World of tanks French branch. Changes in the light tank branch: France

28.3.2017 4965 Views

At the first stages of the evolution of the World of Tanks project, only two nations were available to players - the USSR and Germany. Later, the American development branch was added, and although each nation had its own strengths and weaknesses, in general, the gameplay on tanks of different countries was not much different from each other. Introduction of new French branch of tanks in World of Tanks created an incredible sensation and was accompanied by increased interest among players, because for the first time the developers introduced tanks with a drum loading mechanism. The new tanks were immediately loved by the players and found their permanent niche not only in random games, but also in clan battles.

Like all tanks of the French branch, French light tanks boast the presence of a drum, which appears at level 6. It becomes a formidable weapon in the fight against similar vehicles of its level and artillery. Few light tanks can survive a meeting with a French drummer and not go to the hangar after that.

At the same time, French light tanks are famous for their excellent camouflage, compared to similar equipment from other countries. In combination with an experienced crew that has the “Combat Brotherhood” and “Camouflage” perks, they can literally disappear in an open field, while actively transmitting intelligence to their allies.

Almost all light tanks in France have excellent resistance to different types of soil, which makes it possible to not feel a certain lack of specific power of the equipment so much. The disadvantages include rather poor stabilization and gun aiming time. Also, when playing with this vehicle, it is worth considering that the light tanks of this nation have poor elevation angles, and the front engine location often leads to fires.

French medium tanks continue the light branch. At the moment, two types of medium tanks are available to players - with and without a loading drum. Both versions of this technology have excellent driving characteristics. The speed and specific power of these tanks are capable of leaving behind many light vehicles and confidently changing flanks if necessary.

French CTs with a loading drum are loved by players for their ability to inflict a large amount of damage in a short time, and in case of danger, such a technique can help to quickly retreat to reload the drum and again engage in battle with enemy forces.

Its disadvantages include: a rather long reloading of the drum, poor stabilization, almost complete lack of armor and mediocre gun depression angles. But at the same time, players receive unique gameplay and the opportunity, thanks to their mobility and drum, to significantly influence the results of the battle.

French medium tanks with a cyclic gun also have good mobility, although somewhat less than the French drum-based tanks. Their guns have high damage per minute and boast excellent accuracy, making them excellent snipers. Basically, players use their mobility to timely occupy key points and shoot enemy vehicles as they approach.

The lack of armor makes them an easy target not only for artillery, but also for other medium tanks in close combat. These vehicles do not have the disadvantages of French drum tanks, due to the placement of the engine in the rear of the combat vehicle, which is why they are less susceptible to the risk of fire.

These cars can be called the most unique representatives of their class. Players accustomed to playing with heavy tanks were surprised to note that French tanks were practically devoid of armor and were not able to withstand the impact of their classmates’ guns.

At the same time, these vehicles are large in size and can be easily detected by enemy tanks at a great distance. But such heavy equipment is beloved by players because of its excellent cannon and loading drum, which has a very fast reloading of the weapon.

The dynamics of French heavy tanks are more reminiscent of medium tanks and make these vehicles universal in use. They can support both the attack of allied heavy tanks, due to the gun with high single penetration, damage and loading drum, and the breakthrough of medium tanks, thanks to their high mobility on the battlefield.

The French tank destroyer branch is not much different from any other branch up to level ten. It is worth noting, perhaps, the good mobility of vehicles of this branch, the lack of armor everywhere except for a ricocheting frontal projection, and frequent “one-shots” from artillery.

The weapon in this technique has good armor penetration and accuracy, as well as good damage per minute. But this branch fell in love with players at level ten. The tenth level tank destroyer is the only tank destroyer among all its classmates that can boast of having a drum. The armor penetration and damage from the drum of its cannon easily sends tanks of the eighth and sometimes ninth level into the hangar.

The vehicle's excellent frontal armor is capable of repelling most of its classmates' projectiles. The frontal projection of this tank destroyer has only two vulnerable areas - the lower armor part and the rangefinder. But targeting them can be very difficult, especially at long distances.

French artillery also inherited the features of the entire branch and has excellent mobility. This property allows you to frequently change your location, thereby making it difficult to detect yourself on the battlefield. Their guns have an excellent rate of fire and high potential damage per minute.

At the same time, the damage per shot of this artillery is one of the lowest among its classmates, and lower armor penetration per shot often reduces the effectiveness of firing at heavily armored vehicles. The crown of the development branch of French self-propelled guns is artillery with a loading drum. The players really liked it, because it allows you to destroy almost any enemy tank in one discharge of the drum, or inflict a lot of critical damage, thereby significantly reducing the enemy’s effectiveness in battle.

The French development branch boasts premium cars of all types. This variety of equipment will help players choose the equipment that best suits them in terms of gameplay, earning credits and crew training.

Players with premium equipment will have the opportunity to upgrade their crew faster. When transferring from another vehicle of the same type to a premium one, the player does not have to retrain the crew, which quite significantly affects the speed of pumping perks. We'll tell you more about the different options for premium cars later.

Hello, fellow tankers! Today we will look at French branch of tank development(in the game World of Tanks), or rather, I will describe to you all its pros and cons in as much detail as possible from my point of view and, perhaps, help you decide on the choice of nation.

Popularity of French tanks in World of Tanks

Vive La France! Indeed, glory be, France! French vehicles are the best vehicles in the game! Many people can say so. And for good reason. French tanks are considered master and bender tanks, and this is due to their many excellent abilities, which you can read about in the pros/cons section.

Advantages and disadvantages of French tanks

The fastest, most dynamic, high-speed, etc. French tanks are considered to be in the game. Also, the nickname “barabashki” firmly stuck to them. These are all considered positive aspects. And now more details. As mentioned earlier, the huge advantages of French technology are speed and maneuverability (except for the initial levels and tanks such as the AMX 40). Good dynamics in the French begins to be felt with the light tank ELC AMX. After the sixth level (except for light tanks, they have from the fifth) there are fast tanks, including heavy ones.
  • Significant advantages are French guns. For many, the presence is controversial, although in general it often helps out in difficult situations. The real advantage of their guns is their armor penetration. Each tank has a different one. One-time damage cannot be considered a plus (except for top tank destroyers), but it is covered by the same drum. French tanks have good visibility, angles of inclination along which they often pass, and good maneuverability (on soil, roads, etc.).
  • Minus the French is the hull reservation. In almost all cars it suffers greatly. Even heavy tanks penetrate the frontal armor quite easily and can only tank through a turret or track. The big disadvantage is the long reload time of the gun drum.


Vehicles are divided into 4 initial WoT development branches: tank destroyers, armored light tanks (up to D2), heavily armored light tanks (up to ELC AMX) and self-propelled guns (artillery).


French anti-tank installations are famous for their guns, and the top tanks of this branch have drums and good armor. You can get a lot of pleasure from their penetration and damage at any level of battles, and also not be discouraged by their speed. In general, we can say about them that they are pleasant to play and they can decide the outcome of the battle. The only negative is the armor and speed (not for all anti-tank self-propelled artillery units), and the guns are the best on the level. The most popular vehicles of this type of technology are SAu-40, AMX50Foch, AMX50F155 and some low-level tank destroyers.

Armored light tanks

Light tanks of France, initial levels - this is an interesting and fun topic. They are so “light” that they crawl to positions last, and it is difficult to penetrate them. The guns don't really shine. At their level, beginners can only receive “splashes” in the form of missed shots and ricochets. It's all about D1. Following it is the almost identical D2 tank, which also has good armor and a weak gun. Heavy tanks start along this branch. And they start with the B1 tank, which is poorly armored, even for its level. Then there are also “cardboard” tanks, but with guns that are more suitable for play, and with the AMX M4 45, a loading drum and dynamics appear in tank guns.

Heavily armored light tanks

The peace-loving turtle slowly crawls out to bask in the sun, but after a long search for a “place in the sun,” small insects fly out at it and begin to shoot at its shell. The turtle quickly gets tired of all this, it pulls out its trunk and begins to destroy the enemies with less inconvenience for itself. This is how tanks can be characterized, starting with the H35 and ending with the AMX 40. These tanks have excellent armor, but not the best guns. Few beginners know where to push such machines. They are true steel monsters, but they are also too slow. There are a lot of jokes and memes written about the AMX 40, as well as about the American tank destroyer T95, so it can also be classified as a “legendary” World of Tanks. After the AMX 40 comes the no less interesting light tank ELC AMX (or simply “Christmas tree”), which will surprise you with its speed, top gun and low silhouette. After the ELC AMX there are light tanks with a drum loading mechanism: AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90. After that come the medium tanks, where the top BatChat 25 is located, with its incomparable popularity among the top medium tanks.

self-propelled guns

French artillery is as controversial as all French tanks. She is fast, maneuverable, has worse damage, but has the best penetration at her level, and B.Chat. 155 has a constant loading drum and a turret that rotates 360 degrees. About the French artillery it was subtly noted in the joke: “The French artillery is so severe that it is on its own.” The guns are quite accurate, which makes it possible to fire “gold” shells.

Bottom line

To summarize, we can say that French tanks are good for experienced players and professionals, they are convenient for their speed and gun penetration, but they are clearly not for beginners, because... due to their armor, they do not forgive any mistakes (except for the initial levels of tanks of this nation). They are fun to play, but quite difficult to play alone, and again, because of the armor and the drum, you can’t hold the direction alone. They may well be a good competitor to any nation, and in a platoon they can completely take over the entire battle. It is recommended to download French tanks to participate in clan championships, as well as simply to gain experience in order to experience the full taste of these entertaining machines. When downloading this nation, it is worth remembering that these are high-speed vehicles and are more suitable for supporting allies.

Are you planning to upgrade French tanks in World of Tanks? Do you want to quickly try drum tanks and ride one of the best Tier X medium tanks in the Bat game. Chatillon 25t? Then you are here, in the branch of light and medium tanks of France.

The French light tank branch is the longest in World of Tanks. And the most unusual one. Over the course of eight levels of pumping, you will be able to watch the throwings of French engineers, who began with the creation of heavily armored monsters, which can be classified as light tanks only on formal grounds, and ended with light drum tanks with bulletproof armor and excellent dynamics.

Video review of the French LT and MT upgrade branch in World of Tanks

Tanks from the second to the fourth level have excellent all-round armor, rational armor angles, and weak weapons. In general, not every fan of light tanks is able to complete these tanks without an infusion of free experience, they are so slow and sluggish.


French light tank Tier V

The real fun starts from level five, where one of the most unusual light tanks in the game is located - the AMX ELC. Excellent dynamics, high maximum speed and stealth, and only two crew members: a driver and a commander, who also acts as a gunner, radio operator, loader and cook.

The tank's turret and cannon deserve special attention. The AMX ELC's turret rotates only in a narrow sector of 30 degrees. So when driving into a bush or standing behind a stone, do not forget to put the tank on the handbrake. Well, although the gun has good armor penetration and one-time damage, it is noticeably nerfed in terms of rate of fire, accuracy and aiming speed.

The tactics of playing on Yolka are active light, plus a bonus in the form of the ability to quickly get close to an enemy who is clumsy or distracted by your allies, such as artillery or anti-tank guns, to deal damage from close range. When playing on the AMX ELC, do not forget about the poor visibility and a very weak radio station with a communication range of only 360 meters. Which generally limits the applicability of this tank as a firefly.

AMX ELC has battle levels from VI to IX. So, unfortunately, it won’t be possible to bend every little thing on the Christmas tree. The World of Tanks developers took care of this.

AMX 12t

French light tank Tier VI

Already at level VI, the first drum tank in the game awaits us - the AMX 12t. It can not only shine effectively, but also distribute damage. What makes this tank a real threat to artillery and other cardboard tanks. However, the AMX 12t also has disadvantages: small vertical aiming angles (which, however, is typical of all French drum tanks), not very good dynamics, low accuracy when firing on the move, and high criticality of the modules.

As a bonus, with the AMX 12t there is a transition to the artillery branch on the Tier VI ART-SAU AMX 13 F3. Which is very useful if you are planning to upgrade French artillery.

Well, so that life doesn’t seem like a raspberry, the AMX 12t has battle levels from VII to X. Alas, you won’t be able to knock down even tanks of the same level with the drum.

AMX 13 75

French Tier VII light tank

At level VII, the AMX 13 75 awaits us - which is a talented AMX 12t stretched to a level above. Compared to the previous tank, the AMX 13 75 has a slightly different model, more strength, and slightly improved technical characteristics. In general, after opening and pumping the AMX 13 75, you will actually be riding a slightly improved and more mature AMX 12t.

For minor improvements in performance, you will have to pay for a slight increase in the level of battles: AMX 13 75 rolls from level VIII to XI. Yes, in World of Tanks there are battle levels above X, why are you surprised? But the story about the levels of battles and the features of the balancer’s work goes far beyond the scope of this guide, but those who are especially curious can familiarize themselves with the features of the balancer’s work and the levels of battles at the link.

AMX 13 90

French Tier VIII light tank

Is another AMX 12t clone waiting for us at level VIII? That's right, meet the AMX 13 90, the top firefly of World of Tanks! More strength, better armor penetration and one-time damage and an increased level of battles - the AMX 13 90 throws you into battles from levels IX to XII! Only tears, only snot, only hardcore! Damn it, at level X Bat Chatillon awaits you, you simply have to suffer! And shine. And suffer. In addition, the AMX 13 90 is the top firefly in World of Tanks. Don’t you really want to put a top, path, and one nominally at level VIII in the hangar?

Of course, the AMX 13 90 is primarily a firefly, but it can also be used for other purposes. Install reinforced aiming drives, a fan and a camouflage net, take a full load of premium sub-caliber shells, hide in the bushes and bend over. 248 millimeters of gold penetration is enough for most well-armored enemies. Especially if you throw them at the sides.

Lorraine 40t

French medium tank Tier IX

At Tier IX we will find the Lorraine 40t medium tank, which, purely for variety’s sake, is not like all previous light tanks. True, it is very similar to the AMX 50 100 - from the branch of French heavy tanks. The main difference is the complete absence of armor, better dynamics and maximum speed, only three crew members instead of four on the AMX 50 100, and faster drum reloading. And yes, you won’t need the camouflage that you probably upgraded your crew while playing on French light tanks on the Lorraine 40t. In any case, the tank glows like a Christmas tree.

If leveling up AMXs has only caused you pain and suffering, you'll probably love the Lorraine 40t. That's it, you don't need to shine anymore. This is a typical damage dealer, capable of taking almost any same-level tank in the game from the reel. But if you liked AMXs, Lorraine can bring nothing but disappointment. The clearly visible cardboard body and the damage from high-level artillery are really annoying. And yes, for your enemies you are now the number one target. After all, you are so cardboard-delicious and dangerous that not focusing on you is simply a crime.

Bat. Chatillon 25t

Tier X French medium tank

Drum roll and fanfare – meet one of the best Tier X medium tanks, Bat. Chatillon 25t! Or even the best. Finally, your efforts will be rewarded, after all these AMXs and Lorraine! Excellent stealth, dynamics at the level of light tanks, high one-time damage and huge potential damage from the drum - 1950 units. Looks like it's wine! And also a complete lack of armor (and, therefore, full damage from landmines), a front-mounted engine (as on all amixes), long aiming and low accuracy when firing on the move. Hmm, looks like Bat. Châtillon is not so imbecile!

Overall, the tank is excellent and highly recommended for upgrading. In my opinion, this is the most unusual and original Tier X medium tank in the game. The only question is: is it worth it for Bat. Châtillon 25t pump the entire branch? Here everyone decides for himself.

In one of the updates of the mega-popular game World of tanks, the players' hangar was replenished with tanks of a new nation, namely combat vehicles of the French tank industry. Like any equipment that is present or introduced into the game, the branch of French tanks in world of tanks has its own special technical characteristics, unique gameplay, and its pros and cons.

Undoubtedly, each new class or branch of combat vehicles arouses great interest among players, therefore, with the introduction of French technology, a huge number of virtual tankers did not spare time and game credits to upgrade new tanks in their hangar. Moreover, before the emergence of this nation, combat vehicles were represented by classic tanks. French tanks introduced new dynamics and capabilities into the game, changed the usual style of play, and all thanks to machines with automatic drum loading (cassette reloading). Therefore, in this section, a brief overview of French equipment will be presented, on the basis of which players will be able to decide which branch of French tanks is best to download.

General characteristics: advantages and disadvantages

French tanks, including heavy high-level armored vehicles (with the exception of the 6th BDR G1B TT) are among the most dynamic, maneuverable, and high-speed vehicles. Which can be attributed to the indisputable advantage of cars of the French branch. Excellent maneuverability combined with good speed and dynamics allows you not only to highlight the movements and locations of enemy vehicles, but also to quickly change the location of your tank if detected.

At the moment, the French development branch includes: light, medium, heavy tanks, tank destroyers and artillery. An undeniable advantage of the “French” is considered to be excellent armor penetration. Although French technology cannot boast of powerful weapons, with the exception of top-end tank destroyers, it is in no way inferior to combat vehicles of other nations in terms of accuracy and rate of fire. The main feature of French tanks is the presence of a loading drum. Thanks to their special design, combat vehicles have excellent damage potential in a minimally short time. The advantages of French tanks include comfortable vertical aiming angles, a good viewing radius, and excellent maneuverability on various types of soil.

The branch of French tanks in the world of tanks, in addition to its advantages, also has disadvantages, which include rather weak all-round hull armor for almost all types of vehicles, a long reload of the cassette drum, which forces you to drive all over the map or wait almost a minute in reliable shelters. Therefore, it is worth noting that this technique for effective combat requires certain experience and skills.

Heavy tanks

The French development tree for heavy vehicles starts at level four. The first two vehicles - B1 and BDR G1B - have good armor for their level, but weak dynamics and mobility. Starting from level 6, TTs have good maneuverability, greater maneuverability and dynamics. The weak point of the French heavy armor is poor hull armor. From level 8, all TTs have a drum loading system. The top heavy tank AMX 50B has excellent dynamics, powerful weapons and is inferior to its American classmate, the tier 10 T57 Heavy Tank only in armor thickness.

Medium tanks

The French ST branch, compared to other nations, has a smaller number of vehicles, which differ significantly in performance characteristics from tanks of other nations. and above all, cassette reloading of the gun. The disadvantages of the French ST include weak armor, while the advantages include an automatic loading system, excellent maneuverability, and dynamics. Medium tanks require the player to play dynamically, effectively, and have properly constructed tactics and strategy on the battlefield. You shouldn't risk going alone against a group of enemy tanks. The most popular medium tank in France is BatChat 25, which, when played skillfully, brings great help to its team.

Light tanks

French LT (AMX 12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90.) can be classified as very mobile, dynamic vehicles that have a good viewing radius, maneuverability on any type of soil, and a drum reloading mechanism. Compact, maneuverable tanks are capable of quickly changing their position, helping the team detect the location of enemy tanks, while with proper use of the technique, the LT can easily “spin” a clumsy TT or AT tank, causing damage to the vehicle’s vulnerable spots, but at least knocking out the tracks.


French artillery has its differences from artillery destroyers of other nations. The French artillery is quite fast and maneuverable, and despite its mediocre damage, it has good armor penetration. fairly accurate guns. B.Chat. 155 is equipped with a loading drum and has a turret that rotates 360 degrees.

Bottom line

After reading the brief overview, we can conclude that French combat vehicles can be classified as a rather specific and difficult to master technology. But still, with the right strategy and tactics, skillful use of the strengths of your vehicle, playing with French tanks will be very effective and comfortable. Do not forget that French vehicles are best used as support for the allied team on the flanks.

Light tanks of France have always been distinguished by their gameplay features. Small dimensions, decent maneuverability and speed, excellent camouflage in combination with guns with a magazine loading system determined the role of French light vehicles on the battlefield in random battles. True “warriors of light”, over the years they have won an entire army of fans. And with the achievement of a standard level of battles, rebalancing and expansion of the light tanks tree to Tier X, this army will likely grow even more.

Today we'll take a closer look at the changes to the AMX light tank line that the fast-approaching update 9.18 will bring. Let's go!


With the transition to the standard level of battles (±2) AMX ELC bis will no longer encounter Tier VIII opponents, and it will become much more enjoyable to play. These changes, combined with a low silhouette, excellent camouflage and excellent speed, will make the AMX ELC bis incredibly effective in “breakthrough” and flanking maneuvers to provide fire support for allies. And one more change: the turret will now rotate 360° with any gun except the 90mm D. 915.

Tier VI light tank AMX 12t often found himself in battles against the “nines”. In fact, any vehicle VIII–IX destroyed it with one shot. A rare AMX 12 t survived until the middle of the battle - except perhaps the one that managed to hide somewhere. Soon all this will be a thing of the past! However, to prevent this tank from becoming an imba, the number of shells in its drum will be reduced to four. Specific power will be increased to 27.25 hp. s./t. Improved mobility, excellent camouflage, small size and impressive visibility make the AMX 12 t a true master of “passive light”. At the beginning of the battle, find a convenient bush and begin to “shine” from it. And at the end of the battle, you can begin to finish off the remaining enemy vehicles.

Next on the list is a small and inconspicuous Tier VII firefly AMX 13 75. It will become more mobile thanks to increased engine power, but the number of shells in its drum will be reduced to 4. The latter will be compensated by faster reloading. The convergence speed will also be improved. Depending on the situation, the AMX 13 75 can serve as either a passive or active reconnaissance vehicle.

A new one will appear at level VIII Bat.-Châtillon 12 t. Fast, dynamic and maneuverable, with a faster drum reload than the AMX 13 90. The tank performs well as both an “active firefly” and fire support during flanking maneuvers.

"Firefly with teeth" AMX 13 90 moved to level IX and received an increase in mobility and firepower. Now its armor-piercing shells have a base armor penetration of 205 mm. Small dimensions, excellent camouflage and excellent visibility make it a real “firefly”, and the drum for four shells will be very helpful in finishing off enemy vehicles.

A new one will appear at level X AMX 13 105, combining small dimensions (and therefore good camouflage) with a magazine loading system. The drum for three projectiles, each with 360 points of damage, makes this vehicle an extremely dangerous enemy, which can easily “highlight” the enemy and strike at the most unexpected moment.

Replacement and compensation rules

Modules: If you have vehicles that will change their level in update 9.18 and are researched to top modules, after the transition these vehicles will remain in the “top” configuration.

The crew will remain trained for the same vehicle: the crew, trained to 100%, lands in the Barracks and is retrained to 100% on the same vehicle they were on before the update. If you have a crew trained to 100% for a light tank that moves to a higher level, but the vehicle itself is not in the Garage at the time the update is released, the crew will still be retrained for the same light tank that moved up the level.

Emblems and camouflage: emblems and camouflage purchased with gold for tanks that move from Tier VIII to Tier IX will be removed. However, there is no need to worry: their full cost in gold will be refunded. Temporary emblems and camouflage for a tank that moves to a higher level will also be removed. In this case, compensation is calculated in credits, and the amount is calculated in proportion to the remaining time. Unique emblems and camouflage remain: they will be removed from the vehicle, but you can reapply them to any vehicle.
