How to spell coins. A strong and effective spell for a banknote and coin

Monetary well-being, financial stability, wealth are the constituent aspects of our life that a person strives for. What to do if you want to live in abundance, but it doesn’t work out? Usually in such cases they resort to magic. A coin spell and rituals that are aimed at improving well-being are quite simple and can be carried out at home, without the involvement of outside specialists. And in one of the previous articles, we published effective ones that will also help attract finance.

There are a huge number of conspiracies to attract financial well-being and improve your well-being. Our ancestors also used them, so they have a reliable and proven basis. But, we must clearly understand that magic should be attracted only when necessary, and not to increase what you already have. The result is exactly the opposite.

Financial well-being is not just a phrase; behind it there is a “mental condensate” that generates thoughts and emotions. In which there is a piece of your energy.

If, in the absence of money, a person loses heart, complains or begins to envy those who have it, then with his negative energy flows, without knowing it, he feeds the “dark side of money.”

It is these two “entities”, from the entire multitude that exist in general, that have the power to attract or not attract banknotes of any denomination and in any form (bills, shares, credit cards, bank account).

Based on this knowledge, draw a conclusion, in order to attract well-being, it is enough to know that rituals, rituals and coin spells will help with this, which will bring the desired result.

Using a simple coin, there is a direct connection with the entity, which will help in money matters. We must not forget that you can attract both light and dark forces, it all depends on what rites and rituals you choose.

A money conspiracy carried out on a coin, with a pure soul and joy in the heart, that the money received will go to good deeds, without any savings, will attract the bright side to fulfill what is desired.

If the ritual is performed with anger and greed, dark side It won’t take long to wait and you can fall right into her “paws”.

But, as you know, both of these entities will help and improve well-being, the payment will only be different.

The dark side will require a serious payment and it will not come according to your will. Therefore, try to attract light forces, they don’t need anything from you.

Rituals on a coin

To obtain positive results from magical actions, you should follow the rules that you need to know before starting rituals on a coin at home:

  1. Moral preparation for receiving money is very important. And under no circumstances should you turn up your nose or boast about the condition you have received. This will not lead to good things.
  2. Do not perform a ritual for the purpose of obtaining finance unless there is a strong need for it. For the sake of curiosity and interest, you shouldn’t do this either, the result will have the opposite effect. What you have, you will lose. And from being wealthy, turn into a beggar.
  3. Read the words of the conspiracy in the order in which they are written, do not distort them or paraphrase them. It is advisable to memorize the text of the conspiracy; there will be more chances for your wishes to come true.
  4. It is prohibited for a woman to perform a ritual with a coin during the period of bearing a child. The future baby should not take part in magical rituals. This may negatively affect its intrauterine development.
  5. Observe the time of the ceremony, which is indicated in the recommendations. If it is written that you should read at night, then you should read only at night.
  6. To read and receive money using a coin, try to prepare not only mentally, but also physically. To do this, you need to fast for several days, both in food and in close relationships with your other half.
  7. Before performing the ritual: ventilate the room, clean it and wash the floors.
  8. Do not tell anyone anything regarding the ritual. This is a personal matter and should not concern anyone.
  9. It is better to choose the days for your plan - Saturday or Sunday, on the eve of any major church holiday.

How to charm a coin into money

Of the huge variety of conspiracies to attract money, there are those that are extremely successful. This spell involving a coin where the number “5” (5, 50, 500) is written is used most often because it has enormous power of attracting money.
The actions of this ritual are carried out in nature, where there are old large trees with spreading branches. It will be good if you find an oak tree, if not, then bury the monetary value under any tree and read the following:

“As an old tree grows in width, so my wallet swells along the way. Month after month they go and let them bring me the money, day after day, month after month, year after year. And let there be no end to my happiness.”

After the ritual, go home. To complete it completely, you need to bake bread for every full moon throughout the year, making twelve loaves in total. And the next day, give to the poor and needy people. So that they are grateful and fill their souls with joy. Then the wish you make will double.
There is no need to expect a quick effect from this ritual. But when the desired comes true, it will be such as it was difficult to even imagine; a comfortable existence will be ensured for many years.

Spell a coin using water

Water is an indispensable natural material for rituals and ceremonies. It carries positively charged energy and takes away negative energy. She is able to store information and with her help achieving what you want will not be difficult. You just need to really want it and not be too lazy to perform the ritual.
In witchcraft, there are ways to charm a coin to attract money and good luck using two types of water:
Silent water. This liquid, which must be drawn from any natural source, in complete silence.
Not scooped water. This liquid must be collected after midnight, also from a natural source, before anyone else draws it from it.
Conduct a ritual on the waxing moon, when any plan is multiplied. There should be no one in the room and nothing should distract attention from what was planned. Take three identical containers. One filled with silent water, the other not scooped and the third empty. In which you should put a coin at the bottom.
First, pour water from the first container into the one where the coin is and read the words of the spell, then from another container, into the same container with the coin:

“The water flows strong, bring gold and silver into my wallet with your powerful stream. My words are iron and indestructible.”

Remove the coin from the container, dry it and put it in a secluded corner of your wallet. Do not pay with the coin and do not show it to anyone. After all, she has now become a talisman and will attract financial well-being.

Speak a coin to the moon

Conspiracies that are read using the moon are very powerful in themselves. Especially when it is in the ascending phase. And if you also perform a ritual using a ritual coin, then the power will increase several times.
To carry out the ceremony, you will need to choose a clear midnight so that the light from the moon falls on the coin while saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“Just as wealth follows a merchant, so let money follow me. And this coin will be my assistant, so that the money knows where to go.”

Read the plot three times. At the same time, move the coin along your left wrist counterclockwise. After reading, touch the coin to your forehead, also three times.
Place the coin in your wallet. Wash your hands and go to bed with a pure heart and good thoughts about the upcoming purchase. Do not touch the coin for three days, then you need to spend it.

Yellow coin spell

This ritual is carried out using a copper coin, which is charmed to obtain wealth.
To perform the ritual, you need to take:

  1. Small round mirror;
  2. Church candle;

A copper coin (this could be a special Chinese coin for rituals).
Place a mirror (mirror side up) on a table covered with a plain tablecloth. Place a candle on top, preheat its bottom over the fire, and when the wax melts, attach it to the mirror. Take a coin and bring it to the candle flame, hold it over it and read the plot:

« I go to the market to bargain with the merchant so that I can return on horseback a fine man. I will bring the treasure into the house and save happiness in the house. There is as much money in that treasure as there are stars in the sky, as many fish in the sea. I'll fill my chests, let them be big. Just as the copper of this coin shines and shimmers, so may the coins in the chests never run out. So be it."

There are several effective ways cast a spell on your wallet so that wealth never leaves you. Today you will learn what kind of spell you can make on a banknote or on a coin so that money flows like from a cornucopia?

In the article:

Conspiracy on a banknote

For a long time, people have tried in every possible way to improve their financial situation by any means. That is why many rituals have survived to this day to increase wealth. Among them there are both, and.

Among the many rituals, there are very effective conspiracies that are made on banknotes to attract money. In order to carry out the first ritual, you should prepare a bill. You can take a banknote of any denomination. However, the larger it is, the better.

The bill must be folded so that it forms a triangle. To do this, you need to bend the corners inward. When everything is ready, fold the bill in half again to create a smaller triangle. It is advisable to perform a similar ritual on the waxing Moon. People believe that this particular period is intended for performing rituals that help increase income.

Take a banknote in your hands and think that financial flows are flowing into your hands, you have already received enough funds to fulfill all your cherished desires, you do not need anything else. When you tune in to the desired wavelength, say the following text:

Like a mighty river attracts streams,
And the sea is mighty rivers,
How a woman attracts a man
And a man - a woman,
As the night attracts the day,
And day is night,
So that you too attract
like yourself. So be it. Amen.

You need to repeat the words three times and it is advisable to read the text not from a piece of paper, but memorize it. When the bill is spelled, you need to hide it in a closed pocket in your bag. It is believed that the ritual will last for 3 lunar months. All this time, the bill cannot be taken out, held in your hands, and especially not used to pay for anything.

After 3 months, this bill can already be used, and another one should be used. Also, throughout this time, when several banknotes appear in your wallet, be sure to re-read them. Remember, money loves counting and goes into the hands of those who treat it well. This is what ancient superstitions about money teach us.

Lack of money is the root of all evil

Next ritual also suitable for those who want to make a spell specifically on a banknote. Its peculiarity is that it is carried out 6 times. You will need one banknote, which is used at all stages of the ceremony.

The plot is read on the night before the new moon, on the new moon itself and on the night after the new moon. In the same way before the full moon, on the full moon and the next night after it. Exactly at midnight you can begin the ceremony.

Take out all the change from your wallet, place it in front of you and insert the prepared banknote into it. Next, light the candle and whisper this plot three times:

Just as there are many stars in the sky, just as there is enough water in the sea, so my wallet needs to have a lot of money and always have enough.

Now, when the words are spoken, the banknote needs to be put into the wallet. Such manipulations are repeated throughout all three nights. When you perform manipulations over the next 3 days, hide some money located on the window in your wallet, and place the charmed banknote on top.

When everything is ready, the used banknote must be hidden in your purse or backpack (so that it is always with you), and then not taken out for six months. All this time she will attract prosperity to you. Remember, after 6 months, you should take out the bill and enchant another one.

Coin spell to attract wealth

More than love, the only thing that excites us is money.

We know many effective coin spells. For example, to carry out one of these rituals, you need to go to the forest or planting on the waxing moon, before sunrise. Take a coin with you. You will need to approach the spruce tree. With the selected coin you need to knock on the tree trunk and say this spell:

As young needles grow, so my money grows, not on sugar pie, not on linden honey, not on brew, not on pareve, on gold, silver and copper.

The text is repeated exactly 12 times. Once this is done, the attribute must be buried near the tree. It is extremely important that no one peeks at you during this time. Otherwise, the conspiracy will be ineffective. When the coin is buried, go home without looking back. You don’t have to worry anymore; in the near future, money will flow to you like a river.

Such a ritual will help you get rich in the shortest possible time. For example, you suddenly win the lottery, receive an inheritance, or someone simply returns a forgotten debt to you. Prepare exactly seven brand new coins. Place them on the bottom of a large dish. Sprinkle a few grains of wheat on top.

After this, you need to cover it with a handkerchief, after a while pour warm water and wait until the grains begin to germinate. From now on, every night, approach the sprouting wheat and whisper this text:

As the wheat grows, so does my wealth.

As the wheat grows, the cash flow that will flow into your home will increase.

If you want to find the easiest way, then this method will suit you. Take a coin (necessarily gold) and go out into the yard. Stand so that the rays of the Sun fall on you. Extend your palm with the coin and say over it three times:

The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, penny, light up with golden fire, bring wealth.

Now keep the prepared attribute with you for 12 hours. After a specified period of time, you can hide the coin in your bag or wallet. This conspiracy is valid for 12 months.

Conspiracy to purse for profit

Money doesn't matter - as long as you have it

If you recently bought a wallet and want money to always flow into your hands, then you can perform such a ritual. To carry it out, you need to go to the shore of a natural reservoir, take a closed wallet in your left hand, and scoop up a handful of water with your right hand and sprinkle the attribute with it. Now, say the following words 5 times:

The water is flowing - it won't end. And money flows into my wallet endlessly, for my wealth, for all the best.

When everything is ready, you can go home. If there was any money in your wallet at the time of the ritual, then it should be spent within the next month.

Coin spell there is a reason in magic for a reason.

Some advise showing growing coins for a month, others recommend reading mantras.

All methods are good. They differ only in energy intensity.

After all, for example, it is quite difficult to understand what “love of money” is.

This is not the feeling that we experience for a loved one. Completely different.

People make so many mistakes when they try to practice the magic of money. But there are such simple, long-trodden paths that it’s even a sin not to use.

Finance and well-being are not just words.

Behind them are the most powerful egregors. Each one contains a piece of your energy.

  • Every time you are upset because of a lack of funds, envying those who have them, you are feeding one essence. It can be conditionally called the “dark egregor of money.”
  • When you are happy with the amount you receive, the opportunity to spend it, what you acquire, you give energy to someone else. It can be considered “light”.

Both of them (if conditionally, but in general, there are a great many of them) are associated with the physical embodiment of funds, namely, with banknotes and coins.

To a lesser extent - cards, papers and “zeros in the computer”.

It is from this connection that you need to “dance” when money luck want to attract. For example, cast a spell on a coin.

After all, with the help of this simple magical attribute you will directly contact the egregor. But with which one it’s up to you.

If there is joy in your soul and thoughts that you and others have a lot of money, you can spend it on good deeds without much savings, then you will find the path to the “bright”.

And when you pollute your soul with envy or malice, you will fall straight into the clutches of the “dark one.”

This is neither good nor bad. Both of them will help you. Just in different ways.

It is advisable to get involved with the light one, so you will inevitably have to “give away” less.

Well, this is a personal matter.

To cast a spell on a coin so that money can be transferred, you need to take a “golden”, shiny coin. For example, ten rubles is quite suitable.

This ritual is performed at home.

  1. Choose a day when the sun will joyfully look into your window, without hiding behind clouds and clouds.
  2. Early in the morning, place your coin so that the rays fall directly on it.
  3. Say it like this:

“The sun is pouring gold onto the earth. His strength is collected into a coin. Heat up, turn into a solar magnet. Just as the light of the sun pours into the earth without barriers, so the flow of money will flow to me and will not be interrupted. Light up the coin, flare up, turn around with my wealth. Amen!"

This ritual to attract money was previously carried out with a special coin, which was “not in use” and was irredeemable. Now they are considered souvenirs.

You can do the same.

  1. Buy a large talisman stylized as a coin.
  2. Go out with him on a full moon. (Read the article -)
  3. Say it like this:

“Queen of the night, you shine with your silver face, delighting the forests and meadows. They are waiting to see your golden horns. So fill my coins with your light and gold. So that you attract wealth into life, joy into the light, so that the answer does not come from enemies. Amen!"

This talisman must be placed at home.

Don't hide it from prying eyes.

He will not only attract flows of benefits to you, but also push him to make the right decisions in this regard.

You can take it to your place of duty. It helps too.

There is a ritual that was also invented by magicians quite a long time ago. It is also carried out at home.

To carry it out you will need:

  • round mirror,
  • candles,
  • copper coin.
  1. Place a candle (without a candlestick) on a small round (required) mirror lying on the table. Just heat it from the bottom and attach it in the center.
  2. Warm it up in its fire copper coin, reading the plot.
  3. You need to say it as many times as possible until the candle goes out.

All this time the coin must be in its flame.

“I’m going to auction with a merchant. I'll be back on the wolf, well done. I'll bring the treasure to the house. I will save happiness in the house. There is so much money in the treasure that you can’t count it. I'll fill the chests, they will be big. Coins should shine like this copper. Amen!"

  1. Once the candle burns out, glue a coin in its place (there will be some wax left there).
  2. Seal this composition in an envelope (handkerchief) and store it in a secret place.

Silver coin spell for money

Write the following words on paper in red ink.

Wrap it around silver coin and place it in the eastern corner of the room.

And the words are:

“The river flows wide, its waters are deep, it flows around the fields, and runs onto the Altyn stone. The silver king sits there. He looks at the river wisely. She tells everyone to carry water. So that neither an animal nor a blade of grass strays from the path. So let the river of money flow to me. The King of Silver tells her so. Amen!"

Money magic is a type of white magic, designed not only to reduce the influence of negative factors, but also to increase positive ones, affecting all transactions carried out with money. Remember:

Never use magic to get rich at the expense of other people. You need to rely only on the help of Higher powers, and of course on your own strength.

No ritual will work if you don't help him. This principle applies to all types of magic, not just money, i.e. if you perform a ritual using money and sit back, then the money will not appear on its own. Money doesn't come out of thin air. No magic can do this. The essence of money magic is that it helps to earn money and opens up new opportunities for a person. The emergence of this kind of opportunity is often called a lucky break. But in fact, these cases are not so random. This is how money magic works.

You need to be confident in your desire to have money. There will be no absolute certainty - the magic will not work.

Magic, including money, is associated with emotions. If your financial situation is depressing and you are not sure of success, then the magic will not work. To achieve success, you must maintain a positive outlook on the world.

Conspiracies are a spell-like verbal formula that has magical powers. It is impossible to give a precise definition of conspiracy, since not all of its types fit into the forms of desire or comparison. The conspiracy is based on belief in the magic of words.

Conspiracies exist in all types of magic, including money ().
When performing a ritual with a conspiracy, you must follow some rules.

1. It must be remembered that the purpose of the conspiracy is to conspire and ensure the well-being of a person. Conspiracies should be pronounced in a whisper. You cannot read conspiracies in public, they will lose their power. The person pronouncing the conspiracy must have willpower.

2. A conspiracy will only work if they believe in its power! Conspiracies must be pronounced not only with words, but also with the soul.

4. Before any conspiracy, it is necessary to say a prayer: “Nicholas, saint of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.”

5. As a rule, a money plot is read on the waxing moon ***.

6. When plotting money, a green candle is used (If a candle of the desired color is not found, then a white candle is used, it is considered universal). The candle should burn out completely. If it is necessary to extinguish the flame, extinguish the flame with your fingers***.

7. Conspiracies are usually learned by heart.

*** – Unless otherwise indicated in the plot itself.

Money plot

Do this on the waxing moon. Light a green candle and concentrate on the flame. The spell is repeated 3 to 9 times to feel its power:

“I wish that the healing and harmonious energy of this candle becomes mine. Let the magic of money flow through my life. I attract money like a magnet. I am open and receptive to wealth. There is light and love around me, they protect me in all my efforts. Let everything be done according to my word.”

Leave the candle to burn out.

Quick plot

A money plot with green candles will help you get quick money. This plot will help you find a way out of the most difficult situation and resolve problems. To do this you will need two green wax candles. At noon, light the candles and, looking at the fire, read the plot:

“Lord God, Jesus Christ, help me find help! Your slaves walked across the sky, dragging bags, there was money in the bags. These bags opened, the money all fell out! Then I walked downstairs, collected all the money and took it home. Light the candles, go home with the money. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the candles are left to burn out. Place a piece of wax in your wallet as a talisman to improve the result.

Strong money conspiracy from Vanga

To carry out the ritual, take a small piece of black bread. To perform the ritual, your stomach must be empty (do not eat for 2-3 hours before the ritual). At night, no one should be around. Place a piece of bread in front of you and say the following spell over it three times:

“God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help all members of my family so that they always feel full. Bring good luck to me and take away grief. Let long road happiness, satiety and joy will come to my home and will never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone who needs it. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, the bread must be eaten. This ritual must be performed only once.

Birthday money plot

The plot is read at the hour of one’s birth. If you don’t know the hour, then you should read it at midnight on your birthday. When reading the plot, no one should be nearby. Light a candle and place it in front of the icon. The plot is read 12 times:

“I will be baptized with the cross, I will be blessed by the Lord. Amen. Lord God, Master of the whole world, visible and invisible, all the days and years of my life depend on Your holy will. I thank You, most merciful Father, that You allowed me to live another year; I know that due to my sins I am unworthy of this mercy, but You show it to me out of Your ineffable love for mankind. Extend Your mercies to me, a sinner; continue my life in virtue, tranquility, health, peace with all relatives and harmony with all neighbors. Give me an abundance of the fruits of the earth and everything that is necessary to satisfy my needs.
Most of all, cleanse my conscience, strengthen me on the path of salvation, so that, following it, after many years of life in this world, passing into eternal life, I will be worthy to be the heir of Your Heavenly Kingdom. Lord Himself, bless the year I am beginning and all the days of my life. Amen".

Afterwards there will be prosperity in all matters, as well as in money.

Spell for money - on a towel

Take a new white or yellow linen towel. The towel is folded 12 times. When adding, read the plot each time:

“Lord, bless the conspiracy to speak! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will go, servant of God (name), crossing myself, bowing to the four roads, I will go to the east, to the eastern side. In the sub-eastern side of the Okiyan-Sea, in that Okiyan-Sea whitefish splashes. White fish! Take my towel, swim to the vast lands where the Zlatitsa River flows. In that river the water is golden, on the shore there is golden sand. Rinse and rinse my towel in the golden river, dry it on the golden sand, bring it back to me! The whitefish swam to vast lands, to the Zlatitsa River, rinsed the towel in the golden river, dried it on the golden sand, the whitefish brought that towel to me, the servant of God (name), and I wiped myself with that towel, dried myself with that towel, paved the way with that towel. I wipe my hands, I add gold, I wipe my face, I add beauty, I pave the way, I invite goodness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Having thus pronounced the spell 12 times, take the towel by one end and shake it so that it unfolds. Wipe your face, neck and hands with a towel, and place it at the head of the bed.
No one should sleep in this place except you. If someone lies on a towel, the plot will lose its power.

Conspiracy from lack of money

It also relieves lack of money caused by damage. Take a white candle and melt it in an iron mug over a fire. When the wax boils, throw a coin in there and read the plot:

“God has a paradise, in paradise there is a garden. The devil has a boiling hell. You boil, candle, boil, you accumulate my wealth, accumulate. As long as this wax money is with me, all the wealth will go to me. An angel stands at the Garden of Eden, the devil stands at a boiling hell. There will be no department for my case. I close, I close. I lock it, I lock it. I'm cleaning, I'm cleaning. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When you say “I remove”, remove the coin from the wax with a slotted spoon so that it is in the wax. When it cools down, you will get a wax cake that you should carry with you everywhere. You can do this for three coins, and carry three cakes with you.

Spell for money - for the new month

The plot is read when the horns of the new moon appear, 40 times in a row:

“Young moon, your horns are golden, you walk across the sky, counting the stars. Day by day you grow and arrive. So my money would grow, come in and always be in my house and in my pocket. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious, I close with Amen, I close with Amen. The Spirit is always holy and I am always rich. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Pre-Easter conspiracy

On the eve of Easter, prepare a handful of small change. The conspiracy takes place on Maundy Thursday. At the same time, no one should be at home.

Take a basin, pour water into it and throw some change into it. Then clasp your little fingers and read the spell above the pelvis three times:

“You are water, water, everyone drinks you, everyone loves you. Everyone sanctifies you in Epiphany. I ask you, water, for forgiveness: mother pure water, forgive me, mother water, help. Just as there is a lot of you in a lake, a river, a stream, an ocean, in every human glass, so I would have a lot of money: on Monday, and on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, and on Thursday, and on Friday, and on Saturday and Sunday. There is so much water, so that for me, God’s servant (name), there is a lot of goodness, gold and silver. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Afterwards, wash the table, windows, doors and floor with this water. It is necessary to wash in the given order. Wash the floors from the threshold into the room.

Strong conspiracy for money

On the waxing moon, at night. You will need several paper bills of any denomination and the same number of coins. Read the money plot:

“Magnificent moon, you are growing so quickly, so may my income also increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so quickly because they drink moonlight. They absorb all the power of the moon and fill my house.”

Place the money in a place where the moonlight falls on it, then go into another room. The room in which you will be, like the room in which the money is located, illuminated by the moon, should be dark, do not turn on the light until the end.

After two hours, enter the room with the money. Take your wallet and put this money there. Mark the coins; they cannot be spent within 30 days. They must be in your wallet to attract big money. These coins and bills have the positive energy of the moon, and it is she who is the best assistant in this kind of matter. After a month, you can spend the money and, if you want, perform the same ritual again.

Spell for money - for poppy seeds

When the new moon comes, go to the market and buy a poppy from a woman. Give money without change, if it doesn’t work out, then don’t take change. Don't haggle.

When you come home, spread a black scarf on the table and draw a circle on it with a piece of soap. Place poppy seeds in a circle. Then draw a cross on the poppy with the ring finger of your right hand and say the spell:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is one island, on that island there is land. There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me. I will come closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Mother of God, you lived on earth, took bread into your hands, paid for bread with money, carried money in your wallet. Without money, food will not be given, clothes will not be woven. Give me, Lord, as much poppy seeds as there are on this scarf, so much money in my wallet. I close my words, I close my business. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Questions such as: where to put the scarf and poppy? There are no instructions in the plot, which means the scarf is used further as you wish. Poppy can be added to some dish. This plot will work if you fast on Friday and do nothing on that day (work).

Conspiracy to make money flow

If you are in financial difficulties and have no hope of receiving money soon, read the plot to make money flow:

“I am walking, a servant of God, through an open field, I will come out onto a stone mountain, on that stone mountain there is a new church, angels sing in it, archangels trumpet over it, in that church the light burns imperishable, the eternal light, the light of the Lord. I will worship that Light, I will pray to the Lord: Lord! In You are wealth for those in need, heartfelt joy for those who mourn, healing for all who are wounded, consolation for all who mourn. Shine upon me. God, my God. Thy true Light, for in Thy light I shall see Thy Glory, as the Only Begotten of the Father, and let Thy incomprehensible Image be imagined within me, after which Thou didst create man. O God, my Savior. In the Light of my mind and the Strength of my soul, may Thy kindness dwell in me, may I also abide unceasingly in You, ever bearing within me Thy Holy Spirit, who will grant me to become like You, my only Lord, as I have been like You from all eternity. Yours. To her, Lord Jesus Christ, according to Your false promise, come with the Father and the Holy Spirit and create Your abode within me. Amen".

Conspiracy for money - on the threshold

On Saturday go to church, say Vespers, and on Sunday go to morning service.
When leaving the house, pour coins on the threshold, cover them with straw, and place a rug on top. The following plot reads:

“I’ll leave the door, angel, on the road. I’m going over the threshold, I’ll go through the gate, I’ll go along the road, I’ll go through the oak tree, I’ll go out onto 7 roads, 8 crosses. I put crosses back, I put crosses on the sides, I throw crosses in front of myself, I add wealth. Golden cross, crucified Lord, give me not silver and gold, give me rich hearts! Nailed on the Cross for us, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God the Father, an inexhaustible abyss of mercy, love and generosity! We know that for the sake of my sins, out of unspeakable love for mankind, You deigned to shed Your Blood on the Cross, even though I, unworthy and ungrateful, have trampled on my bad deeds and held nothing against me. Therefore, from the depths of lawlessness and uncleanness, my mental eyes looked at You crucified on the Cross, my Redeemer, with humility and faith in the depths of the ulcers, filled with Your mercy, I cast myself down, asking for forgiveness of sins and the correction of my foul life. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Money acts as an intermediary in the circulation of goods. For such a function, the ease and speed with which money can be exchanged for goods is important.

In the church, light a candle to the icon of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ. Say to yourself: “Lord, forgive and give reason to me, a sinner.”

After the ritual is completed, the money in the house will not be transferred.

Wallet spell for women

Light three green candles. Take the money and the personalized icon and at three o’clock in the morning put your right hand on the paper money, your left hand on the icon. Read the plot while looking at the icon:

“Hello, dark night, I am your adopted daughter. My wallet is a vegetable garden, no one will take my fruits. Who took my luck, who took my wealth, passed it back through candles. On Monday I took a shovel, on Tuesday I plowed the ground, on Wednesday I bought grain, on Saturday I collected the grain. Just as there are so many grains in the field, and how you can’t count them, and how you can’t eat them all at once, so there would be a lot and a lot of money in my wallet. My word is strong. So be it."

Candles should be twisted and burned to completion. When they begin to smoke, open the window so that the smoke goes up. After reading the plot, hide the money in your wallet and put it away for three days. Afterwards, you can use your wallet as usual.

Plot for money from poverty

If you are constantly short of money, you need to get a cow horn, hoof or leg bone. You can take a beef leg bought in a store, but the bone should be thoroughly cleaned of meat. Place the bone in cold water and leave for a day. Then pour out the water and leave the bone in the sun. When the bone dries, a spell against poverty is pronounced:

“I will go out, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, 7 angels, 7 archangels, 7 saints, 7 of my patrons. “Angels, archangels, patron saints, where have you been, what have you seen?” “We were on the holy mountains, we saw a white ox, that white ox was running through the mountains, carrying misfortune-poverty across the sea. I ran across the sea, and there stood the white stone Alatyr. The ox threw that misfortune-poverty onto the Alatyr-stone, began to gore it with its horns, and trample it with its feet. He beat him, trampled him, and threw him to the bottom of the sea, onto the yellow sand, where the wind doesn’t blow, the sun doesn’t warm, and the rain doesn’t fall.” Lie down, misery and misery, don’t get up either yesterday or tomorrow, but on this day I locked you with a key, and drowned the key in the well. My word is strong, like God's truth. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, you need to wrap the bone in a white scarf and hide it at the threshold. In the near future, the lack of money will no longer bother you.

Conspiracy for money for Epiphany

Conspiracy to pronounce on the night of Epiphany from January 18 to 19. At midnight you need to draw water from the tap into an aluminum can. Attach a cross from the can to the edge of the can. coniferous tree(spruce, pine, cypress, juniper). You can make the cross yourself. You need to tie two sticks with a thread crosswise.

Attach three church candles to the edges of the can. Throw three coins into the water (in the old days they threw silver, gold and copper). If you don’t find three coins of different metals, then take two coins of two metals, for example, silver and copper. The plot is read over the water 12 times:

“I get up at night and take holy water. Holy water, holy night, sanctify the soul and body, come, angels, overshadow with quiet wings, bring the peace of God, bring God into my home. I welcome God, I seat God at the table, I pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and John the Baptist: Baptist of Christ, honorable Forerunner, extreme prophet, first martyr, mentor of fasters and hermits, teacher of purity and neighbor of Christ! I pray to you, and when you come running, do not reject me from your intercession, do not forsake me, who have fallen through many sins; renew my soul with repentance, like a second baptism; Cleanse me, the sins of the defiled, and compel me to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, even if nothing bad enters. Amen".

Afterwards, read the prayer to the Epiphany over the water and coins.

Spell for money - on Maslenitsa

On the first Monday after Maslenitsa, go to where the festivities took place, find any coin or banknote on the ground, take it with your left hand and say:

“I went and found how I (name) was going to this money, so that the money would come to me. Just as many people were here today in honor of Maslenitsa, so I would always have a lot of money, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Dough spell

Knead a good dough. When it begins to rise, crush this mass three times with your hands while saying:

“As you, little dough, grow, rise, up, down and expand in breadth, so in my house there would be money, grow and never end forever. My word is quick and controversial. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Coin spell (to increase money)

They slander a five-kopeck coin (or 5 rubles) and carry it with them everywhere. A month later they get rid of it and make a conspiracy for a new coin.

“I go to trade as a merchant, I return on a sable a fine fellow. I'm bringing the treasure home. God grant me so much money that I have nowhere to put it. Amen".

Spell for money - for an unemployed woman

This conspiracy is aimed at ensuring that the husband of a housewife has good earnings, I didn’t get tired at work so that I could have energy for my family. The plot is read on Monday, when the husband leaves for work. To escort the husband beyond the threshold, they cross themselves and pronounce the spell:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I will get up, a young married slave (name), early in the morning, I will go out into an open field, in the open field there is a holy tree, the Mamrian oak tree, on that oak tree hang three sticks. Those sticks of three holy wanderers, three holy saints. And the first stick is of St. Anthony, and the second stick is of St. John, and the third stick is of St. Eustathius. I’ll come up, bow down, and pray to the saints of God. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius! Look down from the heavenly palace on those who require your help and do not reject my requests; but as we have dreamed of our benefactors and intercessors, pray to Christ God, that He who loves mankind and is abundantly merciful will save my married husband (name) from every cruel situation: from cowardice, flood, fire, sword, evil people, his and my sins. May the Lord not judge us sinners for our iniquities, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the all-merciful God into evil, but into the glory of His Holy Name and into the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us peace of mind, abstinence from destructive passions and all defilement. About the Holy Martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius! Give God's servant (name) strength in his hands, intelligence in his head, pure thoughts in his heart, goodness in his home, love in his family! Help, Lord. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Spell for a girl to marry a rich man

Go to church, light 12 candles for your health and 12 candles for your betrothed’s health. When you light candles for the health of the future groom, say a marriage plot:

“Lord, have mercy and save Your servant, whose name I do not know, but whom You have appointed to be my husband. Amen".

Then read the prayer:

“Holy Father, open the intelligent eyes of our hearts and let us truly know You, our Creator and God; We are created in conformity with Your Word and Your Son, so that His incomprehensible Image may be imagined within us, according to which You created man; make us worthy to be a village of Your Holy Spirit and no one to be a village of sin; put into our hearts the fire of Thy Divine love; Come and dwell in us eternally with Your Only Begotten Son and Your Holy Spirit. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son of Your Beginning Father, open the eyes of my darkened soul, so that even I can reasonably see You, my Creator and God. I pray to You: do not turn me away from Your Face, but, despising all my wretchedness, all my baseness, show me Your light, O Light of the World, and let me know Your love for man. O Sweetest Christ, Who from the Father sent down upon Thy holy disciples and apostles the Holy Spirit, This Good One, sent down also upon us unworthy, and thereby taught us Thy knowledge and revealed to us the ways of Thy salvation. Amen".

Tonight you need to wear new shirt, take two branches from different trees, twist them together, fastening them with thread, if necessary. Place the branches on a saucer, light a candle and, dripping wax, say the spell:

“Two twigs are interlocked forever and ever, they will interlock - they will not separate, for good, for gold and silver, for profit, for offspring, for eternal life. Amen".

You need to talk until the entire candle burns out. Then put the twigs in a secret place before the wedding. After the wedding they should be sent down the river.

The fate of every person is in his hands. Practice shows that it can and should be controlled. Many people know magical experiments that brought luck and wealth closer, which proved that the human will with enormous knowledge influences the course of events. With a spell, a coin applies its will to a key link in the chain of events, thereby achieving a certain result.

What are the rituals with coins to attract big money?

A strong love spell on a coin is an ancient one, with the help of which people have good luck and wealth for about two decades. Otherworldly forces are attracted to fate to create luck and wealth for a specified period. Use:

  • herbs and flowers that help maintain well-being in the family and attract money;
  • ash bark;
  • snapdragon grass;
  • green dill;
  • clover.

Collect equal quantities in a small green bag and cast a money love spell on it with words for wealth:

“Everything that I have planned must be fulfilled, I say it, it happens, I do the work, everything turns into profit.”

Love spell on a coin

Living in abundance is one of the secret desires of each of us. By choosing a money spell from 12 love spells, you can solve financial problems. Attracting good luck and wealth to your family and increasing it all is always easy if you follow simple instructions in compliance with general rules. Write down the text of the love spell, read it regularly, and keep it near you. Popular coin spells include money ones, especially when there is a widespread crisis and everyone wants to attract money to themselves. Everyone can figure it out and increase cash flow.

Love spell for the desired amount

How to cast a spell on a coin

Directing the necessary energy finances in the direction you need, so that there is wealth, requires regular reading of a conspiracy that brings good luck. It works for you, it can turn anyone into a money magnet. Financial conspiracies are considered white magic; they do not have negative consequences for authors and customers. Use love spells that attract wealth to increase wealth, profitably sell an apartment or car, or buy a house.

Powerful love spell with a coin

There are a number of other conspiracies and ways to attract money and wealth. To cast a love spell with a coin, you need to put a nickel under the aspen tree, speak to it and cover it with earth. Do this at the time of the full moon, choosing an even number, preferably 12, and it will bring good luck and wealth. When the growing month appears, bake some bread, say out loud before baking:

“The dough will grow, rise and increase, and I will grow with it, well-being will improve 12 times, fame will increase among people and money will flow into your wallet.”

It is the coin spell that creates the preconditions for good luck.

Get rich quick spell

  1. Place the coin in the bottom of a clean saucer.
  2. Sprinkle wheat grains onto the coin.
  3. Cover with a handkerchief on top.
  4. On the third day, add warm water, the grain will begin to germinate, and you say:

    “Our mother, you provide food for infants and old people, the poor, and the noble family. From a grain you give 10, and 12, and 20. Send good luck to me, the Lord’s slave, so that money can be born, like this sprouted grain of wheat. As it grows day and night, so they will increase and feed the family, your blessing is upon me, Lord.”

Many people use a love spell on a coin to increase their money. They take 5 kopecks, then you need to stand near the window, peer into the moon, and say the phrase:

“I go to the market as a merchant, I fly in as a young falcon, having wealth with me, God send me, so that there is enough for everyone. Amen".

Say the words three times, hold the coin with your right hand, and at the same time trace the left edge in a circle, going clockwise. After the love spell, wash your hands with salt water and go to bed.

Keep the charmed luck with the coin for 30 days, then spend it on something you need (add it to your existing money), and at the time of the next new moon, make a spell for another penny.

You can use a yellow coin to place it under the sun's rays. Read the love spell for money 3 times loudly:

“The sun will shine with gold, which warms the earth. Here you are, little penny, light up with golden fire, bring wealth.”

Leave, leaving it in the sun for 12 hours. Then carry it in your wallet all the time and don’t waste it. This way you will attract money to yourself.

New wallet conspiracy

To have money in it, hide a small coin in your purse and go to a spring or river bank. Wet your hands in water and lightly spray the wallet several times, making sure that one drop of liquid gets onto the coin inside the wallet.

Money wallet conspiracy

Read out loud the words of the love spell for expected good luck:

“The water in the river (fontanelle) is flowing - it won’t end. And money flows into my wallet endlessly, for my wealth, for all the good.”

Spend this coin in the first 30 days.

Love spell for fast money growth

A strong money conspiracy for the rapid growth of money is that when you see the full moon in the azure sky without clouds, hold the coins on the window, under the reflections of the moonlight, and wait for good luck. Read the words of the conspiracy loudly three times:

“Luna princess, you are made of silver, gold, growing and increasing. Direct the reflections of the moon onto my pennies so that there is an increase in money. Moonlight gives strength to a coin, fills a house, adds wealth.”

Keep it under the moonlight for 12 hours and leave. Speak money and keep it in your wallet; you cannot spend it within a month, because fortune will attract new money to it. After 30 days, spend this money and transfer the entire ritual to other coins.

So that money flows like a river

For a copper penny, perform a strong ritual only for yourself during the waxing moon or in the morning before 12 o’clock, or at dawn. Nobody should know about this. You will receive a cash influx. To carry out a spell on wealth, you need any two buckets. At behind closed doors, the light is off, lower the coin into an empty bucket, the other should be filled with silent water - water is collected silently alone, or not scooped - taken from a well where no one collected water at night after 12 o'clock.

Simple rituals for money

Pour water from the bucket into an empty one and use the spell text that brings good luck:

“The river flowed long, there was a clean field around, a mighty stream of water rushed through the river, suitable for all the animals and blades of grass to live on. If only gold and silver would flow into my bins in a stream, wealth would fill my house. Words are forged with iron, a strong knife cannot pierce, money is called into the wallet.”

Keep the coin from the bucket in your purse with you at all times, you cannot lose it, then the spell will remain without power.
