Fallout 4 nickname Valentine does not give the quest. Locations to explore

Nick Valentine one of the possible partners in the game Fallout 4. He works as a detective in his agency in Diamond City, and is with a synth. Nick is one of the most interesting teammates in the game, he really has something to tell you. In this guide, we will help you find Nick Valentine, learn about his abilities and skills, and help you improve your relationship.

Nick Valentine's location

In order to find Nick Valentine, you need to do the following:

  1. Arrive in Diamond City after receiving the quest "Pearl of the Commonwealth".
  2. Find information about your son by asking about him in the city.
  3. Get the quest "Valentine's Day".
  4. Completing the quest should take you to Park Street Station.
  5. Follow the sign and find where Nick is being held.
  6. In Vault 114, help Valentine get to the surface.

How to get Nick Valentine as your partner

The further path will lead you to Diamond City. Upon arrival there, go straight to Nika's agency, another quest awaits you there "Revelation" at the entrance of which you will have the opportunity to take Valentine as your partner.

Nick Valentine's Skills and Abilities

Skills: If you have problems with hacking and safe breaking, then Nick best choice for you. He will unerringly hack any terminal, box or safe, and will also be able to cover your back with his revolver, which can save you from death. Just ask him to hack and Valentine will do it.

Capabilities: Gives one additional option and 50% cooldown when hacking terminals. Nick's ability is more than useless, considering that he himself is good at hacking terminals.

How to max out your relationship with Nick Valentine

Nick Valentine is not a romantic interest. He doesn’t like it when you support the actions of synths from the Institute, he is neutral towards the Brotherhood of Steel, he agrees and supports your decisions in relation to the Underground. One of the actions for which you will receive relationship points is hacking terminals. Below is Nick's list of preferences.

Table with a list of Nick Valentine's preferences:

The creators of Nick made sure that the policeman’s consciousness would help him overcome troubles. Already two hundred years ago, an operation was performed on his brain. The mounted consciousness belonged to a policeman who disappeared after his mind was scanned. The nurse, the girl who performed the scanning operation, was killed by Eddie Winter's gang of gangsters. Valentine managed to find out this information after analyzing the archives while looking for data on Kol.

Valentine will tell you a lot about the policeman during the passage fallout 4. Once you become friends with Nick enough, he will ask for a favor. Eddie Winter needs to be punished. Nick suggests that he was still alive, reincarnated as a ghoul who fenced himself off from the war in the Vault.

The task involves searching for 10 holotapes that belong to Eddie Winter. To do this, you are forced to visit all existing police departments. These records secretly encrypt the coordinates where the criminal is hiding. When you find all the parts of the records, go to the coordinates. Next, you need to take the life of the killer from whom the useful pistol drops.

Nick Valentine- is a very important and very interesting character in the game Fallout 4. Nick Valentine is a detective whose office is located in Diamond City. main character recruits Sean to help search for his missing son. During the passage Fallout games 4, Nick Valentine can become the main character's partner.

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Biography of Nick Valentine in Fallout 4

The main character, having found Nick Valentine in Vault 114, was very surprised to learn that Valentine is a synth. There is no mistake in this, this detective was created by Institute scientists in an attempt to create a new generation of synths, completely indistinguishable from an ordinary person. Apparently the created synth did not fully satisfy the scientists, so Nick was simply thrown out onto the street like some kind of garbage. Nick Valentine took a long time to come to his senses, wandered around different parts of the Commonwealth, but eventually settled in the Diamond City settlement, this was facilitated by the fact that Nick helped save the mayor’s daughter.

Nick Valentine as partner

As mentioned above, Nick Valentine can become the main character’s partner, and it is worth noting that Nick is a very useful partner, his main ability is to hack terminals of any complexity. At the same time, in a shootout Nick will not be a statistic, he shoots well, can pick up weapons from killed enemies, uses cover in a shootout, and can also fight the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. So Nick Valentine is a very useful partner.

The developers did a very good job on this detective story, for example, if the main character is talking with someone, and during the conversation Nick gets into the frame, you can see that he is not standing like a pillar, but is using his free time usefully, he can drink something, sit on a chair, smoke, work at a workbench and much more. Also, Nick doesn’t always follow the main character’s tail; sometimes he can walk around the territory on his own.

After the main character and Nick Valentine “become friends”, Nick will give the main character a special ability called “Heart of Steel”, this ability allows the main character one more bonus attempt while hacking terminals, in addition, the recovery time of the terminals is doubled . In order to become friends with Nick, you just need to do good deeds, from this your reputation will slowly but surely rise.

Quests in which Nick Valentine participates

Nick Valentine is a significant character for the game Fallout 4, 4 are tied to him story quests and several side quests, here is a list of all quests where Nick Valentine participates:

  • Quest "Valentine's Day"— once in Diamond City, the main character tries to find local detective Nick Valentine, but after visiting his office, the main character learns unpleasant news, the detective himself has disappeared and in order to move forward in the search for his son, he needs to find Nick Valentine. The search will be very exciting, it will lead the main character to Vault 114, where the detective will be found;
  • Quest "Revelation"— after the main character saved Nick Valentine, they go together to search Kellogg’s house in order to understand where to move next. A lot of interesting things will be found in Kellogg’s house, but the main thing is his personal belongings, using which you can send Dogmeat on Kellogg’s trail;
  • Quest "Reunion"- during this quest, the main character, along with Nick Valentine, tracks down the kidnapper of his son and kills him. The main battles will take place in the Fort Hagen location;
  • Quest “Dangerous Thoughts”- and then Kellogg is killed, but it is not entirely clear where to look for the protagonist’s son. In order to move forward in the search, the main character goes to dangerous experiment, he and Nick go to the Good Neighbor location, where, with the help of Dr. Amari and a piece of Kellogg’s brain, the main character plunges into Kellogg’s thoughts and memories;
  • Quest “It’s high time” - this quest can only be completed after the quest “Dangerous Thoughts” and only with a high level of trust between Nick Valentine and the main character. We need to help Valentine deal with his personal problems, namely, kill the bandit Eddie Winter;
  • Quest “The Gilded Grasshopper” - in this quest you need to help Valentine with one investigation. According to the case file, there is evidence that the statue, which is located on the roof of Faneuil Hall, contains a cache of treasure. The main character has to find out if this is so;
  • Quest “Disappearing Trick” - another quest in which you need to help Valentine with the investigation of one case. During this quest, the main character helps find a certain Earl Sterling. That's enough interesting quest, so we advise you to go through it.

Quest It's About Time in Fallout 4: a list of places you should visit is here. After you complete the previous two quests, your relationship with Nick will become close. Talk to him and learn about his secret business. Talk to Nick and Ellie to begin this quest. Nick will ask you to find 10 holographic recordings that belonged to Eddie Winter. He believes police terminals contain clues to the location of these recordings. Nick will give you the first holographic recording, but you will need to find the rest on your own. Examine the notes in Eddie Winter's file, then look at the map for the location of the notes.

You have a lot of work to do as each location needs to be visited in person. Each of these locations has police terminals that you can use to access Eddie Winter's files. Once you view the file, you can search the building for a holographic recording.

List of places to visit

  • Regional Office of BADTFL. There are raiders here. Holographic recording is on the cabinet. You can find Guns and Bullets magazine here.
  • Police Department Maldena. The unmarked location is located near the center of Malden. Inside you will find a desk containing a holographic recording. There will also be one of the collectible magazines here.
  • Quincy Police Department. Be careful as there are arrows here. The worst thing is that you will have to face their leader Tessa, equipped with Power armor. The holographic recording is located next to the locker.
  • Natick Police Department. The recording is inside the locker, but the place is guarded by Deathclaw. It is best to pre-equip yourself in Power Armor.
  • Natick Sheriff's Office. The note is on the locker.
  • East Boston Police Department. Inside the destroyed police station there is a recording on the table.
  • Police Department South Boston. There are several opponents here, as well as a police protectron. Destroy them all, and then look for a holographic recording on the office desk.
  • Police Station 8. This location is located west of the Boston Public Library. There will be a holographic recording in the next room.
    Coast Guard Pierre. There will be a large concentration of super mutants here, so be careful. The holographic recording is on the safe. You can also find a collectible magazine here.

    Once you have found all the entries listed above, review them with Nick. He will decipher everything they say and determine the code to Eddie Winter's bunker. It's time to head to Andrew Station and put an end to Eddie. There will be a lot of raiders here. Go down into the subway tunnels and follow the sewers. Note the metal door with the keypad. Enter the code that Nick deciphered for you, and you can get inside.

    Inside you can deal with Eddie Winter. After killing an enemy, be sure to pick up a unique revolver. Leave the shelter using the stairs and move to Joe's Coffee Shop. Talk to Nick about everything. Now you can achieve the most high level relationship with Nick and get his unique perk.

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