The branch hosted the autumn intellectual game “What? Where? When? Mind game what? When.

Yulia Dobrova
Game “What? Where? When?"

On January 11, an intellectual workshop was held among teachers of municipal budgetary educational institutions in Abakan. game"What? Where? When, 10 teams of kindergarten teachers took part in the game.

Goals of the Intellectual games:

intellectual and personal development teachers of educational institutions;

attracting teachers to participate in activities aimed at spending leisure time with an intense intellectual focus;

attracting public attention to intellectual development youth;

formation of an active life position among teachers;

promoting cooperation between educational institutions in the city of Abakan.

To participate in the Intellectual Game, a team was formed from educational institution, which included 6 players.

Intelligent game"What? Where? When consisted of three rounds.

The first round includes 3 rounds of teams. Ordinary question: The host asks the players a question verbally. Players must prepare a precise wording of the answer (for example, if a question asks to justify an answer, the answerer must explain his or her version). Multimedia question: In addition to words, the question also uses video materials. This can be either copies of images shown to players on screens or video footage. Item: shown to the team certain subject and ask a question. When a correct answer is given, the club manager usually shows it on the object (or using your own example). In some cases, connoisseurs must, on the contrary, guess the object located behind the scenes, which is brought out to them with the correct answer. Black box: a black box is brought out to experts and the presenter gives a description of the object lying in it. A question is asked.

The second round includes "blitz sector". Players must answer three questions in a row, with only 20 seconds to discuss each question. Basically, the blitz asks questions that do not require much thought. (most often you just need to name something). As a rule, all three questions are related to a single topic. A team receives a point if they answer all three questions correctly.

The third round includes 3 rounds of teams' turns, similar to round 1.

Our kindergarten "Rainbow" took 3rd place. The winners of the intellectual game received certificates according to the decision of the organizers.

Publications on the topic:

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Game “What? Where? When?" in the preparatory group Game “What? Where? When?" V preparatory group. Goal: Summarize, systematize, consolidate children's knowledge of the material covered.

MBDOU d/s "Golden Fish" Synopsis of OOD (senior group) Mind game"What? Where? When?" “A Journey Through Fairy Tales” Prepared by:

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" Intellectual game “What, where, when?” according to traffic rules in the preparatory group “Mischievous Dwarves” Teacher: Friedrich. T.L.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" 2017 is the year of ecology. In our kindergarten One of the tasks of education is environmental education of preschool children. To teach children.

Intellectual game “What? Where? When?" in the preparatory group Intellectual game "What? Where? When?" in the preparatory group Goals: 1. Improving and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities.

Game “What? Where? When?" Lesson on speech development in the senior group with TNR Game “What? Where? When?" Goal: Correctly use and understand the meaning of a simple verb.

Educational and entertaining game for older children and their parents Game “What? Where? When?" Objectives: To promote the rapprochement of children, parents, teachers through playful communication; Develop speech and thinking.

Intellectual game WHAT? WHERE? WHEN? took place on September 23 in our Temple. We played the sports version, that is, when several teams compete with each other.
Namely, the teams: “Star of Bethlehem”, “Kind People” and “Erudites”.
We had a real top with a horse, questions in envelopes and, of course, a BLACK BOX!
The teams were presented with 12 unexpected questions on a variety of topics: about the moon, about chocolate, about St. Isaac’s Cathedral, about polar bears that spin the earth (“as bears rub against the axis, the earth spins”), about the creation of earth, air, fire by God and other interesting questions. The game turned out to be truly exciting and dynamic: after the question there was only a minute for brainstorming and a short written answer, usually consisting of one word. The answer sometimes required not just erudition, but ingenuity and logical thinking. It is difficult to come to the right decision in one minute, so the score with which the game ended is: “Star of Bethlehem” - 3 points; “Kind people” - 5 points; "Erudents" - 5 points!
The winning teams received a delicious prize - CAKE! And of course we had a joint tea party, after which the discussion of the game continued.
Everyone liked the game! Looking forward to the continuation!

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On April 19, the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”, dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the museum. The team of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television took 2nd place at the end of the game

The theme of the game was designated as “Catherine the Great in the Country and the World”; an exhibition of the same name is currently being held at the Mikhailovsky Castle. The questions concerned the personality of the empress and culturally significant events, historical facts and art. The game was hosted by the owner crystal owl, the best captain of the club of experts Alexey Vladimirovich Blinov.

The game was attended by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen, St. Petersburg State Institute of Culture and other universities of the city. The SPbGIKT team included Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Sergei Valentinovich Vivatenko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences Magomed Nizarovich Magomedov Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Alexey Ivanovich Klimin, Associate Professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences Tatyana Evgenievna Sivolap and students of our Institute.

Alexey Ivanovich shared his impressions:

– Any game is excitement and excitement. Moreover, this also applies to such famous game like "What? Where? When?". But here the excitement is not only gaming, but also intellectual - whether we as a team can find the correct answer for a specific historical era. It was a great honor for all of us to take part in a game of this level, almost on equal terms with the legendary experts - Alexey Vladimirovich Blinov and Sergei Valentinovich Vivatenko - and even more so to take one of the prize places. This inspires teachers and students with strength and hope to participate in such games at the city and all-Russian level.

The game attracted the attention of not only history students, but also guys who love erudition games. Each team had 7 people, during the discussion of the answer to the question, everyone’s opinion was taken into account: brainstorming began at the tables. Game “What? Where? When?”, first of all, it tests not a broad outlook, but the ability to think logically and even find the answer directly to a tricky question.

The SPbGIKT team showed their cohesion, and students and teachers showed their interest in the history of our country and art within the walls of the palace, which is located in the very heart of St. Petersburg. Game “What? Where? When?" is regularly held at our Institute and collects large number interested guys.

SPbGIKIT Information Service

On May 25, employees of the Russian State Library for the Blind celebrated their professional holiday - All-Russian Library Day, a holiday that has already become a good tradition. This day unites everyone who loves books and the living Russian word, preserves and increases the treasures of human wisdom, and appreciates the inspired work of the librarian!

All employees of the Russian State Library for the Blind gathered in the reading room for the ceremonial part of the holiday and held an intellectual game “What? Where? When?” among colleagues and partners.

In the game “What? Where? When?" Three teams of seven players each took part. Each of them, using the brainstorming method, tried to give the correct answers to the questions asked by the presenter or the audience. Only a minute was allotted for the discussion of each issue, as in the TV show of the same name. The questions were conditionally divided into three groups: knowledge, logic and resourcefulness, and “distracting” (when specific numbers and facts lead away from the answer rather than help in finding it). There was also an additional blitz round, during which the players answered a question from a “black box”.

All teams played in a coherent, organized manner, carried out tasks with great interest and the desire to get a high result. For each correct answer, the team received one point. After the game was played and the results were calculated, the team players were awarded consolation prizes for their active participation and desire to win. The winner was team No. 1 under the leadership of E.V. Zakharova, who scored the highest number of points. Best player chose G.S. Salnikov from team No. 3.

At the end of the holiday, RGBS employee Yuri Oborotov spoke to the audience and performed the song “Black Eyes” (Petra Leshchenko). The Director of the Russian State Library for the Blind, T. N. Elfimova, said many kind words and wishes to all those present, who congratulated everyone on their professional holiday!
