Free demo versions of games on Steam. Free demo versions of games on Steam Demo games on Steam

OverviewSteam has the ability to provide free demos for your customers so that they can try before they buy.

It"s up to you whether or not a demo will be beneficial for your title, but there are a couple of useful things to consider:

  1. Quality – Customers are generally using the demo to make a purchase decision on your game. Make sure that what you put out there is high quality and measures up to the real experience.
  2. Timing – When you release your demo is also important. We generally recommend waiting until launch, but there are circumstances where putting a demo out prior to release is effective. If, for instance, you feel like customers need to touch the game to really understand it, then a quality demo prior to release can be useful.
  3. Length – You need to balance giving the customer enough content to get them excited, without giving away so much that they feel like they"ve experienced everything the game has to offer.


Demos are created as a separate App ID as the base app.

The demo will need to be configured with depots, and builds must be created just like a full app. The demo will live on the base game"s store page as a button where users can download and try out the game for free.

To create your demo App ID:

  1. From the App Landing Page, click on "All associated packages, DLC, demos and tools."
  2. At the top of this page, click the "Add Demo" button.
  3. The demo you created has its own release checklist and configuration, similar to your base product.


To work properly for customers, your application type must be set as "Demo" and the App ID of your base game entered in the section of the Steamworks website for your demo. However, this means your primary account will own both the demo and the base game, thus only letting you launch the base game (this is default behavior for customers too, as there"s little reason to let a customer launch a demo once they own the base game).

To get around this and test your demo, you will need to request keys for your demo and activate them on test accounts that do not own the full product.

Minimizing Upgrade Impact

There are a few things you can do to minimize the friction to upgrade from the demo to the full game.
  1. Share depots with the full app: For any content that"s shared between the full app and the demo, put it into its own depot and mount the shared depot from the base app into the demo app. See the documentation for more info.
  2. Share cloud storage with the full app: The saved game from the demo can be stored to the full game"s cloud storage so that users can pick up where they left off in the demo once they buy the full game. See the documentation for more info.

Marketing the Full App

You can direct customers to the full app from your demo by utilizing the Steam Overlay. The in-app overlay allows you to put a link to the store page right in your app. See the documentation and for more details.

Using Achievements in Demos

We recommend that you disable achievements in demos. Instead, store the saved game in the shared Steam Cloud as described in the . Then grant those achievements on loading the game in the full game after the user has purchased.

Releasing And Updating Your Demo

To prepare for release, please make sure to complete the checklists found on the right-hand side of the landing page for your demo. Once completed, you can mark your demo page and build as ready for review.

If you are releasing your demo prior to your base product being available, you probably want to prepare your base game"s store page and make sure it is visible as "coming soon" so users can add the full game to their wishlist (also see : ). Once released, the demo can show up as new in the demo section. Clicking on the demo capsule in the store will take users to the main game"s store page where there"s a demo button on the side.

Please see the documentation for general information about preparing any app for release.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I put a demo up on my Coming Soon page before my game releases?
A: Yes, your demo can be made available to players on a Coming Soon page before your game releases.

Q: Can my demo users play Steam multiplayer with my full game users?
A: Steam currently doesn't support multiplayer matchmaking between the full game and the demo.

Q: What if my demo consists of literally the same files as the full game?
A: Use a shared depot as described in the documentation. Do the following to make sure the demo and full app both work correctly.

  1. If you use , re-submit the exe for signing on the demo Steamworks app admin. Package the demo exe into a depot specific to the demo app. Alternatively, you can skip Steam DRM and just call .
  2. If there is behavior that is restricted to owners of the full app, gate it behind the Steamworks API call with the App ID of the full app.
Q: How to get the Demo to show up on the base application's store page?
A: On the store page admin, go to the "Special Settings" tab and add the Demo"s app ID in the "Associated Demos" section. Save & Publish. The demo will need to be released for it to show upon the base application's store page.

By default, a demo button will appear in the right-hand column of your game"s store page. You can also check a box in the "Special Settings" tab to have a larger callout for your demo appear above all your purchase options.

Q: How do I remove a Demo from the base application's store page?
A: On the store page admin for the base game, go to the "Special Settings" tab and remove the Demo"s app ID in the "Associated Demos" section. Save & Publish.

Q: How do I remove a Demo entirely from the Steam store?
A: and let us know the name of the demo you would like to remove from the store.

Hacked Steam is a great gift for all fans computer games. I think many are already familiar with the Steam client - a program for downloading games. Using this client, players can buy virtual copies of games and play online with friends, in fact, the Steam client is a kind of electronic store. But if you do not have the opportunity to buy games, then you can use the hacked version of Steam in which you can download and play a lot various games. Thanks to this program, you will have access to hundreds of amazing games that you can download and play completely free of charge. At the moment, this is the best hacked Steam that is on the Internet.

Development of a hacked version Steam client is conducted on forum.csmania, for which many thanks to them. The client version is constantly updated and supplemented with new games that you can play for free. On this forum you will find more detailed information and you can get answers to your questions. On our website you can conveniently download the current version and enjoy the games.

Crack Steam installation process:
Run the downloaded files and select the installation language. If you are not an experienced Steam user, then we leave all the settings at their defaults. Important! Do not install the program in directories where rights are limited, and if you are not an experienced user, do not install it in the regular Steam folder.

First launch and games:
We wait for the Steam client platform to complete downloading; if an error occurs, see if the firewall is blocking the program. Create a new one account. We are waiting for the Steam environment files to download (~300 MB). Download the necessary games.

Program features:
Automatic installation of Crack Steam.
Launch downloaded applications and play.
Search for hacked servers for the game.
Ability to connect to official servers.
Ability to play paid games for free.

Disadvantages of a hacked Steam versions and their solution:
Not all games can be downloaded (but you can download game files separately).
No access to the Steam community (you can use the X-Fire client).
Unable to connect to official servers paid games(use hacked servers).
Some games do not save achievements.
Possible false positives of the antivirus (add to exceptions).

In order not to clutter the topic with unnecessary information, if you have other errors, then included with Crack Steam you will find text files with instructions for eliminating the most common errors. It also contains more detailed instructions on installation, startup and use.

Attention! This project has been closed, but you can try an alternative:
Download Cracked Steam: Nostalgia! (instructions included)

The programs do not work, if something appears, we will update it!

Download Crack Steam / Hacked Steam

What's good about Steam is that you can buy games directly from the Steam store online. However, there is no need to rush, because there are free demo versions that you can play and evaluate the game before purchasing it.

I present to your attention the 10 most interesting demo versions of games on Steam. I would like to point out that in addition to the games themselves, I also evaluate the quality of the demo version, so if the game is good, but in the demo version we spend more time in the menu than in the game, such a game will not receive a high rating. However, I will try to be objective.

Due to the inconvenience of editing a blog, I will not provide screenshots, but at the end of each review there will be a link to the Steam page where you can view the media and download the game.

10th place.

For a start, everything looks good. We land in the capsule on Mars and look at the beautiful canyon. Comets are flying in the sky above us... Externally, the game is very similar to III. However, it is not surprising - also Mars, also a scientific complex. As a result, pure plagiarism, like Quake IV. It’s fashionable now, and it’s rare to come across a truly original laboratory. Nevertheless, the levels turned out quite beautifully... But with plot part The problems are already starting. The game does not have a normal plot. In Doom, at least everything is clear - a soldier arrives to serve as a security guard and undergoes training. No, there are also various text, audio and video messages here. But everything looks somehow... Unnatural. All these videos are drawn out and dull. You can die of boredom. When we meet one of the soldiers who “gives us” a good scanner for breaking doors. When the number of enemies in one room goes off scale. When it is simply impossible to play due to imbalance.

I remember playing full version. I didn’t go all the way, but then everything wasn’t so bad. I even found it dynamic. There is just one BUT. In the game you can select a level, just like in COD. And one of the most dynamic and interesting is the second one. But the authors apparently did not like it. As a result, in the demo version you can choose only the first level or... just the third. There is no second one even after completing the first one. In the end, choose - either walk, occasionally shoot enemies at the first level, or try to break through numerous crowds of enemies at the beginning of the third level. The number of enemies there begins to go off scale, the lack of ammo and audio tracks trying to create an atmosphere, the constant loading makes you think of pressing ESC and Exit.

Overall, it's worth playing if you have the full game. Well, or there is nothing to do. You shouldn't spoil your impression of this demo version.

9th place.

In general, there are few races on Steam. You can count them there on your fingers. GRID, FlatOut 2... By the way, the first FlatOut is also available as a demo version, but I don’t recommend it. There is only one trough available, and if you come first on the only available track, I will personally shake his hand. However, this is not about him.

Fans of this game will definitely be disappointed to see this game in second to last place. However, to be more objective, you need to write blogs separately for each genre. I compare, as far as possible, with other games - gameplay, duration, etc. And I'm not saying the game is bad. I would say even the opposite, and quite complex. You will have to drive a couple of laps to learn to “feel” the controls. But then the game will keep you in suspense throughout. The graphics didn’t let us down, and the physics were also ok. I don't know how many tracks are available in the demo version, I only completed two, they are in a desert area. But the game is beautiful, if you like racing, be sure to play...

8th place.

Yes, it was not possible to make money on nostalgia. Happens. We are used to this; for many years, game developers for some reason have been stubbornly unable to repeat the masterpiece. Take the same II. However, the author of these lines did not play the same Alien Breed: Impact, which was released in 1991 on Amiga computers. But it’s not for me to judge, I’ve had a computer since 2007, so I can’t call myself an old-timer. However, in order.

Before launching the game you will definitely want to make sure - maybe you have changed your mind and still want to take the full version? But don’t be upset - if you still chose Trial, then the opportunity to buy will be in the menu - there is such an item there too. And in the game. And in the game. And in the game. Yes, for some reason the developers thought that the user might forget that the game is, in general, paid, and that it needs to be purchased. Only they forgot that the player is playing the demo version and evaluating whether this product is worth taking? As a result, instead of interesting atmospheric game We keep clicking “Cancel” in the pop-up banner. And it pops up, of course, when you don’t expect it - in spectacular moments like explosions, etc.

Actually, this is the main disadvantage of the demo version. Otherwise, the game looks good, and even prettier than . Explosions look very nice in the engine Unreal Engine, lighting at height. The controls are also great, you can even rotate the camera, which you couldn’t do in Alien Swarm. The demo version takes about 30 minutes to complete, so if you're already tired of Alien Swarm, then play it.

7th place.

This game doesn't need a preview. Everyone has heard about it, because who doesn’t know the Valve company with the famous trilogy 2? However, I don’t bother describing every game here. My task is simply to provide you with an objective opinion about the demo version of the game. And she's fine. This is not Alien Breed with every minute asking you to buy the game. Of course, the game itself is not that long, because it was a kind of experiment, but in the demo version, all 6 test cameras, if my memory serves me correctly, are yours. Correct me if I'm wrong. But I’m not mistaken about one thing - if you are a fan of Valve games, but have not played the game, then feel free to click on the link below.

6th place.

A very specific game. If you don't like strategy, you can skip this part of the article. But if curiosity still gets the better of you, what kind of game is on the list, then read.

But what can I write to you? This is a real-time strategy game set during World War II. The game looks very spectacular, and you can’t immediately tell what it is. But this is not Call Of Dutty, where we are shown colorful effects, here in general the location of the fighting does not matter, except for the actual placement of units and bases, although thanks to the beautiful camera aiming from a bird's eye view it also looks beautiful. But the main feature of the game is tactics; the player will be able to disguise units, intimidate opponents, thereby getting closer to the enemy camp. However, if you want more, read the article. And if you are tired of endless shooting games and just want to stretch your brains, this game is for you. Everything is there for your convenience - nice menu design, your own account in the game, an achievement system, detailed statistics, pleasant voice acting.

Many people know this game. Some have already played, but others did not spend their money after reading negative reviews from critics*. But if it's free, then why not play? The pleasant atmosphere of the 40-50s of the twentieth century, the main character of the game Vito Scaletta still persistently seeks authority among other criminal groups. There is only one mission available in the game, but it is done damn beautifully - a cover system was added to the game, and the main character can shoot while hiding behind a pillar or other partition. Artificial intelligence It doesn’t let down your opponents, everything looks realistic. With the exception of some restrictions, only the part of the island where you start will be available in the game. Although this is quite enough to appreciate the game. Well, don’t forget about the 10-minute timer, after which you will return to the menu. However, during the first mission it turns off... So if you haven’t played Mafia or were dissatisfied with the reviews*, you should at least play the demo version.

4th place.

Here it is! Serious Sam, released on March 5 this year in Russia. Have you played yet? How could you miss such an event, how could you miss such furious shootouts? I won’t describe the plot on my own, I’ll simply copy it from Wikipedia:

HD tells about a certain discovery given to humanity in the form of an artifact buried in the soil of Egypt from the powerful civilization of Sirius. With its help, humanity has made dramatic progress, but while exploring space, it came across a merciless race of aliens destroying everything in its path. In numerous battles, humanity lost its position, and as a result was thrown back from its numerous systems to its home planet. However, here scientists discover an ancient artifact, “The Key to Eternity,” which can transport one person to the distant past to fight the invaders. Such a person turns out to be Samuel Stone, one of the most courageous fighters against aliens. He travels to Ancient Egypt to deal with the alien leader Mental and return to his own time.

There is one level available in the game, but it is huge. Multiplayer is available - you can play co-op if you want, or if you want, there is a deathmatch mode for your attention. Old weapons have not gone anywhere - from a combat knife to a medieval cannon. Are you still thinking about it?

3rd place.

Valve are truly great. If you've played the game, you'll be wondering where you can go in the demo? Until the chapter "Through the Channels"? Before "Radioactive Waters"? You guessed wrong. The last available level in the game is Ravenholm. Just like that, no comments. You could say half the game. However, real fans have already bought the game and have been playing for a long time - the game is still far from last in Steam Statistics. So if the mention of the name Gordon Freeman evokes a strong association with Black Mesa, a young scientist in glasses, you immediately remember the explosion in the S-33/a test chamber, and at the same time you already miss the game (I won’t believe that you never played) - follow the link below and click on the right "Download demo"

2nd place.

This is a must see! Complete freedom of action, many types of transport. Main character games - CIA agent Rico Rodriguez. Shootouts, chases, parachute jumps, car thefts and military equipment the player will be able to force the main character to take part in the most dangerous operations. The player has an impressive arsenal of small arms at his disposal. The main character is capable of performing the most spectacular stunts, including capturing a flying helicopter. Compared to the first part, the game has much more weapons and equipment. But the main thing is the chic choice of means of transportation. Military and civilian vehicles are easy to upgrade and tune. Everything necessary is provided for this, including more than two thousand different parts. Tropical views, mountain sun - all this makes the heart beat faster. Currently this is the most best shooter from a third person on Steam, available as a demo version. The limit in the game is a 30-minute timer that activates after you leave the base. However, this is enough for you to appreciate the game.

1st place.

The action takes place in a small star cluster called the Aurelius Subsector, located on the very edge of the Imperium. It is from these worlds that the Blood Ravens, one of the Space Marine Chapters, recruit recruits. But now the sector is threatened by an orc invasion. Captain Davian Thule, the hero of Kronus, and several experienced commanders will lead green recruits into battle for the future of the subsector and the entire order.

Eventually, the Blood Ravens learn that the Eldar are behind the Ork invasion, attempting to use the greenskins as a shield against the Tyranids who are approaching Aurelia. Now the Blood Ravens must fight some of humanity's greatest enemies.

That's all for today. I’m not sure that anyone might like my review, besides, it’s outdated, but if there are positive reviews, I’ll write a blog on new demo versions that didn’t make it here... I just evaluated the demo versions, I completely passed From this list only Portal. Thank you for your attention.