Stalker Call of Pripyat - walkthrough (additional quests part 1). Passage of the quest "Call of Blood" Passage of the quest Call

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Quests Stalker: Call of Pripyat

This article will describe all quests. At the moment, not all quests are described here, but the article will be updated daily. Their tasks, descriptions, methods of completion, some screenshots, etc. The information may be incomplete and in some places not entirely accurate, so if you find errors and inaccurate information, or If you just want to make the article better, write in this thread:

The quest system has been completely changed, so the passage will be slightly different from Shadows of Chernobyl and Clear Sky. The walkthrough is divided into Story and Additional parts, and you can read the walkthroughs of the previous parts here:

Additional quests

Inaccessible cache

Description: Stalker Koryaga left a container with swag in Zaporozhets, but during the recent earthquake, the car fell into the ground. He doesn’t want to go himself, because he’s more afraid of the snorks that live there than the inspector
The quest gives: Snag
Terms of issue:--
Reward: To choose from
Walkthrough: We go to a gas station, next to which there is a fault in the ground. Take plenty of ammunition and first aid kits with you, as you will have to fight off monsters. We approach the fault, along the ledges in the ground, carefully descend to Zaporozhets and get what the customer needs. Now let's go upstairs. The main thing here is not to get lost (look at the map) and to repel the attacks of sharply jumping snooks in time. If you want more adrenaline, then complete the quest at night, although almost nothing is visible underground, you need to use a flashlight.

We come to the stalker to give the steel box, and here the first pleasant surprise awaits us: he “brotherly” invites us to choose for ourselves from what is in the box. In stock "Handicap", Medical set, Improved AKM/2U, Soul artifact, Army steel Helmet. You can choose a few not very valuable things, or you can be patient and take the helmet for yourself.

Well, it’s whatever you want.

Disappearance of stalkers

Description: The capercaillie asked for help in finding the missing hunter. The hunter had to find the lair of the bloodsuckers. Judging by the available information, it is the bloodsuckers who are involved in all the recent disappearances of stalkers.
The quest gives: Capercaillie
Terms of issue:--
Reward: Title "Detective", 10,000 and coordinates of two caches
Walkthrough: Before completing it, you can go talk to Tremor, who examined the bodies of the dead, he will tell you some details. You can find it on the second floor of Skadovsk. After the conversation, we go to the Sosnodub Anomaly, where we need to find the stalker. There was only a dead bloodsucker on the spot, and no trace of Hunter Danila, but Capercaillie reports that he found something interesting and asks to join him.

We are heading to the "VNZ Circle". The Capercaillie is waiting for us there and reports that he saw the bloodsucker enter the building. The lair of the bloodsuckers is supposedly located there. We go after the stalker, first we fight off two bloodsuckers in turn. After this, we go down through the elevator shaft to the basement. There lie three corpses with marks from the claws of monsters, but Danila is not among them. Next, our companion opens a closed door, behind which a whole flock of monsters is sleeping. The main thing here is not to make noise, move in a crouch or at a slow pace, and certainly not to catch the Sleeping Beauties, because then a fatal outcome is guaranteed.

Even if you are in the best equipment and with best weapon, I'm not sure you'll get out of there safely. If you didn't wake anyone up, you'll go through the tunnel to the surface near the swamp. We never found Danila, but Capercaillie has one idea, and for now we are offered to tell the people about the discovered lair of bloodsuckers. About a day later, the PDA receives a signal to meet with Capercaillie, but he is not at Skadovsk, we approach Beard, he says that Capercaillie left a message and we should meet at the port cranes. We arrive at the place and find Danila’s corpse in the house nearby. We go into the room and find Tremor, who is standing over the corpse of Capercaillie.

Trevor admits that it was he who killed all those stalkers. And here we can choose options:

1) We don’t want to listen to him, he shoots himself in the head very beautifully, and we need to go to Skadovsk and tell him that Trevor is to blame for everything, not the bloodsuckers. We tell the beard everything - we get recognition for helping out the entire camp, 10,000 and the coordinates of two caches to boot. And on top of that, he also has the title Detective in his PDA. It sounds proud, but let's see what the second option gives us.

2) And in the second case it’s the same, but we also learn interesting information about him and his strange illness. (Perhaps not all conditions were met, and the option was not fully disclosed)

Adviсe:Search Trevor's corpse, he was a medic in Skadovsk, there is a whole week's supply of medicines there;)

Lair of bloodsuckers

Description: Deal with the bloodsuckers, which, according to rumors, are the cause of the latest deaths of stalkers.
The quest gives: Capercaillie, Beard
Terms of issue: Bloodsuckers' lair discovered
Reward: Anomaly detector "Veles", cache coordinates, 5000 rub.
Walkthrough: We have discovered a lair of bloodsuckers, now we are going to Boroda on Skadovsk to outline the situation. He says that the lair can be destroyed by connecting poison gas to the VNZ ventilation system.

Sych knows where the gas cylinders are, so we go to him. It’s good that we don’t need to run far - we go up to the second floor of the dry cargo ship. But we will get the information only for 2000 local money. So if you haven’t earned it yet, then the quest will wait, and if you have money, then we get information about the location of the poison gas and go after it to the bridge named after it. Preobrazhensky, where the military convoy is located. We walk carefully along the bridge, around the anomaly, climb into the back of a truck that stands between two armored personnel carriers and discover that to open the box you need two keys. In the Cabin of the same truck we find “Order No. 423,” which says about the keys. Ahead of the truck, the bridge has collapsed. We go down there and find Key “B” in the overturned car. And the second “Key A” is located at the beginning of the bridge in the trunk of the car (standing right at the edge of the bridge).
After that, we go and take out the cylinders from the box. After this, we return to the VNZ Circle in order to find the ventilation shaft. Go to the mark and install the balloon. Now you need to turn the valve, but keep in mind that after you do this, two bloodsuckers will run out.

Adviсe:There is a lot of ammunition in the cars on the bridge. Collect all the documents you find, you can then sell them to Sych and recoup the money spent.


Description: A group of stalkers decided to become a gang and rob their own stalkers. We need to decide what to do: take part in the attack, warn the stalkers, or not interfere
The quest gives: Sultan
Terms of issue:--
Reward: Optional
We talk with Sultan, get information, talk with Kastet, wait for midnight and go to T. Shevchenko’s barge.

1) We help the bandits: we get 2100, the coordinates of the cache and the recognition of the gang, the consequence is the quest Deal from the Sultan.
2) We help the Stalkers: Antirad - 5 pcs., Bandage - 4 pcs., Vodka - 4 pcs., First Aid Kit - 2 pcs., cache coordinates. Consequence quest Deal from Beard.
3) We do nothing.



Description: Meet with stalkers near the forestry and help them stop a deal between bandits and a weapons seller.
The quest gives: Beard
Terms of issue: Help for stalkers on the Shevchenko barge
Reward: 2500, cache coordinates, + 3500
Walkthrough: We take the quest, go to the forestry, meet with free stalkers. We quietly make our way to the building, overhear a conversation between the bandits and Dolgovets about the supply of weapons. We kill everyone, remove the PDA from the long-serving Morgan - in the exoskeleton. We talk to the main one, get a reward, and for the main reward we go to the bartender.
Adviсe:The PDA can be sold to Sych

Mercenary camp

Description: Merchant Sych promised to pay well for any storage medium found in the mercenary camp at the waste treatment station. He is interested in the plans of the mercenaries.
The quest gives: Owl
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 1000 + 1000 + 2000
Walkthrough: We go to the waste recycling station in the south of Zaton. I advise you to take more first aid kits and ammo.
Mercenaries are excellent opponents, especially with improved AI, they have turned into insidious killers. I remembered the times of PM, when dozens of Monoliths had to be killed... So this is something similar, but now I think the enemies are bypassing and using different tactics attacks, use grenades and so on.

Therefore, I advise you to use the same tactics - move a lot and not take a break. It’s better to go around the building from the back entrance, and then deal with the enemies there. After all the mercenaries are dead, we remove the PDA from the two main mercenaries, and also take the laptop on the second floor and take all this stuff to Sych.

Adviсe:Aim for the head ;)

Additional information: there is an option (not exactly tested) that if the quest is not completed before the freeplay, but in it (but take the quest before the freeplay) that all the mercenaries will disappear and you will save cartridges, first aid kits, nerves (but you will lose 2000)

Strange phenomenon

Description: It was especially noticed on the dredger strange glow. Beard asks to find his source.
The quest gives: Beard
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 3000 + cache coordinates
Walkthrough: We go to the Dredger, inside of which you can see a pleasant bluish glow. We climb onto the ship, carefully, so as not to get into anomalies, we go around the side to the stern, there we climb inside using the stairs, we go to the control cabin, where instead of the usual steering wheel hangs a glowing artifact “Altered Steering Wheel”. After that, we leave, but then a stalker meets us. He says that in order to cure his friend, a rare artifact is needed. We can give the Modified helm to the stalker, or we can give it to the beard. There is little point in leaving it to yourself, since this artifact only gives an increase in radiation. If we give it away, then after following the deceiver, we will see that in fact he will go and simply sell the artifact to Beard. Therefore, we leave the artifact for ourselves, but the stalker obviously will not like this situation, so his two friends will be waiting for us in ambush. We kill the trio and go to the beard to turn in the quest.


Description: Vano asks to pay off his debt of 5,000 rubles. group of bandits.

The quest gives: Vano

Terms of issue: -

Reward: 5000 and/or friendship with Vano (depending on playthrough)

Walkthrough: We approach Vano at Yanov station and take the quest. We are heading towards the bandits. After talking with the guard of their leader, we approach him (the leader). The leader's name is Valet. Let's start a conversation. This person brazenly demands, along with the 5,000 given to us by Vano, another 2,000 (allegedly interest). Depending on the strength of our weapons (I had a TRs-301 and very impressive armor), we can threaten this bandit. He will hastily say that he was joking and is ready to take it without interest. We give the money, go to Vano, talk and behold, he is our friend, and we can take him to Pripyat.

If your armor and weapons are not very impressive, pay them back with interest, and go back to Vano.

But if a toad is strangling you and you feel like Rambo, you can choose the answer option “It will be cheaper to shoot you.” Immediately fire at the bandit, and get ready to fight to leave the camp. If Fortune smiles on you and you get to Vano, in addition to your friendship with him, you will also receive five thousand, which he will allow you not to give to him. Source

Adviсe: Beware of grenades. Also, on the way to Janov, look at the parking lot. There you can find the Moonlight artifact. You can sell it or put it on your belt. But next to the artifact there are a lot of “Electras”, be careful!


Description: The stalkers Mityai and Medved were attacked by bandits, but they fought back and parted peacefully. Mityai decided that the incident was over and, through negligence, got out of Yanov alone. Bandits were already waiting for him in ambush. Now Mitya’s comrades, Bear and Torba, are racking their brains over how to rescue their friend from captivity.

The quest gives: Bear


Reward: 5000, 2 tips to hiding places, friendship with Bear and Bag

Walkthrough: We approach the stalker in an exoskeleton (Bear) at the Yanov station. He tells us about the grief that happened to Mityai. The Bear himself believes that it is necessary to gather a squad of stalkers and rush to the bandits’ base. In Torba’s opinion, it is worth giving the Gopniks a ransom in the form of the “Goldfish” artifact. Noble Degtyarev can also offer his help and go deal with the bandits himself. Let's consider a peaceful option with the payment of a ransom. The Bear himself does not want to go, because he is afraid that the bandits will raise the price. Therefore, he invites us to go to the marauders. He gives us an artifact and sends us on our way. We are heading to the Container Landfill. A security guard greets us at the entrance. We explain to him that we need to talk to the leader about the prisoner and get a pass. We find the leader and talk with him. There is a choice - give him an artifact or 15,000. The “goldfish”, of course, is not worth that kind of money, so it’s better to give it. The leader is satisfied, Mityai is released. Together with him, you follow a maze of containers and suddenly stumble upon a bandit. He, naturally, is dissatisfied - he gave Shishaku money, but he gave us nothing? You can solve everything quietly and peacefully and pay off the Gopnik. He only charges 2900. You can be rude to him, but then you can’t avoid a storm or price gouging. We go further and talk with Mityai. There is a choice: travel with him to Yanov, or get there yourself. Finding ourselves on Yanov, we approach the Bear, who is now a friend, like Torba. He thanks us, gives us a reward and from now on respectfully calls us “master.” The quest is completed.

Advice: It makes more sense to resolve everything peacefully, since there are a lot of bandits at the base. Not a single group of stalkers is enough to take them out, and crushing them alone is a difficult task.


Description: Help Uncle Yar deal with the mercenaries
The quest gives: Uncle Yar
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 6000 + cache coordinates
Walkthrough: Uncle Yar leads us to the place, we only need to kill the mercenaries.
Adviсe:In this mission, the zombies will not touch you, so don’t touch them either, so that there are no unnecessary problems.


Description: Destroy the swamp bloodsuckers
The quest gives: St. John's wort
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 3000 + coordinates of three caches
Walkthrough: We go to the swamp (near the Plavni anomaly), kill three bloodsuckers and return to St. John's wort
Adviсe:It is very effective to fight bloodsuckers with the help of a bumper.

Radio engineering

Description: Get materials for Azoth
The quest gives: Nitrogen
Terms of issue:--
Reward: Repairs and modifications at cost
Walkthrough: Let's go to cement plant. We climb the stairs onto the water tower that stands next to the building, climb onto the roof of the building, and through the hatch we get to the top floor. Now I will describe in order where everything is, since there are a lot of materials there. Top floor: Box of transistors, a coil of copper wire, Third floor: Textolite base 2 pcs., a can of rosin. Second floor: Packaging capacitors, coil of copper wire First floor: Textolite base , a can of rosin.

Variable psi radiation

Description: Explore the tunnel in search of some anomalous formation. Scientists believe that the variable psi-field has a source and predict that it may be an artifact.
The quest gives: Hermann
Terms of issue: The presence of a helmet with Psi resistance. (Can be found on the roof of the cement plant)
Reward: 6000+ Cache coordinates
Walkthrough: We meet with Poplar's group, then we move to the tunnel, west of the Cooling Tower. We go inside and take the artifact.

Here is a small glitch - until the psi radiation icon is as red as possible, do not leave the room, then you will not see the controller, and your team will still become enemies, so the task will be partially completed.

In order to pick up the artifact and save the stalkers, walk through the room with the anomaly, and exit only when you hear the roar of the controller. And now it’s a matter of technology. After you kill him, talk to the stalkers, they will thank you and go to the scientists' bunker.
Adviсe:In the room with the anomaly there is a hiding place under a container.

Security of Scientists

Description: Find new security for the scientist camp
The quest gives: Hermann
Terms of issue: Provided that administrative documents were found at the Jupiter plant, the mercenaries who were in the same building were killed, the documents and PDA were delivered to Herman.
Reward: 4000 + medicines
Walkthrough: You can find Spartak’s detachment on Zaton, but go closer to the leader of Debt on Yanov and negotiate with him about protecting the scientists. After this, we must return to Herman.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat - Walkthrough


Description: Destroy the mutants north of the Jupiter plant
The quest gives: St. John's wort
Terms of issue: Swamp bloodsuckers destroyed
Reward: 5000 + coordinates of three caches
Walkthrough: We go to the indicated place, make our way into the hangar through the side entrance, kill two burrers and return to St. John's wort.

In search of Magpie + Retribution + Other people's merits

Description: Find the traitor
The quest gives: Gonta
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 1000+ Achievement - Messenger of Justice.
Walkthrough: A stalker named Soroka exposed Gonta's group to a chimera attack. They ask to find the scumbag. But even if you ask every stalker you meet, they won’t give you the answer you need. In order to find the magpie, you need to go to the Jupiter location, namely the quarry, find the wounded stalker Sliver there, offer him help, and when he dies, we automatically receive the task of avenging Sliver. We go to Yanov, and we hear from Svoboda member Flint a new story, this time about how he got an artifact from a quarry. We talk to him, it emerges from the conversation that it was he who set up the sliver and Gonta’s team. Now you need to go to Zaton to report the situation to the customer. But before that, let’s go to Shulga to talk about Soroka. As a result, we get the achievement "Messenger of Justice"
Adviсe:For some, when completing the Gonta quest, the game crashes on version 1.6.00. We are waiting for patches.


Description: Prove the existence of the Oasis - a local legend among stalkers. Ozersky, a scientist from the bunker, asked to try to find the legendary Oasis. If rumors are to be believed, there should be a pond with healing water there. However, no one knows for sure whether this place actually exists.
The quest gives: Ozersky
Terms of issue:--
Reward: 7000
Walkthrough:Just like the quest with the magpie, this is a quest for an independent search. But here the situation is even more complicated. (To be honest, after discovering the place, I tried to get to it for about 30 minutes. It turned out purely by accident). So, let's go to the Ventilation Complex. But the entrance itself is located a little to the north-west, right next to the railway.

We go into the room and go underground. There will be several jerboas on the way, we are heading through the pipes towards the ventilation complex (we are guided by the map). After you get to the corridor with the red lamp, the most interesting part begins. A teleport is installed in the next room. (The principle of its operation can be seen in this video -

We are simply thrown back towards the entrance to the hall) To go further, you need to run like this several times until three arches appear in the hall between the columns. There are four rows of columns. In the first, third and fourth, luminous arches should appear, similar effect to the burning fluff. After all the arches have appeared, we need to turn off the teleport. To do this, we pass between those columns where there are arches, and in the row where there is no arch, we must guess between which pillars we need to pass. (pillars are chosen randomly each time). After turning off the teleport, we find ourselves in the ventilation room, where the “Heart of Oasis” artifact hangs.

We take it, fight off the pseudo-dog, and take the artifact to the scientists’ camp.
Adviсe:Whether you keep the artifact for yourself or give it to scientists is up to you

Anomaly research part 1

Description: Herman wants to collect statistics on the appearance of artifacts.
The quest gives: Hermann
Terms of issue: Completed the task "Variable Psi Radiation"
Reward: 5000
Walkthrough: We go to Novikov, take three scanners of anomalous activity. Next, we install scanners in the three indicated anomalies one by one. I think there shouldn't be any difficulties. After this, we return to the scientist for a reward. Now we can find out whether these anomalies contain artifacts, and also install such scanners in other anomalies.
Adviсe:Don't forget to use bolts

Night Hunt

Description: Destroy the Chimera that killed the Fox
The quest gives: St. John's wort
Terms of issue: Completed previous 2 quests
Reward: 10000 + unique shotgun "Predator" + achievement "Mutant Hunter"
Walkthrough: We wait for night, take more ammunition and more powerful weapons, and go to the ventilation complex. The Chimera is one of the most dangerous mutants in the zone, so be better prepared.
Adviсe:It is much easier to hunt Chimera with 2nd generation NVGs

Hunting the Chimera

Description: Kill the second, wounded chimera.
The quest gives: Gonta
Terms of issue: There was contact with St. John's wort
Reward: Shotgun SPSA-14
Walkthrough: At three o'clock in the morning we meet with Gonta in a bar on Skadovsk and head out to the emerald one. Here you need to quietly approach and quickly take her down. After successful completion, we approach Gonta, and then turn over the task to St. John's Wort.

Tempting Business

Description: Merchant Sych offered to participate in a profitable business. To do this, you need to find three Veles detectors, take them to the scientists’ bunker and give them to Novikov.
The quest gives: Owl
Terms of issue: Completed Sultan's quests
Reward: Detector "Svarog" + optional
Walkthrough: One Veles is given to us for the quest “Lair of Bloodsuckers”, the other two can be bought from an owl or taken from corpses in Pripyat. After we have taken out three detectors, we take them to Novikov to the scientists’ camp at the Jupiter location and wait for Novikov to transfer the goods to Sych through the conductors. When we come to him, he reports that Beard is not paying his share, and sends us to talk to him. The bartender gives us a prototype of the "Svarog" detector, which is necessary to complete the quest for the scientists. And he offers to demand his share from Sych. As you know, they don’t get along with each other, so the information dealer suggests turning to the Sultan to deal with Beard. Here you need to make a choice - demand your share now or go to the Sultan. If we take the money now, we get 1500, and if we go to the leader of the bandits, we get the quest “Dark Business”, with the opportunity to ruin Beard’s affairs. ()

Dark business

Description: Working for the Sultan, making Beard pay interest.
The quest gives: Sultan
Terms of issue: The tempting business is completed, with the choice of the desired option.
Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + percentage of beard (800 per day) + 2 Svarog detectors
Walkthrough: Let's find out for the Sultan about Beard's latest affairs. At the moment, he has an order for a rare artifact "Compass". You need to go to Noah and find out about the artifact in order to intercept it. He's completely lost his mind due to the flood and he gives away the artifact just like that. Now we return to the Sultan, he reports that we need to start working for Beard and get detectors, which he distributes to his stalkers. We take the task from Beard to obtain an artifact, wait until other stalkers also start looking for it. Next, we go to the markings, pick up the improved detectors (in what way, it’s up to you to decide), after which we go to the Sultan and report on the successfully completed task. All that remains is to make Beard work for the Sultan.
Adviсe:This task spoils your relationship with Beard, so think before you complete it.


Description: There are always enough customers for a rare artifact. You should find him.
The quest gives: Beard
Terms of issue: Completed the task "Tempting Business"
Reward: 10000, cache coordinates + achievement "Your Guy"
Walkthrough:“Compass”: find out from Noah where you can get the artifact. We go to the ark to the Psycho and his dog. He gives us the artifact, without even asking for money. We take the Compass to Beard and receive a reward.

Anomaly research part 2

Description: Help stalkers take measurements.
The quest gives: Hermann
Terms of issue: completed previous scientific quests
Reward: 7000 + Detector "Veles" + title "Researcher"
Walkthrough: The task on measuring anomalous fields is divided into 2 parts. Slough anomaly and ash anomaly. No matter where you go, take as much ammo as possible. On the floodplains you will have to shoot from large flocks of wild boars and flesh, so it is more advisable to take a chipper or any other shotgun. And in the ashes it is better to take a sniper weapon, since the attacks will mainly be zombies coming from Kopachi, which are located just within the distance of a sniper shot. After all the measurements have been carried out, we return to Herman and receive an award and the title of researcher.
Adviсe:Try to keep animals away from stalkers while they are standing with detectors; they, like dolls, die from one touch.

Survivor "Monolith"

Description: A detachment of “Monoliths”, formerly fanatical fighters, emerged from under obsessive suggestion. Now these people are looking for shelter from emissions and monsters. It is necessary to come to an agreement with the inhabitants of the Yanov station so that the Monoliths can take refuge there
The quest gives: Tramp
Terms of issue: --
Reward: Suit of duty PS5-M "Universal protection"
Walkthrough: In order to take on the task, you need to find a detachment of Monoliths. It is located just south of the Volkhov air defense missile system. We approach the Leader “Tramp” and agree to talk with the stalkers. To successfully complete the Quest, you must have good relations with one of the factions. So, we go to the leader of Debt - Lieutenant Colonel Shchulga. If you did everything correctly, then he should agree to shelter the Monoliths. We take the duty squad and return to the fanatics. Then we watch an interesting picture of how the monolith takes the oath of duty and the mission is over.

Anomalous Activity + "Story of Debt"

Description: Scientists' scanners detected anomalous activity north of the bunker. It is necessary to explore the area using a perfect detector.
The quest gives: Hermann
Terms of issue: Previous scientific assignments completed
Reward: Grom-S14, cartridges, charges for an under-barrel grenade launcher, 4000
Walkthrough: In order to complete this task, you will need the Svarog detector (see the quest "Tempting Business"). Once you have an improved detector, you can go to the cooling tower, north of Yanov. If you've been there before, you might have heard snippets of calls for help over the radio. But it was impossible to find an entrance or any clue. We go to the indicated mark, take out the detector and the “Spatial Bubble” anomaly appears in front of us. A few seconds later, a dead duty squad flies out of it. We find their commander, General Tkachenko, take the PDA, listen to the recording. Now you need to convey information about the founder of Debt, Shchulga on Yanov.


Description: Ozersky has another interesting hypothesis
The quest gives: Ozersky
Terms of issue: Previous scientific assignments have been completed.
Walkthrough: To test Ozersky's hypothesis, it is necessary to install a scanner approximately in the center of the collapse. After you install the scanner, mutants will attack this place in a wave. Although the fight with snorks inside the anomaly looks quite impressive, a damaged suit, helmet, wasted ammunition and first aid kits are still a bit of a high price for such a spectacle. So, we wait for the end of the analysis, take the scanner and return to Ozersky.


In the building itself, the turmoil is even worse. Somewhere on the upper floors the surviving Minutemen - your future friends - barricaded themselves. They hid from the raiders who filled the museum from top to bottom. We'll have to fight our way through.

On the first floor, turn right and enter the room. The corridor will lead you to a room with mannequins and a further passage.

If you have not yet equipped yourself with a rifle, you should do so now. The path is not branchy, and you will not get confused, so the main problem will be only the raiders. When you get to the second floor, the firefight will intensify even more. Hide behind the columns to spend extra money on stimulants.

On the very last floor two more raiders will be waiting for you. Deal with them and take the items from the orange box. Now go to the settlers and talk to the sniper.

Preston Garvey and the Minutemen

The sniper in the stylish hat is Harvey. Talk to him about the current fate of the world and tell him about your past, learn about the ghouls and listen to the plan.

Preston Garvey will tell you about the power armor standing on the roof of the museum. He wants to use it to fight the raiders and invites you to activate it.

After the conversation, take a feather Fallout baby doll(figurine of a boy in blue overalls), which will increase your perception by one unit.

First you have to take a nuclear block, which you will look for throughout the game to charge your armor.

Nuclear block

Go back down to the base of the main stairs. There, under the broken floor, you will find the entrance to the basement, where the block lies. Return to Preston and exit through the second door on the opposite side of the room. Then turn left and walk to the end of the balcony, to the right door under the Exit sign.

Here you will find yourself on the roof, where there is power armor. There's a toolbox nearby, and Daly's holotape is gathering dust on the table. Insert the nuclear block, climb inside, go to the pieces of the helicopter and pick up the minigun. That's it, now you can go down from the roof.

Battle of Concord

From the edge of the roof you can see the intersection full of raiders, along which you made your way to the museum. Don't be afraid of heights in power armor - jump down and deal with all the enemies. Shoot accurately and spend your ammo wisely, because at the very end of the street you will encounter a death claw.

All those who play on the “Hard” or “Survival” difficulties should not go headlong into the streets. You can wait a little, then the claw will come out first and gut all the raiders. In this case, you will save all the ammunition.

Keep the monster at a distance, since on this difficulty the armor will protect you from a maximum of ten hits. You can also lead him to the car and detonate it, which will temporarily incapacitate the creature. After defeating the deathclaw, return to Preston Garvey.

At the museum, you will find that all the survivors are already in the lobby. Talk to the cowboy and get your reward.

You will learn that the squad plans to settle in Sanctuary - the area with your home - and they could use your help. Agree, and then chat with Mother Murphy. She will tell you that Sean (your son) is still alive, and you should look for him in Diamond City. Here you will receive new quest“The Pearl of the Commonwealth”, but we will return to it later.

After finishing all conversations, leave the museum. You can agree to accompany the group, or go yourself. In the second case, you should immediately go to Sanctuary using fast travel, where Preston Harvey will already be waiting for you. Talk to him about this place and tell him that you once lived here.

After this, the cowboy will ask you to help them get comfortable here, and first you need to talk to Sturges in order to open another quest - “The First Step”.


Sturges himself moved into the yellow house opposite yours. After questioning him, you will learn that the survivors need beds. To build them you need to use a workbench.

If you got to Sanctuary wearing power armor, it makes sense to repair it at the service station, which, like the workbench and workshop, became available to you near Sturges' house.

After a long battle, your armor charge has decreased significantly. It is worth noting that spending all the charge will not turn off the armor, but will slow it down significantly. Therefore, if you do not have new blocks, it is better to leave the piece of iron here for now.

The second armor can be obtained near Sanctuary, from the wreckage of the vertibird, which is located near the US satellite base and the robot cemetery. You will get there on Preston's instructions. Yes, and don’t forget to spend skill points for a new level.

First step

The quest “Pearl of the Commonwealth” orders you to visit Diamond City, but first of all, it’s better to look into Tenpines Bluff and complete the tasks of the residents there. Having the “First Step” quest in hand, received in Sanctuary, it’s worth going there.

To get to Tenpines Bluff, you need to go east mainly along the main road, or you can shorten the path by cutting through the forest and the cemetery of old robots.

Robot Graveyard

In the cemetery courtyard, look for a small booth illuminated by a small lamp above the front door. There is a Hot Rod magazine, a terminal, first aid kits and some junk.

Through the terminal you will learn about the employees who were here and left a security robot in the yard. It can be activated by the same terminal. Turn on the conversation recording again, and new possibilities for the robot will open up for you. However, we will need the hardware itself in the future.

Leave the booth and continue to Tenpines Bluff. On the way, you will pass a US satellite station, near which there are fragments of a vertibird and power armor.

Tenpines Bluff Settlement

In this location, first of all, find a girl with a gun on her head. Calm her down by telling her about your connection with the Minutemen. Tell them that they are finally being reborn and accepting all respectable citizens into their ranks. Invite her to join them, promising to deal with the gang of raiders.

Cleaning up the raider workshop

You have a new task - to clear the workshop of raiders. It is located south of the Tenpines settlement (place a marker through the Pip-Boy if it does not appear on the map). Move down the slope and then along the railway tracks.

Power armor satellite station without nuclear block, but intact. If you went to the workshop without it, you can take another one, which you will meet along the way near the derailed train. The new suit has a full battery, but is missing a couple of modules.

After some time, you will reach Lexington, the city where the Corvega workshop is located. You won't be able to get to the factory right away, so get ready to fight your way through streets full of enemies. You can sneak around in stealth mode or start a mess.

There will be a lot of enemies, so it makes sense to wear power armor. Walk south through the city and you will reach a factory. The main entrance is painted with the inscription CORVEGA.

One way or another, the workshop will have to be taken by storm. You can go through the main entrance, or from the other side, but you have to fight in any case. Be prepared for massive raider attacks and turrets.

Outside the workshop, almost at the very top near the huge ball, there is a “Repair” bobblehead, which increases the operating time of nuclear units by 10%.

Kill all the raiders and return to Tenpines Bluff. There, inform the same armed woman about the completed task. From now on, the settlers are ready to join the Minutemen, and you received a handful of caps and the opportunity to use the workshop in this location.

In Sanctuary

To complete the quest "The First Step" you must return to Sanctuary and talk with Preston there. Tell them that the settlers have agreed to join the Minutemen, and then you will receive a signal pistol to call a squad of Minutemen to help.

Then ask Garvey about the meat grinder in Queens. He will give you a little history lesson, after which you can sympathize with him.

Ask for a promotion to general, and then the conversation will end and you will receive another quest. According to it, you will have to go to a new settlement in order to populate it with new residents, but we will move on to the plot.

The Pearl of the Commonwealth

Closer to this stage, you should have found some good armor and weapons and completed a couple of initial tasks. Well, it's time to continue moving forward in the story.

Your ultimate goal is to find your son, and based on the data received, you know that Diamond City is the place to start.

The so-called capital of the wasteland is located quite far in the southeastern part of the map. If you want to get to the point faster, use fast travel to Lexington, where the Corvega workshop is located.

Lexington is a very dangerous place for an idle evening stroll, so it is better to avoid it from the outskirts. On the way to our quest goal, your Pip-Boy will pick up the AF95 frequency. Open and listen to it to receive a new mission “Fire Support”.

Moving further through the wasteland, you will reach a ramp that leads to the river. Find the bridge and cross to the other side. After some time, Diamond City will show itself - at night the city lights are visible for many kilometers.

City of cities

Go out onto the road and follow the marker straight into the city. Meanwhile, your Pip-Boy will again pick up the frequency - a signal from Trinity Tower. On the other side of the radio, a man, Rex Goodman, will ask for your help. According to him, super mutants have captured the entire tower, and now he cannot get out. This side quest is called "Coming to Bow."

The Trinity Tower building is filled with super mutants both outside and inside. You'll have to fight your way to get to Rex, but it's worth it. At the top you will find a new partner and a “Close Combat” doll. After completing the quest, go back down and continue on your way.

The road will lead you to the wall of a baseball stadium, surrounded by which the city itself stands. White Diamond City signs on the houses will show you the way with arrows more accurately.

Eventually you will reach a locked gate. They have a woman, Piper, vehemently arguing about something through the intercom. Talk to her and the gate will open.

Information about the son

The argument between the town mayor and Piper finally dies down. Talk to them afterwards and tell them what kind of media you are. Then inquire about the subject of their disagreement and explain the purpose of your coming. Ask the mayor for help, and he will happily refer you to the Valentine detective agency, located somewhere in the bowels of Diamond City. When the conversation ends, you will receive another task, “The Plot of the Century.”

First of all, it is worth finding the mentioned agency. Go to the entrance to the stadium, which is ahead, and go to the other side along the steps. The city of cities will greet you with a cluster of unsightly and lopsided shacks, above which a chimney rises. Go straight to her. From the pipe, the compass points to the northeast, where Detective Valentine lives.

After passing the store with the yellow Commonwealth Weaponry sign, you will enrich the quest log with another quest, “Inspect the War Zone.” By the way, many additional tasks you can take it simply by eavesdropping on the conversations of citizens; Wander around the city and pick up a couple if you want.

Once you're done with this, go back to the gun shop and go left, straight to the school at the end of the street. Not far from here stands the agency building, sparkling with a small red sign with a Cupid's heart.

Inside you will be greeted by a woman, Ellie, Nick Valentine's secretary, sorting through documents. In the conversation, select “This is important”, and then she will inform you about the disappearance of the detective. Agree to help find him, and this will complete the quest.

Like if it was useful

While walking through Concord, the Survivor witnesses an armed conflict near the Liberty Museum. On the balcony, a man in a cowboy hat is trying to protect a group of settlers from brutal raiders. He attracts attention with shouts and asks for help from a person from the shelter, offering to simultaneously seize a laser musket lying next to the corpse of a deceased comrade.

This is how the first quest for the Minutemen begins - “Call of Freedom”.

The fire from laser muskets can be strengthened by repeatedly pressing the reload key (R by default). The higher the charge, the higher the damage done.

Once inside the building, we have to fight merciless thugs and find the settlers. Having reached the place, the Survivor meets a small detachment of people and their leader, who turns out to be neither more nor less, but the very last minuteman of the Commonwealth - Preston Garvey.

Immediately near the entrance to the terminal where Sturgers works there is a RobCo - Fun magazine, and at the end of the room on a table near the door there is a Perception Bobblehead.

Preston and Sturges offer the Survivor a plan to deal with the remaining raiders near the museum.
It turns out that on the roof there is an old crashed rotorcraft, in which there is T-45 power armor (an army copy) and, most conveniently, a minigun.

But there is a small problem - there is no energy source in the armor, and of course we have to find it. We go down to the basement, break the terminal's security system and take away the nuclear unit.

Having obtained a nuclear unit, we put on power armor, pull out the minigun from the rotorcraft and give the creatures a lead shower.

Be careful, in the midst of the battle with the raiders, the Death Claw will burst out of the underground communications.

Having cleared the city of raiders and terrible creatures, we return to Preston and report on the completion of the assigned task.

The whole company is glad to see us back, and on behalf of Preston, asks you to join us in order to continue the journey together.

The path lies to the settlement of Sanctuary. The place was not chosen by chance; for a long time Mother Murphy has been visited by a vision associated with this dead place, which she thinks can be revived...

Having reached Sanctuary, Preston turns to the Survivor with a request to help revive the Minutemen.

November 14, 2015 3:18

Enter the museum

Take a laser musket (optional)

While traveling through Concord, on the balcony of the Liberty Museum, you notice a man protecting a group of settlers from raider attacks. He asks you for help. Under the balcony lies a short laser musket and its ammunition - thermonuclear batteries. Pick these up if you're interested in watching your enemy turn to ash. Then enter the museum.

Help: Short laser musket

Damage: 30 (energy)

Ammunition: Fusion batteries

Rate of fire: 6

Range: 107

Accuracy: 70

Weight: 12,6

Price: 61

The standard laser musket is not as accurate as other energy rifles, but it is more powerful due to its unique reloading process. The laser musket must be manually reloaded [R] before firing. The standard model can only charge two batteries at a time, but more advanced laser musket models can hold up to six charges.

This model is slightly modified and can only be found near the Liberty Museum. For comparison, the standard model of the short laser musket has a range of 71 and a lower price.

Find captured settlers

But first you have to clear the museum from raiders. There are seven of them, and you are one/one - use your brand new weapon and “grind” them into dust! Between fights on the way to the top floor where the settlers are kept, don't be shy and look around at the walls of the museum and enjoy the remains of art.

But first, go down to the basement, hack the light terminal or open the light lock with hairpins and take away the nuclear block. You'll need it later. Why do you need to run back and forth?

Now, run upstairs to save the hostages.

Talk to Preston Garvey

Meet Preston Garvey and the surviving Minutemen. They will turn out to be friendly, although they are in hopeless situation. Agree to help him and Sturges provide fire support in the fight against the remaining raiders in the city.


The museum has two exhibits that you will enjoy:

Perception Bobblehead- on the table in the far corner of the room. He will give you a +1 bonus to the Perception attribute.

Magazine "RobCo - Fun"- on the table with a working terminal, on which Sturges was leaning.

Get a nuclear block

You've already done this before.

Insert a nuclear unit into power armor

Go through the back door to the roof, where the power armor is located.

Wear power armor

Yes, it's not in the best condition, but it's good enough to help you deal with the raiders.

Help: T-45 Power Armor

The T-45 Power Armor cannot match the protection offered by more advanced models, but it supports a full range of modifications. This model of power armor is not very common, but a complete set can only be found on the roof of the Liberty Museum in Concord.

Take the minigun

Rip a minigun off a vertibird if you're craving some firepower.

Help: Standard minigun model

Damage: 8 (firearm)

Ammunition: 5 mm cartridges

Rate of fire: 272

Range: 131

Accuracy: 35

Weight: 27,4

Price: 382

The minigun combines low damage output with an impressive rate of fire, resulting in a very effective firearms. A large magazine allows for continuous shooting, and with the available modifications you can improve both the rate of fire and accuracy, and increase the percentage of damage dealt. I like it 22

In the third part Fallout walkthroughs 4 we’ll tell you how to complete the “Call of Freedom” quest: from searching for settlers to clearing Concord in the new power armor. The previous part “Time is running out” is located.

When you first get to the Freedom Museum, a guy in a fancy hat on the balcony will shout something to you. After a short exchange of phrases, he will tell you to pick up a short laser musket from the ground and enter the museum.
Take the short laser musket (optional task).

Before entering the building, collect items from the corpses that lie at the intersection and pick up a laser musket near the sidewalk. After taking the weapon, go to the museum through the main door.

Search for trapped settlers

When you get into the building, you will need to find the settlers who have barricaded themselves in the museum somewhere on the upper floors. Unfortunately, armed raiders are blocking your path. This means that you will have to fight your way through them.

The first few raiders you encounter - they are on the level above - do not pose much of a threat. Quickly run up the steps (note the locked metal door ahead), turn right and follow through the doorway.

Walk along the corridor until you reach a room with mannequins. If you haven't already done so, now select the new laser musket from your Pip-Boy's inventory. Then head southeast into the next room. Go through the doorway opposite, turn left and deal with the raider hiding behind the wooden crates.

Now go through the door behind the crates and you will find yourself back in the main foyer. But now you are on the other side of that locked door you saw earlier. Go left and clockwise around the edge of the room, avoiding the collapsed floor in the center. When you reach the ticket office on the left, loot the contents of the toolbox.

Next, continue walking around the foyer until you reach the large central staircase. Climb it, and when you get to the top, quickly turn around. From here you will have a clear view of all the raiders above. Take them out with a couple of good shots, and use the pillars for cover if necessary.

Once the threat is eliminated, go through the open doors in the northeast, near the top steps. Turn left and enter the room with the wall paintings. Here you will come across two more opponents. Kill them and go through the hole in brick wall in the northeast. Then turn left.

When you reach the stairs around the corner, go up to the next floor and carefully approach the first doorway on the right. Two raiders will be behind the wall. You need to sit down and quietly remove them. After completing the task, go through the door on the left and collect the items from the orange toolbox.

Return to the corridor, go through the door that the raiders used earlier, and go right along the balcony. There will be an open door ahead, right under the Exit sign. In this room you will find settlers. So hold your weapon!

Conversation with Preston Garvey

As soon as you enter the room, you will be greeted by Preston Garvey. You spoke to him earlier while you were outside.

Tell him you're happy to help, learn more about ghouls, and then let your new friend tell you about his plan. He will mention the old power armor that is on the roof of the museum. Tell him that you will be happy to help restore it. To end the conversation, agree to go to the basement and pick up the nuclear unit, which is necessary to charge the armor.

In the same room where Preston Garvey is located, you can raise “Perception” by one unit (by reading our walkthrough you will collect all the figurines).

nuclear block

You can reach the basement through the collapsed floor at the base of the main stairs. When you're ready to continue, head back to the lower level the same way you got here and find the locked gate below. Next, use your incredible abilities to hack the terminal to open the gate.

Take the nuclear block from the humming generator and return to Preston Garvey and his comrades. Next follow through open door on the other side of the room (the one next to the perception doll) and turn left. Go to the far end of the destroyed balcony and go through the door on the right side, under the red Exit sign.

You will find yourself on the roof of the Freedom Museum. Approach the power armor and insert the nuclear block obtained in the basement into it.

Now that the power armor is charged, climb into it. But before you leave the roof, take the things from the toolbox and grab Michael Daly's holotape from the table. Then go to the helicopter wreckage and take the minigun.

Clearing Concorde of Enemies

With the minigun in your hands, go forward and stand on the edge of the roof. Look down the street. You will see that it is full of raiders. You need to use the minigun wisely to deal with all the enemies. Take advantage of your position and kill all the raiders below. Then go down to the first floor and go northwest along the street away from the museum. Kill all the raiders on the way and when you find yourself at the junction at the end of the street, get ready for the appearance of a huge dangerous death claw.

As soon as the monster appears, start shooting at it with the minigun. You'll be able to do a lot of damage before he gets to you. If the deathclaw chases you, keep your distance to start attacking again.

I'm playing for real high level difficulty "Survival", and to kill the Deathclaw I had to spend a full supply of ammo for the minigun. So for those playing on survival, it’s better to wait until the claw itself destroys the raiders, then lure it to some car and blow it up. A nearby explosion will knock Deathclaw away, knocking him unconscious for a short time. While he lies unconscious, you need to shoot him in the head, and when he comes to his senses, run to the store at the end of the street farthest from the Museum of Freedom: it is to the right of the car in the screenshot below:

From this house it is convenient to shoot the adversary: ​​the death claw cannot go inside, it will only periodically throw debris at you.

Once the monster is defeated, kill the remaining enemies in the area (if any) and then return to the Freedom Museum.

Upon entering the museum, you will find Preston and his companions in the lobby on the lower floor. Approach him and start a dialogue. Check that everything is in order and accept the reward. Ask what they will do next. You learn that the group plans to settle in yours. Agree to help them with this, and then talk to Mother Murphy.

When she says that your son Sean is still alive, try to clarify his whereabouts. She will explain to you that you should go to Diamond City and continue your search there. At this moment, the quest “Pearl of the Commonwealth” will appear in the journal. But you need to do a few more things before moving on.

Talk to Preston Garvey in Sanctuary

Finish the dialogue and leave the museum. Now return to Sanctuary and find Preston, he will be patrolling the streets, and talk to him.

Tell Preston that Sanctuary was your home. Explain to him that you lived here 200 years ago. After a discussion with other settlers, Preston will ask you to help organize a settlement in Sanctuary. Agree to this, and Preston will invite you to talk to Sturges, who will tell you how you can help.

When the conversation is over, the quest “The First Step” will appear in the journal, and the current “Call of Freedom” will be closed.

Conversation with Sturges

Before continuing your journey, visit Sturges in the yellow house on the right side of the road. It's right opposite your old house. Ask Sturges how you can help, and he'll explain that people really need beds. The Sanctuary quest will appear in your journal.

Please note that the weapon workbench, standard workshop and armor maintenance station in the courtyard will now be available for use.

It's worth spending a little time while you're near the station. To do this, you need to get out of the suit and repair each part individually using the junk you collected along the way.

It is worth keeping in mind that your power armor nuclear unit has discharged somewhat during the last battle. This means that soon the suit’s capabilities and speed will deteriorate. Since you don't have a spare nuclear unit yet, leave the armor here and continue your journey without it. At least until next quest. Don't forget to go into the Pip-Boy and use the available skill points you earned for completing the quest.

If you noticed, in the screenshot above I have two power armor. You get one in the quest "Call of Freedom", and the other can be taken near Sanctuary, next to the crashed Vertibed, between the US Air Force satellite station "Olivia" and the cemetery of old robots. One of Preston's quests will take you there.

The way there is from Sanctuary by north side The lake is relatively safe. The armor is in very poor condition, without a nuclear unit, and with the owner at the left leg, but it will also come in handy.

In power armor without a nuclear unit, you can use fast movement, so you won’t have to walk slowly and for a long time to Sanctuary.

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