Heroes of might and magic 5 how to play. Heroes of might and magic v: forest elves - game tactics and tips from experts

From this issue we offer you a new sub-section called “E-Sports”. These will be “Advice from the Masters” in a slightly different format. Firstly, people will be invited here best players, champions and prize-winners of tournaments in the games described. Secondly, in these articles you will find not only a recipe for what and how to do, but also an analysis of the competition from a professional point of view. After all, victory in a major tournament is achieved not only by knowledge best strategy, but also the ability to use it against another person at the right moment.

And thirdly, the works in this series will necessarily talk about the psychological aspect of the game, preparation, and choosing your style. Our goal is not just to introduce the reader to effective tactics, but also to provide an opportunity to look at game world cold eyes of professionals. Would you like your favorite strategy from this angle? Read and decide for yourself.

And we start with the fifth “Heroes”, and today’s guest is Denis Maltsev, known in “heroic” circles under the name dexterwar. Our regular author, Yaroslav Shalashov, plays the role of a hospitable but very curious host.

Personal matter

About me

Where does the story of your esports experience begin? Why did you choose the fifth “Heroes” as your discipline and how did you start playing professionally? What prompted you to participate in competitions?

Since childhood, I have had a passion for games like chess. I went to school for about four years chess school and even received a discharge. When I saw “Heroes-2” in 1997, I immediately fell in love with them. Sometimes five or even six people played on one computer, fortunately network mode allowed. The fights were very fun and emotional. I still consider the campaigns and maps of the second “Heroes” to be the most difficult and interesting when playing against the computer. Then “Heroes-3” appeared. It has become much more interesting to play against a person in them. The games were fast and dynamic. At first we played with friends, where I quickly became the leader. I had to look for a worthy opponent in computer clubs in St. Petersburg.

Back then we played "random" maps with quick battles. Everyone was waiting for "Heroes-4", but new game I didn't like the series at all, I was even disappointed. I immediately realized that this was not mine. Everything changed with the release of Heroes 5. I realized that this is “it”. The good old “Heroes-3” received a worthy follower. A colorful picture and more thoughtful tactical battles are what I needed. Moreover, it is more thoughtful network game gave the opportunity to fight with the strongest players on the planet.

I started with the duel mode. Then version 1.3 had just appeared, but there were already undoubted leaders there. I tried to play with the best. I studied their tactics and observed their techniques. If I saw that the tactics were stronger than mine, I adopted them. At the same time, I tried to strengthen it as much as possible. In particular, I was one of the first players to say that in 1.3 Ora was on par with Deleb.

At first they treated me with skepticism and mistrust. But I constantly improved my playing skills and defeated the strongest opponents one after another. Naturally, I wanted to be the strongest, so I started taking part in competitions. By version 2.1 I managed to break into the top five, and in 3.0 I became the leader of the duel server.

"Standard" (game on global map) also couldn’t ignore it. In the first tournament of the “Hero League” I was in the top three, and in the second I took fourth place.

How, in your opinion, does the professional level differ from the amateur level?

A professional is a person who plays for money or participates in tournaments with a money fund. The difference is, first of all, a more serious approach. If an amateur allows himself to be distracted during the game, lose concentration and, in principle, does not care about the result, then a professional cannot afford this. A professional not only has extensive gaming practice, but also knows the theory perfectly, and when he loses, he tries to find the reasons for the defeat and eliminate them in the future.

In general, the pros are all about winning - this is preliminary preparation for tournaments, and constant practice, and theoretical classes. An amateur may have many games, but not know obvious things - for example, how to get rid of a berserker (teleport, anti-magic, vampirism). In addition, the inability to quickly make decisions in battles with strong opponents sometimes results in the loss of the entire battle and even the war. It is also important to anticipate your opponent's moves; If you have played a similar situation, then you know approximately what your opponent will do - these are usually two or three optimal options.

What do you think about the character clashes in the game? How important is emotional control here?

I would divide the opponents into three groups: amateurs, professionals and girls. Boys and girls usually play in a similar emotional manner. This is a “ragged game” in which both luck and morale begin to decline. Every defeat creates a mood to lose. If you play in this style, the “Power” that Obi Wan spoke about gradually moves towards the enemy, and this is a 100% loss. The loss of “game luck” immediately follows the loss of morale. Are you expecting the worst? This is how it will happen.

At the same time, a calm, measured game (but without thinking about moves for half an hour) drives the amateur into depression - he feels insecure, is afraid of making a mistake, and is afraid that he will have to pay for a mistake with defeat. The amateur has to fight with himself, while the opponent with cold calculation makes the right move every time. An insecure player begins to make mistakes and lose because, first of all, he loses to himself. As a result, there is no chance of winning.

On the other hand, there are “slow-witted” opponents they think about obvious moves for half an hour, and among them, unfortunately, there are very strong players (you have to play with them for a very long time in competitions). Recently, in the Tactical Arena, I lost to such a “slow-witted” person; The tactic of starvation can be effective. But if you see that the enemy prefers a very drawn-out style, it is better to immediately calm down and switch to a calm rhythm. The winner is the one who can withstand the tension of anticipation longer. The one who broke down first and released his emotions will inevitably begin to make mistakes, and then defeat is not far away.

I had such a case when, on the “Key” map, my opponent and I ran after each other for almost twenty-seven hours in a circle; I couldn’t catch up with him, but he didn’t want to give up and kept offering me a draw. But I still managed to catch him, and all because I played to win until the end. Long - yes. But the victory is valuable and indicative.

There are different ways of psychological dominance. The enemy, one way or another, can deprive you of your peace of mind. Some ways can be dealt with with the help of judges. For example, deliberate delaying and inappropriate behavior are prohibited almost everywhere. It is better to remain calm and not spoil your reputation with dishonest tactics. An emotional fight takes place outside of the game, but if the opponent uses illegal tricks, this most likely means that he doubts victory. I have already said what happens to unsure players.

In any case, play and enjoy the game, that's the main thing. Practical experience and knowledge of theory, strategies and tactics will only strengthen your self-confidence.

A little about tournaments

There will be no analysis of the bones of the game for each race (the order of buildings and improvements). Instead, we will show the nuances of playing against the strongest opponent - a person - and analyze a couple of real tournament games.

This year the “standard” championship was held at the “League of Heroes” in version 3.0. It’s no secret that in our country “Heroes” and the like turn based games quite popular. You can play a lot of games with the computer, but at some point you will start defeating it over and over again and want something more. For example, defeating a living opponent. And such an opportunity exists on the Internet, where heated fights constantly take place. Dozens and even hundreds of players fight on Yubi (game server). But to determine the truly strongest, a championship was needed, and it did not take long to arrive.

Of course, championships are constantly held at different venues, but it was the “League of Heroes” that brought together a truly strong group of players. Everyone had enough experience to carry out interesting games, and there was a serious fight for each round. For example, Will in “standard” has a rating on “Yubi” of more than 8000. My rating in “standard” is more modest, I am more of a tactician, so I prefer duels (rating above 9000).

The most important thing in such championships is the rules. Wow, how much controversy the slightest inconsistency can cause! Different tournaments often have very different rules, so it can take a long time until everyone agrees.

More important than rules only the psychology of the players. Some people like to play slowly (without any move restrictions at all), punching through crowds of zombies with one butterfly. Someone loves it very much quick game. Such players put a minute on their turn, choose orcs and hire Argath (queen of speed). The game is on with quick combat enabled, and the rating is gained very quickly.

Naturally, at competitions a golden mean is chosen. After much debate, it was decided to introduce a limit of eight minutes per move. This is, in principle, the ideal time to play and develop several heroes at once (in my experience, a turn takes on average 5-6 minutes). Necessary restrictions were also introduced. For example, excluding some strong heroes such as Hafiz and Deleb. This is necessary to reduce the chance of rapid development strong ballista. This scheme allows for a quick and irresistible attack on some maps (this was possible on Legacy Deleb).

However, other equally strong commanders were left behind - Nura, Ora, Argat and many others. But this is not so important, because they only played with random heroes. This created some uncertainty, but could also provide a strong advantage. For example, in the game for the elves it is good to get Ossir or Wingael first (both the elves and their strongest hero, although they can argue with me here).

Typical standings. Player dextewar. 15 wins, not a single defeat.

Of course, there was a ban on using bugs. For example, “vampirism” in a phantom or “forgetting” in an education mentor by barbarians. One such dishonesty that has caused much controversy and doubt is "Help" skill. With its help, one single goblin or centaur could kill any ballista, even the most “fattened” one. I personally consider this not a bug, but a cunning trick, which is explained by the orcs’ dislike for the products of civilization (what can we take from them, they are barbarians).

To prevent players from always playing the same race, a “crossing out” method is used. First you eliminate two races, then your opponent. This technique sometimes led to funny results. Almost always they crossed out Inferno for themselves, and necromancers and orcs for the enemy.

The cards were also chosen interesting, with a variety of tasks. For example, in one it was enough to capture and hold the central city. On another map, strong garrisons and powerful artifacts allowed for interesting battles with numerous armies. Finally, the so-called “rush” maps were played, where everything ended in the second, maximum third week. Of course, all the nuances cannot be described in the rules, and some things could be agreed upon immediately before the fight. This, for example, is the time for a move and the notorious “redrush”.

This is interesting:“redrash” is a situation where, on the first day of the week, the red player, with simultaneous moves disabled, buys a weekly increase from castles, passes them along the chain and attacks the blue player on his turn. The blue player does not have such an increase at this time or it is simply impossible to collect it. This point is required for random cards, but for standard ones it does not apply, since it is believed that the blue player should not allow either chains or the red player to stand near his castle. That is, if you are put in such a situation, it is your own fault, the map is familiar.

A little about the psychology of the game

I would also like to talk about tactics and strategy in turn-based strategies and in particular in "Heroes". Here, each player has his own psychology and his own motives for making decisions.

Someone likes to quickly develop a hero, collect chests for experience all the time, with maximum speed build and improve the necessary creatures in the castle, buy everyone with all the money and come running in the second week. This method ensures dominance in any sector of the map (and the player will most likely come running to you), but at the same time the economy is relegated to the background.

Someone, on the contrary, likes a leisurely game, betting on a protracted strategy. Such players gradually increase their strength. Slowly but surely they pin down the opponent, separating him from important strategic points. The development of the hero with such a strategy is greatly delayed - sometimes by one and a half, or even two months.

Which strategy is better? It's up to you to decide. I am a supporter of a balanced approach. We look at the map, mark key places, and figure out which strategy will pay off. If some new component appears - for example, when playing against the undead, “Sandro’s cloak” appears (which allows you to hang both “berserk” and “submission” on the undead), we change tactics, but the overall strategy should always be the same. Personally, for example, I develop for two weeks near the castle. This technique guarantees protection against a quick attack. Then, starting from the third week, I buy up the entire army and begin to little by little put pressure on my opponent.

City of Wonders

Ingvar is one of the most powerful heroes in the game.

Now let's move directly to the battles of one of the latest tournaments.

The first round took place on the “City of Wonders” map. Victory conditions: defeat the enemy or capture the central city, which is located on the island. This gives the game a lot of strategic options, since the goals and ways to achieve them are ambiguous.

My first (race - gnomes; hero - Ingvar) battle was against a player named KillAndAction, who controlled orcs, namely Argat. I didn’t play much against orcs back then, and I wanted to compare them with one of my favorite races—dwarves. Ingvar was caught at the start, which can be considered an immediate advantage. Ingvar is probably an ideal option for fast cards - just like Carly. In large areas it’s Inga’s and Helmar’s turn, but Ingvar is quite good here too.

Why is he so good? First of all, these are from 54 to 78 warriors at once (that is, about a hundred with the purchase of another hero), which in themselves are quite strong. And they can still be improved. The “large shield” skill, which reduces damage from shooters by 50%, will greatly help you in destroying shooting creatures, and it will also be very useful against the enemy’s ballista. In addition, priests can apply evasion already from the second week, and the enemy ballista will cause ridiculous damage. Initially, Ingvar has “toughness”, which increases the health of all creatures by two, and over time he himself significantly strengthens the warriors, adding attack, defense and even health.

An example of how a squad of gnomes, hung with runes, remains extremely dangerous even alone.

IN final battle such a number of warriors, Ingvar is considered one of the most dangerous, since with the “resurrection rune”, “intangibility rune”, “renewed rune” and “battle to the last” he is practically invincible. By the end of the game, the warriors are so strong that it is really very difficult to compete with them.

Ignoring shooters with luck, morale and runes, Ingvar's warriors inflict monstrous damage to the enemy. It is impossible not to note two more abilities of warriors: “wall of shields” and “armor”. The first reduces the damage for each cell traversed by an enemy creature (up to 90%), and is effective against various “far-running” creatures (nightmares and paladins). Sometimes it is effective to simply run away as warriors from the enemy. The second ability makes warriors immune to all spells and effects that reduce armor. This includes a destructive beam and some creature abilities - for example, the “precise shot” of crossbowmen.

In addition, we must not forget about the “fury” ability, which increases the attack after the death of friendly units. “Fury” is especially effective in battles in the first or second week, when you place a cell and hundreds of warriors against your opponent, and leave one at a time in all the rest. After the death of each warrior, the attack of the main squad increases. Ingvar is also good because he has a fairly high probability of gaining the “operating machines” skill. And this gives a huge advantage in the form of a ballista.

Basically, on fast maps You can develop your luck to “dwarven” (doubles the chance of deflecting an enemy spell) and your attack to “fiery arrows”. All this, combined with the “rapid-firing ballista”, “rune machines” (initiative +3) and warriors, makes Ingvar almost invulnerable. It is, of course, advisable to also learn logistics, but this is not so easy (2% chance), which is why gnomes are considered a slow and leisurely race.

The centaurs inflict simply ridiculous damage on Ingvar’s warriors, on whom the priests also assigned evasion.

The opponent came across Argath, the fastest hero in the game. With developed “logistics”, he will perform much more actions than me, which means he will be able to develop faster. But, on the other hand, “helping” a barbarian against equipment is prohibited at competitions. Therefore, it was possible and necessary to develop combat vehicles as quickly as possible. In addition, due to superior speed, I needed to attack the enemy as soon as possible, while his advantage was not yet so obvious.

If such a plan did not work (let’s say the opponent started to run away), there was a backup plan: gather the entire army into a fist, rush to the central castle in the third or fourth week and occupy it. Then the orc would have only a week to capture own city.

So the game began. He quickly upgraded to warriors. The first week I developed the hero and chose cars (in principle, from about the fifth level there are almost no losses), and in the second week I ran towards the enemy. Perhaps I was really lucky that the enemy was running in a circle towards me. Having “logistics”, he quickly went to the castle that was between us and captured it. It turned out to be a castle of the same race, and it had to be recaptured. I attacked with only warriors and javelin throwers at my disposal, but the enemy fled from the battlefield. Ingvar went further, I gave him more troops and attacked Argat with the ransomed army. The fight was not easy. The opponent had many warmongers, who suspiciously quickly reached my army, but the warriors showed northern strength of character and destroyed the enemy. At this point the outcome of the game was decided.

A look from the other side

I developed quickly, since I bought Argath at the tavern, although Tilsec appeared first. So I ran around with 29 warriors and expert “logistics” until, on the seventh day, I reached the neighboring zone. By the tenth day he captured the second city (orcish) and was very happy about it, deciding that life was getting better.

But the happiness did not last long. The next day Ingvar came running with a hundred warriors and javelin throwers. I decided to do reconnaissance in force. Having lost half of the warriors, he surrendered for money. The second city was lost. Having waited for the increase in his hometown, he attacked Ingvar on the seventeenth day, since there was nowhere to go anyway. Unfortunately, he did not have time to intercept help in the form of the priests of Arkat, which strengthened the already strong warriors.

Confrontation of the Mages

In the second game we will look at followers of witchcraft. Mages (Academy) have always been one of the most popular races in Heroes. Playing for them is quite difficult, but much more interesting. The development of the sorcerer amazes with the variety of options. The hero can be given either one or two schools of magic, any of them. With the unique ability “Mark of the Wizard,” the same “berserk” or “earth shock” takes on a completely different meaning. It's fun to watch armies of barbarians or humans fight each other. On the other hand, “logistics”, “defense”, “sorcery” and “education” are no less important, and let’s not forget about siege engines, which are also often chosen as the main skill. You can try to become a magician of all trades: learn several schools of magic or get to the “sorcerous omniscience” skill. But even a wizard can be turned into a fighter with “logistics”, “combat vehicles” and “defense”.

This is interesting: Razzak is perfect as a basis for a fighter-mage.

I believe that the most balanced option is the best. The set of such a hero includes “logistics”, “enchantment”, “education” and one or two schools of magic or “defense”. However, there is an opinion that “logistics” should be abandoned, because it is rarely given. The chance is only 2%. The mage hero is quite versatile, and this is exactly the case when he can be used by other races (non-magic). For example, the same elves can use “meteor shower” with a “mark”, and then the druids will strike. This combination causes terrible damage.

Nazir vs Noura. The viziers of the genies manage to “jinx” even technology.

Let's look at an example of a clash between two magicians. Practical experiments have shown that with large armies, a magician with “summoning” and “light” wins more often than a wizard with “chaos.” The ability to summon two phantoms at a time cannot be compared to even the most powerful “earth shock”. Of course, you can use the mark to kill enemy units, but the hero’s magic power is often not very high, and he simply cannot provide a decent level of damage.

At the tournament, in one of the battles, the first player came across Nura, and the other, Nazir. It should be noted here that the fast start is largely ensured by Hafiz. He controls a hundred gremlins and has siege engines at the very beginning, and gaining resources and experience with such an army is much easier. Many people do this: they take Hafiz at the start, and then transfer his army to any magician who came with him. But in these competitions, Hafiz was eliminated, so the element of luck could not be taken into account.

Nura is rightfully considered very strong hero. Replenishing mana during battle is actually very good. Thanks to this feature, after a difficult battle you can attack some slow zombies and restore your entire supply magical energy. In addition, right at the start she has an “arrow of magic”, and you can develop it in any direction.

Nazir is also popular, as he is a pronounced magician of “chaos”. He immediately has a fireball, which increases with levels and reduces the enemy's defense by 50%. Nazir is the easiest to develop to “pyrokinesis” and get another increase. Considering that there are often golems in the army, it is extremely dangerous for many races, especially at the beginning of the game.

But against another magician he is no longer so dangerous, since in the future obsidian golems and obsidian gargoyles are not susceptible to fire, and the rest of the troops can be hung with artifacts that reduce damage from chaos magic. In addition, seeing who the opponent is playing, we already know for sure that he chose “chaos”. It becomes somewhat predictable, and this allows you to better prepare for the final battle.

When summoning elementals, the magician rarely expects "elemental balance" to even the odds.

Gremlins and gargoyles are actively used in the initial destruction of neutral creatures. The latter initially have protection from lightning, and after improvement they receive additional protection from water and fire, which is very helpful against neutral sorcerers. For example, natives of the Academy defeat water elementals more calmly than other races. The hero actively helps in battle with magic. It doesn’t matter how: it can be an arrow with a mark, summoning mines (by the way, you can also use a mark on them) or summoning elementals.

It is clear that to “break through” you first need either “chaos” or “calling”. In order not to scatter their powers, they usually take one school of magic and only then add “darkness” or “light”. The choice largely depends on the availability of the necessary spells. The “call” is best to take. At the very least, there will always be one spell per mage guild level.

A quick attack by archmages is usually used against a person. In other words, for example, Nazir is rapidly developing, and all resources are spent on improving the guild to the fourth level. Such a magician attacks immediately after learning the necessary spells. With the help of the “mark”, he strengthens the spells of the archmages and quickly deals with the enemy army.

Usually availability large quantity of mana initially allows you to pelt your opponent with fireballs to death. And even if the situation turns against you, nothing prevents you from running away and starting over. By the third week, the “summoning” magic reaches the required heights and the phoenix, strong mines and fire elementals come into play.

The longer the game drags on, the stronger the magic of “light” and “darkness” becomes. The “revenge” and “berserker” spells under the mark are terrible weapons in large armies.

Dead Man's Lake

“Dead Man's Lake” is a map where battles usually begin in the third week. During this time, opponents develop on their territory to level 15-20 and fight, already having good characteristics. There are three roads to the opponent: in a circle to the left and right, and also through the center, where Utopia is located.

Phoenix methodically, and even with luck, deals with the enemy.

At the start they gave a call and “logistics” (hero Nur). In the first week, we managed to evolve into fire elementals, and a “unicorn bow” was found in the skeleton. Luck was on my side in the game. In the first week I managed to kill almost all the neutrals on my territory. “Min” was not given right away, and the “swarm” appeared only with the library. I had to fight only fire elementals.

In the first week I took “boots” and “pathfinding”. On the second, I took the “call of the phoenix” and decided to move towards the center of the map. There I cleaned out Utopia, but the selection of artifacts was disappointing. Good artifacts, but not suitable for a hero. A little later, he took “Issa’s robe” from the center and decided not to go against his opponent, but to finish clearing his territory, since he had lost about fifty gargoyles and almost a hundred gremlins in “utopia.” He built an “artifact market” in the castle, but nothing good appeared there either. I wanted to find the “staff of Issa”, since the opponent was with obsidian golems and gargoyles. And the “shackles of war” wouldn’t hurt. The enemy developed very well, surpassing me in terms of parameters. At the beginning of the fourth week, I collected all the gains and attacked my opponent. I caught up with him on the way to the castle. The phoenix and the fiery elements did their job.

On the next move I reached the castle, where the final fight. “Exile” has been greatly weakened. A level 20 hero dealt only a little more than 200 damage. Then a spontaneous balance struck—a surprise for the opponent. In the army of both heroes there were only a hundred obsidian gargoyles and nothing more. The game was made by a summoning phoenix, which dealt more damage than Nazir's "fist".

A look from the other side

What can I say? Nura with “logistics” is an ideal option for winning in a magician-magician pair. I developed an “appeal” but only got to the point of being an expert. The opponent’s “balance” was not a surprise, I didn’t even doubt it. They didn’t give me Phoenix, and they didn’t give me “Balance.” There was no “Deadly Cold”, and the “Sign” was never offered for all twenty levels. The only potentially sensible spell - “banishing” - turned out to be complete nonsense. If the set of spells were different, we could still argue. Actually, I was killed by the enemy’s phoenix, because in terms of development I was ahead.

  • Year of manufacture: 2006
  • Genre: Strategy, Turn-based Strategy, 3D
  • Developer: Nival interactive
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Platform: PC (PC)
  • Edition type: Repack
  • Interface language: Russian
  • Voice acting: In Russian
  • Tablet (Crack): Not required
  • Game Release: Repack (Licenses)

System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Pentium 4 / Athlon XP 1.5 GHz
  • RAM: 512 MB
  • Video card: ATI or NVIDIA card 128 MB
  • Sound card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
  • Free hard disk space: 5 GB

About the game

Heroes 5 download via torrent for free in Russian, install and play this famous game.

Another one came out amazing game heroes of might and magic Part 5 The legendary and successful strategy has won the hearts of many players and fans. Each of the previous parts had a personal and special difference from each other. But each time, as you can already notice, new part The game surprises with its new plot ideas, new and excellent graphics. All the main points of the game surpassed the player in a positive way. This is the world of elves with mysterious interesting events. You will visit the dark dungeon of necromancers. Each hero has his own unique abilities and interests. The toy is quite interesting, despite the fact that the story is a continuation of the previous ones, there are many similar elements, no matter how you look at it, the heroes of magic and sword are like siblings, they should be similar to each other. Each hero has his own unique magical abilities. The game has special guilds of magicians who are responsible for different spells.

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There are 4 schools of magic in total: light, chaos, darkness, and summoning. In addition, there is an academy for wizards, it is located in the castle, and there is a small supply of magic there. As for the laws of army recruitment, they remained unchanged. Many sets and improved elements have appeared in this part. Now main character organizes attacks for the justice of his army, he is now on his own. He has new abilities, independent attacks and the use of magic. Remember, now you can only choose one faction, there are eight in total. This is very good, since you can make a choice of what suits your character best. Take exactly the army with which it will be pleasant and effective for you to fight. Your hero is also improved, he is endowed with certain parameters, which include defense, attack, knowledge and witchcraft. Your army will consist of monster creatures, weak and strong. Remember that the powers of these creatures can be increased.

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The main character enters the city, where he can make purchases, for example, arm himself, gather his army or replenish it. Reinforce yourself, improve your army and yourself in all respects. Each faction has its own city, which is designed for it. If the army is mixed, which is not very convenient, then you can be weakened in terms of defense, and you can simply be defeated. Therefore, it is necessary to select a suitable faction that will match your army with troops.

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Add. info

Repack update

  • Nothing deleted
  • No recoding
  • Game version: Latest version 1.6
  • This release is used as: Full version


  • The assembly represents the game without modifications
  • Added 2 DLCs: Lords of the North (Hammers of Fate) V2.1, Lords of the Horde (Tribes of the East) V3.1
  • Russifier is not required, you are already downloading the Russian version

1. The game itself(installation and configuration).
It is advisable to use a licensed disc with the game Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East. This version of the game was produced by 1C and Buka companies. Pirated version I do not recommend installing it: there may be numerous crashes, bugs and problems in the game itself and when playing with online opponents.

Since the current version of the game is 3.1, the version 3.0 game installed on your computer needs to be patched to version 3.1. Patch version 3.1 can be downloaded:
- official website of Nival Interactive
- official websites of official distributors of Buk and 1C
- hero corner
After running the patch on your computer, it is automatically installed current version 3.1 games.
It is advisable to download and install parts for the game versions of the corresponding distributor. That is, if you bought a disk from 1C, then the patch must be taken from the 1C website.
In principle, as a rule, the patch located on the Hero's Corner is suitable for the version of the game released by 1C.
You can check the fact that you managed to install the patch by going into the game and looking at the inscription in the lower left corner of the main menu. If everything is correct, then there should be the inscription: Version 3.1.

2. Ways to play over the Internet.
You can find an opponent for the game at game server Ubi.com. To do this, you need to go into the game, click on network game-ubi.com in the main menu. You will be asked to enter an identification code, which can be found by looking at the inside of the box with the heroes. You will then create your profile, which includes a username and password. Under this name you will log into this gaming service. After your identification, you are taken to the list of channels that are available for you to play. There will be 3 channels for a standard duel (one of them is training, the other two are rating) and 3 channels for a standard game (one is training, two are rating). By selecting the game option and channel you need, you can create or join an already created game. To create a game, you need to click create a game in the menu, then select from the list the card on which you will play if you want to play standard card. To generate your own map, you need to use the “create map” item (in the same menu). When creating your map, you will need to specify a number of parameters that will affect how it will look, the strength of neutral monsters, the amount of resources and experience on the map, and so on. After generating a map, you need to save it under some name, click create a game again and select the one you generated from the proposed list of maps. After this, other players can join you in the game. After all the player places are occupied in your game, you need to set the pointer under your name to the ready state. After clicking on "Start Game" you can play.

In the duel game mode, no more than 2 players participate. The process of creating a game is similar to the process of creating a game in standard mode described above. After creating the game, you need to select from the proposed heroes the hero for whom you will play in this duel. After your opponent chooses his hero, you can play by clicking the “Start Game” menu item.

3. Playing on a local network
To do this, you need to download and install a program that will create a virtual local network on your computer. Suitable for this:
- Hamachi (files.hamachi.cc/HamachiSetup-
After this, you need to move the Hamachi network (if you chose this program) in the list network connections to the very top and save these changes:
- for Windows XP, go to the network connections folder, click in the Advanced folder menu, then Advanced settings
- for Windows Vista and Windows 7, go to the control panel - network and Internet Network and Sharing Center, click on the menu item "Change adapter settings" on the right in the list, press the ALT key (a menu should appear at the top of the window), select the menu item Advanced, then Advanced Options.

After these procedures, you need to create your own virtual network, or log into an existing network (you need to know the network name and password to enter this network). Then launch Heroes, select network in the main menu local network game. here, when creating, you can select a standard map from the proposed list or generate your own your own map, as is done when using the ubi.com server.
A duel mode is also available on the local network. Only after logging into the local network you need to select the “Duel” menu item.

In the 4th mission for the order, when you take the boots of levitation, do not rush to finish the mission... Go down along the shore, there you can go through the entrance to territory where you cannot reach without boots. In addition to various bonuses to attack, defense, etc., there is a cartographer who, for a fee, will open the entire map to you. If you then look at the lower left corner of the map, you will see there... TANK! This is a normal tank with a star on the turret... It’s a pity that you can’t run up to it as a hero...

As soon as you have reached the second level as magicians, do not rush to buy huge armies... Just learn the spell: summon elementals, and then increase the level of summoning magic and witchcraft. You only need a few creatures with high HP (I like to use archmages if I'm not mistaken in the name). That's all, just don't let the magicians die with the help of "raising the dead" magic, and the number of elementals can be doubled every turn until the mana runs out.

If you like to play for a stronghold, don’t waste your money on dragons. Better make super dendroids. Here's an example:
my army:
two dragons, a couple of elves, 25 archers and 10 super dendroids.
8 Hydras, 3 dragons, 6 minotaurs and all sorts of riffraff.
I won completely calmly.

In the 5th mission, when you need to hold back the attacks of demons, you can destroy them there with the Tear of Asha artifact, and so as not to make it difficult, I’ll tell you where it is:
just below your kingdom there is a red flag, well, just below this flag you need to bury it and you will find an artifact, and then everything will be simple.

Advice for the fourth campaign for Railaga. Learn the spell: Meteor, and then increase the level of chaos magic and irresistible magic. A hero of already the tenth level with a small army defeats the enemy with a bang, but only if you control the battle process yourself. The computer probably doesn’t use magic automatically, or maybe it’s just stupid. I now have Railag at level 25 and it deals 1200 damage with meteor showers, plus a huge area of ​​damage.

There are 2 trainers posted on this site, but for many it does not work. This is due to a crooked Russifier on the pirate site. Let's fix it like this:

Go to...\HMM5\data\texts.pak\UI\appTitle.txt and correct ÉEPOÅ 3HEPÉÅÅ Å BOÃÀEÈCTBA V to V
Now, for the old profile to work, go to C:\Documents and Settings\PROFILE\My Documents\My Games\ and change the name of the folder ÉEPOÅ 3HEPÉÅÅ Å BOÃÀEÈCTBA V to Heroes of Might and Magic V
And the trainers will work and the profile will remain.

Finding the Tear of Asha is not difficult: having found one obelisk, we look for a similar place to the riddle revealed in the map, dig and receive a message (such as: “She is somewhere to the South”) and using them we dig up the Tear of Asha. (If the message does not appear, it means you did not combine the cards correctly.)

Addition to the walkthrough.

Necromancer Campaign.

Mission 2. First difficulties, or Titanic efforts.

After Mythocity is conquered, we simply destroy it as quickly as possible - at a certain level of the city, the titans guarding the portal to Hikam will get scared and disappear. But there will be no problems with the city itself.

If you want to get money in battles, then take command of 1-5 races and play one of them, and use the rest of the races like this:

1) Build bazaars
2) Send all resources and money to yourself
3) Surrender to unnecessary races and you are rich.

If you play for the "Order of Order" you should transfer to highest level only peasants. Firstly, you will save money, and secondly, you will replenish your army with such necessary creatures as shooters. To do this, you do not need to improve peasant huts, but buy only “ordinary” peasants. This will help a lot at the beginning of the game. For example, on the 4th day of the first week I already had 115 archers! Further exploration of the map was not particularly difficult.

The last mission for the Forest Union is the High Vampire, much easier to complete if you destroy all the ghostly dragons. To find out where they are, we go to the hut of the magician, who will show them to us. We amass an army (about 600 archers, 300 druids, 50 dragons, etc.) and go fight the dragons (in total they will be at six points on the map: 2 in the underground world, the remaining 4 above). After we defeat them, the light necessary to defeat Nicholas will appear. As a result, the mission turns out to be much easier than if we went to the prophet to carry out his task to get the phoenixes (with their help, the light necessary to kill Nicholas also appears).

There power and magic merged together
And there is strength in the League of Shadows Warlocks.

Cold dungeons, centuries-old stalactites... water is dripping quietly and monotonously somewhere. In this silence, every sound, every careless rustle is heard, and it is in these depths that the League of Shadows castle settled, the development strategy of which we will talk about today.

What is the best place to start in the first turns, when our armies are small and powerful spells are still a ways off? long haul through the depths of dungeons? It should be remembered that the starting units of the League of Shadows are some of the strongest in the game. That is why their weekly growth is less than in other cities. The most important thing in the beginning is to keep your troops alive. How can this be done? Try to improve your beasts as quickly as possible so that they gain the ability to attack without retaliating and use their full potential. For example, split them into several teams. So, with a positive fighting spirit, your chances of walking more will increase significantly.

If you are fighting against large opponents occupying 4 squares on the battlefield, place your furies in the second row, divide the scouts into several squads of one unit each and place them in front of them a square apart from each other. This will allow the furies to run out of cover to attack the enemy, and he will not be able to get to them without dealing with single scouts. As a rule, while the enemy spends time on this, the furies manage to chop him into cabbage. Furies are the strongest creature in their class, which forces the AI ​​to get rid of them first. Take care of these red beasts! If they are in danger, make sure to expose the assassin (infiltrator) to attack: they are less valuable and are able to fight back in close combat.

Don't hesitate to build a mage guild. Everyone knows that Warlocks are the best magicians throughout the game. A magic arrow cast by them hits much harder than if it had been launched by a Necromancer or Ranger.

With the advent of minotaurs, tactics will change, but not dramatically. These horned comrades will help your furies (their horns are not from furies, but from nature) die less. And if you have improved these tough guys by teaching them a double strike, feel free to send them to the front line. They know how to withstand a blow, and there is no need to take great care of them. Minotaurs are the connecting link between the periods of the game with and without hydras. For more later stages development, there will be practically no benefit from them, so use them here and now. Minotaurs are especially good at counterattacking. Try to position them so that they receive the first blow from enemy monsters, but keep in mind the prerequisite: in order to strike back well after an enemy attack, the minotaur must be on defense (the “D” key by default), and not in anticipation.

The structures and troops in the city of the League of Shadows are quite expensive. Of course, they are no match for magicians in financial matters, but try to take gold from the chests on the global map more often than experience. This will greatly help you in your development at the initial stage of the game.
Gradually we reached the lizard riders. These creatures work wonderfully in tandem with furies (how versatile and useful these beasts are in the game!). Place your army in such a way that the area where the furies move reaches the place where the lizards are deployed. Leave the lizards themselves next to your enemies. And this is where this mutually beneficial symbiosis begins: attack enemies adjacent to the lizard with furies, allowing them to use the “lizard bite” ability each time. This tactical technique, which should be used whenever possible.

When hydras appear in your army, it can already be considered strong. Just try to improve them as soon as possible. With the Restoration ability, they become one of the best "tanks" in the game, designed to stand on the front line and absorb thousands of points of damage from opponents. One of the best ways quickly deliver them to right place– learn the “Teleportation” spell for your hero. Then you can organize the quick delivery of this snake-like monster with poisonous breath behind enemy lines. While he tries to get rid of their oppression, work as furies and assassins.

Once you have the Shadow Mistresses, nothing should change in your tactics, you just get significant support from behind. Yes, by this moment your Hero should have already leveled up and learned such powerful spells as “Meteor Shower” or, at least, “ Fireball" Use them often and aim for the Lucky Sorcerer skill - a vital ability for Warlocks.
And we come to the most formidable unit of this castle - the twilight dragons. There's not much to say about them. Everyone knows about their enormous strength and immunity to spells. It is recommended to attack with dragons in such a way as to cause damage to several units from the enemy army at once. When these fire-breathing giants appear in the army, you can confidently march towards victory! Now nothing can stop you.

Undoubtedly, League of Shadows is a strong and enjoyable castle to play. Maybe we should go and play random map for these dungeon dwellers right now?
