Ecological brain ring called. Ecological brain-ring “We are friends of nature”

Full name: Kuznetsova Galina AleksandrovnaPlace of work: MBOU Secondary School No. 4, SalekhardPosition: primary school teacher

Scenario: Brain-ring on the topic “Ecological Kaleidoscope”

(the Brain Ring theme song plays)Host: Hello, dear friends! Throughout the year, your schools held various competitions, quizzes, and celebrations on environmental topics. And today we will hold the final event between schools dedicated to the Year of Environmental Protection - Brain Ring “Ecological Kaleidoscope”.Meet the team from School No. 2!Participants: (F.I.)Guys, please introduce your team. (team name, motto, emblem). Take a seat at the red table.Meet the team from school No. 4!Participants: (F.I.)Guys, please introduce your team. (team name, motto, emblem).Take a seat at the green table.Rules of the game:- Brain Ring game for speed and accuracy. There are 5 battles in the game. Each battle has 5 questions. 1 minute is allotted to discuss the issue. If the answer is ready within a minute or less, you need to signal with a flag in the middle of your table. If the answer is incorrect, the turn goes to the other team. For each correct answer 1 point is given. Mandatory condition: listen to the question to the end. The fans don't tell me. In case of a hint, the point is deducted.A competent jury of 3 people will evaluate:I present to the jury:

The first question I want to ask the audience.

What is ecology?

Correct answer:

Ecology is a science that studies the relationships of organisms with each other and with the environment. Formed from 2 Greek words “oikos” - house, dwelling and “logos” - science. Literally, the science of habitats.

All questions during the game will be devoted to science - ecology.

As a result of the draw, the team of school No. ... starts first.

So, let's start the game.1 FIGHT – my tapping of the signal

1. Name the main sources of air purification in the house.

Correct answer: The main source of air purification is indoor flowers.

2. Name a household appliance that causes great harm to human health and the environment of the home by openly burning gas in an apartment?How to prevent this harm?

Correct answer: Gas stove. To purify the air, air purifiers, hoods, and devices for humidification and other types of air treatment are used in kitchens.

3. One of the main sources of air pollution in Russia is road transport.

    Going greentype of fuel.

    If possible, avoid traveling by car.

4. "Trash"“The problem has been acute for several years nowVArkhangelsk.

Suggest your ways to solve this problem.

Correct answer:

    Construction of a waste recycling plant.

    Use of environmental bags, recyclable bottles.

    Involvement of the population in waste sorting.

5. Why can't you make noise and listen to loud music in the forest?

Correct answer:

The fact is that due to loud noise, disturbed animals and birds can leave their places, leaving their cubs alone. They, in turn, can also run away, left without parental support. In this case, they often die.

D.v.Why is it necessary to refrain from lighting fires in the forest?

Correct answer:

Lighting fires in the forest can lead to a fire, resulting in the death of not only trees, but also animals adapted to life in this environment.

2 FIGHT - my tapping signal

1. Why can't you trample fly agarics?

Correct answer:

2. What will the destruction of anthills lead to?

Correct answer:

Ants destroy the larvae of leaf-eating insects - mainly butterfly caterpillars and sawfly larvae that destroy trees.

Therefore, the destruction of anthills will lead to the death of deciduous trees in the forest.

3. Why can birds be called ecologists?

Correct answer:

    Plant seeds are distributed.

    Restrict plant growth.

    Destroy harmful insects.

    Forest nurses.

    Plant pollinators.

    Destroy agricultural pests.

4. Guess the bird.

She eats 7-8 mice per night. Just one family of such birds destroys 10 thousand mice and voles in a year and thereby saves 10 tons of grain.

Correct answer: Owl

5. Guess the bird.

I, a tree bird, live in the forests. With the help of a beak-chisel, I extract pests from under the bark of trees and eat them in large quantities. During a winter day I eat 150 bark beetles.

Correct answer: Woodpecker

D.v.What ecological role does the sparrow play in nature?

Correct answer:

Sparrows destroy the larvae of a dangerous pest of gardens, the weevil beetle.

3 BATTLE - my tapping signal

1. What will the extinction of plants on planet Earth lead to?

Correct answer:

All life on Earth will die: fish, animals, birds, insects and, possibly, humans.

2. What is the Red Book?

Correct answer:

The Red Book is an official document containing information about rare and endangered animals, plants and other organisms.

3. These animal species occur in sufficient numbers to survive,

but their numbers are declining very quickly. Determine what animal we are talking about.
Who lives near cold water?
The Red Book protects him,
His home is where the ice dominates,
Fangs sometimes help when moving,
The heavy body is carried by flippers.
When the ice thaws at least a little,
They will swim from the water to the shores,
And they rest on the cold sand.
Babies are raised in the rookery of the weak.
Sea mollusks are dripped from the sand
And they catch fish - that’s food for the children.

Correct answer: Walrus.

4. What is the Black Book of Nature?

Correct answer:

This book describes animals and plants that have disappeared forever from the face of the Earth during the existence of civilized humanity. Humans are directly to blame for the extinction of most species.

5. Name an extinct animal.

Ancient people saw them with their own eyes, and in most cases they had a hand in their early extinction.

Correct answer: Mammoths

D.v.Why are nature reserves and sanctuaries created?

Correct answer: Nature reserves are created to preserve and restore rare animals, plants, and unique natural landscapes.

Presenter: - We will give the teams a short rest, and at this time we will conduct a WARM-UP FOR THE FANS. So, let's play a game with you guys (for attentiveness):

Game "Birds Have Arrived"

I call the birds, if I make a mistake you have to clap your hands:

    Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts...

    Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, macaroni...

    Birds arrived: pigeons, martens...

    Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, ostriches, swifts...

    Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, lapwings, siskins, jackdaws and swifts, mosquitoes, cuckoos...

    Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, even owls - scops owls, swans, starlings... Well done to all of you!

We continue the next fight - 4 FIGHT - my tapping of the signal

1. What is the main reason for birds migrating to warmer regions with the arrival of autumn?

Answer:The birds are running out of food and are afraid of starvation.

2. Complete the statement.Wildlife plants need to be protected because they are needed...

Answer:to preserve ecological food chains.

3. Setting fire to dry grass in the meadows we...

Answer:causing irreparable harm to the entire community.4. Why can't you make noise in the forest?Answer:Birds and animals leave their places, young animals scatter, lose their parents, die. 5. What harm doestrash left in the forest? Answer:Garbage left behind will pollute the environment. Paper until fulldecomposition will remain for 2 years, tin can - 90 years old, polyetylene bag - more than 200 years, glass is almost forever.

D.v.What is called flora, what is fauna?

Answer: (Plant kingdom, animal kingdom).

5 BATTLE - my tapping signal

1. If you are lost in the forest, what are the signs of the forest?

help you find your way home?

Answer: According to the location of the leaves on the tree, according to the location

moss, on a stump, on an anthill.

2. What berries are picked in autumn, winter and spring?

Answer: Cranberries.

3. What is the thinnest thread in nature?

Answer: Web

4. What is an ornithologist?

Answer: Bird scientist

5. Why is it forbidden to burn garbage, waste, leaves in the city?

Answer:because the air is polluted with toxic substances.

D.v.What can schoolchildren do to protect nature?

Answer: Plant trees and shrubs, grow flowers, protect green spaces. Build houses for birds in the spring, and in winter - feeders and feed the birds. Make sure that no one destroys birds' nests, breaks branches, tramples grass in parks, or plays with fire in the forest.

While the jury is summing up the results, Dominika Smirnova, a 1st grade student, will recite the poem “Take care of nature!”

Leading:Nature is the common home of plants, animals and humans. A person cannot live without clean, oxygen-rich air, clean water, birds singing, the rustling of leaves, the sound of drops. Nature gives us all this. Let us treat it with care and live so that our beautiful planet Earth prospers, so that streams gurgle, gardens bloom, bees hum, birds sing! Guys, take care of nature!

The floor is given to the chairman of the jury...1st place – school team no.2nd place – school team no.Awarding certificates.Congratulations to the winning school and the runner-up school for this game.Guys, congratulate each other. (sounds the end)- This concludes our event. We hope that you will all follow the rules of nature and involve other children and even adults in this.

Ecological Brain - ring for students in grades 7 - 8.

Author: Kotchenko Valentina Ivanovna, teacher - librarian of the MKOU Veselovskaya Secondary School, Veselovskoye village, Novosibirsk region

Ecological brain ring scenario

Goals and objectives:
1. Expand and deepen the knowledge of game participants on the basics of ecology.
2. Contribute to the development of children's interest in environmental problems.
3. Promote the development of curiosity, intelligence and resourcefulness in children.
Preparing for the game:
Four teams of six people participate in the game; in order to answer questions, the guys must prepare well and study the proposed literature. The names of the teams are “Flora”, “Fauna”, “Young ecologists”, “Forest Defenders”. Teams choose captains. The game consists of six games, the last one is a blitz tournament, during which the competitors must give as many answers to questions as possible in one minute. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. The jury sums up the results. The game can be useful in the work of teachers, educators, and librarians.

First game “Whose lines are these?”

Leading: I will read to each team a quatrain from one of the most famous Russian poets. Your task is to say his name.
1. It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty -
I love the lush decay of nature,
In crimson and gold, dressed forests.
(A. Pushkin)
2. The golden grove dissuaded
Birch, cheerful language
And the cranes sadly fly by
They don’t regret anyone anymore
(S. Yesenin)
3. There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time
The whole day is like crystal
And the evenings are radiant
(F. Tyutchev)
4. The swallows disappeared, and yesterday dawned
All the rooks were flying
Yes, how the network flashed
Over there over that mountain
(A. Fet)

Second game “Legends of Flowers”

Leading: There is nothing on earth more beautiful and tender than flowers - this fragile and precious gift of nature, this wonderful music, amazing harmony of forms, lines of beauty. Legends and fairy tales about flowers have inspired many poets and composers. The poetry and music created by them sounds like a hymn to nature, tenderness, and love.
Flowers, like people, are generous with kindness,
And generously giving tenderness to people,
They bloom, warming hearts,
Like little warm fires.
Flowers are able to “touch” the innermost strings of a person, his soul. And how much tenderness there is in their names. Do you know the names of flowers?
So, tasks for the teams.
* The Latin name of this flower is “galactus”, that is, a milky white flower. Ancient legend says: when Adam and Eve were expelled from paradise, it was snowing heavily and Eve was very cold. Then, in order to somehow calm her down and warm her up, several snowflakes turned into flowers. Hence hope became the symbol of this flower.
* In England, this flower is sung by poets; in fairy tales it serves as a cradle for babies, fairies and gentle elves. His homeland is Persia, from there he migrated to Turkey, and in the 19th century he came to Europe. In Holland there is a cult of this flower. In Amsterdam, two stone houses were bought for three bulbs of this flower.
*Which flower is considered a symbol of the Sun and a symbol of Japan?
*This graceful and beautiful flower blooms in spring. It is named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. And in fact, this flower is a living rainbow.
More than three hundred shades of all colors were created by flower growers. (Iris)
*Her homeland is Persia. There is a poetic legend: one day in April, the goddess of flowers and youth, Flora, accompanied by the Sun and the goddess of the rainbow, Iris, descended to earth. Having mixed all the paints and colors of the rainbow, they began to shower the forests and meadows with them. Having reached the northern corners of the Earth, the goddess discovered that all the colors had been used up, only purple remained. Then Flora sprinkled purple paint on the bushes and grew luxurious...

*Where was the art of bouquet arranging born? Which countries are famous for their ability to make bouquets?
(Japan, France)
Young ecologists.
*It is impossible not to admire the beauty of this blue wildflower, whose bright lawns are a real decoration of the meadow. These flowers have a very unusual and beautiful shape. Like small funnels - bags with jagged edges, located around the head of the flower. The base of the flower resembles a green cone: from these petals a permanent blue dye is obtained. (Knapweed)
*Which flower is considered the last smile of autumn? (Aster)
*What does the concept of ikebana mean?
(Live flowers or flowers that live)
Forest defenders.
*An ancient Slavic legend says: the daring Sadko was loved by the water queen Volkhova. I witnessed how these pure tears turned into delicate flowers, adorned with magic. Once in the moonlight she saw her lover in the arms of the earthly girl Lyubava. The proud princess turned away and walked away. Tears rolled down from her beautiful blue eyes, and only the moon was like fucking pearls. Since then, this flower has been considered a symbol of pure and tender love. What kind of flower is this? (Lily of the valley)
*It is present in the coat of arms of the city of Rhodes. According to Anacreom, she was born from the soft foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess of love emerged from the sea. Who is she the queen of flowers? (Rose)
*What kind of flower do you admire all your life?
himself: he looks and doesn’t see enough?

Third game. "If you've lost your way"

Leading: The man found himself alone in the forest. Where to go? How to navigate by trees, anthills, sun, plants, birds? So does each team get their own benchmark?
Flora. You are a little lost in the forest and in front of you is an anthill. Will he help you?
(The anthill tower is always in the direction south of the tree or stump)
Fauna. In front of you are only pine and spruce. How to find your way?
(There is more resin on the trunk on the side facing south)
Young ecologists. You started to come across a plantain...
(This means there is a path nearby somewhere)
Forest defenders. You were picking berries and got lost. Will the berry tell you where is north and where is south?
(The ripest berry is located on the south side)

Fourth game “Live Barometers”

Leading: You are invited to become predictors, to guess tomorrow’s nature based on today’s state of nature...

*Crimson dawns... (towards the wind)
*In the morning, fog spreads across the water... (to good weather)
*Pillar of smoke... (toward frost)
*There is dew on the grass in the morning... (it won't rain)
*Long icicles... (for a long spring)
*In the evening steam rises from the river... (It will rain tomorrow)
*Pale color of the moon... (a sign of bad weather)
*The stars twinkle strongly at night, and in the morning the clouds... (There will be a thunderstorm at noon)
*If there was frost at night... (there will be no snow)
Young ecologists.
*The cuckoo makes sounds similar to croaking... (towards the rain)
*The fish jumps out of the water... (towards the rain)
*In the evening, grasshoppers chirp loudly, frogs scream... (it will be clear)
*Frost on the trees... (toward frost)
*The rooks arrived early... (spring will be warm)

Forest defenders.
*Maple is crying... (to the imminent rain)
*During the day, in the heat of the day, the spider went hunting - this means...
(felt changes in the weather and tries to warm up before the bad weather)
*The flowers of acacia, currant, sweet clover, dream - herbs, honeysuckle smell strongly... (towards the rain)
*Fog in winter... (there will be a thaw)
*The snow will soon melt, and the water will flow together, it will be summer... (rainy)

Fifth game “Find the answer in the book”

Leading: Now the captains will enter the fight. This game is entirely dedicated to the work of the writer I. Akimushkin.
Flora (captain)
*Which living beings have three hearts?
(Octopuses, squids, cuttlefish have three hearts. One drives blood throughout the body, and the other two push it through the gills. The heart beats 30-36 times per minute)
*What color is the blood of mollusks?
(The color of blood in mollusks is blue. Dark blue when the blood is saturated with oxygen, pale blue in the veins. The color of the blood depends on the metals that are part of the water bodies (erythrocytes) or substances dissolved in the plasma)
*How dangerous is an octopus?
(Octopuses are quite friendly, they do not suck blood from a person, as was previously thought. But you need to know that octopuses, even small ones, are dangerous with their poison. True, they rarely and reluctantly use these weapons)
Fauna (Captain)
*Where does the Grizzly bear live now?
(Grizzly or gray bear - special kind our brown bear. According to legend, this is a bear of immeasurable strength and ferocity; it lived over a large territory, including the western United States and Canada, Alaska, and northern Mexico. Now he lives only in nature reserves. Grizzly is a vegetarian.
This is the largest of all bears except the white one. Its weight is 0.5 tons, length 3 meters)

*Who needs a crocodile?
(Crocodiles are needed by nature. They eat a lot of sick fish)
*What three types of wild bees do you know?
(The homeland of the domestic bee is South Asia. Three species of wild bees still live there: the Indian bee, similar to a domestic bee; a giant bee, which builds a single large honeycomb, up to one meter in diameter; a dwarf bee, it is slightly more impressive than a mosquito, builds one - a single honeycomb, the size of a dessert saucer)
Young ecologists (Captain)
*Why does a beetle need the rules of higher mathematics?
(The bug is small, very tiny - a birch tube roller. It rolls birch leaves into tubes not just somehow, but according to all the rules of mathematics and does this so that its future children will be warm and cozy).
*Why do owl chicks all have different ages?
(In the polar owl, the eldest chicks hatch in June, and the youngest in July. This makes a lot of sense. It is difficult for parents to feed all the chicks. Owls seem to feed their chicks one by one. The female incubates only the first ones, and then flies off for food and incubates the rest of the chicks in fits and starts, and the older chicks warm the other eggs. The older ones protect the younger ones)
*Can living things eat air?
(The Konvomotu worm is fed by algae that live under its skin. With the help of sunlight, the algae convert carbon dioxide and water into starch. The worm is fed with this starch; it does not need either a stomach or intestines. But this worm must be in the sun longer. He stays there, sunbathing during low tide, and when the tide begins, he hides in the sand, which is why it is believed that Konvomotu feeds on the rays of the sun and air.
Forest Defenders (Captain)
*The jungle is in darkness, and suddenly a kalong, taguan and kaguan fly in front of us. Who are they?
(Kalong is a flying dog. Taguan is a flying squirrel. Kaguan is a woolly winged animal. All three are flying animals. Flying dogs - longi - are relatives of flying mice, but look like dogs. Their wingspan is 1.5 meters. You can meet a flying squirrel less often and only in complete silence. Its length is 1.2 meters. Its color is black and gray, its wingspan is 60 cm. The Kaguan also has a flight membrane, the size of a cat, an insectivorous animal, and looks like a shrew.
*Eternal night in the kingdom of Pluto. And yet there are inhabitants there. One of them is Olm - who is he?
(Olm is a terrible dragon - that’s what the inhabitants of the Slovenian village called him, but in fact this is an animal of the cave - Proteus, a resident of the underground kingdom. He has gills and lungs, breathes with his entire skin, the color of which is yellowish-white. Proteus is an albino, but if he lives not in the dark for some time, then its body will be covered with brown and black spots. The body is 20–25 cm long, the head is similar to a blind pike).
*Who are lemmings? Why does everyone need them?
(Lemmings. They are called the most necessary creatures of the tundra. Everyone needs them here. There are many lemmings - many arctic foxes, stoats, many deer and snowy owls, because they all feed on lemmings. Lemmings are small rodents. Their role is to ensure the life of others with their death) .
Leading: And now, guys, there will be the most difficult blitz game. I will ask the teams 20 questions in turn. Your task is to provide answers to as many of them as possible. Time to answer – 1 minute. The jury prepares a stopwatch.

Blitz game.

*Which plant produces the best honey? (Linden)
*Which plant name is associated with ringing? (Bell)
*Which plant juice is used to remove warts? (celandine)
*What kind of fish builds a nest? (Stickleback)
*No one is scared, but everyone is trembling (Aspen)
*Where do crayfish spend the winter? (In burrows, along the banks of rivers and lakes)
*What is the largest flying bird? (bustard, swan)
*What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird)
*The fastest animal to dry? (Cheetah)
*Who eats the most? (Polyphemus moth)
*Which bird sometimes screams like a cat? (Oriole)
*Who builds a house underwater out of thin air? (Silver spider)
*Name the carnivorous plants? (Bubble sundew)
*What are the longest-flying birds? (Black terns. They can remain in the air for 3-4 years after leaving the nest)
*What is the smallest sushi carnivore? (Ermine)
*Fastest sea animal (Dolphin, killer whale)
* What animal makes a nest on the grass and in the bushes? (The mouse is tiny)
*What are the most birds on earth? (Domestic chickens, sparrows)
*What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)
*Is the hare slanting? (No)
*Which snake is the largest? (Anaconda)
*Who is stronger, the lion or the tiger? (Tiger)
*Which snake spits? (Cobra)
*Where is the grasshopper's ear? (on the leg)
*Who has the biggest tongue? (At the Anteater's)
*What color is a chameleon? (Miscellaneous)
*What is the tallest grass? (Bamboo)
*Which giraffe legs are longer - front or back? (Front)
*What does a grasshopper chirp with? (Friction of the leg on the wing)
*What does a snipe bleat? (Tail)
*How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)
*What birds spend the night in the snow? (Partridge, black grouse, hazel grouse)
*Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance)
*Which plant is named after the bird's eye? (Crow's eye)
*The name of which flower consists of a particle, a preposition and a sentry box?
*What does a toad eat in winter? (Nothing, she's sleeping)
*Eyes on the horns, and the house on the back? (Snail)
*Which animal brushes its teeth after eating? Does it rinse with water? (Tiger)
*Which birds have wings covered not with feathers, but with scales? (At the penguin)
*What animals go out of their way? (Snakes)
Young ecologists.
*Does cancer always move backward? (No, it rushes forward towards the food)
*Which wood are matches made from? (From aspen)
*Which neck has more vertebrae, a giraffe's or a pig's? (Equal)
*Which bird has no wings at all? (Kiwi - kiwi)
*Which animal's fat is green? (At the crocodile)
*Does the tree grow in winter? (No)
*Which flower opens only at night and smells fragrant?
(Scented tobacco)
*Can elephants swim? (Yes)
*Which snow melts faster - clean or dirty? (Filthy)
*Which forest bird dramatically changes the color of its plumage in the spring?
*Are rabbits born blind or sighted? (Sighted)
*Which songbirds have yellow males and green females? (At the crossbills)
*What grows upside down? (Icicle)
*Do lilacs bloom in spring or summer? (Spring)
*Sleeps on the ground, disappears in the morning (Dew)
*What is this herb that even the blind know? (Nettle)
*What does a hedgehog do in winter? (sleeping)
*What birds get their food by diving into the water under the ice? (Olepka)
*Does a chicken breathe in an egg? (Breathing)
*When is the sparrow's temperature lower - in winter or summer? (Same)
Forest defenders.
*Who is hungry in winter but full in summer? (Wolf)
*Who has a skeleton on the outside? (In insects, crayfish and other arthropods)
*What is more scary for birds – hunger or cold in winter? (Hunger)
* What happens to a crow after three years? (Four years)
*I swam in the pond, but remained dry. (Goose, duck)
*What terrible beast loves raspberries? (Bear)
*Where do butterflies go in the fall? (Most die, others get stuck in the cracks)
*Who will have babies in the fall? (Hares)
*The flowers are angelic, and the claws are devilish. (Rose hip, rose)
*The leaves of which trees turn red in autumn? (Aspen, rowan, maple)
*From the bush of a thorn, by the leg of a tyapul. (Viper)
*Chicks, what kind of bird hisses in the hollow like snakes? (Vertiheads)
*How many wings does a beetle have? (Two pairs)
*What kind of fish can turn into chessboard? (Flounder)
*What is the smallest bird in Russia? (Korolek)
*Which bird calls itself? (Mallard duck)
*Whale - fish or sea animal? (Beast of the Sea)
*What animal at the bottom of the sea looks like a flower? (Sea anemone)
*What type of fish appearance reminds chess piece? (Sea horse)
*Name the city named after the fish? (Pike perch, Kaluga).
The jury sums up the results and awards the winners.

Ecological game for teachers "Brain Ring"
Progress of the game:

(Music sounds. The presenter reads a poem against the background of music.)

There is one planet - a garden

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone will you see

Lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

Leading: We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. The name of the game Brain Ring comes from the English. brain - brain. As you know, any game has rules, and brain-ring is no exception. Listen to the rules of the game.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams take part in the game.
2. Team captains present the name and motto.

3. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general questions on ecology.
4. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury
5. For the correct answer, the team receives points, they are awarded according to the system:
Full correct answer -5 points
Incomplete answer - 3 points
Wrong answer - 0 points
Jury presentation:
Leading: So, we have two teams participating. To voice the name of the teams, you need to complete a task (assemble puzzles, select a name and motto).

I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team No. 1 . "Ecologists";
Our motto: “Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!” Nature has friends, it’s us, you and me!”
Team No. 2. "Pathfinders";
Our motto:
“We, pathfinders, are native experts and lovers of nature.
We protect the forest and its inhabitants,
And we ask each of you,
At any time of the year, whenever
Enter the forest with a kind heart,
Take care of everything that is in it!”
Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance has taken place, and now it’s time to start the game. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!

Round 1: “Think and answer.”

* Which bird has the most long tongue? (At the woodpecker)

*Who are called deciduous plants? (Hares born in autumn)

* Animal Science. (Zoology)

* Who is an ichthyologist? (Scientist studying fish)

* What does a toad eat in winter? (She doesn't eat anything, she sleeps)

* What tree is called the great-grandfather of great-grandfathers? (Oak)

* What is the thinnest thread in nature? (Web)

* What grass do cats like? (Valerian)

* Tallest grass? (Bamboo)

* Where do starlings nest, other than birdhouses? ( In the hollow)

*Where are the grasshopper's ears? ( On my feet)

Round 2 “What do we know about ecology”

*What do you understand by the term “ecology”? What is the meaning of this word?

(The word “ecology” itself is derived from the Greek “ekos” “house” and “logos” - science. That is, ecology in the broad sense is the science of the House in which we live. In a narrower sense, ecology is the science “about the relationships of plant and animal organisms and the communities they form between themselves and the environment")

* How, in your opinion, should the goal of environmental education of children be formulated? preschool age?

(Formation in children of a scientific-cognitive, emotional-moral, practical-active attitude towards the environment and their health)

*Conditions necessary for environmental education of children?

(Ecological room, corner of nature in a group, area)

*Forms of organization with children for environmental education?

(Excursions into nature, educational activities, walks, holidays and entertainment, work in a corner of nature, flower beds, elementary search activities, environmental education in everyday life)

*Name the main components that environmental culture includes.

(Ecological knowledge and skills, environmental thinking; value orientations; environmentally sound behavior)

*Name practical methods of environmental education for preschool children.

(Game, elementary experiments and simulation)

*By definition, tell me what it is: purposeful, systematic, active perception by children of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. IN environmental education this technique is leading. (Observation)

*Name 3 objects of inanimate nature that are monitored at the preschool educational institution. (Clouds, wind, sun)

*Nature writer, who wrote the story “Fox Bread”. (M.M. Prishvin)

*Writer and artist whose work is dedicated to nature. (E. Charushin.)

Presenter: The jury sums up the results of the two rounds.

A minute of rest “It’s interesting to know”

Paper left in the forest decomposes within 5 years, a plastic bottle over 15 years, a tire after 150 years.

It takes at least 7–8 years for a flowering plant to grow from a lily of the valley seed.

More than 10 years pass from the emergence of blueberry shoots to the formation of the first fruits.

One ant family destroys up to 2 million insects per year, most of which are forest pests.

Astronomers consider the beginning of spring to be the day of the vernal equinox - March 21, when night and day divide the day in half.

The most common vegetable in the world is onion. Its remains were even found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs. The Egyptians considered onions a great delicacy and ate them only on holidays.

Round 3: “Solving situations.”

Solving environmental problems must begin from preschool age, because this is the initial stage of developing a positive attitude towards nature, the “man-made world” of environmental culture. We must have high level environmental knowledge and skills to apply them in practice when working with children. Tasks for each participant, for example:

1. Four children from five to seven years old are playing in a forest clearing. The smallest one shouts: “Let's catch a butterfly and set its wings on fire!” A man walking by and hearing this call stops the boy and asks:

“Why would you set fire to a butterfly’s wings?” He paused for a while and answered: “Just like that...”

*How can one explain such cruelty of children? What are the methods and techniques for teaching preschoolers to respect nature?

2. Ira was walking home from kindergarten through a park planted with currant bushes, and loudly told my mother how the whole group watered them here. But the mother was busy with her own thoughts.

Why don't you listen to me? – Ira asked and pulled out her hand.

What kind of whims is this?! – the mother flared up and, breaking a young currant branch, whipped the girl with it. And then she said angrily: “Who needs your troubles, it’s just a child’s game!” Without you, there will be enough conservationists.

*What negative consequences could the mother’s action have?

3. You go to work. Two mothers are talking peacefully on the path. At this time, their children nearby are breaking the branches of a young tree. Both already have a large armful of them in their hands.

*Do you think children are simply naughty or did no one tell them that they should not harm plants? Will you silently pass by, condemning mothers (children) in your heart, or stop and talk with mothers (children)?

4. Two boys are walking through the forest. Along the road they came across a stream. The water in it is cloudy and dirty. One boy decided to put the stream in order. The other one laughed at him. And yet, the first boy cleared the stream, cleared the bottom, and removed the branches that had fallen into it. And then he said:

Let this stream serve both people and animals.

*How can we explain the first boy’s desire to tidy up the stream?

5. Once, near the river bank, a whole gang of boys “hunted” a duck, which the waves were driving to the shore. As soon as the bird appeared, stones flew at it. The dive quickly disappeared under the water, and as soon as it surfaced, the same thing was repeated.

A man passing by shamed them and drove them away from the shore. And the boys were annoyed that he showed up at the wrong time. And one boy even furtively tried to once again throw a stone at the exhausted, probably shot down dive.

*How can one explain such cruelty of boys? What would you do if you were nearby?

6. We all know that children love to catch cockchafers: they put them in a box, tie threads to their legs, and tear off their wings.

*What should you talk about with your children?

Round 4 “Literary”

Name children's writers and poets who wrote about nature?

What are the Russian proverbs and sayings about nature?

Round 5 “Musical Kaleidoscope”».

Using these words, try to remember and sing at least one verse of a song in which they appear:

· Chamomiles, forest

birds, water

· birch, hills

Team awards. Circle of honor.

Irina Valerievna Valeeva
Ecological brain-ring “We are friends of nature”

Ecological Brain-ring"We friends of nature» .

Quiz progress:

Calm music is playing, parents are sitting in the hall, children are taking their places, the presenter is reading poem:

There is a huge house on earth

Under the roof is blue.

The sun lives in it,

rain and thunder,

Forest and sea surf.

Birds and flowers live in it,

Spring ringing of the stream,

You live in that bright house YOU

And all yours Friends.

Wherever the roads lead

You will always be in it.

NATURE of native land

This house is called.

IN: - Hello, children, hello, dear adults. Hello, everyone who is with us today on our ecological holiday. Today we have gathered in this hall to conduct an educational and entertaining game. « Ecological Brain-ring» . For the game we need to select 8 participants for the parents' team, and 8 participants for the children's team. I will ask questions and riddles, and you must guess them. The one who raises his hand first answers. If someone shouts, I will not count the answer. The person who answers correctly passes and sits on a chair in the hall. And so listen attentively:

"Full of miracles, mighty nature» - Riddles

1. Blue tent, covered the whole earth. Sky

2. The hero stands rich,

Treats all the guys

Vanya - strawberries,

Tolya - bones,

Mashenka is like a nut,

Petya - russula. Forest

3. Rooted into the ground for a minute

Multi-colored miracle bridge.

The miracle master made

The bridge is high without railings. Rainbow

4. It happens in winter

covers the earth

It will melt in the spring -

Plain water. Snow

5. They drink me

I'm being poured out

everyone needs me.

Who am I? Water

6. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind,

There are no legs, but he walks, no eyes, but he cries. Cloud

7. Rolling on a blue saucer

Golden Apple. Sun

8. Who is this gardener -

I watered the cherries and gooseberries,

Watered the plum and flowers,

Washed the grass and bushes? Rain

For stock:

1. Grandma wears it

snow cap,

Stone sides

Shrouded in clouds. mountain peak

2. Fluffy cotton wool

Floating somewhere.

The lower the wool,

The closer the rain comes. Clouds

3. In the middle of the field lies a mirror,

The glass is blue, the frame is green. Lake

4. In the morning the beads sparkled,

They covered all the grass with themselves,

We went looking for them during the day

We search and search, but we won’t find it. Dew

5. He has no arms, he has no legs

I was able to break out of the ground,

He us in the summer, in the heat of the moment,

Ice water gives you water. Stream

6. It’s white in winter,

It's black in spring

It's green in summer

Cut in autumn. Field

7. He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out.

And he will enter the window. Dawn

8. Everyone bypasses this place:

Here the earth is like dough,

There are sedges, hummocks, mosses -

No leg support. Swamp

This is how the teams are formed. Now we need to give the teams names. The parent team will "Connoisseurs", and the children's team will be called "Pathfinders". Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance took place.

As you know, any game has rules, and brain ring is no exception. Listen to the rules games:

1. 2 teams take part in the game.

2. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general questions on ecology.

3. For the correct answer, the team receives a point.

4. If someone does not answer the question, the turn goes to the opposing team.

5. The team with the most points takes 1st place.

6. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury.

7. The jury will evaluate the answers of team members, record the results of the game on score sheets and monitor compliance with the rules of the game.

And they will evaluate us: ___

Let's welcome our jury and our teams.

We are starting our Ecological Brain-ring"We friends of nature» . We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!

First round "Warm-up":

Teams must answer as many questions as possible in one minute. And the jury, with the help hourglass, mark the time and monitor the correctness of the answers.

Questions for the team "Pathfinders":

1. -A birdhouse made by human hands? (birdhouse)

2. - What word is used to call birds that fly to warmer climes? (Migratory)

3. -Tree with white bark? (Birch)

4. -Winter apartment of the bear? (Den)

5. -A thorny desert plant? (Cactus)

6. -When do the leaves fall from the trees? (Autumn)

7. -Who carries his house on his back? (Snail)

8. -Who weaves a web in the forest? (Spider)

9. -One color in winter and summer? (Spruce)

10. -Which plant helps heal a wound? (Plantain)

11. -Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (Cuckoo)

12. –What is the name of the fruit of a coniferous tree? (Cone)

Questions for the "Experts" team

1. -Tree with greenish bark? (Aspen)

2. -The slowest animal? (Sloth)

4. -Fox's apartment (Nora)

5. -What conifer sheds its needles for the winter? (Larch)

6. - What bird heals trees? (Woodpecker)

8. -Flower for fortune telling? (Chamomile)

9. -The fastest animal? (Cheetah)

10. -Was the hut built without hands, without an axe? (Nest)

11. -How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)

12. -On which tree do acorns grow? (On the oak tree)

This is the first competition "Warm-up" finished, you did a great job and made me happy! While the jury is counting the answers, you and I will listen to the poems that the guys prepared for us.

Our planet.

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

Only on her alone do they bloom,

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

Let's decorate the Earth together

Let's decorate the Earth together,

Plant gardens, plant flowers everywhere.

Let's respect the Earth together

And treat it with tenderness, like a miracle!

We forget that we have only one -

Unique, vulnerable, alive.

Beautiful: be it summer or winter...

We have only one, one of our kind!

E. Smirnova

We will find out from the jury who won the first round. The jury's word...

I announce the Second Round "The Fourth Wheel":

You have 4 cards with pictures on your table, three of which have a common feature. You need to make your own choice, combine three pictures on the card according to a common feature, and cross out the extra picture. Once completed, you will need to explain your choice. Game "The Fourth Wheel"

While the players are thinking about their answers, I will conduct the game with the fans "Take care nature» . I will tell you actions, and you will answer, if the action is good, you clap your hands and say “yes”, if it is bad, then you stomp your feet and say “no”! Listen attentively:

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And I’ll forget to remove it. (No)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love mine nature,

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Our teams have completed the task, let's listen to them... We give the cards to the jury, they will calculate the results of round 2. And we will sing with you song:

"The sun is shining for everyone"

We give the floor to the jury...

We're starting the third round "Forest First Aid Kit". Crying can be heard from behind the forest scenery. The presenter looks behind the tree, and there are animals sitting there in disguise children: Bunny, Fox, Hedgehog, Bear/.

Presenter: - What's happened?

Animals: - We are sick, and there is no one to treat us. Doctor Aibolit went to Africa to treat animals. Help us.

Presenter: - Tell us what hurts, and we will try to help you, I have a Forest First Aid Kit.

Shows a first aid kit containing medicinal herbs/Chamomile, Sage, Mother-and-stepmother, linden flowers/. Shows medicinal plants and places them on the table. And turns to teams:

Presenter: - Animals, one by one our teams will tell what hurts them, and you teams will need the animals to choose the right herb for treatment. The team that completes the task correctly receives a point.

Riddle for 1 team:

1. The bunny ate something

his tummy hurt.

What kind of weed should I give him?

Well, of course, Chamomile.

Riddle for team 2:

1. Our Little Fox couldn’t restrain himself,

I ate all the ice cream.

This morning I got up and my throat hurt.

How we feel sorry for him... How can we help him? Sage

Riddle for 1 team:

2. Our hedgehog walked through the puddles, he got his legs wet.

And the next morning, he coughed a little.

How will we treat the hedgehog? Mother and stepmother.

Riddle for team 2:

2. The bear was walking in the rain

and got a little sick

he has a fever...

What to do, what to do, what kind of grass to drink? Give a decoction of linden flowers.

Well done to everyone, the animals don’t cry anymore, we gave them something to cure their illness. Look, she’s cheerful, /the animals thank you, say goodbye and leave/.

While the jury evaluates the third round, you and I will play a game - relay race: "Funny animals". Listen to the rules games:

On the opposite side there is an easel, a piece of paper is attached to it and a felt-tip pen lies on it. After the start, you will need to run to the easel one by one, take a felt-tip pen and draw for the team "Pathfinders"- Bunny, and the team "Connoisseurs"- Bear, step by step, that is, first the head, ears, eyes, muzzle, body, front paws, hind paws, and his favorite treat. And so, the teams lined up, stand at attention, to the start, attention, march.

Teams made up of fans do the same thing.

The jury's word...

I announce the fourth round “From what tree?”

On your table there are photos of trees and their fruits, leaves, catkins. You need to identify and place the corresponding branch with fruit and leaf for each tree. But to make the task more difficult, the command "Pathfinders"-collects fruit trees, those trees whose fruits can be eaten. And the team "Connoisseurs"- collects trees whose fruits are not suitable for food.

Well done, teams. While the jury is assigning scores for the fourth round, you and I will listen to the poems.

IN nature has so much beauty!

IN nature has so much beauty -

Take a closer look and you will understand

Why dewy bushes

Trembling envelops me.

Where does the babbling stream run?

Transparent than glass

What about in the evening, in a field of rye,

The quails are singing.

Let it become to your heart

The bird's speech is clear -

And you will learn that

How to take care of it all.

No need to litter in the forest!

No need to litter in the forest,

Nature spoiling all its beauty,

We must stop urgently

Turn forests into trash!

Play and walk in the forest,

But don't leave trash there -

When the forest is clean, beautiful, tidy,

Then resting there is doubly pleasant!

M. Kryukov

The jury's word.

Well, here is the last fifth Round and it’s called "Green Patrol"

The teams will take turns showing photos on the screen. environmental theme , you will need to say what you see on the screen, what it will lead to and how you can solve this problem.

Slide show.

The teams' answers were interesting, maybe it was their solution environmental problems and will be taken into account ecologists. Our quiz questions are over. The jury sums up the results. I invite you to play musical game "I'm drawing". Come out, all teams and fans, stand scattered throughout the hall. Music.

After the game everyone takes their seats.

And so all the points are calculated, we give the floor to our jury.

Announcement of points, winners, awarding of winners and presentation of gifts for all participants and fans.

We congratulate the winners. And we end our entertainment.

Love your dear nature-

Lakes, forests and fields.

After all, this is ours with you

Forever native land.

You and I were born on it

You and I live on it.

So, let's be people, all together

We treat her kinder.

Summer is ahead of us, and summer is the best best time to meet nature. It's good for you to rest. Song Sea.

Ecological brain-ring in kindergarten

(held at the kindergarten site)

Target: Raise children in game form environmentally literate people.
Tasks: Develop intellectual abilities in the field of ecology, creativity and ecological culture preschoolers. Foster feelings of collectivism. Develop children's speech and cognitive activity.
Equipment: Benches, emblems, sun and cloud hats, pictures of insects and birds, 2 trash bags, a wonderful bag with barrels, a tape recorder, audio recordings, cocktail straws, flower preparations, vases.
Progress of the game:
Organizational moment.
(Calm music sounds, children take their seats, the presenter reads a poem)
There is a huge house on earth
Under the roof is blue.
The sun lives in it,
rain and thunder,
Forest and sea surf.
Birds and flowers live in it,
Spring ringing of the stream,
You live in that bright house YOU
And all your friends.
Wherever the roads lead
You will always be in it.
NATURE of native land
This house is called.
Leading: Hello guys!
We welcome you to the educational and entertaining game “Ecological Brain Ring”. The name of the game Brain Ring comes from the English. brain - brain. As you know, any game has rules, and brain-ring is no exception. Listen to the rules of the game.
Rules of the game:
1. 2 teams take part in the game.
2. Team captains present the name, motto, emblem.
3. The game consists of 5 rounds, which contain general questions on ecology.
4. The correctness of the answers is assessed by the jury
5. For the correct answer, the team receives points, they are awarded according to the system:
Full correct answer -5 points
Incomplete answer - 3 points
Incorrect answer - 0 points, the right to answer goes to the team that raised the sign after it.
The team that scores the most points within the allotted period of time becomes the winner of the brain ring and takes 1st place.
Today there are members of the jury present here, they are the ones who will determine the winners of the game.
Jury presentation:
The jury will evaluate the answers of team members, record the results of the game in score sheets and monitor compliance with the rules of the game.
Leading: So, we have two teams participating. I ask the captains to introduce their teams.
Team No. 1. “Greens”;
Our motto: “Let's take care of the planet, there is no other like it in the world!” Nature has friends, it’s us, you and me!”
Team No. 2. "Pathfinders";
Our motto:
“We, pathfinders, are native experts and lovers of nature.
We protect the forest and its inhabitants,
And we ask each of you,
At any time of the year, whenever
Enter the forest with a kind heart,
Take care of everything that is in it!”
Let's greet each other with Applause! The acquaintance has taken place, and now it’s time to start the game. We wish everyone success in the competition. May the best man win!
Leading: First round. “Insect Country.” (Children solve riddles and show a picture with the correct answer)
Guys, solve the riddles...
Riddles for the Green Team
1. It flutters, dances, and waves its patterned fan over the flower. (butterfly)
2.From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass
A spring jumps, a green back. (grasshopper)
3.The buzzer sits on a flower to enjoy the nectar.
He is as furry as a spruce. Looks like a bee... (bumblebee)
4 Because of him they beat themselves, because of him they beat you.
His nose is long and his voice is ringing. (mosquito)
5. Walks over us upside down, dines with us - he tastes everything.
If you start driving, it will start buzzing. (fly)
Leading: Well done, the “Green” team, you solved all the riddles. And now riddles for the Pathfinders team
1. She sits on a flower, not tired of working in the morning.
She gave wax and honey to people, restless... (bee)
2. Who in the forest, without axes, builds a hut without corners. (ant)
3. I weave the lace thinly, you won’t notice it on the fly.
Anyone caught in my net will remain hanging in it. (spider)
4. A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (dragonfly)
5. She eats aphids from the branches and helps us in the garden,
Having settled deftly on a leaf, this is... (ladybug)
Leading: Well done, guys! All the riddles were solved. While the jury is evaluating the first competition, you and I will play the game “Sunshine and Rain.” Listen to the rules of the game: now you will turn into insects, when the sun shines, you will dance and have fun in the clearing. As soon as it starts to rain, you will need to take your places in your houses.
Leading: Second round. “Forest Troubles” (questions are asked to teams one by one, using a wonderful bag and barrels from lotto)
1. What trees do you know?
2. What animals sleep in winter?
3. Who carries his home?
4. Who gnaws nuts and dries russula?
5. Which animal has a snout nose?
6. Reeds grow by the river, and a baby lives in the reeds. He has green skin
and with a green face?
7. Walks around in a red fur coat, plays cunning and bares his teeth?
8. Which animal has a bush on its head?
Leading: Well done team, they guessed all my tricky questions. People often litter nature, leaving garbage in the forest or on the river. Yes, and on our site, someone littered. Let's get things in order. Let's play the game "Who will collect the most garbage" while the jury deliberates.
The game “Who can collect the garbage the fastest” is being played.
Leading: Third round: “Captains Competition.”
Go as far as possible, without stopping, for each step of the name (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers, etc.).
The captain who goes farthest wins.
A soundtrack of bird voices sounds.
Leading: Fourth round. "Bird Bazaar"
Guys, how much do you know about birds?
Children: Yes!
Leading : We'll check it now. (questions are asked to teams in turn)
1. What is the name of the bird's house?
2. What are the names of the bird’s “hands”?
3. What are bird children called?
4. Bird's "mouth"?
5. When do people hang birdhouses?
6. What do birds eat?
The game “Guess the Bird” is played (children must guess the name of the bird in the picture)
Leading : Fifth round. "Rules of friends of nature."
– Remember the rules of friends of nature? (Name the rules one by one).
Well done guys. I hope when you relax in nature, you will remember how to behave so as not to harm nature.
Leading: Our game is over, well done! You showed good knowledge about nature native land. And now, while the jury is summing up the final results, I invite you to take part in making flowers to decorate the kindergarten.
Jury: Guys, we see that you have become true friends of nature. Our game ended with a score... We congratulate you and appoint you as the main ecologists on the planet. (Young Ecologist medals are awarded). Environmentalists are friends of nature. These are those who protect, protect and preserve nature.
A living thread connected everyone forever: the leaf, the snail, the Earth and the person.
They live in the world like one family. The earth cannot do without an ant.
Water without fish, forest without animals, and man without all nature.
And you hold on to this thread so that this life of nature does not end!

Team awards. Circle of honor.
