Dark messiah secrets. Secrets of the game Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

Walkthrough Dark Messiah of Might and Magic :


At the end of the corridor, go left. Take the key from the stove and use it to open the door with the spider sign. In the adjacent corridor, press the lever located in the left wall, then quickly run through the opened door at the end of the corridor. Next, go down into the pit, there, with a kick, break the wooden support. Then climb up the chain and jump from it to the ledge. From there, go up to the platform and go left to the wall. There, disassemble the blockage from the boxes, and then break the boards that block the passage to the next room. To "see the light", use the spell of the cat's eye (key 1 by default), and then jump down and leave the hall through the hole in the right wall. After getting out into the corridor, take the sword from the box, with which you must cut the rope holding the coffin suspended from the ceiling. Breaking off, he will break the boards that close the passage to the far part of the corridor. There you will meet a zombie that you need to kick with your foot so that it falls into the hole. After that, jump down and finish him off. Next, you will have to practice a little more in the ability to handle the sword, after which your mentor will open the door leading to the large hall.
After killing the Black Guards, go through the raised grating into the next room. Once there, you will receive 1 skill point, which you can use at your discretion. You can also break the box with the eagle painted on its wall, from where you will take the health potions. Having done all this, climb up the chain and go to the hall where the crystal is stored.

Chapter 1

Having risen to your feet, go out into the courtyard and run towards the rising bridge. Then turn right and run down the street to the house, from the window of which a citizen is waving to you. Climbing up the chain, run after the guy to the attic. From there, jump over to the platform of the bastion with the hanging rope. After landing, run to the right to the doorway. To the left of it there is a lever that must be pressed to block the road for the ghouls that have broken into the fortress. Next, follow the guard to the ballista. With it, you can deal with the Cyclops. Three successful shots will be enough to defeat the monster.
After the fight, take the note from the table and pick up the bread lying on the bench near the ballista and on the far table, and then go down the stairs to the back room. Take away a book from the table from which you can learn about the creatures that inhabit the world and how to deal with them, then break the box to get a healing potion, and leave the room, lifting the grate with the wheel. In the second room, pick up the staff leaning against the wall, if you need it, then go down to the floor below. There you will find a shield, a bow, a short sword, daggers (in the chest) and food (from the chest).
After leaving the street, move to the left to the stone wall. There, under the archway, is the entrance to the tavern, where you can get hold of food. Turn left from the tavern, go up the stairs, turn right and move forward. In the dark passage you will find two boxes from which you can also extract food. Going further, turn right into the passage and exit to the next street. From there, go left to go inside the house located opposite the large gate. Go up there to the second floor. In a chest on the floor near the railing you will find a "healing potion", in a wardrobe there is a "mana potion", and on a table opposite the cabinet you will find a "freeze scroll". After that, go outside and go to the large gate, where the sorcerer's niece will meet you. But before that, go to the last house on the right down the street and climb to its roof along the stairs leaning against the wall. From there, go to the roof of the adjacent house and climb into the attic through the window. From the box standing there you can extract the "Potion of Complete Healing".

Chapter 2

After jumping out of bed, run up the stairs to meet the Black Guardian trying to attack you. After "showdowns" with him, take food and a bottle of mana from the chest of drawers, then go downstairs. In the room one floor below, grab the food from the cupboard and the wooden staff from the wall (if needed), then exit through the door to the courtyard.
After dealing with the guards, search the boxes and go through the courtyard around the corner of the castle to exit to the backyard of the building. There, go to the left, destroying the Black Guards, and go under the archway. Next, climb the stairs and go along the wall of the building to the door leading to the basement.
After going downstairs, go through the door to the right of the stairs. Inside the small room, break two crates to get food and an antidote. After that, leave the room and go along the corridor to the large hall, where a couple of guards are talking. You have two options: either kill them or sneak quietly to the locked door located in the left corner. You can open it using the lever located next to the wall. Climbing up the stairs, deal with a couple of marauders, then search the room and, finally, exit it into the dining room through the door in the far right corner. There you will find another couple of villains who must be destroyed, and then exit the room into the main hall of the castle, where the door located in the left wall leads.
Climb the ladder to the pillar and cut the rope attached to it. Then join the battle with the Black Guardians. After finishing the battle, go through the first door on the left and go left to go through the passage, near which there is an enemy archer. Next, go up the stairs to the end. On the top platform you will find the key to the sorcerer's room, which is located in the tower. Next, go down to the library and deal with the soldiers guarding the area. Then go to the left of the entrance to the wall and you will see a lever, after pressing which a rope will fall from the ceiling. Climb up it and jump down to the beam. Then go along it to the wall, then jump down to the bookcase, from where you can go down to the secret closet, where you will find spell scrolls, a potion and a manuscript. Having collected things, leave the nook and go to the railing. On the floor next to them you will find a love letter from which you will learn how to open Menegal's cache. Next, return to the throne room, go down the stairs and go through open door. So you will find yourself in the sorcerer's office. Inside it you will see a hearth. To the left of it is a candelabra, take it and move it to the other side to open a secret door. Inside the hearth, you'll find a chest containing the "Ring of the Sage", several spell scrolls, and a "Potion of Full Healing". Also in the study, you can pick up the wizard's robe and the restoration potion from the shelves by opening the chest by the door.
Returning to the library, climb the stairs to the roof, located opposite the entrance. When you go out into the fresh air, kick the guard down from the wall with a kick, and then go into the tower - you have the key to the door. In Menegal's room, there is a chest containing two spell scrolls and a large vial of health. Next, go back down, go left along the roof canopy to the next building and jump down to the window through which you will get inside the attic. There, throw a barrel at the guards talking near the wall, then go downstairs and go along the corridor. When you reach the room where the Black Guardian stands near the window, kick the villain out of the window with a kick. After the soldier who flew out, climb out the window yourself and walk along the wall to the platform in the far right corner of the courtyard. From there, climb the stairs to the window, because of which voices are heard and climb inside the room. You will not be able to intervene in what is happening inside the room, because. the necromancer will have time to freeze you, and you will only have to watch the death of Menegal. After the frost releases you, run across the rooftops after the vampire who stole the crystal.

Chapter 3

After running out of the tower to the roof, climb into the attic through the window and run to the right to see the fleeing ghoul. Then run after him, jumping from rooftop to rooftop. When the thief starts climbing up the inside of the wall, run out onto the balcony, break the boards nailed to the racks and get over to the edge of the roof, along which you need to run to the right to the end and jump onto the roof of the neighboring house. From there you need to go along the boards to a dilapidated area. While there, you will see a vampire that has reached the attic of a nearby house. Follow him without losing sight. When you get out through the window to the roof, be careful, because. its surface is very slippery, and you can fall down. Then again jump over to the nearest roof and climb through the window to the attic. After passing through it to the other side of the house, jump onto the chain, climb it up, and then jump onto the wooden walkways. On them you will come out to a stone platform, on which you need to jump over and go to the left in order to jump from its edge to the second chain. From there, it will not be difficult for you to jump to the edge of the roof of a nearby house and reach the construction "scaffolding". They will lead you to the wall where you will have to climb up the ledges and reach the corner platform from where you can go inside the tower.
After going down the stairs, go straight to the small room. There, climb out through the window to the ledge that runs along the wall. Walk along it to the right to the end and jump onto the box that stands by the fence. Next, you should break the boards in the fence and go through the hole into the alley. Having reached the end of it, climb into the sewer through the hatch located on the ground. The dungeon will take you inside a large warehouse that houses several necromantic henchmen. When you get out of the hatch, go through the door, finish off the guard sitting at the table, and then go out into the large hall. There you will have to deal with a couple of soldiers. Three more Black Guardians will come running from the street to the noise of your battle, and you will have to defend your right to life. After the battle, take the key to the Arsenal and the key to the hatch from the corpses, which is located right there in the warehouse. But do not rush to climb there, but go out into the yard. There, climb the long ladder leaning against the wall to the balcony. After killing the archer standing at the stairs, go to the left. At the end of the balcony there is a small room where you will find a longbow and "assassin's clothes" which can add armor to you. Having collected the necessary things, return to the warehouse and climb into the hatch.
When you get to the place where there are two large barrels against the wall, turn left and exit into the cave. After killing two soldiers, go through the door located on the left. In a small room, you will find a swordsman's ring, chainmail and Naga's silk sword, plus a chest with quivers of arrows and an antidote. Next, exit the room and go left along the wall. Behind the second door is a wine cellar, where you will find poisoned daggers and potions, which are in a chest. After collecting things, return to the barrels and go through the door located to the right of them. You will find yourself in a forge, where you can make your own sword. To do this, you need to pick up a hammer from the anvil, you will find a steel bar on the table that stands against the right wall. There you will also find the Dragon Forge book, from which you will learn how to forge a sword. So put the block in the cauldron and turn the wheel to position it over the coals. Next, use the bellows to fan the fire and melt the metal. When this happens, turn the wheel again and the steel will flow into the mold. Now you need to cool the workpiece, to do this, pull the lever located in the wall. Then take the received part and put it on the coals in order to heat it red hot. Having brought the workpiece to the desired state, transfer it to the anvil and, armed with a hammer, forge a sword. After that, it remains only to make the handle. Everything you need for this you will find on the table near the wall.
After receiving the long sword, dismantle the blockage to the right of the door. Behind it you will find a secret passage through which you will reach a large tunnel. Continue to the right and you will reach a large cavern where Aranthir is performing his ritual. To distract the guards from the place where the crystal is installed, open the cells in which the townspeople are kept. When the crystal is in your hands, return to the tunnel from which you came and go to the place where the order for the guards is attached to the counter. The grates blocking the entrance to the sewers will be open, and you can go into the tunnel.

Game: Platform: PC Genre: action Release date: October 24, 2006 Developer: Arkane Studios, Kuju Entertainment Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment Publisher in Russia: Buka Entertainment / Hunt Might and Magic publisher Ubisoft began to restore the popularity of a somewhat forgotten universe. This year, our hard drives were visited for the fifth Heroes of Might and Magic from Russian developers from Nival, and while you are reading this text, there should be an add-on for this amazing game on the shelves of stores. And this project was not enough for the publisher. Studio Arcane instead of continuing your Arx Fatalis, by order Ubisoft began to create a new principal in that Might and Magic universe. Dark Messiah seemed like a flawless project. Good graphics thanks to the power of the Source engine, the widespread introduction of physics, an intuitive pumping system, a smart and sophisticated combat system with an abundance of tricks - in general, we were promised almost everything, and the media increased even more. How sad it was to see instead of a masterpiece and the main nominee for the “game of the year” an ordinary action game exclusively in a fantasy universe with all the ensuing consequences. But we will not open all the cards and tell about everything in order.

What you wanted, you didn't get

The first bummer that lies in wait for a hopeful player is the RPG component Dark Messiah. Yes, we were promised meat and aggressive action, but the fact that pumping would be specifically such, not enough people thought of. It would be more correct to say not “leveling”, but “lack of leveling”, because experience points are distributed only after the completion of a certain task and nothing else. In other words, it seems that you didn’t try and didn’t groan, but you simply won’t be able to make the character stronger than the other player.

The combat system is depressing. It seemed that here it is, specifically the one that the players expected after the release of the famous Blade of Darkness but this is an illusion. Yes, the controls are comfortable. Yes, the animation is good. But there are not enough criminal strikes, and no one has heard of all sorts of supercombos here. Apart from the standard attack, strong attack, "prick" and block, there is adrenaline and proper strikes. After chopping up enough monsters, your protagonist's "adrenaline" parameter increases; having typed the highest value thereof, the protagonist begins to create branded atrocities. Here, the player will see the appetizing chopping off of the adversary's head and other hanging parts of the body, but it is not likely to perform such special moves without adrenaline. It is curious that, having sank to the ground, the corpse loses the possibility of amputating something, no matter how you cut it with the most massive blade.
In general, playing a specifically one-sidedly developed warrior turns out to be the most boring task: just know that wave the blade. Of the pluses, it should be noted the sufficient intensity of the battles. It’s just that you can’t swing your saber right and left (you can quickly attack), so you have to constantly put blocks and take advantage of the mistakes of enemies.

Three in Auchan, not counting Xana

Three classes of characters are featured on the player's tribunal. Having chosen the path of the warriors, you will have to rock life and various power properties. Huge blades and relatively heavy armor are welcome. The shield, by the way, is also available.
sorcerers in Dark Messiah almost look like superheroes. A huge number of fiery spells, freezing, telekinesis, reducing the enemy to the size of a rat - this is just an incomplete list of witchcraft skills. In addition, sorcerers act with staves, which in turn turn out to be not such a weak weapon. One problem with our sorcerers is a short life (everything depends on the buildup), so the main thing is not to let the opponents get to a sufficient distance to attack and quietly and peacefully pour fire on them from afar. But the sorcerer also has many disadvantages. So the last fiery mysticism (worth as much as 10 points) turns out to be a complete misunderstanding. The damage spreads over a tiny distance, and this infection eats a lot of mana.
Freezing is also not particularly useful. The spell continues for a small gap of time, which in a battle with several adversaries leads to virtually zero results. You can freeze not only living creatures, but also, for example, cover the floor with ice, thereby creating a traumatic situation for opponents. Imperfections, but, there are here. It is impossible to freeze or at least put out a fire with the help of magic.
The thief prefers quick sabotage attacks. For this, special pumping and the corresponding tool are provided. The choice of a thief is long daggers and "silent armor". There are many hidden places on the levels, so it's a pleasure to cut down lone enemies a la Sam Fisher. Even getting into a real meat grinder of 3 or even 5 enemies, a thief can simply defeat them with daggers alone. Another fascinating ability of this "profession" is the ability to open locks: appropriate chests are scattered across the levels, in which things necessary for the household are hidden.
By the way, no one forbids making an explosive mixture of several character classes. A sorcerer at heart, but a warrior in reality? Please. A thieving sorcerer? Naturally. The main thing is to know what exactly you need to pump - no one will give you extra points to create a killer tank, as mentioned above.
The most putrid, it turns out, is that the goal of the player is practically the same - destroy everything that moves. In other words, no matter what character you play, non-linearity is only in what method to destroy enemies. Speaking of methods. It is not at all necessary to swing a blade or make barbecue out of opponents. You can famously kick the enemy on a blazing fire, or on sharp spikes, or you can stupidly throw him into the abyss. There are various items on the levels that can be knocked over on unsuspecting opponents. A chandelier, for example, or several barrels fixed at the top. Somewhat overpowering is the fact that these most additional methods of killing are cheekily scattered around the level in industrial quantities - very intrusive.

The artificial mind leaves two kinds of memories. In battle, opponents deftly dodge massive blows, lock themselves with shields, impudently storm with a friendly mass, and, having received a severe wound, try to slip away. But this is a fight. In everyday situations, enemies are simply impenetrably stupid. On one of the original levels, I crept up to the next knight standing near the edge of the stairs. There was no need to choose, and under the force of a valiant kick in the ass, the brave warrior flew down with a noise, breaking through the weak wooden boards under him. After landing, the knight got up, yelled something and began to climb towards me. Without thinking twice, I gave our dunce one more kick. Flight, crackling wood, hitting the floor, again the sound of footsteps on the stairs, a kick. The 3rd attempt to conquer the stairs ended, just like the last two. Out of pity, I just finished off the already lame enemy with a bow. It is not clear why, even from the third test, the warrior did not undertake at least something new, but stupidly went ahead.

Messiah in Ashan, not counting Xana

Plenty of describing the local gameplay, you need to say a couple of printed ones about the plot. How would he be connected to the universe Might and Magic, but the action of the game takes place on the mainland of the unknown mainland of Ashan, which reduces all the enthusiasm of the fans of the Heroes series to nothing. We play the role of Saref, an orphan who became a student of the powerful sorcerer Fenrig. The sorcerer taught the growing youth various arts for the sake of some majestic purpose. Having received all the necessary knowledge and skills, our hero sets off on an ordinary task, which, as you already guessed, will be decisive for Auchan. It's all the fault of that Black Messiah (Dark Messiah) who is going to lower the world into impenetrable darkness.
Our protagonist will be accompanied by two lovely (any in their own way) creations. The first number is Leana - a good and conscientious sorceress, who, by the way, has good external data. The 2nd heroine is the demoness Xana, who lives ... in the body of our hero. The devil often makes vulgar and very shameless comments about what is happening (especially goes to the beautiful Leana), but from time to time she gives Sareth useful advice. In general, Ksana brightens up her stay in Ashan, because without her prickly chatter it would be really sad.

The local world is full of various unsafe creatures, well, just nasty personalities and rogues. The dead, orcs, ordinary warriors, evil sorcerers, spiders, every now and then striving to poison Saref, big cyclops, dragons blazing with fire and many other inhabitants of Ashan simply dream of annihilating the valiant protagonist. Little goblins deserve a separate line. Annoying creatures are hilariously animated, and their behavior, apart from smirking, does not cause. Between their attacks, a simple “pleaaaz” (can be translated as “with your permission” or “please”) is heard every now and then, and, having received solid damage, the goblins lose their weapon and hide in a corner, asking for mercy.

But with something, so with graphics Dark Messiah everything is fine. The Source engine from Valve works with a bang: yes, the picture is not next-gen, but this is not important. The character models do not suffer from the lack of polygons, the textures of the levels are perfectly matched, and the local effects are worthy of a long standing ovation. When your hero casts a freeze spell, his hands become naturally icy, which looks amazing. Well, if you use "fireballs", then you just can't take your eyes off. Smallness spoils the HDR picture - some levels are simply filled with tons of syrup. AT Dark Messiah it’s not even the number of hard-to-pronounce technologies that amuses, but the attention to detail. Here and there birds take off into the air, and fish swim in the water. Without your intervention, most of the opponents go about their business.

Together with that Dark Messiah full of bugs, nasty bugs and just shortcomings. Optimization is also not fun. The game likes to slow down even on the most modern machines and crash when loading a save to the main menu. Owners of graphics adapters without support for third-party shaders will admire various strange effects while using magic. Of the shortcomings, I would like to note the crookedly working night vision mode. For example, while in the water, he simply does not want to turn off, which is quite annoying.

Final comments:

After you pass Dark Messiah you start to realize why Valve always delays the release date. Yes, yes, specifically the same zeal to bring the project to the impeccable state of Arcane Studios. Hence the following result: many good thoughts and ideas have not found a proper implementation. The balance of spells still needs to be brought to reason, combat system significantly expand, and dilute the gameplay with a huge number of non-linear parts. If the developers from Arcane Studios had spent an extra seven months behind their creation, maybe a masterpiece would have come out, but it’s so easy good action in known universe Might and Magic.

Gameplay: Action with RPG elements. Three professions and a thousand and one method of eliminating the enemy.
Graphics: The Source engine is capable of just about everything. Scenic levels, excellent detail and wonderful effects.
Sound: Good quality epic music and high quality voice acting. Is there anything else needed?
Is it forever?: It doesn’t sound absurd, it’s interesting to play for various professions, so going through Dark Messiah again is not such a shameful thing.

Ancient prophecies are calling! Get ready to be the Chosen One, go on a long journey— from big cities to distant islands, to secret temples dedicated to vile ancient cults, to underground necropolises and high cliffs. You will be accompanied by the most beautiful girls from this and the other world. Dozens and hundreds of enemies will stand in your way - orcs, goblins, the dead and still living minions of Darkness. But with the help of a faithful sword, a strong shield and a fireball, you will break the resistance of the unreasonable, and the prophecy will be fulfilled. Or will not - you decide.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is shaped like a classic first-person shooter. Having acquired the Source engine from Half-Life 2, the developers of Arkane Studios took a risk - they added close combat with swords and simple role-playing elements to the game. Having adequately overcome all difficulties and (almost) without stumbling anywhere, they created a beautiful fairy tale - sometimes predictable, sometimes a little drawn out, but very unusual and exciting.

Game principles

There are several endings, optional tasks, and in two or three places the player will be given a choice. But the path along which the hero goes to fulfill the prophecy is rigidly written from beginning to end, from task to task through hordes of enemies, through boss battles, videos and scenes on the engine.

However, Dark Messiah differs from ordinary fighters in that in almost every battle, in every room, there are several ways to deal with enemies or run away from them. Sometimes a few blows with a sword replaces a single blow. For example, if the enemy stands on the edge of a cliff with his back to you and looks dreamily into the distance.

Combat and magic

Game magic is easy to understand - there are spells, there is mana. The second is spent on the first and replenished with elixirs of magic (only night vision does not require mana). For each enemy, for each situation - their spells. Sometimes a simple magical fire arrow will do, sometimes it's better to shock the enemy or freeze him. Every combat spell, except for the fire arrow, has a "cool down" time. It is relatively small for a fireball and very long for a "freeze" or "charm". Already at the first levels, a novice magician can easily catch the rules for using magic - just like that, "by eye".

Sword fighting is much more difficult. You have to fight in the first person, the sword flashes before your eyes, the enemy who has crept up behind you is not visible, and here the camera also swings from side to side. But you'll have to adapt. Left mouse button - hit, right - block. If you hold down the left key and wait, the hero will swing for a powerful blow (power strike), which can serve as a finisher if the enemy is unconscious on the ground. A powerful blow can be of five types - it depends on which direction the hero was walking, swinging. With the help of such a blow, having accelerated, you can push the enemy in the right direction (to the same cliff). But do not forget - while the player is swinging, the enemy can hit him a couple of times in the usual way.

Next to the health bar at the bottom left of the screen there is a yellow adrenaline indicator. It fills up with successful strikes or spells that hit the target. When the parameter reaches its maximum, the hero goes into a special state of berserk and can kill the enemy on the spot with a single blow (power strike). For example, to cut off a head or saw off a limb. In this case, the indicator is completely reset. Only a well-developed warrior can deliver a killing blow twice in a row.

For spells, the action in full adrenaline mode also changes - look for details in the skills section.

Foot kick

You will spend a good third of the game near cliffs, on ledges of rocks, on narrow bridges and cornices. If the enemy is between you and the dangerous edge, do not waste time and magic - just kick him well and send him flying far away.

It is not necessary to drop the enemy from a height in order to deal with him. Any deep water will do - no one can swim in the game except the main character. If a campfire is burning nearby, try aiming and kicking the enemy into the flames - once stepping or falling into the fire, the enemy is doomed.

Throughout the levels, near all the walls in the game, large spiked iron frames are placed. They meet in the city, in dungeons, in ancient temples, in caves - it is not known who brought them here and why. It is not clear why they are attached to the walls with spikes outward - this is dangerous, someone can get hurt. If you contrive and send the enemy to the spikes with a kick, he will elegantly hang on them and, of course, he will no longer be able to participate in the battle.

A kick also helps in combat, when it is necessary to "push" an extra enemy, finish him off or slightly disorientate him in order to break the resistance. But do not think that you can just kick enemies to the edge and drop them down - kicking uses up strength, just like sprinting. Four or five blows, and the hero is already breathing heavily and can no longer move his leg. However, if a nasty ghoul can be thrown off a cliff in two or three hits - feel free to act! You will be able to breathe later.

Character window

By default, the Tab key calls up the hero window (time does not stop in the game). Below - thirty-nine cells of the duffel bag, where the hero puts the found weapons, armor, rings, potions, books, notes and quest items.

Thirty-nine cells is a lot, especially when you consider that all the potions and food stack up in a heap. But by the middle of the game, it's quite possible to fill your duffel bag with unnecessary things, so it's better to pick up only those weapons and armor in the game that you really intend to use. There is no one to sell extra items in the game, but you can throw them away at any time (everything except quest items).

On the right, a little higher - indicators of health, magic, armor class and weapon strength. Nearby there are four empty seats. This is all that is left in the game from the usual role-playing "doll". Here you can hang armor (each type of armor has its own skill requirements), weapons, a shield and a single ring. If there are a lot of weapons in the game, then the choice of armor, rings and shields, frankly, is not rich. But what is there will help both the magician and the warrior. And even a thief.

Elements of stealth

It's hard to play as a thief here. Shadows to hide in are not found on every level. Sometimes the need to escort a key character nullifies all efforts. A pair of daggers isn't bad for a change, but slashing with small daggers and attacking an unsuspecting guard from behind is all the thief can do in the game.

The stealth system works simply - in the center of the screen, the aiming circle also serves as a visibility indicator. The more white sectors on it, the better the hero is hidden. For maximum stealth, you need to take a step and squat. At the same time, the speed drops simply ugly, but a thief can steal a key from a guard's belt where a warrior or magician would simply remove it from a still warm corpse.


Tricks and traps are the secret behind Dark Messiah's unusual gameplay. The spikes on the walls are doing their best to pretend that it is intended that it is normal to stand like this against the wall.

All sorts of safety violations try to look about the same “innocent” - loads suspended on ropes, weak supports holding flooring with heavy boxes and barrels on themselves, fires lit in the wrong places, tall stone statues that are kept from falling only by a pair of rotten boards ... quite by accident, your ill-wishers sometimes find themselves in the danger zone. And all it takes is one kick in a weak spot, one arrow - regular or fiery - for the trap to work and a heavy bundle of logs to fly straight at the cyclops. Ways to use their carelessness (or someone's evil intention?) against enemies are constantly found in the game, and they must be used. If you encounter a dragon or a cyclops, then look around, and almost always you will find an easy way to get rid of annoying interference.

In several places of the game, traps are placed for the main character. These can be booby-trapped chests (they can be found using the thief skill) or unique secrets, which I will talk about in the walkthrough.

Much simpler and more understandable are the traditional underground traps - spikes popping out of the walls. They are first encountered in the Spider Temple in the middle of the game. Spikes can be a good help in the fight against the undead.

Interactive environment

Perhaps, in no other game, including Half-Life 2, so many useful things came across at the levels. Well, let's say that there is nothing surprising in picking up a barrel or a stone and throwing it at the enemy. Mechanisms, drawbridges, fast-firing siege weapons, and chain-linked doors aren't surprising either - they're easy to implement even without the help of powerful physics engines. Much more fun than fire. An arrow, for example, can be set on fire in a fire to send the enemy to the next world with one shot. You can make a fire yourself if you break a small clay vessel with oil and throw magical fire into a puddle. If you put a box in a fire, it will light up and collapse. Experimenting with physics is fun, but experience shows that the hero usually does not have time for this. It takes precious seconds to raise the barrel and swing, and the enemy does not sleep. Maybe zombies, dead people and spiders are not such a problem, but warriors and orcs will cut thin straps out of the hero while he searches for oil, breaks it and sets it on fire. So the good old kick is both faster and more reliable.


At first, the hero is weak and miserable - all he can do is to swing a piece of iron for nothing and turn on night vision. Over time, completing tasks, he will receive skill points, investing them in development branches - military, magical or "other". Remember - the hero does not receive anything for killing monsters. Only the fulfillment of tasks - main and side ones - allows the hero to develop.

Points are not infinite, there are few of them, and until the end of the game the character can develop one of the plus branches all the way. useful little things from another. Become unprecedented strong warrior- the magician will not work. Either this is a magician who took all the necessary spells and added increased health on top, or a warrior who owns the dance of death and knows how to activate the trap with a simple magic arrow.

I will talk about all the skills of all branches below.


Secret chests, secret stash with potions, inconspicuous levers in the form of torches - all this makes the game more interesting, varied and easier. How to find the secret? Some stick out in plain sight - you just need to go along the narrow ledge around the corner and jump into it on that stone block to replenish your stocks of potions and see the inscription "You have discovered the secret!".

Others hide behind secret levers. Finding them is not easy, and a special skill that “highlights” the secrets can help in this. Still others hide behind keyless locks and can only be accessed by someone who has spent skill points on picklocks. There is no mini-game for the lock picks - the hero just spends a few seconds poking around with them in the castle or somewhere nearby.

Some secrets are kept at a height, and can only be reached with a sharp arrow and a long rope.


At the beginning of the game in the orc temples you will find an amazing artifact - the mountaineer's bow. If you hit a tree with an arrow from it, then a rope will smoothly descend from the stuck arrow.

On a note: you can use this bow as a regular weapon if you feel sorry for the arrows, for example, and you have not yet found an endless quiver.

The length of the rope depends on factors unknown to science so far. Sometimes, from a great height, a rope descends right at your feet. Sometimes it ends at the third meter and dangles in the sky. Most likely, this was done in order not to let the player go ahead of time to where he is not needed yet.

Bow many times will help you in the passage. Without it, you can not go through many parts of the game, get some artifacts. In addition, this magical bow can be used to find secrets. The rule is simple - if structures made of wooden beams are visible above your head, then somewhere up there, the developers most likely left something interesting.

This is a bug: sometimes, by jumping onto a rope and making it swing under its own weight, the hero can get stuck in the beams or just in the wall. to do with it game means nothing is possible. There is only one way to get out of captivity - the console, sv _ cheats 1, noclip .

blacksmith craft

Three times during the game the hero will find a bar of metal and with it in a duffel bag he will reach the forge. Not that it was an important element of the gameplay - not at all, forging can be easily dispensed with, and the weapons that the hero forges himself cannot be compared with magical artifacts encountered on the way (however, the sword of earthly fire is beautiful and not bad in business).

This mechanic works simply - you put a bar of metal in a smelting vat, send the vat into the furnace with a few movements of the wheel, inflate the bellows and watch how the bar melts. After that, with the same wheel, you take the vat out of the furnace - it overturns, and the metal flows into the mold. With a lever, you fill the form with water, take the workpiece and put it on the coals. After a couple of seconds, it will become hot - take it out, put it on the anvil, pick up a hammer (it should lie somewhere nearby) and turn the workpiece into a blade with one blow. It remains only to approach the strange mechanism on the table and attach a handle with a guard to turn the blade into a finished sword.

The developers obviously wanted to make something more interesting out of blacksmithing, but they couldn’t come up with anything else and decided to leave everything as it is.

Demonic Form

Around the middle of the game, the hero will receive one wonderful combat ability - he will be able to turn into a demon. At the same time, the field of view expands, instead of weapons and magic, the hero has excellent paws and a tail cut through (some of the developers respect the series of games Alien vs Predator). The hero does not bite off his head, but hits exceptionally hard and at the same time restores health. True, if you just run in the form of a demon and do not kill anyone, then health will slowly fall.

Such a demonic form is a great opportunity to quickly recover for a wounded warrior. For a magician and a thief, turning into a demon is just salvation where brute force is needed. Turn into a demon, scatter enemies and return to normal - this way you can go through difficult parts of the game from the middle to the penultimate level.

Weapons and equipment

All weapons in the game are divided into four large groups: swords, staves, daggers and bows. There are also rare axes, you can even beat with a blacksmith's hammer, but you can’t get away from the main classification:

  • Sword- A balanced weapon of a warrior. Usually a serious sword requires skill Melee Combat (close combat). Only one-handed swords can be used with shields.
  • Staff- the weapon of the magician, and require staves usually possession of magical skills. It is difficult to kill with a staff, but it is not intended for killing, but more for controlling the situation. When you can't get the enemy close to the mage's poorly protected carcass, the staff works best. When an enemy needs to be quickly knocked down or stunned for a finishing blow, work with a pole.
  • Pair daggers- A thief's weapon. They are designed for "super close" combat, it is best to hit them from behind from the shadows. To take daggers in hand, you need to have the Stealth skill.
  • Onion- a long-range weapon with a very limited use. Bows require points invested in hit. Good specimens that the hero comes across towards the end of the game work well at long distances in epic temples. But, despite all their power, bows have a number of drawbacks: in order to use them to their full potential, you need to invest a lot of points in the branch, sacrificing other useful skills. Bows take a relatively long time to load, so they are inconvenient to use in fast close combat and even more inconvenient for lowering cocked traps. And finally, the flight of the arrow cannot be controlled, it is necessary to take a lead, correct for gravity and hope for the best - and the fireball or magic arrow hits where the magician directs it in flight. However, if the hero has chosen the path of a warrior, it will be very difficult for him to do without a bow, and skills will still have to be learned.
  • Shields help a warrior with a sword to live longer in battle, reflecting powerful blows.
  • Armor- Rigidly tied to the skills of the character. With warriors and thieves big choice, magicians - not so much.
  • Rings- There are three types. First, a ring of +10 magic for wizards. Secondly, a health regeneration ring for warriors. And thirdly, the phoenix ring, which revives the hero after an untimely death (while it breaks). There is also a critical damage ring, but it is useless in the game. You can only wear one ring at a time.
  • Elixirs- the second blood of the hero. The warrior lives on the elixirs of life, the magician constantly hopes that there will be enough mana potions. To get to the skills that allow you to regenerate health and magic, you can only closer to the end of the game. Food and drinks will help save potions - you just need to take everything in a row, without hesitation: meat, fish, soldier rations and mushrooms. At the same time, it is advisable not to miss large magic mushrooms - they restore both health and mana. Full health potions are best kept for a rainy day, and stone skin elixirs are best saved for dealing with ghouls.


Warrior abilities

Melee Combat

  • First level. Gives you the ability to strike faster (Flurry of Blows - effective against those who can not block blows with a shield), as well as to attack from a run, disorienting the enemy and opening him up for a blow (Charge).
  • Second level. Grants the ability to use shields and disarm the enemy when they are disoriented. The first is great, the second not so much. It is much more important to kill quickly than to twirl the sword, trying to scratch the weapon out of the hands of an enemy warrior.
  • Third level. Accelerated strikes will sometimes break through blocks. When jumping, the warrior will strike from above. With full adrenaline, a warrior can crouch and start spinning, chopping off the legs of everyone around (of course, you must use a powerful blow while holding down the mouse button).

Close combat is a necessary skill for a warrior. Anyone who has gone down the path of the sword must learn all three of its levels in order to advance further along the "military" skill tree.

Bow (Archery)

  • First level. Allows you to zoom in on the image while aiming from a bow. At the same time, the sight still walks, and the arrows fly along a parabola.
  • Second level. The archer's hand becomes firmer, the scope stops moving. But the laws of gravity still apply.
  • Third level. Speeds up bow reloading.

Bow proficiency is required for all serious bows in the game. But if I were a mage or a thief, I would consider investing skill points in a bow if there are many other ways to kill enemies from afar. Fire arrows and balls do not obey the laws of physics, but perfectly obey the magician himself. Another thing is if you are a pure warrior. You need a bow to get to the coveted power.


The first level adds two points of damage to hits, the second - four, the third - eight. The skill is not cheap, but if you are a warrior, then you must definitely take it immediately after the "Melee".

Critical Hit

The first level gives an additional 2% to the chance to deal double damage, the second level adds another 2%. The skill is expensive, but it will come in handy for a pure warrior, as it leads to Adrenaline.


An adrenaline-fueled warrior quickly gains rage and can use it twice in a row. The effect in battle is amazing! Playing and fighting with improved adrenaline becomes much easier and more fun. Need to take.


The magician will delve into this branch, but even a warrior can pick up a couple of good and cheap spells for himself.

Dark Vision

Initially, the player has. In fact, these are night vision goggles. Like regular "Samfisher" gaming glasses, dark vision blinds the player in the light, "illuminating" the picture. Under darkvision, it is inconvenient to walk with a fireball in your hands (however, it is generally inconvenient to walk with it). The spell does not require mana, it turns on and off at the request of the player.

Flame Arrow

Universal weapon. The comical "lighter finger"; however, when a charge flies out of the finger and flies, obeying the sight, at the head of the enemy, it is not at all funny to him. The rate of fire depends on the distance to the enemy - you can shoot again no sooner than the previous charge hits the target or milk. If the monster came close, the “finger” shoots almost at the speed of a machine gun.

The Firebolt is the Mage's main weapon in the first third of the game. Useful, however, for any character. The ability to quickly fire in the right direction is indispensable when you need to quickly activate a trap or simply set fire to a puddle of oil in front of the enemy.

In full adrenaline mode, the finger releases several charges at once and, as a rule, any enemy is killed by a direct hit on the first hit.

On a note: if you miss with a spell or hit, the Adrenaline mode will not reset, giving the player a second chance to land a killing blow.

Fire Trap

Excellent, lethal, cheap mine. It can be placed on a horizontal surface at a distance of ten meters from the player. You can put several pieces at once, waiting for a few seconds of "cooling down". It is triggered when someone (other than the player) steps on it, when a magical charge flies over it, or when another trap explodes very close (hence the rule - put them away from each other). The explosion hits the area, does not spare the player either.

The fire trap works perfectly against slow moving enemies such as zombies, undead and spiders. As a matter of fact, against spiders this is just a panacea - better way no fight with them. The mine kills a large spider instantly. A hamster, that is, a small spider, is torn to pieces.

You can also use mines against people, luring magicians and warriors to "minefields". They don't always die after the first explosion... but the pursuers' health after it will, of course, not be the same. If you are discovered, then there is usually no time to set a trap, so it is better to mine the battlefield in advance.

Although working with mines is not as dynamic as a fight on fireballs, they never fail. Even a warrior should learn this skill.


A very funny thing - covers the enemy with a layer of ice, immobilizing for a few seconds. In adrenaline mode, it freezes to the state of an ice block. If the charge hits the ground, it creates a patch of slippery (for everyone except the player) ice one and a half meters by one and a half meters. Any humanoid, once on the ice, will slam and roll by inertia on the floor ... or into the abyss. A fall on the back acts like a normal stun - the enemy is lying around for three to four seconds, then, groaning, rises.

It must be understood that freezing does almost no damage and at the same time has an unreasonably long “cooling down” time - in a dynamic battle, the skill is almost one-time. Does that mean it's useless? No, there are a couple of places in the game where you can get rid of several enemies at once by making the ground slippery in front of a cliff and hiding behind a bend. I admit, watching the orcs as funny penguins fall one after another into the abyss is fun. In addition, the spell itself is inexpensive, and the mage will have to take it, because it leads to one of the most powerful spells in the game - a fireball.


Powerful ball of fire. Explosion across the area. Excellent killing power. Guaranteed stun on any enemy. It flies where the magician points. This is a universal weapon that the mage will use until the end of the game.

But it has two big drawbacks. Firstly, the cooling time is on the verge of obscenity. It's good that the enemy does not have time to wake up between the fireballs. How about two or three? Yes, even with different parties? kick? It won’t work - a kick resets the cooling time, and after it the ball needs to be “charged” again. The meaning of the kick is lost, it's better to throw the ball in the face of the enemy and at the same time suffer slightly from the effect of defeat in the area. If only the adrenaline mode was not turned on at the same time - the fireball “on steroids”, of course, will tear several enemies to shreds and red dust at once, but blowing it up next to you is suicide, unless the magician’s health is pumped up.

This was the first drawback. And here is the second one: the ball in the hands of the hero covers a third of the screen and blinds him according to all the rules of HDR - that is, if there is twilight ahead, then against the background of a bright ball, the darkness becomes impenetrable. You have to constantly walk around with a “lighter finger”, so that later, at the right time, switch to a large, powerful, but inconvenient fireball.

Lightning Bolt

I am now a demon. I'll beat you all with my tail!

Not the most convenient spell. Lightning cannot be controlled in flight. Lightning cannot stun the enemy - it only slightly shakes him with current. In berserk mode, the spell can instantly kill several enemies in front of the player, but the mage cannot rely on adrenaline.

Nevertheless, it is worth taking lightning. She is the only effective weapon against orcs and goblins that is resistant to fire spells.

Hellfire (Inferno)

Finger flamethrower. A very expensive spell, stands at the very end of the branch and is absolutely useless. Hellfire has three problems - a very small radius of action, an unreasonably large consumption of magical energy and the impossibility of using it in close combat - if you try to direct a jet from under the nail at an enemy who is standing close, the player himself will light up. Until the developers fix this problem with a patch, magicians save on hellfire and spend the freed skill points on the neighboring magic branch.

And by the way, here she is.


Simple and cheap healing, converting mana into health. A useful thing for warriors who need health more.


The ability to "make friends" with one enemy for half a minute. Useless in a one-on-one combat, but in a group, a charmed wanderer in time can tip the scales in your favor. Only one enemy can be enchanted at a time. The spell's cooldown makes it almost useless in close combat, but if you're standing on a high ledge and the enemies are running around below, you can safely use it several times in a row. Only one must remain alive. The main thing is not to help "your" fireballs - any damage opens the eyes of a confused enemy to your true essence.

It is best to test the spell on ghouls, dark knights (they are very strong guys and it is better to be friends with them - at least for a short time) or on necromancers (the skeletons called by them will also temporarily side with you).


We grab things from afar and throw them in the right direction. With the help of telekinesis, you can pull elixirs towards you, and if the hero has enough adrenaline, he can grab and throw a living (and screaming) enemy into the abyss.

Telekinesis was conceived as an analogue of the gravity gun from Half-Life 2. But such games with physics are very expensive in terms of magical energy, and for the same price it is better to throw a couple at the enemy fireballs. They take this spell as a passage to the "Sanctuary".


"Paladin Shield", temporary absolute protection from everything in the world. Twenty-five mana for twenty seconds of invulnerability is a very long time for an active fight, especially if the flimsy mage is surrounded by ghouls. This spell can even overcome fall damage, so if you want to take a short cut in an epic temple, the sanctuary is the way to go.

The spell is expensive, but as a means of salvation in stalemate- irreplaceable. The only pity is that they can not hide behind them all the time.


Slows down the enemy, making their attacks almost imperceptible. In full adrenaline mode, reduces the enemy to the size of a rat. It's funny, it makes you remember the classics - but it's completely useless.

Weakening is another opportunity to save on the last spell of the magic branch.


There are two main branches here. One starts with Endurance and is more for warriors. The other one starts with "Attention" - it will be preferred by magicians and thieves.


For just one skill point, it will give the player the ability to sprint longer, run underwater longer, and most importantly, kick more often. It’s worth taking, especially since this skill is a pass-through to other very important military skills.


Increases the hero's health. If you are a warrior, be sure to take it as early as possible. But health is useful to any character, both a magician and a thief.

Poison Resistance

Poisons are a very unpleasant thing. They can reduce health to HP units in a few seconds if the antidote is not drunk in time. But in the game, crowds of poisonous monsters and bosses spitting poison are rare - in addition, poisoning is quite easy to avoid, it is easy to cure, so this skill is usually neglected.


Accelerated regeneration. Warrior's dream. Take it if you get skill points.


The first skill in the branch and the cheapest. The effect is funny - after stopping for a couple of seconds, the hero begins to notice all the secret levers and plates. They are illuminated in blue, it is impossible to confuse this radiance with anything. It’s worth taking if only because without it you won’t go down the “magic-thieves” branch.

Magic Affinity

Increases the stock of magic by forty, seventy and one hundred units. The cost of skill points for each level increases accordingly. The natural choice of a mage. No options.

Mana Regeneration

The next skill in the tree after Magic Ability. Simply put, this skill makes a "man-with-elixirs-of-magic" a full-fledged magician with good mana regeneration. Getting rid of the constant need to drink potions between battles and frantically search for them through the levels is very valuable. It is a pity that the magician can only get to him closer to the last levels of the game.


The only fully-fledged thief skill abandoned by the developers in Miscellaneous. The first level eliminates the sound of footsteps if the hero moves on foot (+Alt). The second level makes it possible to strike the enemy with daggers from the darkness, killing with one blow. The third level increases invisibility and makes it possible to steal.

In addition, stealth is often needed just to put on thieves' armor and wield daggers.

Hacking (Burglar)

Sometimes the game comes across doors and chests without keys. They are for those who spent skill points on Hacking. A few seconds of fiddling with master keys - and a couple of potions useful in the household in the thief's pocket.

Such secrets are found in abundance only at the end of the game, so for the time being it is better to save talents.


The game does not have a lot of varieties of enemies, so it is very easy to learn their habits and develop tactics to deal with each of them.

Dead people

— How did you get here?

— Dig.

Usually the dead crawl out of the ground or from piles of bones in dungeons. Summoned by necromancers (and die with the death of the owner). In close combat, they are unpleasant, but not very dangerous, if they do not burp a poisonous green mist (untreated poisoning quickly reduces HP to a minimum). They have remarkable health, withstand two explosions of magical mines or several powerful sword strikes. But, fortunately for us, the dead move very, very slowly, which gives the player the opportunity to shoot them from a distance or simply ignore them.

It is better to stun and knock a lone dead man as quickly as possible while he is lying on the ground. If the dead man caught fire from a fire or explosion, then you must wait until he notices that he is on fire and falls to the ground - even a corpse engulfed in flames can try to get the hero.


The funniest race in the game. Goblins are small, goofy, stupid, funny, and alone harmless. Usually they are worn in groups of three or four, which is why they are dangerous. But a warrior will easily scatter them, and a magician will easily throw lightning (remember that goblins are resistant to fire). However, goblins have one unpleasant skill - if they fail to get a player, then they can throw stones at him with deadly accuracy.

Goblins also have the most hilarious "guard around the corner dialogue" in the game.


These are powerful and dangerous warriors. They react poorly to fire spells, and this makes them serious opponents for magicians. A lone orc is not difficult to knock down and stumble, but in a group they are deadly. Orcs with bows will sometimes come across your way, adding to the trouble.

True, there is one circumstance on the player’s side: there are orcs mainly between the beginning and the middle of the game - on the island, where almost everywhere there are boardwalks under their feet, on the one hand there is a rock, and on the other an abyss. In a word, where one's own foot is the master.


Only two times in the game there are flocks of these flying creatures. Ugly appearance, slimy tentacles and unexpectedly serious health for such a small creature - it is best to shoot them tentacles from a distance. The recipe is suitable for a magician, it will be more difficult for a warrior - you need to close yourself with a shield and beat the face-eaters on the approach.


No, I'm not talking about those little palm-sized spiders that will try to scare you a couple of times at the beginning of the game. I'm talking about healthy spiders the size of a calf - they will attack you in a crowd (it's good that from one side and in turn) and show the hero a mother if you don't take them seriously.

Spider attacks are dangerous primarily with poison. It’s good that they don’t crawl very fast and, approaching the jump distance, they will give the magician time to set a fire trap between himself and the spider, and the warrior to get the bow of the latest model.


Harmless dead townspeople will begin to meet at the penultimate level of the game. Easily eliminated on approaches, usually roam alone, less often in pairs. Created by developers more in order to catch up on the hero of horror.


All the monsters I have listed above will seem like pure angels to you compared to ghouls. You will meet one of them at the very beginning of the game, but you will not be able to fight him. Only after a few levels of ghouls will come across to you one or two. And you will know how good and easy everything was when those pale "gollums" were not running around on the walls.

Ghouls run fast, often escaping walls, obeying scripts, or vice versa - jumping out from behind the edge of cliffs. They hit very hard and in the crowd can easily deal with even a strong warrior, not to mention a magician. They are very difficult to kill completely, if you do not spend time each time on the finishing blow. They even dodge kicks, which is generally unfair. Each meeting with a crowd of ghouls is a test of strength, and I will describe all the ways to survive in the walkthrough.

Warriors and dark knights

Dark knights in the service of necromancers. Ordinary Warriors and archers. Fighting them is hard, but in moderation. The only thing that is sometimes discouraging is the spread in strength and health. A living warrior is very easy to endure, a “spoiled” one (you can recognize them by their characteristic voice) must be beaten long and hard. The “enhanced” dark knights will begin to meet at the magic school towards the end of the game.

The mage often has a hard time with the dark knights - they love to get close quickly, not giving a chance to charge the spell. It is difficult to see a black knight in a dark room, so wizards have to constantly walk around with a cocked fireball in the last levels in order to stun a fleeing warrior and add more and more on top.


Necromancer wizards shoot homing fire arrows and can summon skeletons. It is better to deal with all this fraternity at a distance, dodging the fireball at the last moment, so that the magician does not have time to correct the trajectory.

It is not difficult for a mage to defeat a necromancer in a duel. The warrior must either use a bow or quickly get close to the necromancer in order to disable him with a couple of powerful blows.


About game bosses, large and small - cyclops, giant spiders, liches and dragons - I will tell you in the walkthrough of the game.


A thousand years ago, the wars of Fire thundered in the world of Ashan. Rallying, the mortal races - humans, elves and dwarves - opposed the demonic armies and won. At the cost of his life, the wizard Sar-Elam, the Seventh Dragon, sealed the demons in another dimension.

But over the hundreds of years, the demons found loopholes in their prison, and the shadows began to lengthen again. Between the new invasion and the careless world, there is only one artifact, the relics of the wizard of the Seventh Dragon, the Skull of Shadows.

Temple servants of Mother Asha hid the Skull on a distant island. But an ancient prophecy says that a half-demon, half-man, walking between worlds - the Dark Messiah - will take possession of the Skull of Shadows and with its help crush the demonic prison forever. And again Fire and Darkness will cover the world.

So, once upon a time, there was a simple apprentice wizard, and his name was Sareth...


“So, it’s time for you, my student, to go on a real business for the first time,” said Master Fenrig. “You will sneak into the ancient temple and get...

“A powerful artifact?

No, you will get the spider key. And with it, you get...

“A powerful artifact?

— Guessed! This is a Shantiri crystal. We will need it to use it to get ...

“To a powerful artifact?”

- Grab on the fly!

So, we have a training level. All the way, Fenrig telepathically gives commands. First, the player will learn how to move around, sprint, take things (the same spider key) and use them on other items (here - the lock on the door). Sareth will learn to kick rotten planks and climb hanging chains. The boxes blocking the passage must be removed, and climb through the hole in the wall, crouching in three deaths. Darkvision will help dispel the darkness.

In the chest, Sareth will take a sword and use it to cut the rope so that the bungee log will knock out the locked door. The dead man standing behind the door will not move his ear hole - he is patiently waiting for your kick.

Another couple of the dead are waiting for you downstairs in front of the grate door. Behind it is the first living person you met - a warrior. He, too, will not refuse a good pendel. In a room with a square pit, you can practice as much as you like on warriors and archers running out of it (just don't forget to allocate the first skill points). When you get tired of practicing tricks, leave the level through the opened door - further along the rope up, along the corridor to the left and right.

And here is the artifact - the Shantiri crystal.

Delighted by our success, Fenrig gives the student a new task - to take the crystal to the city of Stonehelm and hand it over to the wizard Menelag, who knows exactly what to do with the artifact.

But Sareth will not go to the big city alone. As a companion, Fenrig gives the student a cute girl, Zana. Behind the appearance of a shy woman lies a real succubus - with a ponytail and horns. From now on, she will accompany the hero until almost the end of the game, but not personally, but telepathically.

Zana's company will have to get used to. She is a kind demoness, but her humor is very peculiar. Imagine the jokes of a succubus. These jokes on the most innocent occasions will be stronger than Lieutenant Rzhevsky's humor.

1. Stonehelm Gate

The Gates of Stonehelm

Approaching the walls of Stonehelm, young Sareth marvels at the grandeur of the city. But very soon he learns that the city walls are about to besieged by an army of necromancers. People in panic evacuate behind the white stone walls, and very quickly the check of documents turns into a stampede under the impact of siege shells. The guard drags Sareth into the city by the collar, and right there a dead and very angry cyclops begins to break through the closed gates, in appearance he has escaped from the exhibition of Hagens' corpses.

We will shoot him again and again. But then. Now we need to get away while the one-eyed one deals with the guards who fell under the hot paw. Without wasting a second, climb onto the chain that hangs around the corner and jump through the balcony into the barn. While fireballs are flying around, run up the stairs through the barn. Do not turn around and do not stop - a ghoul is chasing you, which is not yet the right society for you.

There is a rope between the city wall and the attic window. Jump from it to the wall and immediately pull the lever at the door - the grate will close, and the crowd of ghouls will howl in disappointment.

These guards are completely armless. One cannot close the grate on his own, the other comes running and looks for the calculation for the ballista. There is nothing to do - run after the guard and stand behind the ballista. A couple of shots at the ghouls running below - and our old friend, the Cyclops, appears in the field of view. Doing a lead, plant projectiles at him until he collapses to his knees. The “fork in the eye” of the weakened cyclops will be planted by the guards. It is still unclear why the guard could not stand behind the siege engine himself. Would a lone provincial lad do better than an experienced (albeit cowardly) warrior?

The first attack of the army of necromancers repelled.

Come out to the city. This is your last opportunity to enjoy peace and quiet. Listen to the conversation of two women (“Oh, Rosa, you still don’t understand anything about necromancers! Maybe ghouls disguised as homeless people are already walking in the city”) and do not try to enter the house in front of you - the guards will not like it.

You can go to the tavern, talk to the soldiers and shoot at the juice bottles. Look at the laundress, at the man running around the city ("I'll buy myself new, strong shutters!"). Your goal is the gates of the inner fortress, where a pretty girl in a mini stands and talks to the warriors. But it makes sense to first go over the secret places. Firstly, it is an open empty house to the left of the entrance. On the second floor, the lamp on the wall is a disguised lever that opens the entrance to the attic.

The second secret is the stairs next to the girl. On it you can get to the roof and climb into the house through a beautiful shader window.

The girl's name is Leanna, she is the niece of the wizard Menelag. At dinner, Menelag, of course, will take the Shantiri crystal from you for security purposes. Sareth goes to bed, and (who would have thought?) Necromancers attack the castle at night.

2. Shine of a cold knife

Gleam of the Cold Knife

You need to protect yourself from the attacking soldier and, if possible, save the servant. Several more dark warriors roam the yard. You can use a crane so they know how to stand under the boom. But if I were you, I would sit outside the window and start shooting at the bad guys. The survivors rush into the house, their Sareth will meet them on the way with hefty kicks.

After clearing the area (there are fires, and oil, and boxes, and even sharp spikes), go around the corner. You need to sneak into Menelag's chambers to try and save the "safe" crystal. Dropping barrels on the heads of the enemies, you will make your way into the garden, where you will be met by several more soldiers. Find the door to the basement around the corner. You are in a castle. It is worth picking up a ring that gives a chance for a critical hit - not God knows what, but it will do for a start. A piece of stone sticks out against the wall - this is another secret lever. Take the elixirs and be careful - the chest is mined, and you don't have the skills to recognize such traps yet.

Pay attention to the ghoul running along the beams - there, at the end of a large beam, there is a good roomy chest - you can get there through the passage adjacent to the library. Clear the large hall (you can use the trap by cutting the rope at the left pillar). You can look into all the rooms and collect badly lying good. Unfortunately, some of them are locked, and even the key at the very top of the spiral staircase does not open them.

The library has a secret lever on the wall. True, it does not look very much like a secret one - it sticks out in the wall like a dried mushroom. Pull on it and you will be able to climb the rope onto the beams to jump from there into an area covered with cabinets on all sides.

Time to leave the castle through the roof - go up the stairs behind the wall from the library. The guard on the roof begs for a kick, and two rooftops to the left in the room a scene awaits you.

Of course, Menelag and his niece Leanna were captured by necromancers. They put Sareth in a crust of ice so that he can only watch what is happening. Of the last strength, Menelag endures the evil sorcerer, but the ghoul kills the wizard, grabs the Shantiri crystal and jumps out through the window. Leanna is in mourning, but at the same time she does not forget to give the order to Sareth - to chase the ghoul across the rooftops. Something everyone around ordered ... as we will see, Leanna will soon become a habit.

Well, wait, ghoul, now I will overtake you, then we will laugh.

You cannot kill a ghoul - he obeys ruthless game scripts. Just run after him, jumping from a run (sprint) from roof to roof. The indicator will always show you where the kidnapper has gone, even if you are a little behind. Through narrow swaying boards, through peaceful houses, up stairs and rooftops, you will pursue the ghoul until he lands in the lair of the necromancers.

3. Trail of the dead

Dead Man's Trail

You can get into the house through the yard or through the sewer. The first way is more fun (and gives more loot), the second is safer. If you decide to go ahead, then do not forget to pick up the keys from the corpse, climb the stairs to the wall and, having dealt with the archer, rob the room.

The door to the basement is opened with a key that hangs on the guard's belt. Below is a forge. You can use it to forge your own sword. Through a dark adit with luminous mushrooms, you will penetrate into secret hideout Aranthir himself.

Aranthir is a powerful dark magician who is behind all the events with the necromancers, with the attack on the city and the theft of the crystal. He and only him serve the dark warriors and the army of ghouls. Why did Aranthir arrange all this? Does he really want to get to that Mighty Artifact that we are looking for?

It's dark in the hall, and you haven't been noticed yet. The crystal is on a stand by the portal. To steal him, you need to make a commotion by releasing the prisoners from the cells. When Zana tells you that it is already possible to act, carefully sneak straight to the crystal, grab it and, turning one hundred and eighty degrees, sprint back into the mine.

Notice the sewer? You go there. A funny vision awaits you, reproducing the scene in which the teacher "gave" you Zana. Only the appearance of the girlfriend of the protagonist has changed somewhat. Still, the horns, hooves and tail of the girl are unusual accessories.

4. Through the Blood Sea

Across the Sea of ​​Blood

At the end of the sewers, where it flows into the sea, Leanna, the wizard's orphaned niece, is waiting for you. What an unexpected meeting. Sareth should start to get used to the fact that Leanna comes across to him in the most unexpected places.

We have the crystal, so now we can set off on a journey to a distant island ... but not before Sareth deals with the necromancers that have taken over the ship. Nothing to do. When Leanna opens the way for you by moving the heavy container, go out into the fresh air.

Push the soldier off the dock into the water: "But he can't swim." You can’t go to the ship along the pier - vigilant necromancers shoot through the entire pier with ballistas. Jump into the water and swim to the left edge of the dock, where there is a lone crane. You need, by rotating the wheel, to ensure that the platform moves ninety degrees and finds itself between the pier and the open window, where, which is very convenient, there is no one.

In two jumps, Sareth is on board. Carramba! Traditionally, it is best to kill the first guard - to bring down a hanging load on his head. In the next room - more guards and the key with them. Both can and should be beaten while they are hanging on the stairs.

Behind the next door are your first sorcerers. Learn to dodge fire arrows. In the next compartment of the hold, Sareth is waiting for a fun moment. Goblins sit in cages - why did the necromancers need them? One of the captured goblins will ask you to free him. Do this and watch as a flock of banderlogs break free attacks two guards - a magician and a warrior. You can help the goblins, but keep in mind - if you hit at least one in battle, then after dealing with the guards, they will take on you.

Before climbing the stairs to the second deck, pay attention to the box - there is a secret area behind it. Clear the ballista room and open the treasure chests with the key you find on the stud. Finally, it's time to go to the upper deck and arrange a fun life for the necromancers guarding it. Soon Leanna will arrive, and with her - an unknown magician, who claims that his name is Tergon.

While the crew is hoisting the sails, Sareth must fend off a counterattack from Aranthir's men (instead of simply removing the plank between the ship and the wharf). It is not difficult to do this - you just need to stand in front of the first stairs near the ship and with vigorous kicks throw all the dark knights running past into the water. Archers, however, will stand far in the niches and shoot at Leanna. It is better to kill them from a distance with fire or ordinary arrows. Leanna's health drops quickly, but she heals from time to time, so very, very soon the necromancers will run out.

She will gently close the door behind her and Sareth and make a solemn face.

- Thank you friend!

That, in fact, is all - much to the displeasure of Zana. The next stop is a remote island with orcs, goblins and a temple of the Spider.

The first minutes on the island of the temple of the Spider. As long as everything goes well...

5. Temple of the Spider

The Temple of the Spider

It turns out that you, the girl and the unknown magician are not the whole crew of the ship. Three of you land on the shore in a boat while the ship is in the roadstead. A wounded soldier from the previous landing wave is lying among the rocks - the scene is increasingly reminiscent of moments from Saving Private Ryan.

Orcs inhabited the island and fortified it. They repulsed the attack and blocked the entrance to the temple. From their hoarse exclamations, the soldiers suspected that the Pao-Kai Electro Dragon was also hiding in the temple.

The crowds of orcs on the approaches to the temple look very serious, but the battle will not be too difficult if you do not rush ahead ahead of time. If you are a magician, then remember - orcs are better to be shocked than burned with fire.

The orcs have closed the barred door, and to give the team a way through, Sareth jumps into the underground tunnels, where he is warmly greeted by the face-eaters. These can be fired too... At the end of one of the tunnels you will find a dead orc and with it a unique climbing bow. Do not forget to open the grate with the lever and get out of the pit along the rope, plunging the arrow into the wooden beam above your head.

When the dragon Pao-Kai flies out of the temple, run into the opened passage. An unknown magician, claiming to be Tergon, will distract the dragon, saving you and Leanna.

Take revenge on the orcs and, having climbed the ruins half-buried with sand, find the entrance to the mines. Soldier Duncan is hiding behind the door. We will meet him more than once on the way. For an assistant to the protagonist, he is extremely cheerful.

Leanna jumps into the hole, and we find ourselves inside the temple. An iron grate prevents us from getting further than the second hall. When such difficulties are encountered in the game, one must first of all look up to see if there are any wooden beams there. Use the bow and open the door for the girl. Orcs will meet you in the big hall - it's best to beat them standing on a high rubble. Only archers can get you from it.

So, you have finally come to the place where the Shantiri crystal will come in handy. This opens the door to the inner temple, where the Skull of Shadow, the sinister artifact that Aranthir is after, is kept. Leanna will stay near the pedestal, but before that she will move a huge rock and send you to the neighboring halls for reconnaissance.

Once in the room with the sitting statues, pay attention to the one that lies on the floor. We have a rare secret. To open it, the hero must have the telekinesis skill. Without it, it is impossible to kick a statue onto an empty pedestal. The magician can easily pick it up and set it in place. A niche with potions and an excellent sword will open in the floor.

Goblins and another secret are waiting for the hero in the next room. "Help" the column fall and climb onto the balcony along it. At the end of the corridors is a dead end. The goblins have closed the passage and are now throwing stones through the bars. Nothing to do. Sareth returns to Leanna. There is another way to the temple, long and difficult. True, before you go there, you will have to defeat the dragon that flew into the hall by accident - through a hole in the roof.

Killing a dragon is easy. The secret is to start firing at him right away and keep the dragon from attacking Leanna. As soon as you feel flexibility in your body from the shocks of the electric dragon, run under the saving grid. Stupid lizard Pao-Kai will stick his head after him - don't waste time, pull the lever. The bars that fell on the dragon's neck will pin him to the floor. A familiar way to fight dragons. Something similar was also in the fifth episode of Star Wars.

Lifting a piece of wall, Leanna will clear the way. Jump down and run along the narrow tunnel, but be careful not to fall under the collapse. The floor will fall into the caves. You can't jump over the pit, so the road to the upper temple has been lengthened by spider caves.

Remember my instructions about spiders? If you are a magician, then prepare traps and do not worry about anything - a competent minefield will not let the creatures into the jump distance. The warrior will have a harder time, but the bow will save him too.

After clearing the spider lair (don't forget about the secret area at the far end of the tunnels), don't rejoice ahead of time: another group of spiders is waiting for you at the exit, where a huge round tunnel of unknown purpose begins. Spiders can be lured into an empty lair and killed one at a time - it will be easier for the magician to do this. It will be more convenient for the warrior immediately, having taken out the bow, to start climbing up the wooden structures, along the chains and ropes up to the light.

This activity is tedious, but it's not difficult if you regularly save before jumping in the spirit of Tarzan. The arrows in the "rope" bow do not end, so that you can hang ropes in whole series one next to the other. Finally - solid ground, another tunnel.

In a small underground lake around the corner, a secret chest lurks at the bottom. Making your way along the gorge, pay attention to a secret place closed by a grate - you can get into it from below, using a well-placed beam and a bow.

The next "lake" is man-made. You can get ashore if you dive deeper and turn the wheel, raising the water level. Eavesdrop on the hilarious conversation of the goblins, get ready and kill them all. There are a lot of little villains here, so feel free to use dishonest tricks - mines, fires and spiked walls.

In the adjacent hall, two goblins will not want to engage in battle and will leave, squeezing through a gap. This, however, will not help them - both will be killed by the Cyclops, this time - completely alive. He will break down the wall and begin to restlessly wander around the hall, without moving for some reason to the next one. Killing him is optional and, I might add, very difficult. You can try to drop the statue on him, which is opposite. You can stand between the halls and move back and forth so that the cyclops periodically runs towards you, and then abruptly loses interest. The only weak point of the Cyclops is the eye. Hit him with magic or arrows, and when the dreaming one-eyed one falls to his knees, finish him off with a strong blow until he gets up.

Behind the stairs, new goblins are waiting for you. Two small pools will help facilitate the fight - one with red water restores health, the other with blue water instantly fills Sareth with magic up to his ears. By the way, there is another statue nearby, dreaming of returning to the pedestal.

Not far from the red pool is a room with a chest. Don't walk on protruding floor tiles and you'll be fine. Behind the hole in the adjacent wall is another chest and a fine magical staff of fire.

Don't hit me, uncle!

Try to overcome the large staircase as quickly as possible and throw the two orcs off the cliff. Let those who run up the steps be met by the barrels you dropped. They won't kill you, but they'll beat you up pretty badly. The freeze spell is your good friend in this fight. Further it will be easier - the orcs no longer pile on in a large crowd.

In the small tunnel, make sure the elevator is stuck and look out for a large battering ram in front of the door. This is, so to speak, game secret. To get into the secret room, you have to (surprise!) smash the boards with a battering ram.

With the elevator is not yet possible, so move on the stairs. Shoot the bridge around the corner and drop the Orc Archer into the abyss. You need a bridge, but it will still fall, so let it be useful. It will be completely replaced by a tree above your head - a couple of shots from a magic bow, and everything is in order.

If you are a mage, then freeze the floor in the doorway, show yourself to the orcs and hide around the corner. Kick them both towards the surf. Please note: in a puddle under the stairs, someone forgot a wonderful healing sword.

It will take a long time to climb the stairs, but it will be very easy for the mage to deal with several orcs in the house above. Just wave your hand to the orcs and cover with ice the place where they will run out from when you hide around the corner. One by one, the orcs will fly like a bird into a deep hole - you just have to remember to renew the melting ice.

Orcs live in pretty houses. This place is amazing - a kilometer-high vertical rock and wooden buildings that keep right next to the rock. Search the house and exit to the rooftops. In the dark cave, quickly get rid of the spiders. After two turns you will again find yourself in the fresh air. You can get into the house through the roof by knocking out the boards under your feet. Jump and save.

This house is an amazing trap of its kind. From antiquity, the floor cracked in half and is ready to fall into the abyss at any moment. Walking on it is dangerous, but the armor, potions, and chest are so enticing that the player can recklessly step forward, ignore the menacing crack, and suddenly find themselves in the fresh air, surrounded by falling debris from the house. Sprinting, grabbing the armor, and climbing back up the broken floorboards to safety is possible, but it needs to be done very quickly. Everything is decided in a split second. Unfortunately, there is no way to get to the chest.

In the house behind a small section of the cave, a spider lurked on the second floor. It is not necessary to kill the poor animal. And in the next house you will find bodies - the expedition that explored the temple died here. Read the magazine. It was the expedition members who jammed the elevator to stop the orcs. It didn't help them, but you can finally free the mechanism. Forge yourself a new sword, if you like, and go back and down, breaking the second door in the house. On the elevator that is now working, go upstairs and get ready to immediately fight the spiders. This is a very nasty fight. Good thing, you can evacuate on the same elevator.

Once you have dealt with the spiders, turn left and after three turns you will find the very place where you need to insert the Shantiri crystal in order for the whole system to work. Use the lever on the wall to open your way to the installation and ... do not rush to place the crystal.

Get ready for a boss fight - when the crystal falls into place, four orcs and their leader Arathrok will run out to you. He will report that the orcs are guarding the temple from outsiders, but if you are really the Chosen One, you can prove it in a fair duel. Honest means without the use of magic. If you try to hit Arathrok with a fireball or a mine, then four other orcs will join the fight.

For a warrior, the battle is not very difficult - you just need to seize the initiative from the orc and stun as quickly as possible. If I may say so, "fill up, and then we stumble." But what is a mage to do? There is one way. Pay attention to the clay vessel with oil that stands against the wall. First you need to break it on the floor in right place- exactly in the middle between the two entrances, but not in the center of the hall, but closer to the place where the crystal was installed. Find the second pair of statues, counting from the crystal, and draw an imaginary line between them - pour the oil in its middle.

The second step is fire traps. They should be installed a little further, if you count from the crystal - one closer to the oil puddle, the other somewhere nearby.

What happens when you install a crystal? You go back to the oil puddle, and the script scene immediately activates - the orcs run out (they do not touch the traps) and Aratrok comes out. He gets on both "mines", but it will not be worse for him - the orc is protected by a script. Another thing is more important - mines set fire to a puddle of oil. Now, when the orc finishes his speech and wants to fight you, he will immediately be on fire and die. If you missed a little with a puddle, then you can fix the matter with one kick.

Take the key from Aratrok's body. Orcs will let you through. Return to Leanna.

While the girl is trying to open the door, two ghouls will sneak up from behind and try to finish her off quickly. The fight will be difficult. It is better to prepare for it in advance by mining the right side of the stairs at the altar (if you count from Leanna). The girl is an easy target, she meditates and does not resist. Drive away ghouls from her, regardless of losses in elixirs.

Finally, the door opens a little, but Leanna has almost no strength. Pass under the door while the sorceress holds it in weakening hands. The appearance of ghouls was not accidental. The exhausted Leanna is grabbed by the dark magician Arantir himself. The door closes, and the hero can no longer help. Sareth runs into the darkness faster than a doe.

6. Skull Altar

Altar of the Scull

To put it bluntly, this is the most disgusting level in the game. Dead people, skulls, mass graves and gloomy crypts are all good, but not in the same quantities! Therefore, let's try to complete the level as quickly as possible so as not to spoil the impression of the game.

The task is to find the Skull of Shadows. A spider statue will help you with this, into which you need to insert four crystals. Jump into the hole. The dead are crawling out of the ground. There will be not just a lot of them here, but a sickening lot, so try to ignore them as much as possible. There are places on the level where dead citizens are simply do not end, and this can infuriate even the most patient warrior.

So, are you ready? Well, let's run!

Turn left, then left again into narrow corridors. Right in front of you is the first crystal of Moonsilk. Break the urn, take the antidote (the first thing on this level against the poisonous spitting of the undead) and go back, but turn not to the right, but to the left, where there are two large stone blocks. Climb on them (away, unclean, away!) and with the help of your bow, get out to the level above, to the stone spider. Insert the first crystal into it, and it will open the way for you to the remaining three.

Once in the "morgue", immediately grab the chain and go out to the ledges, where the dead cannot get you. Turn left, then right. From afar, break the rope so that a bunch of logs breaks a hole in the wall into a large hall. Here you will be attacked by two fast ghouls. You have to fight them anyway. There is an option - to retreat, climb onto the ledges again and try to shoot the defenseless ghouls from above.

Ignoring the secret beams (you can get to them from the stone blocks on the left), jump into the hall, turn left, climb the stairs and run through another "morgue" into a smaller hall, into a room with a yellow crystal on the wall. You can get to it with a bow, but it's better to shoot at the beams not directly under the crystal, but on the opposite side of the hall - this way you won't miss the secret chest. Climb up to the ceiling quickly before the dead come to their senses. Climb the rope onto the beams, carefully crawl obliquely towards the crystal - and from here start shooting at the wooden ceilings above the crystal and jump from rope to rope.

The first one is in your hands. This is a yellow crystal "Girl's Eye". Look down - there you are. On the stairs, pushing living corpses, get down to the lower level. We'll have to fight with a lone ghoul. Climb up the stones and wooden floors with the help of a bow to the lonely tomb. If you are a warrior, then perhaps you will like the dragon sword - even Zana, feeling its power, will make an unusual comment for her. Pull the lever - a passage will open in front of the tomb in the wall. You need to go to the next room quickly, until the hole in the wall closes. Save - there are a lot of dead people in the hall, and you can try to go through it in two ways. First, defeat the crowd of the undead with brute force, pick up the chest on the lower level in the water and relatively calmly open the door with the lever in order to have time to climb under it while it closes.

The second way is fast. Run to the lever (diagonally across the hall) and open it while behind you the dead hatch out of the ground and crawl in your direction. The main thing is not to turn around.

After passing the lattice door, you will soon find yourself in a dead end. Quickly remove the lid from the stone coffin and punch the bottom in it. Feel free to jump into a deep hole. It's not that there's nothing terrible there... There is something terrible. You just won't break.

The next stop is the catacombs with mass graves. A very unpleasant place, perhaps the most disgusting in the whole game. I advise you to immediately climb the logs to the upper level and move along it, away from the dead roaming in the water. Your goal is a corridor with a long collapsed plank. Jump into the water and run around the turn into an empty hall with a single beam of light at the end.

Yes, it's the boss. But not particularly difficult if you hit him from a distance from a good position. As soon as the coffin starts to move, climb the long ledge and run to the opposite end of the hall. From here you will hit the lich with spells or arrows. He will call the dead - they will not have time to get to you. He will throw lightning bolts at you - dodge them. It's not easy, but a couple of health elixirs will equalize your chances. You can cheat by setting a couple of traps right in front of the coffin or preparing to strike while the lich gets out of the coffin and begins his: “I smell, it smells like a Russian spirit!”

When the lich falls, take the second crystal directly from the stone coffin - the “Soul of the Old Woman”. Climb up the chain and quickly put to rest the dead man guarding the entrance to the spiral staircase. Save - there are several ghouls waiting for you at the top. A very, very difficult fight. Of course, the fact that the ghoul can be pushed off the edge or made to run into one of the three spiked traps in the wall will help you, of course. You can mine the spiral staircase in advance and quickly retreat to it. Undermined by mines, the ghouls will be slightly weakened.

You can try to quickly jump out of the stairs and turn onto the bridge while the ghouls are jumping around. The bridge will collapse, but if you fall into the water, you won't crash. The crystal "Matron's Heart" lies here in a stone coffin, illuminating it with red. Take the last crystal and from the stone block on the right side, climb onto the chain. From it - to another chain, to a wooden platform and to the surviving edge of the bridge. Open the door and you will find yourself at the very beginning of the level, but already with crystals. Ignoring the dead, immediately turn right and again climb up a level to the stone spider.

By inserting the crystals into the spider, Sareth will see Zana, his invisible companion. Both will be pleasantly surprised. The spider will open the door to the Shadow Skull. But before you take a powerful artifact, you will have to endure one more battle. Get ready for it in advance. If you are a magician, then lay out the near half of the hall with traps, without coming close to the statue (otherwise a scene will be activated and the spiders will hatch). If you are a warrior, then prepare poison cure potions, because a horde of spiders and small spiders will come out against you in a locked hall. The only and, perhaps, the most correct tactic is to run around the altar, exterminating vile creatures one at a time.

The goddess who used these spiders to check whether Sareth was worthy of receiving the artifact is satisfied. A small animal unpresentable-looking Skull of the Shadow is in our hands.

It's time to reveal the secrets in the traditional Hamlet style: "I am your father, Frodo." Everyone knew that Sareth was a half-demon, the son of the lord of demonic armies, the Dark Messiah, who was predicted to take possession of the Skull of Shadow and break it, freeing relatives from captivity. Fenrig knew. Leanna knew. Even the player - and he guessed. Only Sareth learns with horror about her origin, not forgetting to look at Zana, the seductive succubus in her true form.

“Take Zana for yourself, son. Just break the skull, says the demon.

But again, as usual, Arantir came and ruined everything.

“Not for you, demonic muzzle, this berry is ripe,” says the dark magician, takes the skull from Sareth and impales our hero. Literally pricks, on one of the spikes at the foot of the statue.

“Wow, the week is starting,” thinks Sareth, the messiah who did not want to be the messiah, looking at the spike sticking out of his chest. “So you don’t have a prophet in your own country.”

7. Fire in the blood

Fire in the Blood

But Zana, a cunning demoness, managed to fall in love with a young man during the joint journey. She used the power of the Skull and resurrected the Dark Messiah, giving him her demonic powers as a free prize. This is very handy, because the orcs, seeing the "corpse" of Sareth, robbed him to the skin, managing to take away not only the weapon, but for some reason all the spells. So the demon form is now the only way to return the stolen goods.

You are in a very beautiful cave, where the orcs, who do not have an aesthetic sense, pile corpses. When you get tired of looking at the stalactites, go up to the orcs and in the form of a demon and quickly tear them apart. The claws will pleasantly surprise you - just not a Leopold, but a real leopard.

"You'll have to get used to the tail," Zana giggles. Tail Sareth uses instead of a powerful blow. Each enemy killed adds HP to the hero. Do not forget that you need to use the demon form only in battle, returning to normal immediately after the battle, so as not to lose health.

Through the corridor and the hall you will find a chest with your good. To get inside, you have to knock out a couple of logs and go through the cave. Jump from the planks to the warehouse and grab your stuff. You can get out of the locked warehouse with the help of your newfound bow. If you wish, make yourself another sword in the forge. A few orcs won't cause much trouble - you're half-demon now.

Ahead is a hall with a cyclops, familiar to us from E3. Hide in the dark and wait until the Cyclops turns his back to you and is to the left of the support. Quickly exit the cave and activate the trap - the cyclops will suddenly turn out to be very frail and fall to his knees from one hit with a bunch of logs.

There is nothing else of interest in the hall. Leave it by opening the grate using the nearby wheel. You will need to use a bow to climb up from the well and go through a large cave with spiders. You will again find yourself in the huge hall of the cyclops, where you were recently, but you will cross the hall already under the very ceiling.

After jumping down the next ledge in the mine, you will find yourself in a place familiar from the demo - a giant grotto with butterflies. However, you can’t use the lift, as there is, the developers “rearranged” it to another place. There is a lone goblin around the corner. Behind the bridge in the hall are several more small creatures. Listen to their funny conversation before killing everyone. You can free the orc from the dungeon if you want him to do the dirty work for you. After making sure that there are no survivors left in the hall, lower the chain by removing the wedge from the lever and climb the chain into the mine. The goblins jump on your head, but they can't do anything to you - while Sareth is hanging on a chain, he is "in the house".

Having dealt with a lone goblin, you will find yourself in front of an abyss. Gotta jump. But first, save - ahead of the boss. Very unusual - not only outwardly, but also because it is not necessary to beat him. You just need to run away from him.

This boss is a giant caterpillar. Her appearance is very characteristic, only a hookah and a mushroom are missing. The caterpillar will appear from the abyss as soon as you take a running jump onto the stone platform. Now the most important thing for you is to keep up the pace and not stop. The bridge is collapsing, the platform is tilting and falling... in the direction we need. We jump to another - it also falls, but if you jump off it in time, the hero will be on solid ground. While the rocks around are shaking and dust is flying, heal yourself and run up the stairs, knocking out the boards with your foot, onto the ledge. Run along it to the left towards the saving cave. If the caterpillar hit you, then in the cave you can heal and catch your breath again. Get into a corner or the poisonous clouds will get you. After saving, run out and rush to the left, but do not abuse the sprint - you will need breath to jump over two small boxes and kick the last one at the end of the stone cornice. Heal on the go. If you reach the ledge, turn left and hide in a corner, you are saved. The caterpillar snaps its jaws and breathes poisonous gas, but it cannot reach you. However, that's not all. Throw a rope on a fragment of a beam and, having caught the moment between the passage of green clouds, jump onto the rope. Your salvation is a window in the wall with a small cornice. The poisonous cloud will poison you for sure, but now the main thing is to get through the window. With a push, Sareth will be thrown into a bottomless abyss. Fortunately, there is water below, and the hero yelled in vain.

Ahead behind the tunnel is another jump into the water. The face-eater flying around is a warning that his friends will meet further. Behind the corridor is a deep stone well. A lone goblin is trying to fight off the spiders descending on the walls, but don't let them bother you. Spiders are easy to drown if you pull the lever and, when the well begins to flood with water, jump onto the raft. With flying face-eaters, however, you have to tinker.

At the top you will be met by several more goblins and a lone spider. Behind the long corridor there are two lifts that will take you to the opposite side of the grotto. Much is familiar here. An orc who throws a goblin into the abyss, while he himself inadvertently stands on the edge. Another orc that walks along the flimsy bridge dangerously close to the hanging load. A room with bonfires and barrels, where several orcs will try to knock the spirit out of the hero - they can easily be impaled on a flying log, pushed into a fire or bring barrels down on their heads.

A protruding stone in the opposite wall is both a secret and a trap. Yes, if you push it, a niche with a chest will open. But when the hero jumps into it, the ceiling will begin to fall. However, you will have enough time to quickly clean the chest.

Around the corner, another original trap awaits us - a narrow corridor with steps and a barrel rolling down them. Retreating around the corner will not work - the floor behind the hero has failed. You can only quickly turn around and jump onto the boards at the opposite wall.

The level ends here. It remains only to carefully climb with the help of a bow and a tree to a stone cornice, go through a narrow cave to the shore and very carefully go down the ropes down to the sand. "Don't show your allies in demonic form," says the game.

An old acquaintance, Duncan, is waiting for us at the boat.

We've been waiting for you, Sareth. Where is Leanna?

“Ah… she won’t come, Aranthir killed her.”

- Clear. So, let's take revenge.

8. In the house of ashes

In the House of Ashes

You are in a familiar place - in a dungeon under the city, next to Aranthir's lair, where once the hero successfully dragged the crystal from under the mage's nose. But this time the task is more difficult - you need to get through the portal to the holy of holies of necromancers, to the school of dark arts, find Arantir there and take away his skull.

The architecture here is square-monumental, the population is lively, although unfriendly, and the level is trivial for a warrior and easy enough for a magician, although local warriors, dark knights, run very fast and hit hard. But here, no one will look at the wizard condemningly if he turns into a demon for a while.

After exiting the portal, kill the warriors and the necromancer. Go along the corridor to the left or right to the end of the large hall. A long corridor behind the wall will lead you to the right and lead to a room with cages (it is not necessary to let the ghouls out of them). To the side of the cells is an inconspicuous passage. Go down the long corridor past the auditoriums. Students - frightened shaved young people - you can not touch, they will not attack you.

Loading a level is a sure sign that you are on the right track. In the dark library you will have a long and very boring fight. Go down the bridges to the very bottom. There are two exits from here - one door is locked. You will find the key, which looks like a billiard ball, after going through the corridor to the training room. The extermination of the population of the room is better to start with the magicians.

Return to the locked door, open it and run along the same long corridors past the auditoriums to the dissecting room. Only necromancers (and their pet zombies) live here. There is no need to go down through the hatches to the basement, where water is splashing and corpses are floating - there is nothing interesting there.

The next stop is a pit where you will suddenly see Leanna alive and well, very angry - it's hard to keep your composure when you are thrown into a deep abyss, albeit on a soft web. Look into the audience (two necromancers) and eavesdrop on the conversation of the crowd of necromancers. Now Arantir's motives are clear - he wants to seal the demonic prison in his own way, sacrificing the entire population of the city of Stonehelm as a sacrifice to the incarnation of Death. The motives are noble, of course, but the means...

Lure the necromancers one by one through the cracks in the wall. It's too early to jump into the web. Open the door on the right side of the dark hall and go to the elevator. You learn from two students that Aranthir is not at home. But don't go back! Go down to his private quarters (modestly) and read the magazine on the music stand. There is a secret niche in the room - pull the fake lamp in the wall.

Arantir has definitely decided to exterminate the inhabitants of the city. He must be stopped. Again, shame on the demons.

Before you return, you need to help the unlucky Leanna out of trouble. She went to dinner with the spiders. Find a blood-stained passage near Aranthir's room. Yes, fighting those nasty creatures again. The only consolation is that the boss itself, the giant spider, will not cause much problems if you do not leave the tunnel into the open. Hit him with fire or arrows - he will only be powerless and not very accurately spitting poison.

Leanna sticks out in the web at the end of the hall on the upper level. Release her - now you just have to leave the hospitable school. The magic word that opens the portal in the opposite direction, you learned from Aranthir's diary. Villains are always screwed up by writing down passwords everywhere.

“You look unusually demonic today, Sareth,” Leanna will say instead of thanking the young man for saving him. - When we return to the city, we will perform an exorcism with you - I have a specialist friend.

“I sleep and see,” the succubus thinks.

“I’ll explain everything to you later,” Sareth says to the girl.

Open the door behind the entrance to Aranthir's office and exit into a long corridor. At its end is the hall that you have already seen before, only now you are at the very bottom. The battle will be difficult, but, fortunately, Leanna will not run ahead of her father, and in the most dangerous moments she will modestly guard the rear.

Your goal is the elevator at the end of the hall. It will lift you right up to the portal. Here you exit and Leanna stays behind to seal the portal for good.

This is a bug: Leanna, upon returning, may lose her mind and run away in an unknown direction. You don't need to chase her - even without her, you will be credited with escaping from the portal.

9. City of Flames

City of Flames

The city of Stonehelm has changed a lot since you last saw it. I don't remember those fires and those ghouls wandering aimlessly along the walls.

Duncan will meet you, and, most likely, he will die immediately. It is not worth defending it - you would survive on your own. Before his death, Duncan will say that his cousin, Percy, will help to lead Sareth to the Necropolis, where the Skull of Arantir has taken away.

Okay, let's look for Percy. If you have not yet learned how to resist ghouls, tenacious and very painful hitting, then it will be very difficult to pass the level. The very first battle can be your last - a necromancer and half a dozen monsters play on the same team. You can try to break through by force, having prepared a bow and quickly shooting at the horse above the balcony. Climb up the rope to the house and jump to the box opposite.

Note: there are a lot of locked doors and chests in this level, so if you want to learn how to lockpick, now is the time.

Right in front of you at the bridge, a guard is running away from a ghoul. Push the ghoul into the abyss. The town has grown very well on the rocks, and there is no shortage of dangerous cliffs here. The second ghoul will meet you with a guard on the bridge. It's not very difficult to kill him, but next you will find a dark knight and several waves of these pale creatures. You can try to lure them onto the bridge and take advantage of the height, or run to the end of the street and push the enemy into the fire.

Once you've cleared the street, Percy will open the door - he's been watching you all this time through the barred window. Yes, he can lead the hero to the aqueducts, from where you can go to the Necropolis, but for this you need to cross the square, and there a dead cyclops is operating.

Cyclops can be killed. It is unexpectedly easy to do this - if you hide under a wooden canopy in time, the giant will not be able to do anything with miserable pieces of wood (shame on the cyclops!) And will loom nearby, sparkling with a vulnerable eye. But the easiest way is to jump into the sewer hatch, knock out the grate with your foot, jump over the abyss and, entering the house, transfer Percy inside the houses along the square.

Behind the next door you will have to temporarily part. Good developers will not force us to protect Percy from ghouls and necromancers - "suddenly" a collapsed bridge will mercifully separate you. In the next square, you can engage in a fight with a few ghouls or run straight, jump over the barrels, climb onto the box and climb the chain to the upper level of the city. Here you have an important choice.

Who is dearer to you, blusher and whiter - the living Leanna or the demoness Zana living in the body of Saret? If your choice is Leanna, then you can turn right and go to the Dragon Temple to swim in the cleansing waters and forever lose a pleasant companion in your head.

On the platform in front of the entrance to the church, you will hear the familiar hot breath - two ghouls are climbing up the sheer wall towards you. Big mistake on their part. They will understand it when they fly tumbling into the sea.

Zana will urge you not to make mistakes. In the church, if you still go inside, she will try not to let you go to the water, setting you on fire with anton fire. The flame is very easy to bypass along the wall. The demoness will not seriously attack you. Her weapon is persuasion.

By clearing the hero of his demonic origin, you will deprive him not only of Zana's voice, but also of his demonic form. They will reward you for this with a bow, daggers and a sword, which work very well against the dead (that is, the same ghouls). In addition, daggers begin to glow when evil spirits roam nearby.

If you decide to leave Zana with you, then the next time you meet Leanna will try to kill you, which, of course, perfectly characterizes her. The battle will not be very difficult if you use the claws and tail.

Curiously, the final game, by and large, the choice will not greatly affect. This proves once again that the power of the night and the power of the day are the same.

Turning left from the chain, you will again meet with a horde of ghouls. You will have a mage and an archer on your side, but there is no great consolation in this - you will have to fight anyway, and the battle will be extremely difficult. Another batch of ghouls will meet you around the bend on the bridge. Even the abyss does not console - it’s not easy to guess with a kick so that the ghoul rolls over the low fence.

It's good that things are getting a little better behind the house. Zombies will not cause trouble, and Percy will again infect the hero with optimism. To get into the aqueducts, now you only need to open the shutter. But first you need to raise the water level by turning the lever behind the fence a few turns. It is guarded by dark knights, a necromancer and a pack of ghouls. But this time the battle will not cause much trouble. Enemies can be lured from behind the gate one or two directly onto the mines, and then simply set on fire with straw or dumped into a shallow but deadly canal. Say goodbye to Percy. Then you go alone.

You will not meet anyone in the aqueducts, but outside, behind the cliff, next to the majestic entrance to the Necropolis, you will meet an old acquaintance - the dragon Pao-Kai. New or same? It looks like a new one - the dragon has wised up a bit. You can throw fireballs at him, but it's hard to do: if you hide in a niche, then the cunning dragon ... will also hide. I advise you to quickly climb the stairs and run to the right to the entrance to the security rooms. Here you will find a ballista. A couple of times you have to throw it and heal, but the dragon will be shot down with a few shots. Open the giant doors - the entrance to the Necropolis - kick the boards near under your feet, jump and sprint to the gate until it closes.

I wonder where Leanna has been disappearing all this time? She... sits behind the gate you just opened and waits for you. Silent scene.



The time has come to settle once and for all between you and Aranthir. It would be very difficult to get to him - he hid deep, filled the entire Necropolis with his people and, in addition, hired four liches to guard the gates to the lower levels. But what are these voices in your head again? The dead Istvan, punished for sins with eternal suffering, asks to drop his corpse hanging on chains into the abyss and free him. For this, he promises to put in a good word to his father - one of the four liches.

It is not difficult to do this. You will be able to free one end of the chain almost immediately by going down the stairs. Just watch where the chain goes and you will see the mount. You will find the other end of the chain on the other side of the tombs, having already admired Istvan hanging over the abyss. You will climb up the stairs and see the mount behind the bridge.

Where to go? See the tall statue up ahead? Climb down the spiral staircase using the rope at the right moment. Approach the pit, blinding with white light, and make sure that Istvan has not forgotten about his promise. Go around the pit along the edge and go right past the tomb.

Dead Cyclops - we already went through this. You can again eliminate him by running at the limit of his reach. Another option is to try to demolish it with a bunch of logs. The main thing is not to forget to deal with the dark knights first.

You can cross the abyss along the ledge near the ceiling. Do not go down until you are sure that it is safe below and all the necromancers are dead. Turn the large beam into a bridge and climb it into the wall gap.

Do not rush to cross the corridor with holes in the walls. Pass it slowly, with pleasure, noticing the rhythm of the flamethrowers. The people of Aranthir roam in the dark room, and it is better to deal with them remotely. The daredevil player can try to run past the soldiers and lock the bars behind him (lever on the right). Then they get angry!

Here is the lychee. If you rescued Istvan, then his father will say a few kind words to you and will fight on your side. However, do not expect initiatives from him - he is unlikely to budge. Three liches are dangerous and very nasty (remember the fight with a single pair of levels above?), but a huge column in the center of the hall will help you.

Behind the next door are steps that lead past the tomb of Lamontian the Healer (you don’t need to go there - problems with leaving the crypt are not worth free treatment) to the very bottom. On the steps, of course, necromancers and dark knights await you in abundance. But they will not attack the whole bunch, but one or two at a time.

Hello again, Leanna, if I didn't kill you at the end of the previous level. I won't ask how you got here. Just don't get in the way.

— I won't.

Aranthir stands at the altar, and the Skull of Shadow is with him. He is preparing to call on Death, so that at the cost of the lives of all the inhabitants of the city (how many of them are left, by the way?) To seal the prison of demons. Sareth can do the same without human casualties, but who will give him the Skull... We'll take it.

Arantir is guarded by three uncles. First of all get rid of them, and then pay attention to Aranthir. The mage player will kill him very easily - in a fireball firefight, Sareth has a decisive advantage in accuracy. A warrior won't suffer much either - two or three powerful blows to the head, and even under adrenaline, will convince anyone.

Realizing that his case is bad, Aranthir will close himself with a magic shield and summon a bone dragon. From the usual Pao-Kai, this dragon is distinguished by weakness (it dies very quickly) and an uncontrollable desire to land on the hero’s head.

Is it worth it to climb the scaffolding between the columns? Perhaps it makes sense for an archer or magician to do this as early as possible - so he will be well protected from the dragon, his lightning and bone backside. It’s better for the warrior to be as close as possible to the altar and Arantir - when the dragon dies, the shield will fall from the villain, and he will need to be beaten as quickly and painfully as possible until he again raises the shield and summons the dragon. A mage or an archer can shoot the villain remotely during breaks.

So, in the "dragon-Arantir-dragon" mode, Sareth will finish off the enemy, a necromancer who kills in the best of intentions.

That's all. You have the skull. What will you do - break it, freeing your demon father and his army from prison? Or will you listen to Zan and Leanna and place the Skull of Darkness back on the altar to lock the demons away forever? The choice is yours.

You completed the game. Congratulations.

1 2 All


Start the game, go to options, go to the Keyboard tab, click on the Advanced button and check the Enable Developer Console box. Press the tilde (~) and enter the master code sv_cheats 1 to activate the cheat mode. Now enter any of the following codes:

god - immortality;

notarget - enemies ignore you;

noclip - passing through walls;

mm_player_add_skillpoints X - gives X skill points;

mm_player_add_adrenaline 100 - full adrenaline pants;

mm_player_add_gold X - gives X gold coins;

mm_player_time_to_add_mana_0 - infinite mana;

arrows_unlimited 1 - endless arrows;

give X - gives an item with the name X;

map X - loads a map named X.

List of items that can be obtained using the give X cheat:













































List of Easter eggs and codes for games. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is DARK MESSIAH OF MIGHT & MAGIC in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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  • HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC 3: THE SHADOW OF DEATH in the List of Easter eggs and codes for games:
    Pursuit new world Computing to insert titles and names from modern movies into the cheat codes of their games continues. This time - …
  • HEROES OF MIGHT & MAGIC 4 in the List of Easter eggs and codes for games:
    During the game, press TAB and enter the following codes: nwcAmbrosia - a lot of resources and a lot of money; nwcAres - win in ...
  • CRUSADERS OF MIGHT & MAGIC in the List of Easter eggs and codes for games:
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    1) BAYARD (1825-1878).-Poet, _b._ in Pennsylvania of Quaker descent, began to write by the time he was 12. Apprenticed to …
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    WILLIAM (1564-1616).-Dramatist and poet, _b._ at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, on 22nd or 23rd, and baptised on 26th April, 1564. On his …
  • SCOTT in the Literary Encyclopedia:
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    The root directory of the game contains the swkotor.ini file. In it, under the parameter, enter the line EnableCheats=1 . Now …

Launch the game with the "-console" option to activate the console.

Example: "C:\Program Files\Dark Messiah of Might and Magic\mm.exe" -console

Alternatively, this can be done in another way - from the options menu, select
bookmark "Keyboard" (keyboard), then "Advanced" (additional)
and check the box next to "Enable Developer Console"
(activate debug console).

While playing, press the [~] (tilde) key and then type sv_cheats 1
to activate cheat mode. Now you can type in the console
the following cheat codes:

God - invulnerability
god 1 - invulnerability
notarget - enemies ignore you
notarget 1 - invisibility
impulse 101 - get all weapons and ammo
ai_disable 1 - disable AI
sv_gravity [number] - change gravity (default 800)
Noclip - walking through walls mode
noclip 1 - walking through walls mode
Give [name] - get the specified item
buddha - buddha mode
mm_npc_create [name] - Get the specified NPC
mm_player_add_skillpoints [number] - add the specified amount of experience
mm_player_add_adrenaline 100 - full adrenaline
mm_player_add_gold - Get the specified amount of gold
arrows_unlimited 1 - endless arrows
developer 1 - debug mode
map [name] - load the specified map
showconsole - show the console
restart_assassin - Reload the map and start as a mercenary
restart_warrior - Reload the map and start as a warrior
restart_wizard - Reload the map and start as a wizard
map_assassin - start on the specified map as a mercenary
map_warrior - start on the specified map as a warrior
map_wizard - start on the specified map as a wizard
mm_player_time_to_add_mana 0 - infinite mana

Item names:
Used with cheat code Give [item_name] :
weapon_arx_long_sword weapon_mm_helmet_orcchief
weapon_arx_orc_chief_cleaver weapon_mm_helmet_orsmall
weapon_arx_short_sword weapon_mm_hook
weapon_arx_silver_sword weapon_mm_shield_deathknight
weapon_arx_sword_collector weapon_mm_shield_gob
weapon_arx_sword_of_fire weapon_mm_shield_guard
weapon_ax_sword_of_misery weapon_mm_shield_lava
weapon_arx_wakizashi_of_excellence weapon_mm_shield_magic
weapon_arxclub weapon_mm_shield_necroguard
weapon_arxcrossbow weapon_mm_shield_orc
weapon_arxcrossbowrope weapon_mm_shield_orcsmall
weapon_arxdaggers weapon_mm_specter_knife
weapon_arxhelmet weapon_mm_staff_collector
weapon_arxkatana weapon_mm_staff_combat
weapon_arxorccleaver weapon_mm_staff_destruction
weapon_arxringdexterity weapon_mm_staff_fire
weapon_arxringmana weapon_mm_staff_ghost
weapon_arxringprotectfire weapon_mm_staff_holy
weapon_arxringregeneration weapon_mm_staff_mana
weapon_arxringsecondchance weapon_mm_staff_necromancer
weapon_arxringstrength weapon_mm_staff_shadow
weapon_arxshield weapon_mm_staff_shock
weapon_arxsword weapon_mm_staff_spell
weapon_lockpick weapon_mm_staff_tun
weapon_missile weapon_mm_staff_wizard
weapon_mm_bow_collector weapon_mm_staff_wood
weapon_mm_bow_explosive weapon_mm_weapon_generic
weapon_mm_bow_freeze weapon_MMDummyCaster
weapon_mm_bow_holy weapon_mmspell
weapon_mm_bow_living weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_1
weapon_mmbow_long weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_2
weapon_mm_bow_mass weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_3
weapon_mm_bow_plan weapon_MMSpell_weapon_AIR_4
weapon_mm_bow_poison weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_1
weapon_mm_bow_sniper weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_2
weapon_mm_daggers_collector weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_3
weapon_mm_daggers_dest weapon_MMSpell_weapon_EARTH_4
weapon_mm_daggers_kryss weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_1
weapon_mm_daggers_kryss_lk weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_2
weapon_mm_daggers_light weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_3
weapon_mm_daggers_of_ashes weapon_MMSpell_weapon_FIRE_4
weapon_mm_daggers_plan weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_1
weapon_mm_daggers_polar weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WAER_2
weapon_mm_daggers_shadow weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_3
weapon_mm_daggers_silver weapon_MMSpell_weapon_WATER_4
weapon_mm_helmet_accuracy weapon_MMTelekinesis_physcannon
weapon_mm_helmet_confusion weapon_sword_souldrinker
weapon_mm_helmet_guard item_potion_life (Health potion)
weapon_mm_helmet_health item_potion_mana (Mana potion)

NPC Names:
Used with cheat code the mm_npc_create [NPC_name]

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