by many kilometers of following blood trails, then I recommend taking a “gift” .270 caliber rifle. (available for purchase only to owners of theHunter Classic with a subscription).
The gift costs 20,000 game coins. Prices change with each patch)

With her you will feel much more confident, and the horned ones will lie down at your feet almost on demand)
Next, I personally will focus on decoys.
If you didn’t get the gift, then focus early on getting a more powerful rifle first.

z.y. the "gift" suit costs the same. Prices change with each patch)

Observation towers and strongholds.

For those who like to complete quests, and for other wanderers, I recommend that you first visit the observation towers and find strongholds on the map. Thank Bayanai that teleports from house to house are free here. You don’t have to trudge for an hour each time from the other end of the map to capture two bears, etc. on camera.

Camouflage, noise and running.

It seems that in terms of noise emission there is no particular difference in movement. Bent down or at full height, almost the same. And when we crawl, we often make too much noise, although in most cases it is still quite quiet... and, most importantly, quickly. Motion noise has been fixed in today's patch.
And yes, it’s possible to kill with a bow:

Visual detection is another matter. I don’t know what the logic is here, but sitting on a stone in the middle of a clearing we are invisible:

As for running... In the classics it was strictly contraindicated. Here it is vitally necessary so as not to go crazy when tracking a wounded animal). At first, I slowly caught up with the victim the old fashioned way. After 40+ km covered in the game, I’m just running along the trail.
Otherwise, it will be problematic to catch up with these “mad saigas.”
There is an idea that without allowing the animal to catch its breath, it will soon die from such running, even with a slight injury. And also does not have time to confuse his tracks. In general, now I find trophies more often and faster than before)

The main thing with all this is to monitor the direction of the wind!

And the bullets are flying, the bullets...

As far as I understand from searching on the Internet, the semi-jacketed bullet was (and is?) the most common option among hunters. It has, so to speak, average characteristics in terms of penetration and opening when hit. And also quite unpredictable in nature. Those. It could knock down an elk, or it could just injure a fox. This often happens in the game.

With a polymer tip, the bullet's opening rate is higher and it works at a longer range... and perhaps more accurately and predictably. I don’t have an answer regarding the importance of bullet penetration with regards to the animals presented) As soon as .243 with a polymer tip became available, I switched to them. Having taken .270, I returned to the half-sheathed ones for now.
In general, time will tell)

Everything seems to be clear from the arrows.

An incredible hunting simulator in terms of immersion depth and atmosphere - alas, with annoying bugs.

Gambling addiction

theHunter: Call of the Wild appeared on Steam in the middle of last month without much fanfare, but it certainly did not escape the attentive gaze of an experienced hunter. And everything about it is simply wonderful: an open world, a variety of game, picturesque graphics and even a network mode for joint hunting trips...

But one minus negated all the advantages: the technical implementation of the project was terrible. Many players suffered from frequent crashes, for some the game did not start at all, and in some places internal bugs reached the point of ridiculousness: from banal texture gaps to completely absurd accelerated movement if your character raises his head to the sky.

We've put off this review for a long time. We patiently tracked the next doe, traded rifles for shotguns, and even went bowhunting, all while waiting for updates that ruled a heap of minor issues. But the miracle did not happen, we did not expect any changes, and therefore our assessment will be lower than we hoped.

Natural color

The first thing that the new theHunter can hook you with is the locations. There are two of them in the game so far: the Leighton Lake District and the Hirschfelden Nature Reserve. They differ not only in landscape and vegetation, but also in the types of prey found there. For each area you will have to select the appropriate equipment, but at first you won’t have to worry about this - with a basic set of things you will have time to get used to it.

A local ranger will help you get accustomed to the world of wild nature (there is one at each location). Under his guidance, you will learn the basic elements of hunting - such as searching for an animal using the tracks left behind or the intricacies of unnoticed movement. Sometimes he will offer you to complete this or that quest - it is not necessary to complete them, but experience and money will not be superfluous.

In fact, theHunter does not oblige you to anything at all. You start your journey on the edge of the location, with a rifle, a handful of cartridges, binoculars and two decoys, and what happens next is up to you. Although this is a hunting simulator, you can find many other activities for yourself that do not necessarily lead to killing animals: collecting notes, collecting antlers, photo hunting, and simply meditative walks through the enchanting autumn forest.

Nature in theHunter deserves a special mention. The combination of an unusually realistic forest, natural sounds and sophisticated light provides complete immersion. The impressions, of course, are not exactly the same as when you go out of town to shoot ducks, but very similar. The meticulousness with which the developers approached the creation of the gaming space gives rise to an extraordinary atmosphere. For the first few hours, we simply listened in fascination to the night bird whistles, the rustling of leaves and the crunch of undergrowth under our feet.

Patience, the main thing is patience

But theHunter is not a hiking simulator; the main thing here is hunting. And if the game throws you breathtaking landscapes every five minutes, then it is no longer so generous with loot. You have to search for animals long and hard. And you will have to rely only on yourself - there will be no hints, no “eagle vision” and no arrows. Traces and droppings left behind, sounds and popular habitats - for example, a watering hole - will help you in your search.

Finding the beast is only half the battle; you still need to kill it. Headshots are effective, as always, but you'll never get hit. Basic optics will not provide you with the required magnification, and you will have to get closer to the prey, and this is always fraught with undesirable consequences. You can be heard, seen, or even smelled if the wind blows in the wrong direction. Then the fallow deer or roe deer that you have been following for the last two hours through ravines and gullies will disappear in fear, and the search will begin again.

To play theHunter, you will need a titanic supply of patience. You can log into the game for eight hours and come out empty-handed. Follow the trail for ten kilometers only to discover that you got lost somewhere and simply made a circle. Finally, stumble upon a rare loot, only to discover that you have already wasted all your ammunition.

Of course, the game does not convey the full sensations of a real hunt, but it comes very close. There is no catch or deliberate complication in game design - it all depends on your skill and your luck.

And this immediately puts theHunter into the category of games “not for everyone.” Agree, not everyone is ready to spend several hours squatting between the trees in the hope that the fox, and you still need to see it in the tall grass, will not suddenly decide to hunt a rabbit and will not rush off into the bushes on the second space flight.

But, if you get involved in this somewhat monotonous gameplay, the game will not make you bored. Even bugs sometimes play into your hands and lift your spirits. So, for example, when we were tracking a red deer for the second hour - quite a valuable prey - it was even funny to find it desperately running inside the cobblestones.

And once again we were gored by a herd of frightened roe deer, and, believe me, if in the same Dark Souls you always know where to find a vile enemy and take brutal revenge on him, then after such a ridiculous death in theHunter you will only have to curse and maybe laugh a little.

But every catch, even the smallest one, will certainly give you a lot of pleasure and greatly improve your self-esteem, and if you managed to track down and shoot a particularly rare animal - such unique representatives are also found in the game - then you can quite easily put on a pith helmet and consider yourself a great hunter.

You will have the opportunity to purchase additional equipment. At first, after your first visit to a local store, it may seem that there are not so many items, but over time, skepticism will dissipate, because you adapt to the weapon, you get used to it and then you won’t want to part with each one.

In addition to various rifles, the game includes shotguns, revolvers and bows. The latter look a little pretentious against the general background, but they have their own tasks. A revolver is not needed for hunting, it is a means of self-defense, because not all the inhabitants of the forest will run away in fear when you approach. And a bow in skillful hands is even more useful than a rifle - it doesn’t hit as far, but it doesn’t make a loud noise. There are also different types of ammunition, decoys to attract different animals, improved binoculars and other accessories.

To open items and earn little from them (although you will get tired of earning some), you need to have the required hunter level. And here the elements of the role-playing genre appear in the game. Your character has two leveling trees, in each of which points of a certain type are invested - skills or abilities, where the first are responsible for bonuses to shooting, and the second are for your movement and tracking down prey.

You get points for level, level - for experience, experience - for completed quests, obtained trophies, open locations, etc. At first, the bonuses are of little use, but over time, as you develop your character, you will notice that the game has become friendlier to you.

Thirty-three misfortunes

We really didn't want to criticize the game. No, some disadvantages are obvious, but not particularly important. For example, the project is truly purely for amateurs, but this cannot be called a disadvantage, rather a feature. Many players are lured by screenshots and the developer's track record of explosive action films Just Cause, could decide that running after wolves and moose is no less exciting than starting revolutions.

Both the excitement and tension of the hunt are indeed present, but not everyone will feel them. And if you take on quests rather than free adventures, you will probably get tired of plodding along to the goal. Even moving quickly won't help much.

If you remember the legendary flight simulator " IL-2: Sturmovik", there was something similar there. Just flying to the goal for twenty minutes (and theHunter has both a constant running button and a constant moving button) is boring. After all, it’s one thing to run from track to track, stepping on the animal’s heels, and another thing to simply get from point A to point B, and very, very slowly.

But that’s not the problem with theHunter: Call of the Wild. The whole problem, as already mentioned, is bugs. Almost all of them are small and insignificant, but during the passage so many of them accumulate that they take in numbers.

If you lie on the ground, you can look under the location; if you look up, the character will noticeably speed up. Some animals get stuck in the textures, and once an entire herd of roe deer got their hooves stuck in the side of a mountain. Either the effect of constant screen blur is activated, then the character’s smartphone appears without a display, and sometimes the game simply crashes without explanation.

Year of release: 16 Feb. 2017
Language: Russian (9)
Genre: Adventure Sports Games, Simulations
Developer: Expansive Worlds
Publisher: Avalanche Studios

Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel i7 quad-core
RAM: : 8 GB
Video card: NVidia GTX 760 / R9 270x 4GB
Free hard disk space: 20 GB

Game description

theHunter: Call of the Wild is the most realistic hunting simulator to date. Plunge into the vibrant world of wildlife and meet its many inhabitants: from graceful deer to imposing bison, from countless flocks of birds to small forest insects. Before you is 13 thousand hectares of gaming space, every inch of which is created using the revolutionary Apex technology, into which its creators, Avalanche Studios, have invested ten years of experience in developing explosive action films. In addition to the atmospheric single-player experience, theHunter: Call of the Wild includes unique multiplayer modes - both cooperative and competitive - for 2-8 players. Go hunting with your friends and show off your achievements!

New generation hunting simulator
theHunter: Call of the Wild is the most realistic hunting simulator to date. Plunge into the vibrant world of wildlife and meet its many inhabitants: from graceful deer to imposing bison, from countless flocks of birds to small forest insects.
theHunter: Call of the Wild has worked out all the subtleties: the complex behavior of animals, successive weather phenomena, the full cycle of day and night, the nuances of ballistics, realistic sounds, even the wind carrying smells. In other words, the game has everything to ensure complete immersion and awaken the hunting instinct

Huge open world.
Explore 13 thousand hectares of terrain of various types, from impassable wilds and swamps to green valleys and wide fields. The huge world of theHunter: Call of the Wild is divided into game reserves - different areas, each of which will provide you with your own memorable moments.
Take quests from locals or go off the beaten path. Look for observation positions, ambushes and strongholds. They will help you easily and quickly navigate the vast open world.

Ten years of experience.
A new step in the development of theHunter hunting simulator from Expansive Worlds, which has gained more than six million subscribers over the seven years of its online existence.
Now Avalanche Studios and Expansive Worlds are bringing the next generation of players to the hunt. The game is made on the Apex open world engine, into which its creators - Avalanche Studios - have invested ten years of experience in developing explosive action films. A new step in the development of theHunter hunting simulator from Expansive Worlds, which has gained more than six million subscribers over the seven years of its online existence.
Now Avalanche Studios and Expansive Worlds are bringing the next generation of players to the hunt. theHunter: Call of the Wild is powered by the open world Apex engine, which its creators, Avalanche Studios, have poured over ten years of experience developing explosive action games.

Your own hunt. Your own game
Take on various rifles, revolvers and bows; equip them with sights and choose ammunition to suit your taste. Find your favorite weapon and get better at using it. Develop your character by obtaining various skills and equipment. Learn to use decoys and lures, and most importantly, study the behavior of prey and the characteristics of its movements.
Hunting for the first time? No problem! Smart assistance systems will give both the green novice and the seasoned veteran an unforgettable hunting experience.

Share your experience. Brag about your achievements.
In addition to the rich single-player gaming experience, theHunter: Call of the Wild includes unique multiplayer modes. Invite up to 8 friends (or new players!) to play in a variety of cooperative and competitive modes. Take part in numerous in-game events and challenges. Hunting with friends is much more interesting! Share your experience and earn bragging rights for your achievements.
theHunter has always been a community-oriented game. Staying true to tradition, theHunter:Call of the Wild will evolve with the deep knowledge and unmatched dedication of our players. Together we will continue to enrich the gameplay.

Screenshots from the game

Video from the game. Gameplay

The best and most differs significantly from its predecessor in the direction of simpler and easier gameplay. However, this too has its difficulties. will give some tips for beginners on completing this game.

Walkthrough of theHunter: Call of the Wild

How to Play theHunter: Call of the Wild Online

If you need to connect to someone's server, then the following procedure:

  • Click the Multiplayer button
  • Find the server you need and connect

If you need to create your own server for the game:

  • Click the Multiplayer button
  • Click – Create a game
  • Choose the location and number of players
  • Making the server public
  • Wait for the players and play

How to hunt and find animals faster?

Look for animals using illuminated tracks. As soon as you find someone’s tracks, start following them (they are highlighted in a separate color from the other tracks) – you will hear the cry of the animal – this means that the animal is nearby, but it is not running away from us yet. After the first cry, we sit down and slowly continue to follow the tracks. This way you will very soon get out into the “operational space”, from where you can safely shoot at your target.

How to earn more money and experience in the game?

The new game theHunter: Call of the Wild is very different from the classic version. The main point is the fact that you constantly do not have enough resources, so you will have to kill absolutely everyone, because this is experience and this is money.

How to find out the distance to the target?

Use binoculars - they will show the distance to the target in the center of the screen.

How to open a card?

The game in this regard is reminiscent of Far Cry - you need to get to the towers and complete tasks to open the nearby territory.

How to photograph an animal?

To do this, use the P key. And a tip - it’s better to take pictures from the side.

How to add ammo to inventory?

Drag them from the warehouse to the backpack.

How to catch fish in the game?

In the game, if you look closely at the river, you can see a lot of fish. But you can't catch them here.

How to make ambushes in the game?

The easiest option is to find a place of slaughtered herbivores - for example, rabbits, and sit in them - some predators will definitely come to this place.
