Which branch in tanks is best to develop? Choosing a nation in WOT - tanks that beginners should download

Upon registration, newcomers to the World of Tanks receive 7 first-level tanks, including 6 light tanks and one medium tank British made. And, undoubtedly, every player asks the question: which branch to download in World of Tanks? After all, there are about three hundred tanks in the game, which can take years to upgrade.

Of course, you can invest considerable sums in the game to speed up the pumping of tanks. But it’s much easier to initially choose your favorite vehicle class and upgrade tanks from the corresponding branches. Determining which class of tank is right for you is quite simple. Just download test client during testing and ride top-end equipment of various classes.

In fact, the game has 7 “trees” of tank development - seven nations. The USSR and Germany were the first to appear in the game, then American, French, British and Chinese tanks were gradually introduced into the game. The last to appear in the game were 13 Japanese samurai with the top-end medium tank STB-1, which was later nicknamed “Leopatton”.

Each tree/nation has several branches. The most voluminous “trees” are in the USSR, Germany and the USA. They each have several branches of one-class tanks (2 branches of tank destroyers, ST and TT in the USSR and Germany).

So, let's figure out which branch to download in WoT. The first step is to analyze the classes of existing equipment. World of Tanks features 5 classes of combat vehicles: LT, ST, TT, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns. Tank destroyers and anti-tank self-propelled guns combined into one tank destroyer class.

Light combat vehicles

LT (light tanks) – combat vehicles with light armor, good dynamic characteristics, the main purpose of which in battle is to reconnaissance of enemy positions and, if possible, destroy enemy artillery. The game currently features light tanks in all nations up to level 8 (AMX 1390, WZ-132). Once this class tanks were one of the most popular, but with the disappearance of art after artonerf, there were fewer light tanks in battles.

All light tanks can be divided into 3 categories:

  • low-level LT, level 2-4, the most popular representative is Pz. I C;
  • mid-level LT, level 5-6, popular representatives of the class - M24 Chaffee, MT-25, ELC AMX;
  • high-level LT, level 7-8, among which there are not many vehicles - T71, WZ-131/132, AMX 1375/1390.

As a rule, light tanks have weak guns and cardboard armor. But there are exceptions among them. For example, all French light tanks of the pre-war period are distinguished by thick armor and low speed (AMX 38/40), and the top French AMX 1390 is equipped with a 6-shot drum-type gun, which can upset even heavy tanks.

For a light tank, in addition to dynamic characteristics, the visibility and range of the radio station are important. Without good review and the radiators will not be able to “shine” normally. This class has a bonus in the form of the same camouflage, both in motion and in a stationary state.

If you love dynamic battles, carousels and want a lot of fun, then this class of equipment is for you. But be prepared for the fact that everyone will pierce you, and the chances of surviving the battle will be minimal.

Medium combat vehicles

MT (medium tanks) is the only class of military equipment that is present in all “trees” at the top levels. Almost all tanks in service with most countries are medium tanks. For example, in Russia the T72/80/90 tanks are assigned the “main” type.

Important goals of a medium tank in battle are supporting allies, committing sabotage behind enemy lines, and destroying artillery. The medium tank has absolutely everything to become a versatile vehicle in battle. So, top cars Level 10 have good dynamic characteristics, killer weapons and strong towers. Typically, the hulls of medium tanks have weak armor in order to reduce weight and improve dynamic characteristics. But even among st-sheks there are exceptions. For example, the Japanese misunderstanding Chi-Ri - volumes like a heavy tank, armor like a light one.

The German top-end E50M, on the contrary, will be the envy of any woman. The German's armor is not inferior to that of level 8-9 heavy armor. The classic medium tanks in the game are Soviet medium tanks, which are almost identical in characteristics: T62A, Ob. 140, Vol. 430. As for French medium tanks, the Tier 10 Batchat is rather an enlarged version of the AMX 1390. The dynamics of the tank, a gun with high alpha and damage from the drum, cardboard armor - this is how the popular medium can be described in a few words tank B-C 25t. As for STs of other nations, they are not as popular as the Soviet T62A or Batchat.

All nations, unlike other branches, have a branch of medium tanks. The Japanese still have only one branch of ST. If you prefer active battles, but at the same time rely a little on armor and are ready to fight with heavy tanks, then this class of equipment is created for you.

Heavy combat vehicles

TT (heavy tanks) are, as a rule, well-armored, slow-moving tanks with heavy weight and powerful guns, the main purpose of which is to push through flanks and certain directions. But, as in all classes, there are also exceptions among heavyweights. For example, French heavyweights are poorly armored, but this is compensated by excellent dynamics. Classic representatives of heavy tanks are the E100 and Maus, IS-7 and IS-4.

The first heavies at the player’s disposal can appear already at level 4: German DW2, French B1. There are no heavy tanks below level 4 yet. Moreover, the cords of each nation are fundamentally different from their classmates from another nation. For example, Soviet heavy armor has excellent ricochet armor, good dynamics, and a damaging but crooked gun. You won't be able to shoot from afar with such a weapon. The Germans, in turn, are distinguished by heavy armor, clumsiness and accurate guns.

American tanks are characterized by the dynamics of medium tanks, low maximum speed and special armor: all American tanks are well protected from the front, but the rear and sides of the hull/turret are poorly armored. At the same time, the amers have moderately accurate and fast-firing guns. The French have cardboard armor in any projection, but drum guns make them deadly weapon in any single fight.

The Chinese 113 is similar to the Soviet heavy tanks, and the Japanese do not yet have heavy tanks at all. As for the top heavy Briton, playing it requires certain skills and experience, due to the rather weak armor and the rear location of the turret.

The heavy class of combat vehicles is created for you if:

  • you rely on armor in battle;
  • good weapons with high alpha and armor penetration are important to you;
  • you are in no hurry.

But remember that heavy tanks are “adored” by artillery and tank destroyers and they are destroyed by the enemy first.

Anti-tank self-propelled guns

PT-SAUs (anti-tank self-propelled artillery units) are combat vehicles with massive frontal armor, good camouflage and penetrating guns. As a rule, the alpha of top tank destroyers is above 750 units, and the accuracy of their guns is the best in the game. These vehicles are designed to destroy heavy tanks at a distance. Tank destroyers have the highest camouflage coefficients and a low silhouette. Almost all pt-sheks do not have a rotating turret. Only one branch differs from all others American tank destroyers with rotating turrets (from T49 to T110E4) and several German units of level 8-10.

As mentioned above, tank destroyers have the most powerful weapons. Just look at the British FV215 (183) with an alpha of 1750 damage with a gold landmine or the JdPzE100 with an average one-time gun damage of 1050 units. But due to the lack of a rotating turret, most pt-sheks are quite difficult to play. If the caterpillar is shot down, the tank destroyer becomes helpless, since there is no way to deploy the turret. Most newcomers to tank destroyers die from the muzzles of medium and light tanks. All combat vehicles of the tank destroyer class can be divided into two groups:

  • Assault-type PT-ships – Tortoise, JdPzE100, Ob.268, Foch 155, T95, T110E3;
  • "bush" type tank destroyer - WT E100, FV215 (183).

Do you prefer to sniper destroy the enemy from a distance and do not want to hear the answer “Didn’t penetrate”? Pt-shki are created for you!

Self-propelled art. installations

Self-propelled guns (self-propelled guns, artillery, artillery) are the only class of tanks in the game that can fire in a special artillery mode at a distance. Almost all self-propelled guns in the game are lightly armored, have a fixed wheelhouse, like a tank destroyer, and weak acceleration dynamics. But for every criterion there is an exception:

  • the game has several artillery with fully rotating turrets (SU-26, Bat.-Chatillon 155 55/58, Birch Gun);
  • some self-propelled guns are armored no worse than heavy tanks (Conqueror Gun Carriage);
  • The French art has excellent dynamic characteristics, but the laurels of the winner in the category “fastest art” went to the British little FV304 with maximum speed at 72 km/h.

In WoT there is only 5 art of level 10. The Chinese and Japanese do not yet have artillery.

Hello, dear friends. IN world of online games all kinds of simulators have long occupied a significant place, but, perhaps, no simulator of driving a car, train, plane or ship can compare with a tank simulator. Because it’s one thing to just plow roads, seas or clouds, and quite another thing to also take some serious hits. Our thoughts today are intended to establish the best tank in World of Tanks, since it was this brainchild of Belarusian developers that received the most attention and love from fans of online toys: there are more than a million subscribers in RuNet alone.

From this article you will learn:

Where to run, what to look at?

“World of Tanks” is a whole world because the number of models in the game is slightly less than five hundred. In other words, the question of choice can confuse an experienced player, and a beginner can even lose consciousness for several days. It’s good that there is such an invention of mankind as classification, and equipment in WoT is grouped, firstly, by nations (Soviet, German, British, American, French, Chinese and Japanese), and secondly, by type of weapons and armor (light, medium, heavy, tank destroyers and self-propelled guns). You can also divide all the tanks available in the game according to the method the player receives them into regular (which are purchased for game currency), premium (here, of course, without investing real money indispensable) and gift or promotional ( free tanks, are given for completing certain tasks or participating in promotions).

The question about the “best” tank is, perhaps, incorrect - tanks are still different types, and arguing about what is better to play on - heavy or PT - is the same as comparing a table with a cabinet. Different models are designed for different tasks, so we will look at several machines that can be considered the best in their group.

What to strive for?

It's easy to say that development should be based on the player's preferences. Which, in general, is quite logical - some people like to act as a “firefly”, others like to sit in ambush. But you can also shine and hide in different ways, so the question of which tank to buy so as not to be disappointed in the future is a very personal question. Of course, you can read guides (which is absolutely necessary if you don’t want to constantly lose), but in order to choose the right development branch, you must first decide what you want to get in the end. Therefore, we will start from the end and do short review the most popular and effective level 10 tanks.

Heavy tanks

The main task of heavy tanks is to “squeeze out” the front. And for this they must be very thick in armor and quite serious in damage. In short, heavy tanks “tank”, that is, they push right through. Of course, it’s better not to expose yourself to attack, because even the strongest armor can be found with a projectile that will penetrate it very well. And yet, it is heavy tanks that are best suited for those who like an aggressive playing style. You can tank in different ways - from the tower, from the side, in a diamond, reverse diamond, etc. Which tactic to choose depends on many things. For example, the German “Tiger” is better, let’s say, in the second line, because its heavy armor is quite average, but it hits well. On the other hand, the Tiger can quite successfully tank in the first line, if the opponents are mainly his classmates.

So which ones should you download? We settled on two models, and we can’t choose which one is better, so we’ll tell you about both.

IS-7. Soviet. Once upon a time it was just a super-heavy tank, at the moment the developers have nerfed it a little (editor’s note, lowered the performance), but it is still among the top best heavy tanks. very cool, runs pretty fast. The armor, however, is mediocre, but due to the angles of the armor it often ricochets, and even if they aim at you from the side, they can hit the bulwark. If you are riding an IS-7, try not to turn your rear towards the enemy - such a hit will cause the tank to burn with a clear flame.

E-100. This is a serious German heavy, with very cool armor and, accordingly, rather weak damage. You are given a choice of two guns, which differ in terms of rate of fire, armor-piercing and damage. Large and slow, so it is a good target for artillery, but due to its size it can, for example, penetrate the same IS-7 head-on. A terrible tank, in general. They are afraid of him. In addition, he has as much as 2700, and if you place the tank in a diamond shape, then ricochets and non-penetration often occur even in the NLD (editor's note, lower frontal part).

Medium tanks

They are not designed to hold damage. Their job is to enter from the rear or flank, inflict constant (albeit small) damage and, if possible, work with lamps. Medium tanks do not have as much armor as heavy tanks, but they are much more mobile, and due to the constant opportunity to shoot, they often deal more damage during the battle as a whole than heavy tanks.

The living embodiment of everything said about the “middle peasants” above is the T-62A tank. The main advantage of the T-62A is the accuracy and rate of fire of the gun, especially if the crew is well-trained. In skillful hands, this tank allows you to keep the enemy’s vehicle on the gullet for the entire battle, but what about one enemy - you can stop three noobs around the corner (especially if they don’t realize that they can attack at the same time, they crawl out one by one, and you give them splashes, because the speed recharging allows).

Plus, in its development branch there are models that are easy to master even for a beginner (for example, the legendary T-34, T-34-85 and A-44).

Light tanks

Let's say right away that if you are a beginner player, your first tank (as part of your aspiration and development) should in no case be easy. It's very difficult. Firstly, their armor is naturally made of paper (with the exception of the French sand armor, which ricochets strongly, but crawls like turtles). Secondly, single damage. It would seem, why are they needed at all?

We need it, we need it! Light tanks also have plenty of goodies. Firstly, they are the most maneuverable in the game, hence the conclusion - “first catch up, then beat them.” So if you turn your head 360 degrees and reel in on time, success is guaranteed. Secondly, light tanks have the best camouflage, they are the most difficult to notice, but they, in fact, are designed to highlight enemy vehicles. There is one more feature - the battle balancer deliberately identifies light tanks in battles that are more high level. For some this is not very good (because it’s a loss), for others it’s the opposite (experience). However, everything is quite logical - only players with straight arms can constantly play on a light tank. And there are also plenty of inept brakes in WoT, believe me.

If we talk about the best lightweight model, then in our opinion it is the Chinese WZ-132. Why is it good - even in stock, it already brings full assistance to the team, and the elite WZ-132, and even in capable hands, is created not to expose itself to a one-shot, but to quietly shine light, and, if desired, shoot from shelters.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount

She is a tank destroyer or simply a “pet”. The PT's camouflage is very good; its purpose is to inflict serious damage at a long distance, helping to hold the enemy's flanks and breakthrough lines. They are well armored in front, but unfortunately, they are made of cardboard on the sides and back. Their one-time damage is much greater than the damage of heavy tanks, but in most cases, aligning the sight takes an unacceptably long time.

Beginners can start with American TDs - unlike most other models, Americans have turrets, which allows them to adapt faster. If we talk about the coolest anti-tank gun in the game, then in our opinion it is the French AMX 50 Foch (155). Penetration is 5, the gun has a drum for three shells. Quite maneuverable, and the frontal armor often ricochets. Can destroy any tank in literally seconds.

Self-propelled artillery installation

She is a self-propelled gun or just art. It has no armor at all, but it hits powerfully and from afar. The art has a special battle mode - you will see the battle map on top. If you are a beginner player, it is better to pay attention to the British and French branches. Of course, one of the most best self-propelled guns considered to be the Soviet Object 261, but getting to it is not so easy. Therefore, in this review we will highlight Bat as the best art. -Chatillon 155 58. French machine, less damage than its classmates, but the drum has 4 shells.

In addition, it is small and maneuverable, therefore unnoticeable, and as soon as it happens you can run, and you’ll catch up. Ideally, you can change position while reloading - both for the benefit of the battle and time well spent.

And now about the levels

As you know, there are ten levels of development in the game. Moreover, practice shows that the very last levels are not as popular as the penultimate ones (according to statistics, it is the eighth level that is the most playable and popular among players). Now we will explain why.

The first four (or even five) levels among players are somewhat derisively called “sandbox”. Well, in fact, if you have a level 2 tank, nothing special is required to play. This is a bit of a trial run, people are just exploring the environment and deciding what style of play suits them best.

Levels 5 to 7 are a kind of “profitable” period. Farm, farm and farm again. Because the further you go, the more expensive the battles become.

Levels 8, 9 and 10 – that’s it, the ceiling. Terribly increases self-esteem and allows you to command incompetent teammates in voice chat. In addition, you need a lot of money for participating in battles at these levels, very expensive shells and repairs.

And so, having reviewed the top, we returned to the beginning - what should a beginner do and which development branch to choose?

In the sandbox, the difference between tank classes is not so noticeable (except that the features of artillery are clear). Choosing a playing style is also difficult, because you can level up to level 4 without much effort in a couple of hours. Therefore, a novice player first of all needs to choose a branch through which he can understand as much as possible gaming aspects. Plus, a beginner should not attempt too complex things, which means that:

  • The tank must have high gun accuracy and good DPM;
  • The armor must also be sufficient to withstand beginner mistakes;
  • Maneuverability is important;
  • The development branch should contain machines that are easy to master and meet the above requirements.

In our opinion, the first thing a newcomer should attend to is to pay tribute to patriotism. Moreover, it is good for gaming health.

This refers to the branch of Soviet heavyweights leading to the IS-7. Why it’s good - already from level 5 you will have to ride almost perfect heavy tanks (well, with some minor deviations). In addition, in addition to the IS-7, there are two more tanks in this branch that become leaders in battles of different modes - the IS-3 and KV-1.

But if you only have one tank in your hangar, it's boring. In addition, there are often cases when you are beaten long before the end of the battle. So you can replenish the hangar and simultaneously master other types of equipment.

To get started, three branches will be enough. You already have one, we offer two more:

  • a branch of medium tanks made in Soviet, which leads to the T-62A;
  • branch of tank destroyers made in France, leading to the AMX 50 Foch (155).

And in conclusion let's say

Straight hands rule. With straight arms, any tank is the best.

However, it wasn’t us who said it, but Captain Obvious. :)

On the other hand, straight-handedness comes in the process of playing on a single tank. So try it. In the end, you will find your style and beat everyone, and even better if you find your team made up of your friends. Read our blog with them and show your opponents who you are and what you are capable of! That's all for today, see you again and have a good game.

World of Tanksprovides an opportunity for players to play on vehicles of different nations and levels. Each type of vehicle in World of Tanks has both its advantages and disadvantages. In order to understand which branch of technology is best to upgrade for beginning players, it is worth analyzing the features of each type of technology in a separate order. Sympathy for a particular type of technique will be directly determined by the style of play, as well as certain technical nuances. The speed and depth of pumping of the selected equipment will directly depend on these factors.

Light tanks

This category World equipment of Tanks will require considerable skills and dexterity from the player, it follows that for novice players it is strongly not recommended to immediately start leveling up light tanks, as this will have a detrimental effect not only on the player’s statistics, but also on the success of the team as a whole. It’s worth saying right away that, although light tanks do not bring significant monetary profit, upgrading them will not require significant time and money. This category of equipment is relatively inexpensive, and its repair remains at a budget level. Light tanks are the eyes of the team: the player must highlight enemy vehicles and not take damage. If this game tactic does not work for the player, then he should give up upgrading light tanks.

Medium tanks

According to the villain World statistics of Tanks, then medium tanks are considered the most popular in the game. It is worth understanding that medium tanks should never stand still; their key task is to find the enemy, bypass them in the flank and inflict considerable damage. Several smart players on medium tanks are able to send even the most heavily armored heavy tank to the hangar. They have excellent maneuverability, good damage and some armor. Upgrading this branch of equipment will depend on the characteristics of the selected tank.

Heavy tanks

Heavy tanks World of Tanks are considered the longest in terms of swinging. Direct battle tactics in game World of Tanks on heavy tanks is leisurely and thoughtful. The cost of this equipment is high, and repairing heavy tanks can seriously affect the player’s budget. But the thick armor and firepower of heavy tanks make playing with this type of vehicle very, very interesting. As a rule, it is the players on heavy vehicles who make the outcome of the battle; the success of the team will depend to a greater extent on the players on heavy tanks.

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Tank destroyer

If we compare this type of equipment with heavy tanks, they also take a long time to pump, and also cost a relatively large amount of silver. But if we compare the same levels of AT and TT, then the former have more powerful weapons and better camouflage. This leads to the conclusion that the game on PT is based in the bushes, the gameplay will depend on the light of light and medium tanks. Most PTs have not very rich armor and this is a favorite target for artillery. If you Newbie World of Tanks have the patience to stand in the bushes for half the battle, then you can safely make a choice in the direction of PT.

self-propelled guns

This is the most specific technique in world of Tanks. Conducting combat on a self-propelled branch artillery installations fundamentally different from other technology. The battle is being fought in sniper mode from a bird's eye view. This style of combat will require a certain amount of perseverance, knowledge of game mechanics, and serious skills from the player. It is the self-propelled gun that is the most unloved among players in the world of tanks, since this class of equipment significantly affects the success of the team. Repair and upgrade of self-propelled guns remain at an average level; it is not always possible to hit the enemy with this vehicle, so upgrading this category of equipment is the most troublesome and nerve-wracking task.

As a result, it is worth saying that the choice of equipment for a beginner will be determined initially by his playing style and knowledge of mechanics gameplay, perseverance and nerves. Happy fighting.

To answer this question, you need to take into account the complexity and nature of the gameplay of the models presented in the development tree. Therefore, if you are a beginner player, then you should pay attention to equipment that is easy to learn, but at the same time with good performance characteristics (tactical and technical characteristics) in order to feel confident on the battlefield.

Many players, having downloaded it to their computer, immediately begin to explore the technology of the USSR. This is understandable: a heroic past, pride in the Great Victory - these circumstances, among other things, turn novice players away from German tanks. But, let's get this straight, Tanks is just an arcade simulator that simply aims to bring pleasure from the game. So, to the point, first, of course, let’s look at the technology of the USSR.

USSR technology

Studying the Soviet development branch at first is highly recommended! The T-34 medium tank will teach you how to properly use DPM (potential damage per minute) due to its rapid-fire gun, as well as how to maneuver on the battlefield due to its good dynamics; The KV-1 heavy tank, loved even by experienced players, will help you understand the principle of using armor in the game (tanking in a diamond pattern and through a turret). Further from KV-1, it is recommended to go through the upper branch, which contains the following tanks: KV-1S, KV-85, IS, IS-3, T-10, IS-7. This is a popular path due to its simplicity and effectiveness; in particular, it is worth highlighting the IS-3 tank, which is the favorite of all players due to its balance (armor, dynamics and firepower). From the T-34 it is better to go to study medium tanks through the T-34-85 (an excellent tier 6 medium tank) to the T-54.

If you want to try the gameplay of a tank with a rear turret, then you are welcome to join the alternative thread, in which it is worth mentioning the Ob-416 tank (players jokingly call it the “mad frying pan”). From the T-54 (level 9) it is proposed to research 3 tanks, they, in turn, are all good and in many ways similar to each other, so it doesn’t matter which level 10 tank you choose, but if you want advice, the most popular one is Among them is the Ob-140, it is a cross between the other two. It is worth mentioning Soviet light tanks. As each tanker gains experience, he should have a lightweight LTTB and T-54 in his hangar, this is a fun and at the same time more careful and dynamic gameplay. They will teach you how to play from sight and dynamics.

Equipment from Germany and other countries

The German PT branch, including Marder, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Borsch and Grill 15, will teach you how to play from concealment and vision, using excellent weapons. Not all PTs have a rotating turret - it seems awkward at first, but as the number of battles increases, you will get used to it. For beginners, we also recommend a branch that leads to the German heavy tank E-100 - this is an excellent level 10 heavy tank, one of the best in the game. As you level up, you will get VK and Tiger tanks, they are also very good for their levels.

Thus, to understand the basic principles of the game at first, the listed development branches are sufficient. Once you have played 5-6 thousand battles (and some even less), you will have a complete understanding of the game and the technique that will be needed in the future. In the future, we advise you to pay attention to American branches tanks, namely: PT - T67, a recognized game imba for its level. At first you will spend several dozen battles, merging from one shot of high-explosive tanks or the discharge of a light tank machine gun at you, but after that you will understand that you need to play it from a distance and camouflage, destroying opponents one after another thanks to an excellent weapon. You will truly get into your game and appreciate its power!

It is also recommended to go through the branch of US heavy tanks, here you will experience the zen of bending over from an impenetrable turret and gun depression angles (T29, T110E5 - dominates at level 10, but, according to an interview with the game developers, is subject to nerf). The USA has an excellent branch of light tanks: Chaffee, T37, M41 Bulldog, T49. Each of these tanks has its own features that will pleasantly surprise you.

And finally, it is recommended to go through the light tank branch of France, namely the ELC AMX bis (small silhouette, dynamism, speed, gun, visibility) - this is one of best tanks Level 5, which will bring you a lot positive emotions; The AMX 13 90 is an excellent drum light tank, often used for team battles.

In conclusion, we can say that for a novice player it is important to get comfortable with the game and find his own type of gameplay that brings him pleasure, and there will always be technical options.

Very often, avid tank players think, because if you chase several types of equipment at once, then of course you can forget about any of them. Before selecting the desired branch of tanks, you need to decide which tactics you prefer. Which tanks suit you best? And accordingly, what position you will take in the game itself. After all, each technique has its own purpose. For a successful game, it is better to keep at least one tank of different types in the hangar for comparison. And despite the fact that, most likely, you will be killed before the end of the battle, and, not having any other equipment, you will just have to wait for the end of the game. Therefore, the main advice would be to upgrade two types of tanks, but no more, this will save a lot of your time.

To make it easier for you to choose the right tank, we have compiled a description for each technology branch.
Of course, this article is about roles and features different classes WoT is only suitable for beginners. An experienced player will not find anything useful in it.

Heavy tanks

Such tanks are designed to defend the base and hold positions. Of course, their weight does not allow them to develop sufficient speed, but the fire they produce significantly destroys the enemy’s strength. Armor heavy tank, as a rule, is able to protect you from most ST and LT projectiles. However, there is golda.

A recommendation would be to upgrade the branch of Soviet tanks leading to the IS-7. This choice due to the fact that after level 5 of the tank, the branch is practically devoid of shortcomings. It plays comfortably right up to the top.

Medium tanks

They are more flexible in their management. But the armor is much less than that of its heavy counterparts. On the question of what tanks are best to download in world of tanks from this category you can opt for the T-62A. Due to its rate of fire, this branch of tanks is capable of destroying some types of enemy equipment. Moreover, their branch itself is easy to master.

Light Tanks

Such tanks have great speed and maneuverability. They are also able to quickly leave the battlefield and go to cover. However, these tanks are used to provide light and identify enemy tank positions. The first branch is best to download the Ru 251 or T49 branch.

Anti-tank self-propelled artillery unit. Tank destroyer.

The advantage of the installation is that it deals very high damage over a long distance. Soviet, American or German cars are recommended for leveling up this category. You need to decide what is important to you. High armor or camouflage. In addition, there is a third choice: low armor, low camouflage and high damage (Grill).

Self-propelled artillery installation. Self-propelled guns.

The first branch for a beginner, of course, will be the Soviet one. Its crown - object 261 will be the most comfortable. In addition, the art of the 9th level of the Americans is not bad.


When choosing a vehicle, carefully study the characteristics and take a responsible approach to which tanks are best to download in the world of tanks. After all, both your game and further available equipment will depend on this choice. During the game itself, the main thing is to clearly distribute the responsibilities that the technique itself includes, and follow a plan that will lead your team to victory.
