What is the name of the paint shooting game? Colorful War Play a cool color shooting game.

You have a chance to see an example very unusual game for two Battle and paints. It looks quite primitive, but in fact it can captivate a gamer for many hours.


At the very beginning, you can choose a mode for one or two gamers. In the second case, you can compete with your partner in gaining points. Characters are two colored squares. They can shoot blobs of paint at their enemies - the same colorful kids.

Enemies appear in flocks from opening portals, and a real battle of colors begins. The task of gamers is to dodge collisions and shoot strangers. Four keys are used to move the main characters of the game. The same number is used for shooting, since each button is responsible for a certain direction of flight of the projectile, corresponding to the four cardinal directions.

When choosing a single battle option, the controls are much more convenient, since the movement and shooting keys are located in different parts of the keyboard, and not next to each other. During a two-player game, paints cannot shoot at each other.

Team against team, everyone has a weapon in their hands, bright cartridges and a difficult battle ahead, of course, a joke. What is the name of the game where you shoot paintballs from a gun? How safe are the cartridges used and what will happen if you “fight” without ammunition? Game rules and interesting facts about this lesson.

A game in which the main action is shooting paintballs from a gun is called paintball. The name is derived from English words: paint - paint and ball - ball, ball.

The essence of the game: paintball is not for weaklings

The main point of the paintball game is to capture the flag at the opponents' base and/or shoot members of the rival team. Of course, during the action it is necessary to get “in one piece” to that very base, remaining unnoticed. The one who is spotted and shot leaves the game and is considered “dead.”

To understand who shot whom, who survived, and who was wounded, rifles are loaded with different colors that do not overlap between teams. For example, for team A – red, for team B – blue balls.

If a limb is hit, the player is considered wounded, but can safely continue to fight for the flag.

Of course, standard rules are not always used. In some cases, the team agrees on its rules, nuances and goals of the game, for example:

  • single base - the flag stands in the middle of the field;
  • the player “dies” only when hit in the chest;
  • you need to find the code/various letters in the game area and make up a word. Whoever is first wins.

In large gaming clubs, entire scenarios have been thought out, adapted to the number, age and mood of visitors.

Now it’s clear what the name of the game is, where they shoot paintballs. Where does it go?

Where does the paintball game take place, what equipment is needed?

To organize such fun, as a rule, abandoned hangars and large, spacious premises are adapted. The scenery is made from tires, large sheets Fiberboard, fishing nets and old furniture.

In more rare cases, in the warm season, paintball is organized on the street, in the forest or in a specially designated, fenced area.

By the way, just recently no one knew the name of the game where they shoot paintballs. It began to gain its relevance in 2005-2010 and was considered a game for the rich - the cost of the game is expensive. By the way, at the moment, the cost of paintball is also “biting”, but it has already become more affordable for students and people with average incomes.

To play you need special clothing, which is almost always provided at the club. It consists of: glasses, protective overalls made of thick fabric with a synthetic padding layer, protective gloves and a helmet.

It is prohibited to enter the playing field without special ammunition.

Safety: is it possible to get injured when playing paintball?

Modern clubs are trying in every possible way to improve the quality of the game and reduce the risk of injury. So, now no one will allow you to be on the field in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, without a special uniform and during a psychological breakdown.
Before each game, the team listens to a mandatory introductory lesson about safety rules and behavior on the playing field.

Paintballs consist of a gelatinous, hardened mixture with food coloring inside. A ball hitting the body from close range without equipment is fraught with slight pain and a slight bruise afterwards.

In general, the name of the game where they shoot paint balls is not so important. It is much more important that this activity will bring a lot of positive impressions for both the child and the adult.

Description of flash game

Colorful War


Many computer games, despite their unusual names, have a rather unusual and fascinating plot, so you may be very surprised when you download the Colorful War game. You can play it alone or with a friend, here you can have a lot of fun in your free time. If you invite your friend to participate in this game, you will not regret it because it is very fun and exciting. Here you can compete to see who can last longer on the battlefield. If you are attentive and careful, you can beat your opponent without any problems. The idea is that you control a small box that shoots colorful squares. Various paints will gradually be launched at you, which can destroy you; you have to shoot at these paints to remove them. You have to shoot often and without stopping, otherwise you will not be able to remain a winner. The game is accompanied by unusual, pleasant music, so at this time you can completely relax and feel the beauty of this battle. Despite its name about war, there is no killing in this game, but on the contrary, quite fun and unusual things. Remember that to defeat your opponent, you need to shoot at the paints without stopping. To control your box, you need to use standard keys on the keyboard, and to start an attack you can use the mouse. Feel like a real fighter and experience for yourself dogfight with the enemy in all its glory. Remember that you are playing against the clock and every minute counts in this battle! We wish you good luck and fair victory your enemy in such an exciting and rather difficult battle!
