USSR logic game. BrainKing - Game Rules (Logic)

Old USSR textbooks

Purpose: The book of Hungarian mathematicians is dedicated to mathematical logic

Publisher: "MIR" Moscow 1975

Format: DjVu, File size: 9.07 MB

Translator's Preface 5

Preface 7

A few parting words to the reader 9

Instead of a subject index 16



Part II. two dimensions 21

Part III. three dimensions 33



See full table of contents...


Part II 123

Conclusion. What we learned

about two-dimensional logical problems Oh? 168

Part III. 177

Instead of conclusion 265

Part IV 266

Not everything should be cut with the same brush 344

Part V. 343

Download the USSR textbook - GAME AND LOGIC 85 logic problems 1975

Open - Excerpt from the textbook

The book by Hungarian mathematicians D. Bizam and J. Herceg is dedicated to mathematical logic.

The book is equipped with a carefully developed system of special pointers that help you navigate the specifics of the tasks.

The book is of interest to a wide range of readers - lovers of entertaining mathematics.

Editorial office of popular science and science fiction literature.


Logic problems are loved by our readership. Some see in them a kind of “mental gymnastics,” a means of satisfying the natural need for every thinking person to test and exercise the power of their own mind. Others are attracted by the elegant literary shell: the plot of logical problems is often very entertaining. Still others consider the main advantage of this type of problem to be their accessibility: you can often hear that solving logical problems does not require special knowledge, but only a certain level of development, the ability to think logically, acquired and developed, like any other skill, through persistent exercises.

Now the Russian translation of the book by the Hungarian mathematicians D. Bizam and J. Herceg “Game and Logic” is offered to this wide readership. 85 logic problems."

Initially, the authors wanted to call their book “School of Thinking.” And indeed, upon opening the book, the reader finds himself in an exemplary school, where two teachers, tactful and friendly, teach anyone who wants to the art of solving logical problems. (I'm afraid that the mention of the school may give some potential readers the wrong idea about the book and discourage them from getting to know it in more detail. Take your time! This school really teaches logic, but they do it through play. There is no place for despondency and boredom within its walls!)

A traditional means of solving logical problems - a table in the cells of which all possible combinations of elements of the sets under consideration are inscribed - in the hands of Bizam and Herceg turns into a tool of extraordinary power and flexibility. The table allows you to solve logical problems, and not just solve them, but also find optimal (minimum in terms of the number of “elementary” conditions used) solutions. The table helps analyze the conditions of the task, identify redundancy, check consistency and completeness, as well as the ability to split the original task into independent “subtasks”. The table makes it possible to establish the equivalence of seemingly different problems and, by putting the logical skeleton into verbal clothing, to construct new logical problems with predetermined properties.

Like Latin in the medieval universities, the "tabular language" is compulsory for all who enter the school of Bizam and Herzeg. It doesn't matter if you haven't owned it before! You have a unique opportunity to do this now. The course of direct and reverse translation is so intensive, and the “conversation practice” is so extensive that you will very soon learn to speak the tabular language without the slightest accent and will immediately achieve highest degree language proficiency - the ability to think in it. Needless to say, what an important role the special “tabular” thinking that is formed in this case plays in our days, when the methods of so-called finite mathematics have not only acquired citizenship rights in the mathematical science itself, but are also widely used beyond its borders.

But no matter how high the goals the authors set for themselves, it would have been impossible to achieve them if they had not been able to find an unusually bright form for the embodiment of their plans - that very Game, which throughout the book goes hand in hand with Logic. There is no need to list all the techniques and means that Bizam and Herceg use: a dry list (and even a detailed retelling) is powerless to convey the originality of their book - it must be read, read slowly, with a pencil in hand, following all the advice of the authors.

So, welcome to the school of thinking!

Some of these problems had already been published in the Hungarian popular science weekly “Life and Science” in the “School of Thinking” section (even before Logar Mishka’s problems began to appear in this section1)2. It was in the process of working in this section of the magazine that we came up with the idea that the materials published in it, properly organized and supplemented, could be published as a separate book.

The selection and systematization of logical problems, undoubtedly, should have begun by dividing them into types. The material of the book, as if being melted in the process of work, forced us to constantly make certain improvements until, finally, that sequence of interconnected types of logical problems crystallized, the detailed presentation of which became the main theme of our entire book.

Carefully systematizing collected material, we presented it in the form of tasks, problems. Of the 85 problems included in final version manuscripts, only 8 were borrowed by us from other sources (problems 1, 2, 3, 4, 79, 80, 81 and 82), however, even these problems were partially reworked, and the solutions were written anew in all cases without exception. All other problems are original. We would therefore like to hope that the content of the entire book can be considered more or less new. However, it is quite possible that we did not manage to achieve our goal, and we will gratefully accept all critical comments.

Taking this opportunity, we would like to thank everyone who suggested to us the idea of ​​​​creating a book: the editors of the magazine “Life and Science”, the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Fenier Bela”, the employees of the “School of Thinking” department (without whose valuable advice this book would hardly have been published) written), readers of the magazine, who corrected the errors they noticed and expressed many critical comments and instructions. Lastly (but by no means least), we thank the staff of the publishing house and everyone who took part in the work on the book.

Gyorgy Bizam Janos Herceg

1 A character whose first and last name in Hungarian resembles the word “logarithm”. - Approx. translation

2 We even intended to call our book “The School of Thinking” - this is the name that would best suit its content. However, we had to abandon our intention, since under this title the Hungarian translation of the book by the famous mathematician and teacher Professor Gyorgy Pólya (D Polya, How to solve a problem, State educational and pedagogical publishing house of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, M., 1959).


About 30-40 years ago, mathematics, according to everyone, was a true “scarecrow”. It is clear that with such an attitude, with few exceptions, no one knew mathematics, and could not know. And although mathematics is now viewed completely differently, sometimes one still hears echoes of the past, and, unfortunately, not so rarely. Many people believe (especially if their acquaintance with mathematics was limited to the knowledge that they learned from high school) that they “have no mathematical ability.” However, such an opinion is often erroneous.

The school mathematics curriculum has a two-fold goal: first, to promote student development logical thinking and secondly, give them specific mathematical knowledge. Not all children can bear this double load. And yet the second task cannot be separated from the first. If anyone doesn't understand educational material, then no matter what mathematical abilities he possesses, he will not be able to follow the course of reasoning. Having not understood the teacher’s explanation, such a person begins to worry about his “lack” of mathematical abilities and stops doing mathematics altogether.

While working on the book, we took special care not to lose sight of the interests of this particular circle of readers. It seems to us that we have achieved our goal: no prior knowledge is required to understand the book. You just need to understand what is written in our book. If someone takes the trouble to solve all the problems from the first to the last (and at the same time checks his solutions with those given in our book), then we can guarantee that the contents of the book will become a “native element” for him and everything will be clear.

For our part, we want to help the reader master mathematical thinking and tell him the direction in which to develop his abilities. For example, the problems in the book are not arranged as expected, but in a sequence that should help the reader guess the solution. For the same purpose, sections that are absolutely necessary from the point of view of the unity of the book are written, in which we talk about the correspondence between problems and solutions belonging to different directions. Sometimes (this happens quite rarely) we still have to refer to certain mathematical facts. However, the reader can skip such sections without prejudice to further understanding.

The tasks in the “School of Thinking” section of the Hungarian popular science weekly “Life and Science” were carried out in the same spirit. Working in the editorial office of this section served as a good school for us. Over the four-year existence of the section, the number of letters sent to the editor with solutions to problems has increased approximately 10 times. From these letters, we not only learned which tasks are especially loved by readers, but also became acquainted with the most common mistakes and typical shortcomings of solutions.

We believe that moving from one topic to another in mathematics makes sense only when you have thoroughly understood the previous topic and feel “at home” in it. The versatility of knowledge is acquired with experience, in the process of solving problems that arise during the study of the topic. In our book, tasks are grouped by topic. However, they may seem identical only upon the most superficial acquaintance. The attentive reader will immediately see that in the entire book there are not two problems that coincide down to the smallest detail. Each task certainly contains some new, additional touch that distinguishes it from the previous one.

Popular mathematics is no stranger to concern for the external form of presentation. With this in mind, we sought to present the tasks in the most “frivolous”, “toy” form possible. However, behind their entertaining form lies quite serious content. As for the solutions, they will interest only those readers who like to rack their brains over a difficult problem.

Of course, we are well aware of how diverse our readers are and how diverse their requirements are. Since we wanted to satisfy the needs of as wide a range of readers as possible, we tried to ensure that everyone could extract something useful from it for themselves.

Our task was made easier by the fact that some readers sent us their suggestions and told us in what order, in their opinion, the tasks should be arranged.

We assigned a special sign to each type of reader (with the exception of type A). It seems to serve as a signal by which the reader can easily recognize those tasks that, in our opinion, he should solve.

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Set and condition: in the photo.


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2020-03-08 - Products for sports and active recreation- Sofievskaya Borshchagovka

Board game Cluedo Junior, The Case of the Missing Cake. Fascinating detective game My first Cluedo Junior - especially for young detectives! Players will have to investigate the disappearance of a delicious cake. To solve this mysterious case, investigators need to find out: who ate the cake, with what drink and when did it happen? Observation and logic will help young detectives solve these riddles. Colonel Masdard ate the cake at 2:00, washing it down with milk? Or did Miss Scalte eat lemonade cake at 5:00? Who will be the first to reveal the mystery of the missing dessert? There can be a lot of versions, because there are 6 suspects in the game at once, and the solution will be different each time. The player who makes the first correct guess wins. While kids unravel the mysteries of Cluedo Junior, adult players can solve a murder mystery in the classic board game. Components board game My first Cluedo Junior: game board, 6 characters, 6 pieces of furniture, 7 white and 7 yellow bases, detective notebook, dice, rules of the game. Excellent condition, complete set. I will send additional photos and videos upon request via Viber or Telegram. I send orders by Ukrposhta, new mail or self-pickup by agreement in Kyiv.

When I saw the picture of this game, it seemed to me that I had already seen something like this in my distant childhood.
After reading the description of the product, I definitely understood that the game is modern a version of the very old Soviet game "Logic". It’s a pity that I won’t find the rarity anymore (35 years have already passed), but I’ll try to compare the Soviet and Chinese versions of this game from memory.

Delivery took exactly a month. At the post office I received a huge package weighing just over 500 grams. I was surprised. The dimensions of the game are not clear from the picture; I didn’t read the description, because I remember that the Soviet toy was approximately 200 mm X 70 mm in size.

Inside the package is a box with the game. Packed disgustingly. The mail left no flat space from the box, but the contents were not damaged. Because When I ordered the toy for myself, I was not upset about the packaging.


Playing field;
Package with color “codes”;
Instructions in English.

The game is completely made of plastic. There is no smell. The playing field is 350 mm long and 95 mm wide. On the field there are recesses for “code” pins in 12 rows of 4 pieces each. At the bottom of the field is a container for pins. Closes with a transparent lid. The lid is not tight; when you turn the toy over, all the contents end up on the floor. On the sides of the field there are 12 retractable plates in white and red. Each is numbered 1-2-3-4.

On the bottom side of the field there is a cross wheel for rolling playing field between players relative to the central platform. Really convenient.

This is what the prepared game looks like.

The code is displayed in this cylinder. It has comfortable legs and doesn't roll around on the table. The “code” in the windows sits deep, so only the “cipherer” can see it.

On top of the cylinder there are “gears” for changing the code.

Code set pins total 96 pieces 8 colors

The instructions are not in color, sorry. I don’t understand why it’s difficult to make high-quality printing.

I remember very vaguely how to play. It was a long time ago. But I found a description for Hasbro game“Lord of the Mind”, I think the Chinese were inspired by the product of this manufacturer and copied it.

Purpose of the game: To bypass your opponent by coming up with your own clever code or cracking his code
As a Codebreaker: Your goal is to create such a clever code that it will take your opponent as long as possible to solve it.
As a Codebreaker: You must solve secret code in the least number of attempts.

Setup: Empty the pins into the pin tray and discard the bag. Make sure the red and white indicator arms are tucked in. Before starting the game, agree on the number of games you will play; it must be even.

How to play: Determine who will be the first Cryptographer. This is the player picking up the Secret Screen at the end of the block and inserting four code pins (his secret code) into the holes at the bottom. Note: Make sure the block is positioned so that the Codebreaker cannot see the code! You cannot use two or more pins of the same color. Once the code is set, the Codebreaker can begin guessing it by trying to replicate the exact color and position of the hidden code pins. Each attempt involves placing a series of code pins on a block. Each row of pins must remain in place during play. After each attempt to solve the code, the Cryptographer must inform the Cryptographer about his progress in guessing the code, using the indicator levers (on both sides of the block) as follows:

RED INDICATOR LEVERS: Pull out the corresponding red lever to indicate the number of pins of the correct colors in the correct position.

WHITE INDICATOR LEVERS: Pull out the corresponding white lever to show the number of pins in the correct colors but in the wrong position

If the Codebreaker guesses the secret code, the Codebreaker pulls the red indicator lever closest to the correct combination so that it shows the number 4 and reveals the secret code by turning the block reverse side. The game ends. Count up the points and switch roles.

Keeping Score... At the end of each game, the Codebreaker receives one point for each row of code pins placed by the Codebreaker. If the Codebreaker does not guess the code in 9 attempts, the game ends and the Codebreaker receives 9 points. Record your scores after each game. At the end of each game, players switch roles. At the end of the agreed number of games, add up your points - the winner is the player with the largest number points.

Mistakes: If, while informing the Codebreaker, the Codebreaker makes a mistake, the game is replayed and the Codebreaker receives 3 additional points.

Played with my daughter. I realized that girls are not very good at logic :).
With my tips, she still managed to win. She liked the game.

Now the promised comparison with the Soviet “Logic”.

The playing field is simply huge and the pegs are large, making it visually and tactilely convenient for children.
IN Soviet game Everything is miniature and it was problematic for me to pry off the code pins.

The encoder is a separate element and is protected from snooping.
In the domestic system, the code was typed from one end of the field, which did not make it possible to move the field to the player who guessed the code.

In the game under review, hints (plates with numbers on the sides) are implemented very simply.

Cons (doesn't affect gameplay at all):

Container lid without latches. We will build some kind of collective farm seal. Otherwise, we will lose all the pins during transportation.

Inside the encoder the colors are pale. Although, maybe on purpose so as not to peek.

Printing instructions and packaging.

All. Thank you everyone and happy shopping!

The product was provided for writing a review by the store. The review was published in accordance with clause 18 of the Site Rules.

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