Attila total war fashion Slavs. Add-on for Total War: Attila introduces the Slavic peoples

Introducing the player to old communities and ethnic groups.

Released paid add-on "Culture of Slavic peoples" will tell you about the hardy Slavic Antes, Wends and Sklavins, and at the same time show the history of the settlement of Old Slavic peoples in the West, where proud Byzantium dominated and the Roman Empire was dying.

The main condition for the victory of the Slavs, according to the developers, was technological progress. In particular, the quality and usefulness of buildings erected in Old Slavic settlements. offers a whole system supporting this idea: the level of the player, the scale and development of his company, will be determined by the construction of buildings from the proposed game chain.

Legendary buildings (amphitheatres, arsenals, walls or markets) will require a lot of resources, for the sake of which the player will have to get involved in tribal wars and capture entire provinces. Each expensive home will pay for itself with new capabilities and significant benefits.

  • Ants
    The brave peoples who settled along the Dnieper and Dniester regions, bordering the fierce Huns and Roxolani, managed to compete with the Great Byzantine Empire, and then settled on the Balkan Peninsula.

    Creative Assembly shows a cunning and ruthless people using deadly poison against their enemies. The player who chooses the Ant company will have a hard time: aggressive neighbors will complicate the gameplay by a whole lot and force the commander to use all available factors to achieve victory.

  • Sklavins
    In view Creative Assembly, The Sklavins are a separate Slavic people who made periodic raids on Byzantine territories. The tough character of the Old Slavic people creates a huge advantage in the face of the dangerous Huns.
  • Wends
    In many writings, the Wends are the parents of the Slavic world. Ancient people, who lived in the Carpathians and the shores of the Baltic Sea, suffered serious losses from numerous raids by the Huns and other nomadic tribes. The player, choosing the Venedian peoples, will be able to stick to purely diplomatic development, making peace with the hordes of Attila.

  • Like any other ethnic group in Russia, the Slavs have a number of advantages and disadvantages. They are hardy, fast and practical. Captured and devastated factions lend themselves to rapid development and colonization. Peoples are also resistant to low temperatures; their losses in winter are reduced to zero. Main buildings are cheap to build due to adaptability. The main difference between the Slavs is poisoned arrows, which cause enormous damage and weaken the enemy.

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    We waited, we believed. And our faith was rewarded! Announcement Total War: WARHAMMER took place! The skeptics were put to shame, and the Vachomans rejoiced! But the developers have already managed to tell a lot of details on the forums. Was it first known? that this will not be one game, but a trilogy flavored with a whole bunch of add-ons and additional paid and free content. Secondly, there will be only four factions (Empire of Sigmar, Greenskins, Dwarves and Vampire Counts), but they promise to make them as detailed as possible, rich in units and really different from each other in gameplay. Thirdly, the heads of factions are now not just generals whom you don’t mind losing in battle. Now these are the Legendary Lords (Karl Franz, Grimgor, Thorgrim and Mannfred von Carstein), heroes with unique weapon, mounts, clothes and a set of quests. They also promise such new items as flying units, magic, tanks, cannons and muskets... in general, yummy! In general, we are waiting for more information and hope that the game will become a breakthrough in the series.

    Well, we hasten to reassure apologists of historicity - a separate team is working on Warhammer. Historical games Total War is not slowing down the production of the fantasy game.

    More details about

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    More details about Total War: Attila Part 1 And Part 2

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    At the moment, I have managed to play more or less seriously only for the Sklavins, but I can already say that they are too strong, downright OP. Their imbecility is the result not of one particular ability or building, but of their combinations.
    Firstly, the Sklavins are directly targeted against the nomads: both with their bonuses and the storyline. From the very first quests, regardless of the player, you can get up to +30 defense and melee attack against nomads, +20 to morale and +20 to melee damage. These very, very strong bonuses are obtained, I repeat, for free - and their results are amazing. By 400 AD I, playing for the Sklavins, repelled 3 (three!) attacks and sieges of the Huns, in which my army of 11 detachments of warriors of 1-2 levels won DECISIVE victories over the hordes of Huns from 19-20 detachments of warriors, among which were level 3. This is too, too cool. I think it’s not worth writing about how difficult the quests are to expel the Budins, Roxalans and Kutrigurs from the Slavic lands.
    Secondly, the neighbors of the Sklavins - the Antes and Wends - actually guarantee the security of the borders. They themselves (themselves!) ask to become trading partners, then - to become defensive allies, and in the end - to become military allies. Yes, they are not “our people” and it is impossible to invite them to the federation, but already before 400 AD. you can automatically get 2 strong trade and military allies. Combined with the fact that the Sklavins are targeted against nomads, helping your allies lift sieges and crush retreating troops is easy and enjoyable, even in auto-calculation mode!
    Thirdly, sklavins can capture new lands and provide a quick start from the very beginning of the game. They don't need finances for colonization - we just bring 500+ people and raise the city from ruins. I colonized all of Hyperborea long before 400 AD. - simply by moving a commander with 5 units on the map. I remember when I played for the Sassanids, the colonization of these same cities cost me a pretty penny - 14k+ for each city; Sklavins receive these lands for free (that is, for nothing) almost from the very start. After which they begin to earn income from them!
    Fourthly, due to the “common Slavic bonus”, the cost of buildings in the city center for the Sklavins is only 50%. This means that for some 1.5k (instead of 3k+ for other nations) in the very first turns of the game you can get a sanctuary, and by 395 AD. - upgrade it to level 2. Almost from the start, you can hire agent-priests with all that it entails, receive bonuses to public order, +10% to the replenishment of troops and the “last stand” last stand for all troops.
    These features alone are enough to gather half of the devastated lands under one’s hand long before the birth of Attila, to convene an indestructible and quickly recovering army - and I’m scared to imagine what the Sklavins are like in the endgame. If from the very beginning they show themselves as wild, imbecile OPs. The addition is really interesting, but, I’m afraid, it’s simple to play through(
