Detailed guide with walkthrough. How to complete the holiday event and defeat Rubick? Detailed guide with walkthrough: How to complete a campaign in Dota 2

Company Valve announced her appearance in the story campaign. The first part of the story that the developers have prepared for their fans will appear in May.

As the site learned, they decided to divide the story campaign into two acts. The first of them will appear towards the end of May, and the second - in July. Valve promises players to go on a journey through various locations of the Dark Reef, inhabited by ugly monsters and deadly traps. The campaign can be played in a team of up to 4 people with your friends or with random players.

The dark reef serves as a kind of underwater prison for the most terrible creatures. For each session in the story campaign, players will be awarded experience, points of which can be exchanged for turns on the reward wheel. The story campaign will be available as part of The International's Battle Pass, which costs around $10. In addition to the campaign, a number of other rewards will be available to players, and 25% of sales will go towards forming the tournament prize fund. It is worth noting that in less than 24 hours the players collected more than $3 million in prize money.

In addition to the campaign, Battle Pass owners will also have access to new team quests in the form of various challenges, as well as new cosmetic items, character emotes, a set of music tracks, cursors and other bonuses. According to the website, the tournament itself this year will be held in Seattle from August 7 to 12. Qualifying games will begin at the end of June this year.

It was only a matter of time before a sequel to the most popular mod for one of the Warcraft III maps appeared. On July 9, 2013, developer IceFrog, on behalf of Valve Corporation, officially announced the launch of DOTA 2. It immediately received the “People's Choice Award” from IGN, beating Skyrim and Diablo III. Even before its release, the game became an e-sports discipline and even received unofficial (!) Russification by professional actors - a rather rare case.

More than a hundred thousand people spend time playing this game every day, and its popularity is only growing. We on the site could talk about DOTA 2 endlessly, but we don’t want to take a long break from the game. :) And what can I say? She is unique. What other team strategy game gives the player access to hundreds of full-fledged characters with their own special set of skills? What kind of game would risk scaring off impatient newcomers with complex gameplay mechanics, while being confident that it will still remain a leading position in the gaming industry?

In DOTA 2, they don’t try to hold you back with special effects, although it happens that their abundance turns the picture on the monitor into a boiling mess. In DOTA 2, you are attracted, first of all, by tactics, interaction with allies and your own ability to build a defense and carry out an offensive. The ability to make joint decisions, by the way, is facilitated by communication via an audio headset or chat. Unfortunately, the lack of censorship has long become a kind of Dota brand and nothing can be done about it. DOTA 2 is not just a MOBA. This includes PvP, PvE, strategy, role-playing game, various modes, detailed maps, and the ability to independently design the necessary artifacts using the WorkShop section on Steam.

"DOTA 2" was developed on a new and optimized engine, so it will work on any more or less modern computer. Don't forget that this is a purely team game, but it's worth it. It’s worth spending time adapting to interacting with a wide variety of people on the planet who are joining the game’s huge army of fans.

Dota began its long journey with a custom map for Warcraft 3, and becoming a real phenomenon, it began to wash over many players, uniting them into a powerful community. This was, of course, facilitated by the popularity of the Warcraft strategy itself and its free level editor, which at that time gave truly limitless possibilities in terms of writing game scripts and creating new game maps, which provided some basis for the growth of the popularity of Dota 2. Thus, the first Dota map was born back in 2003, and over the course of a couple of years many of its variations were created, but the most popular of them became Dota Allstars, which was developed by IceFrog since 2005.

When did Dota 2 appear?

For a long time, Blizzard did not respond to requests from the Dotera community to support the game, since, apparently, it considered it not important enough or not serious. But the game was noticed, and it was Valve. Having hired Dota creator IceFrog as a member of their staff, they jointly On October 13, 2010, the release of the new Dota 2 game was announced, which many immediately refused to believe. In their opinion, a large company thinks only about profit, and can only ruin the spirit of the game, but Dota 2 had a different fate...

August 15, 2011 The official trailer for the game was published, and the very next day the acceptance of applications for closed beta testing of the project began, and the game was launched to the masses. The next two years for Dota will be marked by searching and waiting for the coveted keys to access the game, but by the end of 2012, the active gaming community of Dota 2 amounted to about 3 (!) million players around the world, except for China, where the law did not allow the game to be distributed so easily , where there was at least some hint of violence and so on.

July 9, 2013 after a long closed beta, the game was finally released, official release took place.

The number of active players continues to grow steadily, and by this time more than 9 million people play Dota 2 every month. But the story of Dota does not end there, and many more interesting things await us. Stay on the Doter wave! 🙂

The festive event “Winter's Haven” will undoubtedly be remembered by players for its complexity, in which you need to protect an ancient tree from waves of opponents, and in the end defeat the great wizard Rubik. The most inquisitive players have already managed to cope with Rubik and his minions. What heroes, builds and strategy were needed to win?

The event takes place on a special map with four approaches to the Ancient Tree. Players are helped in defense by towers - one on the line and three more on the high ground. Participants can also restore health and mana through several shrines. With the start of a new wave, all buildings are completely restored, as are fallen heroes who were not resurrected by teammates.

Advice: try not to lose too many towers, each standing tower brings extra gold at the end of the round.

In each round, the base is attacked by different enemies with special abilities. Fallen enemies drop bags of gold and flasks of life and mana.

Advice: It's important to pick up as many bags of gold as possible, plan your cleanup wisely

It is almost impossible to get to Rubik and defeat him without using special consumables:
1) Snowball stuns the enemy and deals 400 damage to him. magic damage
2) The snowman provokes nearby enemies for 2 seconds
3) Decorations turn the tree into a caster, it deals damage to nearby enemies in a small area
4) Fireworks provide vision in the selected area for 10 seconds, deal damage and blind

Advice: To facilitate the passage, each member of the group must have a supply of consumables; Snowmen are considered especially effective

Waves of monsters

The first wave can be completed with any set of heroes; it is rightfully considered the easiest. The only danger can be posed by large concentrations of Cone Leaders; they have a chance of a critical attack and can throw off a heavy poke.

With the second wave, players will be attacked by numerous Walrus Infantry and Walrus Sorcerers, capable of summoning a Walrus Tombstone (Tomb). The wave is also considered easy, the most important thing is to focus the Tomba. №3

The third wave consists of Eidolons and Jakiros. Double-headed dragons cast Ice Path and immediately after it Macropyre (if not on cooldown), it is advisable to dodge both abilities and then clear the monsters. The Eidolons still have the same mechanics, after a few hits they become more numerous, don’t let them multiply!


With the fourth wave will come baby Morzhogras, who do not pose any threat, and extremely unpleasant Sullen Walruses, the latter, after a short cast, rush at the Heroes, stunning and causing damage. Don’t try to run away from the Gloomy in a straight line, “beat” them with a dash and step aside, after which you can deal with them without much effort. Don’t forget: death is not an obstacle for Morzhogre, who is ready to charge; he can stun and hit hard even with his corpse.


Everyone loves the fifth round, here you need to ride a penguin and collect gold, beautiful! Try to knock down as many snow piñatas as possible and hunt for the Gingerbread Roshans, they drop a lot more gold.


The sixth wave is perhaps the last of the relatively “easy” ones, in which players will have to meet with the Hell Genie who casts a lake of fire, Dooms who cast Doom, and the Damned extras. The greatest danger is posed by Dooms; if you are close to them, you will be cursed; if it reaches the value of 10, then you will get Doom, although it is not long, but extremely unpleasant. Well, don’t stand in lakes of fire, otherwise you’ll burn.


The seventh wave saw the death of many novice players. You will be attacked by 3 types of spiders: Small, Medium and Huge, when Medium or Huge go to their forefathers, a huge brood hatches from them, capable of erasing any hero in a split second. You need to approach clearing this wave wisely: always run back when killing the next Medium or Huge spider, if possible, do not finish them off with melee units and do not kill too many Medium and Huge ones at the same time, you will simply be bombarded with caps.


Without knowledge of the mechanics of this wave, almost any group is doomed to failure. You will be attacked by Extra Wolves and extremely dangerous Specters with Blade Mail, when activated, all damage included in the Specter is returned back in the form of waves. Thus, the unlucky Huskar, who bit into Spectra at the wrong time, can destroy his entire team. In general, the wave is not difficult and, if you know the mechanics, you can do it with a bang.


On the ninth wave, consumables will come in handy. Snowmen can be used to provoke Kobolds, so they will not have time to use Time Walk and heal from the damage received. You have to keep your ears open with the Tuskars; they can throw Gigantic snowballs, which cause significant damage, and also throw them at your rear or under those same snowballs with the help of an Aghanim Poke. The main thing here is not to get confused and carefully monitor what is happening; concentration and attentiveness are your weapons.


The tenth wave is designed to once again make the players rich; in this round you will have to chase the Gingerbread Roshans, but now they will not give up the gold just like that, they need to be seriously spoiled before they “swell” and give away the gold. In this round, a large amount of control will help you, otherwise the Roshans will run away from you. You can earn over 7 thousand gold.


The next wave is extremely unpleasant, you are attacked by Ghosts, Apparitions capable of freezing you to the ground, and the last to appear are Titans. Titans are extremely dangerous, they use a rift across the entire map and often you can’t even see them, but you have already felt the full brunt of the rift, look at the ground and run away from suspicious cracks! Titans will also stun nearby players and prevent allies from being resurrected; you simply won’t have time to do it. Snowmen and well-coordinated teamwork will help here, provoke the Titans and concentrate attacks.


The twelfth, one of the most difficult waves. Tiny Giants throw Little Teenies at players, if you stay at the base you will be shot from afar, so the best strategy in this round is to leave two or three players to retake the base and form a vanguard of two or three heroes who will come out of the base and destroy the Giants on their spawn Giants miss players when standing close, use this.


In this round, players will be attacked by Statistic Spirits, Zeus, casting Lightning Bolt for 600+ damage and extremely dangerous Storms with 6 slots, they fly all over the map, causing a lot of damage from abilities and items. It is very important not to fall into a trap when you are fighting with the Zeus and the Storm flies in and pulls you in, the gigantic amount of burst damage leaves almost no hero a chance of survival. Storms are perfectly slammed by magical damage, they have no resistance to magic, but protection from physical damage is 79%. Use artifacts for survival in a timely manner and try not to drop your health below half.


In the penultimate round, players will be attacked by Small and Large Arc Wardens, the small ones have Maelstorm, and the large ones have Lotus Orb and Linken Sphere. The larger ones are also great at smacking a lot of magic damage, they have three abilities: Magnetic Field (works exactly like Arc Warden), Fireball Ray Gun - launches several orbs (like Puck) at opponents and the most dangerous ability - Fireball Machine Gun. she launches hundreds of small balls that can incinerate any hero. The most important thing is not to approach the Great Arc Varden at the moment of casting the Fireball Machine Gun and hide behind the shrines and towers from the balls, they will not penetrate them. Use the time when the ability is on cooldown (12 seconds from the end of the cast), become Big Arc Wardens with your abilities, Snowballs and Snowmen, and try not to expose yourself to the ubiquitous balls.

No. 15 Final

In the last wave, the players will be attacked by the Golems of the Great Mage, they are weak and do not pose a threat, after their destruction Rubik will appear, but it is extremely difficult to defeat him. Rubik has 86% resistance to physical damage and 15% resistance to magic, 125,000 health, infinite mana and extremely fast cooldown of abilities, he can steal your abilities and has an unbreakable Blink, it is difficult to catch him and lock him in one place. Rubik has several phases, he goes into the second, when he loses about a quarter of his lives, begins to fly around the map and summon crowds of various creatures, throwing them at the players. In the next phase (less than a third of his lives), Rubik often flies away from players, becomes invulnerable and throws many meteorite cubes that cause great damage; in this phase you need to concentrate on dodging the cubes. In the next phase (less than half life) Rubik throws a lot of Meteor (like Invoker) or Mystic Flare (Skymage) at the players. In the last phase (less than a third of his lives), Rubik goes berserk and uses dozens of abilities at once and summons hordes of monsters. Among the abilities used are all the abilities of your heroes, Kunka's Ships, Invoker's Meteors, Ultimate Tsmki and Skymage's Mystic Flare. The most important thing is to finish up your skills, not pour a ton of damage into the summoned Spectres, keep cool and systematically reduce the health of the Great Mage to zero, not forgetting to use items for survival and damage.

Heroes, builds and walkthroughs

There is an opinion that it is much easier to defeat Rubik using magical damage, but magical procasters are not able to reach the Great Mage without the help of good allies relying on a spear and a club, so the truth, as usual, is somewhere in the middle. Most of the groups that defeated Rubik included and, here are some of them:

This group used magic damage, 3 players bought Dagon, they destroyed Rubik under the astral plane and Veil of Discord. The magicians were not stopped by Kaya, and the fighters bought Mjolnir.
collected artifacts for the team: Pipe, Crimson, Greaves and Vladmir.
