Barboskin games. Barboskin games Games for girls Barboskins with a rose

In total, three adults and five kids live in the large apartment of the Barboskins (during the launch of any game in the section you can visit it). The oldest sister's name is Rosa, she recently turned 14 years old. She loves pink, TV series about love and a neighbor's boy Timokha. The latter, of course, is a big, big secret. Rose is the heroine of almost every Barboskina game for girls.

The eldest son in the family, who is only a year younger than Rosa, is Druzhok. The guy is an excellent athlete, he is fond of football, but he hates school classes, which, of course, affects the grades. The teacher's friend is always scolded for absenteeism, but where dexterity and physical strength are needed, he is always ahead of the rest of the planet. His best friend is Timokha, the same neighbor from whom his older sister is thrilled.

But the middle son of the Gena family is a real child prodigy. He is fond of science, all the time makes something, invents or conducts experiments. If some Barboskina game requires you to solve complex problems, intricate puzzles or something else that is no wonder to break your brain forever, then the main character in it is most likely Gena.

The youngest daughter of the family is a charming baby Lisa. She recently turned 9. She loves to play "doctor" and sing, but she clearly does not know how to do the latter, although she tries. She's also a terrible sneak.

Druzhok, the youngest child in the Barboskin family, loves games with Lisa. He's only 6 and a terrible sweet tooth. A friend always comes up with some pranks, and if he is caught behind them, he dumps the blame on his plush bunny.

The mom and dad of puppies, like most parents, are terribly busy and constantly disappear at work. Grandfather pays more attention to his grandchildren, but, as a former sailor, he cannot live without water and regularly goes fishing. So the younger generation is often left on its own in a huge apartment, which usually ends with some new adventures and pranks. You can participate in all of them together with the Barboskins, starting to play any game you like for free.

From adventure games to puzzles

Barboskina games are designed for toddlers of preschool and primary school age, both fans of the animated series of the same name, and those who have never seen it in their eyes (if, of course, such children exist in nature). Like all series of the cartoon, each toy is a separate complete story in which, depending on the genre, you have to solve puzzles, look for objects disguised on the screen, add puzzles depicting the main characters, go through exciting adventure quests and even get ready for a date ... The choice is great, and it is up to you to decide what to devote your free time to.

The main goal of the children's cartoon is to teach the reasonable, kind and eternal. Barboskina games allow you not only to have fun with your favorite characters, but also to learn a lot of new things! In the case of the Barboskiny series, games for the computer are more than a logical continuation of the line that funny characters in the cartoon begin! Both boys and girls will love them! Each hero has its own fun, which corresponds to his character.

The animated series Barboskiny was released in 2011, and both children and adults were immediately among its fans. Contrary to the popular belief that a cartoon for young children should not have subtle humor or complex dialogues, this series amazes with the quality of both the plot and the pictures and speech of the characters. From the very first episode there is a feeling that we have a well thought out and conscientiously made product - in a word, a typical cartoon produced by the Melnitsa studio.

In the Barboskins there is a place for a smile or even a funny laugh, but there are moments that are worth pondering. Each episode is a complete story in which one of the children (and sometimes more than one) makes a mistake, but always realizes that he was wrong. But at the same time, the viewers do not have the feeling that someone is reading boring notation to them - everything happens very naturally! The moral of the series is not presented in the form of inappropriate moralizing - it appears logically in the course of the plot and does not cause any rejection either among the young viewers or among the adults who make up their company.

Meet the Barboskins!

The Barboskins are a real large family. Of course, when five children live under one roof, there is definitely no need to wait for a boring or even just calm life. After all, each of the five has its own character - a pronounced individuality! It is because of this that in the Barboskin family, in principle, quite friendly and happy, various conflicts often arise.

So, let's get to know all the members of this funny family!

In terms of seniority, Grandfather is the first among the Barboskins. However, he appears in the series quite rarely, and all we know about him is the fact that in the past he was a long-distance sailor, surfed the seas and oceans.

Next comes Mom and Dad. The Elder Barboskins are a typical middle-aged married couple. Dad works so hard that even at home he cannot relax, and therefore does not part with a computer or a newspaper. This is not surprising for the head of such a large family! Mom is a housewife. We rarely see her in the frame, but all the time we feel her close presence. It is precisely to upset or anger Mom with their pranks that children are most afraid of, because they love her very much for her care and worldly wisdom.

The oldest of the children is Rosa. A teenage girl, a beauty, and therefore - the favorite of all girls! She is interested in the same as all other girls: fashion, cosmetics, boys ... However, boys are not all - but only the most popular ones, because friends for her are the same accessory as a new handbag. She knows how and loves to take care of herself and always looks her best! Because of this, feeling his superiority, he often grins at Lisa (she does not remain in debt and regularly arranges various dirty tricks on her sister).

Unfortunately, like most doll-like girls, Rose is not distinguished by an excess of intelligence. But, despite some arrogance and passion for expensive things, she is a kind enough girl and really loves her sister and brothers. She is always ready to help if she feels that she cannot be done without! After all, she is the eldest, and therefore must do everything for “her kids”.

The friend is the most athletic among the Barboskins. It was at his request that football and fishing games appeared on the net under the Barboskiny brand. Indeed, for a real football fan, even half a day spent away from your favorite game seems to be a real torture! So he came up with a way to play football not only in the yard, when the weather permits, but also at the computer. Yes, and addicted to this all the fans of the series!

Playful and agile, the friend cannot sit in one place for a minute. And, unlike sports, where a boy achieves new heights almost every day, his studies are lame! After all, in order to study well, you need to spend a lot of time on boring homework preparation ... And Druzhka does not want to do this at all, especially when the sun is shining outside and you can play a ball with your neighbor Timokha.

In contrast to him, Gena is very assiduous, and most importantly, he is sincerely interested in science. The secrets of distant planets attract him no less than the chemical processes that can be carried out in a test tube. Gena is a real scientist. It seems that he knows everything! His brain is a huge encyclopedia, and he is an A in school.

However, the brothers and sisters, although they laugh at him, still respect him for his intellect and enthusiasm. In addition, he, unlike many smart guys beyond his years, is not arrogant at all, and is always ready to help others. Gena will willingly chat with brothers about any trifles, but nevertheless it will be much more natural to feel herself in a scientific conversation than in a discussion of the past match.

Third-grader Lisa is a girl with character! Moreover, the character is quite harmful. As a younger sister, she often feels oppressed in the shadow of her older sister, a beauty and the most popular girl in school. Lisa would like to be like that (she even has cosmetics), but everything has its time, and at nine years old, looking sixteen is both impossible and unnecessary.

But Lisa is not ready to put up with inequality, and therefore, out of harm or envy, she often arranges nasty things for her sister ... Which, however, she always repents and sincerely regrets Rosa, saddened by the results of another dirty trick. Brothers also often get it from the harmful nature of their younger sister, because you can't invent a bigger sneak! But, no matter how much she tried to "bring everyone out into the open," Liza's bad deeds often turn against her.

The youngest Barboskin is Kid. He absorbed a little bit from each of his older brothers and sisters, and so far it is difficult to say what he will be like when he grows up: he will decide and become like someone alone or remain like everyone else and unlike anyone else. He is reasonable enough, but at the same time he is not averse to playing pranks. But even he plays pranks very quietly and accurately - like the tomboys who are still just starting their activity, he is terribly afraid of any punishments, and therefore he never allows himself to cross the boundaries.

He does most of his pranks not out of a desire to go against what the elders say, but simply out of ignorance. However, he increases his knowledge of the world every day, because he studies very hard. In the Barboskiny series, games with the Kid are simple educational tasks for the little ones, which allow you to learn new words and train attentiveness.

On our website, in the Barboskins section, games with characters from the animated series are already available for all visitors! If you like a funny family, then you will definitely enjoy playing with them online. Barboskin games for girls are the best cartoon educational games, because in them your favorite characters are always happy to meet you. The main thing is that you can play Barboskins games on our website without downloading and installing - right from your browser! This means that your favorite characters will always be with you, wherever you go.

Fashionable makeup of Rosa Barboskina. A game for girls and girls! Rosa Barboskina's fashion makeover is a cool make-up game for girls in Russian. Rose woke up in a great mood. And then she received a message from a friend of Timokha, who made an appointment with her. Girls, help the fashionista Rose get ready for a date. She really wants to please Timokha. First of all, she needs to brush her teeth, wash her head, and only then do her makeup. Well, the beautiful Rose is ready. It's time for a date!

Fashionable makeup of Rosa Barboskina

Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family-2. A game for girls and girls! Girls, remember the friendly Barboskin family? The cutest hero of this family is a funny puppy named Kid. The puppy is very curious and cheerful. He is ready for discoveries, and when he learns something new, he does not cease to admire, exclaiming: "Wow, restless!" No less curious are two more characters: Druzhok and Gena. Doggie Druzhok will definitely be a football player. Gena the dog will go into science. He is interested in chemistry. Toddler's sister, Rose, is obsessed with fashion. Sister Lisa is a real sneak, who is ready to fight for the truth in the right place and out of place. Of course, these nimble dogs also have parents. But they differ from children in their degree. Girls, don't you think that you recognize yourself in the characters and actions of these cute characters? To decide who it is, you will have to answer 10 questions test game - "Test: Who are you from the Barboskin family -2". Play with your mouse.

Barboskina Lisa: Search for the stars. A game for girls and girls! All Barboskins are assembled, therefore, soon the family will start having fun. And there is! Two brothers, Druzhok and Gena, their sister Rosa and even a puppy Kid decided to make fun of Lisa, who more than once claimed that in their family she possesses the best detective skills. The hour came when the family demanded substantial evidence from Lisa. A friendly team of the Barboskins scattered almost invisible stars throughout the room and gave Lisa only 3 minutes to find them. Lisa, of course, is ready to fight for the truth, but the stars are hidden so skillfully! Girls, help! For this you need a mouse. Good luck!

Barboskins: ice cream. A game for girls and girls! In the city where the Barboskin family lives, it is now a hot summer. And on the street, next to their house, you girls sell ice cream. The family simply loves this delicacy and will endlessly come for it. You have a limited time to serve each family member. Pay close attention to the wishes of the Barboskins. They will show up in a cloud above their heads. Having made the required order, hand it over to the client. And do not forget: you must have time to complete your task. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Learning to read with the Barboskins. A game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! Girls, if your game doesn't load for a long time, check - maybe you don't have UNITY player installed. Friends, we welcome you to this exciting game with the Barboskins about the Russian alphabet. Look at the pictures for clues. Find the letters you need on the playing field. Now combine them into words representing the objects shown in the picture. Read it. If you haven't learned to read yet, ask your elders for help. Good luck!

We are having fun with the Barboskins. A game for girls and girls! Girls, if you suddenly get bored, join the cheerful Barboskin family. You won't be bored with them. Now this family has come up with a fun puzzle. Together they hide a number of numbers. They hide it almost in plain sight. You must find these numbers. You have to cope with the search for numbers in just 3 minutes. Be careful! The wrong click will take your life away. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Coloring with Lisa Barboskina. A game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! Meet! This is Liza from the famous Barboskin family. Although she is a sneak, but in general, she is a good sister and girlfriend. They say about her that she is the best at finding lost things. Liza believes that they deserve to be spoken about her. Her little brother, a puppy named Kid, lost his music receiver today. Lisa immediately found him in the bushes near the house. This picture shows the moment when the delighted Lisa hurries to inform the family about her find. Girls, use paints and bring the artist's work to the end, giving Lisa's outfits a color. Good luck!

Liza Barboskina is looking for notes. A game for girls and girls! Liza Barboskina is looking for notes - a game for girls in Russian, for attention. Girls, help Lisa Barboskina find all the notes in the room. Be careful! Notes can be everywhere: on furniture, on the ceiling, on the walls, on the floor ... Good luck!

Coloring book with Rosa Barboskina. A game for girls and girls! Girls, hello! Have you forgotten the cartoon about the famous Barboskin family? Before you is Rosa Barboskina, who is obsessed with fashion. Remember her adorable colors in clothes and bring them back to the photo. Good luck! Play with your mouse.

Cooking pizza with Lisa Barboskina. A game for girls and girls! Cooking pizza with Liza Barboskina - a game for girls in Russian, for cooking, for our little girlfriends. Wow, girls! In addition to the fact that Liza Barboskina knows how to sneak, she also knows how to quickly cook pizza. Do you want to be convinced? Then hurry to her kitchen! Now proceed as Lisa does. Click on the pizza ingredients. One, two, three ... and you're done! Lisa did it!

Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in the style of Pony girls. A game for girls and girls! Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in the style of Pony girls is a cool game for our youngest friends to dress up Rosa from the famous Barboskin family. Ever since Rosa learned the story of the Pony girls from the fairyland of Equestria, she has become their most devoted fan. Now Rosa is trying to be like these lovely girls in everything. She is interested in the same music as Pony girls. But most of all, our fashionista would like to dress the way Equestria girls dress. Girls, if you are ready to help her, follow us. We are now showing you a cool boutique with an assortment of Pony girls outfits. Here you can choose everything for Rosa: from the hairstyle of your beloved Pony girl to her shoes. Play with your mouse.

Dress up with Rosa Barboskina in the style of girls

Flight of the Barboskins in space. A game for girls and girls! Flight of the Barboskins in space is a cool, multi-level skill game for girls, in Russian. In space, one of the representatives of the Barboskin family is the doggie Gena. To interact with Gena, you girls need the UP / DOWN and RIGHT / LEFT arrow keys. To move from one level to another, you need to score a sufficient number of points in the time allotted by the game. In flight, help Gena catch balls, hearts, batteries. Points will be awarded for them. Do not allow Gena to collide with flying monsters, comets, space ships and stations. Because of them, you will lose points and lives. Good luck!

Test. Who are you from the Barboskins. A game for girls and girls! Test. Who are you from the Barboskins - a cool game Test for girls in Russian. Girls, of course, here we are talking about the characters of the members of this lovely family. As you remember, a funny puppy named Malysh is very curious and cheerful. He is ready for discoveries and when he learns something new, he does not cease to admire, exclaiming: "Wow, puffs!" No less curious are two more characters: Druzhok and Gena. Doggie Druzhok is fond of football, and doggie Gena - science. He is interested in chemistry. Their sister, Rosa, is obsessed with fashion. Sister Lisa is a real sneak, who is ready to fight for the truth in the right place and out of place. These are the children of the Barboskins. And their parents, respected personalities, who have such lovely children. So who of the Barboskins can you be like? Find out!

Roller skating with Rosa Barboskina. A game for girls and girls! Roller skating with Rosa Barboskina is a cool multi-level skill game for girls in Russian. To complete the level, you need to collect the specified number of points in the time allotted for this task. To do this, you need arrow keys to interact with Rose. Catch fruits, sweets, hearts, skates. Points will be awarded for them. Beware of falling school supplies. Because of them, you will lose points and lives. Good luck!

Puzzles. The Barboskins are going to a young talent competition. A game for girls and girls! The Barboskins' house is noisy. Their kids learned about the contest of young talents on television and decided to submit their clip to the contest. But bad luck, they could not distribute roles among themselves in any way. And only the parents who appeared were able to try on their children. Girls, collect the picture and you will witness this cool reconciliation. Play: with the mouse.

No one would argue that dogs are very loyal and friendly creatures. They often keep in a pack, do not give offense to kids, respect their elders and daily solve a lot of problems inherent in any average family. Barboskina games will introduce you to a unique dog family that is not used to giving in to difficulties and gets out of even the most confusing situations with dignity.

Barboskina's games are based on the series of the same name, which was released in 2011. The cartoon about adorable dogs, who treat each other with such warmth and love, instantly won the children's audience and became a real example of a happy and friendly family. In this category of games you will find the most popular genres: colorful dress up games, colorful puzzles, exciting adventure games and gambling races. You can choose any hero you like and go with him towards incredible adventures.

Mini-games Barboskins differ in simple plots, original graphics and pleasant music, and will be interesting even for the youngest gamers. They teach you to look at everything with a positive and are guaranteed to give you many pleasant minutes.

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