Battle of the sexes board game questions. Extracurricular activity as part of Psychology Week. Game “Battle of the Sexes”

Math teacherScenario for joint celebration of March 8 and February 23

"Battle of the Sexes"

1. Opening remarks.Since the host of our holiday was ill, I take on the role of host. I congratulate the boys of our class on the past holiday and wish you to become courageous, honest, strong defenders, and congratulate the girls on the upcoming holiday and wish you to become feminine, kind and affectionate keepers of the hearth!2. Let's start the battle of the sexes!And to maintain your interest in the competition, I’m announcing a prize - the losers clean out the office!1. Our office is decorated for the holiday today, and it seems to me that this is a well-deserved point in favor of the team.....2. Battle 1 “Speech speed”Three participants from each team are invited.In 30 seconds, the participant is asked to say as many words as possible; two counters will count the number of words.3. Battle2 “Anagrams”Teams receive the same number of cards with anagrams, in 3 minutes you need to guess as many anagrams as possible.

DGVOZ (nail).
OOOKBKR (boxes).
SHOPDIKPIN (bearing)
SIPCHIK (matches)
ROVOKOPL (wire).
KERPSAK (paperclip).
KAKOPN (button).
ZHARPUNIK (spring).
TNORAP (cartridge).
KAYAG (nut).
ZHINOK (knife).

4. I know that someone has prepared speeches of congratulations today - please!5. Battle3 “Questions”

Why do girls put nail polish on their tights? (Answer: so that the arrow does not go).
What is a carburetor a part of? (Answer: motor).

When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Answer: needle).
In which direction is the force applied when working with a saw: towards yourself or away from you? (Answer: from myself).

What is highlighting? (Answer: coloring individual strands of hair).

What can you hit with a “poke”? (Answer: on the ball).

What is the name of the small bag that holds the items needed to do makeup? (Answer: cosmetic bag).
What is a man's wallet called? (Purse)

6. Battle4 (Spare)

Who can come up with names for each letter of the word holiday the fastest? Boys come up with feminine names, girls come up with masculine names.

Let's sum it up!We won……. And they are the first to receive gifts for the holiday!Those who lose in today's battle will not be left without gifts either!Tea party!Preparing for the holiday:

    A competition is announced in advance to decorate the classroom for the holiday (newspapers, congratulations, balloons...) A culinary talent competition is announced in advance A competition is announced in advance for the preparation of creative congratulations to the opposite sex (skits, songs, dances, other numbers) Gifts for girls and boys


Ishchenko Galina Anatolevna
Teacher of special disciplines
MSE "Kostanay Construction College"

At the beginning of the game, we hand out leaflets with dates to the spectators at the entrance (from February 1 to February 28 (29).

Presenter 1: Hello, dear boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen. Today we have gathered to celebrate a holiday that entered our lives not so long ago, but was immediately loved by everyone.

Valentine's Day is a holiday for all lovers, a holiday of waiting for love. At all times, musicians and poets, artists and writers have turned to the eternal theme of love. Romantic and tender, timid and passionate, devoted and selfless - how different love can be!

Presenter 2: All over the world on this day, boys and girls confess their love. And we, breaking all traditions, here and now are holding the “Battle of the Sexes”!

Presenter 1: Today we will find out who is stronger: girls or boys.

Presenter 2: How will we evaluate our dear participants without a respected jury?

We present to you the most honest, independent and incorruptible jury!

Presenter 1: And now we can begin our competition program!

Presenter 2: Maybe we can introduce the teams after all?

Meet the most beautiful, gentle and sweet half of our humanity!...

Greeting girls.

Presenter 1: It’s not really bad, but I bet the boys are better!

A team of courageous and strong!..

Greeting the boys.

The jury evaluates the greeting competition on a 5-point scale.

Presenter 2: It seems to us girls that we know everything about guys. Who is he, what kind of man is he, and what is she like - a woman? Who are they? Our participants will try to answer these questions.

Presenter 1: We invite the teams to answer a few questions

(for each correct answer the team receives 1 point)

Presenter 2: So, questions for the boys:

What is "French"? ( French manicure)

Hair styling product, (mousse)

What is a "bikini"? ( swimsuit)

Cheap women's jewelry, ( bijouterie)

What is "midi"? ( medium length skirt)

What are very thin and long heels called? ( studs)

What is "canapé"? ( sandwiches on skewer)

What turns a brunette into a blonde? ( hair dye)

One-eared companion of needlewomen, ( needle)

Which cosmetics company's logo is shown in this picture? ( oriflame)

Presenter 1: Questions for girls:

What do you use instead of buttons on a shirt? ( cufflinks)

Means for maintaining pants, ( suspender)

A device for measuring the speed of movement in a car, ( speedometer)

Lowest army rank, ( private)

What is the name of the Kostanay football team, ( Tobol)

Item protecting boxer's teeth , (mouthguard)

- “Niva”, “Don”, “Yenisei”, “John Deere” - these are all names of one type of transport. Which one? (harvester)

What is a fireman's hose called? ( sleeve)

Dzhigit from Texas, ( cowboy)

Which car sign is shown in the picture, ( Mitsubishi)

Presenter 1: Let's sum up the results of the two competitions. Jury, announce the result, please.

The jury announces the results.

Presenter 1: No matter how much we talk about sublime feelings and high ideals, everyday life occupies an important place in our lives. Comfort in the home largely depends on how skillfully a woman manages the household, and how much a man is able to make her work easier.

Presenter 2: We offer a relay race. Team members take turns to complete all the tasks: peel potatoes, hammer a nail, sew on a button and inflate a balloon.


Four people from each team participate in the relay race,

The highest score for the competition is 3 points.

Presenter 1: Words of love are understandable in all languages. They fill our lives with special meaning and make us better. We invite the participants of the game to write a love message in poetic form.

participants are offered words ( love, flowers, valentine, chocolate), with which they compose a poem

The jury evaluates this competition according to a 5-point system: the amateur performance number will be performed,

Presenter 1: Now let’s check what our young poets composed

The teams read out their poems.

The jury's word.

Presenter 2: How boring and monotonous our life would be without creativity.

Presenter 1: Oh, don’t tell me. Listen, do you remember how we gave our participants the task of preparing something like that? Let's see!

Teams perform and show homework.

Each team prepared a skit or sketch.

The jury scores the competition 3 points

Sample scene for the team:

Several students compose the text of the valentine card, the student who writes the text from dictation makes a bunch of mistakes, the teacher sits down, but he also makes mistakes, in the end everyone goes for the finished text with the text and signs it.

Well, did you sign a Valentine's card for someone?

No, I haven’t bought it yet, I’m still too shy...

And why be shy, write it yourself, and then include the finished valentine!

I don’t know what to write...

Write that she is beautiful, that you like her, you like her eyes... sit down and write, hold the piece of paper.

- (Writes) Daragaya...

What kind of gift are you?

Would it be better honey?

No, Daragaya is simply written through o.

And be more legible, otherwise even I can’t read it, but I have handwriting that the entire teaching staff can read. Keep a new leaf.

What are you doing? I made a mistake in my name... Let me write it!?

Come on, I'll dictate.

Dear _____, I like you, let's be friends?

Well, why be friends?

Well, I think it’s too early for a hand and a heart... You write and that’s it...

You write with mistakes yourself! Ndravissya is written through e!

Well, if you don’t like it, sign it yourself!

And I’ll sign, I have no business using such assistants.

Write, write, I hope she understands everything

Sample scene for the team:

(a smiling guy comes on stage with open arms)

1 participant- Hello, my beloved girls and women, we love you so much, we love you so much on this day...

2nd participant- Are you the host preparing for Valentine’s evening or what?

1 participant. - Yes, they chose the presenter.

2nd participant- And who is your favorite? Not Natasha from the parallel group by any chance? Do you remember how you went to her with flowers and chocolate, and her father came out and said that she had gone for a walk, and then he took the chocolate from you and ate it himself, and took the flowers and gave it to his mother.

1 participant- it was the case, but I didn’t lose heart, and we are now her sidekicks as her father, he gives me advice on how to fish..

2nd participant- Come on, he gives advice, like he had a fight with Natasha, he went to Svetka, through the door he declared his love to her, and it turns out her grandmother was there, and then she opened the door and said, “Dear, if I were younger, I would go with you.” for a walk, and so your bride left... with her parents,... to visit her aunt.”

1 participant- Yes, I said a lot about love to the grave and about meetings under the moon.

2nd participant- Well, you’re just Romeo for us.

1 participant- Why are you kidding, you yourself looked after Nadka, you wanted to buy all the flowers, but there were only enough for three roses, and then your aunt sat on them, but you didn’t notice and hid them behind your back, and then gave them the crumpled ones. Hold, from your heart and kidneys, a crumpled flower.

2nd participant- Well, I didn’t do it on purpose, and they wouldn’t have been visible that they were wrinkled if they hadn’t already been pinched by the door on the bus.

1 participant- Yes, and also, if you hadn’t been fidgeting when you were hiding the bouquet from Nadenka, you wouldn’t have rubbed it against the walls.

And it wouldn’t work out if you had a broom.

2nd participant- What do you understand, Ekebana came out, that’s what I said, I give you Hope to Ekebana.

1 participant- Only she didn’t understand.

2nd participant- Yes, but you don’t have to make any sacrifices to confess your love, but if we did something wrong, don’t judge strictly.

1 participant- We will definitely improve next year.

2nd participant- or in another year.

1 participant- Well, someday we will definitely improve

Presenter 2: The guys have wonderful acting skills, I think that they will be able to become participants in our next competition.

Game conditions: Participants pull out various cards, depict given situations without words, and try to guess who is depicting what. ( Those who most accurately represent the given situation receive 1 point).

Cards with tasks are distributed. Participants think about completing the task.

1 card: I will be waiting for you with a bouquet of flowers at 20.00. on the station square.

2 card: I will come to you on a date in a fur coat, a fur hat with earflaps, a scarf around my neck and on skis.

3 card: Take a hat, flip flops, swimsuit with you and come with me to the water park.

4 card: I sent you the biggest Valentine and you will find it in your mailbox.

5 card: I'm going to a disco and I can't find a necklace to match my dress, if you love me, buy it.

6 card: My nails are painted, please take out the trash.

amateur performance number will be performed

Presenter 1: I think the guys have already prepared. Let's see how they cope with this task.

Participants take turns showing the task.

Presenter 2: Yes, how many times can you check them, everything is clear here, the boys won!

Presenter 1: Why did you think that, or maybe girls!

Presenter 2: Why are you arguing? It is not for you to judge, but for the jury. Dear ones, it's time to take stock. We are already looking forward to finding out who is stronger, smarter, faster, in general, better!

The jury announces the results. Both teams have the same number of points.

Presenter 1: But how, so? What does this mean?...

Presenter 2: And, in my opinion, everything is correct. A woman is strong in some ways, a man is strong in others, there could be no other result. And so, ladies and gentlemen, Friendship has won!


And at the end of our meeting, I ask you to look at the calendar pieces that were handed to everyone upon entry. I will ask the lucky person who got the date “February 14” to leave.

(The “lucky ones” come out and are given a gift)

Presenter 1: Our meeting has come to an end.

I wish you happiness and prosperity, love and joy.

Scenario of the evening

Game "Battle of the Sexes"

Target: creating conditions for the development of creative abilities, imagination, fantasy during the game.


Creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort;

Development of communication skills, observation, attention, memory;

Development of interpersonal communication skills;

Fostering a sense of collectivism, responsibility, and mutual assistance;

Fostering mutual respect and trust.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, headphones, photo frames, printed letters on the participants’ backs, 2 kg of apples.


  1. Conversations.
  2. Video sequence.
  3. Staging.



Teacher-psychologist: Galat O. A.

Municipal budgetary educational institution Krasnovskaya secondary school

Extracurricular activity as part of psychology week

Scenario of the evening

Game "Battle of the Sexes"

Target: creating conditions fordevelopment of creative abilities, imagination, fantasy during the game.


Creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort;

Development of communication skills, observation, attention, memory;

Development of interpersonal communication skills;

Fostering a sense of collectivism, responsibility, and mutual assistance;

Fostering mutual respect and trust.

Equipment: laptop, projector, screen, headphones, photo frames, printed letters on the participants’ backs, 2 kg of apples.


  1. Conversations.
  2. Video sequence.
  3. Staging.

Progress of the game


Psychology Week ends today, which once again showed how wonderful, inquisitive, interesting, erudite guys you all are.

Now on this stage we will see a game between two teams of students from our school.

Our game is called “Battle of the Sexes”

Please note that very often we argue about who is better in certain situations, who has more developed fantasy, imagination, creativity, erudition - for boys or girls? We will try to answer this question at the end of our game.

The game involves 2 teams of 5 people: a team of guys led by ...... and a team of girls led by ....... Teams will have to go through 8 competitions. For each round won, the winning team receives 1 point. The performance of our teams will be assessed by a distinguished jury, which includes...

And so, let's start our game...

The first “Choose a photo” competition


Now two photos will appear on the screen; after looking at them, you will have to make your choice.

The jury's word.

Second competition “Collect letters”


You will have letters on the front and back. The team captain asks questions, the answers to which are four-letter words. Participants must answer in 2 minutes greatest number questions, forming a word using letters, lined up in a row.

young man



  1. Eye of the car (headlight)
  2. With this word good thing will not be named (marriage)
  3. Divine musical multi-stringed instrument in the ancient Greek pantheon (harp)
  4. It can be fruit and vegetable, scientific, military (base)
  5. Seafood with claws (crab)
  6. In electricity there is zero and (phase)
  7. Men's formal suit of special cut (tailcoat)
  8. Heavy duty vehicle with semi-trailer (truck)
  9. Isaura (slave) status




  1. All the women are watching her (fashion)
  2. Bee cup for honey (honeycomb)
  3. State Duma
  4. Friend of Porthos, Aramis, but not D "Artognan (Athos)
  5. For a prose writer these are lips, but for a poet (mouths)
  6. It can be caustic and food grade, it needs to be extinguished with vinegar (soda)
  7. Noisy party in youth slang (tusa)
  8. A short speech at a banquet, delicious bread (toast)
  9. Poison used to make anti-lice soap (dust)

The jury's word.

Third competition "Who am I?"


In the third round, one of the team members will have to insert their head into a prepared image, which depicts a certain person.

(historical, fictional, movie or cartoon characters). After this, he begins to ask leading questions to the rest of the team to find out who is depicted in the painting. The command can only answer “yes” or “no”. Teams have 2 minutes. The team whose member guesses the image faster wins.

The jury's word.

Fourth competition “Guess the name”


One of the team members listens to the song, and then uses facial expressions and gestures to show the name of the song or what is sung in this song. You cannot pronounce the words from the song.The team whose members guess the name of the song faster wins.This competition is allotted 2 minutes

Captains competition

Fifth competition “If I don’t eat it, I’ll bite it”

There are boxes of apples in front of you - your task is to bite into the apple. Whoever has the most bitten apples in the box wins. 1 minute is allotted for this competition.

The jury's word.

Sixth competition “Team in a Row”


Both teams were interviewed and measured. The task of each team is to line up its opponents from largest to smallest. Girls team (shoe size), boys team (head size). 1 minute is allotted for this competition.

Seventh competition "Erudite"


Now you will be asked a question by each team member in turn, your task is to answer a man or a woman. Whoever completes this task faster wins this competition. 2 minutes are allotted for this competition.


  1. Who in Rus' enters a burning hut without problems? (and)
  2. Whose body contains more gold? (and)
  3. Who named Mickey Mouse? (and)
  4. Who started the Trojan War? (and)
  5. Who is more left-handed? (and)
  6. Who has thicker skin? (m)
  7. Who is responsible for the gender of the child? (m)
  8. Which child starts speaking earlier? (and)
  9. Who is more prone to alcoholism? (and)
  10. Who owns the alto voice? (and)

Municipal educational institution "Talovskaya Secondary School", Gromova Marina Aleksandrovna

Scenario of the game "Battle of the Sexes" for grades 10-11

Target: Fostering respect for members of the opposite sex.Development of communication skills through play.

Tasks: Create a friendly atmosphere of celebration and games. Involve in communication and playful interaction. Teach friendly relations.

Description: The game “Battle of the Sexes” is timed to coincide with the holidays of February 23 and March 8.

Equipment: presentation, task cards, meat grinder.

Progress of the game:

Presenter 1:

The winter snow is still sparkling,

The creaking of the sleigh is still sharp,

But every morning a tit song

It becomes softer and longer.

Presenter 2:

So, February is already over.

More and more often we hear cheerful drops,

And the river ice is no longer so strong,

And we are not afraid of a snowstorm.

Presenter 1: There are many wonderful holidays in the year. But only two of them are associated with the strong and weak half of humanity - February 23 is Defenders of the Fatherland Day and March 8 - International Women's Day. Today we decided to combine these wonderful holidays.

Presenter 2: I think it’s not for nothing that these holidays are adjacent in time. After all, in life, a man and a woman walk side by side. And for a very long time they have been arguing among themselves which of them is better, smarter, healthier, more useful, etc. Today we have to finally find out the truth! So, we are starting the “Battle of the Sexes” competition program. We were divided into 3 teams: a boys team, 10th grade girls and 11th grade girls.

Presenter 1: I hope today the game will pass fun, interesting, without quarrels and insults.

Rules of the game:

The game “Battle of the Sexes” consists of 12 competitions, the one who scores the most points wins.

    Competition "Warm-up".

    Competition "Theatrical".

    Competition “Make words”.

    Competition "Tasty Questions".

    Competition "Wits".

    Competition "Epaulettes".

    Competition "Householder".

    Competition "Golden Pen".

    Competition “Riddles for everyone”.

    Competition "Captain".

    Competition “Choose a category and question”

    Competition "Warm-up".

I will ask questions to each team, and you will answer as a team.

- Why do lions eat raw meat? (because they don't know how to cook)

Which glass can't be filled? (full)

What's at the center of the earth? (letter "m")

What formidable weapon is named after a girl? (Katyusha)

In what year was the Red Army formed? (1918)

- Which wing never flies? (automotive)

Smooth shiny surface that gives reflection (mirror)

Equilateral rectangle (square)

What branch does the bird sit on after the rain? (on wet)

Why does a duck swim? (from the shore)

How does day and night end? (letter "b")

What weapon is named after its inventor? (Makarov, Kalashnikov)

What are shoulder badges called in the Russian army? (Epaulettes)

Which wheel does not spin while driving? (spare)

What device can be used to determine the cardinal directions? (Compass)

What Russian word consists of three syllables and indicates 33 letters? (alphabet)

- Is it possible to bring water in a sieve, and if so, what kind? (ice)

How to write “mousetrap” in five letters? (cat)

What do wood and a rifle have in common? (Trunk)

Which note is not needed for compote? (salt)

Which composer's surname resembles a gunshot? (Bach)

What do you call a teenager who studies maritime affairs? (Jung)

- What fabric cannot be used to make a shirt? (from the railway station)

A plot of land for vegetables (vegetable garden)

    Competition "Theatrical".

3 participants from the team are called and one by one they are given cards with a task, which they complete without preparation.

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

Sparrow on the roof;

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

Stork in the swamp;

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

You need to go like this:

Chicken around the yard;

    Competition “Make words”.

We bring to your attention the spring word “SNOWDROP”. You must compose words within 2 minutes and write them down on a piece of paper, as many as possible.

(Snowball Snowball Snowman Osprey Skip Skin Skid Skene Sip Zion Synod Sin Sizhok Senon Senno Sennik Seni Sek Seid Seedok Cedi Pos Pony Poked Search Snowdrop Squeak Pussy Peony Pinsk Pinok Pino Pincode Pink Pinen Pind Pico Peak Dude Pie Sand Peso Doggy Dog Peon Pension Pence Penny Penny Penis Beijing Pek Pedon Pedic Ped Pj Osip Osenin Onyx Oxide Ozhin Ozhik Npo Nosik Nose Nok Knife Sheaths Knife Nix Nikon Below Neon Nezhno Nezhin Nedozhin Ned Nds Xi Xenon Xenin Kos Copy Kon Kozhin Codeine Code Knop Cinema Kepi Ken Ked Kj Ispod Isk Ips Ion Inok Inko Ink Inj Index Ind X Ikos Izhe Ido Zhsk Zhok Zhidko Zhid Zhenin Zhedin Hedgehog Eater Edko Dsk Extra Donnik Don Dok Dozh Bottom Dna Disco Disc Dion Snip Dean Dixon Diko Dijon Dien Jones Johnny Joni John Sheaf Snopik Soed Son Sonin Dream Book Joe Speed ​​Spick Spin Jackson Sponge Dep Denno Dennik Denis Denis Den Dek Depot Jack Jinn Jeans Jeep Juice)

    Competition "Tasty Questions".

I will ask questions to each team, and you will answer as a team!

1. Fruits boiled in water. (Compote)2. Oriental food made from rice and meat. (Pilaf)3. Big cake. (Cake)4. Bear's favorite berry (Raspberry)5. A bakery product that you can steer. (Baranka)6. Soft-boiled potatoes. (Puree)

7. The art of cooking. (Cooking)

1. Paradise fruit. (Apple)2. A bird caught in soup for its thoughts. (Turkey)3. The fooled kitchen worker. (Cook)4. The signature dish of white-sided magpies. (Porridge)5. The food that the cranes fed the fox. (Okroshka)6. Overseas food from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich changes his profession.” (Eggplant caviar)7. A dish made from milk and eggs. (Omelette)

1. Bread with different layers on top. (Sandwich)2. Ukrainians’ favorite vegetable dish. (Borsch)3. Boiled dough with meat. (Dumplings)
4. Mushroom, squash, omul….(caviar)
5. Sauce made from vegetable oil, egg yolk and various seasonings. (Mayonnaise)6. Favorite holiday salad of eggs, sausage and vegetables (Olivier)7. Meat cooked on fire. (Shashlik)

    Competition "Wits".

Each team has 8 letters - K, O, M, A, N, D, I, R. I will ask questions, and you must guess the word and quickly assemble the desired word from these letters.

    Head of the military unit. Commander

    To make a snowman, you need to roll it up. Com

    Not following it is funny, but following it is stupid. Fashion

    Gift or talent. Gift

    Same as the movie. Movie

    They say it's cramped. World

    All roads lead to... Rome

    Squeaks, bites, interferes with sleep. Mosquito

    To open the safe, you need to enter it. Code

    Red, black and overseas eggplant. Caviar

    Anti-personnel, anti-tank, and sometimes sour and dissatisfied. Mine

The number of points is determined by the number of words.

    Competition “Make words starting with the letter C.”

Imagine that you have been invited to a royal feast (the tables have already been drawn). There, various dishes were displayed on the tables, but all with the letter “C”. Whichever team speaks last wins.

“C” - lettuce, beets, soup, juice, cheese, cheesecakes, salted herring, herring under a fur coat, asparagus, crackers, croutons, sauce, salmon, mackerel, saury, plum, red, black and white currants, pork, salami, puff pastry, sandwich, sardine, cream, heart, spaghetti, sausages, sausages, solyanka, stofato, sour cream, herring, sochivo, servelat, cheese soup with asparagus, beetroot soup, celery, etc.

    Competition "Epaulettes".

February 23 is a wonderful holiday. It unites millions of people in tribute and gratitude to our country's heroic past. Intellectual competition will allow our participants to demonstrate their knowledge of the military.
On leaves you will be shown the shoulder straps of senior officers of the Russian army. It is necessary to determine the ranks. (major, lieutenant general, junior lieutenant, colonel, captain, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant, major general, senior lieutenant, colonel general).


    Competition "Householder".

The task is to take the time to disassemble and reassemble the meat grinder, and the jury will judge who is faster.

    Competition "Golden Pen".

You need to compose a poem with the words:
wife, smiles, alone, mistakes, flowers, roads, dreams, worries.

The originality, the meaning put into it, and the poetic form are taken into account.

    Competition “Riddles for everyone”.

Guess oursriddles!

- Small house, crystal walls,The aroma lives in it humbly. (perfume)

Royal head distinction. (crown)

The bright lady adores the house,It only appears for a moment, but it leaves its mark. (pomade)

Scarlet flowers lay on the cheeks, bloom all day, decorate the cheeks. (blush)

The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)

A headdress that turns any woman into a mystery (burqa)

Like a bird's eyelashes fluttering, the brush moves, bringing beauty. (mascara)- What was the name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

First spring flower (snowdrop)

    Competition "Captain".

(graphic dictation ) to each team

1 cell right 1 cell down 3 cells right 3 cells up 1 cell right

3 cells down 2 cells right 1 cell down 2 cells left 3 cells down

1 cell left 3 cells up 3 cells left 1 cell down 1 cell left

3 squares up

    Competition “Choose a category and question.”

Presenter 1: And now it's time to sum up our game.

Presenter 2: The results have been summed up, and I once again congratulate you all on the holiday!

And I wish with all my heart

On this spring day

Only great joy,

Good luck and good luck.


1 team

You need to go like this:

The girl, when she noticed that they paid attention to her;

You need to go like this:

Sentinel guarding food warehouse;

You need to go like this:

Sparrow on the roof;

2nd team

You need to go like this:

A guy in front of a pretty girl;

You need to go like this:

A grandmother whose legs hurt a lot;

You need to go like this:

Stork in the swamp;

Team 3

You need to go like this:

A baby who has just learned to walk;

You need to go like this:

Girl in a tight skirt with high heels;

You need to go like this:

Chicken around the yard;

) to each team

Competition "Captain". (graphic dictation ) to each team

1 cell right 1 cell down 3 cells right 3 cells up

1 cell right 3 cells down 2 cells right 1 cell down

2 cells left 3 cells down 1 cell left 3 cells up

3 cells left 1 cell down 1 cell left 3 cells up

Competition "Captain". (graphic dictation ) to each team

1 cell right 1 cell down 3 cells right 3 cells up

1 cell right 3 cells down 2 cells right 1 cell down

2 cells left 3 cells down 1 cell left 3 cells up

3 cells left 1 cell down 1 cell left 3 cells up










(major, lieutenant general, junior lieutenant, colonel, captain, lieutenant colonel, lieutenant, major general, senior lieutenant, colonel general).

And she is not only funny, but also intelligent. Because men and women (if they are already 16) fight in it for global supremacy. The quiz is aimed specifically at the typical erudition of men and women, so you won’t have to ask girls about car repairs or guys about making poached eggs. You can arrange a fight within a couple (for example, the loser goes to cook dinner), or you can get together big company and have a great evening, at the same time learning a lot of new things and broadening your horizons. You will be surprised how much unusual information lives in the heads of the opposite sex!

How to play?

The boys and girls teams each have 100 question cards. There are 895 of these questions in total – that’s a lot, believe me! Teams take turns taking cards and reading one question at a time. The answers to the questions are given below them, so you can check them right away. If the team answered correctly, it receives a token or - decide for yourself how you will count the points and to what score you will play, as well as how much time to allocate for thinking. In the rules booklet you will find 4 different game options.

Is the War of the Roses fictional or real?

Some questions can be answered with logic and ingenuity, but mostly your knowledge will come in handy, some of which you may not even think about. For example, these:

  • Should I put yeast in shortbread dough?
  • Who is Frankenstein?
  • What is a carburetor a part of?
  • Why is a swimsuit called a “bikini”?

Don't forget to hug after the game

After all, the game, in fact, is not about the war of the sexes, but about mutual interest and respect. During the game, everyone understands how interesting the life and areas of interest of representatives of the other sex are, how different and very cool everyone is. You can buy the game on the way to a party, for your own or someone else’s birthday, or as a gift to familiar couples, quiz lovers, or regular heroes of noisy parties.

Game composition

  • 200 cards,
  • 36 tokens,
  • Rules of the game.
