Cheat for minecraft wurst. Cheat Wurst Hacked Client for Minecraft

Wurst is the most popular Minecraft cheat today. This client has an advantage over other cheats - it is completely Open Source.

If you are a player looking for a great client that can add mods and cheats to the game, then the Wurst cheat client will satisfy all your needs! Of course it is compatible with Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. Wurst is designed to be played on servers, but you can also enjoy it while playing single player. I don't know if I really need to say this, but never use cheats on servers, the risk of getting banned is very high. We have warned you!

Screenshots of the cheat:

Cheat features:

AntiAFK, AntiBlind, AntiCactus, AntiFire, AntiKnockback, AntiMAC, AntiPotion, AntiSpam, ArenaBrawl, AutoArmor, AutoBuild, AutoEat, AutoFish, AutoLeave, AutoMine, AutoRespawn, AutoSign, AutoSoup Mod, AutoSplashPot Mod, AutoSprint, AutoSteal, AutoSwitch, AutoSword, AutoTool, AutoWalk, BaseFinder, Blink, BlockHit, BoatFly, BonemealAura, BowAimbot, BuildRandom, BunnyHop, CMD-Block, CaveFinder, ChestESP, ClickAura, CrashChest, CrashItem, Criticals, Derp, Dolphin, ExtraElytra, FancyChat, FastBow, FastBreak, FastEat, FastLadder, FastPlace, FightBot, Flight Mod (with Bypass), Follow, ForcePush, ForceOP (AuthMe Cracker), Freecam, Fullbright, GhostHand, Glide, HeadRoll, Headless, HealthTags, HighJump, InstantBunker, Invisibility, ItemESP, Jesus, Jetpack, Kaboom, Killaura , KillauraLegit, KillerPotion, LSD, Liquids Mod, LogSpammer, MassTPA, MenuWalk, MileyCyrus, MobESP, MultiAura, NameProtect, NameTags, Navigator, NoClip, NoFall, NoHurtcam, NoSlowdown, NoWeb, Nuker Mod, NukerLegit, OP-Sign Mod (Force OP ), Overlay, Panic, Phase, PlayerESP, PlayerFinder, PotionSaver, ProphuntESP, Protect, Regen Mod (God Mode), RemoteView, SafeWalk, Search, SkinBlinker, Sneak, Spammer, SpeedHack, SpeedNuker, Spider, Step, TP-Aura, Throw , Timer, Tired, Tracers, Trajectories, TriggerBot, TrollPotion, TrueSight, Tunneller, X-Ray, /home, Alt Manager, BookHack (Force OP), Session Stealer (Force OP), Server Finder, Target, YesCheat+

FastPlace: F
Flight: G
Freecam: U
Fullbright: C
/home: H
Killaura: R
Nuker: L
Sneak: Z
X-Ray: X


  • .addalt
  • .annoy
  • .author
  • .binds
  • .blink
  • .clear
  • .copyitem
  • .damage
  • .drop
  • .enchant
  • .fastbreak
  • .features
  • .follow
  • .friends
  • .getpos
  • .ghosthand
  • .give
  • .goto
  • .help
  • .invsee
  • .jump
  • .leave
  • .modify
  • .nothing
  • .nuker
  • .path
  • .potion
  • .protect
  • .rename
  • .repair
  • .search
  • .setcheckbox
  • .setmode
  • .setslider
  • .spammer
  • taco
  • .throw
  • .vclip
  • .xray


Run the cheat file. And click the “install” button. That's it, the cheat is installed. Now you can run the cheat version of Minecraft from your launcher.

- a new improved version of everyone's favorite German cheat. This version, as you already understood, has Forge built in. This feature will help you get even easier victories. Sooner or later, every player faces the question: “What to choose, a PvP build or a cheat?” We will help you with this question. Wurst will help you combine business with pleasure and combine assembly and cheat for better results in PvP battles. This version will provide you with the same features as without Forge. But it’s worth noting that it bypasses anti-cheats much better. After all, this is actually considered a mod, not a cheat.

How to install the Wurst cheat for Minecraft 1.12.2:

1. Download and unpack the archive using WinRar or Zip;
2. If you have Minecraft open, you need to close it;
3. Run the cheat installation .jar file;
4. Log in to Minecraft, select a profile called Wurst in the settings;
5. Save it and then log in under this profile

Cheat client Wurst adds great updates to the game in survival mode using online servers Minecraft. You can use this cheat client on Windows, Linux and Mac OS.

You can very easily install it and use the huge number of updates it provides. This is probably the only cheat client that allows you to download resources. This means that you can complete it yourself using codes or create your own. The codes are in the cheat folder.

This cheat client works perfectly in multi-user mode. In addition, updates are carried out automatically.

Cheat control buttons:

to call the interface menu use the left CTRL button;

fast movement F button;

flight button G;

brightness C;

kill aura R;

Installing the cheat client:

You need to download and unpack the archive;

Open folder.minecraft/versions;

Drag the extracted files there and close all windows;

Go to Minecraft, select settings and create a new Wurst profile;

Then restart the game and log in under this profile.

Enjoy gameplay, guys!

One of the strangest cheat clients perhaps in the entire history of hacking. It has both necessary cheat mods for life and practically useless or even comical ones, what is one mod worth? LSD, which simply changes the perception of the world around


  • Left Control- Client cheat menu
  • F- FastPlace
  • G- Flight
  • U-Freecam
  • C- Fullbright
  • H- /home
  • R- Killaura
  • L- Nuker
  • Z- Sneak
  • X- X-Ray
  • .addalt Add a player or all players to your friends list
  • .annoy bot for annoying players, capable of repeating after players what they say
  • .bind Allows you to bind a key
  • .clear Clear chat
  • .fastbreak Change FastBreak options
  • .gm Game mode /gamemode.
  • .help Show/hide list of commands
  • .ip Show the IP of the server you are playing on
  • .nuker Change Nuker Options
  • .rv RemoteView Options
  • .say Sends a message to chat even if it starts with a period
  • .search Change search options or switch it
  • .stats Lists some facts about the Wurst cheat client.
  • taco Made in WiZARDHAX
  • .t Enable/disable all cheats
  • AntiKnockback- Shock protection
  • AntiSpam- Protecting your chat from spam
  • ArenaBrawl- Bot for automatic play in ArenaBrawl on the server
  • AutoAdSign- Notifies the chat about your arrival on the server
  • AutoBuild- Automatic builder bot, can build bridges, swastikas, penises, pillars, walls
  • AutoMine- Auto-miner
  • AutoRespawn- Auto-respawn after death
  • AutoSign - Quick creation signs
  • AutoSwitch- Constantly switching items in hand to bypass the kick AFK
  • AutoWalk- Automatic walking
  • BuildRandom- Automatically clog the card with garbage
  • ChestESP- Search for chests on the map
  • Criticals - Critical Strike, allows you to make all your hits critical
  • Derp- Prevents other players from seeing your facing direction
  • Dolphin Automatically float on water
  • FastBreak- increased block growth rate
  • FastEat- Eat quickly
  • FastLadder- Quick climb up the stairs
  • FastPlace- Allows you to place blocks 5 times faster
  • FightBot- Automatically fights for you
  • Flight- Flight
  • Follow- Walk behind the nearest object, good for trolling
  • ForceOP (a.k.a. AuthMeCracker)- Allows you to crack passwords for the AuthMe registration plugin. This will allow hacking the administrator to get OP on the server
  • Freecam Free movement of your phantom
  • Fullbright- Allows you to see in the dark
  • Glide- Allows you to float when falling
  • Headless- takes your head away from you
  • HealthTags- Displays players health
  • HighJump- High jump, 6 times higher
  • /home- Instant home installation
  • InstantBunker: Quickly builds a bunker (5x5x3 of 57 blocks) around you.
  • Invisibility (a.k.a. Godmode)- Makes you invisible to other players if, after death, you are reborn next to the player for whom you want to be invisible
  • ItemESP- Allows you to see objects through walls
  • Jesus- Allows you to walk on water, Jesus used this cheat 2000 years ago:3 Works only on vanilla Minecraft servers
  • Jetpack- Allows you to walk on air
  • Killaura- Automatically attacks everything that passes or runs nearby
  • Liquids- Allows you to interact with liquid blocks
  • LSD- Effect of substance use
  • MassTPA- Sends a /tpa request to all players, stops if someone agrees to teleport you
  • Miley Cyrus- Tracks your path
  • MobESP- Allows you to see mobs through walls
  • NameTags- Changes the nickname scale so you can always read it
  • YesCheat+- Allows you to bypass server anti-cheat NoCheat+
  • NoFall- Drop protection
  • NoHurtcam- Disables damage effects
  • Nuker- Destroys blocks around you. Modes: Normal, ID, Flat (Flat - destroys blocks that are above your feet)
  • Only Mobs/Players- Switches target between player and mob
  • Overlay- Changes animation while using Nuker
  • Panic- Disable all enabled mods
  • Phase- Uses the NoCheat+ bug, which allows for bugs
  • PlayerESP- Allows you to see players through walls
  • Protect- Follow the nearest player and protect him
  • Regen- Restores your health 100 times faster
  • RemoteView- Allows you to look at the world like someone else
  • Search- Helps you find specific blocks
  • Sneak- Automatically squat all the time
  • Spider- Allows you to climb walls like a spider
  • Sprint- Constant running
  • Step- Used for walking modes
  • Timer- Changes the speed of almost everything
  • Tracers- Display other players' views
  • TrueSight- Allows you to see invisible objects
  • X-Ray- Allows you to see ores and caves through walls