How does a lighthouse work in Minecraft 1.8 1. How to make a lighthouse in Minecraft, and what is required to create it? How to use the device

Greetings to all Minecrafters, experienced and brave conquerors of other worlds in Minecraft. If you managed to do the incredible: defeat the main monster in the lower worlds, then you have earned the right to light a beacon in your domain. Next, my friends, you will find out what you will have to do for this in minecraft.

Where might a lighthouse be needed?

So why do we need a lighthouse? Firstly, dear friends, he will serve us in Minecraft as people in their world: to show the way. But besides this, like many other things in our cubic world, it can perform completely different and very important tasks. But more on this later.

How to create a beacon

I must note that, as unfortunate as it may be, making a lighthouse is not very easy in terms of the materials required.

So, my friends, to make a minecraft beacon in our possessions, we will need the following components: glass, obsidian and nether star. As for the first two, they are relatively easy to do in Minecraft:

  • Glass blocks can be made by burning sand in a stove (we discussed the issue of glass in great detail in the article on how to make glass in Minecraft).
  • Obsidian should be mined with a diamond pickaxe, mainly from mines: after receiving it, watering the lava with water. You just have to do it carefully so as not to fall into the lava yourself!

Get a nether star

Afterwards, we extract 4 blocks of soul sand, and install them with the letter T - a structure of 4 blocks - 1 block, on which a strip of 3 blocks is placed on top. And then we place 3 heads of wither skeletons on these three blocks. And wait, in a few seconds this horror will spawn.

And now hold on! This thing is very angry, aggressive. Without high skill, excellent armor and weapons, it is useless to even try to kill him :)

And from this fiend of hell the star of the lower world drops. Fortunately, always, and always alone (even if you enchant the sword for looting).

And when, after so much work and feats, we receive all the required materials, all that remains is to arrange them in the right way, on the workbench:

How to properly build a pyramid for a lighthouse

Now, my friends, that we have managed to make a lighthouse, the question arises: how to light it. Simply placing it on the ground will not turn it on: for this you will need to make a special base that will look like an “Egyptian” pyramid. The simplest option would be a base made of three by three blocks. We place the beacon block in the center: this will enable it, that is, there is no need to do this specially. Simply, when installed, a dazzling beam of light will burst out of the beacon, which will stretch high into the sky and it will be ready for work.

  • For this purpose only diamond, emerald, gold and iron blocks. Moreover, it does not matter which blocks to make from, whether to use one type or all at once.
  • For proper operation it is necessary that there were no opaque blocks, blocking the rays. Otherwise it won't work.
  • When building a pyramid, do not be stingy, my friends, and do not build it hollow: to build the largest one possible you must use up exactly 164 blocks!
  • To use all the opportunities to enhance abilities that the lighthouse provides, you need to make a large pyramid according to the following parameters: the base is 9x9, the next row on it is 7x7, then 5x5, and finally the last row is 3x3. And on it, in the center, the lighthouse itself is placed.

How to use the device

Finally, friends, we managed to do a truly grandiose thing in Minecraft: build and turn on a lighthouse. In addition to its main purpose - to enhance abilities - it can also be used as, for example, a light source, or a path indicator, since its light rises to a height of 255 blocks. Now let's figure out how to use it in minecraft.

  • Firstly, open its window by right-clicking on it. Then we put one of these items in the square: emerald, diamond, gold or iron ingots. Then select the one you need from the main effects sector. It appears in the secondary power sector, next to the heart. Select by clicking the green checkmark next to the cross.

  • Secondly, ability enhancement is given by the beacon for a certain time, but if you stay at a certain set proximity to the beacon, the effect will last without ending, that is, they will always be updated to the initial parameters. The range of action depends on the size of the pyramid: for the smallest, 3x3, this will be 16 blocks. Further in ascending order: 24, 32 and finally 40 blocks.

Here are the abilities that can be enhanced.

There are more and more fans of the game, and now they are not only teenagers, but also the older generation. At first glance, what might attract a world of squares? However, it is very interesting and provides users with a lot of possibilities. Just today we’ll talk about how to make a lighthouse in Minecraft, and what is required to create it!

The construction of this structure is quite difficult and painstaking. If you look into an explanatory dictionary to read the meaning of the word “lighthouse”, it is unlikely that anyone will learn something new for themselves. As before, this word refers to an elevated structure located on the shores near the sea or ocean. Its main task is to indicate the direction to ships that are trying to swim to land and moor. It is visible not only on a clear day, but also in fog, and even at night, because there is an excellent spotlight on the peak, which allows you to see the lighthouse from a great distance.

As for the Minecraft game, here the lighthouse serves other purposes. Outwardly, it is, of course, somewhat similar to the structure we are presenting - it is the same tall structure emitting a powerful luminous flux. The lighthouse is visible from afar, but it only benefits those nearby. Sometimes it is also used to indicate a geographical location. But this is not the only reason why such an expensive and rather complex element is built, which can bestow various bonuses on the game hero. A lighthouse is very profitable, so everyone should know how to build one.

How to craft a lighthouse in Minecraft?

Everything would be much simpler if a ready-to-install beacon could be bought, found or exchanged. But this is the difficulty, that you need to build it yourself “from scratch”. Before construction, you should first familiarize yourself with necessary components and understand where to look for them.

The easiest way to get it is common glass, which is melted in a furnace. Having made five blocks of glass in this way, they move on to searching for the next component. To obtain obsidian, you will have to try, because you need to know where to look for raw materials for it, and how to make this stone. These searches must be carried out in places where lava forms. Since obsidian is obtained from lava and water, you need to know how to combine them correctly so as not to get an ordinary cobblestone. When the lava source is discovered and the technology is followed, all that remains is to wait for three blocks of this stone to be received.

The third component will complete the preparation, which may not be obtained the first time. We are talking about a rare artifact - a star of the lower world. It will go only to the one who wins the fight with any boss in the game. This task is not easy, but without it it is impossible to build a lighthouse. All ingredients must be collected, and they will be needed to create a beacon block, which represents the main, but not the only, part.

How to create a beacon?

A lighthouse without a base will not perform any functions. That is why the platform on which the block is located is very important. Before building a pedestal, you need to carefully select the location and decide on the desired effect of the lighthouse. It is clear that the larger the pedestal, the stronger its positive impact. The size of the lighthouse base is determined by the number of layers, that is, its height. The layers of the pedestal consist of equal cubes of different quantities.

But it also wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to the material from which it will be made. All this will affect his action and, accordingly, the hero’s bonuses. After all, a pedestal made of iron is very different from a pedestal made of gold of the same size, and each of them makes it possible to obtain a special result. A diamond pedestal made of two layers and the same, but higher, made of three layers will also function very differently. The choice of material must be made responsibly, because the main result of the lighthouse will depend most of all on the raw materials from which the base is made.

When a hero is located in the area of ​​effect of a built beacon, he acquires new abilities called bonuses. And the higher the pedestal, the less is the need to run very close to the lighthouse, since the radius and area of ​​its action increases significantly. Now, understanding the importance of each individual part of the lighthouse, you need to choose the best materials and build powerful beacon with an excellent pedestal. What exactly the pedestal can be is described in detail below.

Types of pedestals

The most simplified version of the pedestal can consist of only nine cubes located in one plane in a “three by three” format. This small platform will fulfill its function, and the beacon can be launched on it. In order to build a massive base, you will need many more blocks. There can be an infinite number of layers; if desired, you can build a very beautiful high pedestal. But at the same time, there is no need to hope that the capabilities of the lighthouse will also increase endlessly.

It makes sense to continue to build up the tiers only up to the fourth layer: the fifth and subsequent ones will not affect the operation of the lighthouse in any way, but will only be visually pleasing. The base layers stack on top of each other to form a pyramid, and the layer of nine cubes will always be on top. Under it there will be a layer of twenty-five cubes with a side of five elements, the next one with seven, and so on. This is the end of construction, but not all. Now the beacon, erected with such difficulty, should be activated, that is, turned on. This also requires certain steps, and they are not very simple.

Depending on the advantages and bonuses that the character needs or wants to receive, you should select the appropriate material and place an ingot from it inside the lighthouse. As soon as this happens, a list of possible bonuses will become available. Having chosen the bonus you like, you no longer need to worry about the beacon - with this action it activated spontaneously.

Changing bonus types

If the hero falls within the range of the beacon, then some of his abilities become higher for a while. For example, you can improve the speed of movement or strengthen the hero’s defense. He may temporarily become stronger or jump higher. The main thing is that only one main parameter can always be improved for one hero, plus one auxiliary bonus, which is possible in the lighthouse zone.

Since the bonuses depend on the ingot placed inside the beacon, let’s consider the possible materials from which they are made. There are four varieties of ingots - iron, gold, emerald and diamond, which have special properties.

Dependence of zone on height

A lighthouse can have different characteristics at different base heights. It is logical that a higher pedestal increases the range and types of bonuses. The complexity of the construction of the lighthouse has led to its rarity, therefore, if we are to build it, then it should be done with maximum characteristics.


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In Minecraft there is no special character leveling system, because this game is more reminiscent of reality, where you would not be able to level up to the maximum. Therefore, your uniform, weapons, as well as all sorts of effects that are imposed on you as a result of using various potions are of great importance here and items. The most useful in this regard is the lighthouse - this item will allow you to get a permanent improving effect within a certain radius from it. Accordingly, everyone should know how to build this structure, how to turn on the lighthouse in Minecraft, and also what it does for you. in the end it will.

Crafting a lighthouse

It’s worth clarifying right away that a lighthouse in Minecraft is not a solid structure, but only one block that you can craft. Naturally, if you want to know how to enable a beacon, you will first need to create one. This is exactly what you should do now, but for this you will need quite rare materials. Of course, five blocks of glass cannot be called such, because they can be smelted in a furnace quite quickly, but then it will be much more difficult for you to get three more blocks of obsidian. What can we say about the Star of the Lower World - one of the rarest objects that can be found in this game. You can only find it in Hell, after long wanderings, but it's really worth it. So, you need to place the Star in the central cell of the workbench, fill the bottom row with obsidian, and the rest will be filled with glass. As a result, you will get a block that vaguely resembles a smaller diamond placed under a glass cover. Now you have a beacon. As already mentioned, this is not a whole structure, but a separate block, and in order to find out how to turn on a lighthouse in Minecraft, you still have to create a base for it.

Creating a Foundation

If you are seriously thinking about how to include a beacon in Minecraft, then you have a lot to learn. The fact is that a fully functioning structure consists of the lighthouse itself, located at the top of the pyramid, and the base, which is made up of diamonds, emeralds, gold or, in extreme cases, iron. The quality and range of the beacon does not depend on the materials - it depends on its height. If you lay out a pyramid of one layer of three by three material, the radius of action will be very small. It is best to build a pyramid of five floors because it will have a maximum radius of more than forty blocks, but it is rare that someone manages to create this in a regular survival game rather than in creative mode. So, if your pyramid is built, and at the very top of it is the desired block, then it’s time to find out how to turn on the lighthouse in Minecraft.

Beacon activation

Now you know how to build a lighthouse in Minecraft. It's time to turn it on. This is not that difficult to do - you just need to left-click on it. Naturally, it doesn’t end there, the fact is that using the lighthouse is not free, and you need to give a unit of the material from which the pyramid was built. Only then will the beacon work and you will be able to use it in the world of Minecraft. What is a lighthouse for? Now you will find out.

Benefits of a lighthouse

After activating the beacon, a window will appear on your screen in which you can select a specific effect that will be broadcast at a radius specified by the height of the structure. Naturally, if you have only one base layer, then few effects will be available to you, but if you have three layers, you will be able to choose from a maximum of effects. The last, fourth, layer opens for you new opportunity- selection of not only the main, but also an additional effect.

The lighthouse illuminates an area of ​​15 blocks around itself. Also, like other objects that emit light, a beacon can melt a block of ice or snow. It cannot be moved using a piston.

How to make a lighthouse

For it to work, you need to meet several requirements. In addition to a well-made structure, it is necessary that there are only transparent blocks above the lighthouse, or there are none at all.

It does not matter how illuminated the area next to the lighthouse is. It is necessary that the structure be in the shape of a pyramid. The bottom should be made of special types of blocks, and the lighthouse itself should be placed on top. The foundation of the building can be made of iron, gold, diamonds or iron. The structure may not be made from one material, but from a variety of materials.

How to turn on a beacon in Minecraft

When you place a block on top of the building, a large beam will appear that will illuminate the area. The higher the pyramid is, the better effects can be obtained. For the maximum possible effect, the first row of the pyramid should be nine by nine blocks, and the top - seven by seven, then five by five and three by three. A total of one hundred and sixty-four blocks should be released.

For the device to function at its best, the structure must be four blocks tall, not including the device itself. Thus, two positive effects will be given at once.

How to activate a beacon in Minecraft

How to use a beacon in Minecraft? In order to enter the block management section, you need to right-click on it. After this, you need to fill the cell with an emerald, an ingot of iron or gold, or a diamond. Next, you will have possible buffs, among which you need to choose one.

The possible effects are affected by the height of the building. The effect will be secondary and will be near regeneration. In order for the buff to start working, you need to check the box.

It is still unclear what the effects of the object and blocks that were used for construction are. During one application, you can get one secondary and one primary effect. And if the building is low, then you will only get the primary effect.

Positive effects

The bonus that the user will receive works for a certain period of time (nine seconds). But, until the moment the character stands in the beacon’s coverage area, it will be extended indefinitely. The effect will be extended once every four seconds.

A ray that goes up. It can be seen from any place on the map, while the chunk in which the block is located is loaded.

All characters have a good effect.

Territory where the effect will be given depends on how tall the building is. If it consists of one row, then the bonus will be given within a radius of sixteen blocks, after that - twenty-four and thirty-two. For a pyramid of four rows the effect will spread over fifty blocks. It is important to note that the distance is also limited in height. Online, the effect will spread to all characters.

Interesting facts

The pillar that comes from the lighthouse reaches a height of two hundred and fifty-five blocks.

While the chunks are loaded, the beam will be a mark on the terrain and will not disappear. In order to notice the mark from afar, you need to turn up the brightness a little in the Minecraft options.

If several buildings meet, the lighthouse will still be fully functional.

In order to build the largest structure you need one thousand four hundred and seventy-six ingots of iron, gold or diamonds, emeralds.

IN earlier versions Minecraft Instead of the usual block, the beacon looked the same as the bedrock, which is located under the edge crystal.

If you block the beam with one of the non-illuminated blocks, the pillar will disappear and the device will stop working. And if the path is blocked by ice, the beam will melt it and turn it into water.

The block can be placed in the edge or in hell, but in the second case it can only be placed using creative mode, since there is a bed on top that cannot be destroyed in normal mode. Unless you can break the bedrock with a bug or get beyond the borders of the world.

Even though the block looks like a diamond, the diamond itself does not participate in crafting.

There is a glow from the lighthouse, so it can be used as a lamp in Minecraft.

If placed in front of the beam colored glass, then it will be painted the color of the glass. If you place glasses of different colors, you can achieve the desired shade.

What effects can you get if you make and activate a beacon in Minecraft?


  1. Speed: The character will become much faster.
  2. Haste: The player will be much more active in breaking blocks and wielding a pickaxe.
  3. Resistance: Damage that can be taken will be reduced.
  4. Improved Jump: The character will jump one and a half or two blocks higher, depending on the level of the effect.
  5. Strength: The damage the character deals will be greater.


Regeneration: the character's health bar will fill up faster.


The video explains in detail how to activate the beacon.

When your level in the game reaches heights, you will have in your arsenal good armor and a lot of diamonds, then you will be ready to create a block like a lighthouse. By installing it near your home, you can receive useful bonuses at any time. The block also produces a very beautiful beam of light that reaches the very ceiling in the game. So, if you decide to create a lighthouse, these instructions are for you.

How to make a lighthouse in Minecraft - what you need

For crafting you will need:

  • five blocks of glass,
  • three blocks of obsidian,
  • star of the lower world.
  • Glass is obtained by burning sand in a furnace; you can find it on any coast and quickly collect it with a shovel.
  • Obsidian is found in mines, where lava and water meet. This block is dark purple in color and can only be assembled with a diamond pickaxe.
  • With the star of the lower world, everything is much more complicated - it falls when the Wither drops. This is the boss of the lower world, you will have to gather several friends with good armor and weapons, only together you will defeat him. One Wither drops one nether star.

Once all the items are collected, proceed to the next step.

Crafting a lighthouse in Minecraft

  • Place all the ingredients in the workbench inventory window as shown in the screenshot below. Drag the resulting beacon block with the left mouse button into your inventory. Now the beacon has been created, all that remains is to position it correctly to obtain useful effects.

Lighthouse location in Minecraft

In order for the beacon to be activated, you need to build a pyramid from the following blocks: diamond, emerald, gold, iron. You can combine blocks as you wish or build the entire pyramid from one material. The strength and range of the effects that the beacon imposes depends on the size of the pyramid.

Examples of pyramids:

The largest pyramid will give you the largest range of effects. It will be four blocks in height without taking into account the lighthouse itself, nine blocks in length on the bottom layer, seven on the second, five on the third and, accordingly, three blocks on the last level.

The lighthouse will give you one of the following effects:

  • Resistance. Reduces damage taken by the player.
  • Rush. Your character destroys blocks faster and can strike more often.
  • Powerful jump. You gain the ability to jump higher, jump over fences. As your skill improves, your jump height increases even more.
  • Speed. The player moves faster.
  • Strength. The character deals increased damage.

If you have built the largest pyramid, then the Regeneration effect is additionally applied to the player.
To select an effect, right-click on the beacon. In the window that appears, you need to place a diamond to activate. Then select the desired effect.

Please note that if you are playing on a densely populated server, the light of the beacon will attract many other players, and not all of them will be friendly, because your pyramid is made of valuable blocks. Take care of a high and reliable fence, do not forget about armor and weapons even when in your gaming house.
