Gta 5 mission b. Walkthrough of the game Grand Theft Auto V

To get gold for this mission you need:
1. Complete the task without giving Mr. K a heart attack.
2. Give Mr. K an electric shock.
3. Pull out Mr. K's tooth.
4. Hit Mr. K with a wrench.
5. Use water torture on Mr. K.

As Trevor, you need to meet Michael at the warehouse on Dutch London in Banning. Besides Michael, there will be Dave, Ferdinand Kerimov and the guys from the CIA. Our task is as follows: Trevor extracts information from Kerimov about the whereabouts of a certain Azerbaijani, after which Davey and Michael eliminate him.

1. First, Ferdinand sends Michael to one of the mansions in Rockford Hills. But this turns out to be false information. The game will switch to Trevor and we will have to choose one of four torture devices. We choose any of them and use it for its intended purpose.

2. Torture will clear Kerimov’s memory a little and this time he will send us to the correct address - to Chumash on the western highway. We get to the right place and take a position with a sniper rifle in front of the mansion. Now we need to find out what the Azerbaijani we need looks like.

3. The game switches back to Trevor. We choose another instrument for torture - this is necessary in order to get gold medal for this mission. After putting pressure on Ferdinand, he will say that our goal is of average height, average build and average age. But this information will not really help Michael because... there is a party going on in the mansion and there are a whole bunch of Azerbaijanis who fit this description.

4. Again we choose a new method of torture and apply it to Kerimov. This time he will say that our target has a thick beard. This information will also not be enough and we will need to switch back to Trevor.

5. After the next use of force, Ferdinand will say that our target is left-handed and that he smokes Redwood cigarettes without a break. This information is quite enough. We find an Azerbaijani with a beard and a red T-shirt smoking with his left hand and remove him.

6. CIA agent Steve will tell Trevor that they will no longer need Ferdinand and need to get rid of him. But Trevor is an anarchist. In the coffin he saw submission to some strange intelligence agent. And he decides to take Kerimov to the airport so that he can fly out of the country. That's it, the mission ends here.

Next mission: "


Hero: Franklin.

Location: near Franklin's house, after you have completed the task of appropriating the bike.

Reward: Tony's contact in your phone, access to new towing missions and the "Chop" story mission.

After you talk with Tonya, go to the place indicated on your GPS. Once you are there, climb into the towing vehicle. Now on this transport you will need to find an abandoned transport. When you find it, move extremely slowly towards it with the hook already lowered. If you do everything correctly, then the vehicle will attach to the tow automatically. The hitched vehicle will need to be towed to the area marked in red. At the place of arrival, you can safely remove the car from the tow hook.

Note: To get the “gold”, you will need to act extremely quickly, or rather, within five minutes! It is very important to ensure that the car does not fall off more than once, since there is a mandatory condition “on the hook”. If the car breaks down even once, then you won’t see any gold.

Another favor

Hero: Franklin.

Location: you need to call Tony and agree to a new assignment. Next, you will need to go to a meeting at the marked store.

Reward: thanks to Tony.

It's time to get behind the wheel of a towing vehicle again, but this time with Tonya. Drive together to an abandoned disabled jeep, which is located in the parking lot. As usual, the vehicle will need to be picked up and towed to the red zone.

Note: Remember that if the jeep falls off the hook even once and you are not in in the right place, then you won’t see “gold”. You also need to invest five and a half minutes.

Another favor

Hero: Franklin

Location: A text message from Tony asking for help. Call her back and go to the indicated location.

Reward: thanks to Tony.

There's no way I'll be able to meet Tony this time. You will just need to go to the towing vehicle and go again to the specified location. As usual, go to the next abandoned transport. This time everything will not be the same, because the car is stuck on railway. As soon as you see this picture, don’t waste time and immediately start your towing. Remember that the train is already on its way!

Note: Try to very carefully tow the vehicle into the yellow zone (which is located in the parking lot). You will receive “gold” only if you complete it within the seven minutes allotted to you.

Still a favor

Hero: Franklin.

Location: after you receive an SMS from Tony, call back and go to the specified location.

Reward: thanks to Tony.

Once again, get behind the wheel of a tow truck and go to the place that will be marked on your map. In this place you will find a broken car. Don’t rush to get down to business, as you will need to wait until the owner of this car gets into your vehicle. After he sits down with you, quickly tow the car to a car repair service.

Note: To get the gold, you will need to do it in six minutes, and as usual you will need to keep the car on the towing hook the entire way.

Last favor

Hero: Franklin.

Location: near the store.

Reward: Tony will offer you to buy her business from her for 175 bucks, which in turn gives you an unlimited amount to complete tasks that relate to towing. For each completed task you will receive 500 bucks.

Get back behind the wheel of the towing vehicle and drive to the marked place, which will be indicated on your map. When you see a car that crashed into a palm tree, take it in tow and go together to the workshop. After this, to complete the task, you will need to return to the site with the confiscated cars.

Note: To get the next “gold”, you will need to complete the task in less than five minutes, while keeping the car on the hook as usual.

Walkthrough of "Paparazzi" tasks from Beverly


Hero: Franklin.

Location: after you complete Tony's first mission. You will have a corresponding icon ("?") on your map. Go to this icon and find a guy hiding behind a tree.

Reward: You will now have Beverly's contact in your mobile phone.

So, you will need to help Beverly catch a girl named Miranda Cole for using drugs. Get into the car with Beverly and go together to the marked limousine. As soon as Beverly takes a couple of pictures, your competitor suddenly appears. Follow him. As soon as you get a little level with the cars, use Franklin’s unique skill and then wait for the moment when Signor Beverly knocks out this guy.

Note: To get gold in this task, Beverly will have to take three photos at once and knock down her competitor in just one attempt.

Sex video

Hero: Franklin.

Location: follows as a continuation of the "Paparazzi" task. You can find Signor Beverly in the place where you found it in the previous one (near Michael’s house).

Reward: No.

Follow Beverly again and do everything as he tells you. You'll have to make a video this time with star Poppy Mitchell. For this purpose you will have a camera. Be careful in this task and make sure that the focus square is green. If it turns red, then quickly change the scale. After you've done everything, get into Beverly's car and start filming further. Beverly, in turn, will pursue the star and her lover. Again, it is very important to monitor the color of the square.

Note: In order to get “gold” in this task, you will need to jump into the pool and follow Beverly around the house. In addition, you will need to ensure that the faces of key characters are always in focus.


Hero: Franklin.

Location: western part of Vinewood. If it is not available to you, then you need to do story mission"Three is company."

Reward: No.

Beverly now tells you where the two stars are that need to be photographed. Your goal: Poppy along with the princesses from Britain.


Hero: Franklin.

Location: after Beverly receives a call saying that the cops are chasing Poppy's car. Go to the specified point.

Reward: No. Beverly already owes you a lot.

It's time to join the chase for Poppy. You will need to take a photo of the moment of Poppy's arrest. You should be extremely careful and attentive, as the cops may switch to you. Please note that Poppy will fly around the city at very high speed, so try to keep up with her. In the end, it doesn't do her any good and they crash straight into a tree, and the cops soon handcuff her. You will need to take a photo on your cell phone, send this photo to Beverly and then get out of this place.

Note: To get the gold, you will have to keep up with Poppy during the chase. In addition to this, you will also need to have time to take a photo of Poppy already in “shackles”.


Hero: Franklin.

Location: near a park called Mirror.

Reward: No.

As soon as you find yourself in the green area of ​​the park, Beverly will call you and tell you that the British princess wants to buy herself some drugs and you need to take a couple of pictures of this deal. Well, go to the place that will be marked on your map and go inside the supermarket. Inside, find a trash can and go to it. Climb along it to the top, to the roof. As soon as you find yourself on the roof, turn on your camera on your mobile phone and don’t wait long - take a photo. Just remember that no one should see you!

Note: To get “gold” in this task, you need to take a photo at the moment when the drugs are being transferred into the hands of the princess, while remaining invisible.


Hero: Franklin.

Location: southwest side of Franklin's new cabin. The task becomes available to you immediately after the attack on Grove Street takes place.

Reward: No.

As it has already become clear, Beverly took full advantage of you, but did not want to pay for his services. At the same time, this man has already assembled a good team and started filming his own reality show! Here you can calmly leave and the task will be completed, but also if you want to get “gold”, then you will need to take advantage of the delights that are in the Ammu-Nation store, thereby killing Beverly instead of with his purchased team. In general, an old grenade launcher or a sticky bomb will help you a lot in this matter. As soon as you are done with all the photos, then collect everything that fell from these corpses and quickly get out of this place, as the police will arrive soon.

Walkthrough of Agitator Barry's quests

Barry's quests become available immediately after you complete the main story quest called "Predicament", as well as an additional quest from Tony called "Favour". The listed tasks will be available to all heroes in the game.

So, old Barry leads the life of the most “purebred” freak, sitting in a park located in the city center and doing his best to promote the legalization of marijuana. In general, his tactics are as simple as day - he lets passers-by take a drag and then asks for a signature. The first of the heroes to meet the agitator is Michael.

Agitator - Michael

Hero: Michael.

Location: a park located in the very center of Los Santos.

Reward: No.

After you smoke one small joint, Michael will be seized by strong hallucinations and he will soon see aliens in general. It's time to take a gun and shoot at these alien creatures.

Note: in order to get “gold”, you will need to kill ten aliens and at the same time receive minimal damage to your armor along with your health.

Agitator - Trevor

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a park located in the very center of Los Santos.

Reward: No.

Despite the fact that Trevor will be very angry about the legalization of drugs (unlike Michael), he will still smoke and also “catch” glitches. Trevor will now find himself in the company of evil clowns, which, by the way, he hates fiercely! So, evil clowns will climb out of the trucks until they are destroyed and the enemies subsequently stop appearing.

Note: To get gold in this task, you will need to destroy four trucks before the clowns start crawling out of them. In addition, you will need to kill six more clowns during one dance.

Agitator - Franklin

Hero: Franklin.

Location: head to Textile City.

Reward: No.

So, Franklin will not have any hallucinations, unlike Michael and Trevor. In addition, he is also not against the legalization of weed and he is generally very positive about it. Bari will ask you to find two cars with weed. You should go on a search only when you receive an SMS with the location of the car. And one more important point: each task to find a wheelbarrow with grass is a separate task.


You can find the first car in a warehouse located in the forest. To complete this task for "gold", you will have to break away from the police and complete this task without being wanted in 2:45.


You can already find the second car in a landfill. You can pick it up only with the help of a tractor, which is located near the entrance. The car will need to be brought straight to Barry.

Note: To get “gold”, the car must be on the hook of the tractor absolutely the entire way, and you will need to invest another minute and a half.


Hero: Franklin.

Location: go to City Hall.

Reward: No.

After you have completed all the previous tasks that Barry gave you, then wait a couple of minutes and then go to a place called City Hall. When you get there, call Barry. During your dialogue with him, it turns out that you came to this place in vain. To complete this task, simply leave the area.

Walkthrough of Mary Ann's quests

Running away from yourself - Michael

Hero: Michael.

Location: southwest side of Michael's house.

Reward: You will receive a new contact on your mobile phone, which will be Mary Ann.

Well, it's time to warm up a little, so take the challenge of a girl named Mary Ann.

Note: To get "gold", you will have to run the whole way, without cutting anywhere at all.

Running away from yourself - Trevor

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Vinewood Hills.

Reward: You will have Mary Ann in your contacts on your mobile phone.

Old Trevor will simply be floored. Hurry up, get on your bike and drive as fast as you can! By the way, Trevor will shout out beautiful love words to this lady.

Note: To get the “gold”, you will need to try not to push this fast lady, and not to make her angry at all. In addition, you will need to meet 1:42.

Running Away - Franklin

Hero: Franklin.

Location: the northwestern part of the peninsula called Paleto Cove.

Reward: No.

Once again you will have to face a sick athlete named Mary Ann, who is a real badass. To beat her in a triathlon, you will need to run the entire route and not take any shortcuts.

Walkthrough of spaceship parts


Hero: Franklin.

Location: head to the Sandy Shores. Becomes available immediately after you complete the story mission "Glory or Shame".

Reward: space ship UFO.

As soon as you meet with Omega, who is a real professional on issues related to aliens, you will immediately receive the task of collecting all fifty parts of the spaceship. A map that was released specifically for this by the developers will help you in this search.

Completing Hao's quests

Shift work

Hero: Franklin.

Reward: you get access to street racing that will take place throughout the city of Los Santos from 20:00 to 5:00. There will be five tasks for Hao in total, each task will be paid from 450 bucks and up to 650 bucks for each completed race!

To start, you will need to take part in one race. The victory will not be difficult, but despite all its ease, it is best to use Franklin’s skill, which will be very useful in this task. While driving, you can delay time, thereby avoiding sharp turns, etc.

Note: To get gold in this task, you will need to complete all two laps without any collisions.

Completing House quests

Risk assessment

Hero: Franklin.

Location: a place called Vinewood Hills, a little north of Franklin's cabin. Available immediately after you complete tasks with a girl named Mary Ann.

Reward: Home will appear in your contact list, allowing you to skydive.

You just need to follow the instructions given by the House, and then jump from the parachute.

Note: In order to get gold, you will need to fly in free flight for seven seconds and at the same time not open your parachute. When there is a competition on bicycles, you will need to spend two seconds in the air and, of course, win.

Liquidity risk

Hero: Franklin.

Location: Los Santos local airport.

Reward: No.

The task is quite simple. So, you will again have to compete with the House and naturally you need to win.

Note: To get gold, you'll need to flip your Blazer eight times and still survive landing in the water without your parachute.

Target risk

Hero: Franklin.

Location: roof of a local bank.

Reward: No.

After you receive a call from Dom, get into the helicopter and ride it to the roof of a bank called Maze Bank. Next, you will need to jump down from this place with a parachute.

Note: In order to get the gold, you will need to fly for about eight seconds without a parachute and then land on the back of the van.

Unconsidered risk

Hero: Franklin.

Condition: you will have to make all those jumps (with a parachute) that were available to you after the “Risk Assessment” task.

Reward: No.

Try to take a leap of faith after Dom takes one and try to survive such a fall. If you survive, then you get "gold".

Completing Abigail's quests

Death at sea

Hero: Michael.

Location: a place called Paleto Cove. The task becomes available only when you finish the aspen part of the game and all the tasks in the Blitz game series.

Reward: you will get 10 bucks along with a boat called Nagasaki Dinghy.

So, a girl named Abigail will ask you to find all the pieces of the submarine. All parts will be marked on your map, so finding them will not be difficult for you. This search should take you about an hour at most. And one more important detail: to complete this task, you need to have a pier in which there will be a small submarine on the western coast of Los Santos. You can find the girl at the docks.

Passing the quests of the Slaughterhouse

Slaughter - 1

Hero: Trevor.

Location: near a place called Sandy Shores. Becomes available immediately after completing the Trevor Phillips Industries mission.

Reward: No.

The main difference between these quests and the "Freaks and Strangers" quests is that you don't have to start the "Slaughterhouse" quest with some chatter and other nonsense. You just need to simply take control of Trevor and go to the place that will be indicated on your map in the shape of an orange skull. At the place of arrival, simply arrange a massacre and after this skirmish the task will be completed.

Note: To get "gold" in your first "Slaughterhouse", you just need to kill 45 village people, three of them will need to hit the head and also blow up two of some vehicles.

Carnage - 2

Hero: Trevor.

Location: eastern part of Los Santos.

Reward: No.

This time, Trevor was picked on by the guys from the Vagos gang, who didn’t like their accent, so he decides to tell them off.

Note: In order to get “gold”, you will need to kill at least 45 people, and of these forty-five, six will need to get hit in the head and blow up two more vehicles. Also remember that your time will be limited, so you need to do everything extremely quickly.

Carnage - 3

Hero: Trevor.

Location: Davis.

Reward: No.

Now it’s the guys from the Ballas gang who are also not happy with the nervous Trevor, so you need to deal with them.

Note: To get “gold”, you will need to kill 50 people, make six accurate hits to the head and also blow up two vehicles.

Carnage - 4

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Fort Zancudo.

Reward: No.

This time Trevor has a more serious problem: he had a fight with the military and again his nerves began to “play.” Quickly take a grenade launcher and bomb tanks with it.

Note: To get the "gold", you will need to kill about 45 people, while making six more accurate headshots and destroying two tanks.

Carnage - 5

Hero: Trevor.

Location: go to a park called Mirror Park, which is located near the tavern.

Reward: No.

Now Trevor doesn't like one guy's T-shirt and starts picking on him. A couple of words fly out, after which there is more carnage!

Note: If you want to get "gold", then kill 30 local hipsters and 10 of this gang will need to be shot straight in the head. In addition, you will also have to destroy two vehicles.

Completing Cletus' quests

Target shooting

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Sandy Shores.

Reward: Cletus will appear in your contacts.

So, Cletus, a local hunter, asks you to go shooting with him. Nothing complicated, just do everything he tells you.

Note: If you want to get “gold” in this task, then you will have to kill two coyotes with one shot, then shoot three wheels, and the accuracy must be at least 75%, and also shoot three satellite dishes, which old Cletus will show you.

Fair play

Hero: Trevor.

Location: forest called Paleto.

Reward: you will be able to hunt.

In this next simple task you will have to shoot three moose. Keep in mind in this task that only those with antlers should be killed. As soon as Cletus leaves you, you will need to kill the last elk. To complete the task, you will need to take a photo of the corpse of the last moose and show the photo to Cletus.

Note: If you want to complete this task for “gold”, then you will need to shoot from the side that is leeward and at the same time not allow the animals to notice you. In addition, you will also need to kill three moose with a direct hit to the heart.

Completing missions of the Border Guards

Civil Patrol

Hero: Trevor.

Location: desert called Grand Senora.

Reward: you will receive 500 bucks, new contact - Joe.

So, now you have to help the patrol catch some suspects. The task is simple and no difficulties should arise.

Note: In order to get “gold” in this task, you need to leave one mariachi group in just forty seconds. In addition, you will need to stun them with an electric shock and steal their Tornado.

American hospitality

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a mountain called Chiliad.

Reward: 500 bucks.

Hurry up, get into the van and help the patrol catch the ill-wishers. Like the previous ones, the task is not particularly difficult.

Note: to get “gold” you will need to stop all targets with a stun gun, and the first group will need to be stopped in 30 seconds, and the second in 55 seconds.

Marine Blues

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Paleto Bay. The task becomes available only after you complete the previous tasks with the patrolmen.

Reward: No.

Now he gives you the order to kill two of Trevor's friends. The task is difficult mentally, but easily accomplished.

Note: In order to get the "gold", hit Joseph and Joe with your stun gun, instead of killing them right away. You need to kill them before they leave the farm.

Completing quests Souvenirs of Vinewood

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Vinewood Hills. Becomes available immediately after you complete the "Friends Reunited" quest.

Reward: No.

At one point, ol' Trevor encounters local celebrity fanatics on the street who will be rummaging through one of the trash cans. Suddenly, they perceive him as an aging celebrity, after which they take pictures with him and ask him to help them find a couple of celebrity things. As a result, you will discover the “Souvenirs” quest chain. Marked areas will also appear on your map in which you will need to search for celebrity belongings.

Souvenirs - Willie

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

A famous group called Love Fist performed at another club, so they already went to their hotel. But their manager, named Willie, remained in place. You will need to hit Willie well and pick up the tooth that he falls out. It is advisable to do all this extremely quickly and carefully, since the police will soon arrive at this place.

Note: To get the "gold", you will need to talk to the escorts and not allow Willy to hit you.

Souvenirs - Tyler

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

This time your goal is the house of the famous Tyler Dixon. Please note that a huge fence will be erected around his house. In this task you need to find a low gate and jump over it. Once you do this, very carefully try to steal Tyler’s clothes while he, in turn, swims in his pool, and his girlfriend in the jacuzzi.

Note: To get gold in this task, you will need to carefully knock out the local gardener in stealth mode and also carefully steal Tyler Dixon's clothes.

Kerry souvenirs

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

Now you have to steal Keri McIntosh's dog collar. As soon as the dog notices Trevor, he will immediately begin to run away from him. You will have to immediately run after her. As soon as you can catch up with this dog, take off his collar and get out as quickly as possible.

Note: In order to get “gold” in this task, you just need to keep up with Dexie during the entire chase.

Souvenirs - Mark

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

Your next target will be playing golf, and will be surrounded by a whole crowd of bodyguards. Getting to Mark quietly will not be the easiest task. In order for the task to be successfully completed, you need to get to Mark so that he is visible and you are not. The easiest way to shoot this star will be with sniper rifle. If you didn’t have time to shoot his bodyguards, then it’s best to sit in a car and just ram them all.

Note: For “gold” in this task you will need to pick up a club in just 30 seconds, while shooting three bodyguards and Markov himself, but always in the head.

Souvenirs - El Di Napoli

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

As soon as you meet again with a couple of fanatics (Nigel and Mrs. Thornhill), you find out that this time they were able to track down a celebrity named Ela Di Napoli, so they want to catch him. Al Di Napoli himself already knows about these sick old men, so he immediately jumps into the car and quickly gets away from you. You will have to get behind the wheel of Nigel's car and chase this celebrity. Note that you shouldn't ram him - just stay close to him. In the end, Al Di Napoli crashes into the doors of one hospital and that's the end of it.

Note: To get “gold” in this task, you will have to constantly stay near the star’s car, and then you will have to not hurt anyone or damage the car when you drive through the corridors.

Souvenirs - Curtain

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: No.

Now the sick old guys have already played enough with the star and are asking Trevor to get rid of him. Well, get behind the wheel of Nigel's car and take El Di Napoli to the railway. The star will ask you to spare his life, so you can either kill him or let him go.

Note: In order to get the “gold”, you will need to kill Al Di Napoli, and you will need to jump out of the car in which the star is located before colliding with the train.

Passing quests Mod

Meeting with Maud

Hero: Trevor.

Location: a place called Sandy Shores. Becomes available immediately after you complete the task "Mr. Phillips".

Reward: You will see a Mod contact in your phone.

Go up to the girl who is sitting at her laptop in the park and chat with her. This girl (aka Maude) will ask you to help her find local criminals, thereby becoming a bounty hunter. For every bandit you catch and bring back (safe and sound), you will receive 10,000 bucks! Naturally, a dead person will stand half as much, so there is no reason to bring them like that. As soon as you chat with Maud, you can then immediately leave, so she will send you the location of each criminal from time to time.

Ralph Ostrovsky

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: 5,000 - 10,000 bucks, new achievement "Deliver alive or alive."

It won't be difficult to catch a man named Ralph Ostrovsky, and he'll be alive. He is very timid and if you just shoot a couple of times in the air and hit him in the face, he will immediately begin to give up. In general, when you catch him, get into the car and take him to Maud.

Larry Tupper

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: 5,000 - 10,000 thousand bucks.

A man named Larry Tupper will be hiding in an incomprehensible barn with his friends. You need to shoot Larry's friends as quickly as possible so that he, in turn, does not get far from you. As soon as you kill his friends, quickly catch up with Larry and give him a good punch in the jaw, after which you calmly take him to Maud.

Glen Scoville

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: 5,000 - 10,000 thousand bucks.

As you climb the mountain called Chiliad, you will immediately notice a man named Glen Scoville who is about to jump. As soon as he notices you, he immediately jumps down and you will need to follow him, so quickly take your parachute and jump after him! During the flight you will need to stay close to it. As soon as the two of you land, quickly catch up with this criminal, hit him and pack him in a car, and then take him to Maude with a calm soul.

Curtis Weaver

Hero: Trevor.

Reward: 5,000 - 10,000 thousand bucks.

You can find the last ordered criminal in the tramp camp. You will need to stun him immediately using a stunner. Once you do this, you can take him to Maude. As soon as you meet with Maud, she will inform you that she will no longer be involved in catching criminals and will say that it is all over.

GTA-5 is the latest part of the popular series of games in open world. With each new version, Rockstar improves existing mechanics and adds new features to its project. By the fifth game the project had reached the peak of its development. It is unknown what the developers will be able to surprise fans of the game next time. In this article you will learn how to complete GTA-5 100 percent.

Content in the game

GTA-5 was originally released on previous generation consoles. The creators were in no hurry to release it on personal computers. In anticipation of the release of the new generation of consoles, the company was creating a full-fledged version for consoles and personal computers.

For the long wait, fans of the series were generously rewarded. In the transferred game, gamers were treated to new features, completely updated graphics, additional content and much more.

Before completing GTA-5 100 percent, you must find out what elements make up a complete passage. If you complete the entire storyline, it will not be considered 100% completion.


The main characters of the game are 3 characters: Michael, Franklin and Trevor. Each of them reveals himself gradually in his career, revealing new details of the plot. For all three of you you will have to go through unique missions. It is worth noting that if the tasks for one of the characters have ended and no longer appear, then this does not mean the end storyline of this hero. In most cases, this means that you must complete all quests with two other characters, which will lead to a joint mission (for example, heists in GTA-5 are completed with only three characters).

You can bring the game to its logical conclusion exclusively through storylines for each hero and general tasks. However, we are interested in how to complete GTA-5 100 percent, so we move on to the next component of the game.

Additional character quests

In addition to the main storyline, for each hero there will be periodic appearances additional tasks. Nobody will force you to do them, but for complete passage this will have to be done. For example, after a certain stage in the plot, Michael will receive a call from his daughter and ask for help in dealing with one of the gentlemen. You can excuse yourself and go about your business, or take a task and complete it. In the second case, completing the mission is taken into account when calculating percentages in statistics. It is recommended to complete them immediately, since you will not be able to complete GTA-5 100 percent, ignoring secondary quests. There are a total of 69 quests in the main storyline.

Random encounters

In addition to additional quests for each character, there is a specific set chance encounters. It will not be possible to complete all encounters with one character, since they are tied to a specific character. Based on the name (random encounters), you should not conclude that you will have to drive around Los Santos for a long time in search of strangers with quests. The developers skillfully placed all the NPCs so that the player could meet them on the way to key places in the plot or be sure to drive past them in a car and notice them. Even if your goal is not to complete GTA-5 100 percent, we recommend completing random encounters - among them there are some very interesting tasks. There are a total of 58 such missions in the game.

Hobbies and entertainment

After completing all the described tasks, start having fun. These include sports games, street racing, sea ​​racing, off-road racing, flight school. Some of them can only be completed with certain characters (for example, illegal street racing is available only to Franklin).

Miscellaneous achievements

Another tip on how to complete the GTA-5 game 100 percent. To do this, you will have to use all the features of the game: collect hidden objects, rob stores, buy all kinds of real estate, have fun with friends in bars, bowling alleys, and so on. To complete the game you must not use cheat codes. Because of them, the percentage counter will not reach 100 even if all the described points are completed. That is, the innovations that were added to the version for personal computers and new generation consoles are not mandatory and do not count towards the overall progress statistics. Now you know how to complete GTA-5 100 percent. If you complete all tasks the first time, you can finish the game in 30-35 hours of real time.

If in GTA 5 the missions of the main storyline are completed and 100 percent progress is achieved, then you should not be disappointed.

The main narrative gives a huge amount positive emotions, but even after its completion, there is still plenty to do in the world of San Andres.

The developers have prepared a huge amount of all kinds of entertainment that will captivate you for dozens of additional hours. You can find out all the details about them from this article.

World tour and photography

Completing missions in GTA 5 does not mean that the adventure can be completed and the game should be deleted. Even without going into multiplayer mode, there are activities you can do to keep yourself entertained. Here, first of all, it is worth noting the beautiful world around us, which can be seen in the example of Los Santos. Even simply exploring the nooks and crannies of the metropolis and other places on the mainland can be fun.

The game has very beautiful places that are worth visiting

At the same time, the player will discover incredible beauty, interesting references to other projects and much more. To make your exploration more fun, you can set yourself the goal of taking a selfie with all the animals in San Andres. They must be alive, and completion of such a task will be rewarded with an achievement.

Cars, stunts and more

After completing GTA 100 percent, the player should definitely start his own collection of cars. Users have the opportunity to upgrade any car, which will become the coolest on the streets of Los Santos.

After this, it is recommended to drive around the streets a little, test the controls and stop at a red light next to some driver. This will be a kind of challenge similar to a short distance race. The diversity of the world in GTA 5 can be felt at the moment when the player slowly drives a cool car along Vespucci Street.

You can build your own collection of tuned cars

If you move at minimum speed, you can see how non-player characters begin to take pictures of the car. Returning to the topic of photographs, you can see interesting secret, if you get into any of the mansions in Vinewood, where girls are swimming in the pool. At the same time, you need to have time to take a selfie with them. The entertainment is one-time, but the fun is worth your time.

After this, the player can take a BMX bike and go train in stunts. If you manage to create your own combinations, you can make a video and post it for public viewing in special services. This takes time and patience, but the result will definitely bring satisfaction.

Complete chaos

If tasks and missions in GTA 5 are not enjoyable, then you should try a proven scheme. In any of the parts of the series there was simple entertainment such as turning the streets into a real hell. To do this, you should stock up on weapons, codes for immortality and plenty of ammunition. Conquering Los Santos using this method, as well as seeing the reaction of law enforcement agencies, is worthy of attention. The activity doesn’t last long, but challenge lovers should definitely grab military base. The player, on behalf of one of the characters, for example Michael, calls Trevor and Franklin and invites them to have a drink.

Raise hell on the streets of Los Santos

Instead of going to the pub, you should go to the northwest coast, where there is a facility with maximum security. The fight against the military people will drag on for a long time, and the assault may not even succeed the first time. As a prize, you can receive interesting equipment for your collection.

If this level of mayhem seems insufficient and you want something original, then go as Trevor at night under the main bridge. The player will see such a diverse audience that there will be no limits to surprise. Hippies, homeless people, outcasts and other individuals with unusual behavior will be able to entertain with their conversations.

Sports passion

Of course, completing 100 percent includes some entertainment from the list of sports activities, but even after that you should not give up trying to become a champion. Darts and billiards are easy enough to learn, but golf is a tough challenge.

This game will require several hours of time and even developing your own tactics. Plus, this is an opportunity to earn good money and gain additional achievements. When such sports activities begin to get boring, the player can go skydiving.

Spend your free time playing golf

This method also pumps up the character's stamina. Ski jumping can be a great experience and an adrenaline rush. All you need to do is take a good motorcycle, go through a few training sessions, and then record your tricks for the collection. The same applies to air tests on airplanes and helicopters of various types.

Exploring the world from above can be even more fun. Another enjoyable attraction is the shooting range. Shooting tests are also necessary for complete completion, but for variety you should look a few times. Becoming a master of all sports in GTA 5 is not so easy and only a few users can boast of such an achievement.

Additional missions

In GTA 5, the additional mission called “Strangers and Oddballs” is recommended to be completed completely even after reaching 100 percent in the passage. This indicator requires only 20 out of 58 possible tasks, but no one limits the user in this regard. The developers have worked hard so that these quests can be of interest to unusual personalities and stories with unpredictable turns of events. For example, during one of the tasks the player will meet a person who is fighting in every way for the legalization of marijuana.

You can complete the game 100% by completing random missions

These missions are a great opportunity to brighten up time in the signature style of GTA 5. This activity will captivate the user for ten hours. You should also not ignore random events if they occur on the streets of Los Santos. In the game, these are considered to be incidents involving non-player characters. They occur in certain places at the moment when one of the main characters is nearby. To complete 100 percent you need 14 out of 57, but you can continue to have fun similar method. A random incident is always a joy to see, because it introduces chaos, variety and sets an additional goal for the player. This is why GTA 5 is loved by millions of people.

Stock Exchange

Making money is one of the main goals in the world of San Andreas. Currency will allow you to buy the best vehicles and real estate. In this case, you should pay attention to Lester's missions in GTA 5. They are related to investments on the stock exchange. If you complete all five tasks from this character, the total amount of funds will increase tenfold.

The first task, called "Murder - Hotel", is completed as Franklin. The point is to use all your money to buy BettaPharmaceuticals shares on the BAWSAQ market. After this, you should save 12 times at home, and the securities will become more expensive by 81.5 percent. The essence of the second task “Murder - 4 targets” is even simpler.

Play the stock market to earn millions

It is necessary to use the money of three heroes to look at the LCN exchange and buy shares of Debonaire Cigarettes. Then you should wait 2-3 hours until the competitor, Redwood, reaches the $50 mark. After this, all available shares should be sold and purchased by Redwood. Then again at home you should save 12 times, which is equal to four game days. As a result, the profit will be 300 percent of the initial amount.

The task “Murder - Panel” is completed using the same method, only operations are performed with Fruit and Facade. First, wait for the shares of the first company to rise to 51 percent, and then sell and buy the second ones. The fourth task is related to Vapid shares on the BAWSAQ exchange. Again, you should invest all the money, wait 2 days and withdraw twice the amount. Last mission identical to the previous one, only Goldcoast shares, and a profit of 81 percent.

100%? For true fans GTA series, no game will be completed until their stats reach 100%. If you are that person, then you have come to the right page.

In order to view statistics and progress, you need to go to the pause menu and go to the Statistics > 100% checklist section, or track this list and much more on the website Social Club.

Basic list for 100% completion of GTA 5

Brief overview of the list of what you need to do in order to pass GTA 5 on 100% :

  • 69 missions- complete the storyline.
  • 20 strangers and eccentrics- complete the missions of all strangers. These missions are not included in the main story missions.
  • 42 hobbies and entertainment- racing, shooting range, flight school, etc.
  • 14 random events- help stop criminals, etc.
  • 16 miscellaneous- buy something special or collect various items, performing unique jumps

Missions (55%)

There are 69 missions that all need to be completed.

Strangers and weirdos (10%)

There are 58 missions from strangers and eccentrics, but only 20 missions of them are credited to 100%.

Hobbies and games (10%)

There are 59 activities and hobbies, but you only have to complete 42 of them:

  • (victory)
  • (Bronze or better, within 12 challenges)
  • (get par or lower)
  • (Perform 13 jumps)
  • Private dance in a strip club
  • Racing (Bronze or better) - (6), Sea (4), (5), Triathlon (3)
  • r (bronze or better for 6 weapon classes)
  • (victory)

Random events (5%)

There are 57 different random events scattered across the map. For 100% completion you need to complete 14 random events.

Miscellaneous (20%)

  • Complete and collect - Letter scraps (50), Spaceship remains (50), stunts and jumps (25), fly under the bridge (25)
  • Buy 5 of any real estate.
  • Buy
  • Walk and play with Chop.
  • Complete the Booty Call
  • Use the services of a prostitute
  • Rob a store
  • Visit the cinema
  • And also visit - Bar, Cinema, Darts, Strip club

GTA 5 video 100%
