Educational and research work. Start in science The role and significance of computer games in the modern world

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Bondarskaya average secondary school

Educational and research work on the topic:

Role computer games in the lives of our school students

Computer science major


8th grade, MBOU Bondarskaya secondary school, Kuskova Alina Andreevna

Scientific supervisor:

computer science teacher Marina Pavlovna Tochtova

Tambov - 2015



    The history of computer games____________________5

    Classification of computer games_________________________________6

    1. Classification of computer games by genre _________________ 6

      Classification of computer games by the number of players and the method of their interaction _________________________________________________ 8

      Classification of computer games by subject _______________ 9

    Opinions about computer games______________________________ 10

    1. Scientists' opinion_______________________________________________10

      Questionnaire among students ___________________________________12

      Parents' opinion_______________________________________________17

    Computer games tournament. Suggestions for holding_______ 19

    Conclusion _____________________________________________20

References _____________________________________________________22


From the TV screen and from parents I often hear that computer games are useless and harmful, computer toys take up a lot of precious time and distract from studying and communicating with peers. But it always seemed to me that it was terribly interesting, develops memory, and occupies my free time. I decided to study this issue. I started my research by studying the theory; learned the history of computer games. I read the opinions of experts about the dangers and benefits of computer games. Conducted a survey among schoolchildren to study their opinions about computer games. As a result, I have developed recommendations for children on choosing computer games.

One well-known toy company conducted a survey of boys from 5 to 12 years old on the topic: “What games do you like?” Result: 80% of respondents answered: “Computer games.” The issue of the dangers of computers and computer games for children is discussed very often. For this reason, some especially fearful parents immediately forbid their children to play, sometimes only causing boys and girls to become even more interested in computer games. There is also another extreme: parents do not at all watch what exactly their son or daughter is playing. Having learned these interesting facts, I decided to learn more about computer games and their role in the lives of students at our school.

Purpose of the study: find out the role of computer games in the lives of students at our school.

Research objectives:

find out what types of computer games exist;

find out the opinion of experts about the benefits and harms of computer games in the development of children;

find out which games the students of our school play most, and what they think about the dangers and benefits of computer games;


Object of study : computer games, the role of computer games in the lives of students in our school.

Research methods: literature analysis; processing of received data; constructing charts and graphs using the MS Excel computer program; generalization of the obtained results.

    The history of computer games.

Scientific and technological progress, which gained dizzying speed by the end of the twentieth century, gave rise to such a miracle of our time as the computer and computer technology. The invention of computers served as a turning point in the development of many industries. Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans.

The first primitive computer games were developed in England and the USA in the early 60s of the last century. They imitated games: “tic-tac-toe”, “tennis for two”, “ping-pong”, as well as “ Space War And Big Adventure John." The platforms for such games were large university computers, games were created by teachers, and some of the games became doctoral dissertations for them. One of the first creators of computer games in Russia was Alexey Pozhitnov, who worked at the Academy of Sciences, who in 1985 created the well-known “Tetris”, which conquered the whole world.

As computers improved, games also improved, attracting more and more people. Computer games are especially popular among elementary and middle school students. Today, computer technology has reached such a level of development that allows programmers to develop very realistic games with good graphics and sound design.

2. Classification of computer games.

2.1 Classification of computer games by genre.

The genre is determined by the purpose of the game. The following genres are distinguished:

Action(from the English Action) - games consisting mainly of combat scenes, fights and shootouts. A similar genre in cinema is action. The action is divided into:

        • shooter (from the English Shoot/Shoot) - in games of this type the player, as a rule, acting alone, must destroy enemies using cold and firearms, to achieve certain goals at a given level, usually, after achieving the specified goals, the player moves to the next level. Enemies are often: bandits and other "bad guys". Useful in that players learn to understand technical features weapons, spatial memory improves, increases team spirit and the ability to work in a team;

          fighting game (from the English Fight/Struggle) - fights between two or more opponents using hand-to-hand combat;

  • Survival Horror (from the English Survival / Survival and Horror / Horror).

Adventures(aka adventure games, from the English Adventure) - games that have a full-fledged literary plot, and the player himself reveals all the twists and turns of this plot during the game;

Strategies- a game that requires the development of a strategy, for example, to win a military operation. These are games where the player is given the right to direct the activities of computer characters subordinate to him. In this case, the player can act as a leader: the commander of a special forces detachment, the commander-in-chief of the army, and even the head of state. At the same time, the person does not see his hero on the screen, but invents a role for himself. It is useful because it develops balanced thinking, brain discipline, which allows you to build pictures of unfulfilled events. Long-term memory improves. Strategy - games in which you need to build your own cities, run a business, manage a huge army, etc. The gameplay can take place both in real time (RTS - real time strategy) and turn-based (TBS - turn based strategy).

Simulators- the main principle of the simulator is to accurately reproduce the features of a certain thematic area (for example: a car simulator should reproduce the physical features of cars as accurately as possible). Useful in that the player acquires technical skills that can be used in real life.

Puzzles- games that consist entirely or more than half of solving various logical problems like solving a Rubik's cube; computer implementation board games, such as chess, cards, checkers, Monopoly and others.

Fun- games, mainly aimed at children, where the psychological impression of the picture happening on the screen is much more important than the game process itself - for example, bursting bubbles;

Educational- games that include elements of educational programs that are presented through the gameplay and, thanks to the increased interest in them due to the unusual surroundings, they are subsequently well remembered.

Role-playing(from the English RPG - Role Playing Game) - genre of games, distinctive feature which is that the characters have certain skills and characteristics, which can subsequently be improved or even acquired new ones by first performing some actions. Also, games of this genre often have an inventory system, that is, in the process of passing the player can find/purchase new types of weapons, armor, aids, etc. RPG can be of different genres: from strategy to action.

2.2. Classification of computer games by the number of players and the way they interact.

Singles(single-user) Designed for playing alone, against the computer.

Multi-user: Designed for play by several people (usually up to 64) local network or the Internet. Often found as additional mode in games that are based on a single player.
Multi-user on one computer ( English Hotseat, Splitscreen).
They are rare on modern personal computers, but they still occur on older PCs and consoles. Hotseat - players take turns performing the necessary game actions using the same computer/console. Splitscreen - the screen is divided into parts (usually two, less often four), players no longer need to wait for their turn, the game takes place in real time, each player interacts with the game world from his own part of the screen.

Multiplayer offline games. Some genres (sports managers, turn-based strategies etc.) can work in this format: players make moves and send the result via the web or email. Regardless of the communication method (Fidonet, e-mail, web...), these games have the following features:

Requires periodic appearance on the network. But in this case, only frequency is required; the connection time is chosen by the player himself, without coordinating it with the presenters and opponents. The duration of the move is from several hours to several days. The game lasts for months and years.

Massive online. Massive games using an Internet connection. Most of these games lack single player(offline). The most common genres are board games and role playing games(MMORPG). Among them there are also games that run in the browser and do not require downloading and/or installing anything on the computer. Among the usual multiplayer games, the MUD genre stands out - online text games.

2.3. Classification of computer games by subject.



    In the spirit of modernity






3. Opinions about computer games.

3.1. Scientists' opinion.

There is no consensus among psychologists and teachers about the impact of computer games on the psychophysiological development of children. Electromagnetic vibration and ionizing radiation from even the most well-protected modern monitors are a heavy burden on the vision and posture of an undeveloped organism. Sanitary and hygienic requirements are absolutely categorical - no more than 1 hour a day for teenagers and high school students and no more than 30-40 minutes for children of primary school age.

According to statistics, almost every teenager between the ages of 13 and 16 has tried playing a computer game at least once. About half of the respondents, however, play quite rarely (no more than once a month), and only about 15% play every day, most of them spending no more than an hour on the game. Boys play computer games much more intensively than girls; the frequency and duration of play decreases with age and as the player’s educational level increases. Growing up, the student plays games more and more with each grade, but from the 9th grade he practically stops playing them.

At the same time, girls have a much higher degree of emotional experiences than boys.

As for the influence on personality, it depends on the repertoire of games. Western-made commercial games that dominate the market cultivate an aggressive morality, which quickly affects the self-awareness of adolescents. The conclusion of the medical community is that computer games with acts of violence lead to the development of aggressive feelings in the reactions and behavior of children. Moreover, prolonged viewing of violent scenes leads to the fact that a person becomes insensitive to violence in real life.

There is also a positive assessment of the influence of computer games on children. From this point of view, doctors consider prolonged time spent at the computer no worse than prolonged reading of books. All interesting games These days you are forced to constantly monitor the entire screen, so it is a training for the visual apparatus.

Many modern games, so-called “strategies”, require intelligence, the ability to think, and the ability to make quick decisions. The computer will help the child to assert himself.

The British have found that children who play computer games regularly, but not excessively, are more developed, think more broadly, have more friends and are better managed.

People understand the word “gambling addiction” as a hobby gambling, but computer games can also provoke this “disease”.

Many high school students prefer virtual contacts, but try not to communicate with their peers in real life. There is a constant desire to “be online.” As a result, the “electronic patient” begins to put up with the loss of friends, other interests, and there is a tendency to forget about responsibilities.

Scientists who are closely involved in studying the functioning of the brain and cognitive activity people believe that systematic involvement in computer games causes a change in the perception of visual information by the brain. The fact is that frequent use of dynamic games forces the human brain to adapt to a rapidly changing picture and virtual environment, and this, in turn, leads to improved vision. It is also noted that adaptation mechanisms have a positive effect subsequently, when the results are found in a person’s everyday life.

Most researchers agree that the player’s mood during the game changes depending on the success of the player and, if successful, the emotional mood can persist for quite a long time depending on the age of the participant. The latter is very important, as it leads to a strong, purposeful character with clear signs of leadership.

3.2. Questionnaire among students.

After I studied information about computer games, I decided to find out what the students of our school think about the benefits and harms of computer games and what games they play. I conducted a survey among students in grades 7-10 of our school. As a result, I found out that:

    students at our school play computer games;

    boys and girls prefer various types computer games by genre (Fig. 3): boys most often play games such as action, adventure, strategy, simulators (Fig. 2), and girls most often play games - adventures, puzzles and fun (Fig. 1). Only a small number of respondents play educational and role-playing games;

    Mostly, students at our school play games with historical content, games in the spirit of modernity and fantasy (Fig. 4, 5, 6);

    Boys and girls are divided on the impact of computer games. The majority of boys believe that computer games have no influence, while the majority of girls, on the contrary, believe that computer games are harmful (Fig. 7).

    Most children understand that they should not play computer games for a long time (Fig. 8).

Based on everything, I concluded that almost all students realize that playing computer games for a long time and playing aggressive games is harmful.

(Figure 1)

(Figure 2)

(Figure 3)

(Figure 4)

(Figure 5)

(Figure 6)

(Figure 7)

(Figure 8)

3.3. Parents' opinion.

During the work, I conducted a survey of parents and found out that the parents of our students also play computer games (Fig. 9), preferring games for social networks. Most of them believe that computer games are harmful (Fig. 10).

(Figure 9)

(Figure 10)

4. Computer games tournament. Recommendations for carrying out.
At the end of my work, together with a computer science teacher, I held a school computer games tournament. The above facts helped me to do right choice computer games for a school tournament. These games turned out to be strategy games, simulators, adventures and puzzles, as they develop intelligence, reaction speed, and are popular.


“If you go too far, the most pleasant things will become unpleasant...”


Questions about the dangers and benefits of computer games for children are questions for which there are no clear answers. One thing is absolutely clear - everything is good in moderation. Computer games can be harmful if a child sits on them all day long without interrupting anything else, damaging his posture, vision and nervous system. With a reasonable approach, the benefits of children's computer games can be obvious: after all, games alone are best way relax, others develop reaction speed and logical thinking in children, others provide an opportunity to throw out accumulated energy. For the game to have a truly educational effect, the participation of an adult is necessary, who explains and comments on the tasks for the child and supports his motivation. In addition, as in any game, a child must have a partner, a comrade, and not only a virtual, but a real close person.

While researching the problem of the influence of computer games on humans, it became obvious to me that If you have information about computer games, then playing them will be useful for children.


Computer games develop in a child:

    speed of reaction;

    fine motor skills of hands;

    visual perception of objects;

    memory and attention;

    logical thinking;

    hand-eye coordination.

Computer games teach a child:

    classify and generalize;

    think analytically in a non-standard situation;

    achieve your goal;

    improve intellectual skills.


    Modern encyclopedia for boys / Author - comp. N.V. Belov. - Mn.: Modern writer, 2007.

    I explore the world: Children's encyclopedia: Mathematics / Comp. A.P. Savin, V.V. Stanzo, A.Yu. Kotova:-M.: LLC “Firm “Publishing House AST”, 2000.

  1. Novoselov S.L., Petku G.P., Computer world preschooler - M: New School, 2005, p. 71-81.

Computer games: meaning, types.

The main factor of modern civilization, which has a tremendous impact on the content of modern childhood, has been the rapid growth of new technologies, primarily information technologies. Nowadays, the vast majority of preschoolers already have basic skills in communicating with computer technology. This communication begins with computer games that attract children. Computers have become a part of everyday life, and we can’t live without them these days. This statement is easily substantiated. Firstly, when preparing for school, developing a sense of purpose and acquiring new knowledge is of great importance. Secondly, boys and girls who use computers on a first-name basis feel more confident in society and adapt more easily to different situations. Computer games for children are beneficial because they develop perception, abstract and logical thinking, motor skills, imagination, memory, and independence. They also develop skills in interacting with complex technology, which will definitely come in handy in the future.

Scientists' opinions about the influence of computers on children's development are very

contradictory. And this is no coincidence, because a computer, like any object

our reality, can be both useful and harmful - in

depending on whose hands it is in, what role it plays in life

the person is playing. The main motive for a child’s play is always his desire to act and live like adults. But since, due to his limited abilities due to his age, he is not yet able to drive a car, fly an airplane, or treat the sick, the child realizes himself in the game. Everything is possible in the game. A child can control objects that appear on a computer screen, can make them change, appear or disappear, that is, he feels their reality, as well as the reality of the things around him. At the same time, he cannot pick them up, cannot touch them. In addition, computer games are designed so that the child can imagine not a single concept or specific situation, but gets a generalized idea of ​​all similar situations or objects. Thus, children develop such important thinking operations as generalization and classification, which with standard training begin to develop only from 6-7 years of age. The importance of games for 3-7 year old children is invaluable, because it is during this period that the main development processes take place.

Many parents are tormented by doubts about whether it is possible to find games through which their children will learn something. The choice of entertainment is varied: dress up, racing, coloring, animal care, adventure games. Also popular are games like hospital, hairdresser, beauty salon, and fishing. It should be emphasized that computer games have colorful graphics and an interesting plot, and the dynamics of movement are accompanied by a pleasant melody. Children love to explore the world around them and make friends in virtual reality.

It is the computer that can easily and quickly help in overcoming such a complex defect, which sometimes takes several months even for experienced psychologists to correct. Children need to learn to press certain keys with their fingers, which develops the fine muscles of the hand and motor skills of children. These hand movements cause various movements of images on the computer screen, which the child follows with his eyes. Correctness of the decision game task depends on how quickly your child can learn to move the desired key (that is, hand) to move the image on the screen in the desired direction. So, quite naturally, without additional special classes, the necessary hand-eye coordination develops. In case of difficulties, parents can help children by introducing additional hints to remember the rules for operating a particular key.

Computer children's games for preschoolers can be divided into the following categories:

Fun for the little ones - they are aimed at development logical thinking, color perception;
- didactic games- With early age Children actively explore the world, closely exploring everything around them. The child learns to identify the characteristic features of objects and establish relationships;
- logical online games– exciting fun, thanks to which the baby learns to analyze, reason and compare the information received. Such skills will be useful to him in solving school problems;
- coloring books – they bring joy and pleasure to kids. The benefit of such creative activities is that children become familiar with a variety of colors. Aesthetic taste is also formed, a love of art is instilled, and imagination is manifested;
- puzzles – children really enjoy the process of putting together colorful pictures. The choice of puzzles is huge: birds, animals, cartoon characters, landscapes;
- games for memory and attention - they require perseverance and concentration from the child. In such fun, the child needs to look for hidden objects, match pairs, and find differences between pictures. Memory is an important type of mental activity, the development of which must begin at an early age.

A computer in modern conditions is not just an electronic computing machine; it is a source of information, a tool for its transformation and a universal communication system that ensures the interaction of all subjects of the didactic system, including those with whom communication occurs indirectly through a computer program.

The idea of ​​using computers in teaching children belongs to Professor Seymour Papert. Working with J. Piaget, S. Papert (60s of the last century) came to the conclusion that a child develops if he has the conditions for creative activity in an appropriate environment. To develop abstract thinking, you need an environment that allows you to actively create a product, using and creating new abstract concepts. Such an environment could be a computer. For S. Papert, a computer is, first of all, a tool that can give the learning process a natural, unformalized character. In his opinion, a computer can change the nature of learning - not something specific, but learning in general - and make it more interesting and effective, and the knowledge gained deeper and more generalized. Among the diverse range of children's programs, there is a large group of educational and developmental computer games that are specially created for educational purposes.

Educational games.

Designed for the formation and development of children's general mental abilities, emotional and moral development, and the ability to correlate their actions to control the game with the images being created on the screen. They develop fantasy and imagination. They do not have a clearly defined goal - they are tools for creativity and self-expression of the child.

Educational games.

These include game programs didactic type, in which game form it is proposed to solve one or more didactic problems. This class includes games related to:

Games are experiments.

In this type of game, the goal and rules are not explicitly stated: they are hidden in the plot or the way the game is controlled. Therefore, before achieving success in solving a game problem, a child must, through search actions, come to an awareness of the goal and method of action. This is the key to achieving a solution to the game problem.

Logic games.

Utility logic games is that they develop logical thinking skills in preschool children. Most often, the game is a single task or a set of several puzzles that the player must solve. Typical representatives of this genre are various tasks involving rearranging figures or drawing up a picture.

Games are fun.

These games do not explicitly contain play or developmental objectives. They provide children with the opportunity to have fun, carry out search activities and see the result on the screen in the form of some kind of “micro-cartoon”. The child comes up with his own plot using famous characters. Such games provide an opportunity to look for non-standard ways to solve problems.

Hello gamers!

What are games? Let's think about it, for a person, first of all, this is a way to relax after a hard day or have fun on the weekend.

There are different types of games - Shooters, RPGs, Strategies and each of these genres can somehow attract a person to console games, which is not surprising, in our time, the games industry is growing at an incredible pace and earns incredible money, attracts people into their networks of more and more new people.

For the most part, for an unaware person, games are just another way to entertain yourself, like a blockbuster movie or a book for one evening. But a knowledgeable person understands how deep and elaborate a game can be, how deep its history, the history of everything, can be game world, the characters inhabiting it.

You don’t have to go far to find an example! The Witcher 3, 2015, a more elaborate and good game had not been seen before The Witcher for years, but what The Witcher did with gaming industry, impressed everyone without exception, so much so that all games began to be compared to The Witcher, even if their genre did not coincide with them.

The Witcher easily surpassed even Skyrim, making the little-known studio CD PROJEKT RED from Poland one of the most famous studios in the gaming world of our time.

What comes out of all this?

And the fact that games in our time occupy a certain place for a person, for many people! For millions of people! Various exhibitions, Blizz-Cons, Comic-Cons, Tournaments, all this would not have happened if games were not an important part of human life.

They can be touching, scary, bloody, but the main thing is that good game will not leave a person indifferent and this shows that games are the same art as paintings, books, movies, music, and sometimes they can be combined with other types of art, which makes them even better.

Thus, we get the idea that games have long taken a strong position in human life and will never leave it, game designers are the great artists of our time, screenwriters are writers whose dialogues for characters we will constantly remember, although many people and consider games to be a waste of time.

But, once upon a time, books were burned, so listening to the opinion of the crowd is very unreasonable, considering that most of them have never played games.

<Ощущения от игры, именно от хорошей игры, зачастую, не сможет описать не один критик, учитывая, что в наше время игровые критики далеки от игр, как бы иронично это не звучало.

Therefore, it is not worth operating with the opinions of critics or game bloggers; their opinions are often either made on the wrong conclusions, since they have not played games for a long time, i.e. they are not real gamers, or, unfortunately, their opinion has already been bought by someone, so it’s better to try the games yourself than to rake through different articles, watch videos from different bloggers and the like.

Know how to think with your own head and listen to yourself, and not to any critics and bloggers. I hope this article helped you, and in the future, you will be able to talk sensibly on the topic of games, understanding their importance in this world for each individual person.

Computer games are now, by and large, a well-known phenomenon, but people’s attitudes towards this phenomenon vary. Some consider these games a “waste of time”, others – “an escape from reality”, and others – “entertainment”. For others, it is a hobby, and for some, the game can become a discovery, a revelation and a great, deeply desired journey. Perhaps even to yourself. And perhaps this is true for many - including those who are not yet very familiar with them (for example, because they are influenced by preconceptions).

(Here I note that these reflections are my vision. In other words, this is what I think. Someone else may think differently. If there were a modern person who would take on the role of Aristotle on the issue of the influence of games, then he, like the latter, probably would have written: “this one believes that it is so, but that one believes that it is different, the third one does not agree with both of them, but...” This would create a palette of the most significant, tenacious, deep and powerful reflections, similar to the one collected in “Metaphysics” was written by Aristotle himself and which touched there on the topic of the foundations of the structure of the world.

I will also note that the words “my view” do not mean “my humble opinion, which I will immediately withdraw in the presence of “Truth”. No, this vision is based on experiences in my experience, on my observations, and I consider my own opinion based on this experience to be fair and correct. At the same time, the Other) may have different experiences and experiences and look at the things being discussed from a different angle, therefore his general vision and opinion may be different. Different experiences and perspectives can encourage discussion, which I am open to.

I will also say that these reflections are not intended to be comprehensive. Rather, they can be compared to a door that swings open and behind which a certain world is visible. We can also say that this is a certain volume to which additions and expansions can be attached - perhaps significantly exceeding the original volume.)

So what can I say about the different aspects of the influence of computer games?

I will call the first side of this influence “time division.” In principle, this is one of the main (if not the most important) argument that is put forward in favor of the fact that games are harmful or burdensome. It is because of this that games are often talked about as a “waste of time” or “an escape from reality.” What happens is this: a person’s attention, previously drawn, simplifying, to the “basic” reality (simplifying because, for example, the imagination creates its own reality - and apparently always created, including at a time when there were no computer games at all), is partially given to the reality of the game and only partially to the basic “habitual” reality. It may well come to this that the overwhelming majority of attention is given to the game, and in “ordinary” reality a person only supports himself with food and sleep. But this is an extreme, and extremes are often limited, just as, on the other hand, a person is limited who refuses imagination (i.e., trying to avoid “escaping reality” altogether - and as a result, chaining himself to only part of the space of experiences that would otherwise could appear to him and be recognized and seen to a much greater extent). The above also explains the idea that not every “escapism from reality” is bad, since, on the other hand, it is liberation from its shackles and limitations. Further, we can argue that the division of a person’s attention between “basic” reality and game realities is not bad in general and always, and how bad or good it is, and in what way, depends on compliance with the measure, on the ratio of losses and acquisitions (moreover, the number of losses from games can, first of all, include time and imperfections at this time - in the general world, but you can think about acquisitions from games yourself, this is also discussed below).

Secondly, I want to talk about the psychotherapeutic role of a computer game (and, first of all, a game with a pronounced role play, where you can try and feel the role of a hero, a villain, an outstanding person, a person from the bottom of society, a creature of a different race or even nature - basically anyone, depending on the opportunities provided by the game). Before voicing the main theses, I will touch on the opinion that in computer games people “learn” cruelty, learn to kill, and then bring this into “basic” reality. But there is another opinion, and it is that in the game people implement cruelty, and this leads to the fact that in the “basic” reality they implement cruelty less. Which of these two opinions is true - I can’t say with certainty, but the second seems more preferable to me: indeed, if a certain need is satisfied - at least partially, then for some time the desire to satisfy this need becomes less, and if a certain impulse is given the will, then it exhausts its energy to one degree or another, becoming smaller or completely dying out. At the same time, it may no longer be strong enough to push a person to take some action. Also regarding this issue, I came across the opinion that killing in a game and killing “in life” are quite different psychological actions.

Whether they are different or quite close, whether games reduce cruelty in the “ordinary world” or increase it is still a debatable question, but one can hardly argue that the game gives the experience of choices, as well as the feelings of the one who made this choice. For example, it gives a person a choice between an evil and a good action (let’s define them as those that the chooser himself considers evil and good). A person has the opportunity to do this evil act and experience how he feels with this perfect choice, to try on the role of the villain. Instead of the taboo that knowledge does not give, he acquires this knowledge - about himself and about what he needs. What could this lead to? For example, to the fact that a person will understand that this evil (or “evil”?) is exactly what he needs. Or vice versa – it’s not necessary. In the second case, instead of a restrictive prohibition, a person simply will not have the desire for this evil, and will not do this evil, not because this evil is forbidden, but because he does not want it. That is, the restriction has subsided, but a person does not go to certain “places” because they are “unpleasant” to him and “not his.” Thus, in the mentioned second case, thanks to the game, a person can come to an understanding of his kindness, and understand that he wants to do good deeds, and continue to do them out of a deep desire, and not as part of an obligation. The game gives a person a deeper understanding of his needs (and the unnecessary, what he will avoid and expel from life).

In the game, a person can for the first time meet and see something that he would like (in terms of the qualities inherent in the character or the creatures he meets, in terms of the structure of society, in terms of the atmosphere) and then have this knowledge (that he wants this, and this is for him close) - so that, when the significance of this for him reaches a certain degree, he begins to embody it in his life (and his own as well).

The game can also provide some experience of power. Often a person is at the bottom of the pyramid or is very far from its top; even if he persistently moves there, a considerable time must pass before he can achieve what he wants. And there is a thirst for it now. The game is able to satisfy it, allowing you to feel yourself in the role of a ruler (even the role of one of the deities of that reality), to know the features and nuances of this position, to receive the pleasure that it gives, to learn about the work that it involves (what the ruler faces ), learn to do this work (respond to emerging challenges, create and organize the domain under your control). The game is capable of giving an understanding of one’s own need for power, of the extent to which it is “yours.” It is also capable of giving an understanding of the desired type of power, the type of relationship with others that a person needs, allowing him to try, for example, the role of a tyrant or the role of “first among equals.”

The game can also show the huge role of choice, when different choices lead to different states of the world and the lives of the characters (including the “main character”), and, perhaps, instill skepticism regarding the phrase and position “nothing depends on us.” The game shows HOW MUCH everything depends on us, through scenes of the hero’s intervention in various situations, through his accomplishments. There are also games that teach you to look for means to achieve a goal, according to the choice already made (that is, for each option of what is chosen, there are still different ways to achieve the chosen one), to show perseverance, resourcefulness, ingenuity, creativity, will in this search - and giving a person the experience that it is possible to create the world around him and the events of his life, without grieving about how everything is wrong, but doing it as it should be. This is also close to the attitude towards politics, which I want to talk about separately. Some games are able to give an understanding that a person - an “ordinary” - can be not only a spectator of the actions of certain personalities, but an active participant, be among those who determine the social present and future. And first you need to abandon the position of “who am I? – no one,” and decide to declare their position. For me, such a game, which more than any other opened my eyes to the fact that there is no gap between the “politician” and the “ordinary person”, was the bright game “Dragon Age: Origins”, where the main character, a member of the significant order of the Gray Wardens, in the plot , among other things, affects the issue of succession to the throne (a large scene with a meeting of representatives of the nobility). In other words, who will become king - or queen (in one of the options, a comrade and companion becomes the ruler). Separately, I would like to dwell on how the game eliminates the feeling of the gap between “us” (“ordinary people”, “the people”) and “them” (politicians, rulers, geniuses, outstanding people, even non-humans at higher levels of development) . Yes, the game maintains the difference, but at the same time gives an understanding and a sense of connection between these, so to speak, groups. After all, the hero at the beginning of the game is often an “ordinary” person. Often in its course he develops, interacts with more developed personalities of the world and ultimately joins the ranks of outstanding people, going “there” from the “ordinary person.” The game shows that “one of us” can become “one of them.” And this is not as impossible as it seemed, but is quite possible in reality. And not only in gaming (and in general, in gaming realities, obstacles are often much more serious, complex and dangerous than in our relatively quiet, calm and stagnant world).

The next aspect I want to talk about is modeling. Here the role of a large number of games is similar to the role of fantasy and science fiction in general. Games can contain and offer unusual and different from the usual models of social structure, scenarios of contact with other intelligent races, various “worlds of the future”, worlds of alternative history, generally differently structured worlds (simulation of worlds with different rules: from Pandora with reduced gravity to fantasy worlds where the power of magic is obvious). In the case of the latter, the scope for modeling is especially wide - there can be worlds with a wide variety of mystical and magical features.

Connected with the last aspect is another role of games - the role of liberation from the shackles of everyday life and familiar and familiar reality. In this, the role of games is the same as the role of imagination and dreams (and imagination creates the worlds of games). The game gives a person not only “this”, but also “that”, shows what other options could be, in addition to the implemented one, gives the opportunity to exist and act in other options, changes the understanding of the option in “basic reality”. For example, in comparison with others, this version of “ordinary reality” may seem in some ways or in many ways gray, weak, “crowded outskirts”, “vestibule”; the game can very much raise the bar for the best (by showing a creature whose capabilities far exceed the player's capabilities or showing a world in which the inhabitants have many more opportunities than the inhabitants of our world, thanks to technology or magic). But it’s great, in my opinion, when a person has a desire for much, much better, and has an idea about this better, a feeling of it. There is hope that a person will come to this better thing or, at least, will take the road to it and walk along it for some time (and where he has reached, there will already be something better).

Also, through the game, a person can get acquainted with something, discover something or a certain area, and be inspired to do something. “Assasin Creed” can encourage you to study history and practice parkour, “Mortal Combat” - martial arts, “Age of Mythology” - awaken interest in myths. Regarding the last point, we can add that the game can introduce the concept of author’s (as opposed to “folk”) mythology - for example, in the series of games “The Elder Scrolls” (the mythology of Tamriel). Also, a game can not only encourage a person to do something new and interesting, but also inspire (with the class that the characters show) to be creative and focus on a much higher level in the field in which he is already involved. And we can say that what a person does and his lifestyle is influenced by what games he played and what images he fell in love with.

The next aspect of games is artistic. In my opinion, there is unlikely to be a dispute about the fact that some of the games are, to one degree or another, a work of art, creating an impression, introducing non-trivial stories and images. We can talk about many games in this regard, but I would like to talk about “Pillars of Eternity”, a game where the main character sees images from the past lives of the inhabitants of the world, where a significant role is played by the servant of the defeated queen of the gods, who preserves memory and skills and plans that can span centuries. Where the god of light and rebirth was killed, and children are born without souls, which is attributed to the curse of the killed god (but in reality it was created by the above-mentioned servant). Where special sorcerers-scientists study souls, and there is a special science and art relating to their study. Where one of the protagonist's companions is a hunter girl from a northern tribe who is looking for a new incarnation of her deceased mentor, and it ultimately turns out that it was an animal (already killed by another animal at the time it was found). Where another companion, an elf sorcerer, experiences breakthroughs in the psyche of his previous incarnation, in which he was a woman, moreover, with an inflexible character, which causes inconvenience. Also in this regard, I would like to recall “Planescape: Torment”, where there is no “main opponent”, and where the hero in the finale can meet with a part of himself, separated from him when he tries to avoid certain consequences of his actions (transition to the demonic plane and participation in the Blood War (or Great War) of demons due to the “great evil” committed by the hero). Where the picture of cause and effect is shown on a large scale, how actions in the past determine now, how actions now determine movement and change in different directions. Where the relationship with the separated part is subtle and deep, and the hero learns about them and the picture of his non-trivial existence, consisting as if of many pieces or “lives”, as the plot progresses - after all, while that part of him is separated from him, he does not begin in the event of death completely new, but remains connected with the same body, “comes to life in it.” At the same time, for certain reasons, he may not remember all the previous “segments”. From that moment of coming to consciousness without memory in the place where corpses are brought for burial and cremation, this game begins...

Of course, the game can offer other things. Instead of, say, the top of the pyramid of power, there is an endless, monotonous increase in it (“pumping up”), so as not to fully experience its taste (since the top in such games is never reached, plus the game does not create enough situations in which this taste is experienced). First of all, I'm talking about MMO games now, and this is the reason why I hardly play them. According to my observations, a person comes there to become “someone”, for this he spends a huge amount of time there, doing monotonous actions. This thirst is never satisfied, but interest is fueled by small achievements (like leveling up). There is a use of this thirst to constantly keep a person in the gaming space, to introduce an element of constant financial milking (server fee, donations). The emphasis in such games shifts from a work of art that can give something to a person, acquaint him with something, impress, inspire, to a space into which a person needs to be drawn and made sure that he does not leave (and pay) - Moreover, the schemes and ideas that underlie the latter type of games are quite simple. The plot, imagery, role-playing, dramatic components, the action of “expanding” and enriching the world (in relation to the limited reality of the Earth, the society in which the player lives and/or “matter”) are also present in them in a “reduced” form. I believe that with regard to such games, firstly, the “time division” discussed above is often significantly shifted towards the game space, and secondly, the player receives significantly less from them, and the ratio of losses and gains may be in their case, a near-zero value or even a negative sign. In general, for me these are games that I prefer to watch from the sidelines. Since the result of passion for them can be a chic character and a refined playing technique, but at the same time - unfulfillment in “ordinary” life, deterioration in appearance, health (including unfulfillment in personal life, while another type of games can affect It is, rather, positive, like a good book - for example, inspiringly showing true love, a high level of relationships, and thereby setting a certain benchmark for aspirations).

So, I have described those aspects of the influence of games on a person (the player) that I wanted to talk about. You have the opportunity to draw conclusions regarding the thoughts expressed on your own.

Volkova Anna

The computer quickly entered our lives. Just a few years ago it was rare to see any kind of personal computer - they existed, but they were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in their office. And now? Now every third home has a computer, which has already become deeply embedded in a person’s life. Thanks to the computer, the work and training of people is greatly facilitated, the efficiency of their work increases significantly, and information at any level becomes more accessible to specialists. But computerization is becoming a very serious problem today. Cyber ​​addiction is not a simple new word; it is a diagnosis that doctors today can give to a huge number of people, mainly children and adolescents. In this case we are talking about computer games.



Student Research and Creative Work Competition

"Step into Science"

Russian Federation, Transbaikal region, Priargunsky district,

MBOU Dosatui Secondary School

Subject: “The role of computer games in the lives of schoolchildren”

5th grade student

MBOU Dosatui Secondary School

Scientific supervisor: Shestakova E. N.,

computer science teacher

Dosatui – 2014.

Study plan

Brief summary

I believe that the topic I have chosen is relevant, since most schoolchildren spend a lot of time at the computer, it is an integral part of their lives and not all of them know what rules must be followed in order to maintain their health.


The computer quickly entered our lives. Just a few years ago it was rare to see any kind of personal computer - they existed, but they were very expensive, and not even every company could have a computer in their office. And now? Now every third home has a computer, which has already become deeply embedded in a person’s life. Thanks to the computer, the work and training of people is greatly facilitated, the efficiency of their work increases significantly, and information at any level becomes more accessible to specialists. But computerization is becoming a very serious problem today. Cyber ​​addiction is not a simple new word; it is a diagnosis that doctors today can give to a huge number of people, mainly children and adolescents. In this case we are talking about computer games.

Study plan

Problem: What role do computer games play in the lives of schoolchildren? Harm or benefit?

Hypothesis: if computer games play an important role in the life of a schoolchild, then how do they affect health and life in general.

Target: explore the positive and negative effects of computer games on the mental and physical health of schoolchildren; find out what role modern computer games play in the lives of schoolchildren.


  1. Get acquainted with the types and classification of computer games.
  2. Find out what positive and negative effects appear when you become interested in computer games.
  3. Conduct a survey among school students on this topic.

When writing the work I used the following methods:

Searching for information – when working with literary and Internet sources;

Questionnaires – a survey of students at our school;

Graphic display of data;

Analysis of the results obtained.


The computer has given us all great opportunities: preparing essays, communicating through websites, storing information, entertainment in the form of computer games. But along with the benefits, the computer has also introduced negative aspects into our lives. Many schoolchildren began to spend a huge amount of time at the computer, not noticing anything around them. Computer games have replaced communication with friends, activities in hobby groups, and reduced time for preparing homework.

The relevance of my work is determined by the fact that computer games are used by students of different ages and have different effects on health depending on the time, place and duration of the games. Insufficient knowledge of children about the dangers and benefits of computer games is currently a big problem.

Another problem that humanity has encountered as a result of computerization is mental disorders that arise as a result of the “computer-psyche” connection. Such disorders include, first of all, Internet addiction andcomputer gambling addiction.

Chapter 1. Classification of computer games.

There are different approaches to the classification of computer games. So the following types of classifications are distinguished:

1. Classification of computer games by genre:

The genre is determined by the purpose of the game. The following genres are distinguished:

Action (from the English Action) - games consisting mainly of combat scenes, fights and shootouts. A similar genre in cinema is action. The action is divided into:

Shooter (from the English Shoot/Shoot);

Fighting (from the English Fight/Struggle);

Survival Horror (from the English Survival / Survival and Horror / Horror).

Adventures (aka adventure games, from the English Adventure/Adventure) are games that have a full-fledged literary plot, and during the game the player himself reveals all the twists and turns of this plot;

Strategies are games in which you need to build your own cities, run a business, manage a huge army, etc. The gameplay can take place both in real time (RTS - real time strategy) and turn-based (TBS - turn based strategy).

Simulators are games that completely imitate any area of ​​real life, for example, simulating control of a racing car or airplane;

Puzzles are games that consist entirely or more than half of solving various logical problems, such as solving a Rubik's cube;

Fun - games, mainly aimed at children, where the psychological impression of the picture happening on the screen is much more important than the game process itself - for example, bursting bubbles;

Educational - games that include elements of educational programs that are presented through the gameplay itself and, due to increased interest in them due to the unusual surroundings, are subsequently well remembered.

RPG (from the English RPG - Role Playing Game) is a genre of games, the distinctive feature of which is that the characters have certain skills and characteristics, which can subsequently be improved or even acquired new ones by first performing some actions. Also, games of this genre often have an inventory system, that is, in the process of passing the player can find/purchase new types of weapons, armor, aids, etc. RPG can be of different genres: from strategy to action.

2. Classification of computer games by the number of players and the method of their interaction:

1) Single (single-player)

2) Multi-user:

Multi-user on one computer

Multi-user via email


3. Classification of computer games by topic:



In the spirit of modernity






Almost every child between the ages of 10 and 16 has tried playing a computer game at least once. Boys play computer games much more intensively than girls.

The most common are: games of skill and computer versions of sports games; logic games are the least common.

The distribution of certain computer games is closely related to their preference among teenagers. Games that require dexterity and sports have the highest ratings; then there are "fighting" games, as well as games with elements of violence.

Clear gender differences in game preference were found. Thus, boys rate games related to fighting or competition most highly, followed by games of skill, adventure games, and games like “Strategy”; My least favorite are logic games. Girls enjoy skill games most, followed by logic games, adventure games, and games involving fighting or competition.

According to research by psychologists, games with elements of cruelty, murder scenes, and blood have the strongest negative impact on a child’s psyche. Basically, their principle is that you need to reach the final by destroying your opponents.

This leads to aggression in children, cruelty in relationships with peers and teachers. In addition, children tend to transfer into reality everything they see on a monitor or TV screen. And if the hero of the game jumps from a height without breaking, or dies and is resurrected with several lives left, the child can try to repeat this in reality, putting himself in the place of the invulnerable hero. There are already known cases where a computer game ultimately led to child suicide.

But the positive influence of computer games cannot be denied. Strategy games and logic games develop thinking, memory, imagination, mathematical abilities, make you think, analyze and predict various situations.

Chapter 2. Signs of the development of computer addiction.

Computer addiction is an addiction to activities related to the use of a computer, leading to a sharp reduction in all other activities and limited communication with other people. Which is most noticeable in childhood and adolescence, especially in boys. A sign of computer addiction is not the time spent on the computer itself, but the concentration of all the child’s interests around the computer and the refusal of other activities.

Signs of addiction

If the child eats, drinks tea, prepares homework at the computer.

Spent at least one night at the computer.

I skipped school and sat at the computer.

He comes home and goes straight to the computer.

I forgot to eat and brush my teeth (this had never happened before).

He is in a bad, irritable mood and cannot do anything if the computer is broken.

Conflicts, threatens, blackmails in response to the ban on sitting at the computer.

A person is “absorbed” by information, gaming and other types of computer activities, loses the sense of real time, often escaping into the world of virtual reality from real reality.

According to recent research, escape into the world of fantasy

has become one of the common behavior strategies of modern children in difficult life situations, which explains the reasons for Internet addiction. For example, a computer game becomes a mechanism for a certain part of children and youth to escape from reality, and they gradually develop computer gambling addiction.

Users with Internet addiction syndrome and computer gambling addiction need psychological and psychotherapeutic help.

Symptoms of addiction

Established symptoms of addiction can be divided into three groups:




Mental symptoms: the appearance of a feeling of joy, euphoria when contacting a computer or even when waiting, “anticipating” contact; lack of control over the time of interaction with the computer; desire to increase the time of interaction with the computer (“dose”); the appearance of a feeling of irritation, or oppression, emptiness, depression in the absence of contact with the computer; using a computer to relieve internal tension, anxiety, depression; emotional instability; obsessive desire to constantly check email, decreased self-esteem, etc.

Social signs:the emergence of problems in relationships with parents, at school; economic problems, because you have to pay a lot of money for such pleasure; neglect of personal hygiene, sloppiness.

Spiritual Signs: loss of the meaning of real life, life becomes unnecessary, empty, devoid of any meaning, which leads to spiritual impoverishment, spiritual death.

After conducting research and studying the literature on the impact of computers on the physical and mental health of schoolchildren, I found out that computer games have a positive effect (they develop memory, thinking, mathematical abilities, make them think, analyze and predict various situations, help navigate the flow of information) , and a negative impact (cause computer addiction), which can lead to mental disorders and the development of gambling syndrome.

If sanitary and hygienic rules for working at a computer are not observed, physical health suffers - vision and posture deteriorate, up to curvature of the spine, obesity develops, and headaches and muscle pain appear.

After conducting a survey of students at our school and analyzing the results, I made the following conclusions: of the 62 students surveyed, half of the children, recognizing the harm of computer games, play them, devoting most of their time to this activity. Some children do not inform their parents and parents are not interested in what games their children play. Half of the students prefer games of the following genres: shooting games, strategy, racing, which negatively affect the mental health of children.


  1. How often do you play computer games?

Every day – 17 people

Not every day – 33 people

They don’t play at all – 12 people

  1. How many hours do you continuously play computer games?

Less than 1 hour – 27 people

1 -2 hours – 22 people

More than 2 hours – 6 people

  1. Do you think it is useful to play computer games?

Helpful – 7 people

Harmful – 30 people

I don’t know – 2 people

  1. Do you play computer games with your parents' permission?

Yes – 20 people

No – 23 people

Not always – 16 people

  1. Are your parents wondering what games you play?

Yes – 28 people

No – 32 people

  1. What games do you like to play the most?

Shooting, strategy – 26 people

Racing – 24 people

Games for girls – 7 people

Developmental, logical, educational – 7 people.


After conducting a survey of students at our school and analyzing the results, I made the following conclusions: of the 62 students surveyed, half of the children, recognizing the harm of computer games, play them, devoting most of their time to this activity. Some children do not inform their parents and parents are not interested in what games their children play. Half of the students prefer games of the following genres: shooting games, strategy, racing, which negatively affect the mental health of children.
