Unmanned aerial vehicles of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations: types and classification. “What role does aviation play in rescue operations? Classification of maps used in aviation EMERCOM

Maps used in aviation

Lecture No. 3.

Topographic maps are extremely important in aviation. Any flight without a flight card is prohibited in aviation. The flight chart is also one of the air navigation documents. Flight personnel must be able to prepare a map and use it both on the ground and in flight.

Using the flight map you can:

Ø visual orientation;

Ø control of the aircraft path;

Ø determination of navigation elements in flight;

Ø laying aircraft position lines and determining its location.

Plan and map.

Plan- This is a reduced image of the earth's surface on a plane.

Plan properties:

Ø there is no degree grid of meridians and parallels;

Ø equal scale in all directions;

Ø greater detail of terrain details and transmission of outlines

objects without distortion;

Ø a small area of ​​terrain with a radius of 10–15 km is depicted.

Map– a graphic representation of the earth’s surface on a plane.

Card properties:

Ø there is a degree grid of parallels and meridians;

Ø a large area of ​​terrain is depicted

Ø there is a distortion of the lengths of angles and areas;

Ø objects of the earth's surface are depicted by conventional signs.

Map scale.

The transfer of a section of the earth's surface, which has a spherical shape, to a plane is carried out according to a certain mathematical law, and the earth depicted on the plane is always smaller than its actual dimensions. For convenience, the earth on the plane is depicted in varying degrees of reduction.

Map scale is the degree to which the lines on the map are reduced in relation to the lines on the ground.

Card manufacturing technology includes the following operations:

Ø reducing the globe to the size of a globe of the required scale;

Ø transfer the globe to a sheet of paper in some way.

The degree to which the globe is reduced to the size of a globe is called the principal scale.

Due to the fact that the globe or part of it cannot be transferred to a plane without distortion, distortions will occur at each point on the map, which will also lead to changes in scale.

Thus, the map has a private scale.

A partial scale is the scale of each point on the map.

According to the method of representation, scales can be numerical or linear. A numerical scale is a fraction, the numerator of which is one, and the denominator is a number showing how many times the actual distances on earth are reduced when plotting them on a map. For example – 1: 1000 000, 1: 500 000. The larger the scale, the smaller the denominator.

Linear scale - a straight line of division into equal segments, indicated by numbers showing what distance on earth they correspond to. A linear scale is essentially a numerical scale expressed graphically.

On the flight map, on its lower edge, the main scale, both numerical and linear, is plotted.

The essence of map projections and their classification.

A map projection is a way of depicting the earth's surface on a plane.

The essence of any map projection is that at the beginning the globe is reduced to the size of a globe of a given scale, and then the globe is transferred to a plane (sheet of paper) according to the intended method.

As already mentioned, the surface of a globe cannot be transferred to a plane without distortion. Therefore, when the earth of the globe is transferred to a plane, distortions of both lengths and directions and areas occur.

In practice, there are many different projections that differ in the nature of distortions on the map when they are used. By nature of distortion map projections are divided into:

Ø equiangular (undistorted angles);

Ø equidistant (undistorted distances);

Ø equal in size (undistorted areas);

Ø arbitrary (everything is distorted).

Conformal projections do not distort angles and retain the semblance of small figures. Maps in this projection are widely used in aviation.

Equidistant projections only keep distances along meridians and parallels undistorted.

Equal area projections maintain equality of area.

Arbitrary projections do not preserve any of these properties.

According to the method of constructing parallels and meridians on the map, all cartographic projections are divided into:

Ø conical;

Ø polyconical;

Ø azimuthal;

Ø cylindrical;

Ø special.

This division is based on the use of an auxiliary geometric surface when designing. So, with a conical projection, the globe (its surface) is projected onto the walls of the cone placed on the globe.

Conical projection.

With polyconic projection, the surface of the globe is projected onto several cones.

Polyconic projection.

With a cylindrical projection, the surface of the globe is projected onto the walls of a cylinder, which is placed on the globe.

Cylindrical projections.

Moreover, depending on the purposes of the cards, the cylinder is placed on the globe at different angles relative to the axis of rotation of the earth.

Options for cylindrical projection.

Each auxiliary geometric surface can either touch the globe or cut it, which affects the nature and magnitude of distortions.

The most widely used in aviation are maps made in a modified polyconic projection, or it is also called the international projection.

All aviation maps are divided into three groups: operational-tactical, aeronautical and reference. Operational-tactical maps are intended for the work of headquarters in the process of managing units and subunits. Aeronautical charts are used in preparation for flight and during flight. Reference cards are used to prepare various reference data necessary when preparing for a flight and organizing aviation combat operations.

According to their purpose, aeronautical maps used to solve navigation problems are divided into flight, airborne, target, special and reference maps.

The aeronautical map, according to which the pilot prepares for a flight and with which he performs the flight, is called a flight map. Flight maps are used to plot a route, determine various initial data, calculate a flight, control a flight and perform other work in the air. The scale of flight maps depends on the helicopter's flight range, flight area and the nature of the tasks performed. In army aviation, maps of scales 1:200,000, 1:500,000, 1:1,000,000 are used as flight maps.

Route and flight maps are made specifically to solve navigation problems, so they better meet the operating conditions in flight and can be used during flights.

On-board maps (backup maps located on board the helicopter) are designed to solve helicopter navigation problems in the event that the helicopter leaves the area shown on the flight map. In addition, they are used to plot position lines obtained using radio navigation aids located at a great distance from the helicopter. These maps must cover an area with a radius of at least the maximum practical flight range of the helicopter. Maps of scales 1:1,000,000 and 1:2,000,000 are used as airborne maps in army aviation.

Target maps are used to search and detect targets, determine their coordinates, select landing sites and reach them. These are usually large-scale maps of a limited area of ​​the terrain or target area. In army aviation, maps of scales 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000 are used as target maps.

Special maps are intended mainly for solving helicopter navigation problems using measurement data obtained using radio navigation aids. These include maps of various scales and projections, on which, when published or manually, helicopter position lines are drawn: orthodromic radio bearings from ground-based radio direction finders, azimuth-distance - number grids of angular-rangefinder systems, lines of equal azimuths from radio stations, etc. Special and onboard maps can be combined if, during preparation for the flight, position lines from the radio navigation aids planned for use are laid on the latter.

Special maps are used not only by crews, but also by crews of command posts that have ground-based means of flight control or target guidance (ground-based radar stations, RSBN systems, etc.).

Reference maps contain data used in combat planning and flight preparation. They can be of different scales and projections. These include maps of large airfield hubs, overview navigation maps, maps

magnetic declinations and time zones, star charts, various climate and meteorological maps, etc. The projection and scale of the reference map are determined by its purpose.

The choice of map scale for each of the listed groups is determined by the nature of the navigation tasks and the required accuracy of their solution, and also depends on the assigned combat mission.

Each map is published on separate sheets, which have certain dimensions in latitude and longitude and represent parts of a single whole map of a separate region, state, continent, the entire globe. To make it possible to simply and conveniently select the necessary sheets of maps for gluing them together and preparing them for flight, cartography has adopted a designation system for each map sheet, consisting of letters and numbers, called nomenclature. The designation is based on a system of dividing the map into separate sheets, which is called a layout.

The basis for the layout and designation of maps at a scale of 1: 1,000,000 and larger in the USSR is a map sheet of 1: 1,000,000, drawn up in a modified polyconic projection, which has frame dimensions of 6° in longitude and 4° in latitude. The nomenclature of sheets of this map is made up of row and column designations. Based on this, the entire globe is divided by parallels into rows (22 rows each in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres) and meridians into 60 columns. The designation of the rows begins from the equator to the north and south in capital letters of the Latin alphabet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, 4 K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V. The remaining circle at the poles is designated by the letter Z. The columns are located between the meridians and are designated by numbers from 1 to 60 starting from the meridian 180° to the east. For example, the sheet on which Moscow is located is designated N-37. The system of layout and nomenclature of map sheets at a scale of 1:1,000,000 (Fig. 1.23) is international.

The nomenclature of map sheets at a larger scale (1:500,000 and larger) is obtained by dividing a map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 into parts. The nomenclature of these sheets consists of the designation of a map sheet at a scale of 1:1,000,000 with the addition of numbers and letters indicating the location of a larger scale map sheet on it (Fig. 1.24).

A sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 consists of four sheets of a map at a scale of 1:500,000, which are designated by the letters A, B, C, D. For example, the sheet of Saratov is designated M-38-B. On one sheet of a map at a scale of 1:1,000,000 there are 36 sheets of a map at a scale of 1:200,000 and 144 sheets of a map at a scale of 1:100,000, which are designated respectively by Roman numerals from I to XXXVI and Arabic numerals from 1 to 144.

The layout and nomenclature of maps of scales 1: 50,000, 1: 25,000, 1: 10,000 consist of the designation of a sheet of map of scale 1: 100,000 with the addition of numbers and letters of the Russian alphabet. To obtain a map sheet at a scale of 1:50,000, a map sheet at a scale of 1:100,000
divided into four parts and designated by the letters A, B, C, D. A map sheet at a scale of 1:25,000 is obtained by dividing a map sheet of 1:50,000 into four parts, which are designated by small letters of the Russian alphabet a, b, c, d. To obtain a map sheet/V-37

scale 1: 10,000, a sheet of a map of 1:25,000 is divided into four parts, which are designated by Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, 4. Thus, on one sheet of a map of scale 1: 100,000 there are four sheets of a map of scale 1:50,000, sixteen sheets of card

Rectangular layout

With this layout general map divided into sheets shaped like a rectangle. The frames of such a sheet do not coincide with the meridians and parallels.

Prefabricated tables.

Designed to select the necessary sheets of maps and determine their nomenclature. Prefabricated tables are a small-scale schematic map with a layout and nomenclature of sheets of one or more map scales indicated on it. Compiled tables are published on separate sheets.


When compiling maps, only those elements that are necessary for using it are applied. The following are applied to aviation maps: hydrographic objects (seas, lakes, rivers...), large settlements, road network, isogons, magnetic anomalies.

The depiction of terrain elements on the map is carried out using conventional signs, which are divided into:

Ø contour;

Ø non-scale;

Ø linear;

Ø explanatory;

Ø signs depicting relief.

Outline signs used to depict terrain elements such as seas, lakes, swamps, forests, etc. These signs convey the elements of the earth's surface on a scale.

Off-scale symbols are used to depict terrain elements that cannot be expressed on a map scale, such as bridges, airfields, pipes, towers, etc.

Linear symbols are used to depict rivers, canals, roads and other linear landmarks on the map.

Explanatory signs are used for additional characteristics of terrain elements.

Knowledge of the terrain is of great importance for flight safety. The ability of the crew to accurately and timely determine it on the map ensures flight safety from a collision of the aircraft with the terrain or obstacles on it.

The terrain on the map is indicated in various ways:

Ø horizontals;

Ø height marking;

Ø washing;

Ø hypsometrically.

The method of contour lines is widely used on flight maps when depicting terrain. This method allows you to determine absolute heights and mutual elevations of terrain points, as well as the nature of the terrain, i.e. the steepness of the slopes. The essence of depicting an area on a map with contour lines is as follows. The earth's surface is cut by planes (horizontals) located one from another at the same (for a given scale) distance “h”. The distance between the following planes is called the section height. The line obtained by cutting a plane with the earth's surface is called a horizontal line. It essentially connects points on the earth's surface located at the same height. These contour lines are drawn on the map.

The level of the Baltic Sea (zero of the Kronstadt water gauge) is taken as the starting point for the height of the terrain in Russia.

Representation of the terrain on a map using contour lines.

Where: h – section height, S – location.

Knowing the height of the section and the depth of the slope, you can calculate the steepness of the slope ““” using the formula:

The “ ” value can be determined using the NL-10m ruler using the key:

or using a scale placed on the bottom edge of a large-scale map.

The total height of the section for a given map scale is indicated on the bottom edge of the map. The main horizontal lines are drawn with a solid line, on which numbers are applied indicating the height above sea level. For a more detailed image of the terrain, in addition to solid contours, auxiliary contours are also drawn, which are depicted with a dotted line. By the density of contour lines one can judge the nature of the relief, and by digital marks one can judge the absolute heights and mutual elevation of the terrain.

The absolute heights of the terrain on maps are indicated by numbers, and for visual contrast, a shade is used. Thus, on flight maps, the terrain is depicted in three ways simultaneously: contour lines, elevation marks, and shading.

The hypsometric method is layer-by-layer painting with different colors at different altitudes of the area. For example, from light yellow to dark brown. Each color corresponds to a certain height. The tone scale is applied on the bottom edge of the card.

Classification and characteristics of cards used in aviation.

According to their purpose, maps used in aviation are divided into: flight, airborne, special and patrol. On board the aircraft, the crew is required to have a flight and on-board map, and during forest protection flights, a patrol map.

Flight charts are intended for flight along the route of the flight area. They are used to plot a route, calculate a flight, provide visual orientation, and determine navigation elements. For aircraft of classes 1, 2, 3, maps at a scale of 1: 2,000,000 are used as flight maps, covering an area of ​​at least 200 km on both sides of the given route.

For class 4 aircraft and helicopters of all classes - a map at a scale of 1: 1,000,000, covering the area on both sides of the given route for at least 100 km.

Depending on the nature of the flights, larger scale maps may also be used as flight maps. Thus, for aerial forest protection work, a flight map of a scale of 1: 500,000 is used.

On-board maps are designed to restore orientation, avoid hazardous weather conditions, as well as fly to a safe airfield and use the RTS to determine the location of the aircraft.

For aircraft of classes 1, 2 and 3, a map of scale 1: 2,000,000 is used as an onboard map, covering the area on both sides of a given route of at least 1,500 km for classes 1 and 2 and 700 km for class 3. If necessary, a 1:4000000 scale map can be used as an on-board map.

For class 4 aircraft and helicopters of all classes, a 1: 2,000,000 scale map is used as an on-board map, covering an area on both sides of a given route of at least 400 km.

The following are indicated on the on-board map:

Ø main flight routes and departure to an alternate airfield;

Ø radio equipment in the form symbols;

Ø azimuth circles and sectors with centers at the locations of radio equipment;

Ø the magnitude of magnetic declinations along the route and at the locations where the RTS is installed.

Special maps are intended for use for air navigation purposes: radio beacons, hyperbolic systems, as well as use as reference materials: time zones, magnetic declinations, etc. special cards Maps at a scale of 1:4000000 are used.

A map of scale 1: 300,000, 1: 200,000, 1: 100,000 is used as a patrol map. It is designed to accurately determine the location of a forest fire, its characteristics and methods of combating it.

The transition from the flight map to the patrol map is carried out according to a characteristic landmark identified on both maps.

The following are included on the patrol map:

Ø neighborhood network;

Ø boundaries of forestry enterprises and forest districts with the designation of their names;

Ø location of points for receiving reports about a forest fire;

Ø and other load in accordance with the Instructions for Aviation Forest Protection.

__.Topic No. 1: “Basic geographical concepts. Maps used in aviation."

In Russia, the federal ministry, abbreviated as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, is responsible for eliminating the consequences of local and natural disasters. It is the most important in the country. It operates jointly with other rapid response agencies. It includes municipal fire and rescue services. The Ministry of Emergency Situations exercises unified management of emergency departments of cities, regions and the country as a whole. In total, the department conducts more than 25% of federal inspections.

Activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The Federal Service provides control over all rescue authorities of the country. Initially, municipal departments are sent to the call. If local forces fail to localize the danger, regional services come into play. Republican departments are involved only when absolutely necessary.

Rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations are only the fourth to arrive at the scene. Local authorities such as the police, ambulance and firefighters. And only after these services have established the need to attract additional forces to eliminate the danger, the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees arrive. Their response time is about 4 hours.

In the event of a large-scale disaster, federal aviation is involved in its elimination. However, before calling a helicopter from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, it is necessary to assess the level of danger. Perhaps the accident will be resolved by city services. Emergency services employees are called only in rare cases when the situation gets out of control.

The ministry employs people who have undergone military training in the army and firefighters. When passing exams, rescuers are tested not only for their physical readiness and mental abilities, but also for their psychological stability. In total, the Ministry of Emergency Situations employs more than 7,200 people, and the fire service has about 150 thousand employees.

Rescue aviation

The Air Force of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is the pride of the entire country. Federal service aviation was formed in May 1995. The initiator was the Government of the Russian Federation. During its existence, aviation has proven itself many times. She took part in thousands of rescue missions in Russia and abroad.

The main base of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is considered to be the Ramenskoye airfield. However, aviation forces are evenly distributed across all regions of the country. Today the ministry has more than 50 aircraft at its disposal. The aircraft fleet is represented by such aircraft as Il-62M, An-74, Yak-42D, Be-200ChS and many other multifunctional models. Also on the balance sheet are the rescue BK-117, Mi-8 and Bo-105. The Ka-32 was modernized for medical needs. Among the multi-purpose heavyweights, it is worth highlighting the Mi-26T.

Military pilot and engineer Rafail Zakirov is considered the father of Russian rescue aviation. It was he who was at the origins of the development of fire extinguishing technologies for helicopters such as the Mi-26 and Ka-32. For efficiency, drainage devices of the VSU-15 series were used. Zakirov also developed a concept for combating oil spills. For this purpose, the VOP-3 device was designed. Later, the engineer managed to achieve amazing results in extinguishing man-made fires. Efficiency was achieved thanks to Zakirov’s invention - the VAP-2 spillway apparatus.

Mi-8 helicopter

The helicopter is suitable for both reconnaissance and fire support of ground forces. It is possible to attach anti-tank bombs.

Leading Japanese and German companies began jointly developing the BK-117 in the 1970s. Production and export were established only by the beginning of the 1980s.

The helicopter is controlled by one pilot. The cargo compartment accommodates 9 people. Load capacity varies between 1700 kg. The power of both engines is 1500 hp. With.

The maximum speed reaches 250 km/h.

Modern technologies in the field of detection and development of fires are developing very rapidly today. The latest developments can surprise not only with their appearance, for example, in the field of extinguishing and eliminating the consequences of natural disasters, robotic technology is currently used.

In our article we will tell you about another fundamentally new technology which is actively being implemented and used in the modern world.

Unmanned aircraft can be widely used to solve special problems when the use of manned aircraft is impossible or economically unprofitable:

  • inspection of hard-to-reach areas of the border,
  • observation of various areas of land and water surface,
  • determining the consequences of natural disasters and disasters,
  • identifying outbreaks, performing search and other work.

The use of UAVs makes it possible to monitor the situation remotely, without human intervention and without exposing him to danger, over fairly large areas in hard-to-reach areas at a relative low cost.


According to the principle of flight, all UAVs can be divided into 5 groups (the first 4 groups are aerodynamic type vehicles):

  • with a rigid wing (aircraft-type UAV);
  • with flexible wing;
  • with a rotating wing (helicopter-type UAV);
  • with a flapping wing;
  • aerostatic.

In addition to the UAVs of the five groups listed, there are also various hybrid subclasses of devices, which, based on their flight principle, are difficult to unambiguously attribute to any of the listed groups. There are especially many such UAVs that combine the qualities of aircraft and helicopter types.

With rigid wing (airplane type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rigid-wing UAV. The lift of these devices is created aerodynamically due to the pressure of air flowing onto the fixed wing. Devices of this type, as a rule, are characterized by a long flight duration, high maximum flight altitude and high speed.

There are a wide variety of subtypes of aircraft-type UAVs, differing in the shape of the wing and fuselage. Almost all aircraft layouts and types of fuselages that are found in manned aircraft are also applicable in unmanned aircraft.

With flexible wing

These are cheap and economical aerodynamic-type aircraft, in which not a rigid, but a flexible (soft) structure made of fabric, elastic polymer material or elastic composite material with the property of reversible deformation is used as a load-bearing wing. This class of UAVs includes unmanned motorized paragliders, hang gliders and UAVs with elastically deformable wings.

An unmanned motorized paraglider is a device based on a controlled wing parachute, equipped with a motorized cart with a propeller for autonomous take-off and independent flight. The wing usually has the shape of a rectangle or ellipse. The wing can be soft, have a rigid or inflatable frame. The disadvantage of unmanned motorized paragliders is the difficulty of controlling them, since the navigation sensors are not tightly connected to the wing. Their use is also limited by the obvious dependence on weather conditions.

Rotating wing (helicopter type)

This type of vehicle is also known as a rotating wing UAV. They are often also called vertical take-off and landing UAVs. The latter is not entirely correct, since in the general case, UAVs with a stationary UAV can also have vertical takeoff and landing.

The lift of this type of aircraft is also created aerodynamically, but not by the wings, but by the rotating blades of the rotor(s). Wings are either absent altogether or play a supporting role. The obvious advantages of helicopter-type UAVs are the ability to hover at a point and high maneuverability, which is why they are often used as aerial robots.

With a flapping wing

UAVs with flapping wings are based on the bionic principle - copying the movements created in flight by flying living objects - birds and insects. Although there are no mass-produced devices in this class of UAVs and they do not yet have practical applications, intensive research is being carried out in this area all over the world. In recent years there has been large number various interesting concepts of small UAVs with flapping wings.

The main advantages that birds and flying insects have over existing types of aircraft are their energy efficiency and maneuverability. Devices based on imitation of the movements of birds are called ornithopters, and devices that copy the movements of flying insects are called entomopters.


Aerostatic-type UAVs are a special class of UAVs in which the lifting force is created primarily by the Archimedean force acting on a cylinder filled with a light gas (usually helium). This class is represented mainly by unmanned airships.

An airship is a lighter-than-air aircraft, which is a combination of a balloon with a propulsion device (usually a propeller (propeller, impeller) with an electric motor or internal combustion engine) and an attitude control system. By design, airships are divided into three main types: soft, semi-rigid and rigid. In soft and semi-rigid airships, the shell for the carrier gas is soft, which acquires the required shape only after the carrier gas is pumped into it under a certain pressure.

In soft-type airships, the invariability of the external shape is achieved by the excess pressure of the carrier gas, constantly maintained by balloons - soft containers located inside the shell into which air is pumped. Ballonets, in addition, serve to regulate the lift force and control the pitch angle (differentiated pumping/injection of air into the ballonets leads to a change in the center of gravity of the device).

Semi-rigid airships are distinguished by the presence of a rigid (in most cases along the entire length of the shell) truss in the lower part of the shell. In rigid airships, the invariability of the external shape is ensured by a rigid frame covered with fabric, and the gas is located inside the rigid frame in cylinders made of gas-tight material. Unmanned rigid airships are practically not used yet.


Some classes of foreign classification are not available in the Russian Federation, light UAVs in Russia have a significantly longer range, etc. According to the Russian classification, which is currently focused primarily only on the military purpose of the devices.

UAVs can be systematized as follows:

  1. Short-range micro- and mini-UAVs – take-off weight up to 5 kg, range up to 25-40 km;
  2. Light short-range UAVs - take-off weight 5-50 kg, range 10-70 km;
  3. Light medium-range UAVs - take-off weight 50-100 kg, range 70-150 (250) km;
  4. Medium UAVs – take-off weight 100-300 kg, range 150-1000 km;
  5. Medium-heavy UAVs - take-off weight 300-500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  6. Heavy medium-range UAVs - take-off weight more than 500 kg, range 70-300 km;
  7. Heavy UAVs with long flight duration - take-off weight of more than 1500 kg, range of about 1500 km;
  8. Unmanned combat aircraft - take-off weight of more than 500 kg, range of about 1,500 km.

UAVs used

Granad VA-1000

ZALA 421-16E

For technical equipment of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations with unmanned aerial vehicles, Russian enterprises have developed several options, let’s consider some of them:

This is a long-range unmanned aircraft (Fig. 1.) with an automatic control system (autopilot), a navigation system with inertial correction (GPS/GLONASS), a built-in digital telemetry system, navigation lights, a built-in three-axis magnetometer, a module for holding and active target tracking (“ AC module"), a digital built-in camera, a digital broadband video transmitter of C-OFDM modulation, a radio modem with a satellite navigation system (SNS) receiver "Diagonal AIR" with the ability to work without a SNS signal (radio range finder), a self-diagnosis system, a humidity sensor, a temperature sensor, a sensor current, a propulsion system temperature sensor, a parachute release, an air shock absorber to protect the target load during landing and a search transmitter.

This complex is designed for aerial surveillance at any time of the day at a distance of up to 50 km with real-time video transmission. The unmanned aircraft successfully solves the problems of ensuring the security and control of strategically important objects, allows you to determine the coordinates of the target and quickly make decisions to adjust the actions of ground services. Thanks to the built-in “AS Module”, the UAV automatically monitors static and moving objects. In the absence of a SNS signal, the UAV will autonomously continue to perform the task.

Rice. 1. UAV ZALA 421-16E

ZALA 421-08M

Designed according to the “flying wing” design, this is a tactical-range unmanned aircraft with an autopilot and has a similar set of functions and modules as the ZALA 421-16E. This complex is designed for operational reconnaissance of terrain at a distance of up to 15 km with real-time video transmission. The ZALA 421-08M UAV is distinguished by its ultra-reliability, ease of operation, low acoustic and visual signature and best-in-class target loads.

This aircraft does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to the fact that the take-off is carried out using an elastic catapult, and carries out aerial reconnaissance under various weather conditions at any time of the day.

Transportation of the complex with the ZALA 421-08M UAV to the place of operation can be carried out by one person. The lightness of the device allows (with appropriate preparation) to be launched “by hand”, without using a catapult, which makes it indispensable when solving problems. The built-in “Module AC” allows an unmanned aircraft to automatically monitor static and moving objects, both on land and on water.

Rice. 2. UAV ZALA 421-08M

ZALA 421-22

This is an unmanned helicopter with eight main rotors, medium range, with a built-in autopilot system (Fig. 3). The design of the device is foldable and made of composite materials, which makes it easy to deliver the complex to the place of operation by any vehicle.

This device does not require a specially prepared take-off and landing site due to its vertically automatic launch and landing, which makes it indispensable when conducting aerial reconnaissance in hard-to-reach areas.

It is successfully used to perform operations at any time of the day: to search and detect objects, to ensure the security of perimeters within a radius of up to 5 km. Thanks to the built-in “AC Module”, the device automatically monitors static and moving objects.

Rice. 3. UAV ZALA 421-22

Represents the next generation of DJI quadcopters. It is capable of recording 4K video and transmitting video signal high definition straight out of the box. The camera is integrated into the gimbal for maximum stability and weight efficiency in a minimal size. In the absence of a GPS signal, Visual Positioning technology ensures hovering accuracy.

Phantom 3 Professional Features

Camera and Gimbal: The Phantom 3 Professional shoots 4K video at up to 30fps and takes 12 megapixel photos that look sharper and cleaner than ever. The camera's improved sensor gives you greater clarity, lower noise, and better pictures than any previous flying camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, based on the DJI Lightbridge system.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4480 mAh DJI Intelligent Flight Battery has new cells and uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to hover accurately at one point in the absence of GPS.

Performance characteristics of Phantom 3 Professional

BAS Phantom-3
Weight (with battery and screws) 1280
Maximum climb speed 5 m/s
Maximum rate of descent 3 m/s
Maximum speed 16 m/s (at ATTI mode in calm weather)
Maximum flight altitude 6000 m
Maximum flight time Approximately 23 minutes
Operating temperature range From – 10° to 40° C
Coverage Tilt angle: from – 90° to + 30°
Visual positioning
Speed ​​range < 8 м/с (на высоте 2 метра над землей)
Altitude range 30-300 cm.
Operating range 30-300 cm.
Working conditions Brightly lit (>15 lux) surfaces with contours
Optics EXMOR 1/2.3”

Effective pixels: 12.4 million (total pixels: 12.76 million)


Viewing angle 94° 20 mm

(35mm format equivalent) f/2.8

ISO adjustment 100-3200 (video) 100-1600 (photo)
Electronic shutter speed 8 p. – 1/8000 s.
Maximum image size 4000×3000
Photo modes


Continuous shooting: 3/5/7 frames

Automatic Exposure Bracketing (AEB)

frame bracketing 3/5 at 0.7EV bracket

Slow Motion

Supported SD Card Formats

Maximum capacity 64 GB. Required speed class: 10 or UHS-1

Movie modes

FHD: 1920×1080p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

HD: 1280×720p 24/25/30/48/50/60 fps

Maximum video saving speed 60 Mb/s
Supported File Formats

Video: MP4/MOV (MPEG-4 AVC/H.246)

Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Remote control
Operating frequency 2.400 GHz – 2.483 GHz
Transmission range 2000 m (outdoors without obstacles)
Video output port USB
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Battery 6000 mAh, lithium polymer 2S
Mobile device holder For tablets and smartphones
Transmitter Power (EIRP) FCS: 20 dBM; CE: 16 dBm
Operating voltage 1.2 A at 7.4 V
Voltage 17.4 V
Rated power 57 W
Intelligent Flight Battery (PH3 – 4480 mAh – 15.2 V)
Capacity 4480 mAh
Voltage 15.2 V
Battery Type Lithium polymer 4S
Full charge 68 Wh
Net weight 365 g
Operating temperature range From -10° to 40° C
Maximum charging power 100 W

Inspire 1 Features

Camera and Gimbal: Captures up to 4K video and 12-megapixel photos. There is space to install neutral density (ND) filters for better exposure control. The new suspension mechanism allows you to quickly remove the camera.

HD Video Link: Low latency, HD video transmission, this is an advanced version of the DJI Lightbridge system. It is also possible to control it from two remote controls.

Chassis: Retractable landing gear allows the camera to take unobstructed panoramas.

DJI Intelligent Flight Battery: 4500 mAh uses an intelligent battery management system.

Flight Controller: Next generation flight controller, provides more reliable operation. The new recorder stores data from each flight, and visual positioning allows you to accurately hover at one point in the absence of GPS.

Rice. 5. UAV Inspire 1

All characteristics of the UAVs listed above are presented in Table 1 (except for Phantom 3 Professional and Inspire 1 as indicated in the text)

Training for unmanned aerial vehicle operators

TTX Inspire 1

UAV ZALA 421-16E ZALA 421-16EM ZALA 421-08M ZALA 421-08F ZALA 421-16 ZALA 421-04M
UAV wingspan, mm 2815 1810 810 425 1680 1615
Flight duration, h(min) >4 2,5 (80) (80) 4-8 1,5
UAV length, mm 1020 900 425 635
Speed, km/h 65-110 65-110 65-130 65-120 130-200 65-100
Maximum flight altitude, m 3600 3600 3600 3000 3000
Target load mass, kg(g) Up to 1.5 Up to 1 (300) (300) Up to 1


The following can be distinguished:

  • carry out flights under various weather conditions, complex interference (gust of wind, upward or downward air flow, UAV getting into an air pocket, in medium and heavy fog, heavy rain);
  • conduct aerial monitoring in hard-to-reach and remote areas;
  • are a safe source of reliable information, a reliable examination of the object or suspected territory from which the threat comes;
  • allow you to prevent emergencies with regular monitoring;
  • detect (forest fires, ) in the early stages;
  • eliminate the risk to human life and health.

The unmanned aerial vehicle is designed to solve the following tasks:

  • unmanned remote monitoring of forests to detect forest fires;
  • monitoring and transmission of data on radioactive and chemical contamination of terrain and airspace in a given area;
  • engineering reconnaissance of flood areas and other natural disasters;
  • detection and monitoring of ice jams and river floods;
  • monitoring the condition of transport highways, oil and gas pipelines, power lines and other objects;
  • environmental monitoring of water areas and coastlines;
  • determination of the exact coordinates of emergency areas and affected facilities.

Monitoring is carried out day and night, in favorable and limited weather conditions. Along with this, the unmanned aerial vehicle provides a search for technical equipment that has suffered an accident (catastrophe) and missing groups of people. The search is carried out according to a pre-entered flight mission or according to a flight route quickly changed by the operator. It is equipped with guidance systems, on-board radar systems, sensors and video cameras.

During flight, as a rule, control of an unmanned aerial vehicle is automatically carried out through an on-board navigation and control complex, which includes:

  • satellite navigation receiver, providing navigation information reception from GLONASS and GPS systems;
  • a system of inertial sensors that provides determination of the orientation and movement parameters of an unmanned aerial vehicle;
  • a sensor system that provides altitude and airspeed measurements;
  • various types of antennas.

The on-board communication system operates in the permitted radio frequency range and provides data transmission from board to ground and from ground to board.

Problems to be solved

Can be classified into four main groups:

  • emergency detection;
  • participation in emergency response;
  • search and rescue of victims;
  • disaster damage assessment.

In such tasks, the senior operator must optimally select the route, speed and altitude of the UAV flight in order to cover the observation area in the minimum time or number of flights, taking into account the viewing sectors of television and thermal imaging cameras.

In this case, it is necessary to exclude double or multiple flights of the same places in order to save material and human resources.

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