Denarius with the image of Caesar. Coins of ancient Rome Silver denarius

Ancient Rome was a powerful state that occupied large areas. In order to control everything and keep the lands in subjection, it was necessary not only to act by force, but also to have an advanced financial system. With its introduction to the newly conquered lands, it was more difficult for the people to separate from the Romans. In this article we will take a closer look at the coins that were in use in Ancient Rome.

Bronze coins of Rome


This coin first appeared during the Republic period, although, according to legend, Servius Tullius began minting it. The weight of the ass was 11 grams, and the diameter was 28 mm. It is interesting that before the appearance of this coin, ingots of raw copper were in use.

There was 2 types of this coin: imperial and maritime. The naval ace was used only to pay the sailors' salaries. These coins were minted under the supervision of naval prefects.

On the obverse Janus was depicted, and on the reverse were written the name of the city where the coin was created, the denomination and a ship was depicted. The imperial ace contained an image of the emperor on the obverse, and on reverse there was the emperor's monogram and a colonnade. Various abbreviations were also often carved.

Today the price of such a coin is about 300 US dollars.


Another ancient Roman bronze coin that was worth ½ asses. The weight of the monetary unit was 3.88 grams and the diameter was 18 mm. The coin was established during the Republic, and abolished under Emperor Hadrian.

On one side of the semis there was a bust of Saturn, and on the other there was a portrait of the emperor. During the Republic, Saturn was depicted on both sides and the denomination designation was the Latin letter “S”.

To add such a coin to your collection, you need to pay price from 60 to 80 dollars.


This coin had a value of 1/3 asses or 4 ounces. Four dots on both sides indicated that it was worth 4 ounces. This coin weighed 10.58 grams and the size was 23-24 mm.

She had on the obverse the image of the emperor, but during the period of the Republic Minevra was depicted there. On reverse there is the bow of the galley, if we are talking about sea money, or a colonnade with the emperor’s monogram. It was on the reverse that the denomination of the coin was always written.

Today the market is average triens cost is 50-80 US dollars. Although, there are copies in good condition, the price of which reaches $120.


Quadrans is one of the smallest bronze coins in Roman use. It cost ¼ ace.

Outwardly, it had the shape of an irregular circle. On the obverse it was written “SC”, which indicated the denomination “Senatus Consulto”, and there was also a circular inscription. Reverse contained two hands in the form of a handshake and a circular inscription in Latin.

It is worth noting that this coin disappeared from use in the 2nd century. Throughout the history of its existence, not only bronze, but also copper and silver were used. That's why average cost Today it is quite difficult to determine. However, regardless of the metal, all coins weighed 3.3-3.5 grams and had a diameter of 17-19 mm. If we talk about bronze coins, then their approximate price 20-70 US dollars.


This coin was worth 1/6 asses, as the name suggests. It weighed 2.85 grams and was about 15 mm in diameter. The denomination on the coin is depicted as 2 circles, which means 2 ounces. Sextance first appeared during the Republic, but disappeared with the collapse of the Roman Empire.

On the obverse various pictures were minted: animals, images of people, shells and much more. There is a dotted decorative border around the entire circle of the coin. Only in the 3rd century did an image of Mercury appear here.

On reverse the bow of a galley or the inscription “ROMA” was depicted. The cost of a sextant on the modern market is around 50 US dollars. There are copies that sell for 10-12 dollars.


Ounce is the smallest everyday coin in the Roman Empire.

Outwardly she not much different from sextance, only its size was 8 mm and its weight was 1.5 grams. Quite a few ounces have survived to this day, but despite this, price their prices are quite low in the modern market. The average price per coin is 10-18 dollars.

Silver coins of Rome

Double denarius or Antoninian

It was the most expensive silver coin in Ancient Rome. It weighed at various times from 11 to 15 grams, and the diameter was 27-30 mm.

There were various images on the coin. These could be animals or plants, or they could be deities. The reverse, as a rule, depicted the profile of the emperor or the emperor on horseback. A lot has survived to this day double denarii in good condition. Therefore they price quite low. On average, such a coin can be purchased for $50.


Denarius – most common coin in Ancient Rome. It was used when making external and internal trade transactions. It was first minted in 268 AD. The symbol for the denarius is “X, X”. This symbol is explained by the fact that 1 denarius was equal to 10 asses.

Initially, the weight of this coin was 4.5 grams, but later it periodically changed downwards.

Externally a denarius looked like this: on the obverse there was an image of the emperor with a laurel wreath on his head, and an inscription in Latin in a circle; the reverse contained images of Roman gods. It was on the reverse that the mark on the denomination of the coin was located. Today, denarii are sold on the market for 120-150 dollars. If the copy is in excellent condition, then the price can exceed $200.

Double victoriat and victoriat

These silver coins cost 20 asses and 10 asses respectively. They were mostly used in foreign trade. They appeared in 269 as a result of another financial reform.

On the obverse Jupiter was depicted, and on reverse Victoria, from which the name of the coin came. The double victoriat weighed 6 grams, and the victoriat weighed 3 grams. However, they did not last long. These coins completely replaced denarii, which were more popular among traders, from circulation.

Today buy double victoriat you can get it for 100-120 US dollars, and the Victoriat is about 100 dollars. The safety of coins is usually quite good, since silver is a wear-resistant material.


Quinarium cost 5 asses and was not very popular among traders. However, this coin was minted for almost 5 centuries. 1 quinarium weighed about 1.5 grams, and the diameter was 15 mm.

The denomination of this coin was indicated on the reverse with the sign V or V. Also on reverse the goddess Victoria was depicted, and on the obverse portrait of the emperor. It is interesting that it was in these coins that the salaries of the Roman legionnaires were paid.

To add quinarium to your collection, you must pay price about 70 US dollars. Shipping costs are usually also the responsibility of the buyer.


This coin cost only 2 asses and was made of silver for a long time, but after Emperor Augustus it began to be minted from brass.

The denomination was designated "IIS". On the obverse depicted an ancient Roman god, and on reverse the emperor was minted. There was a small decorative border on both sides, but due to technological features, it was not around the entire circle of the coin. Each such coin weighed approximately 11 grams and its diameter was 24-26 mm.

Today average price on the market for sesterces is 180 dollars.


Semi-victory is smallest silver coin Ancient Rome.

On it, unlike Victoriat, on the obverse Apollo was depicted on reverse a portrait of the emperor remained. This coin was worth ½ denarius and the letter “S” was used to denote the denomination. Today is his price is approximately 140 dollars.

Gold coins of Rome

Gold denarius or aureus

On the obverse, as a rule, the image of the emperor was minted without any inscriptions, and on reverse there was the goddess Victoria. It is interesting that the first such coins were made only from high-grade gold, but over the 500 years of their existence, the quality of the raw materials has noticeably decreased, as well as the value of the coins themselves. This was connected with the ongoing financial reforms and devaluations.

Today buy a gold denarius possible for 10-12 thousand US dollars. Although, there are copies that cost up to $18,000.


Very popular gold coins were sestertii. They had denominations 60, 40 and 20. These banknotes were used to pay salaries to the Roman commanders-in-chief, as well as to make external trade payments. Most of these coins were of a propaganda nature.

They depicted emperors accepting the surrender of rebellious peoples or suppressing an uprising. On the other side was the profile of the emperor with a laurel wreath on his head. On most coins, the overlords faced to the right.

All golden sisters are different high quality and detailed drawing of the pattern. 60 sisters weighed about 25 grams, 40 sisters weighed about 20 grams and 20 sisters weighed 19.5 grams. The diameter of the coins varied from 32 mm to 41 mm.

To purchase such coins today, you need to pay quite a lot. Average price on the market is about $10,000. However, samples of average quality can sell for 7-8 thousand dollars.

Golden Quinarium

Another gold ancient Roman coin. It was small and light, so it was used to pay soldiers' salaries. This coin was easy to store and carry. Its size and weight were the same as that of a silver quinarium, but its value was much higher. 2 gold quinaria were equal to one aureus.

To purchase such a coin today, you need to pay price 5-7 thousand dollars.

Lat. denarium, proper: containing ten. Weight and coin in many countries. Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. Mikhelson A.D., 1865. DENARIUS coin in ancient times. Rome from 269 BC to... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Denarius Dictionary of Russian synonyms. denarius noun, number of synonyms: 2 denarius (3) coin ... Dictionary of synonyms

DENARIUS, denarius, husband. Same as denarius. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Denarius (from the Latin denarius consisting of ten) is an ancient Roman silver coin of 10 asses, containing 4.5 g of silver, the minting of which began in the 3rd century. BC e. Modern monetary units get their name from the denarius. different countries dinars... ... Economic dictionary

Silver coinage Roman and then medieval unit. Pliny dates the first issue of Roman silver coins to 485 from the founding of the city (269 BC). In type and weight, the first D. of the Roman Republic are imitated (for commercial purposes) ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

See Denarius. * * * denarius (lat. denarius), 1) a silver coin in Ancient Rome, equal to 10 asses (then 16 asses). Minted from 269 BC. e. 2) Coin unit in some European countries in the Middle Ages. * * * DENARIUS DENARIUS (lat. denarius) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Denarius- (from Latin deni ten by ten), Roman. silver coin, originally equal to 10 asses. It began to be minted, apparently, from the 2nd Punic War and initially had a mass of 4.55 g (1/72 lb). During the Empire, the mass of D. decreased (for example, with ... ... Dictionary of Antiquity

Ancient Roman silver coin... Numismatist's Dictionary

- (from Latin denarius consisting of 10) ancient Roman silver coin of 10 Ass. Started minting in 269 BC. e. and contained 4.55 g of pure silver. A number of countries that had close trade ties with Ancient Rome still retain their names... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Denarius, denarii, denarii, denarii, denarius, denarii, denarius, denarii, denarius, denarii, denarii, denarii (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words


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  • Denarius of Caesar, Drozdov Anatoly Fedorovich. What young man at 16 does not dream of fame? The young centurion Mark from the Gallic city of Lugdunum has every reason to believe in a happy destiny. He is young, handsome and noble. Only life in...

In the biblical stories about Jesus Christ, banknotes of the time when the Savior lived among people are mentioned more than once. These prosaic details of the gospel narrative very clearly show that sacred history is very closely woven into the earthly chronicle. Of all the fragments where the names of money appear, one is especially noteworthy - it not only contains the name of the coin, but also contains its description. We are talking about an episode where the Pharisees invite Christ to answer the question - should the Jews pay taxes to the Roman emperor? Having asked to bring a denarius and specifying whose image was on it, he uttered a phrase that became popular: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

This gospel quote can often be heard in the sense of “to each his own,” however, its meaning is much deeper. It became possible to comprehend all the subtleties of this expression thanks to the development of biblical numismatics - historical discipline, engaged in the study of ancient coins related to Sacred history. Over the past hundred and fifty years, many discoveries have been made in this science thanks to active archaeological research in Israel. According to the head of the numismatics department of the Israel Antiquities Authority, Donald Ariel, in the extensive collection of ancient coins found by archaeologists during this time, there are those very Gospel denarii with the image of Caesar.

Expert comment:

Denarius, translated from Latin - consisting of ten. This was the name of the Roman silver coin, first minted in 268 BC. new era and lasted four and a half centuries. Throughout history appearance These banknotes were changed several times - each ruler ordered his image to be imprinted on the coins. This tradition was also due to the fact that in pagan Rome it was customary to place religious symbols on money, such as the portrait of the emperor, since he was declared a deity during his lifetime.

Among numismatist historians, the Caesar denarius is considered to be a coin issued during the reign of Emperor Tiberius - it was he who occupied the Roman throne during the period of Christ’s earthly life. On front side This banknote features the profile of the emperor and the inscription “Tiberius Caesar Augustus, son of the divine Augustus.” The reverse depicts a seated female figure. It is generally accepted that this is Tiberius's widowed mother, Livia Drusilla, who also held the imperial title.

The time described in the Gospel was not easy for Judea - by this time the country had lost its status as a kingdom and became a Roman province. Jews were burdened with the obligation to pay taxes to the Roman emperor. A poll tax was introduced in the country, which many Jews perceived as coercion to religious veneration of a pagan ruler.

The Pharisees, representatives of the religious movement in Judaism, who insisted on the careful implementation of all rituals and traditions, were especially dissatisfied with this situation. And when the Pharisees addressed to Christ their question about whether it was permissible for a believer to pay a tax to Caesar, they set a trap for him that seemed impossible to avoid. If Jesus had answered in the affirmative, it could have been interpreted not only as an unpatriotic position, but also as a call to idolatry. A negative answer would look like incitement to disobedience to the authorities. The Pharisees could easily turn both of these things against Christ. However, they had no idea how wise the Savior’s rebuke would be. Its depth was already evident in the very request to show the Roman coin.

The denarius was first introduced into circulation during the monetary reform of 268 BC. e. . Its weight was set at 4 scrupules (approximately 4.5 grams) of silver and remained virtually unchanged during the Republic period. Fractions of the denarius were also issued - quinarius (2 scrupules) and sestertius (1 scrupula). The stability of the denarius gradually allowed it to become widespread and become one of the most authoritative coins throughout the Mediterranean, which greatly contributed to the strengthening of the economic influence of Rome.

Originally, one denarius corresponded to 10 copper asses. This is where the name of the coin comes from, which literally means “consisting of ten”, and its symbol is a Roman numeral X or X. Around 141 BC e. due to the decrease in the weight of the assa, the denarius was equal to 16 asses. During this period, 1 denarius was equal to the daily salary of a Roman legionnaire.

Medieval denarius

Denarius in Central and Eastern Europe

At the beginning of the 14th century, a silver denarius (Prague parvus) bit in the Czech Republic = 1/12 of a Prague grosz.

From the second half of the 14th century, a similar denarius began to be issued in the Kingdom of Poland = 1/12 Krakow grosz (since 1447 - 1/18 grosz). At first, the weight of the coin was 0.2-0.3 g, the silver standard was 200-400, in the first half of the 15th century the weight of the coin became 0.3 g, the silver standard dropped to 100-200.

After the unification of the coinage system of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1580 and until the mid-17th century, the denarius became the smallest coin (with the exception of the short existence of the obol half-denarius coin). The denarius of Stefan Batory, broken at the Vilna Mint in 1581-82, with the coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Poland on the obverse and the legend “ I DENARI MDL"(1 denarius ON) on the reverse, had a weight of 0.4 g, a diameter of 12 mm, the thickness of the coin was 0.3 mm, silver fineness - 94.

Modern denarii

Dinar, denar, deni and other derivatives of the word “denarius” in our time are called the monetary units of many Arab states, as well as countries that were part of Yugoslavia.

State Currency name Currency sign Image ISO 4217 code Exchange currency Her share Image
Algeria Algeria Dinar
(Algerian dinar)
.د.جDA DZD Centime 1 ⁄ 100
Bahrain Bahrain Dinar
(Bahraini dinar)
.د.ب BD BHD Fils 1 ⁄ 1000
Jordan Jordan Dinar
(Jordanian dinar)
.د.إJD JOD Dirham 1 ⁄ 10
Iraq Iraq Dinar
(Iraqi dinar)
ID IQD Fils 1 ⁄ 1000
Iran Iran Rial
(Iranian rial)
﷼ IR IRR Dinar 1 ⁄ 100
Kuwait Kuwait Dinar
(Kuwaiti dinar)
.د.ك KD KWD Fils 1 ⁄ 1000
Libya Dinar
(Libyan dinar)
.د.لLD LYD Dirham 1 ⁄ 1000
Macedonia Macedonia Denard den. MKD Denis 1 ⁄ 100
Serbia Serbia Dinar
(Serbian dinar)
din. din. RSD Pair 1 ⁄ 100
Tunisia Tunisia Dinar
(Tunisian dinar)
.د.تTD TND Millim 1 ⁄ 1000

Biblical references

The denarius, being the main coin of the Roman Empire and its provinces, in particular Judea, is often mentioned in the New Testament.

Sum Product / Service / Situation Place in the New Testament
500 denarii Forgiven debt OK.
300 denarii "Pound of pure precious myrrh" for anointing Mk. ; In.
200 denarii Bread for “five thousand men”, “so that each of them gets at least a little” Mk. ; In.
100 denarii Debt to an unmerciful debtor Matt.
50 denarii Forgiven debt OK.
1 didrachm
2 denarii
Half-shekel annual temple tax Matt.
All-inclusive hotel fee OK.
1 denarius Annual poll tax (tax) paid to the metropolis (see Caesar's what is Caesar's) Matt. ; Mk. ; OK.
Daily wages for winegrowers Matt.
1 quinix (about a liter) of wheat Open
3 quinix barley Open

Denarius symbol

Since the Roman denarius corresponded to 10 copper asses, its symbol was a Roman numeral X, which was sometimes crossed out so as not to be confused with a number, - X(in the Unicode standard this character occupies position U+10196 - 𐆖).

For a long time, the penny and pfennig symbols were the first letter in the Latin name of the coin - denarius. In England and English-speaking countries it was written in regular font - d, in Germany - German Gothic italic - . After 1971 (the introduction of decimalization in the UK), the penny is denoted by the letter p, the symbol of the German pfennig has hardly been used since the mid-20th century.

Dinars, denars and denis do not have independent symbols. To write them briefly, the usual abbreviations are used (see the table in the section “Modern Denarii”).

See also

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  • The principalities of Litouska. Encyclopedia in 2 volumes - Minsk: Belarusian Encyclopedia, 2005. - Volume 1, p. 613.

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