Twilight Tomb in Skyrim: how to get through? Skyrim return of twilight pilgrim's path.

Twilight Tomb in Skyrim it is present in the Thieves Guild faction quest; in the task we need to renew the Guild’s connection with Nocturnal, for which we need to return the Skeleton Key to her.

In order to find the latter, our hero will be forced to go to the already mentioned Twilight Tomb. There you will meet the Nightingale guard, who will also turn out to be Gall. True, he won’t remember his name, however, in no way gameplay it won't have much impact - he won't even tell you anything useful.

Unless he recommends picking up Nystrom's diary - it describes the features of passing the Pilgrim's Path, although it is written exclusively in riddles. Of the entire flow of information, the only obvious one is that which testifies to the five stages on this very Pilgrim’s Path.

The first stage is the shadows of the guards, who attack, shouting at the same time, which is slightly unnerving, but does not conceal any real danger.

The second stage is not a very typical room, where you need to follow in the shadows without sticking your head out into the light, because here the light will rapidly reduce the Dovahkiin’s health. In addition, there are tripwire traps - watch your step.

The third stage is a corridor, at the end of which stands the Nocturnal statue. To proceed further, pull the chains hidden behind the stone lamps on the sides of the statue, which will turn off the lamps and open the door.

The fourth stage is another jump in the level of difficulty, this time a corridor with traps awaits you. If you look around in it first, you will be able to notice a workaround to the left of it, closed to a reliable door of the “Master” level.

True, its reliability will be greatly undermined by the presence of the Dovahkiin Skeleton Key, with the help of which this very door can be opened without any problems. On the table in the hall with the fountain next to the entrance to the Sanctuary, you will see the textbook “Basics of Designing Castles.” Well, the passage will be guarded by a pair of Nightingale guards.

The fifth and final stage - you will reach the well into which you need to jump. Down there you will find the lifeless body of Anders, Nystrom's friend. On the corpse, find a note that talks about the betrayal of Anders Nystrom. And then the floor will react to the presence of the key, after which the further path will open.

When you complete the Pilgrim's path, you will need to return the key to its place, listen to Nocturnal's praise and communicate with Karliah who has appeared. Then you will be given the opportunity to choose an ability as a gift, for which you need to step on one of the plates.

There are three options - either you become invisible once a day while sneaking for two minutes ("Champion of the Shadow" / Narrow Sickle), or you can absorb damage for one hundred units of health ("Champion of Discord" / Full Moon), or by deception force enemies to fight against each other for half a minute (Champion of Deception/Crescent).

When you complete this quest, you will have the opportunity to return it to the Guild past glory, which promises a number of advantages.

I need to take the key to the Twilight Tomb. It was from there that it was stolen by Mercer Frey. The place I needed was in the northwest of the fortress.
Heading from the fortress to the cave, I passed by bloody altar necromancer. Lying on the altar book "2920, Month of the Beginning of Frost (vol. 10)". On the road I found a looted and burned cart, but there was nothing interesting there. So, slowly, I reached the tomb.
Walking along a short corridor, I immediately met a nightingale guard who was guarding the passage. He was a ghost. I talked to him and found out that it was the ghost of Gall. He is the last one to guard the entrance to the tomb. I told Gall that Karliah was alive and Mercer was dead. The ghost's face changed a little. Gall cannot return the key to its place, I need to do it. You need to go through the Pilgrim's Path to return the key. Gall suggested that one poor fellow had already tried to go this way. Now his remains rest in this tomb. This poor man's diary will help me along the way.
I found Nystrom's diary near his skeleton in the large hall. The diary spoke of five trials. Each of them was described in riddles. I quickly re-read the diary and went deeper into the tomb. Behind the first door I was attacked by the embittered ghosts of the nightingale guards. This was the first test. Having dealt with them, I went to the room with the alchemical laboratory. There, behind the table, I found a hidden button that opened a secret door. Behind the door was a cabinet with potions.
Behind the next door was the first test. I took out Nystrom's diary and began to read. The second quatrain said that light brings death. In front of me was a huge dark room. Here and there lamps were burning and illuminating a small area around. I put my hand under the light and immediately felt a burn. The light was deadly in this place. The corpses of losers lay in the light areas. I quickly realized that it was safe only in the shade. But it wasn't all that simple. There were many traps set in the shadows, which made it difficult to move forward. Carefully avoiding the traps and without leaving the shadows, I reached the door.
Then there was a dead end. At the end stood a statue of Nocturnal, and next to it lay a plate with gifts and a dead bandit. The diary said to give what she wanted, but to reject the matter. I carefully examined this place again. There was a statue in the middle, and bowls of fire were burning on the left and right. I examined the bowls and found rings on a chain behind them. These rings extinguished the light. Yes! Here it is! Nocturnal wants darkness! I pulled the rings, the bowls went out and darkness fell. Behind the statue, a secret door slowly opened.
In the next corridor there was a passage with a trap. Huge
metal axes flew like pendulums in the passage. And on the left there was a small door, covered with a piece of rock. It was closed for master class lock, but with a skeleton key, any lock was a child's toy. I opened the lock and entered the hall. There were two ghost nightingales there. There were also vials with strong poisons on the tables and a book "Basics of lock design".

I walked through the door that led to the Inner Sanctum. There was a bluish-blue haze in the air all around. At the end of the corridor there was a huge deep well. I opened the diary and read that “the embrace of the Empress awaits the fallen.” Without hesitating for a second, I jumped down. I escaped with minor abrasions. There was no way out below. There was a solid wall around. Only a lone skeleton lay on the floor. It was Anders' skeleton. On his body I found a note that said that he also followed Nystrom's tips and now only a skeleton remained from him. A few seconds later, the floor collapsed under me and I found myself above the Black Lake. I inserted the key into the hole and turned it. Immediately the floor opened and turned into a well from which Nocturnal appeared to a flock of ravens. Nocturnal said that I fulfilled my agreement and am now worthy of a reward. When Nocturnal disappeared again into the waters of the Black Lake, Karliah appeared nearby.
Karliah told me about the paths I could choose. There are three paths, each of which will give me special power. If
follow the path of the young moon and stand on the slab with its image, then Nocturnal will make you invisible when you sneak up. This is the Cloak of Shadows Nacturnal. If you follow the path of the crescent moon, then Nocturnal will give you the Nightingale Deception ability. People and creatures in the area of ​​effect of the spell randomly attack everyone. And if I choose the path of the full moon, then Nocturnal will give me the Nightingale Discord ability. I can instantly take away 100 units. enemy lives. I can change these abilities, but not more than once a day.

Find the Twilight Tomb.


Inside, talk to the ghost of Gallas, he will be happy to know that you are going to return the Skeleton Key, but he will not be able to help, except for a couple of tips. You can take the diary from the skeleton lying against the wall a little to the left of the ghost. You need to get to the Black Lake - a portal that connects the world of the living with the world of Nocturnal itself - the Eternal Shadow. After all, when Mercer took the key, the passage was sealed and therefore the goddess could not bestow her blessings on the thieves. Although this is just Gallas's version, nothing more. Nocturnal was rather simply offended by the theft of the relic, and therefore punished the gentlemen of fortune with the curse of bad luck. On the Pilgrim's Path you will encounter several ghost nightingales, who, due to the lost connection with their goddess, have lost their minds and attack everyone passing by. They are very strong warriors, but still mortals. And the biggest challenge will be the traps - they are everywhere here. Lots of buttons on the floor, tripwires and other things that want to keep you from going any further. It will not be difficult for an experienced thief to bypass them. Once in a dark room, move only where there is shadow. The blacker the better. As soon as you get to any illuminated place, you will immediately begin to melt, as if you were a piece of butter exposed to the sun in forty-degree heat. You can die without even having time to understand what is happening. In addition, the traps will be located in dark areas, so move slowly and remove the tripwires by touch. Having got out of this terrible place, run along the corridor to the Nocturnal statue, behind the large torches on the left and right, pull along the ring - a secret passage will open. Fall into the hole, read the diary from the skeleton. Pick up a torch - it will come in handy. Then poke at the walls until the hero inserts the Skeleton Key there - the floor under your feet will disappear and you will fly down into the darkness.

In fact, this is the sanctuary of the Lady of the Night. Return the key to its proper place - and then the shutters will open, and Nocturnal himself will emerge from the terrible black hole. She is, of course, grateful for the return of the key, but don’t expect any particularly laudatory speeches from her - after all, you are dealing with a Daedra. Karliah will also appear here, finally breathing freely that it’s all over. Gallas will go to the Black Lake after Nocturnal, and you can take one of the Nightingale’s three abilities (you’re not Fray Mercer to own three at once, upsetting the balance), you can change them once a day, coming to the sanctuary:
Symbol of the month - once a day you become invisible while sneaking.
Moon symbol - once a day you absorb 100 health from an enemy.
Crescent symbol- once a day you force any enemy to fight on your side for 30 seconds.

In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has many dungeons that can be encountered both while completing quests and during free exploration game world. Most of them are intricate branches of passages and corridors in which you need to solve puzzles and fight enemies that are stronger than you. Below we will look at one of these quest locations called Twilight Tomb.

Description of the place

You will get into this dungeon solely through a quest. You need to start completing the Thieves Guild questline. In one of the quests, the character will be sent to the temple of the Daedric princess Nocturnal, in which he must go through the path of a pilgrim. Your hero will have to try his luck and pass all the tests in order to receive the princess's approval and return to the guild with a completed mission. You must also return the artifact to the tomb. You can gain access inside only with the help of the Skeleton Key, so it is impossible to get into the location without a quest, before and after it. in Skyrim it is located in the Jeroll Mountains near Falkreath. To renew the Thieves Guild's connection with Nocturnal, you will have to return the Skeleton Key to its rightful place. And along the way you will encounter several stages with traps and dangerous enemies. All stages of the tomb can be divided into rooms. We will consider them further.

First, second and third stages

At the beginning of your journey in the Twilight Tomb in Skyrim, you will meet a guard who, in fact, will not tell you anything useful information except for one thing. The guard will recommend that you pick up Nystrom's diary, which describes the features of the pilgrim's path.

At the first stage of passing the Twilight Tomb in Skyrim, you need to fight the shadows of the guards. They attack quickly and loudly, but do not pose any real danger. Therefore, you can easily cope with such opponents even with average equipment. However, using stealth against them will not work.

The second stage is a room with rays of light. If you fall under one such beam, your health will begin to rapidly decrease. To get through a room, you must constantly stay in the shadows and run from one dark place to another. Also, the passage of the stage is complicated by the traps scattered on the floor. Be careful and watch every step.

The third stage is the corridor. In it you will have to find a lever in the form of chains. They will open the passage, after which all the lights will go out and you will see open door to the Nocturnal statue.

Fourth and fifth stages

In the last two stages of the Twilight Tomb in Skyrim, the difficulty will increase significantly. First you will find yourself in a corridor with traps, in which you need to find a workaround. However, only heroes with the Master level hacking skill can open it. If you have a Skeleton Key in your inventory, then you will not need this skill.

At the last stage you need to find a well and jump into it. Below, pick up the note on the corpse. The floor of the well will react to the presence of the key, which will lead to the activation of the passage. Several more enemies await you, after which you need to put the Skeleton Key in place and return home. Now you know how to complete the Twilight Tomb in Skyrim.

Completing this quest will remove the "Key of All Doors" (non-breakable master key) from your inventory forever.
Keep in mind that your companions will not be able to follow you into the Twilight Tomb. You will come to big hall, where the spirit of Gallus stands guard over the tomb. Talk to him using all dialogue options. If you are looking for Nystrom's diary, it is on the left side of the hall. His diary contains clues for completing the path.
Follow the tomb. Your first stop will be in a room with a short staircase leading down. The first guard is standing to the right of the stairs, the second is working at the alchemical laboratory. In the same chamber there is a secret passage behind the table. By starting a fight, you risk attracting the attention of both. Move forward, being mindful of the pressure plates in the hallway. Using light in any form will attract the attention of a nearby guard. You can carry out hidden shooting while remaining on the stairs.
Next comes a room with brightly lit areas and a dark path between them. Stay in the shadows, coming into the light will kill you very quickly. Now is the time to save the game. You can use light spells, but you must be careful as you risk crossing a path that lies in the shadows. There are several tripwires with darts. The first two are immediately in front of you, the third is on the bridge. The fourth one is at the top of the ramp leading down.
After leaving the cell with the dangerous light, you will go to the iron door. The second chamber has a chest on the right side with golden figures. As you exit, you will see a short path leading to an area with a Nocturnal statue and a dead bandit on the floor. To advance, you must give Nocturnal what she wants. Behind the stone columns with torches on both sides, there are chains, pulling which will extinguish the torches, resulting in a passage behind the statue opening.
Another corridor ahead has a pendulum trap, but this can be avoided if you look to the left. There you will find a locked door (master level) leading to the Twilight Tomb with two nightingale guards. You can also follow the path with traps, opening this side will trigger a trap with a log hitting you in the back.
If you decide to take the hard way and go through the pendulum trap instead of working your way around, watch out for two pressure plates that will activate dart traps aimed at the pendulum trap, so watch your steps. (One of them is in front of the corridor with the pendulums, the second is in it.) The third pressure plate on the right will activate a spike trap.
After walking down the corridor, you arrive without incident. I recommend saving before jumping, as you may take some damage from the fall. Examine the remains of Anderson, mentioned in Nystrom's diary. A cutscene will play and the floor will lower to reveal a room with three doors (all locked) and a lock at your feet that will require the "Key to All Doors". Use the key to open the room with the inky blue Oblivion Gate. Nocturnal appears, speaks to you, and leaves.

You speak with Karliah, who is in the tomb. She explains that you can now choose from three blessings:

  • Path of Cunning (Crescent) - the ability to be invisible for 2 minutes.
  • Path of Dodge (Half Moon) - the ability to bring all nearby enemies to fight each other for 30 seconds.
  • Path of Fight (Full Moon) - the ability to cause a powerful health damage effect.
  • Be careful when choosing one of the symbols. You can choose the blessing again, but not earlier than 24 hours later. You can now return to Nightingale Hall and use it as a home if you wish. Karliah will live there.

    Although this is the last formal quest for the Thieves Guild, you can continue to receive small tasks from Vex and Delvin.
