Fallout 3 addition point lookout. Point Lookout: Walkthrough

Now you have to continue your journey, full of adventures. Go to the pier and find Madame Panda's shop among the many shops. Once you enter, you can buy many souvenirs related to the island. I advise you not to skimp and buy as many necessary things as possible, because soon you will not have such an opportunity.

Having skimped, you can walk along the shore, moving to the eastern part of the location. After walking a little, you will see a mansion that will remind you of Desmond's house. Head towards it and go inside. Now you will see a grandfather sitting in a wheelchair. However, do not rush to approach him, because he will be negative at the very beginning. Wait a little, and then approach the old man. You will learn that one valuable book was stolen by the savages. He will ask you to find it and bring it to him. For this he will promise 1000 caps. Agree and hurry to continue Fallout walkthrough 3: Point Lookout and deliver the stolen item to its owner.

However, as soon as you get to the house, a woman named Marcella will come out to meet you. Chat with her and find out that the book you are looking for is called Krivbekbook. She will also tell you that this book has magical powers. She will also ask not to deliver the book to old man Obadiah, but to bring it to her, so that she can use it to destroy the infernal manuscript once and for all.

After carefully listening to this lady's request, hurry up and continue the passage of Fallout 3: Point Lookout and head to the park where mutants live. After passing through the park, get to the ritual shelter of your opponents, and next to it you will see a hatch leading to the basement. Lifting the hatch cover, you will find a hole leading into the cave. Go down and go through this underground tunnel. It is worth noting that in this cave you will find moonshine. After tasting this unearthly drink, head to where this magical book Krivbeknig stands in the very center. Approach it and take it, simultaneously dealing with the enemies on the way out of the cave.

If you want to bring the manuscript to its owner Blackhall and earn 1000 caps, then hit the road. After handing over the book, you can look into the basement to see with your own eyes what exactly Obadiah will do with its help. He will stand near the corpse and read prayers over it.

And if you want to help the girl Marcela, then go to the tent city where you met this nice lady. But it turns out that she was killed. Go to her computer and find an audio recording made a couple of minutes before her death. It turns out that this book can only be destroyed in the Capital Wasteland, in the place where the obelisk is located, which embodies true evil. Continue through the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout and head to Dunwich, because this is where this obelisk is located, near which you can destroy the magic book once and for all, thus fulfilling the will of the woman.

Velvet curtain

There is a pier in front of you, look around and go forward. When you go beyond the pier, you will see a hotel with a sign that says “Home.” Go inside and on the first floor you will find a Chinese pistol lying abandoned on the chest of drawers. Then search the room and examine the terminal that is on the table. It turns out that once before the war, this room was rented by a certain Chinese who did not have time to cope with the task assigned to him. So hurry up to finish what the narrow-eyed one started and find the key to the storage locker. You can find it in a suitcase lying in the room.

When you take the key, move to the pier and open the cell, in which you will find the audio password used to open the cell in the bank. In this cell you can find a task that was assigned to a Chinese spy. Continue through Fallout 3: Point Lookout and go to the bank, which you can find not far from the hotel. Be careful, because the bank is guarded by soldiers who need to be dealt with at the very beginning.

After the passage is cleared, calmly go to the terminal and provide the password from the audio recording. However, not everything is so simple, because the system will recognize the password, but not the owner’s voice. So quickly find the audio recording you picked up and turn it on. The system will now recognize the password and let you through. Open the cell and find instructions there. After reading the information written there, you will learn that there is a ship sailing in the territorial waters of America that needs to be destroyed. But to destroy it, you need to use the password, which is hidden in the jaw of one of the agents who were sent to this territory. His name is Wang Yang.

Naturally, no one knows about the whereabouts of this agent. So hurry up and stock up on dental instruments and go looking for this Wang Yang. Go to the police station, which is located next to the bank. After going into a large spacious room, you will see a computer in which you can read that the agent you are looking for was caught and sent to the Gorlitsa camp to serve assistance. This camp is located in the northern part of the island, between swamps, which are overgrown with forests along the perimeter.

After you fight off the enemy attack, move inside the camp. On the territory you can find ammunition, weapons, and other necessities. Then move to the morgue and there you will find the agent’s corpse, open his tooth and hurry to blow up the ship. In the further passage of the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, you need to get to the boat and find the on-board computer on it, into which you need to write the destruction code. After this, try to leave the submarine as quickly as possible, taking with you the power brass knuckles, which can be taken from the chest. After completing this mission, you can safely return to the Rodnoy Dom hotel and receive further instructions. Having arrived at the place, you will find the coordinates of the bunker; it is located underground. Follow the indicated coordinates, and they will lead you to a point located next to the Calvert estate. To get inside you will need cryptochromatic glasses; you will find them in the toilet in your room. Wear them to dial the bunker entry code. It will look like this: in the annex there are large vases that lower when you activate. The order of activation depends on the number of stripes on the vases. When you complete these steps, a hatch in the middle of the extension will open.

When playing through the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, it should be noted that in the bunker you will have the opportunity to quite seriously replenish your combat reserves. But as soon as you want to do this, the Protectron will approach you and offer you new instructions. Follow him. Arriving in the room, there will be a small surprise; instead of new instructions, you will be attacked by the Chinese. The door will close behind you and radiation will begin to emit from the hatch. To solve this problem, use the repair skill to repair the hatch, which in turn will stop the flow of radiation into your room. After this is done, go to the electricity panel on the wall; after working on it, the doors will open. You will meet the protoelectron again, naturally kill him. After all, it was because of him that we got into trouble.

Safari Plica

In the rocky area east of the cathedral, look for a door that will lead to the Lost Grotto. There you will meet a ghoul named Plik, he will invite you to take part in an unusual safari. The cost of participation will cost one thousand caps. The safari will involve hunting ghouls, and Plik will not provide you with any help. So it will still be necessary to figure out who will be the hunter and who will be the victim. After paying the entry fee, you go to the arena, where two more of the same daredevils will be waiting for you. The task is indeed not easy, because ghouls will fall from all sides, but having completed it successfully, return to Plik, because a reward in the form of a captured ax will be waiting there.

Whiskey shortage

At this stage of the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, in the center of the island you can find the habitat of Margarita the Moonshiner. She will explain her unhealthy appearance to you as orange fever, but since the cure for this “fever” is moonshine, it suggests that she simply felt as good yesterday as she felt bad today. Having agreed to provide her with a service, you will find out the list of ingredients necessary for extraction: yeast, punga, nuclear battery. Just by searching the location meta, you will find all the necessary things. To speed up your progress through Fallout 3: Point Lookout at this stage, look for the necessary ingredients in the mutant camps. When you return to Margarita the Moonshiner, she will immediately begin preparing the medicinal mixture. You will have to come for your reward only the next day, it will be a couple of liters of moonshine. You can also earn one hundred caps by fixing a moonshine still that has broken down.

Ancient country

If you go down a little from the Cathedral, you can find a shipwreck called Ozymandias. If you climb inside and dig around properly, you will find a terminal from which you will learn that geological research was carried out at the Observation Point to find natural gas. Dig into the papers, there you read that the instructions for the entire team were to conceal the true purpose of the research. To figure out what is hidden behind the veil of the unknown, go in search of an audio password that can be found in excavation sites. Having found records in three pits, return back to the ship. There, using the terminal, you will gain access to secret data. As it turned out, the company hid that the gas originated from the mass graves of soldiers killed during the Civil War, and if the public knew about this fact, then there would be no talk of production in principle. This information also explains all the mystical events that occur on the island.

Quests not shown in the Pip-Boy

When playing through the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, you can find tasks that are not displayed in the Pip-Boy. These include a quest from Nadine, who promised to find out the name of the person involved in drilling holes in your head. You can find her near Duchess Gambit. She will tell you that she found and caught a maniac who was partial to other people's brains; he turned out to be, oddly enough, Captain Tobar. Nadine also tells you the location of Tobar, namely the engine room, where she personally locked him. And if you agree to kill him, the new captain of the ship, Nadine, will be able to transport you back to the Wasteland for free.

Also, during the passage of the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, you can get a free place to stay for the night at the Point Lookout, for this you need to complete a task from Kenny. You can find it a little below the Cathedral in a rocky area near the mine. First, you will listen to the mystical story about the Duke, who blew up his own workers in this mine, and then himself ended his life there by hanging. Since then, there have been rumors that the ghost of that same duke is wandering in the mine. Kenny asks you to go inside and return his teddy bear. Having agreed, go to the mine, destroy the swampers located there and you will easily find Kenny Bear there.

One more side quest You might find it difficult to find the truck that overturned near the cathedral. If you don't pay attention to it, you won't know that the lighthouse lamp is hidden in it. Taking it from the trailer, you can repair the broken beacon at the Viewpoint.

These are all tasks that do not relate to storyline, but that's not all you can do in Fallout 3: Point Lookout. Using a shovel, you can excavate holes that are scattered throughout the island, but this is not a rewarding task, since the developers did not make sure that you found something through excavations.

To repair tools, uniforms and replenish supplies, you can contact the Haley Products store. You can also get a jumpsuit called "Red Racer" which will add +5 repair ability to your characteristics.

When passing the game Fallout 3: Point Lookout, you will find yourself in the west of the island, where you can find a plane that crashed before the war. Searching near the wreckage, you will find a black box that will tell you about the last minutes of the crew’s life.

To start this quest you need to get into the Turtledove Concentration Camp. There you will find a small shootout between robots and ghouls. When you defeat both sides, then go to the administration building and look into the terminal. There you will learn about a dead spy. You should go to the Rodny Dom motel in room 1D. And then you will find another terminal. It contains a mission note that is intended for that dead Chinese spy who lies behind you on the bed. You need to go to the pier to the locker. Take the key from the spy's luggage bag and follow it to the pier. There you will see many lockers, one of which contains mission details. It turns out that the record contains a password to the bank, from depository box 1207. Let's go there. We turn on the note through the Pip-Boy 3000 in front of the intercom. The lock opens and there we take instructions on the mission of the Chinese spies. From them we learn about some ship and that it needs to be destroyed. In this case, the Chinese spy was supposed to be helped by Agent Yang, information about which you should find out in the terminal about accepting recruits. You should return to the Turtledove camp again. There, go down to the morgue and find the corpse of Agent Wang Yang. His false molar needs to be pulled out, inside of which there is a microfilm that contains the codes for the self-destruction of the Chinese submarine, as well as its location. We go straight to her, or rather, we are ardent. We activate the self-destruct system, and also activate the switch to notify about the destruction of the submarine. You should now go to the Hometown Motel to receive new instructions. Now you need to grab the cryptochromatic glasses from the toilet tank in room 1D and use them and the number sequence note to get into the spy bunker. We arrive at the appointed place and see four pedestals. We put on the glasses and use the pedestals in the sequence specified by the note. Near the second pedestal, the entrance to the bunker will open. At the entrance you are greeted by a protectron, to whom it is better to tell the password and you will need to follow it to clarify the data about the operation. By entering the room and using the terminal, you will find out that they wanted to kill the agent with radiation. But we are smarter than them, right? Just follow the instructions in the picture if you don't know how to get out of there. This concludes the task.

You can find Blackhall House in the west of the park. Inside the house you will meet Obadiah Blackhall, who will ask you to find this book. On the way out you meet a girl. Marcella says that the book you were sent for is Krivbeknikh, the focus of evil. And asks you to bring the book to her. One way or another, you should go to the Ritual Sanctuary. After walking around the dungeons a little, you will find the book in fresh blood. We take it for ourselves and go either to Obadiah or to Marcella. But that was not the case! You are attacked by many monsters who have stolen this book. Let's fight for her! As always, we win and come out unscathed (more precisely, out of blood).

1. If you decide to go to Obadiah, then you simply give the book, and he will give you money and go to the basement to do terrible things with this book.

2. If you listen to Marcella and go to her tent city, you will find that it has been attacked. After killing the smugglers, we go into the tent and find Marcella’s corpse. We notice a strange note on the table. Let's listen and find out how to destroy the book. Now we should go to the Capital Heath in Dunwich. On the map of the wasteland it is located in the southwest. Markers should help you in your search. Find the obelisk in the Dunwich Building. Click on it with a book and that's it! The quest is over and your karma has increased!

At Margarita's shack, you meet... oddly enough, Margarita, who says she has orange fever. She's lying. She just wants a drink whose recipe has been passed down from generation to generation in her family. For the drink she needs: 10 peeled or 20 wild Punga fruits, 3 bags of yeast, 6 nuclear batteries. When you find it all, return to her and give all the ingredients. She will go to prepare "moonshine". It will take a day. You receive the drink and the task is completed! You can get the drink again after a while.

The task begins when you discover a coastal grotto in the east of the park (screenshot attached). Inside it, Plik, a ghoul, sits on a chair. He invites you to take part in his Safari. For this he asks for 1000 caps. We bring him money and the Safari begins! We go to the arena - there you are met by two people just like you. I give the signal - the massacre begins! If you survived, and you must survive, then we go back to Plik. For victory he will give you a hatchet. This will complete the task. You can come here once every three days.

The quest can be started at the ship "Ozymandias". The ship was wrecked. And now he stands alone by the shore. You need to climb onto the ship and rush through the hatch to the lower deck. There you will find a terminal with a record of gas fields. There are only three of them and after you examine them all, you will gain access to the safe. Are you wondering what's inside? We run to the deposits. We enter each of them and take the record. In each of them, Caroline Saunders, the expedition's chief chemist-geologist, will talk about gas deposits and highlight various facts about them. She will tell you that you can really earn a lot from them, but she does not understand what kind of alkaline residue is there. But we can find out from the record in the terminal that people were buried there. We take the recording data to the ship and load the data into the terminal. You will be given access to the contents: Containers with biogas, anti-radiation suits, Rad-X and anti-radin. They will also give you 50 experience for completing the task.

The Point Lookout: 09.14.2274

I just noticed. It turns out that the journey to the “Viewpoint” lasted a whole month. Wow, I slept.

In the morning I rushed to the Estate. There, in the stash, they found yeast and nuclear batteries for a margarita drink.

Then she went to look for Agent Yang. Whether it was long or short, in about two minutes I reached the Gorlitsa concentration camp.

The security is serious. Turrets, security robots, protectrons.

I examine Bungalow B - nothing. Interrogation Room A. Interrogation Room B. Bungalow A. Administration - on the computer: "Young died this afternoon during an interrogation on Form D. We called a medical expert who certified the cause of death. Her body is now downstairs in the morgue, box TD-0181..."

Walking around the administration building, I find the entrance to the basement. Having found the cabinet with the remains of Yang Wang, I pick out an artificial tooth with the submarine’s self-destruct codes.

I rummaged around in search of Pung. I came across a landfill. Radiation is terrible.

And here comes the brawler.

There are strange structures, like totems.

Bones totem

Totem Doll

I found as much Punga as I needed and gave it to Margarita. She promised to make her potion in a day.

I'm going in search of the submarine SSN-37-1A. She went ashore. However, you will have to dive. Improved anti-radiation suit, Rad-X. I'm diving. I turn on the self-destruct mechanism. I'm running away. Exploded.

I'm flying to the "Native Home" for further instructions. "1_3_2_3_4_4_2". "Seraphim Descends"

I fish cryptochromatic glasses out of the toilet tank and head to the Calvert Estate.

The first pedestal is near the TV. I run according to the specified sequence, a hatch opens into the Chinese spy bunker.

Protectron welcomes you warmly. After making sure I know the password, he takes me to the room with the terminal.

Blackwater rifle.

Blackwater rifle

We need to try it in action.

Mother of God! That's a lot of ammunition!


It was not possible to evacuate. The level of science is not enough...

I'm going to deal with the savages in the Cathedral. I start my way there from the merchant. I came across the Hayley's Crafts hut. There is a note on the porch, not yet clear. Inside is Hayley herself. Well, another outlet.

"Blackwater" is nothing like that. Killing power almost like sniper rifle. And the cartridges are 10 mm. Economical. Cheap and cheerful... :)

Cathedral "Ark & Dove".

I make an agreement over the intercom that they will let me in. But only after the test. You have to go all the way to the west! What should I do? Who has it easy now?..

I'll walk. Maybe I'll find something else.

And exactly. Not far away I find a broken truck.

I found a lighthouse lamp in the truck. Having read the note found on the porch again, I guess about some connection between the note and the lamp.

We need to run to the lighthouse. Inquire. That's right, the lamp at the lighthouse is broken. I'm replacing it. I turn it on. Hooray! It's working!

That's no use. Those. what good is this for me...

On the hill is the cemetery of the Ofi clan. The ghouls have already hesitated. They come in packs.

From the hill I see a two-story building and to the left - a tent city.

I'm going to the tents. "Reserve outpost." Marcella's tent. Marcella herself.

is a sad example of how a controversial idea suffers from poor implementation. Yes, $10 is a modest amount, but a miserable " " in Alaska, where there is almost nothing to do, and a sluggish " " are not needed for nothing. Of course, it’s not easy to think about quality when management demands “additions” every month. However, even to the strictest rules there are exceptions. Point Lookout inferior only to the more expensive one The Lost and Damned For Grand Theft Auto 4 .

Cthulhu doesn't walk here

System Requirements

Pentium 4 2.4 GHz/Athlon XP 2500+

1 GB memory

GeForce 6800/Radeon X850

700 MB on hard drive

Fallout 3

Recommended Requirements

Core 2 Duo 2.5 GHz/Athlon 64 X2 5200+

2 GB memory

GeForce 8600 GTS/Radeon X1900

700 MB on hard drive

Fallout 3

As in The Pitt, the new mini-addon takes place in a separate area. Stepping aboard the ship, the hero finds himself in an abandoned nature reserve in Maryland. The local swamps look creepy, even though they were not burned with atomic bombs. The oppressive situation reminds Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth And Silent Hill, radioactive slush squelches underfoot, and the path through the thicket of ugly trees disappears into the fog. It’s gloomy here even during the day - the sky is always covered with leaden clouds. In addition, the picture is blurred with a “faded” filter. To the usual image Fallout it doesn't look like it at all, but the world after a nuclear apocalypse could certainly be like that.

Among the attractions Point Lookout- almost all the templates of “horror”: a dilapidated tourist area with a Ferris wheel, a couple of family mansions, lonely forest guards, a cursed mine, a lighthouse and a camp for Chinese prisoners of war. However, despite the straightforward approach, Bethesda has maintained the style well. Only dozens of dolls pierced with stakes are out of place.

Unfortunately, there are almost no attempts to scare the unknown; hallucinations, “voices in the head” and a mysterious evil book are squeezed into the game hastily and very clumsily. Instead, the authors copied American “horror films” of the 70s: “The Hills Have Eyes”, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”, etc. Of course, the extreme cruelty of the inhabitants does not cause fear, but only hostility and the desire to feed them lead.

The peninsula is home to two groups of feral people: the church is occupied by cultists who expand consciousness with drugs and lobotomies, and mutated “redneck” cannibals are hiding in the quagmire. Both are surprisingly dangerous opponents. To finish off a fighter in motorized armor, a gang of clumsy pygmies with double-barreled guns will take only a few seconds, but both shot and plasma bounce off their rhinoceros skin. For players who didn't buy Broken Steel(i.e. those who did not raise the level bar above 20 and missed out on captured equipment), it will be difficult to fight with the degenerates on equal terms.

You can download Fallout 3: Point Lookout on PC for free from our game resource.

Point Lookout is the fourth official addition to the game Fallout 3, developed by the Bethesda Softworks studio of the same name. The localization of the game is still being handled by the domestic studio 1C-SoftClub.

Fallout 3 is one of the most iconic and... popular games in the first-person action RPG genre. The game itself presents us with a unique opportunity to explore completely open world, completing quests in a sequence convenient for us. Sometimes, the plot throws us irrevocable events in which the difficulty of choosing between good and evil arises.

In general, the game, even without add-ons, is full of various pleasant little things that extend its life. But nevertheless, the developers strongly support the gaming community and try to please it with new additions.

Try out the fourth expansion for Fallout 3 for yourself. To do this, we invite you to download Fallout 3: Point Lookout from our website to your PC, completely free of charge.


One of these additions is Point Lookout, which provides us with a huge location in the form of the mouth of the Potomac. The mouth of the Potomac is located on the territory of a former antebellum park in one of the many US states - Maryland. The state itself, after the events that led the world to a post-apocalyptic state, was renamed that same Point Lookout.

The plot of the fourth addition will tell us the story of the conflict between a lone monster, called ghouls, and a certain cult that is engaged in secret mystical affairs that are so popular among the local population, namely savages.

The game will offer us to play for the new hero Desmond Lockhart, who has not previously been seen in the entire series Fallout games. It is this hero who is a prominent representative of monsters called Ghouls.

Game Features

  • New storyline
  • Nonlinearity of events
  • A completely open world to explore