Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

You receive the task automatically according to the plot. Go to the command headquarters and, after spending 8 influence points, perform the corresponding operation, thereby opening a new location - the Brown Mire. We go there and find out that the leader of Avvarov has challenged us to a duel. We move towards the goal indicated by the marker. On the way there it is not recommended to walk on water, because... this will summon the dead. There are an infinite number of them, and they will come while you are in the water. Along the way, you will meet one Avvar named Skygazer, standing next to the gap. Close the gap together and then talk to him. Then continue towards your goal. Having reached the castle, you will have to fight the boss and his minions. After you kill everyone, take the key from the leader's body. Use them to open the door in the far left corner from the entrance and free the prisoners. Then move towards the exit. Here you will find a Skygazer who can be recruited as an agent of the Inquisition.

Lighthouses in the dark

The task is activated when you approach the first lighthouse. The squad must have a magician with whom you can light the fire. Fight off enemies, of which there will be a considerable number. This should be done with all four lighthouses. All of them are marked on the map and finding them is not difficult. When all the beacons are lit, the task will be completed.

Beyond the quagmire

With any character, approach the lit beacon from the quest “Beacons in the Darkness” and light a torch from it. Walk around the stone on which the lighthouse is located and activate the rune depicted on the stone. Do this with all the beacons. After examining the four runes, they will give you a recipe and the quest will end.


There will be a hut northwest of the fourth lighthouse. If you try to enter it, you will receive a quest to find the key. You can find it using the [v] key when the mini-map starts flashing. Once you find it, go to the hut and unlock the door. Kill the ghost and search everything inside the house. This will complete the quest.

Cunning demons

While completing the quest "Beacons in the Dark", read the diary near the second lighthouse to activate the task. Then, after the third lighthouse, go west into the gap in the mountain. Close the gap and continue west through another gap, then turn right. Walk through the swamp until you meet a mage. After killing him, complete the task.

We continue through Dragon Age Inquisition. I recorded the previous videos a long time ago, but a new batch is created simultaneously with the passage, so with fresh memory things go easier. In this “season” we will finish the story with Geryon Alexius, explore new locations, save the soldiers of the Inquisition, acquire new companions and come close to closing Gaps.

Calm before the storm

The video begins with the clearing of Wolf Hollow. I still need to convince Dennett to give up the horses for the Inquisition, and the problem with the wolves is one of the additional tasks (Elaina's quest) towards this goal.

After this, we close one of the gaps next to the exit to the world map and return to the command headquarters. I invest the earned specificity points into the “Massace Method”. This is an Inquisition military stat that adds 5% to the experience gained from killing enemies. In my opinion, it is very useful, the main thing is to develop this ability as early as possible. Then I give the agents instructions. Now you need to make a choice of the plot task in favor of magicians or templars. I chose the “magical” path because stories with magicians are usually more interesting.

Dorian also joins our group. We go to Redcliffe to meet with Master Geryon Alexius.

Forward to a dark future

Here we watch the story cut-scene. The point is briefly - his son Felix told us about Geryon’s trap, so at the meeting, the Inquisition’s warriors, prepared in advance, interrupt the master’s guards. But the sorcerer, with the help of a certain talisman, casts a time portal. As a result, Dorian and our main character - Herald Andraste - are transported one year into the future.

Once in the basement of the castle, we notice that everything around is already overgrown with red lyrium. Not good. Only half of the group will have to go through this section, so we act carefully and quickly.

In the dungeon we find the rest of our partners - Cassandra and Solas. From them we learn that after our disappearance, no one was able to stop the Elder from gaining power, and the human world was filled with an army of demons. But all is not lost, if we find Geryon, then with the help of his talisman we can go back in time and change the course of history.

We set off in full force to search for the villain. The main local enemy is Venatori fanatics, who are essentially ordinary soldiers. But the greatest danger is posed by Venatori archers and Venatori spellcasters. Always try to kill the caster first, since casting away from the main mess causes massive damage.

Save Leliana

We continue to move through the dungeon, through torture chambers and cells with prisoners who mutate into red lyrium crystals. The main task is to find Leliana, which is quite easy, you won’t miss, but in addition, in the same room, don’t forget to pick up the prison key from the guard’s corpse! Don't repeat my mistake. I didn’t notice him right away and then searched the entire location up and down several times. There is no marker for this key, and without it the door cannot be opened.

There's nothing else important in the video after Leliana. The rest of the time I'm just looking for the key.

How to get to Alexius's throne room

Continuation of the passage of the gloomy future. Mostly continuous battles. Through the underground passage we find ourselves in the courtyard, look at the giant gap and again enter the battle with demons and Venatori.

The most important task is to open the door to Alexius's throne room. To do this, you will need to find 5 red lyrium fragments. The fragments are respectively located in the possession of five Venatori spellcasters scattered throughout different rooms of the castle. In this video I collected 4 out of 5 fragments.

Alexius, goodbye

After all the fragments have been collected, open the door to the throne room. A small story scene and the final battle with the master. I think that you can defeat Geryon Alexius without any problems, the main thing is not to step into the green trap runes that the sorcerer sets. If you have any problems, watch the video from the 6th to the 20th minute.

Done, we pick up the amulet from the corpse and return to the past. In this time dimension, Alexius is still alive, but realizes that resistance is futile and renounces his claim to Redcliffe.

In conclusion, we offer an alliance to the magicians. There are two options here: make the magicians prisoners of the Inquisition or allies. I chose the second option. As a result, he received “total approval” from the elf-mage Solas and at the same time “total condemnation” from Cassandra and Sera.

Storm Coast

We are back at command headquarters. We discuss recent events and plan further actions. First, I checked my inventory and equipped myself with better weapons and armor. The choice is not very large, but it makes it all the more pleasant to find rare artifacts.

The next thing I did was spend 4 influence points on exploration of the Storm Coast, and thus opened access to this area. That's where we'll go. I’ll say right away that in this location I completed all the quests, set all the landmarks, collected all the fragments and astrariums, which took a lot of time. Therefore, I will add the next 5 videos to the same section and briefly, in a nutshell, describe the content of each.

New enemy Dragon Cubs. Solution of the first astrarium (Constellation Fervanis). Search for fragments. At the end of the video (about the 28th minute) I looked at the battle between the dragon and the troll. It is unclear whether this scenario was scripted, but later I did not find either a dragon or a troll here.

Closing the gap. Exploration of the area, opening of the second camp. Found the first part of the Gray Warden's Diary (16th minute). Bears... Where would we be without them? The second part of the Gray Warden's Diary was found (26th minute).

The opening of the third camp and the task “Holding the Storm Coast” is completed. I found an entrance in the farthest part of the map, but the door is closed and it is unknown how to open it. Completing the main quest of the location “Putting things in order.” Inquisition soldiers were sent to meet with a group of bandits on the Storm Coast, but contact with them was lost. At the 11th minute, the second astrarium found (Servani Constellation). At the 23rd minute the third astrarium (Constellation Bellitanus). There is a small catch in it, two stars are extra. Solving all the riddles with astrariums opens the entrance to a cave with useful artifacts on the map. In my case, it was the Dreamweaver's Staff, the Free March Banner Top and the unique bow "Red Crossing Bane". Most likely the loot drops randomly.

I continue to explore the location and complete the mission “Regions of the Storm Coast”. I am closing the most difficult gap. From time to time in the game you come across elven amulets that can be launched. Solas approves of this, but what their purpose is is not yet clear.

Well, the last episode about the Storm Coast. Nothing important here, I'm collecting the remaining hard-to-reach fragments.

Dealing with matters in the Vault

Having progressed far enough in the plot, I completely forgot about the tasks in the home location. All that remains is to talk with the pharmacist Adan, make armor and collect materials for weapons for the Inquisition.

A blacksmith has various interesting possibilities. For example, you can modify items, which will not only improve the characteristics of the product, but also change its appearance. Unfortunately, the upgrades themselves are so rare that I almost don’t have any.

It is also possible to craft weapons and armor. To do this, you need a sketch of the future item, as well as the components necessary for its manufacture. The quality of the component determines the characteristics and appearance. For example, I assembled an elf hood. This is a very simple sketch and only requires fabric (3 pieces for armor and 6 pieces for protection). But I have several types of fabrics in my inventory: glossy cotton, checkered fabric, brocade, semi-velvet, poyarok, thin velvet, cotton, silk. So, by combining the type of fabric, we get a variety of characteristics and even a different appearance.

Another useful person in the camp is the alchemist. He can improve existing potions (plus tinctures and bombs), as well as create new ones. As usual, you need a recipe and the required assortment of herbs. Using the new one, I created the Bottle of Bees bomb. I also wanted to improve the healing potion, but I didn’t have the dawn lotus in my inventory, which grows in the swamps.

At the end of the video, I return to the command headquarters and select the reconnaissance mission “Explore the fragments,” which opens up another interesting area - the “Forbidden Oasis.”

Forbidden oasis

The Forbidden Oasis is a small but very confusing location. If you plan to collect all the fragments here, you will need to study it thoroughly. Why pick up the pieces at all? Firstly, you will need 6 pieces to open the door to the local temple, and inside the temple there will be 3 more such doors. Behind each of these doors are 3 rooms. Inside the rooms are sarcophagi, opening which you receive protection points from a certain type of magic (spirit, fire and ice magic). And the rooms themselves are also separated from each other by magical doors. The deeper you go, the more complex the door, and the more fragments it will require.

The two videos above are only about collecting fragments and exploring the location. The temple will be in the video below. Between them there is also gameplay, which I did not record, because the essence is the same. Collecting fragments. In the end, just like on the Storm Coast, I collected and completed everything that was available. Even a side quest with a woman who asks to find a wedding ring in a cave. The problem here is that there are about 50 spiders in the cave, and they are not ordinary ones, but infected ones (more persistent and aggressive) and they attack in droves. The battle was of course epic, even my bombs with bees were used, but this episode is not on video.

It is difficult to give any advice on passing this location, because even after watching the video, you are unlikely to understand which path I took. Here, until you explore all the paths yourself, nothing will work out.

Brown Mire

The video begins with exactly the same Par’as spider cave that I wrote about above. As soon as it was already cleared, I returned the ring and in return received the key to the locked door. I return to the cave and open the door, inside is a box with useful goods.

After that, we open the door to the Temple of Pride with fragments, and then the process that I described. You can watch it on the video. In total, I managed to open two rooms in the direction of spirit magic and one each in ice and fire magic. At this point my reserves of fragments were depleted.

We finish the Forbidden Oasis and go without transfers to the Brown Mire. I opened the location a long time ago, but somehow I never had a chance to go. The story mission here is to rescue the soldiers of the Inquisition who were captured by the local Aboriginal accelerated Avvars.

Our main enemy here is the undead, a few demons, and also periodically those same aborigines. As the name suggests, the area is a swampy area. And if the enemy stands in the water, then magic and abilities will not affect him. Therefore, you need to move along special islands on which you need to light a curtain fire. The undead will crawl out to look at the magical light, and then we give a full cast.

Almost everything here consists of battles. There is a hut in the swamps, but you need a key to the door. I haven't found it yet. Thus, we reach a small fort. If you climb the wall, there is another locked door, but this time you don’t need a key, but the “Skilled Hands” skill, which I apparently don’t have. It is unknown where to get it from. I play as a robber class and among all the skills available for learning, I didn’t notice “Skilled Hands”.

A little more and we reached the Hargrave fortress, the citadel of the Avvars. The Aboriginal leader, Hand of Korg, awaits here. Apparently I exhausted him with endless resurrections. By the end of the video, the doomed boss is just running around and not even trying to hit anyone.

Well, the last video from the “second season” of Dragon Age Inquisition. We pick up the key from the killed leader and save the soldiers of the Inquisition. At the exit from the fortress, we recruit one of the Avvars into the Inquisition - Looking into the Sky. We can finish here. The rest of the time I just gain experience in battles in the swamp. There are many tough swamp fishermen here that drop Bronto skins. It would be nice to craft new armor from it.

Storm Coast

Operation cost on the Storm Coast: 4 influence points.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The territory is ruled by the blades of Hessarian, and the scouts of the Inquisition have disappeared. Most likely, mercenaries had a hand in this. Also, we need to find traces of the Gray Guardians who recently passed here.

Putting things in order

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

When you first visit this location, the scout will tell you about a group of mercenaries who occupied this shore. Also, she will tell about the missing intelligence officers of the Inquisition. Go to the place where the scouts were last seen. They will be in the house. We look at the map to find out the location of the camp and read the notes. We will have two options: we can simply enter the camp and kill everyone, or we can make a coat of arms of mercy and use it to challenge the leader of the mercenaries to a duel and take his place. To create a coat of arms you will need the skin of a deep hunter and two serpentines.

After collecting the items, go to the request table in any camp and create this amulet. Put it on and go to camp. There, defeat the mercenary captain with the hounds, and the blades of Hessarian will become agents of the Inquisition.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Guardians of the Coast

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

You will receive this task automatically. In fact, because of this task, you will need to open the Storm Coast. It is necessary to investigate traces of the presence of guards in this location. Go to the markers and use the pulsating search (V) to find items or the guard's diary. From the diaries it follows that the guards left here a long time ago. This will complete the task.

Hunting the Darkspawn

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The game will give you this task automatically after progressing through the story, when you find yourself in Skyhold. A task will appear on your strategy table on the Ferelden side Darkspawn Reports. Complete it and after that you will have the opportunity to complete this task. We need to deal with the increased activity of darkspawn on the Storm Coast. To complete this task you will need a mage.

Go to the Storm Coast and go to four markers to close the passage for the creatures of darkness. When all four tunnels are sealed, the mission will be completed.

Red waters

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

You will receive this task after completing the military task “Red Templars on the Storm Coast”, which is done on the strategy table. After that, you can go and go through the previously sealed door. Clear the cave and fight the boss at the end. After clearing the cave, the task will be completed.

By the way, from here, using a boat, you can get to the island with a level 19 dragon.

Brown Mire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Cost of the operation in the Brown Mire: 8 influence points.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The Avvars have captured our soldiers and will not release them until we personally report to their leader. The leader does not want a peaceful solution to the problem, so he will have to fight. Also be careful with the dead people that come out of the water when you step into it.

Lost Souls

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The leader of Avvarov does not want to talk, but wants to fight. Let's arrange it for him. We go to his camp, fighting off the dead along the way and completing other side quests in this location. On the way to their fortress, you will find a camp to house your agents, as well as one of the Avvar tribe named “Sky Watcher”. Open a rift next to it and kill the demons with it. This will impress him.

After the third beacon, we will finally meet ordinary Avvars as enemies. There will be a bunch of dead people near the castle. Ignore them, run to the castle, clear it and pull the lever to open the gate to the domain of the Avvar leader. There will also be a cache and some good things.

Go to the boss's lair. Kill his men and then switch to the boss. He hits hard in close combat and casts a barrier on himself. Throw a tank at him and put a barrier on him, and try to hit him with the most powerful skills you have. Cort's Hand is very vulnerable to electricity.

The boss will drop an excellent purple ax “Gift of the Mountain Father” and a key. We use the key to free our soldiers, but we are not in a hurry to leave here. At the exit from the camp, the Sky Looker will be waiting for us. After the conversation, you can make him an agent of the Inquisition.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Lighthouses in the dark

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is automatically activated when approaching the first beacon. You will need a mage in your party to do this task. Use the magician to light the fire and kill the dead with the demons. After activating the fourth beacon, the task will be completed.

Beyond the quagmire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is activated after you use the curtain fire near the lighthouse and examine the rune. You need to find the remaining three runes. They will also be near the remaining beacons. As a reward for learning all the runes, you will receive the Dead Man's Tears recipe.

Cunning demons

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The task is automatically activated after you read the book near the second lighthouse on the “Beacons in the Darkness” task. Somewhere in this location there is a dangerous magician named Vidris and we need to eliminate him. In order to find the magician, after the third lighthouse you will need not to climb the stairs, but to go into the stone fissure and there close the curtain with the demons. After that, go through another gap, turn right and go straight. You will come to the renegade camp. Kill him and the task will be completed. The renegade will have good armor for a mage, and there is something to profit from in the camp.


Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This task is located northwest of the fourth lighthouse. It activates after you try to open the door. Search for the key using pulse search. Having found the key, unlock the door, kill the ghost and take all the things from the house.

Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Cost of operation on the sacred plain: 8 influence points. You can access this location when you move to Skyhold.

We will be provided with a report upon arrival. The Dalish and the free folk fight among each other, and somewhere in the middle the dead roam. We need to help the imperial army strengthen its position in this location.

Dead men in the west

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

We need to explore the western fortifications and find the source of the appearance of the dead in the west. Free citizens may be involved in this. Near the ruined village we will meet an Orlesian army soldier who will ask for news about the Civil War (your answer depends on whether you figured out the conspiracy in the Winter Palace or not). He will tell you about the dead and the whole situation in this location.

We need to set fire to the northern and southern pits to stop the dead. We clear the guards near the pits, remove the barrier and set it on fire. After this, blow the signal horn so that the people of the Inquisition occupy this point and defend it in the future. We return to the corporal and get advice. You need to visit Fort Revasan. The task ends here.

Another story

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

After dealing with the dead in the mission “Dead in the West,” go to Fort Resavan to negotiate with Marshal Gaspar. There will be demons near the fort. Help the defender fight back and talk to Marshal Proulx.

Tell him about the situation in the Civil War, help recapture the River Fort and close all the curtains so that they don’t have problems with demons, and then set fire to the remaining pits with corpses and blow the horn so that the marshal’s fighters build fortifications.

There will be no more demons near the eastern pit, but the Tevinter henchmen of Corypheus, led by Gordian. Defeat them, set fire to the pit with corpses and blow the horn so that the marshal's soldiers build fortifications.

Familiar ring

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

When clearing the next two pits, an exclamation mark will appear on your map. Jump into the trenches and break open the door. There will be a wounded Chevalier who, before dying, will ask you to take the ring to Commander Jehan.

To complete this task, you need to restore the Pont-Agyur bridge using the command table for 5 influence points, and then clear the citadel from demons and the dead.

For the empire

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

After restoring the bridge during the quest “The Familiar Ring,” you need to visit Selina’s troops, who have been cut off from the rest of the world for so long, and at the same time burn two pits with corpses on the way to the du Corbeau citadel.

Demons and the dead are running all over the citadel. We make our way through them to the main gate and use the switch to open it. There will be a guard behind the iron gates who will let us through after a short dialogue. Commander Jehan will be inside. We accept gratitude and tell her the latest news in the world.

Supply shortage

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Commander Jehan in the stronghold of Selina's supporters will complain about the lack of supplies. We need to find 10 supply crates and mark them so her soldiers can pick them up.

Right to mourn

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Sergeant Meursault at the fort of Gaspard's supporters will ask you to find 7 soldiers' letters so that they can be sent to the families for mourning. The letters will be in different places. For the most part, they will be near the Inquisition camps.

Father's instructions

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

A note from father to son will be located in one of the destroyed houses, not far from the place where you burned the nests of the undead on the assignment “Dead in the West”. Go to the place indicated in the note and take everything from the chest under the tree.

Dalish Perspective

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

On the way to the first veil, near Halinsulan you will meet two Dalish men who will help us fight off the dead. After this, one of them will ask you to come to their camp and tell them that the passage has become safe. It makes sense to visit the Dalish, since they know the area well and this may be useful to the Inquisition if we can win their trust. Upon arrival at the camp, the task will be automatically completed. If you tell about the hunter, you will receive +1 to the Dalish disposition.

Dalish Condescension

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

The Dalish elf clan is very skeptical of us and our Inquisition, despite its strength. You need to gain the favor of the elves. Complete all tasks in the camp and you will receive their favor. As a sign of gratitude for our services to the clan, the Guardian will allow an elf named Laurenil to serve in the Inquisition.

Equipped camp

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

At the Dalish camp, talk to Nissa and offer to help. She will talk about the lack of supplies. We look into the accounting book and find out what is missing. After that, we put the necessary ingredients in the chest next to it. To complete this task we will need: five measures of spindles, ten elven roots, ten pieces of dog skin, five pieces of iron and three large bear skins. The grass can be picked and is nearby; iron is also in this location; leather is obtained from wolves; and skins from bears. For completing this task we receive +8 to the Dalish disposition.

Golden Gala

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Hunter Ichiren will ask you to find a golden galla. We go down from the camp and find her. She will run away from you, just follow her to the camp, protecting her from wolves and soldiers along the way. After you bring the galla, go to the hunter for your reward. As a reward you will receive +3 to Dalish favor.

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

There will be graves on the grounds of Val Bellanaris. You need to break them and find three key fragments. Be careful, a demon will crawl out of every destroyed grave. Having collected the key, go to the grotto door and open it. Inside there will be a couple of blue things and a mosaic fragment. Upon entering the grotto, the task will automatically complete. But there will be a price to pay for this. Keeper Haven will tell us that we were being followed and for this we will receive -2 to the Dalish disposition.

Got someone to lose

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This quest will become available after completing the quest: “From the Underworld.” An elf named Emalien will be in the Dalish camp and will ask you to find her brother, who thinks that he is being neglected. The young man, or rather his body, will be not far from the place where you burned the nests of the dead on the assignment “Deads in the West”. Now you will need to find the amulet to show it to the keeper. He will be in the first temple on the mission “Scattered Signs”. We return to his sister, tell him the sad news and give him the amulet. For this task we get +2 to the Dalish disposition.

Scattered signs

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

This quest will become available after completing the quest: “From the Underworld.” The guardian will tell you about strange signs and a temple not far from the camp. You need to go there and explore. There will be free soldiers inside. We kill them and destroy the magical barrier. Behind the barrier there will be a body with purple armor and the Lindirane talisman (needed for the task “There is someone to lose.” We light the curtain fire and examine the sign on the wall. We find out that there are three more such signs in other temples. In place of each sign there will be a curtain fire with which it will be possible to examine the sign and put everything into the overall picture. The law of this task: if there is a curtain fire nearby, then the sign is nearby.

After finding all the signs, go to the command headquarters and study them for 5 influence points. Ultimately, these signs will lead to the forgotten temple of Dirthamen.

God of secrets

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Completing additional quests in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Storm Coast, Brown Mire, and Sacred Plain

Important: for this task you must have a robber and a mage in your squad. Otherwise, you will not be able to get some things when completing the task.

This task will be given automatically after studying the signs from the “Scattered Signs” task. You need to explore this forgotten temple of Dirthamen. There will be very few dead in the temple until you start collecting ingredients for the altar. First you need to get a curtain fire. We open the door and take the first ingredient from the altar and fight off the awakened dead. One of them will have a decorated elven key, which will be useful to us later. Also, you will need to consider 7 curtain fire runes. They're in the same place as the ingredients we need, so don't miss them. Remember we found the key? We go to the gate on the right side and use the key. To get to the last ingredient you need to pull three levers: on the left side of the Sanctuary; at the end of the hall, which is opened with the key, the last one will need to pull the lever, which will be at the very beginning of the hall, which is opened with the key. Having collected all the ingredients, go to the altar and place them on the pedestals. Call the Elder and the servants. Kill them, go to the Oracle's hall and take everything from the chest. This will complete the task.

Computer game in the RPG genre, the third part of the series Dragon Age, was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher is Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the platforms Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One. After the events of the first part, the world Thedasa plunges into the abyss of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, unusual rifts are opening up in different parts of the world, allowing demons to enter Thedas. The main character receives a mark and after closing several faults in Temple of the Sacred Ashes receives leadership of the Inquisition to eradicate the chaos that has arisen.

Brown bog

A detachment of the Inquisition was captured by a local tribe Avvar who require a meeting with Herald Andraste. Otherwise, the soldiers will be killed. We form a squad and go to a new location. In addition to the aggressive tribe of mountaineers, in the swamps you will have to fight the living dead (and they will appear if the main characters touch the water). The corpses are weak and numerous, and you will also encounter neutral representatives of the local fauna.

Breaks in the quagmire

After creating a camp near Fisherman's Reach, scouts will report the presence of several ruptures in this area. The main character and his squad must suppress the resistance of demons and close shadow portals. Near one of the gaps, the Herald will meet with a large mountaineer(Looking at the Sky), who, despite the leader’s desire to destroy the main character, will help in eliminating the demons.

Applications for elixir

The Inquisition needs a cure to protect against a mysterious disease, the main characters must obtain materials for research ( affected tissue can be picked up from corpses that float in the swamps).

Beyond the quagmire

At every lighthouse (Task Lighthouses in the dark) there is an inscription that can only be seen when using curtain fire. The ancient records are a cipher, you need to find all the beacons and gain access to other parts of the cipher. The collected records together form a very dangerous cipher poison.

Lighthouses in the dark

There are several swamps lighthouses, the activation of which will allow you to drive away the darkness. After use curtain fire, the main characters will have to withstand the attack of demons (and if the demons are destroyed immediately, the undead will die themselves).

Cunning demons

Near one of the lighthouses lies a diary of someone Vidrisa, the content of which indicates that the NPC has come into contact with demons and is therefore very dangerous. We move towards the target mark (in the area of ​​the foggy grove, not far from the gap) and find a renegade camp (you need to go through the swamps).

We clear the area (destroy the apostate and summoned demons) and activate the elven artifact.


In the area of ​​the weeping spiers there is a locked hut, key is located behind a small boulder next to the building. We open the door and engage in battle with the ghost, clear the area and complete the task.

Lost Souls

Your task is to find captured Inquisition soldiers. We move towards the target mark and break through to the abandoned Hargrave Fortress(the undead will walk endlessly, it is better to leave the battle and run into the castle courtyard).

We climb the fortress wall and close the outer gate (it’s worth paying attention to the small potions box). Next, we move to the camp of the leader of the Avvars and engage in battle with the leader ( Hand of Kort vulnerable only to electricity).

Next, we release the captured soldiers and complete the task (several rare items can be found in the room). After defeating the Hand of Cort, the protagonists are greeted by the Skygazer as they leave the camp; the highlander can join the Inquisition as an agent.

Artifact Claims

A wealthy noble asks the Inquisition to search for ancient artifacts in Hargrave Fortress. Medallion And folio can be picked up from the body of an Avvar infantryman near the outer gate of the castle.

In memory of the guards

Blackwall is interested in the artifacts of the Gray Wardens that may have remained at the old camps. At the location of the Brown Mire there are two destroyed order camps in the fortress Hargrave.

This article is part of the series Walkthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: dragon age inquisition, inquisition, herald, mark, rifts, cassandra pentagast, solas, varrick, leliana, artifact claims, lost souls, highlanders, avvars, hargrave, hand of court, fever, hut, key, cunning demons, vidris , camp, beacons in the darkness, behind the bog, gaps in the bog, looking at the sky, brown bog

To unlock this area, you need to complete the "Rescue Fereldan Soldiers" mission on your War Operations table. This will cost 8 influence points.
Brown Mire is different from other maps in that if you try to walk on land, you can avoid most of the routine battles. The main enemies here are the dead and drowned, and they usually come to the surface when you enter the water.

Lost Souls

The quest is a continuation of the mission “Rescue the Fereldan Soldiers”, which opened this map for you. You found out that the Avvar leader, who captured the soldiers, wants to meet with the Herald of Andraste in person. On the way to the Avvar camp, you can find a letter (it is located right on the territory of the camp that you can set up - not the very first one, with Harding, but the one you set up yourself), from which it will become clear to you that the leader's goal is to eliminate the Herald Andraste - that is, you - as a sacrifice to their pagan gods. However, after talking with Harding when entering the camp, you probably already suspected this.

However, if you want to free the hostages, you will still have to meet with the Avvar leader. Go to the Hargrave fortress, fight your way through the walking dead at the gate (or you can just run past them into the fortress, as your comrades will advise), go up the stairs and turn the lever, which will open the gate for you to the next part of the Avvar camp, where, in fact, and there is a leader with the impressive name of Hand of Cort. He won’t talk to you much, but will immediately rush into battle. And not alone, but with assistants.

The assistants do not deserve special attention, but the Hand of Kort is a fairly impressive level 11 mini-boss, capable of inflicting considerable damage with his two-handed axe. After you deal with him, he will leave this unique ax as your inheritance. Defeating him will also unlock a new mission for your War Operations table: Master the Road Through the Frosty Mountains.

Another result of your victory over the leader will be the appearance of Skygazer - a peaceful Avvar, whom you most likely already met at one of the Rifts while walking towards the fortress. Impressed by your talents, he will offer to hire you for the Inquisition. If you agree, you will receive an agent for Josephine.

Don't forget to free the captured soldiers by using the key from the Avvar leader's body to complete the quest.

If Cole is already in your squad, then releasing the soldiers will give you approval with him.

Lighthouses in the Dark

The quest is given automatically when you approach one of the lighthouses.
Use the Curtain Fire to light all the beacons in the Mire. To complete this task you will need a magician, since only he can light such a fire. In the Mire, there are monuments scattered across four hills where you can light a curtain fire. Be careful - lighting a beacon immediately attracts a group of demons and walking dead who have a bad habit of walking around your group from different directions.

After you light the beacon and fight off your opponents, this place will begin to serve as a fast travel point. The quest ends when you light all four beacons.

Beyond the Mire

Find all four Veilfire runes. This quest is closely related to the previous one, since all the runes are located next to the beacons on the same monuments. You can only activate runes if you have a torch with a curtain fire in your hand. The quest is given automatically after you examine one of the four runes with the Veil Fire torch in hand. In addition to the usual increase in influence and experience, at the end of the quest you will receive a recipe for a poison potion for your weapon - Dead Man's Tears.

Cunning Demons

From the diary found near the second lighthouse in the Mire, we can conclude that somewhere in the swamps there is a dangerous renegade named Vidris. The quest arrow points to a place north of Hargrave Fortress, at one of the Rifts (and landmarks), but the renegade is a little off there. If you stand on the hill where the Rip used to be, there will be a passage in the rocks almost directly west of it, which can sometimes be difficult to see. Go there and go north along the river. Unfortunately, you will have to enter the water to do this and deal with several dead people on the way to the goal.

Vidris will attack you as soon as he sees you. It is impossible to reach a peaceful agreement with him. He will cast a barrier on himself and summon several Shadows to help. Once you defeat him, this will complete this quest.

In Vidris's camp you will find one of the elven artifacts, the activation of which will give you partial approval from Solas.


Find a way to get into the locked hut. The hut is located north and slightly west of the Avvar fortress. The quest is given automatically after you discover her.
A very short quest. The key to the hut lies nearby - you just need to activate the search function to find it. Enter the hut, defeat the ghost, and this will complete this quest.

Rips in the Quagmire

Close the two Rips in the Quagmire.

Holding the Mire

Set up a second camp in the Mire. Since the area is quite small compared to other maps, you only need to find one in addition to your first camp.

Landmarks in Tryasina

Find all 4 landmarks in Mire.

Regions of the Quagmire

Visit all 8 regions of the Mire.