What is needed for a monopoly. Monopoly game rules

1. Place houses, hotels, title deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors playing field.
There is a diagram on the board showing the correct placement of all game pieces.

2. Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them, and place them back-side up on the appropriate areas of the game board.

3. Separate the Community Chest cards, shuffle them, and place them back-side up on the appropriate areas of the game board.

4.Each player chooses a playing chip and places it on the “FORWARD” field.

5. Banker and Bank

One of the players is chosen as the Banker. If there are more than 5 players in the game. The banker can, at his discretion, limit himself to only this role in the game.
The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following coupons:

  • Two bills of 10 thousand rubles
  • Four bills of 100 thousand rubles
  • One bill of 20 thousand rubles
  • One banknote of 50 thousand rubles
  • Two bills of 500 thousand rubles
  • One 5 thousand ruble bill
  • Five bills of 1 thousand rubles
In addition to money, the Bank also has cards for Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by real estate and collects all taxes, fines, returns loans and interest on them. During an auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer.

A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue as much money as needed in the form of IOUs written on a regular piece of paper.

6. Players roll both dice. The one who got the first one starts the game greatest number points. The player to his left will be next, then the next one, and so on.


When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your piece forward along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

Buy plots for construction or other real estate
- pay rent if you find yourself on the property owned by others
- pay taxes
- pull out a Chance or Community Treasury card
- end up in prison
- relax in the free parking lot
- receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both dice

If you roll the dice and they both come up with the same number of points, move your piece and act according to the space you land on. You then have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to Prison.

Passing the field "FORWARD"

Every time you stop or pass through the “FORWARD” field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. It is possible to receive this amount twice in the same turn if, for example, you are on the Chance or Community Treasury board, immediately after the Forward board, and draw a card that says “Move to the FORWARD board.”

If you land on a space that represents an unoccupied Property (i.e. a Building Lot for which no other player has a Title Deed), you will have first choice to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Document of Title to this Property, which you must place in front of you with the text facing up. If you decide not to purchase the Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting from whatever price one player is willing to pay. Even though you refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.

Ownership of Real Estate.

Owning a Property will give you the right to collect rent from any “tenants” who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own all the Real Estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own an entire color group, you can build houses on any Property of that color.

Stopping at someone else's Property.

If you stop at a Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for that stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is set out in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings constructed thereon. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent you will be charged for stopping on any undeveloped property of that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has at least one parcel of the Property in that group mortgaged, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on the Property plots, the rent will increase, which will be shown on the Title Deed for that Property. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.

Stop at a utility field.

If you land on one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if no one has already bought it. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he can demand rent from you in accordance with the number of points that rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you must pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you are placed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Chest card you drew, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker puts the Utility Company up for auction and sells it to the player who gives the highest amount for it. You too can take part in the auction.

Stop at the Station.

If you are the first to land on such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this station. Otherwise, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase it at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner when you arrive at it, you will need to pay the amount stated on the Title Deed. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station you are staying at.

Stop at the "Odds" and "Public Treasury" fields.

Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require you to:

Moved your chip;
- paid money - for example taxes;
- received money;
- went to Prison;
- were freed from prison.

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you pick up a card that says "Get Out of Jail Free", you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a mutually agreed upon price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your piece to another space. If during the movement you pass through the “FORWARD” field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to Prison, you do not go through the "GO" box.

Stop at the Tax Field.

If you choose such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.

Free parking.

If you land on such a field, simply rest until your next turn. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).


You will be sent to prison if:
- you will stop at the “Go to Prison” field, or
- you took a Chance or Public Treasury card that says “Go to Jail”, or
- you have the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you end up in Prison, you cannot receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles, regardless of where you are on the playing field.

To get out of Prison, you need:

Pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue playing when it’s your turn, or buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player at a mutually agreed upon price and use it to free yourself, or
- use the “Get Out of Jail Free” card if you already have one, or
- stay here, skipping your next three turns, but every time it comes to your turn to roll the dice in one of these moves, you will get the same number of points, you can leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that appears on the dice.

After you have missed three turns while in Prison, you must leave the prison and pay 50 thousand rubles before you can move your chip to the number of spaces that appear on the dice.

While in Prison, you may receive rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not "sent to Jail" but simply stopped on the "Jail" space during the game, you do not pay any penalty since you "Just stopped in" for a while. On your next turn, you can move.

At home.

Once you have all the Property lots in the same color group, you can buy Houses to place on any of the lots you have. This will increase the rent you can charge from tenants staying at your Property. The value of the home is shown on the relevant Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build your plots evenly: you cannot build a second house on any of the plots of the same color group until you have built one House on each of the plots of this color group, the third - until two have been built on each, and so on: the maximum number of Houses on one plot is four. Houses also need to be sold evenly. You can buy or sell Homes at any time, for as long as you see fit and as your financial situation allows. You cannot build Houses, but you can receive double rent from any player staying on any of the undeveloped Property lots in your color group.


Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a color group that you completely own. Hotels can be bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four Houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings.

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other players returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless you have any extra Houses in the Bank.

If the Bank has a limited number of Houses or Hotels left, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker auctions off the buildings to be sold to the highest bidder, taking the starting price the one indicated on the relevant Document of Ownership.

Sale of Real Estate.

You can sell undeveloped plots, Railway Stations and Utilities to any player by entering into a private transaction with him for an amount agreed upon between you. However, you cannot sell a Plot to another player if there are any buildings on any other Plot of the same color group. If you want to sell any Plot of a color group that you own, you first need to sell to the Bank all the buildings located on the Plots of this color group. Homes should be sold evenly, just as they were bought. (see “At Home” item above).

Houses and Hotels cannot be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Document of Ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time.

When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time.

If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced with Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself.

Mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.


If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank any buildings located on this plot of Real Estate. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Title Deed face down and obtain from the bank the pledge amount indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay it this amount plus 10% on top.

If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player can obtain it by paying the deposit amount to the Bank.

You cannot collect rent on a mortgaged Property, although rent may still flow to you for other Properties in the same color group.

You can sell the pledged Property to other players at a price agreed upon with them. The buyer can then decide to repay the debt taken on the security of this property by depositing the corresponding amount of the deposit plus 10% with the Bank. He can also pay only 10% and leave the Property as collateral. In this case, upon final removal of the collateral, you will have to pay another 10% to the Bank.

When none of the Lots in the same color group are mortgaged, the owner can begin purchasing Houses again at full price.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get from your assets, you are declared bankrupt, and you are out of the game.

If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The Banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder.

You must place the Get Out of Jail Free cards at the bottom of the appropriate pile.

If you become bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Houses and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds, and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Property, you must also transfer it to that player, he must immediately pay 10% on it to the Bank, and then decide whether he should immediately buy it back at full value or keep it as collateral.

Notes for the game.

If you owe more rent than you have on hand, you can pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (i.e., undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, the lender may agree to accept a piece of Property (even if it is mortgaged) for a price much higher than what is listed on it, seeking to obtain additional Building Site or to prevent another player from establishing control over that Property.

If you own any Property, then the responsibility to collect rent rests with you.

Money can be given in the form of a loan only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate.

Neither player can borrow money from or lend money to another player.


The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.

Monopoly is one of the most famous and popular board games that is loved by both children and adults. This game is intended for boys and girls over 8 years old, although in practice it is often played by older preschoolers. In Monopoly, each player gains ownership of a specific property that they can sell, rent, and use as they see fit.

The goal of this strategy is to “stay afloat” and not go bankrupt when others do. The rules of the game of Monopoly for children and adults are quite simple, however, before the start of the competition they should be given special attention.

Detailed rules for playing Monopoly

Before the game starts, all the guys must decide which of them will own a chip of one color or another. After this, each player must roll the dice. The participant who managed to roll the maximum number of points starts the game, and subsequently all moves are made clockwise from him.

Monopoly belongs to the category of turn-based board games, in which all actions are determined only by dice and various images on the playing field. So, after a player has rolled the dice at the beginning of his turn, he must move his piece by the number of steps that fell on them. His further actions will be indicated on the cell of the playing field in which his chip ended up.

Depending on how many points are rolled on the dice, a Monopoly player can do the following:

  • buy the offered property, which is not owned by any of the players;
  • pay rent for the use of a piece of real estate that already belongs to another participant;
  • pay taxes;
  • skip a move;
  • pull out one of the additional cards and perform the action indicated on it;
  • end up in “prison”;
  • receive wages and so on.

In addition, the economic board game Monopoly is subject to the following rules during play:

  1. If a double is rolled, the player has the right to make another move after completing all his actions. Meanwhile, if a double falls 3 times in a row, the participant in the game is forced to immediately go to “prison”.
  2. Upon passing the initial placement point for all chips, each player receives a salary of 200,000 play money. Depending on the dropped fields and cards, the salary can be received not 1, but 2 or 3 times per round.
  3. If a player finds a free plot for construction, that is, a playing field with a real estate card, he has the right to buy it at the price offered by the bank. If a participant does not have a sufficient amount of funds or simply does not want to purchase an object, it is put up for auction, where all other players have the right to offer a price. The property remains on the field only if none of the guys wants to buy it.
  4. Before the start of each move, the player has the right to offer other guys a deal - the sale or exchange of their real estate. Any transactions are carried out only on mutually beneficial conditions.
  5. Owning one property card allows you to collect a small rent from all players whose chips land on that field. Meanwhile, it is much more profitable to own a monopoly, that is, all objects of the same color, since this allows you to build branches, hotels and houses, which significantly increases the rental amount.
  6. Rent is not charged if the property is mortgaged.
  7. If a player's piece lands on the "chance" or "public treasury" fields, he must draw the appropriate card and follow the instructions provided.
  8. When entering the “taxes” field, each player must pay the appropriate amount to the bank.
  9. In case of bankruptcy or inability to pay any bills even when selling his objects, the player is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who managed to hold out longer than the rest.

There is also a children's room with more simple rules, intended for children from 5 years old. By and large, it is a simplified analogue classic version and is very good for developing math skills and strategic thinking in preschoolers.

Today, Monopoly is a traditional board game for more than one and a half million people who like to entertain themselves and their guests with an interesting activity at home or even at work. It gives you the opportunity to try on the image of a successful businessman, build strategies and earn big income in the world of the game. There are even special competitions and championships for Monopoly, which allow the winners to receive absolutely real, considerable monetary rewards.

The main goal of the game is to preserve and develop the available capital in market conditions through certain step-by-step strategic actions.

The story of Monopoly begins in the United States during the Great Depression. Its author and creator is considered to be Charles Darrow, who was unemployed at that time, who thus wanted to realize the dream of becoming rich. Taking advantage of every chance to make money, in 1934 he presented the game to the American company Parker Brothers with an offer for its mass release to customers. But then Parker Brothers did not appreciate Derrow’s idea, and they also pointed out as many as “52 errors in the design of tabletop entertainment” and gave a negative answer to the creator.

But fortunately for us, Charles did not think of giving up so easily, but decided to set up the production of Monopoly himself for sale in one of the large stores in Philadelphia. Within one year, the newly minted entrepreneur was able to produce and sell more than 5,000 game samples. Monopoly quickly became popular game, winning the hearts and inquisitive minds of citizens, since it was, as they say, on the topic of the day due to the poverty and misery surrounding everyone. Already in 1935, Charles Darrow again came to the Parker Brothers company, where he was perceived completely differently than a year before, after which Monopoly became the best-selling game and conquered all of America.

The history of Monopoly in the USSR dates back to the 80s of the 20th century. Despite the fact that the idea of ​​capitalism at that time was alien to the Soviet socialist people, nevertheless, people liked it and quickly gained its popularity. Most likely, this is inherent in the essence of man himself, in the desire for wealth, which “Monopoly” made one feel, albeit in a virtual format. Yes and manufacturing board game did not cause any particular difficulties. People adapted and began to make it themselves, drawing and cutting out cards, money, and even a playing field from ordinary paper. Mass production of the game in the USSR began only in 1988 by the Petropan company, but it was no longer called “Monopoly”, but “Manager”.

Board games have always been in great demand. During the period of active development of the Internet era, they were somewhat, so to speak, modernized and became even more popular. Today, almost any game can be downloaded to your computer, tablet or smartphone. But it's better to get all your friends together and have fun, say, playing Monopoly. It's pretty old game. It is already more than a hundred years old, but this has not affected its popularity in any way. In this article you will learn how to play Monopoly.

First acquaintance

The goal is to remain the only player who has not gone bankrupt. The playing field consists of squares through which participants move, depending on the number rolled on the die. In any sector there is a plot that can be purchased from the bank for development. But here, as in real life, you will have to pay taxes and mortgage the property. Well, of course, you need to be at least a little economically savvy.


First you need to place all the objects (houses, hotels) in the sectors of the playing field in accordance with the diagram. Then shuffle the "Chances" cards and place them reverse side to the corresponding cell. Then each player chooses a chip and places it on the “Forward” sign. The team chooses a Banker who will manage the money. There are 16 banknotes in total:

  • 500 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 100 thousand rubles. - 4 pcs.;
  • 50 thousand rubles. - 1 piece;
  • 20 thousand rubles. - 1 piece;
  • 10 thousand rubles. - 2 pcs.;
  • 5 thousand rubles. - 1 piece;
  • 1 thousand rub. - 5 pcs.

The documents for the property remain in the bank. Salaries, bonuses and loans are issued in other money. The amount of "cash" is not limited. At any time, you can write on a regular piece of paper. The game on Android “Monopoly” is deprived of the ability to “issue” paper money.

Each participant takes turns throwing the dice and moving the piece across the field. The direction of movement is indicated by arrows. There can be several chips on one cell. It also contains instructions for further actions: pay taxes, buy land, pay rent, receive a salary, or go to prison.

How to play Monopoly: rules

The player can go through the “Forward” point several times. At the same time, the bank pays 200 thousand rubles when it stops again in this sector.

The “Construction site” position gives the player the opportunity to be the first to buy out property documents if no one has done so before. In this case, the card must be placed on the field front side up. In case of refusal to purchase, the plot is immediately put up for auction at the lowest price and sold at the most recent offer. The Banker manages the process.

"Ownership" allows you to collect rent from "tenants". If the properties are painted in one color, then that allows you to build houses.

“Do not leave someone else’s property”: the owner can demand from you but only until the next player rolls the dice. The payment amount is indicated in the documents and may change during the game. It depends on the number of buildings constructed. Rent is charged each time a player stops on a property of the same color group and is doubled if the player ends up on a built-up lot, provided that the building is not mortgaged. For the "Station" field the rules are similar.

The same conditions apply in the sector as with real estate. There is only one thing: rent is charged in accordance with the number of points that appear on the dice. The amount increases 4 times if the owner has one enterprise, and 10 times if both. If a player lands on the field using the “Chances” card, then he needs to roll the dice to determine how much the payment will increase.

The game "Monopoly. Millionaire" has one interesting sector. If a participant lands on the “Public Treasury” field, then he must take a card from the pile and follow the instructions indicated in it. There are many options: from moving chips to getting out of jail for free. After fulfilling the conditions, the card must be placed at the very bottom of the pile.

Position "Taxes": the specified amount must be paid to the bank.

"Free parking" means that the player can simply stay on the field and do nothing.

They end up in “Prison” if the corresponding card or the same number on the dice appears three times in a row. Here the player does not receive a salary, but can save rent. To leave this field, you need to pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles or buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player. Then the game continues. Monopoly for two has advantages in this regard. If you don't have enough money in your account, you can stay in prison and continue rolling the dice. If you get a double, make a move. But you will still have to pay a fine (50 thousand rubles). Only after this can you continue the game. If the player got into the prison sector not by the map, but as a result of a move, then he will not have to pay a fine.

Details about the property

Having plots of the same color group, you can buy houses and pay rent to players who are in your possessions. The transaction should be made in between moves. The plot is built up evenly: building a second house on a sector of the same color is allowed only after the others have one building each. The maximum number of buildings on one area is 4. They are also sold only evenly, but at any time.

After development, you can buy a hotel. Unit price - 4 houses plus the amount indicated on the property card. Only one hotel is allowed to be purchased in each sector. If the bank cannot sell the house, and there are not enough buildings of its own, then it will have to wait until other participants part with their possessions. If there are many people willing to purchase real estate, an auction is held.


The game has one more advantage. You can sell plots, railway stations and utilities to other players. If a participant wants to sell an empty sector of one color group, then first he needs to sell all the real estate from it - evenly - and then put it up for sale. The bank makes a purchase for half the amount indicated in the documents. Hotels of the same color group are sold simultaneously.

You can get money from the bank by mortgaging real estate. A title deed turned face down is proof of a mortgage. The bank can sell such property only to other players. The amount to be repaid is the cost of the buildings plus 10%. A participant in the game can independently implement the building.

If a player owes the bank more money than he can pay after selling all his property, then he is bankrupt. The financial institution takes away his property and sells it at auction. If the creditor is another player, then he sells the debtor's property to the bank for half its value. Here's how to play Monopoly.

Tips for beginners

Having figured out how to play Monopoly, we move on to the question of tactics. We remind you that the goal is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant. Therefore, in order to win, in addition to the rules, you also need to know some features.

Buy everything

If you don’t have money, then you should pledge your existing property to the bank. When participating in auctions, pay special attention railways and land plots. It is better not to purchase water and electric companies. Their payback period is 3 player stops on this field.

Prison is your helper

At the stage of accumulating prison sentences, it is better to avoid imprisonment, but if you do end up behind bars, you must take all measures to get out of prison as soon as possible. But when other players begin to actively build up their territories, it is better to skip a move or two.

Buy railroads

All four have a special place in the game. At the very beginning they bring a lot of profit, in the middle they will not be superfluous, and at the end gameplay It's better to get rid of them.

Land plots

According to statistics, the prison is the most visited cell on the playing field. The most profitable areas are purple, orange and green. At the same time, it is better to build no more than three houses in a sector of the same color. The only time it is worth purchasing a hotel is if all your areas are the same color.

Use it wisely at home

According to the rules, their number in one game is limited, and you cannot buy hotels at the very beginning. Experienced participants build their strategy on this, namely: they fill all their sites with buildings and never acquire hotels. This prevents other players from owning real estate.

Psychological features of trading

  • People value mortgaged land less, that is, they are ready to part with it at a lower price.
  • Inexperienced players easily exchange or sell what they consider to be “useless” single plots.

A large number of participants is the advantage of the game

Monopoly for two is not as interesting as playing with a group of friends. One winning strategy works well with a large number of players. It consists of quickly and at any price buying three cards of any color (starting with blue). In this case, the player must have a large number of multi-colored plots of land. You can even sacrifice the railway for this. After which you need to quickly build houses and under no circumstances part with your lands.

Which option is better?

The Monopoly game installs on your computer quite quickly. But it is better to give preference to the desktop version. By gathering your friends at home, you can take advantage of a large number of players and try out the following winning strategy in practice.

How to play Monopoly with bank cards

This option is more suitable for a money manager. One of the rules of the game is that a financial institution can issue any number of banknotes on plain paper at any time. It is worth using it when the process becomes especially tedious, and “issuing” banknotes of 1 thousand rubles. This will force other participants to take their minds off thinking about game tactics and start counting money.


"Monopoly" is a game for a group of friends. To win, you need not only to know the rules well, but also to develop tactics and strategy in advance. The ultimate goal, as already mentioned, is to remain the only non-bankrupt participant.

RULES of the short game of Monopoly

If you know a little Monopoly game rules, then you can now play it faster with the help of the Quick Play Rules! In this game the rules are exactly the same as in Classic Monopoly, but there are three differences:

    In the initial stage of the game, the Banker shuffles the cards for the right of Property. Then the player sitting to the left of the Banker removes the deck, after which the players are dealt one card each for the right of Property twice. If the Banker is also an ordinary player, then he distributes cards for the right of Property to himself. Players must immediately pay the stated price to the Bank for both Title Cards received. The game then continues according to standard rules.

    In the shortened game, you must build only three Houses (instead of four) on each Lot of a color group before you can purchase a Hotel. The rent remains the same as in the standard game. When you sell a Hotel, the proceeds are half of the original cost, i.e. one House less than in a normal game.

    End of the game Monopoly. The first player to go bankrupt is out of the game, just like in a standard game. When the second player also goes bankrupt, the game ends. A player who becomes bankrupt transfers everything he owns to his creditor (the Bank or another player), including buildings and other property. Then each of the remaining participants in the game adds up the following:

    Cash on hand.

    The player's existing Lots, Utilities and Railways

    Stations at the price indicated on the playing field.

    Mortgaged property in the amount of half the price indicated on the playing field.

    Homes valued at purchase price.

    Hotels valued at purchase price, including the value of the three Houses for which the Hotel was exchanged.

The richest player wins!

Game with time limit.

Before starting this version of the game, you need to agree on the end time of the game. The richest participant at the end of the game will win. Before starting the game, you need to shuffle the deck of cards for the right of Property and remove it. The Banker then deals two cards to each player, one card at a time. Participants immediately deposit the value of the Property issued to them into the Bank and the game continues according to standard rules m.

Remain the only non-bankrupt player.


Game board, 28 cards - Documents of Property Rights, 16 cards - Public Treasury, 16 cards - Chance, 8 gold luxury chips, Bank Cashbox, 1 set of special money for Monopoly, 32 wooden Houses, 12 wooden Hotels and 2 dice, 1Monopoly game rules.


    Place Houses, Hotels, Title Deeds and money (at face value) in separate sectors of the playing field. There is a diagram on the board showing the correct placement of all game pieces.

    Separate the Chance cards, shuffle them and place them back side up on the appropriate area of ​​the game board.

    Separate the Community Treasury cards, shuffle them, and place them backside down on the appropriate area of ​​the game board.

    Each player chooses a playing piece and places it on the “FORWARD” field.

    Banker and Bank: One of the players is chosen as Banker. If there are more than five players in a game, the Banker may, at his discretion, limit himself to only that role in the game. The banker gives each of the players 1,500 thousand rubles in the following bills:

    Two bills of 500 thousand rubles

    Four bills of 100 thousand rubles

    One banknote of 50 thousand rubles

    One bill of 20 thousand rubles

    Two bills of 10 thousand rubles

    One 5 thousand ruble bill

    Five bills of 1 thousand rubles

In addition to money, the Bank also has cards for Title Deeds, Houses and Hotels until they are purchased by the players. The bank also pays salaries and bonuses, gives loans secured by the Real Estate and collects all taxes, fines, repaid loans and interest on them. During an auction, the Banker acts as an auctioneer. A bank can never go bankrupt, but it can issue the required amount of money in the form of promissory notes written on an ordinary piece of paper. 6. Players roll both dice. The one with the most points starts the game. The player sitting to his left goes next, and so on.

When it's your turn, roll both dice and move your piece forward along the board in the direction indicated by the arrow. The field you land on determines what you need to do. Several chips can be on one field at the same time. Depending on what field you find yourself on, you will have to:

    buy plots for construction or other real estate,

    pay rent if you find yourself on property owned by others

    pay taxes

    draw a Chance or Community Chest card

    end up in jail

    relax in the free parking

    receive a salary of 200 thousand rubles

Same number of points on both dice

If you roll the dice and both get the same number of points (a double), move your piece and act in accordance with the requirements of the field on which you find yourself. Then you have the right to roll the dice again. If you get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row, you immediately go to prison.

Passing the field "FORWARD"

Every time you stop or pass through the “FORWARD” field, moving in the direction indicated by the arrow, the Bank pays you 200 thousand rubles. It is possible to receive this amount twice in the same turn if, for example, you are on the Chance or Public Treasury space immediately after the “GO” space and draw a card that says “GO” to the “GO” space.


If you land on a space that represents unoccupied Property (i.e., a Building Lot for which no other player has a Title Deed), you will have the first buyer's right to purchase it. If you decide to buy Real Estate, pay the Bank the money in the amount indicated on this playing field. In exchange, you will receive a Document of Ownership of this Property, which you must place in front of you with the text facing up. If you decide not to buy the Property, the Banker must immediately put it up for auction and sell it to the highest bidder, starting from whatever price anyone else is willing to pay. Even if you refused to purchase the Property at the original price, you can take part in the auction.


Owning a Property gives you the right to collect rent from any tenants who stay in the space that marks it. It is very profitable to own all the Real Estate of one color group - in other words, own a monopoly. If you own the entire color group, you can build houses on any property of that color.


If you stop at someone else's Property that was previously purchased by another player, you may be required to pay rent for this stop. The player who owns this Property must ask you to pay the rent before the next player rolls the dice. The amount payable is set out in the Title Deed for the Property and may vary depending on the number of buildings constructed on it. If all the Properties of one color group are owned by one player, the rent charged to you for staying on any undeveloped property in that group is doubled. However, if the owner of an entire color group has a mortgage on at least one piece of the Property in that group, he cannot charge you double rent. If Houses and Hotels have been built on plots of the Real Estate, the rent increases as described in the Title Deed for that Real Estate. No rent will be charged for staying on the mortgaged Property.


If you stop at one of these fields, you can buy that Utility if it has not already been purchased by anyone. As with the purchase of other Real Estate, pay the Bank the amount indicated in this field. If this Property has already been purchased by another player, he can demand rent from you in accordance with the number of points that rolled on the dice when you made the move that brought you to this field. If the other player owns only one of the Utilities, the rent will be four times the number of points rolled on the dice. If he owns both Utilities, you will have to pay him an amount equal to ten times the number of points rolled. If you are placed on this space as a result of the instructions on the Chance or Community Treasury card you drew, you must roll the dice to determine how much you will have to pay. If you decide not to buy this Property, the Banker puts the Utility Company up for auction and sells it to the highest bidder. You too can take part in the auction.


If you are the first to stop at such a field, you will have the opportunity to buy this Station. If you do not want to, the Bank puts it up for auction, even if you refused to purchase at the original price, you can also take part in the auction. If the Station already has an owner, those who find themselves in it must pay the amount specified in the Document of Ownership. The amount to be paid depends on the number of other Stations owned by the player who owns the Station you are staying at.


Stopping on such a field means that you need to take the top card from the corresponding pile. These cards may require that you:

    moved your chip

    paid money, for example, taxes

    got money

    went to prison

    released from prison free of charge

You must immediately follow the instructions on the card and place the card on the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you take a card that says “Get Out of Jail Free,” you can keep it until you need it, or you can sell it to another player for a negotiated price.

Note: The card may indicate that you must move your chip to another field. If while driving you pass through the “FORWARD” field, you will receive 200 thousand rubles. If you are sent to Prison, you do not go through the “FORWARD” field.


If you choose such a field, you just need to pay the appropriate amount to the Bank.


If you stop on such a field, simply rest until your next move. You are here for free and are not subject to any penalties, you can enter into transactions as usual (for example, collect rent, build buildings on the Property you own, etc.).

You will be sent to prison if:

    You will land on the “Go to Jail” box, or

    You picked up a Chance or Public Treasury card that said “Go to Jail Immediately” or

    You get the same number of points on both dice three times in a row in one turn.

Your turn ends when you are sent to Jail. If you find yourself in Prison, a salary of 200 thousand rubles is not paid, no matter where you were previously. To get out of Prison, you need:

    pay a fine of 50 thousand rubles and continue the game when it’s your turn, or

    buy a “Get Out of Jail Free” card from another player at a mutually agreed upon price and use it to free yourself, or

    use the “Get Out of Jail Free” card if you already have one, or

    stay here, skipping your next three moves, but every time it comes to your turn, roll the dice, and if you get a double on both dice in one of these moves, you will be able to leave the Prison and go through the number of fields that falls on cubes.

After you have missed three turns while in Prison, you must leave it and pay 50 thousand rubles before you can move your chip to the number of fields rolled on the dice. While in PRISON, you have the right to receive rent for your Property if it is not mortgaged. If you were not “sent to Prison”, but simply stopped at the “Prison” field during the game, you do not pay a fine, since you “Just visited” it. On your next turn, you can move on as usual.

After you have collected all the Real Estate plots of the same color group, you can buy Houses to place them on any of the plots you have. This will increase the rent you can charge tenants staying at your Property. The price of the House is indicated on the relevant Title Deed. You can buy houses during your turn or between other players' turns, but you must build up your plots evenly: you cannot build a second House on any of the plots of the same color group until you have built one House on each of the plots of this color group, the third - until two have been built on each, and so on. The maximum number of houses on one site is four. Homes also need to be sold evenly. You can buy or sell houses at any time, and for as long as you see fit and as your financial situation allows. You cannot build houses if at least one plot of this color group is laid out. If you own all the Properties of one color group, and only have Houses built on one of the two lots, you can still receive double rent from a player who stays on any of the undeveloped Property lots of that color group, as indicated on the cards.

Before you can buy Hotels, you need to have four Houses on each lot of a color group that is entirely yours. Hotels are bought in the same way as Houses, but they cost four houses, which are returned to the Bank, plus the price indicated in the Title Deed. Only one Hotel can be built on each site.

Lack of buildings

If there are no Houses left in the Bank, you will have to wait until one of the other participants returns their Houses to him. Likewise, if you sell Hotels, you cannot replace them with Houses unless there are any extra houses in the Bank. If there are a limited number of Houses or Hotels left in the Bank, and two or more players want to buy more buildings than the Bank has, the Banker puts the buildings up for auction to be sold to the highest bidder. At the same time, for the initial price he takes the one indicated on the corresponding Document of Ownership.

Sale of real estate

You can sell undeveloped Lots, Train Stations and Utilities to any player by entering into a private deal with them for an amount agreed upon between you. If there are any buildings on any of the Lots of the same color group, Lots of that color cannot be sold. If you want to sell any plot of a color group that belongs to you, first you need to sell to the Bank all the buildings located on the plots of this color group. Houses should be sold evenly, just as they were bought (see “Houses” above). Neither Houses nor Hotels can be sold to other players. They should be sold to the Bank at a price two times less than that indicated in the relevant Document of Ownership. Buildings can be sold at any time. When selling the Hotel, the Bank pays you half the cost of the Hotel plus half the cost of the four Houses that were given to the Bank when purchasing the Hotel. All Hotels of the same color group must be sold at the same time. If necessary, in order for you to receive money, Hotels can be replaced with Houses again. To do this, you need to sell the Hotel to the Bank and receive in return four Houses plus half the cost of the Hotel itself. Mortgaged Real Estate can only be sold to other players, but not to the Bank.

If you have no money left, but need to pay off your debts, you can get money by mortgaging some Real Estate. To do this, first sell to the Bank all the buildings located on this Property Plot. In order to pledge the Real Estate, turn the Title Deed corresponding to the Property face down and receive from the Bank the pledge amount indicated on the back of the card. If you later want to pay off your debt to the Bank, you will need to pay this amount plus 10 percent on top. If you mortgage any Property, it still belongs to you. No other player has the right to buy it from the Bank instead of you. Mortgaged Properties cannot be charged rent, although rent may still be due to you for other Properties in the same color group. You can sell the pledged Property to other players at a price agreed upon with them. The Buyer may then decide to repay the debt secured by the Property by depositing the appropriate amount of the deposit plus 10 percent with the Bank. He can also pay only 10 percent and leave the Property as collateral. In this case, upon final removal of the collateral, you will have to pay another 10 percent to the Bank. The opportunity to buy Houses at the regular price appears only after purchasing all, without exception, Lots of the same color group.


If you owe the Bank or other players more money than you can get from your assets, you are declared bankrupt and you are out of the game. If you owe the Bank, the Bank receives all your money and Title Deeds. The banker then auctions off each of the Properties to the highest bidder. You must place the Get Out of Jail Free cards at the bottom of the appropriate pile. If you go bankrupt due to debts to another player, your Houses and Hotels are sold to the Bank for half their original value, and your creditor receives all the money, Title Deeds, and Get Out of Jail Free cards you have. If you have any mortgaged Real Estate, you must also transfer it to the lender, and he must immediately pay 10 percent on it to the Bank, and then decide whether to immediately buy it back or leave it mortgaged.

Game Notes

If you owe more rent than the amount of cash you have on hand, you may pay your lender partly in cash and partly in Real Estate (i.e., undeveloped Building Lots). In this case, the lender, seeking additional construction opportunities or wanting to prevent another player from establishing control over a particular group of Lots, may agree to accept any Property (even if it is mortgaged) for a price much higher than indicated on the relevant card. The responsibility to collect rent for the Property lies with the owner. Money can be given as a loan to the player only by the Bank and only on the security of the Real Estate. Neither player can borrow money from or lend money to another player.


The last participant remaining in the game is the winner.
