In which city is it better to catch Pokemon? Where which Pokemon can be caught: varieties, habitats, strengths and weaknesses of Pokemon

In this guide we will look at how to catch pokemon in pokemon go( catch) , where to fishPokemon Go and secrets of successful fishing.

Catching Pokemon is the main goal. After all, the motto of the series was “Collect them all.” On the way you will meet mainly the most common animals, but sometimes you will come across very interesting specimens. About all the tricks and easy ways to catch pokemon inPokemon Go We will tell you further, but we will start from the very start of the game.

How to catch your first Pokemon in Pokemon Go

Let's start by answering the question how to catch starter pokemon inPokemon Go. When you start the game, the professor offers a choice of three pocket monsters: Chermander, Squirtle and Bulbasaur. I admit that I didn’t immediately figure out how to catch them, but in the end I understood. This is a very unusual activity for most gamers, because VR games are just gaining popularity, we’ll tell you everything in detail. Firstly, you must have GPS turned on and it is better to be outside, not in a building, so that the signal is clear. Next, a real-time map of the current area will load on your screen, after which simply point at the Pokemon you like and start throwing a Pokeball at it (read about how to throw it correctly).

Now you know how to catch starter pokemonPokemon Go, but there is one secret related to the start of the game and the secret animal (namely Pikachu) that you can get at this moment. Read about this secret.

Pokemon Go where to catch pokemon

After we figured it out,how to catch your first pokemon in pokemon go , let's sort it out where to fish their. Contrary to logic, pocket monsters don't hide in
forests and outbacks, but live in the very center of the city and places of high concentration of people.
The best places to catch are a cluster of PokeStops andJimov. Usually there are a lot of them in parks, city centers, significant points and other interesting objects.How bigger city, the more such places there are.

What Pokemon can you catch in Pokemon Go? ? Absolutely any! There are 250 species in total, and at the moment they will not be limited to this. The only difference is that you will mainly come across the most common ones, such as Drowzee, Ratata and many others, and the rare ones will not respawn so often and not in all places.

How to catch legendary pokemon in Pokemon Go

Now we'll find out what pokemon are best to catch inPokemon Go. Not all rare animals will necessarily be super strong, some of them will just be nice to have in your collection, but there are really worthy specimens. The best way to catch unique Pokemon is to come to the most popular place for Pokemon breeders in the city (usually with the largest concentration of PokeStops) or the place where you often come across animals. You need to use the pocket monster bait module on the pokestop and at the same time use the scent to lure it. I guarantee that your catch in the next half hour will be simply colossal. If luck smiles on you, then you will come across a legendary species, but if not, then do not despair and keep trying.

Now you know how to catch pokemon in pokemon go (catch) And what pokemon can you catch?, and most importantly where. I hope the article was useful to you!

Read about other pumping secrets.

Have a nice game!

Most effective way catching Pokemon is in places that correspond to their natural habitat. For example, if you're on a beach or a dock, chances are you're more likely to find Water-type Pokémon. And if you find yourself in a desert climate, you are unlikely to come across aquatic Pokemon.

You can view all the types of Pokemon that you might encounter near your current location using the Nearby feature. Note that Pokémon that are already in your Pokédex will appear in color, while Pokémon that are not there will be shown as dark silhouettes.

If you encounter a Pokémon in a place where it might not be safe to catch it (for example, at a construction site or on private property that cannot be accessed from the street), then do not do it. You'll always have another chance to catch that Pokemon later!

Let's take a closer look at the guide on how to find Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

To find a Pokemon you will have to move around the city with your feet(in real space) with GPS and game enabled. Camera control tap+swipe- turn, double tap+swipe— approaching/removing.

The appearance of Pokemon is not tied to , they appear randomly not far from your route. It has been noticed that Pokémon appear more frequently near arenas.

To search, there is an indicator at the bottom right that there are Pokemon somewhere nearby. When you click on it, a window with more detailed information will open (when you select a specific Pokemon in the nearby window, when you move towards it, the window will flash with a green frame).

Be careful on your way - in the real world there are obstacles (walls, fences, pillars, ponds, open sewer hatches, vehicles, etc.). Be careful and don't forget about it!

Well, a small guide on how to catch Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

To catch a found Pokemon, you need to tap (click) on it; when it appears in front of you, you need to throw a pokeball at it and get into the green or yellow circle (after catching the Pokemon can get out of the trap - you will have to catch it again or leave it).

To catch “difficult” Pokemon (with a yellow circle), feed them a berry (by taking a Razz Berry from your backpack, you can get them from PokeStops even when leveling up from 8), and they will be easier to catch. In addition to Pokeballs, there are also Great Balls, Ultra Balls and Master Balls, which make catching much easier.

The color of the sight circle indicates the difficulty of catching: green - easy, yellow - difficult, orange - very hard, red - impossible). The size of the circle also affects the chance of catching a Pokemon - the narrower the circle, the higher the chance of catching. The Pokeball can be presented twisted, then when caught there will be a bonus xp (see and FAQ).

After catching a Pokemon, it will appear in your Pokemon Storage (not to be confused with your inventory).

For caught Pokemon they give game points (expirience points - XP). The amount of XP for different caught Pokemon is different. XP is also given for collected items, capturing PokeStops and fighting (more on this later). A certain amount of collected XP allows you to get the next level.

How to search and catch Pokemon in Pokemon GOhttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/kak-poymat-pakemona.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/kak-poymat-pakemona-150x150.jpg 2016-07-16T16:44:32+03:00 PokemonGo Pokemon GO Guides

The most effective way to catch Pokemon is in places that match their natural habitat. For example, if you're on a beach or a dock, chances are you're more likely to find Water-type Pokémon. And if you find yourself in a desert climate, you are unlikely to come across aquatic Pokemon. You can view...

[email protected] Administrator Pokemon GO is a real game

On the Internet, including in Russian, the game Pokemon GO from Nintendo, released a couple of weeks ago, is rapidly gaining popularity. Pokemon are caught all over the world, including in Russia and even in Revda - and this despite the fact that in our country official server not yet launched. Even those who have not yet tried to catch them talk about Pokemon. Who are they and how does it work?

What is Pokemon GO?

Pokemon GO is an augmented reality game created by Nintendo. The game, which gained enormous popularity, was released on June 6, 2016. Toy for smartphones and tablets Android control and iOS raised the price of shares of the Japanese company by 1.5 times in a week and a half. People catch Pokemon absolutely everywhere: in parks, hospitals, museums, offices. Regardless of social status. Thus, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin wrote about the caught Pokemon on his Facebook page.

The game has not yet been officially released in our country, but users have found ways to install it using workarounds and catching monsters.

Official video of the game

Who are Pokemon?

Pokemon is a "pocket monster" with unusual abilities. Nineteen years ago they were invented by the Japanese company Nintendo. She also released a series of games and an animated series, the filming of which is still ongoing. In Russia, they learned about Pokemon in the 2000s thanks to the series that was shown on TV. The main character of the cartoon was Pikachu.

The rarest Pokemon in the game

1st place - Blastoise. Transforms from Bartortle at level 36. II place - Ivysaur. The first stage is Bulbasaur. Evolves at level 16. Level 32 - Venusaur. III place - Machamp. Transforms from Machop upon reaching development level 28. In turn, during the exchange it turns from Machouka.

The Pokémon story is based on a fantasy world in which hundreds of different Pokémon live. In the games and cartoon series, they are caught and trained by people who call themselves trainers. Their main goal is to collect all the Pokemon and become the best trainer in the world.

Why is the game so popular?

First of all, it's free, so it's easy to download, install, and use. Secondly, an entire generation grew up on Pokemon, and for millions of people it’s nostalgia for childhood. They remember back then dreaming about what it would be like if Pokémon really existed in our world. And now their dream has become a reality. And thirdly, people are attracted to novelty. Phenomenon Pokemon games GO - in the rules by which it works.

What to do and how to play?

The rules are simple: you catch and train Pokemon. In order to catch a Pokemon, just start the game and turn on the camera, after which the “augmented reality” mode is activated. The player looks at the world around him through the smartphone’s camera, while the program overlays layers of virtual objects on familiar landscapes. There are three in total:

  1. The Pokémon themselves, which appear on the screen depending on criteria known only to the developers. There are currently 151 Pokemon in the game.
  2. PokeStops are places where you can get balls for catching Pokemon and other useful items. For example, eggs from which full-fledged Pokemon hatch (a Pokemon from an egg hatches when you walk 10 km).
  3. Sites where you can train Pokemon after reaching level five.

Yes, the game is designed for portable gadgets (phones and tablets), but you won’t be able to play while sitting, lying down, or driving a car. You can only search for Pokemon while walking: if you move at a speed higher than 16 km/h, movement (for example, that is required for a Pokemon to hatch from an egg) will not be counted.

Secrets add variety to the game: for example, you can catch ghost Pokemon at night, forest Pokemon in parks, and water Pokemon live on the banks of rivers, lakes and seas.

If the game itself is free, then some items for leveling up Pokemon need to be purchased for real money. From this, the game creators earn more than $1.5 million per day.

How to catch a Pokemon?

To start, you need to find the Pokemon on the map. And when it appears on the phone screen, you will need to throw a special red and white ball by sliding your finger across the touch screen. Hitting the Pokemon is not that difficult because it stands still. But if you miss, he will run away. The higher a Pokemon's level, the more likely it is to be able to break out of a Pokeball (red and white ball).

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After leveling up your Pokemon in Pokemon Go to level five, you can train your Pokemon, then join a team and fight against other teams. There is such a proposal - about creating teams - in Revda right now.

To raise the level you need to catch Pokemon and visit different locations. In addition to improving performance, new level give valuable game items.

Is it possible to download the game in Russia?

There is already a server for Russia, but not yet launched. You can download the game in application stores for Apple gadgets and Android devices. You should not download the game from unofficial sources.

IN Google Play, for example, have already noticed fake applications that look like popular game, so don't rush to download. Pokemon Go Ultimate has been downloaded by more than 50,000 inattentive users. As a result, the downloaded “game” turned out to be a screen blocker, which is transformed into a porn clicker - a program that generates traffic to “adult” sites.

Detailed instructions for downloading Pokemon GO:


  1. Sign out of your Apple ID. To do this, go to App Store, scroll to the bottom of the page, there click on Apple ID and sign out of your account.
  2. Open settings, in the “General” tab, find “Language and Region” and select USA.
  3. Try to download any free application- you can immediately play Pokemon GO if the region has already been updated. You will be prompted to create an account.
  4. Submit it to the second post office, select USA in the “Country of Residence” column, then come up with an address (any) and postal code (you need a real one). Avoid filling out bank details.
  5. The game will start downloading. You can return to your native Apple ID, but then the application will not be updated. Internal purchases will also be impossible.


  1. Go to settings, in the “Screen lock and security” tab, allow the installation of applications not only from Google Play.
  2. Download the installation file. You can get it from the APK Mirror website.
  3. Click on installation and wait for it to finish.

Tricks for Pokemon GO

Like any game, Pokemon GO has its tricks. Both inside the game and outside it.

  1. You can't do without an external battery. At most, you will have time to catch a couple of Pokemon. The game is resource-intensive: three-dimensional graphics, real-time rendering, GPS, and camera mercilessly eat up battery power.
  2. The only thing you can use to get your Pokemon in order is potions.
  3. Evolve your Pokemon to at least level 10, and only then rush into battle. A character's power directly depends on his level.
  4. Can't drive a car looking for Pokemon? Take a bike. This way, finding Pokemon will be both faster and healthier.
  5. To save Internet traffic and battery power, download offline maps Google Maps. They are the basis of the game.
  6. And be smarter. To catch a Pokemon, you don't need to climb into buildings, climb over fences, or crash into passers-by. And it’s still worth looking around, and not just at the phone screen.

Public reaction

Disputes about the game, which instantly gained popularity around the world, are growing every day. Everyone considers it their duty to express their opinion about the sensational application. And Russian officials have already stated that the game was created by intelligence services to collect video information throughout the world.

Rospotrebnadzor issued a call to psychologists and teachers with a request to draw up an expert opinion on the possible consequences of the game Pokemon Go, TASS reports with reference to the head of the department, Anna Popova. Meanwhile, Sberbank and other banks are coming up with insurance for accidents while playing Pokemon GO.

Businesses are navigating the situation even faster: in the United States, owners of small cafes are installing modules to attract Pokemon. And it works. People over twenty years old are excited to catch imaginary animals on the screen of their smartphone. True, playing Pokemon GO can be dangerous.

So, in the USA, armed robbers were waiting for victims near the Poke Stop. They left beacons that attracted Pokemon, and therefore those who wanted to catch these Pokemon - who were holding expensive smartphones.

Criminals armed with pistols managed to rob eleven teenagers aged 16 to 18 years.

When you first start learning virtual world In this MMO, while moving simultaneously through the game space and the streets of your city, you will periodically meet Pokemon. Our Pokemon GO guide will tell you and show you how to catch Pokemon, because you also need to learn this! To do this, as a matter of course, you will need a Pokeball. When you notice that a Pokemon has appeared not far from your position on the map, click on it to quickly switch to battle mode. But first, a few words about AR mode. Although you can find a lot of pretty funny photos with this mode on the Internet, it also has disadvantages, which we have discussed in other articles. You need to get used to this mode; moreover, the battery discharges faster with it. Therefore, AR can be turned off at least for the first time.

Catching Pokemon with a Pokeball

If you see that a wild Pokemon is directly in front of you, quickly hold the Pokeball with your finger and throw it at the target! It is important to correctly apply momentum to the Pokeball before throwing it so that it is completed correctly and accurately. There are no special instructions for how to throw a Pokeball, so you just need to get used to it a little. The Pokemon Go guide includes only the main points that are useful to remember. When you hold a Pokeball with your finger, a special white ring appears around the creature; there is also a colored inner ring that will start to move.

Pokemon ring color

By the color of the ring, the player will be able to determine the difficulty of catching the Pokemon. They are arranged in the following hierarchy:

  • Green – basic level;
  • Yellow – normal level;
  • Red – hard level.

How to catch Pokemon in Pokemon GO?

Typically, the red color of a Pokemon's ring means that the player will have to work hard to catch the creature. It is best to hit wild Pokemon in the place where the inner ring itself closes. Moreover, the diameter of the colored ring, as well as the accuracy of hitting it, will directly affect the experience you gain. The experience bonus can be regarded as the following comments: Nice, Great and, accordingly, Excellent.

Sometimes a creature will be able to break out of a Pokeball when you seem to have successfully caught it. You shouldn’t be too desperate in this situation, because you will have the opportunity to catch the Pokemon again, which increases the chances of getting a special throw. Sometimes a creature is able to break out of your Pokeball immediately after you close it. Don't despair too much, because you can catch the animal again, which also increases the chances of getting a special throw.

There are times when a Pokémon can escape directly during a battle or when it jumps out of a Pokeball. The Pokemon game contains many more mysteries that you will have to figure out, but at the moment this behavior of creatures is not well understood. Most likely, there will be another Pokemon GO guide that discusses this in more detail.

Try to catch Pokemon that you have never met before. For this, your character will receive 500 experience, and will also have additional bonuses if you make successful throws. Pokemon can live in completely different locations of the city and smaller ones settlements. Their location is directly related to the characteristics of the landscape and nature, as well as the time of day.

For example, parks, areas and forest belts where dense vegetation is present will be full of forest creatures. The player here will be able to meet plants, butterflies, worms and other species. Birds, rats, and ghosts may become more common in the city. Sparsely populated areas are less populated with Pokemon, unlike crowded places. The number of Pokemon is much higher in large stores, various shopping centers and other places where the number of people is high. Clusters of creatures can be not only in stores - sometimes several Pokemon can be at the same gas station.

How to find out the distance to Pokemon?

The lower right corner of the interface on your smartphone has a special menu. In it you will be able to see how far any Pokemon is located from you. It's simple: open the module, click on the creature you want and start exploring the surroundings real world. The distance to the Pokemon is indicated in the tracks. One trace is equivalent to approximately 40-50 meters, and their number itself can vary from a single trace to three. To catch rare Pokemon with a high chance of success, the player will need a Great Pokeball - this Pokeball becomes available at level 12. At level 20, the user will unlock the Ultra Pokeball, which will allow him to catch the most powerful Pokemon!

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Pokemon GO can confidently be called one of best apps For mobile phones the last decade. After all, this game has captivated more than one million people around the world. Nowadays, searching for Pokemon won’t surprise anyone, and even in a small town you can see a person “hunting” for virtual monsters. In this small review we'll tell you where it's best to catch Pokemon.

How pocket monsters appear

Before you figure out where it’s best to catch Pokemon, you need to understand the principle of the appearance of a particular pet. At first glance, it seems that the creatures end up in one place or another randomly, and their location is determined randomly. Of course, there is a share of “lucky chance” here, but the appearance algorithm embedded in the game program makes it possible to determine the most likely habitats of creatures. The main difference between the best places to look for Pokemon is how crowded they are: museums, tourist spots, landmarks and supermarkets.

In addition, in order to find a rare pet, a number of conditions must be met, for example, there must be a river near the possible place of appearance, and it can only be found at night.

Top best arenas for hunting

The leader of the list of places where it is best to catch Pokemon is the small South Korean city of Sokcho, located near Seoul. According to players, here you can catch up to thirty monsters in just half an hour. In addition, rare creatures such as Pikachu and Farfetch are most often found in this town.

Second place on the list of tourist places where it is best to catch Pokemon rightfully belongs to New York. Virtual monsters can be found in the Empire State Building, near the Statue of Liberty, and in Central Park.

The metropolis of Tokyo closes the top three. The best way to catch Pokemon here is in squares and any other crowded places, of which there are plenty in this city. In addition, this metropolis, which is the birthplace of virtual monsters, can give you a meeting with the rarest Ditto.

Famous cities

The next great city for catching Pokemon is Rome. After all, in this huge museum you can always find a large crowd of tourists, and, accordingly, monsters, because they “love” to live in crowded places. Another city that, according to tourists, is teeming with Pokemon is San Francisco.

In addition to the above, the top ten best cities in the world for searching for creatures include Auckland, Honolulu, London, Vienna and the German town of Wolfsburg. Also very popular among tourists who catch Pokemon are the Sydney Opera House, Lake Lilydes and the German city of Hamburg.

Search for Pokemon in Russia

With the advent of the crisis, only a few of us can afford to travel to distant lands to catch this or that rare creature. But don’t be upset, because in our open spaces you can significantly expand your collection of pocket monsters. Today, many tour operators offer special trips to the habitats of the creatures of the Pokemon Go game. Where is the best place to catch Pokemon within our country? Read more about this.

Saint Petersburg

The northern capital is rightfully considered one of the best cities for finding pocket monsters, because the number of museums and tourist places here is truly off the charts. If you don’t know where is the best place to catch Pokemon in St. Petersburg, then you should first of all go to Nevsky Prospekt. In addition, to search for creatures, it would be useful to visit Palace Square, Victory Park, Forestry Academy, Matveevsky Garden and all train stations.


The capital of Russia, of course, is one of best places to search for Pokemon. Moreover, most of them randomly appear on the map in the most unexpected places. Most individuals are not tied to any area, but we will still indicate the coordinates where it is better to catch Pokemon. First of all, you should go to the Pushkin Museum, especially since the management of this historical landmark has officially allowed you to look for pocket monsters here. In addition, catching Pokemon is allowed in the Moscow Zoo, provided that visitors do not disturb the peace of the animals. The Metro management is also not against searching for pets, but only in the passenger area and not during rush hour. The best stations for fishing were “Vystavochnaya” and “Vorobyovy Gory”. In addition, it will be useful to visit the Central Department Store, the Central Park of Culture and VDNKh.


One of the best cities in Russia for finding Pokemon is Yekaterinburg. Here you can find monsters not only on the streets and in museums, but also in financial institutions and large stores. The fact is that entrepreneurs have long understood that catching Pokemon attracts visitors to their habitats, so in many such buildings special terminals were installed that attract creatures, and Pokestops were also placed. To search, visit the Passage and Greenwich shopping centers, as well as Sberbank branches and the Alibi restaurant.

For fishing, it is best to go to Samara, to the park named after the 60th anniversary of Soviet Power. In the city of Ufa, there is a high chance of finding rare creatures near the fountain located not far from the City Council. The central ones can also please you with a meeting with an unusual pet. In addition, it would be useful to visit Pushkin Street, the Opera House and the Museum of Local Lore. So there is no need to go far away in search of a rare creature, because our cities can also help you fill out your Pokédex.
