World of tanks trial game. World of Tanks test server

It is good practice for any addition to a multiplayer game to undergo preliminary debugging in a narrow circle of people - supertesters or the like. The World of Tanks project has taken a slightly different path - before the release of any update, it is tested for quite a long time on a separate server, which anyone can access. So today we will look at what a test is World server of Tanks and what features should be taken into account when playing it.

The opening of a test server is announced several weeks after the announcement of a particular update. After opening, anyone can download the world of tanks client (namely, a test client) and install it. Attention - the test and production clients of the game are completely independent applications and must be installed in different folders. When downloading the test client, it will not be possible to upload only the patch files - you need the entire game, so be prepared to provide the necessary space on your hard drive. After the test client is installed, you can launch it and start testing World of Tanks for new products. What you need to know first of all - spare your nerves and time, do not try to log into the test server in the first few days after it opens. A place in the queue in the second ten thousand and several hours of waiting are guaranteed to you (provided that you don’t get thrown to the end of the queue again). On the third or fourth day you can safely come in and play.

You should log in using your personal data - create new account no need. Accordingly, your nickname will remain in the game, only with the addition of a small prefix indicating that you are on the test server. The main "trick" of this server is that in addition to the opportunity to get acquainted with the newest games, the World of test server

Tanks gives you the opportunity to drive almost any car. When you first log in to your test account, the following is listed:

100,000,000 silver;
100 000 000 free experience;
20,000 gold.

Accordingly, you decided to upgrade Soviet medium tanks, but what to expect for top cars you don’t know (the forum and VODs are a good thing, but I want to try it myself). Go to the test server, open all the tanks you need for free experience, buy them and calmly test this or that sample. Another situation is buying a premium tank - no one wants to shell out real money for a pig in a poke. The test server allows you to evaluate this or that premium device, after which it will be much easier to choose a car.
Second important point, which must be taken into account - 100 million silver is burning everyone’s pockets, so on the test server, fully researched top configurations of vehicles, pumped up to the brow with the most expensive consumables and ammunition, go into battle. Everyone on the test server shoots gold, so this needs to be taken into account when evaluating a particular tank model.

The next point is that most players are eager to play on top technology, so finding partners for levels 5-7 may be a problem. The World of Tanks test server is international - you can meet representatives of all clusters from European to Asian.
After some time, the second version of the test server will be available - you can safely delete the first one and start downloading the new one. This usually happens a couple of weeks before the update is released. If it is content-based (new tanks or maps), then two stages are usually enough; in other cases (as was the case when introducing physics), there is a third stage of testing.
After the release of the official update, the test server does not close automatically, but continues to exist for about a week. News about its closure usually appears on the portal and in the game client launcher.

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.6 game update test are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, characteristics of vehicles, general updates ordinary wot players. The test server is available only at certain times; entry is possible only when the developers are ready to test the functionality of game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download general test World of Tanks 1.6.1

As soon as the link to download the test client 1.6 appears, it will be published right here! Tentatively, we should expect it in the late afternoon after 18:00 Moscow time. The client 1.6 release date should be expected by October 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How does this work?

Let's look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
WG developers get access to test domains first. Then super-testers are connected to look for shortcomings and bugs. After the fix, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is “uploaded” to a backup domain, where anyone can access it. After this, the detected deficiencies are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How to take part in the WoT test?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.6 After which, the installer will prompt the user to download the test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key Features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Participants receive: 20,000 game gold, 100,000,000 credits and free experience.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and purchased equipment are not transferred to the main client.

Test goal for patch 1.6.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • 3 maps converted to HD:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Changes and edits on maps: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sand River and Paris;

6.5.2017 18224 Views

General test of update 9.19 released

General information about the test server:

  • Due to the large number of players on the test server, there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to take part in testing the update will be placed in a queue and will be able to log onto the server as it becomes available.
  • If the user changed the password after 23:59 (Moscow time) on April 28, 2017, authorization on the test server will be available only with the password that was used before the specified time.

Features of the test server 9.19:

  • Payments are not made to the test server.
  • In this testing, earnings of experience and credits do not increase.
  • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main server.

We would also like to inform you that during testing of 9.19, scheduled maintenance will be carried out on the test server:

  • First server - 7:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Second server - 8:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of work is 25 minutes.
  • Pay attention! The test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server, and therefore, penalties for violating these rules apply in accordance with the User Agreement.
  • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
  • Reminder: download World client of Tanks, as well as his test versions and updates are most reliable in a special section on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.

Participation in testing 9.19:

  • Download (4 MB).
  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the 9.19 client (7.45 GB for the SD version and an additional 4.85 GB for the HD version). When you run the installer, it will automatically offer to install the test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the installation directory yourself.
  • If you have the previous test version installed (9.18_test3), then when you launch the general test launcher it will be updated: 372 MB for the SD version and an additional 186 MB for the HD version.
  • Please note: installation in a folder containing files test clients previous versions may entail technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before 23:59 (Moscow time) on April 28, 2017 can take part in the test.

List of changes from the first general test 9.19:

  • The "Company Battle" mode has been removed from the game.
  • The “Combat Brotherhood” and “Battle Friends” skills will work in mixed crews.
  • Added new mode– Ranked battles
  • Reworked combat missions:

    As part of the first iteration of combat mission processing, the visual and functional part of the combat missions and promotions window was significantly changed.

    A new “Combat Missions” item has appeared in the Hangar, through which you can get to the corresponding screen. Combat missions are divided into three sections: strategic, tactical, and missions for the selected vehicle.

    Strategic goals include tasks that require significant effort to complete (such as marathons).

    Tactical tasks include those that can be grouped into certain groups according to their meaning (for example, daily combat missions, combat training, etc.).

    Each task is displayed as a tile, and they are all conveniently sorted - the highest priority ones are listed first. A detailed description of each task can be seen by expanding the tile. Thanks to the new presentation of tasks in the Hangar interface, it will be much easier for you to understand them!

    The game constantly hosts various promotions - most of them reduce prices on equipment, equipment, transfer of experience and much more. And now promotions are available from the “Shop” menu item. Each promotion is represented as a tile with detailed description the item on which the discount applies, the amount of the discount and other information. All tiles are interactive - by clicking on any of them, you can take advantage of the promotion offer directly in the game client.

  • Changes in clan management:

    In the new version, the possibilities for managing a clan will expand. Now, without leaving the game client, you can:

    • distribute gold from the clan treasury;
    • change the positions of clan players;
    • transfer control of the clan;
    • view extended statistics on clan players.
  • Improvements for Fortified Areas 1.6:

    The following medals, which were awarded for activities in the Fortified Area before version 9.17.1, have been moved to the “Special” category:

    • "Warrior";
    • "For decisive battles";
    • "Conqueror";
    • "Crusher of Fortresses";
    • "Counterstrike."
  • Voice acting changes: Female voice acting has been introduced for all nations. Instead of the old option of “national” voice acting, you can now select “commander” voice acting in the settings window. The choice of “commander” voice acting makes voice notifications corresponding not only to the nation, but also to the gender of the crew commander of the vehicle selected by the player. Thus, if the commander of your vehicle is a girl, then the vehicle itself will “speak” in a female voice.
  • The following vehicles have been remastered in HD quality: KV-13, T-44, IS-2, BDR G1B, Renault FT 75 BS, Renault UE 57, Renault FT AC, Alecto, Excelsior, Vickers Mk.E Type B, STA -1, MTLS-1G14
  • Changes in technology:
    • Changes in the German technology branch: Tank added for super testers: Tiger 131
    • Changes in the Chinese technology branch: Tanks added to super testers - WZ-120-1G FT, WZ-120G FT
    • Changes in the USSR technology branch: Tank added for super testers: T-103
    • Changes in the US vehicle branch: M4A3E8 Sherman – gun mantlet armor has been strengthened. M4A3E8 Fury – armor of the gun mantlet has been strengthened. M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo – gun mantlet armor has been strengthened

And finally, about ranked battles:

Updated (01/17/2020, 11:10): test 1.7.1

Test server in game World of Tanks 1.7.1 is a regular server where new maps, features, tanks and other innovations of the game are tested. For test WOT server it is impossible to get there when the player wants it - it opens only at a certain time, when the game developers need it.

What's new in test 1.7.1?

IS-2-II double-barreled tanks ( VIII level) IS-3-II (IX level) ST-II (X level).




What the new branch of double-barreled tanks looks like:

As you can see, the new branch begins after KV-3 (VIII) level.

The crews of all three double-barreled tanks will consist of 5 people:

  • commander (radio operator);
  • gunner;
  • driver mechanic;
  • two loaders.
The most important thing is the ability to conduct several shooting modes.
  • Cyclic (standard): firing with one gun, which is reloaded after each shot;
  • Consistent: alternate firing from both guns;
  • Volley: simultaneous firing of two guns.

Performance characteristics of new double-barreled tanks (not final)

What is a test server and why is it needed?

Test server is a repository where a copy is stored and reproduced, but with some changes. Of course, before making any changes to the game, they must first be tested.
The first to see the changes are the staff of WOT developers, then they give access to super-testers. If there are any shortcomings, they are corrected and the version of the new client is tested under load. The test version of the client is uploaded to the backup server and made available to everyone. Once again, the development staff is looking for errors and shortcomings. Afterwards they fix it and roll it out new version client.

How to get to the WOT test server

To get to the test server you need to download a special installer 1.7.1 or install Wargaming Game Center. After that, launch it. He will offer to download a test client - download it and install it. Next, a folder will be created World_of_Tanks_CT(in the directory where the player specified during installation).

Everything is ready to launch! Click on the test client shortcut and you will be taken to the authorization page and login to the game. Log in with your nickname and password and select one of two test servers.

Features test. Servers

  • Each player is awarded 20,000 gold, 100,000,000 free experience, and 100,000,000 silver at a time.
  • Everything you earn and buy on the test server will never transfer to the main one.

We present the first general test of update 1.1 with the campaign of personal combat missions “Second Front”, a branch of Polish tanks, new and updated maps and something else.

Personal combat missions: “Second Front”

The long-awaited new campaign of personal combat missions “Second Front” is already here. Three combat operations with different conditions completing tasks and three new tanks as the main reward. This campaign will be a great challenge, and completing the tasks will be generously rewarded.

“Second Front” will be available to all players. If you haven't completed the first campaign, you can complete both sets of objectives simultaneously. After the release of update 1.1, we plan to gradually open operations: the first will be available immediately, then the second will appear for those who completed it, and some time after the release, the third.

Second Front is a new challenge for your gaming skills. In the three operations of this campaign, personal combat missions will have a different set of conditions:

  • First operation: you need to fulfill a certain condition for an unlimited number of battles (for example, inflict 10,000 units of damage for any number of battles). The tasks are cumulative and will require diligence.
  • Second operation: it is necessary to fulfill a certain condition in one battle. Very similar to the tasks from the first campaign: you will have to show how tough you can be in one battle.
  • Third operation: stability is a sign of mastery. You will have to show consistent results in a series of battles (for example, maintain a certain average damage in ten battles in a row).

In the new campaign of personal combat missions there are no strict restrictions on vehicle classes. Instead, national associations will appear, on whose equipment it is necessary to perform tasks - one chain (15 tasks) in an operation for each of them. There are four in total:

  • Union: USSR and China.
  • Block: Germany and Japan.
  • Alliance: USA, UK and Poland.
  • Coalition: France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia and Italy.

The reward within the “Second Front” will be three completely new vehicles with unique features. Here they are:

British Tier VI tank destroyer Excalibur

A car created as part of a British project known collectively as “Beetles” due to its unusual body shape.

You will receive not only these cars, but also other in-game equipment, as well as a female crew.

You can track the completion of tasks directly in battle using the key Tab or N. This feature will only be available for new missions within the Second Front, but we plan to add this feature for the first campaign as well.

We will tell you more about the “Second Front” in a separate article.

New cards


The map is at the stage of final optimization and improvements. There may be performance issues with this card.

As you know, Minsk is a special city for Wargaming, because the company was founded here. On the map, we recreated the city center of the early 1970s, changing some things to make the gameplay easier. If you have visited Minsk, you will recognize many places immediately. If not, just admire the cityscape and immerse yourself in the city's past!


This map is not based on any specific historical site. It was created based on the Battle of Studzianki and combines open spaces and points of confrontation. At the location you will find wide fields, a large amount of vegetation, small village buildings centered around a tall church. The central point of the map is small brick factory, which will become an important strategic point during the battle.

Changes to current maps


Many positions (including the aircraft carrier and serpentine road) have been redesigned. Fights on this map will become more fair.

Siegfried Line

The positions of the northern team are fortified on the map. Many points are reinforced with additional stones. The landscape has also changed.


The map required rebalancing because it gave the northern team a significant advantage: the left flank gave them easier and faster access to the central island. Using heatmaps and statistics, we made this location more balanced and fair towards the southern team.


Now only Tier IV-VII vehicles can fight on this map. With minor modifications to help the southern team, the bulk of the changes should provide cover from fire in various positions.

Industrial zone

The map has been redesigned in HD quality, and its size has increased from 800x800 to 1000x1000 m. Changes have also been made that will improve gameplay for all types of equipment. In addition, the eastern part of the map has been completely redesigned.

Before the release of update 1.1, we will publish a separate article with detailed information about the changes to each map.

Polish branch of technology

With the Polish map, the game will also include Polish tanks. It's time to meet new branch equipment: ten vehicles are ready to be tested in battle!

We decided to add this nation as a sign of respect for the dedication and courage of the Polish people during two world wars, when Polish territory was at the very center of conflicts.

The branch will start with LT at low levels, continue with ST at medium levels and end heavy tanks on high. Enter the game and test Polish vehicles in battle!

List of changes to the general test

New campaign of personal combat missions “Second Front”

  1. The new campaign consists of three operations:
    1. Excalibur (available immediately);
    2. Chimera (will become available after unlocking for order forms that will be credited on the evening of August 3);
    3. “Object 279 (p)” (will not be available on the general test).
  2. Each operation includes four task branches. Each branch is executed on machines of a certain association of nations (without reference to the type of equipment):
    • Union: USSR, China.
    • Block: Germany, Japan.
    • Alliance: USA, UK, Poland.
    • Coalition: France, Czechoslovakia, Sweden, Italy.
  3. Access to a new campaign is available immediately and does not depend on the results achieved in the first campaign. This way, the tasks of the two campaigns can be completed simultaneously.
  4. Each branch of the “Second Front” campaign has 15 combat missions: 14 can be completed in any order, and the 15th opens after completing all the previous ones (as in the first campaign).
  5. Each operation has its own characteristics of performing tasks:
    • Operation Excalibur: cumulative tasks. The condition is met for an unlimited number of battles (for example, inflict 10,000 damage over any number of battles).
    • Operation Chimera: the condition is fulfilled in one battle (as in the first campaign).
    • Operation "Object 279 (r)": the condition is met for a certain number of battles. If you fail, progress is reset and the task must be started again. This operation is not available on the general test.
  6. For completing each task, a reward is given in the form of credits, equipment, etc. For completing the entire operation, a reward is given unique car, which cannot be obtained in any other way.
  7. Added progress for completing tasks in battle:
    • In version 1.1, progress will only work for a new campaign.
    • A detailed description of accepted tasks will appear in battle when you press Tab or N.
  8. There are now two indicators of personal combat missions in the Hangar, one for each campaign.
  9. Operations of the “Second Front” campaign will be opened sequentially after a certain period of time. Those who complete the operation before the next one appears will receive a unique emblem.
  10. The interface of the first campaign has been improved:
    • The home screen has been completely redesigned to allow both campaigns to be displayed on one screen.
    • The task card has been improved.
    • All elements are brought to a single form, taking into account the features of both campaigns.
    • New reward screens have been added for completing personal combat missions.
    • The display of tasks in battle by pressing the Tab key has been redesigned.


  • Added the “Studzianki” map in the Polish setting.
  • Added map "Minsk".
  • The "Industrial Zone" map has been converted to HD and added to the game. Main changes:
    • The size has been increased from 800x800 to 1000x1000 m.
    • The eastern part of the map has been completely redesigned.
    • Balance and gameplay changes have been made.

Balance changes have been made to the following maps:

  1. "Calm";
  2. "Siegfried Line";
  3. "Mines";
  4. "Province".

Only Tier IV-VII vehicles will now be included in battles in the Provinces.

  • Now you can change appearance all Tier IX vehicles.
  • The Wwise sound engine has been updated: critical errors in the sound system have been fixed, and new features have appeared to improve the sound in the game.

Polish branch of technology

A complete branch of Polish vehicles has been added, consisting of ten vehicles from Tier I to Tier X:

  1. 25TP KSUST II
  2. 40TP Habicha
  3. 45TP Habicha
  4. 53TP Markowskiego
  5. 50TP Tyszkiewicza
  6. 60TP Lewandowskiego

Changes in vehicle parameters

  • Added the Object 279 Early tank (for testing by super testers).
  • Added IS-2M tank.
  • Added medium tank Chimera (for testing by supertesters).
  • Added Excalibur tank destroyer (for testing by super testers).

IX Object 430 Option II: displayed 4TDF engine power changed from 580 to 610 hp. pp., which corresponds to the actual one.

  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the client 1.1 (4.83 GB for the SD version and an additional 1.74 GB for the HD version). When launched, the installer will automatically offer to install the test client in a separate folder on your computer; You can also specify the installation location yourself.
  • If you have the previous test version installed, then 748 MB will be downloaded.
  • Please note: Installing in a folder containing legacy test client files may cause technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before July 24, 23:59 (Moscow time) can take part in the test.
    • Because of large quantity tankers on the test server there is a restriction on user entry. All new players who want to take part in testing the update will be placed in a queue and will be able to join the server when it is free.
    • If the user changed the password after July 24, 23:59 (Moscow time), authorization on the test server will only be available using the password that was used before the specified time.
    • Payments are not processed on the test server.
    • This testing does not increase experience and credit earnings.
    • Achievements on the test server will not transfer to the main one.
    • During testing 1.1, the test servers undergo scheduled maintenance (25 minutes on each server, starting at 7:00 (Moscow time)).
    • Please note: the test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server. Consequently, there are penalties for violating these rules in accordance with the License Agreement.
    • The Help Center does not review requests related to the General Test.
    • We remind you: the most reliable way to download the World of Tanks client, as well as its test versions and updates, is on the official game portal. By downloading a game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to the game client and updates (as well as their content) on third-party resources.