Guide to talking to girls in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA San Andreas). Guide to talking to girls in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (GTA San Andreas) Where are the CJ's girls?

Girls in GTA:San Andreas

Girls in GTA: San Andreas are a very important element of the gameplay, especially since they appear for the first time in the GTA series. Also, depending on the percentage of success in your relationship with your girl, you can receive quite useful bonuses, for example, additional costumes that cannot be bought in the store. Achieving a girl’s complete favor (100% of a relationship) is quite a chore; girls are picky, just like in real life. Well, I’ll tell you what you have to do to achieve 100% success: first, you need to take the girl to a restaurant or bar several times, and you need to choose exactly the one that the girl likes, otherwise the date will be unsuccessful and the girl will get angry. Then she will ask you to dance an energetic dance with her in the club, and she will vigilantly ensure that you score at least 3000 points, and you will have to dance several times, and subsequent dances will be more difficult than the previous ones. If you don't score 3000 points, the girl will be upset and the date will end unsuccessfully. Your girlfriend will then ask you to take her around to her favorite places at her chosen speed. Riding girls is not a difficult task, but it requires high concentration, on the right side of the screen you will have a special pleasure scale, it is filled during your ride through the area that the girl likes and at the speed that she wishes. The girl will constantly scream: too fast or too slow and she doesn’t care that there is a huge traffic jam ahead on the road, here the developers even went a little too far. In general, do as she says and everything will be fine. If you have a speedometer (the original game doesn’t have one, you’ll have to look for a mod), keep the speed at about 60 km/h - most girls are quite happy with this speed. By the way, you can invite girls on a date only at a certain time - if a girl can be invited on a date, then her car will be parked at the last person’s house, and there will also be a red mark near the door.
When a girl’s level of success reaches the desired level, she will invite you for a “cup of coffee.” If you do not have an add-on called “Hot Coffee”, then in the process of “drinking coffee” you will only see a swaying house. If there is, then you have to go through a certain mini-game. Because of this, Rock Star suffered several lawsuits and lost quite a lot of money, but that's a completely different story. You can give gifts to girls: flowers (can be found in different places) or a vibrator (there are 4 types of them and they can also be found), but you won’t be able to buy gifts.

To make a gift, select an item from Karl's inventory and hold down the Tab key. You can also kiss a girl - just hold Tab next to her! It is recommended to kiss a girl with a relationship of at least 30%. By the way, in addition to regular girls, so to speak, the game contains ladies of easy virtue who can be picked up for one night. To do this, simply drive up in a closed car to one of the moths, after which she will offer you her services. After a positive answer, the “priestess of love” will ask you to find a secluded place where everything is already happening... Let's return to normal girls.
What percentage of the relationship is accrued:
+5% – successful date, successful sex (if you don’t use the “Hot Coffee” mod, then sex will always be successful).
-5% – bad date, bad sex.
+1% – flowers or a vibrator as a gift, a successful kiss (you must kiss no earlier than 30%).
-1% – unsuccessful kiss.
-2% – Karl’s long absence.
Well, finally we move on to the description of the girls themselves. There are a total of 6 girls in the game: you will meet two during story missions, and the rest you need to find on your own. It’s not difficult to recognize the girl of your dreams: there will be a blue arrow hanging above her. But there is no need to fuss, first talk to the girl, during the conversation she will either agree to meet with you and give you her phone number, or ask you to dial or, on the contrary, lose excess weight or muscle mass, or become more attractive (wear more expensive clothes, make beautiful tattoos, a good hairstyle. It will also be better if you come to meet not in a combine, but in a beautiful expensive car.). This is roughly how you should approach a girl:

When you gain the attractiveness necessary for this girl, go to her and meet her. Her house will be marked with a red heart on the map.

1: Denise Robinson (Denis Robinson)

Description: You will meet her during the mission: “Burning Desire” or “Burning Desire”, CJ in this mission will save her from a burning house. Denis lives not far from your home on Grove. Denis is a simple, but very militant girl, she will not demand attractiveness or expensive restaurants from you and will give you her love. Take her to any fast food place and she'll be happy, or you can take her to a bar in the same area and drink a bottle of Rock Star drink. Denis is a funny girl: for some reason one of her trouser legs is always turned up, it’s also fun to travel with her through the areas of other groups, as soon as you pass by bandits, Denis will grab his Uzi and will mercilessly shoot enemies. The most unpretentious of girls.
Requirement for CJ: None.
When he is at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and 16:00 to 00:00.
Where he likes to eat: His favorite place is the bar near his house called “Ten Green Bottle”
Where he prefers to ride: Around his own area at low speed.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - nothing; 50% – Hustler car available near her house; 100% – pimp costume (Similar to Jizzy’s costume, only different in color.)

2: Helena Wankstein

Description: You can find her in the town of Blueberry, not far from the weapons store there is a shooting range located on the roof of a building. As soon as you hear gunfire nearby, climb into this shooting range and meet this girl. Helena loves to shoot, despite the fact that she is a lawyer and not a shooter or a policewoman. Most likely, she will tell you that Karl is too pumped up and she doesn't like him. This means that we will lose muscles, trained with heavy loads and literally soaked in sweat, with such difficulty. To begin with, in the gym we completely lose fat (if any) and completely refuse food. Then we begin to run, climb fences, ride a bike, swim, until Sidzhey’s muscle mass begins to slowly decrease from exhaustion and hunger. Okay, we flexed our muscles and met a girl, her house, by the way, is in the town of Flint County. The girl is quite warlike and loves weapons.
Requirements for CJ: Slightly pumped up (at least 25%); 2. Not greasy; 3. Highly attractive.
When he is at home: From 00:00 to 2:00, from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 00:00.
Where he likes to eat: Restaurant in Los Santos, Rodeo district.
Where he prefers to ride: On rural roads at low speed.
When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 70%.
Bonuses from the girl: 0% – in the barn of her house you can find: Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktail, Flamethrower and Pistol, you can take the Bandito car (when the friend is at home); 100% – farmer costume.

3: Katie Zhan (Katie Zhan)

Description: Katie works as a nurse in the San Fierro hospital and getting to know her is very beneficial in that when you are killed, you will keep the entire arsenal of your weapons and if you died in San Fierro, you will be restored near her house. You can find her in San Fierro Park not far from the driving school, she will do exercises there. Once you get to know her, you can visit her at her home in the Paradise area. This girl is cheerful and athletic.
Requirement for CJ: Muscular CJ (at least 75%); Highly attractive.
When he is at home: From 12:00 to 0:00.
Where she likes to eat: Cafe near her house.
Where he prefers to ride: In interesting areas of San Fierro at medium speed.
When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 50%.
Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Preservation of an arsenal of weapons during hospitalization; 50% – her white Romero hearse is available (sometimes with a coffin and a “patient” in it!); 100% – medic suit. (you can complete additional missions during the parade)

4: Barbara Schternvart (Barbara Sternvart)

Description: Barbara works for the police in the town of El Quebrados. Getting to know her is also very beneficial, because now after the cops arrest you and keep you in the police station for the allotted time, all your hard-earned weapons will be returned to you! You can find Barbara near the police station of the above-mentioned town. The girl, despite her work, is sweet and cheerful, athletic herself and loves the same guys.
Requirement for a CJ: Muscular (at least 100%) and hardy CJ; Highly attractive.
When he is at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00.
Where he likes to eat: Cafe near the road not far from the city.
Where he prefers to ride: On rural roads at low speed.
When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 60%.
Bonuses from the girl: 0% – All weapons after arrest; 50% – keys to a Ranger police jeep; 100% – Policeman costume.

5: Michelee Cannes

Description: You can find Michelle at the San Fierro driving school by the familiar blue arrow above her. Michelle loves cars and speed, I think you will quickly find a common language with her! True, you will have to gain weight first. Go to any diner and start consuming calories, just don’t overdo it, otherwise Carl won’t be able to withstand such a load on his stomach and will stain the floor with, you know, what. It's better to come back later and repeat the procedure. When she gets to know you and likes her enough, she may ask you to let her get behind the wheel herself, and she will drive at great speed, violating a whole page of traffic rules at a time! The girl is crazy and cheerful, Karl will not get bored with her!
Requirement for CJ: Thick (at least 50%). Highly attractive.
When he is at home: From 00:00 to 12:00.
Where he likes to eat: Bar near the driving school.
Where he prefers to ride: No matter where, the main thing is at great speed.
When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.
Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Free repainting in her garage; 50% – the ability to take it BigFut: Monster Truck; 100% – Nice racer costume.

6: Millie Perkins

Description: You will have to hook up with this girl on Vusi’s instructions in the mission “Key To Her Heart” and your relationship will begin after depraved sex! What can you do, Millie is a pervert! The girl is very spoiled, her home collection is simply amazing. Naturally, CJ won’t be bored with her either.
Requirement for CJ: None.
When he is at home: From 12:00 to 22:00.
Where she likes to eat: Fast food near her home.
Where he prefers to ride: No matter where, the main thing is not very fast, but not slow either.
When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.
Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Costume from the Sex Shop; 35% – the opportunity to visit her depraved house; 100% - nothing.

That's it, all six girls are described. Good luck in conquering virtual hearts!

Girls in the game are a very important element of the gameplay, depending on what percentage of success you have with the girl, you receive very useful bonuses. Achieving a girl's complete favor (100% success) is quite a chore, well, just like in real life: you have to look after the girl, endure her whims, and maybe after quite a long time the girl will invite you for a glass of coffee at her home, and then you will her ... (guys, you understand me!). So, you have decided to take the difficult path of a hero-lover, well, I’ll tell you what you have to do: first, you need to take the girl to a restaurant or bar several times, and you need to choose exactly the one that the girl likes, otherwise the date will be unsuccessful and the girl will get angry, and will throw food at CJ! Then she will ask you to dance an energetic dance with her in the club and will vigilantly ensure that you score at least 3000 points, and you will have to dance several times, and subsequent dances will be more difficult than the previous ones. Your friend will then ask you to take her around her favorite places at her chosen speed. Riding girls is not a difficult task, but it requires high concentration, on the right side of the screen you will have a special pleasure scale, it is filled during your ride through the area that the girl likes and at the speed that the brat desires. The girl will constantly scream: too fast or too slow and she doesn’t care that there is a huge traffic jam ahead on the road, do as she says and everything will be fine. If you have a speedometer, keep the speed somewhere around 60 km/h - most girls are happy with this speed.

When a girl’s level of success reaches the coveted level, she will invite you for a cup of hot coffee, be careful not to get burned, as happened with the Rockstar company. Girls can be given flowers (can be found in different places) or a vibrator (there are 4 varieties of them and can be found in different police stations). To give a gift: select the item from the inventory and press the Tab key.

How much favor percentage is awarded to:

5% - successful date, successful sex (if you don’t use the “Hot Coffee” mod, then sex will always be successful).

5% - bad date, bad sex.

1% - flowers or a vibrator as a gift, a successful kiss (you must kiss no earlier than 30%).

1% - unsuccessful kiss.

2% - long absence.

Well, finally we move on to the description of the girls themselves. There are a total of 6 girls in the game: you will meet two during story missions, and the rest you need to find on your own. Finding out the girl of your dreams is not difficult: there will be a blue arrow hanging above her, indicating: “Here she is!” Stop her right here! But there is no need to fuss, first talk to the girl, during the conversation she will either agree to date you, or ask you to gain or, on the contrary, lose excess weight or muscle mass. When you gain the attractiveness necessary for this girl, go to her and meet her. Her house will be marked with a red heart on the map.

1: Denise Robinson (Denis Robinson)

Description: You will meet her during the mission: "Burning Desire", Denis's house is located not far from your first house. Denis is a very simple but militant girl, she will not demand attractiveness and expensive restaurants from you. Take her to any fast food joint and she will be happy, you can go with her to a bar located in the same area and drink a bottle of drink with the Rockstar logo. Denis is a funny girl: for some reason one of her trouser legs is always turned up a little, it’s fun to drive with her through areas controlled by other groups, as soon as you drive past the bandits, Denis will grab her Uzi and will mercilessly shoot enemies.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar or snack bars.

Where he prefers to ride: Not far from home at low speed.

Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - nothing; 50% - Hustler car available near her house; 100% - pimp costume.

2: Helena Wankstein (Helena Wankstein)

Description: You can find her in the town of Blueberry, not far from the weapons store there is a shooting range located on the roof of some building. As soon as you hear gunfire nearby, climb into this shooting range and meet the girl. Helena loves to shoot, despite the fact that she is a lawyer and not a policewoman. Most likely, she will tell you that you are very drugged and she doesn't like you. This means that we will lose our hard-trained muscles. To begin with, in the gym we completely lose fat (if any) and completely refuse food. Then we start running, climbing fences, riding a bike, swimming, until your muscle mass slowly begins to decrease from exhaustion and hunger. Okay, we flexed our muscles and met the girl, her house, by the way, is located in the town of Flint County, . Now there’s a new problem: Helena says that you are unattractive and she won’t go out with you! To solve this problem, buy decent clothes, get a few tattoos, get a stylish hairstyle, but most importantly, drive to Helena in an expensive car, not a combine harvester. As soon as you get out of the car, immediately stand on the red marker and call the girl for a meeting.

Requirements for CJ: Slightly pumped up (at least 25%); 2. Not greasy; 3. Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 2:00, from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Restaurant in Los Santos, Rodeo district.

Where he prefers to ride:

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 70%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - in the barn of her house you can find: Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktail, Flamethrower and Pistol, you can take the Bandito car (when your friend is at home); 100% - farmer costume.

3: Katie Zhan (Katie Zhan)

Description: Katie works as a nurse and getting to know her is beneficial because when you are killed, you will keep the entire arsenal of weapons and if you died in San Fierro, you will be restored near her house. You can find her in San Fierro Park not far from the driving school, she will do exercises there. Once you get to know her, you can visit her at her home in the Paradise area.

Requirement for CJ: Muscular CJ (at least 75%); Highly attractive.

When at home: From 12:00 to 0:00.

Where she likes to eat: Cafe near her house. Take a motorcycle and go down the hill straight to the cafe.

Where he prefers to ride: In interesting areas of San Fierro at low speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 50%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - Preservation of an arsenal of weapons during hospitalization; 50% - her white Romero hearse is available (sometimes with a coffin!); 100% - medic suit.

4: Barbara Schternvart (Barbara Sternvart)

Description: Barbara works for the police in the town of El Quebrados. Getting to know her is also very beneficial, because now after the cops grab you and keep you in the police station for the allotted time, all your weapons will be returned to you! You can find Barbara near the police station of the above-mentioned town.

Requirement for a CJ: Muscular (at least 100%) and hardy CJ; Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Cafe near the road not far from the city.

Where he prefers to ride: On rural roads at low speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 60%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - All weapons after arrest; 50% - keys to a Ranger police jeep; 100% - Policeman costume.

5: Michelee Cannes

Description: You can find Michelle at the San Fierro driving school by following the familiar blue arrow. Michelle loves cars and speed, I think you will quickly find a common language with her! True, you will have to gain weight first. Go to any diner and start consuming calories, just don't overdo it, otherwise CJ won't be able to stand it and will stain the floor with, you know what. It's better to come back later and repeat the procedure. When she gets to know you and likes her enough, she may ask you to let her drive herself, and she will drive at great speed, breaking a whole page of traffic rules at a time!

Requirement for CJ: Thick (at least 50%). Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 12:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar near the driving school.

Where he prefers to ride: It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is at great speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - Free repainting in her garage; 50% - the ability to take it BigFut: Monster Truck; 100% - Racer costume.

6: Millie Perkins

Description: You will have to hook up with this girl on Vusi’s instructions in the mission “Key To Her Heart” and your relationship will begin after depraved sex! What can you do, Millie is a pervert! Maybe the environment had an impact, maybe she ate a poisoned tomato as a child, I don’t know, but the collection of sex toys in her house is amazing.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When at home: From 12:00 to 22:00.

Where she likes to eat: A restaurant near her home.

Where he prefers to ride: It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is not very fast, but not slow either.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - Costume from a Sex Shop; 35% - the opportunity to visit her depraved house; 100% - nothing.

Today we will talk to you about GTA San Andreas. How to get a girl in this game? Why are they needed? What to do with them? In addition, we will also have to talk to you about how to make sure you have a successful date.

Complete the game

So, let's first think about the question: “When you play GTA San Andreas, how to get a girl?” The first thing that can come to our mind is the passage of the game itself.

The thing is that when you “travel” through the underworld, you will be given special missions and tasks. During their implementation, you will be faced with two options for “girlfriends”. The remaining 4 girls are quietly walking around the city, you need to look for them. True, this is easy to do - a blue arrow will appear above the “madama’s” head. So this is the first sign that you can try to hit on the beauty.

The question about "GTA San Andreas": without mods?" should not bother you. After all, as you progress, as already mentioned, you will begin to encounter beauties whom you can pick up. To get to know each other, you will have to complete a special task. Which ?Only each lady knows about this. It can be gaining excess weight, changing her style, and so on. Only then will she be able to have a date and receive “Bonuses”.


Well, if you are thinking about the question: “GTA San Andreas - how to get a girl without missions?”, then you can use a rather interesting option - downloading so-called saves from the Internet. That is, saved data about the game, where all the tasks concerning lovely ladies have already been completed.

This is a rather cunning and popular scenario. This way you don’t have to think about the topic: “How to get a girl in GTA San Andreas?” However, all your personal achievements will be erased when loading the downloaded save. Not the best option, especially if you value your data. This means that you will either have to carry out the tasks of the lovely ladies, or be cunning. First, let's try the second method with you.


So, let's start trying our tricks in order to figure out the question: "We're playing GTA San Andreas - how to get a girl?" The code will help us with this. In general, you can use several techniques, but we will choose the simplest ones.

The first cheat you can use is BEKKNQV. The so-called "magnet" for girls. With its help you can bypass missions called “The Key to Her Heart”. You can easily meet any “baby” and “pick up” her. Nothing complicated. You can safely go on a date. True, you should not overestimate your strength - if you are just trying to meet with one lady, then it is better not to disturb all six at once - you will not be able to break up, but you will have to visit each one.

Another answer to the question of how to get a girl in GTA San Andreas. This is using a cheat that looks like this: EHIBXQS. This is maximum attractiveness for the fair sex. Its action is somewhat reminiscent of the previous code. It’s easy to get to know each other, madam is happy with everything right away. So no problem. True, for the time being. After you have managed to win the heart of a beauty, you will have to go on dates with her. Depending on the result, you will either receive bonuses, or Let's now learn how to treat ladies.

Methodology of behavior

Well, now that we already know the answer to the question of how to get a girl if you play GTA San Andreas, let's try to please the lovely ladies on a date. After all, your relationship will depend on it. And, of course, a reward for achievements.

In general, you can reduce the dating algorithm to a certain sequence. After you have visited your next “baby,” you will need to take her to a restaurant or bar. Where she loves. If you don't guess correctly, you will run into hysterics.

The second stage is dancing. Take a girl to a nightclub and dance with her. True, this will require quite a lot of skill from you - you will have to score at least 3,000 points. Moreover, this figure will increase every time.

Next is the time for romance. More precisely, night trips. Travel with a cute lady around the city. Only to her favorite places, otherwise the rides will not end very pleasantly. Among other things, you will also have to closely monitor the young lady’s mood - she may scream that you are driving too slow or fast. Now the questions: “GTA San Andreas: How to get a girl? How to go on a date?” should leave you behind. But don't rush to rejoice. Each friend has her own tastes and preferences. Let's see who and how to please. True, we will consider only a few options. The most simple ones. It’s best not to rack your brains about the rest, but to use cheats.

Denis Robinson

The first girl you can start a relationship with is Denis. Arranging dates and getting to know her will be as easy as shelling pears. She lives not far from your house, she doesn’t care about your appearance, and she won’t bother you with calls (and, by the way, it’s better not to miss them). There will be no need to take Denis far from home. You can meet her at home from midnight to 6 am, as well as from 16:00 to 00:00.

For dinner, this lady can be taken to a bar near your home or to a diner. In addition, if you get a chance to “dance”, then you will have only one option - this is the only club in the area. Regarding travel, we can only say that Denis is not particularly whimsical - she loves places near her home, and there are no speeds too slow for her. So you can just circle the roads until your satisfaction meter fills up.

True, there is a small surprise here. During a date, a girl may ask you for an armed attack. Allow her to shoot at people (for example, during a trip), and the date will definitely end in success. Once the relationship level reaches 50%, you will be able to drive her car, and after 100% you will receive a light blue suit.


The second madam is Helena. She's a lawyer. Loves weapons and the countryside. In order for the dates to be successful, it is best to choose a helicopter - the girl lives far from her favorite places.

It is better to have dinners in restaurants. Get on the helicopter and quickly get to the nearest one. Dancing, however, will be more difficult with a girl - the clubs are far away. However, it is possible. If you can do it, you can be proud of yourself.

But Helena likes to walk close to home. Travel speed should be low. Just circle the fields until she calms down. Sooner or later, a girl will invite you for a cup of coffee. As a bonus, you will get access to the girl's farm, as well as her weapons.

Girls in the game are a very important element of the gameplay, depending on what percentage of success you have with the girl, you receive very useful bonuses. Achieving a girl's complete favor (100% success) is quite a chore, well, just like in real life: you have to look after the girl, endure her whims, and maybe after quite a long time the girl will invite you for a glass of coffee at her home, and then you will her ... (guys, you understand me!). So, you have decided to take the difficult path of a hero-lover, well, I’ll tell you what you have to do: first, you need to take the girl to a restaurant or bar several times, and you need to choose exactly the one that the girl likes, otherwise the date will be unsuccessful and the girl will get angry, and will throw food at CJ! Then she will ask you to dance an energetic dance with her in the club and will vigilantly ensure that you score at least 3000 points, and you will have to dance several times, and subsequent dances will be more difficult than the previous ones. Your friend will then ask you to take her around her favorite places at her chosen speed. Riding girls is not a difficult task, but it requires high concentration, on the right side of the screen you will have a special pleasure scale, it is filled during your ride through the area that the girl likes and at the speed that the brat desires. The girl will constantly scream: too fast or too slow and she doesn’t care that there is a huge traffic jam ahead on the road, do as she says and everything will be fine. If you have a speedometer, keep your speed somewhere around 60 km/h - most girls are happy with this speed.

When a girl’s level of success reaches the coveted level, she will invite you for a cup of hot coffee, be careful not to get burned, as happened with the Rockstar company. Girls can be given flowers (can be found in different places) or a vibrator (there are 4 varieties of them and can be found in different police stations). To give a gift: select the item from the inventory and press the Tab key.

How much favor percentage is awarded to:

5% – successful date, successful sex (if you don’t use the “Hot Coffee” mod, then sex will always be successful).

5% – bad date, bad sex.

1% – flowers or a vibrator as a gift, a successful kiss (you must kiss no earlier than 30%).

1% – unsuccessful kiss.

2% – long absence.

Well, finally we move on to the description of the girls themselves. There are a total of 6 girls in the game: you will meet two during story missions, and the rest you need to find on your own. Finding out the girl of your dreams is not difficult: there will be a blue arrow hanging above her, indicating: “Here she is!” Stop her right here! But there is no need to fuss, first talk to the girl, during the conversation she will either agree to date you, or ask you to gain or, on the contrary, lose excess weight or muscle mass. When you gain the attractiveness necessary for this girl, go to her and meet her. Her house will be marked with a red heart on the map.

1: Denise Robinson (Denis Robinson)

Description: You will meet her during the mission: "Burning Desire", Denis's house is located not far from your first house. Denis is a very simple but militant girl, she will not demand attractiveness and expensive restaurants from you. Take her to any fast food joint and she will be happy, you can go with her to a bar located in the same area and drink a bottle of drink with the Rockstar logo. Denis is a funny girl: for some reason one of her trouser legs is always turned up a little, it’s fun to drive with her through areas controlled by other groups, as soon as you drive past the bandits, Denis will grab her Uzi and will mercilessly shoot enemies.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar or snack bars.

Where he prefers to ride: Not far from home at low speed.

Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – nothing; 50% – Hustler car available near her house; 100% – pimp costume.

2: Helena Wankstein (Helena Wankstein)

Description: You can find her in the town of Blueberry, not far from the weapons store there is a shooting range located on the roof of some building. As soon as you hear gunfire nearby, climb into this shooting range and meet the girl. Helena loves to shoot, despite the fact that she is a lawyer and not a policewoman. Most likely, she will tell you that you are very drugged and she doesn't like you. This means that we will lose our hard-trained muscles. To begin with, in the gym we completely lose fat (if any) and completely refuse food. Then we start running, climbing fences, riding a bike, swimming, until your muscle mass slowly begins to decrease from exhaustion and hunger. Okay, we flexed our muscles and met the girl, her house, by the way, is located in the town of Flint County, . Now there’s a new problem: Helena says that you are unattractive and she won’t go out with you! To solve this problem, buy decent clothes, get a few tattoos, get a stylish hairstyle, but most importantly, drive to Helena in an expensive car, not a combine harvester. As soon as you get out of the car, immediately stand on the red marker and call the girl for a meeting.

Requirements for CJ: Slightly pumped up (at least 25%); 2. Not greasy; 3. Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 2:00, from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Restaurant in Los Santos, Rodeo district.

Where he prefers to ride:

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 70%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – in the barn of her house you can find: Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktail, Flamethrower and Pistol, you can take the Bandito car (when your friend is at home); 100% – farmer costume.

3: Katie Zhan (Katie Zhan)

Description: Katie works as a nurse and getting to know her is beneficial because when you are killed, you will keep the entire arsenal of weapons and if you died in San Fierro, you will be restored near her house. You can find her in San Fierro Park not far from the driving school, she will do exercises there. Once you get to know her, you can visit her at her home in the Paradise area.

Requirement for CJ: Muscular CJ (at least 75%); Highly attractive.

When at home: From 12:00 to 0:00.

Where she likes to eat: Cafe near her house. Take a motorcycle and go down the hill straight to the cafe.

Where he prefers to ride: In interesting areas of San Fierro at low speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 50%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Preservation of an arsenal of weapons during hospitalization; 50% – her white Romero hearse is available (sometimes with a coffin!); 100% – medic suit.

4: Barbara Schternvart (Barbara Sternvart)

Description: Barbara works for the police in the town of El Quebrados. Getting to know her is also very beneficial, because now after the cops grab you and keep you in the police station for the allotted time, all your weapons will be returned to you! You can find Barbara near the police station of the above-mentioned town.

Requirement for a CJ: Muscular (at least 100%) and hardy CJ; Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Cafe near the road not far from the city.

Where he prefers to ride: On rural roads at low speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 60%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – All weapons after arrest; 50% – keys to a Ranger police jeep; 100% – Policeman costume.

5: Michelee Cannes

Description: You can find Michelle at the San Fierro driving school by following the familiar blue arrow. Michelle loves cars and speed, I think you will quickly find a common language with her! True, you will have to gain weight first. Go to any diner and start consuming calories, just don't overdo it, otherwise CJ won't be able to stand it and will stain the floor with, you know what. It's better to come back later and repeat the procedure. When she gets to know you and likes her enough, she may ask you to let her drive herself, and she will drive at great speed, breaking a whole page of traffic rules at a time!

Requirement for CJ: Thick (at least 50%). Highly attractive.

When at home: From 00:00 to 12:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar near the driving school.

Where he prefers to ride: It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is at great speed.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Free repaint in her garage; 50% – the ability to take it BigFut: Monster Truck; 100% – Racer costume.

6: Millie Perkins

Description: You will have to hook up with this girl on Vusi’s instructions in the mission “Key To Her Heart” and your relationship will begin after depraved sex! What can you do, Millie is a pervert! Maybe the environment had an impact, maybe she ate a poisoned tomato as a child, I don’t know, but the collection of sex toys in her house is amazing.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When at home: From 12:00 to 22:00.

Where she likes to eat: A restaurant near her home.

Where he prefers to ride: It doesn’t matter where, the main thing is not very fast, but not slow either.

When he suggests “drinking coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Costume from a Sex Shop; 35% – the opportunity to visit her depraved house; 100% - nothing.

Girls in the game are a very important element of the gameplay, depending on what percentage of success you have with the girl, you receive very useful bonuses. Achieving a girl's complete favor (100% success) is quite a chore, well, just like in real life: you have to look after the girl, endure her whims, and maybe after quite a long time the girl will invite you for a glass of coffee at her home, and then you will her ... (guys, you understand me!). So, you have decided to take the difficult path of a hero-lover, well, I’ll tell you what you have to do: first, you need to take the girl to a restaurant or bar several times, and you need to choose exactly the one that the girl likes, otherwise the date will be unsuccessful and the girl will get angry, and will throw food at CJ! Then she will ask you to dance an energetic dance with her in the club and will vigilantly ensure that you score at least 3000 points, and you will have to dance several times, and subsequent dances will be more difficult than the previous ones. Your friend will then ask you to take her around her favorite places at her chosen speed. Riding girls is not a difficult task, but it requires high concentration, on the right side of the screen you will have a special pleasure scale, it is filled during your ride through the area that the girl likes and at the speed that the brat desires. The girl will constantly scream: too fast or too slow and she doesn’t care that there is a huge traffic jam ahead on the road, do as she says and everything will be fine. If you have a speedometer, keep your speed somewhere around 60 km/h - most girls are happy with this speed.

When a girl’s level of success reaches the coveted level, she will invite you for a cup of hot coffee, be careful not to get burned, as happened with the Rockstar company. Girls can be given flowers (can be found in different places) or a vibrator (there are 4 varieties of them and can be found in different police stations). To give a gift: select the item from the inventory and press the Tab key.

How much favor percentage is awarded to:

5% – successful date, successful sex (if you don’t use the “Hot Coffee” mod, then sex will always be successful).

5% – bad date, bad sex.

1% – flowers or a vibrator as a gift, a successful kiss (you must kiss no earlier than 30%).

1% – unsuccessful kiss.

2% – long absence.

Well, finally we move on to the description of the girls themselves. There are a total of 6 girls in the game: you will meet two during story missions, and the rest you need to find on your own. Finding out the girl of your dreams is not difficult: there will be a blue arrow hanging above her, indicating: “Here she is!” Stop her right here! But there is no need to fuss, first talk to the girl, during the conversation she will either agree to date you, or ask you to gain or, on the contrary, lose excess weight or muscle mass. When you gain the attractiveness necessary for this girl, go to her and meet her. Her house will be marked with a red heart on the map.

1: Denise Robinson (Denis Robinson)

Description: You will meet her during the mission: "Burning Desire", Denis's house is located not far from your first house. Denis is a very simple but militant girl, she will not demand attractiveness and expensive restaurants from you. Take her to any fast food joint and she will be happy, you can go with her to a bar located in the same area and drink a bottle of drink with the Rockstar logo. Denis is a funny girl: for some reason one of her trouser legs is always turned up a little, it’s fun to drive with her through areas controlled by other groups, as soon as you drive past the bandits, Denis will grab her Uzi and will mercilessly shoot enemies.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When he is at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar or snack bars.

Where he prefers to ride: Not far from home at low speed.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% - nothing; 50% – Hustler car available near her house; 100% – pimp costume.

2: Helena Wankstein (Helena Wankstein)

Description: You can find her in the town of Blueberry, not far from the weapons store there is a shooting range located on the roof of some building. As soon as you hear gunfire nearby, climb into this shooting range and meet the girl. Helena loves to shoot, despite the fact that she is a lawyer and not a policewoman. Most likely, she will tell you that you are very drugged and she doesn't like you. This means that we will lose our hard-trained muscles. To begin with, in the gym we completely lose fat (if any) and completely refuse food. Then we start running, climbing fences, riding a bike, swimming, until your muscle mass slowly begins to decrease from exhaustion and hunger. Okay, we flexed our muscles and met the girl, her house, by the way, is located in the town of Flint County. Now there’s a new problem: Helena says that you are unattractive and she won’t go out with you! To solve this problem, buy decent clothes, get a few tattoos, get a stylish hairstyle, but most importantly, drive to Helena in an expensive car, not a combine harvester. As soon as you get out of the car, immediately stand on the red marker and call the girl for a meeting.

Requirements for CJ: Slightly pumped up (at least 25%); 2. Not greasy; 3. Highly attractive.

When he is at home: From 00:00 to 2:00, from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Restaurant in Los Santos, Rodeo district.

When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 70%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – in the barn of her house you can find: Chainsaw, Molotov Cocktail, Flamethrower and Pistol, you can take the Bandito car (when the friend is at home); 100% – farmer costume.

3: Katie Zhan (Katie Zhan)

Description: Katie works as a nurse and getting to know her is beneficial because when you are killed, you will keep the entire arsenal of weapons and if you died in San Fierro, you will be restored near her house. You can find her in San Fierro Park not far from the driving school, she will do exercises there. Once you get to know her, you can visit her at her home in the Paradise area.

Requirement for CJ: Muscular CJ (at least 75%); Highly attractive.

When he is at home: From 12:00 to 0:00.

Where she likes to eat: Cafe near her house. Take a motorcycle and go down the hill straight to the cafe.

Where he prefers to ride: In interesting areas of San Fierro at low speed.

When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 50%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Preservation of an arsenal of weapons during hospitalization; 50% – her white Romero hearse is available (sometimes with a coffin!); 100% – medic suit.

4: Barbara Schternvart (Barbara Sternvart)

Description: Barbara works for the police in the town of El Quebrados. Getting to know her is also very beneficial, because now after the cops grab you and keep you in the police station for the allotted time, all your weapons will be returned to you! You can find Barbara near the police station of the above-mentioned town.

Requirement for a CJ: Muscular (at least 100%) and hardy CJ; Highly attractive.

When he is at home: From 00:00 to 6:00 and from 16:00 to 00:00.

Where he likes to eat: Cafe near the road not far from the city.

Where he prefers to ride: On rural roads at low speed.

When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 60%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – All weapons after arrest; 50% – keys to a Ranger police jeep; 100% – Policeman costume.

5: Michelee Cannes

Description: You can find Michelle at the San Fierro driving school by following the familiar blue arrow. Michelle loves cars and speed, I think you will quickly find a common language with her! True, you will have to gain weight first. Go to any diner and start consuming calories, just don't overdo it, otherwise CJ won't be able to stand it and will stain the floor with, you know what. It's better to come back later and repeat the procedure. When she gets to know you and likes her enough, she may ask you to let her drive herself, and she will drive at great speed, breaking a whole page of traffic rules at a time!

Requirement for CJ: Thick (at least 50%). Highly attractive.

When he is at home: From 00:00 to 12:00.

Where he likes to eat: Bar near the driving school.

Where he prefers to ride: No matter where, the main thing is at great speed.

When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Free repainting in her garage; 50% – the ability to take it BigFut: Monster Truck; 100% – Racer costume.

6: Millie Perkins

Description: You will have to hook up with this girl on Vusi’s instructions in the mission “Key To Her Heart” and your relationship will begin after depraved sex! What can you do, Millie is a pervert! Maybe the environment had an impact, maybe she ate a poisoned tomato as a child, I don’t know, but the collection of sex toys in her house is amazing.

Requirement for CJ: None.

When he is at home: From 12:00 to 22:00.

Where she likes to eat: A restaurant near her home.

Where he prefers to ride: No matter where, the main thing is not very fast, but not slow either.

When prompted to “drink coffee”: Upon reaching 40%.

Bonuses from the girl: 0% – Costume from the Sex Shop; 35% – the opportunity to visit her depraved house; 100% - nothing.
