Where to find Fox in fallout 3. Companions

Key feature Fallout is that the game can be played through many options. Someone will prefer to do without special effects and kill enemies quietly, someone will stock up on tons of ammunition and get the biggest gun. For other travelers, a strong team is already the key to success. This article will focus on friends and followers who are waiting for the second Vault Dweller in the history of the game.

The benefits of friendship

Without strong friendship in the Wasteland nowhere. A hard worker Yang, more than a hundred years ago, wore our things and tried not to die from an accidental rocket. Exotic Sulik served as a truck, but effectively dealt with enemies with the help of the Ripper. I hope that Cassidy's exploits with the M72 Gauss remain in your memory. Fallout 3 also has followers, although a new approach to interacting with the world and constant real time at first glance, they are not very suitable for team action tactics. Indeed, they do not fit. Fortunately, this isn't Fallout Tactics. All planning mistakes are solved by additional stimulants (although there are not so many of them). It is gratifying that friends in Fallout 3 do not lag behind the player a bit. They are full-fledged fighters, not annoying parodies of the main character.

It is interesting: Due to the gap between the followers and the character, I never took companions in Fallout 2. They did not fit into my vision of the battle, and often just got in the way. Remember at least Sulik's favorite pastime - to stand in the line of fire of "Bozar".

Let's start with the main thing - equipment. Remember that weapons and armor that the follower wears by default (at the time of admission to the team) do not break at all. Standard weapons do not require ammo. Jericho needs no ammo, and Paladin Cross will never ask for batteries for his personal laser pistol. But not everything is so rosy. Any other item, weapon or armor will wear out in the same way as the main character. So don't be surprised if Jericho sheds his breath after a single burst of assault rifle, even though he's wearing power armor. The player will have to follow the repair himself. Other weapons will rightly require ammo.

The next important point concerns the increase in levels. Companions and followers do not level up on their own, but adapt to the protagonist. In other words, if you get level 20, then your companion will be at the twentieth mark. This rule is true for everyone. of people... Other followers in the level do not grow. The set of experience affects the skills and health of the followers. People to the maximum level get to a certain amount of health and increase three basic skills up to level 100. Those who are not considered human (Fox, Dogmeet, RL-3) have six basic skills and a fixed stock of hits. They will not change these values ​​even by the end of the game.

On this, perhaps, everything. The rest of the followers are like your enemies. They also know how to shoot from afar, flank, hide behind stones and arrange breakthroughs.

Fallout 3 has eight characters to take on a hike. All of them hold some views, so frankly evil or neutral followers will never follow the good protagonist. The converse is also true.

All friends, except Dogmeet, can carry things. But the items given for storage will not lie idle. If you give, for example, good armor to Charon, he will take off his and put on the best. The situation is the same with weapons. If you have not ordered to shoot from afar, then your partner can easily rush into battle with a club or sword. Some characters calmly use grenades, if there are any in their inventory. If you are going to use the companion as a "truck", then it is better not to give it unnecessary items. Weapons should be transferred exclusively without cartridges. If you have nothing to shoot, you won't be able to use it.

It is important: friends fully restore their health after the battle. But if you gave them stimulants, then they still use them if the health level is low. Obviously, hardy companions don't need to be given stimulants, or they'll just waste them.

Who is better to make friends with?

All followers are different. Someone is stronger in one, someone is weaker in another, so you need to choose carefully. Interestingly, although only one satellite is officially allowed, the tricks allow you to take several with you. Read more about this in the sidebar “Putting a Team together”.

Putting together a team

According to the rules of the game, when traveling, you can only be accompanied by one partner. Gathering a crowd like Fallout 2 will not work, but there are still clever ways to bypass the restrictions. To begin with, Dogmeet does not count as a follower at all, so you can take someone else along with him. As a result, it will be possible to travel completely legally with two companions. And if you want more? Easy.

The game exists useful bug, which allows you to recruit Charon and then High Paladin Cross. At the same time, Dogmeet can calmly run after you, which in total already gives three followers. But the inquisitive mind of the Vault Dweller does not stop there. Instead of Charon, you can buy RL-3, and then take Cross. Together with Dogmeet, this is another three. Another trio consists of Fox, Charon and Dogmeet. It is important to hire Fox before Charon, otherwise nothing will come of it. Finally, there is a special trio for the wicked: Jericho, Clover, and Dogmeet.

Dogmeet is a unique companion. It does not occupy a satellite slot, but it does. So, for example, you can hire Cross and Fox. To do this, you need to attach Cross, then Dogmeet. You just need to kill the dog to free the cell.

There is a way to create a group of four followers (along with Dogmeet). The essence of the manipulation is as follows. First you need to hire Charon and come with him to Paradise Falls. There you should fire him and buy Clover. We return Charon, and then we attach Clover. The third companion will be RL-3. We go to "Timidly", we fire one of the satellites and buy out RL-3. We attach the dismissed person back, and then we take the RL-3. Dogmeet can be taken to the group at any time. His presence will not affect the final result anyway.


Jericho and the flamethrower. Fascinating picture.

The first satellite lives in Megaton. He was once a raider, but now he has retired and settled in the city. In memory of the old days, Jericho has his submachine gun and a not-too-sturdy leather jacket. It is clear that the raider life has left a special imprint on him, so Jericho will not go with you if you are good or neutral. He prefers evil and money. To hire Jericho, you have to pay 1000 caps, and this amount cannot be reduced.

Jericho can be considered one of the best mercenaries, especially for the evil Vault dwellers. His starting health is 235, which is not too low. The final figure of 310 hits, of course, is no longer impressive, but with proper booking, Jericho can survive for a relatively long time. His basic skills are purely martial. Jericho owns light cannons, knows how to fight with knives, and even feels good with heavy cannons. Already at the initial level, his basic skills are at around 50. You will immediately feel help in any battle.

Jericho is armed with a conventional Chinese submachine gun, a plank of nails and a leather jacket. Obviously, in the starting configuration, you should not let him into the thick of the battle, since with minimal defense and not too outstanding physique, he will quickly be hit.

On the left is the raider. On the right is Jericho with Shish Kebab.
In a wig so no one would guess.

It is important: if Jericho is fired, he will return to Megaton. Even if you blew it up, he will still be there waiting for you.

What to wear and how to apply Jericho? In the initial and intermediate stages, he will prove himself best as a ranged fighter. Large groups of not-too-armored raiders, yao-guai, scorpions and savage ghouls are the best targets for assault rifles. At this point, Jericho will use a standard jacket. If you can find it, you can give him combat armor as well.

By the end of the game, when the companion's skills are close to a hundred, you can use it for close combat. The former raider can playfully control the Shish-Kebab and can wear power armor. I do not recommend large cannons, as they all require constant ammunition replenishment. If the player can spend ammunition sparingly, then there is no need to rely on a computer satellite.

Jericho can use stimulants in combat, so be sure to equip him with enough. Also, talk to him more often. For example, he may give a tip that Moriarty is hiding the day's receipts in a locker by the bed, and the key is around his neck.

It is interesting: Jericho is arguably the most swearing character in Fallout 3. He swears even more than the Raiders. He also smokes a lot, so he cannot keep up with the main character. Finally, Jericho endures good deeds calmly when he is with you. But if you let him go, he will not join you until you become angry again.


Charon is a ghoul that lives in the Underground. Since childhood, he was brainwashed, so he is blindly loyal to the owner. Charon is notable for the fact that he is indifferent to the karma of the protagonist. If you got his contract, he will follow you. However, as long as his contract is with Azrukhal, the master of the Ninth Circle, you will not be able to hire Charon. Azrukhal is still a huckster, so he can easily sell Charon's contract for 2000 caps (or 1000 if your "barter" is above 50). You can kill Greta and remove the contract from her body. Whichever method you choose, Charon will serve you faithfully.

It is interesting: after the transfer of the contract, Charon will go to "settle" one business. Very atmospheric scene, don't miss it.

Charon is considered one of the best companions in the game. It's all about its amazing accuracy. It shoots enemies even at medium range, where the assault rifle is not as effective either. Its unique shotgun with a reduced magazine (only 5 rounds) shoots much more accurately than any other combat shotguns, so I do not recommend changing it, at least at the initial stage of the game. There will be problems with patrons anyway, and supplying a follower is an unaffordable luxury.

Charon has a health level comparable to Jericho. By level 20, he has 315 hit points. It's not that much, but Charon also knows how to wear power armor and calmly uses stimulants.

Charon's last "hello". One from him, one from a shotgun.

It is important: it looks like the armor Charon wears doesn't wear at all. This applies not only to his "native" jacket, but also to all other types of personal protection.

Charon's main skills are explosives, light weapons, and unarmed combat. The first two skills are well developed, and unarmed combat is initially in its infancy (only 11 points). You shouldn't give Charon power fists - he loves to shoot, so leave him the shotgun. You can additionally equip him with grenades, since a high skill indicator will allow him to effectively use them.

What to wear and how to use Charon? I advise you to immediately dress him in better armor... Combat or power - it doesn't matter. You can even use an iron one, but don't forget to fix it. Charon is a very effective fighter at all stages of the game. He does not require investment and is always loyal to the player. Charon can handle almost any fight. The real danger is the heavily armed forces of the Enclave and groups of deathclaws. However, these enemies are dangerous for everyone, without exception. By the way, don't try to steal with Charon. He will attack you if he spots a theft in the Dungeon. But he doesn't mind murders. If you open fire on the inhabitants, he will also start killing the undead.

It is interesting: Charon's name and the name of the bar are obvious references to Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy. The Ninth Circle is Dante's last circle of hell. Charon is a ferryman who transports the souls of the dead to Hades (Underworld is a direct reference).

High Paladin Cross

She lives in the Citadel, which can only be reached after significant advancement in the main storyline. Cross once defended the protagonist's father, so she wants to help the common cause and you personally at all costs. Unfortunately, Cross will not help the evil characters. She only follows those whose karma is high. If your reputation falls below her requirements, she will return to the Citadel.

Paladin Cross is the thickest of all possible followers. At level 20, she has 520 health units. Add the armor effects, and you can assume that Cross is almost invulnerable. All is good, but she can only be hired in a certain place in the plot. That is, only when you gain access to the Citadel.

It is interesting: The basic set of Cross armor does not include a helmet. Do not forget to give her some, because extra protection will not hurt anyone.

It's a pity that you can't take this as a friend.

Cross is unusually good when armed with energy weapons. In fact, she is the only energy weapons specialist among all friends and companions (except Fox). Give her plasma and she will turn enemies into slime. Cross is also adept with both large and light cannons, so you can choose any weapon for her. By the way, she is armed by default laser gun and a super hammer. The pistol has infinite ammunition, but the damage from it is extremely small, so immediately replace her useless cannon with something more powerful.

What to wear and how to apply Cross? The first step is to tell her to stay away and shoot, not fight. Cross loves to bump into the ranks of opponents with a hammer at the ready. This is very sad, since she does not really know how to brandish a melee weapon. Moreover, she will not be able to wield a hammer or knife as well as a plasma rifle.

You don't have to think about Cross's personal protection. She will only change her armor for something better, and this is the T-51b and Tesla. Obviously, these armors are not too different from each other, so there is no point in changing indestructible armor.

In battle, Cross shows himself exclusively from the positive side. She fearlessly rushes into the thick of the battle and is not afraid of large groups of opponents. High Paladin Cross would have been the best companion if she hadn't shown up so late.

It is important: Cross is a very correct person. She does not tolerate evil deeds, theft and broken locks. If you do such things, then at some point she can shoot you in the head. Also, if you've made it to the end of the storyline, then Cross won't join you.


Clover is the personal bodyguard of Undertaker Jones, who runs the Paradise Falls slavery settlement. Clover is such a personal bodyguard that he doesn't even speak without Jones' behest. This, however, is not surprising, because Clover is a slave. A special necklace flaunts on her neck, which explodes the slave's head if he decides to run away.

She is absolutely loyal to the one who has her "leash" in his hands, so she will always try to please the protagonist. This is probably why she does not care what your karma has become during travels. You only need to be angry to buy her back. Since a slave is a thing, Clover doesn't care about the rest. Jones will sell Clover for 1000 caps. And if you own eloquence or barter skill at the proper level, then he will discard half the cost.

Clover is the most agile follower in the game. Her Agility is 11, but it doesn't seem to affect anything at all. Even her profile skill "Light Weapon" is very insignificantly developed (32 in total). Clover is a pretty average warrior. She is the closest to Jericho in style. Towards the end of the game, it's hard to think of a better role for her than a melee fighter.

What to wear and how to apply Clover? The first thing to do is give Clover a better weapon. Her sword Chinese officer too weak. Standard bleed, albeit with endless cartridges, is also not better. Instead of armor, Clover wears a pre-war dress, so protection needs to be considered too. The best way power armor, of course, since she can use it. It doesn't matter if the armor of the Enclave, Tesla or the armor of the Outcasts - she can use any. With weapons, things are more complicated. If at the initial stage Clover feels good with shotguns and assault rifles, then later you will have to give her a sniper rifle, otherwise she simply cannot kill anyone.

Do not forget about melee weapons, which is Clover's priority. "Shish-Kebab" along with power armor and a dozen stimulants is a guarantee of victory.

Keep a close eye on Clover when the fight is over. She happily collects and uses captured weapons. Take the cartridges away from her, and let him carry the rest to the store. A dangerous situation is associated with the selection of weapons. There are several places in the game where you can pick up the "Fat Man". Clover does not know how to use heavy weapons effectively, but if she has ammunition, she will try to shoot. Often, instead of enemies, she falls under her feet, and this ends badly for everyone.

It is important: if you decide to kill all the slaves in Paradise Falls, then Clover will attack you, and it will no longer be possible to hire her, even if you run away or remove your weapon. Also, try not to steal in Paradise Falls if Clover is around. She won't like it.

Butch De Lauria

Since Butch is on the team, you need to dress him wisely. Sniper rifle and the armor of the Enclave is just right.

Remember the main bully in Vault 101? You can also take it with you, but only in a certain moment... After we left Vault 101, riots break out there. Part of the population, led by Amata, want to leave this place and live as they want, and not as the Overseer orders. Butch joins the Amata rebels. In general, he is the same rebel as he was.

To hire Booch, the character needs to be completely neutral. This is because he is just a bully, but not a villain. He calmly reacts to changes in karma while he is around. But if you fire him, he will not come back until you restore the required level of karma. After solving the problem in Vault 101, Butch will be waiting for you at the "At the helm" tavern in Rivet City.

This is a bug: he can appear in the tavern after death. In one of the playthroughs, I killed Butch, and he appeared in Ryvet City as if nothing had happened. Hiring him, however, is impossible - the necessary line of dialogue simply does not appear.

Butch is the owner of the most unremarkable stats in the game. None of his stats exceed five points. He also does not stand out for his health: only 285 hits per maximum level... His basic skills are Science, Light Cannons and Unarmed (all do not exceed 30 at the start). Surprisingly, his main weapon is a nominal knife ("Butch's Toothpick"). The rest of the equipment is also not happy. A regular 10mm pistol, even with infinite ammo, would only come in handy at the beginning of the game. By the time you can return to Vault 101, these types of weapons will become irrelevant.

This is how things are going in the native Vault 101. I'm sure this inscription is the work of Butch.

Case from practice: I returned to Vault 101 with a plasma rifle. A test shot at Buch showed that he turns into snot on the first hit.

What to wear and how to use Buch? If you happen to take him on the team, then you should dress him in the best armor. Surprisingly, Butch knows how to handle power armor. Agree, there is some kind of injustice in this, because no one taught him! I immediately gave him a Tesla and a Reservist rifle. There weren't a lot of cartridges, but it's still better than fighting with a regular 10-mm pistol. Unfortunately, Butch does not use his power fists. At least, no matter how much I tried, he always got into close combat with a spring knife, although there was "Kulachishche!" In his inventory. This is really strange, because Butch possesses the "No Weapon" skill, but does not know how to fight with knives at all.

When comparing Butch to other followers, he falls hopelessly behind. Cross is stronger and more efficient, Jericho is "fatter", and Charon generally gives a hundred points ahead. Butch's only advantage over them is that he knows how to cut his hair. Yes exactly. Remember, after the K.O.Z.A. test. Butch is outraged that he was assigned to be a hairdresser? He still became one.


Dogmeet is a cult character Fallout series... He could be completely legally recruited in Junktown in the first part of the game. In Fallout 2, he lived in the random location of the Cafe of Broken Dreams and was associated with another reference to the movie "Mad Max: Warrior of the Road". Dogmeet has become a tradition that has not been broken in Fallout 3 either.

While I was in a hurry to help, Dogmeet ate everyone himself. What a shame.

Dogmeet is the only follower who joins you for any value of karma. It doesn't matter to him how many companions you already have - he will always follow the main character. A faithful dog does not know how to carry objects and use weapons. His "built-in" weapon - fangs - deals very modest damage, but at the same time Dogmeet has 500 hit points, so he is quite capable of distracting the enemy. The dog understands raiders very well even without the player's help.

To hire Dogmeet, visit the Dump location near the town of Minefield. There you will see raiders trying to kill the dog. We deal with the raiders and offer Dogmeet a company. He will not refuse.

It is important: if for some reason you do not take Dogmeet with you, he will disappear from the landfill and will appear in random places. Sometimes he can come to the rescue when you are fighting against overwhelming forces.

Dogmeet does not wear armor, and therefore it must be protected. He is very afraid of energy weapons, death claws and missiles. In all other cases, the dog shows itself to be a fearless and useful fighter. He detects the enemy much earlier and informs about it with a roar, and in battle, without hesitation, rushes at the enemy. Unfortunately, often such thoughtless attacks ended in death. brave dog.

A brave dog is not even afraid of the claws of death!

Another useful ability of Dogmeet is that he knows how to find cartridges, weapons or food. You just need to talk to him and select a dialogue thread. This skill is useful, for example, in the event that you are faced with a UFO crash, but cannot find the "Firearm". It took me forty minutes to explore the Anchorage Memorial to find the "magic" cannon. Dogmeet handled it in seconds.

This is a bug: if you leave Dogmeet waiting for you at home, and then buy a new theme for decoration, then the dog may disappear.

If you prefer stealthy movements, then Dogmeet is not the best choice... He begins to growl as soon as he notices an enemy, and then rushes into battle. Obviously, while you crawl in stealth mode, he will already be killed. The dog will not betray you, but due to the habit of rushing into battle, he disrupts all planning. Rumor has it that Dogmeet can be armed with the Climbing Hound, which the player purchases from Little Lamplight. So far, there is no evidence on this matter. Dogmeet has another notable ability. He, like no one else, knows how to block the aisles and get up where he should not. It gets in the way most of all in the narrow corridors of the Vaults.

It is interesting: Dogmeet has heterochromia. Look closely, the irises of his eyes are different colors. The dog will be waiting for you near Vault 101 if you let him go for some reason. At the end of the main plot, talk to Dogmeet and you will see a unique dialogue.


Fox is one of the two sentient super mutants of the Capital Wasteland. However, unlike Leo, he can be hired. You will meet Fox in Vault 87 when you go after the GECK. He sits in one of FEV's cells, from where he can be released or killed. However, you can really take Fox into the company only after the showdown with the Enclave in Raven Rock. Fox fights bravely with the Enclave in front of the door of the military compound. After the fight, he will start a conversation. If you have good karma, then the option to join will appear. Fox is very well armed - only one laser "Gattling" is worth it, because it does not run out of ammunition. The melee option is no worse - his hammer has a high attack speed. It is a pity that Fox cannot wear armor, although 500 hits quite compensate for this shortcoming.

It is interesting: Many years have passed since the days of Fallout 2 and Marcus, but the armor for super mutants has never been invented.

Fox is very good at shooting a laser.

Fox is not a human, which means that his stats do not increase with level. He has six basic skills, which are developed up to level 75. He is able to handle large guns, energy weapons, he is excellent at handling a hammer, explosives and guns. In addition, he knows how to fight with his bare hands.

What to wear and how to use Fox? Fox cannot be dressed, and there is no point in changing his weapon. You can give him several stimulants to compensate for the lack of armor, but that's all.

It is interesting: Fox is a possible reference to V for Vendetta. The camera numbers and the names of the heroes are the same. Only there is nothing to blow up in the Wasteland.

In battle, Fox prefers to shove ahead. Apparently, he doesn't know how to sneak at all, so for characters with a high level of stealth, he is not the best choice. Be that as it may, Fox is considered one of the best companions, since it really has powerful weapon and enough health to withstand multiple direct hits from the rocket launcher. Couple Charon - Fox easily dealt with any enemies even without player intervention.

It is important: Fox lives outside the History Museum. He will be there waiting for you unless you hire him or fire him. If you have chosen a scientific theme for the house in Megaton, then in no case sleep at home, since Fox will not let you leave the room afterwards.

Sergeant RL-3

RL-3 is the only follower robot in the game. He, like Fox, does not grow in levels along with the main character, but immediately has established characteristics. Sergeant RL-3 was created before the war. It differs from ordinary robots in its experimental pseudo-personality. This personality hates communists and is patriotic to the point of insanity.

The Sergeant is armed with a relatively weak plasma rifle and a flamethrower. While fiery weapons are far inferior to similar "human" models, the flamethrower is much more effective than its regular counterpart. However, RL-3 uses a flamethrower only at close range, which is too dangerous with its health (350 hit points). He is very poor at taking attacks from any energy or heavy weapons. Strong melee strikes aren't good either. Deathclaw or yao-guai destroy the sergeant in a couple of hits.

To hire an RL-3, you need to go to the Timber Plant. There you will meet Joe the tinsmith who will sell you a robot if your karma is neutral. In all other cases, Joe will answer that you do not like RL-3. Please note that if Joe the tinsmith is dead, then you will not be able to hire RL-3.

It is important: if Joe is not at "Timidly", then jump to another location and return. Perhaps he will be somewhere nearby. Joe walks through the Wasteland, but always returns to "Timid".

What to wear and how to use the RL-3? RL-3 does not wear armor and does not use any types of weapons, except for his relatives. He is good in combat only at the initial stage, when his weapon is head and shoulders above the possible defense of the enemy. However, the closer you get to the higher levels, the more useless the RL-3 becomes. After meeting with the Enclave, any patrol with plasma weapons will quickly deal with RL-3.

It is interesting: Sergeant is the best "truck" in the game. It is known for certain that he can carry three sets of power armor and a bunch of weapons. Fox, for example, cannot carry more than two sets of power armor.

This concludes our story about satellites, but the journey to Fallout world 3 doesn't end there. In the next installments, we want to tell you about the enemies and side quests, caches and the most interesting items of the Wasteland. See you soon!

In almost every Fallout game, the main character can hire assistants, whom everyone calls partners. The Fallout 3 game is no exception, in this game there are 8 characters who can become partners of the protagonist. In this article, we will cover all of them.

For convenience, use summary:

Companions in Fallout 3 can be of great help to the protagonist in passing the game, because companions are very useful. They can help you shoot back from enemies, they can carry things that did not fit into your inventory, they are strong enough and their health after the battle is restored instantly. Weapons and armor used by partners do not wear out at all, they know how to wear power armor (even if the main character himself does not know how to do it). Personal weapons of partners have an infinite ammunition, you must always remember about this, because if you give them another weapon, then the ammunition for it will be finite.

In addition to the main partners, there are also temporary ones, these are the partners who join the main character for the duration of a quest. Usually the main character is accompanied by one partner, but there are situations when there can be two of them. In order to simulate such a situation, go to free Fox together with the paladin Cross.

In order to hire one of the 8 characters, it is necessary to fulfill certain conditions, basically this is a certain karma of the protagonist, someone will join him with any karma, someone only with a negative one, and someone only with a positive one.

It is interesting: partners have such a concept as "waiting time", if they are left in some place, they will wait for you there for a week, and after the expiration of this period, they will return to the place where they were hired. This applies to everyone except Clover, her waiting time is 24 hours.


Charon is a ghoul bodyguard who also moonlights as a bouncer. To find Charon, you need to go to the Dungeon and find the "Ninth Circle" bar there, where Charon lives most of the time. To be able to hire this character, you need to complete an unmarked quest called "Help the Mercenary", its essence is to buy Charon from its owner Azruhal. This can be done in two ways, simply by buying back for 2000 caps, or by providing Azruhal with a service to eliminate a competitor.
Charon is strong as a partner, he easily uses firearms, knows how to use explosives and can move covertly. Charon's favorite weapon is the shotgun.

High Paladin Cross

This character is the bodyguard of Elder Lyons. In order for Cross to become your partner, you must have a karma not lower than "good" and after completing the quest "Living Water", return to the Citadel and, in a conversation with her, ask her to join you. It is believed that it was the paladin Cross who accompanied the father of the protagonist when he came to Vault 101 with the baby, maybe that is why she will agree to become your partner, because Cross is very strong, at least her title "high paladin" speaks about this, such a title is given for special merits and not to everyone.

Cross, like virtually all members of the Brotherhood of Steel, wears power armor and is armed with a laser pistol and a super scout. He owns weapons masterly, indispensable in battle, this is how you can briefly describe it.


Clover is a girl with a plight of fate, she is a slave to Undertaker Jones in Paradise Falls. She is intimidated, broken and has long come to terms with her fate, she likes her present life even now. Clover can be obtained as a partner only by buying it from Undertaker Jones, it will cost 1000 caps and the karma of the protagonist must be negative.

Clover is armed with a sawed-off shotgun and a Chinese officer's sword, which she owns quite well, besides this, she copes well with energy weapons, but with heavy weapons she is very bad. If you give Clover a weapon that has a lot of damage, then you will have very good fire support.

It is important: unlike the other partners, Clover will wait for the main character for only a day, after which she will return to Paradise Falls. To hire her again, you just have to come to this settlement and call her, what karma will be at the same time, it does not matter.


A loyal dog that will tear anyone for you, and can also search for and bring you useful items, that's who Doggy is. Despite the name, Psina is a male and you can get him as a partner by completing the quest “ Best friend person. " During this quest, you will not need to do anything, just walking around the Dump location, you will hear shooting, shouts, swearing and barking of the dog, rushing there you will see how the dog protects its owner from the bandits, as a result, only the dog will survive. Having looked at this, you can go to meet the dog, or go about your business, the result will be the same, the dog will catch up with you and start a dialogue, if during this dialogue you behave friendly, then the Dog will become your faithful friend and partner.


Butch Deloria, you will meet this character at the very beginning of the game, this guy is a bully and terrorizes you and your girlfriend Amata. Butch can be taken as a partner much later than other characters. This can be done during the passage side quest"Trouble on the home front", in this quest the main character returns to his home shelter and helps Amata establish order there. It is then that the main character meets the matured Butch.

In order for Butch to become a partner, the karma of the protagonist must be at least neutral. As a partner, Butch is not particularly strong, he prefers close combat using his knives, and he is also armed with a 10mm pistol.

It is interesting: Butch has a unique ability, he can change the hairstyle of the main character, this ability can be activated by talking to him.


Super mutant Fox, as a person, appeared in the course of experiments that were carried out on super mutants in Vault 87. During these experiments something went wrong and Fox was endowed with high intelligence, but this result did not please the scientists, but rather frightened him and they put him under lock. Visiting Vault 87 during the quest "The Search for Edenic Treasures", the main character can free Fox, in which case Fox will become the partner of the main character. The only condition is the positive karma of the protagonist, he must be "kind".

Fox - a victim of scientific experiments in Vault 87, does not remember anything from his life. You will meet him as you progress through storylines, after you free it, you can take it if you have good karma.

Good: Takes out almost any enemy except Behemoths and Deathclaws in strength best partner in the game, armed with a Gatling laser with infinite ammunition.

Bad: Fox is too huge for small rooms, often blocks the passage with his body.


To make Fox immortal, enter in the console: setessential 0003d34e 1 then she will simply faint.

2. Dogmeat / Dogmeat

The dog can be rescued from raiders in a junkyard, and if this is not done, then the Dog can meet you anywhere in the Wasteland.

Good: The dog can bring you ammo, medicine and chemistry, as well as various junk and lids, which makes him an indispensable assistant in raids on monsters. He will also follow you regardless of whether you have another partner or not. In the Broken Steel add-on, it will be possible to take a perk that, after the death of Dogmeet, will respawn exactly the same to the entrance of Vault 101.

Bad: Dog's Teeth are not a very good weapon. And his health can only be viewed in V.A.T.S. mode, tk. The dog is one of a kind and is not listed as a full-fledged NPC.

Dog immortality code - setessential 0006a772 1

3. Butch DeLoria

Imagine that the same bully from his native Vault 101, he also sneaked out of it, and even now he is turned over in Rivet-City. But there are only a few nuances when joining: Butch will go with the character ONLY with neutral karma (he will not react to further changes in any way), and ONLY if you save his mother's life in the same Vault.

Good: As a bonus, Butch can change your hairstyle, so his profession, defined back in the Vault, will not be in vain;)

Bad: Butch is not entirely tenacious and often misses, but makes up for this with endless bullets.

Immortality code: setessential 00027f65 1

4. Jericho / Jericho

Jericho is a warrior of the road with a vague past, about which it is not widely spread. And he is also a smoker, so he will not give up a couple of packs of cigarettes. Joins characters ONLY with negative karma, and if you want to become positive character, Jericho will leave you, for "I have not dealt with the kind ones for a long time."

Good: Jericho is a professional sniper, more effective in open areas.

Bad: Indoors, if you forget to give him a normal weapon like a shotgun or a submachine gun, be it Chinese or ordinary, he will be the first of you two to die.

Immortality code: setessential 00000a71 1

5. Clover

A shooter slave sitting and waiting for you in Paradise Falls for a modest 2,000 caps (damn it, a little expensive). Accordingly, you need negative karma, otherwise you will simply not be allowed to the slavers, but if you want to increase the level of karma, Clover will not react in any way (which is understandable, especially in her position).

Good: Clover is a master of hand-to-hand combat and light weapons.

Bad: Slaves do not carry too much with them, and the girl's appearance leaves much to be desired.

Immortality code: setessential 000156a2 1

6. Charon

Charon is a ghoul, but it doesn't matter when you see him blow up the heads of super mutants with his combat shotgun while still trying to yell at them. You can buy it in the Dungeon for 2000 caps or for 1000 caps if the barter skill exceeds 50, or you can get it for free if you go through the quest from the owner of Charon. His favorite weapon is a combat shotgun, which does not require ammo by default (but as soon as it goes into your hands, it will become common). Ghoul will join you at any level of karma.

Good: When clearing the premises, Charon is almost the best partner in the game; in the Broken Steel add-on in the Jefferson Memorial, you can safely send him to press the switch, but in the original Fallout 3 he will refuse you.

Bad: Charon often misses at long distances, and his muzzle does not cause positive emotions.

Immortality code: setessential 000156f6 1

7. Sergeant RL-3 / Sergeant RL-3

This outwardly indistinguishable from the robots' robots can easily fry or incinerate anyone, be it a ghoul or some swamp. You can buy it from Joe in the RobCO factory area for 1000 caps, but only if your karma is neutral.

Good: RL-3 can automatically switch from laser to flamethrower, simply by assessing the proximity of the enemy. Also, he is the first to notice the enemy even from behind the walls, because his endurance is on a solid weave.

Bad: The Sergeant blocks the passage with his tentacles and sometimes blunts very much. Also, sometimes they begin to get his military habits.

Immortality code: setessential 9426e 1

8. Star Paladin Cross

A paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel with a very high notion of good. In order for her to join you, you need to do two things: 1. According to the story quest, come to the Citadel of the Brotherhood of Steel; 2. Earn a sufficiently high karma, otherwise she will advise you to become famous good deeds... Complete antipode Clover of Paradise Falls.

Good: Cross is initially wearing power armor, which is good news. Great use of heavy cannons.

Bad: Cross can just pick up and leave, even if you accidentally hit a good character with a bullet.

Immortality code:setessential 000156e5 1

Thanks for reading my tutorial :)

Now you have the opportunity to take a break from the bloody Fallout walkthroughs 3 and just scratch with your tongue. First, you will see how Elder Lyons and Dr. Lee sort things out. After their controversy, it's time for you to speak with an elder. It would be great if you asked him for permission to learn how to wear power armor. Without such training, you simply cannot put it on. Elder Lyons will give permission, but you will need to find Ghani - he is somewhere nearby (in the Courtyard).

But your main task is to find the scribe Rothschild, who is in the Laboratory. Since you need to find the GECK, Rothschild will give you access to the pre-war computer, which contains data on all the shelters built before the Great War. How will it provide access? - will tell you where this miracle of technology is located, and then figure it out for yourself. And thanks for that. Fortunately, it will be quite easy to get to the computer if you use the compass pointers. After rummaging around on the computer, you learn that the GECK can be found in Vault 87. Now we need to return to Rothschild again and ask about the location of Vault 87. The further, the more fun. It turns out that the entrance to Vault 87 is blocked due to the wild level of radiation. Therefore, you can get there ONLY through the Lamplight caves. This is where you need to go.

But before that, it would be far from superfluous to replenish stocks. In the Citadel, or rather in the laboratory, there is a Military Store, but the local merchant completely refuses to cooperate with you. You will again have to run to Lyons and ask him for permission to trade. He will answer that he will give the order to the unfriendly saleswoman. Go to her. She will become a little more welcoming, but you can not count on the phrase "Take me, my prince in power armor". The choice in the shop is quite normal. Replenishment of supplies will facilitate the further passage of Fallout 3. There are several more useful characters in the location. For example, in the inner circle you can find the scribe Jason, to whom you can sell tokens of the deceased members of the Brotherhood of Steel (for experience and caps).

The path to the Lamplite caves should not give you any special problems - just follow from the nearest point to the marker on the map. Problems will start at the entrance to the caves. As it turns out, the caves are under the control of children, who are VERY unfriendly towards adults. Here you have several ways of passing Fallout 3: - persuade the boy at the entrance - Mayor McCreedy let you in with the help of eloquence or the ability "Eternal Child" - get two townspeople out of the clutches of slavers - Sammy and Belchenka - additional quest"Escape from Paradise". Since most often you have to go the second way, I will describe this quest immediately.

Escape from paradise

The situation is as follows. In the location of Paradise Fall, there are slavers who have captured the children. Your task is to free them. Once you reach Paradise Falls, you will find that getting inside is not that easy. There is a guard at the main entrance - Grumpy, who is not particularly friendly. You have several ways to solve this problem:

  • you can go inside if, using eloquence, to persuade the guard to let you pass for 500 caps
  • the guard can give you the task "Just Business", and although it is an achievement on PS 3 and interesting enough, it will only bring you bad karma... Nevertheless, the guard will hand you the Hypnotron weapon and ammunition for it. Additional cartridges can also be purchased for the guard.
  • treat the guard with a bullet to the head and destroy all living and hostile in Parradis Falls (it is recommended to first take the quest "Just Business" from the guard and get the hypnotronn), and then arrange a bloody massacre.

Frankly, if you chose the aggressive option, then the passage of Fallout 3 at the location of Paradise Falls will hardly be called easy. The location is home to a huge number of well-armed slavers, so think three times and stock up on stimulants before declaring war. Your main goal, in addition to destroying the enemy, is to find the Fortik or the Undertaker among the killed - they have the key to the slave corral. Surely you will meet with Samy before entering the central part of the location - she will run towards you. The fortieth century will run after her.

After meeting with the Sorokovnik, head in the direction of the marker on the compass. This will take you to the central part of the location. The main troubles will be delivered by the mad machine gunner on the tower, it should be removed immediately after you clear the space in front of you. Move forward, you will soon see the slave corrals, where the Squirrel and Penny are. Open the lock and talk to him. Now all you have to do is meet the kids outside Paradise Falls.

But here it is worth slowing down the main passage of Fallout 3 and looking around. Not only can you take a lot of useful items from those killed by the slaver, but the nearby buildings are also worth visiting. Check out Undertaker Jones' Den. Here you will find him in person and his girlfriend. Sadly, you have to kill both of them. On the table, on the ground floor, not far from the terminal, you can find a doll "Speech".

You will find many interesting and useful things in the barracks of the slave traders, the "Charge" store and the local clinic. Passing Fallout games 3 gives you a few more options for solving this task. After infiltrating Paradise Falls without killing the guard - Grunt, you can talk to Undertaker about selling you children. Three strong, hardy, promising slaves will cost you 2000, and if the skill of eloquence is at a high level, then 1200 caps. Once inside, you can also:

  • steal the key from the Sorokovnik and open the gate of the slave corral;
  • take the key in Undertaker Jones's Den on the table near the bed and open the pen;
  • cheat with cables in the dashboard that run near the bar;
  • and a few more methods that depend only on your imagination (for example, hypnotizing a machine gunner :).

REWARD: 900 experience points

Now, all you need to do to continue playing Fallout 3 is to go to Little Lamplite and talk to Mayor McCready, who will have no choice but to let you inside. It is advisable to immediately talk to him about the purpose of your visit - namely, finding a passage to Vault 87. In the course of the conversation, you will learn about two possible ways of completing this task:

  • Walk through the Killing Pass, which is teeming with heavily armed super mutants. To get to visit them, ask McCready to open the door for you. Following the mayor, you will reach a large fence, the door of which will be reluctantly opened for you.
  • McCready will talk about the emergency entrance to Vault 87. To get through this entrance, you need to ask Joseph, the local technician, to restore the power supply to the computer terminal. Using this terminal ( average level protection), you can easily get inside.



In this hideout, the walkthrough of Fallout 3 turns into nightmare pacifist. Your path through the hideout will lead you to the wooden door of the reactor chamber. A quite pertinent question arises: who made this door, super mutants? - Why? After this moment, the compass turns off and the passage of Fallout 3 smoothly transitions from RPG genre first person shooter with survival horror elements. Each opened door can surprise you with a couple of VERY evil super mutants.

This is how you will have to wander until you find the door to the experimental laboratory. Inside you will find cameras with very different contents. Of particular interest is the Chief Physician's Terminal, information from which will shed light on the emergence of super mutants. But further - more fun. You will find five closed chambers, in the fifth fifth there is a super mutant Fox, who, although he is a super mutant, but his intelligence is at a higher level than that of his fellows. On the intercom, Fox will ask you for help - he asks to release him, and he, as payment for the debt, will get you a GECK. Given the fact that Fox adheres to strict moral principles, then letting him out of captivity is the right decision. There are several ways to solve this problem: - hack the camera terminal with a complex level of protection. In this case, it becomes possible to destroy the sample, but I do not recommend that you do this.

  • hack the terminal of the technical staff of the laboratory with an average level of protection and select the opening of the 5th chamber in the menu (located further along the corridor)
  • turn on the fire alarm and open all 5 chambers with all their contents, and some of the contents can be quite violent. Luckily, this is not the case for Fox, and although I prefer to see mutants through the front sight, Fox is made from a different test.

You can exchange equipment with him, but after your capture (read below), all equipment given to Fox will be lost.

How dumb it is to turn your back on him!

All you need to do now is follow Fox. With it, you will break through the enemy's barriers and with it you will reach the camera with an extremely high level of radiation. I do not recommend you to go there, as the radiation level is really high. However, it is, to put it mildly, to one place - super mutants are not afraid of radiation. All you have to do is wait for Fox to go for the GECK and bring it to you.

If you decided to complicate the passage of the Fallout 3 game and did not release poor Fox, then you will have to look for the camera with the GECK on your own. Along the way, on the right, there will be closed door, behind it is a small room where you can find an improved anti-radiation suit - it will be very useful to you now. Inside the chamber there is a high, but by no means lethal, level of radiation. They put on their best anti-radiation suit, took Rad-X on their chest and forward, went inside, turned right, then left. There is a metal pillar in the center of the room - press the button, the protective casing will open and you can pick up the GECK. TO TAKE, not activate, if you activate, then instantly go to heaven with good karma and to hell with bad karma (about hell, heaven is a joke, but about death NO!).

After that Fox will leave you, and you will need to escape from Vault 87. Pay attention - a marker has appeared on the map. But there an ambush awaits you: the soldiers of the Enclave all this time were sitting in a closed room. As soon as you exit, a stun grenade modification will be thrown at you and you will be stunned. It is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid this, well, except perhaps to sit in vault 87 and not stick out anywhere :). Whatever it was, this is not the end of the game, and you will still have the opportunity to hang the bullies on the offenders.
REWARD: 1000 experience points + the opportunity to walk through the heart of the Enclave, sweeping away everything in its path and avenging everyone for the death of their father.


Come to your senses in a cell at the base of the Enclave. Before you is the colonel who is guilty of the death of his father. If you were not chained, then with what pleasure you would break every vertebra in his neck. But he asks for the code from the cleaner, and he WILL NOT RECEIVE it, they understood - WILL NOT GET IT (otherwise - Game Over). And you wouldn't be very happy if the colonel hadn't been called on the intercom. But what is it, you were released? The locker contains your equipment, which will serve faithfully for the passage of Fallout 3 in Raven - Rock.

As soon as you open the door to the cell, you will immediately come across a guard and here you have 2 options: - tell him that you have the right to be here,: in a few seconds this will be confirmed by the President of Eden via the intercom. Thanks to this assurance, you will not be touched for some time. - send everything to hell and have a bloodbath. For some reason, this option turned out to be closer to me. Be that as it may, thanks to Eden's announcement, you will not be attacked in the near future.

To be honest, Raven Rock is a great place to collect ammo, weapons, armor and just gawk.

Guided by the compass arrow, continue passing Fallout 3. After passing to the next level, you will not be in for a pleasant surprise. It looks like Colonel Autumn has slightly different views on your account. And consequently, the Enclave soldiers have the same views ... In general, the Enclave soldiers will start actively firing at you from all their guns. I hope you will be able to adequately answer them! On the way, I recommend entering all the rooms and hacking into all computers - they are usually responsible for the energy barriers behind which the ammunition boxes are located.

In one of the rooms you will find an interesting meeting with laboratory assistant Anna Holt, who has gone over to the side of the enemy. However, even the cartridges on it do not want to spend. Anna can be found in cell (room) 2B.

Of equal interest is Colonel Autumn's room - 2C, which is further down the corridor to the left. It contains a bobblehead "Energooruzhie". Take it now - there will be no other opportunity. In the room you can also find the base self-destruct code - take it, it may come in handy. During your passage of Fallout 3 in Raven Rock, you will reach a room where you will see a scene of the destruction of the Enclave soldiers by robots. Now the robots are on your side, thanks to the wishes of the President of Eden. Don't kill robots.

Going inside, you face the monitor and face the President of Eden. As you can see, this is not a real person, but a machine, artificial intelligence(AI). You, as well as throughout the entire course of the passage of Fallout 3, have several options for the development of events:

  • convince Eden that he is insane and order him to destroy the base and himself. This requires high level eloquence, but even in this case, it is not a fact that you will be able to persuade him.
  • if your level of science is above 70, then you can also bring Eden to the point of self-destruction.
  • you can start the self-destruct mechanism using the code that you could find in the colonel's room.
  • you can simply listen to his entire tirade, pick up the modified FEV virus and leave the base.

But it's better that the thought that your actions led to the destruction of the Enclave base and the death of the President of the Enclave will warm you for the rest of the game in Fallout 3. President Eden will force you to take a modified FEV virus, which should destroy all mutants in the wasteland. Until you take a test tube with the virus, you will not be able to leave the presidential office. After the dialogue, whatever its ending, with the FEV virus under your arm, you must leave the base. For you there will be robots of the Enclave, against you - all the soldiers.

On the way, there will be many warehouses with weapons and a chamber in which the Deathclaw is located. After opening it, the creature will attack what it sees first. Needless to say, Enclave soldiers are not only valuable armor, but also plasma rifles and charges. Just before leaving the base, there will be an Enclave soldier with a gatling laser - the most powerful "serial" weapon in Fallout 3, and Tesla's armor will also be on it. After all, you just have to open the door to freedom.

What will happen outside - depends on the dialogue with the President of Eden - either the base of the Enclave will fly to hell, or it will remain where it was. But you will not be able to get back. Here you can expect a very pleasant surprise - if you freed Fox during the previous playthrough of Fallout 3, he will be waiting for you in front of the entrance to the base, armed with a Gatling laser. Decide for yourself whether you go directly to the Citadel of the Brotherhood or wander around the area in search of interesting places.

After arriving at the Citadel of the Brotherhood of Steel, head downstairs to the laboratory. Here you will witness a meeting about the attack on the Purifier. When Elder Lyons speaks to you, you will finally be able to tell what happened in the Enclave's lair. You will also have the opportunity to give Lyons and the FEV virus. If you do this, you will get good karma, but I highly discourage leaving the virus and then inserting it into the purifier. After that, a decision will be made to attack the Purifier and knock out the Enclave from there. But they decided to do it beautifully, with the help of that huge robot that stands in the center of the hall. The scribe Rothschild will play a classical scientist, whose brainchild is not yet ready, but as always, no one listens to such a scientist.
As a REWARD, you will be offered a choice Power Armor or Intelligence Armor. On time, damn it.


it last quest... When asked whether they are ready to go into battle right now, I recommend answering - no. Go to the armory, sell all the loot from the previous playthrough of Fallout 3, leave only what is needed for the battle. If you want to perform Additional tasks, now is the time. There will be no other opportunity. As soon as you answer with the consent of the beautiful Lyons, then, like at the wedding, there will be no way back, only forward, to a bright future together ...

Well, after resupplying, you told Lyons that you were ready to go into battle. Now the robot-colossus will rise to the surface and you will just need to follow it. Begins one of the most spectacular parts of the passage of Fallout 3. The huge Liberty Prime (that's the name of the robot) will demolish and destroy everything that is between you and the purifier. All that remains for you is to clean up after him, destroying small enclave ambushes. But do not hope that passing the game Fallout 3 at the finish will be like a walk in the park - vigorous explosions, plasma charges, heavy flamethrowers will greatly interfere with you.

Fallout 3 Vault 87 is a laboratory bunker designed to experiment with humans and the Human Evolution Virus. Built by the Vault-Tec company and subordinated to the leadership of the Mariposa base. It was this Vault that became the birthplace of the first super mutants.

Vault 87 Description

Vault 87 is a depressing sight. The bunker is completely dirty with super mutants. Bloody scraps, debris and skeletons are scattered everywhere. Many rooms and entrances to them are littered with wardrobes, tables and other pieces of furniture.

The bunker in Fallout 3 has an almost standard layout. The only difference is the sector in which the human experiments were carried out. More precisely, a compartment with five isolators and a long corridor leading to the GECK. There are several separate locations:

  1. Reactor chamber. You can get from Of the Great Hall Little Lamplight. The Murder Passage also leads here, but it is much better protected. Small location Fallout 3 with multiple terminals and supplies.
  2. Living spaces. The main level, in which almost all rooms, caches and most of the opponents are located. Has several floors and a bunch of sections.
  3. Experimental laboratories. The only entrance to them is through the Living quarters. Quite a large location with several laboratories, isolators and a compartment where the GECK is located in Fallout.This section has a high level of radiation, so you won't be able to get there just like that - you will need either a radiation-resistant partner or a lot of medicines.

There are two ways to get to the location. Both are in Little Lamplight. We'll have to earn the trust of the locals and find one of them. The first is through the "Murder Passage", the second is through the door leading into the reactor room. Both paths are guarded by super mutants.

Vault 87 Dwellers

Before the Great War, the bunker was inhabited mostly by scientists and doctors who performed experiments on humans to please the military. Residents became experimental material - from them the first super mutants turned out.

At the time of the Fallout 3 game, Vault 87 is inhabited by super mutants that are aggressive towards the Traveler. They have filled all levels of the bunker and attack at the first sign of the appearance of the protagonist. In addition, mutants periodically make forays into the Capital Wasteland and the neighboring town of Little Lamplight children.

In addition to the main inhabitants in Vault 87, you can find several others Fallout creatures 3:

  1. Sid, man. A madman who can even attack the Lonely Traveler if you open all the isolators at once, and not each separately.
  2. Several centaurs. Can appear in empty isolators. In the same rooms lie two dead victims of the FEV experiment - horrible mutants that vaguely resemble humans.
  3. The friendly super mutant Fox. He has an extremely developed mind in comparison with his fellows. He is one of the very first three super mutants. After the death of the scientists who locked him up as a failed experiment, the brothers refused to let him out of the cell. As a result, Fox spent almost 200 years under lock and key, engaged in self-education through the terminal that got into his cell. Can be hired as a partner, but only with positive karma.

Apart from these creatures, there is no one else in the bunker. Since FEV is over, there is no need for super mutants to bring new captives. You can only encounter those who remained to guard Vault 87. At high levels of difficulty, there will be serious resistance - we recommend that you take care of the treatment, good weapon, armor and ammunition in advance.

Vault Social Experiment

It is believed that it was this bunker that became the place from which some of the first super mutants emerged. The experiment on the inhabitants here began even before the outbreak of the Great War, in 2077. By order military base Mariposa residents tested a specially modified strain of the Man-Made Evolution Virus (FEV), designed to strengthen the skin of future mutants.

But for some reason, in the process of experiments on residents, people did not survive. The virus negatively affected the brain, causing its complete degradation - up to the failure of the respiratory and digestive centers. For a year, scientists fought to create viable super mutants - and they did it. In 2078, the first viable and more or less adequate individuals appear.

However, this led to the fall of Vault 87. The super mutants did not like that someone was experimenting with them. So they rebelled and took over the bunker. Then they began to reproduce their own kind with the help of the remnants of FEV - they stole people in the Capital Wasteland and brought their bunker to increase their own population.

To the moment Fallout start 3 FEV reserves have dried up. Therefore, the super mutants scattered from the Vault to different parts of the Wasteland in order to find at least a little more virus. Only a few dozen guards and a couple of prisoners remained in the bunker.

Vault 87 Secrets

Interesting fact: the Fallout 3 developers gave the bunker number according to the number of deaths during experiments with the Man-made Evolution Virus. There were 87 victims in total before the appearance of the first mutants.

Vault 87 does not have a main entrance. Of course, it is drawn in Fallout 3 and even mentioned in the dialogues. But you won't be able to open the doors, even if you overcome the titanically high level of radiation (up to 3000 rad / sec). Having approached the main entrance, you can see the deceased girl-researcher in an anti-radiation suit. It is interesting that the developers of Fallout 3 did not think about getting the mutants inside the shelter - they could not go through the main doors, neither through Little Lamplight. Therefore, it is not known exactly how they got into the bunker.

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