Album of outdoor games in different age groups of kindergarten. Russian folk outdoor game “Running along the trunk”

The problem of raising a healthy generation has been and remains relevant in the practice of public and family preschool education and dictate the need to search for effective means of their implementation. The formation of children's health and the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. During preschool childhood, the child lays the foundations of health, comprehensive physical fitness and harmonious physical development.

Play in childhood has a high developmental value. L.S. Vygotsky noted that in childhood play and activities, play and work form two main channels along which activity flows. He saw in play an inexhaustible source of personal development, a sphere defining the “zone of proximal development.”

Outdoor games- one of the main means physical education and child development. Children's great need for movement must be satisfied through such games. The game creates a positive emotional background, against which all mental processes occur most actively.

In general, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of outdoor games for children, especially at the present time. During active movement, metabolic processes in the body, breathing and blood circulation are activated. In addition, qualities such as attention, spatial perception, coordination of movements, speed of reaction are developed, strength and endurance are trained, impulsivity, emotional and muscle tension are relieved. Also, during such games, children develop and improve communication skills.

The same game can be played several times in a row, depending on the mood of the children and the nature of the motor load. The total duration of outdoor games is from 5 to 15 minutes (depending on the baby’s age and physical activity).

So, let's start playing?

Brown bear

This game requires the participation of two adults. "Bear" (one of the adults) sits on a chair in the corner of the room “in a den.” Another adult with the child (or children) walks through the forest, collects “mushrooms” and “berries”, they call to each other: “Ay! Ay! Then the adult and children, holding hands, begin to approach the “bear” with the words:

Brown bear, Brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

And the “bear” answers:

I didn’t treat myself to honey,

That's why I got angry with you. R-R-R!…

On the last word the “bear” growls (gently! so as not to scare the kids) and runs after the players, catching them.


When cheerful music plays, children run, jump, and have fun. The music stops, and the children squat down and hide (so that the snake “doesn’t notice” them). Snake (toy) crawls past the children, and the children have to hold on and not rush to run away from the snake. In this game, children develop endurance.

"Cat and Mouse"

Children - “mice” - dance in a circle, in the middle “the cat sleeps” (one of the children)

The cat guards the mice

Pretended to be asleep

Hush, mice, don't make noise!

You won't wake the cat!!!

With the last words, the “cat” wakes up and catches the “mice.” Children can hide if they sit on chairs (they will climb into the holes).

Pancakes and pancakes

A large hoop is placed in the center of the room (that's "damn"), and there are several small hoops around (“pancakes”). Children run around the room, then the adult says: “Damn,” or “Pancakes.” Children need to stand in the appropriate hoop.


The driver says: Imagine that we are walking in a zoo; when I clap my hands once, you (you) will turn into a frog and squat down, if I clap twice, you will turn into an elephant and spread your arms to the sides, and if I clap three times, you will turn into a heron and stand on one feet like real herons.

Traffic light

Each player is assigned a "car". The game requires three circles (red, yellow, green).

The driver says: You are cars (you are a car), you will drive around the room, but paying attention to the color of the circle that I will show you.

Red light - no way, you stop

Yellow get ready, start your engines, get ready to move

And the green one says, you can go, the way is open! continue on your way."


Children stand one after another in a column and place their hands on the shoulders of the child in front. It turns out to be a “locomotive” that slowly moves around the room with the words:

"Locomotive, locomotive,

Brand new, shiny,

He drove the carriages like he was real!

Who's on the train?

Different kids: beautiful girls and brave boys!”

At the last words, the children run away and can pretend that they are picking mushrooms and berries. At a signal from an adult, they again stand one after another, pretending to be trailers.

Find your match

First you need to prepare postcards cut into two parts. (pictures) by the number of children.

Children get into pairs. Each pair of children is given one of two parts of the card.

At a signal from an adult, the children separate and run around the room at random. At the second signal, each child must find his pair as quickly as possible. The couple that spent the longest time looking for each other loses.

Catch the bubble

Prepare soap bubbles.

Open the caps

Blowing bubbles

Here they are - look!

They are all airborne

And very naughty.

How can we catch them?

Hold it in your palm!

An adult and children blow bubbles, watch them, and catch them. You can use mittens (in order to hold soap bubbles).


Everyone joins hands and stands in a small circle. An adult recites a poem and takes small steps back, saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble!

Blow up big!

Stay like this

Don't burst!

The circle expands until the adult says, “The bubble burst!” Then everyone claps their hands, says in unison: “Clap!”, runs into a small circle and joins hands again.

Soap bubbles

Bubbles are funny people

He lives in his own houses.

And now you will be bubbles, and the hoops will be your houses. (At the signal “Let’s fly,” children run out of the hoops and fly; at the signal “Home,” they return to the hoops).

Masha, you are in our forest...

Everyone joins hands and stands in a circle. One child is in the center of this circle, blindfolded. An adult recites a poem:

Masha (child's name) you are in our forest,

We call you: “AU!”

Well, close your eyes,

Don't be timid!

Find out who is calling you, quickly!

An adult shows a child who calls the name of the one who is blindfolded. The child who was called must guess by his voice who did it.

Big feet ..

An adult says words and shows movements (children/child repeats after him):

Big feet walked along the road

Top-top-top takes big steps

Little feet ran along the path

Top-top-top. Takes small steps.

Sunny bunnies

An adult takes a mirror (if the weather is sunny) or a lantern and shows the child how it appears on the wall yellow spot: “This is a sunbeam.” Invite your child to catch the “bunny” with his palms. If the “bunny” ends up on the floor, you can catch it with your feet.

Runners are jumping -

Sunny bunnies.

We call them, they don’t come,

They were here and they are not here...

Sunshine and rain

Show how you can turn an ordinary chair into a house for a child by turning it back to face, squatting and placing your elbows on the seat. Wave your hand through the “window” and explain that this is a house where you can hide from the rain.

Then pay attention to the sky and joyfully say: “Look! The sun is in the sky! We can go for a walk!” The baby runs out of the house with you into the middle of the room and enjoys the sun. Here you can jump and dance together to the rhyming words:

The sun is shining through the window,

Our eyes narrow.

We will clap our hands

And run outside.

Then look at the sky again and say: “Look, a cloud is coming, it’s going to rain, hurry to the house!” Having taken refuge in the house from the rain, you can read the nursery rhyme about the rain again:

Rain, rain, pour, pour, pour,

Drip drops without regret,

Rain, rain, more,

The grass will be thicker!

To create a more vivid imagination of rain, you can tap your hand on the table and even use a spray bottle (I lightly sprayed the children from it).

These are just a few of the games that I often use both in my kindergarten classes and at home with my youngest son. Children really like these games.

Play outdoor games with your children and the results will not be long in coming! Have a nice game!

educational psychologist, combined type GBOU No. 1177

Moscow, Russia

The child’s play activity begins to develop already in early age. In order for children to play fully, it is necessary to create a pedagogically appropriate external environment for them and select the right toys. Children of the second year of life are very active. To satisfy their need for movement, it is necessary to have a slide, benches, boxes and other aids on the site. Children should be provided with enough space to run, climb steps, slide down slides, etc., play hide and seek and catch up.

In games of children over one and a half years old You can notice signs of imitation by adults. Taking this into account, the teacher involves them in games with the help of toys and tries to awaken interest with emotional, figurative explanations. In younger groups, story games and the simplest non-story games such as “Traps”, as well as fun games, are most often used. Children are attracted to the game mainly by the action process: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing, etc. It is important to teach them to act exactly on a signal and obey the simple rules of the game. The success of the game depends on the teacher. It should interest children and give examples of movements. The teacher plays the leading role in the game himself or assigns it to the most active child, sometimes preparing one of the children from the older groups for this. It is important to remember that the driver only pretends to catch the children: this pedagogical technique is used so that the kids do not get scared and do not lose interest in the game.

The children sit on the chairs, and the teacher begins to tell: “Once upon a time there were little gray sparrows. On a clear sunny day they flew around the garden and looked for insects or grains. They flew up to the puddle, drank some water and flew away again. One day a big red car appeared and started beeping, beep, beep. The sparrows got scared and flew away to their nests. Let's play this game. You will be little sparrows. The chairs will be your nests, and I will represent the car. Sparrows, fly out! And as soon as the car sounds “beep-beep-beep,” all the sparrows should fly to their nests.”

This explanation takes less than a minute. The teacher plays with the children, playing both the role of a sparrow and the role of a car. Kids do not notice such a transformation. They enter into the character with pleasure, sometimes complementing it with individual actions: pecking grains and saying “peck-peck,” drinking water and squeaking “pee-pee.”

The teacher monitors the children’s figurative performance of actions, reminds them to use the entire playground in the game, fly beautifully, emotionally imitate movements, and act (if possible) on a signal. When playing, it is necessary to constantly remind children of the game image. Various attributes significantly enliven the game: hats with images of birds, car steering wheels, etc. During the subsequent game, children are offered new options: the sparrows return to their nests, climb onto the bench (sit on the wires). By the end of the year, the role of the car can be entrusted to the most active child.

For the younger group Games with text are recommended. When playing games such as “Hare”, “Train”, etc., the teacher expressively reads the text, accompanying it with appropriate movements. Such games develop a sense of rhythm in children. The children, listening to the teacher, try to imitate his movements.

By the age of four, children accumulate motor experience and movements become more coordinated. Taking this factor into account, the teacher complicates the conditions of the game: increases the distance for running, throwing, and jumping height; selects games that exercise dexterity, courage, and endurance. IN middle group The teacher is already distributing roles among the children. The role of the leader is initially assigned to children who can handle it. If a child is unable to accurately complete a task, he may lose faith in his abilities and it will be difficult to attract him to active actions. The teacher notes the children’s successes in the game, fosters goodwill, honesty, and fairness.

In the middle group Story games such as “Cat and Mice”, “Kittens and Puppies”, “Mousetrap”, etc. are widely used, non-plot games: “Find yourself a mate”, “Whose link will get together sooner?” etc.

As in the younger group, the teacher, when conducting a story game, uses a figurative story. Fairy-tale play images encourage the child to combine real features of the perceived plot into new combinations. The imagination of a child of the fifth year of life is of a recreating nature, so the teacher must guide its development all the time. The role of a figurative plot story is also great here. For example, you can offer children the game “Kids and the Wolf”.

This explanation of the plot takes no more than a minute and a half. It reduces the motor activity of children and the motor density of play. At the same time, the children’s passion for the game makes it possible to solve educational problems in a complex manner.

In outdoor games for children of senior preschool age more complex movements are used. The guys are tasked with instantly reacting to change game situation, show courage, intelligence, endurance, ingenuity, dexterity.

The movements of children aged 5-6 years are characterized by greater coordination and accuracy, therefore, along with plot and non-story games, games with elements of competition are widely used, which at first it is advisable to introduce as a competition between several children who are equal in physical strength and level of development of motor skills and skills. So, in the game “Who will reach the flag faster?” 2-3 children complete the task. As children master spatial orientation skills, competitions on links are introduced.

The winning team is the one whose participants complete the task quickly and correctly.

In the pre-school group, most children have a good command of the basic movements. The teacher pays attention to the quality of movements, making sure that they are light, beautiful, and confident. Children must quickly navigate space, show restraint, courage, resourcefulness, and creatively solve motor problems. It is necessary to set them tasks in games for them to solve independently.

So, in the game “Colored Figures”, children are divided into links, and in each link a leader is selected. At the teacher’s signal, children with flags in their hands scatter around the hall. On command: “Circle!” - they find their leader and form a circle. Then the task becomes more complicated: the children also scatter around the hall at the command: “In a circle!” - they line up around the leader and, while the teacher counts to five, they lay out some figure from the flags. This complication of the task requires children to be able to quickly switch from one activity to another - in this case, from active running to performing a collective creative task.

By searching for solutions to certain motor problems in outdoor games, children gain knowledge on their own. Knowledge acquired through one’s own efforts is assimilated consciously and imprinted more firmly in memory. Solving various problems gives rise to self-confidence and brings joy from independent small discoveries.

With the skillful guidance of the teacher in outdoor play, children's creative activity is successfully formed: they come up with game options, new plots, and more complex game tasks.

Each player must know his task and, in accordance with it, perform an imaginary role in the proposed situation. Entering into a role forms in children the ability to imagine themselves in the place of another, to mentally transform into him; allows you to experience feelings that may not be available in ordinary life situations. Since the game includes active movements, and movement involves practical development real world, the game provides continuous exploration, a constant flow of new information. Thus, outdoor play is a natural form of social self-expression of the individual and creative exploration of the world.

In a number of games, children are required to be able to come up with variations of movements, various combinations of them (games like “Make a Figure”, “Day and Night”, “Monkey and Hunters”, etc.). Initially, the teacher plays the leading role in coming up with movement options. Gradually he involves children in this. Entering into a role and figuratively conveying the nature of movements is facilitated by children coming up with exercises on a given topic, for example, exercises that imitate the movements of animals, birds, beasts (heron, fox, frog), or a task, but come up with and name the exercise, and then perform it (“ Fish", "Snowplow", etc.).

An important role in the development of children’s creative activity is played by involving them in creating variants of games and complicating the rules. At first, the leading role in this belongs to the teacher, but gradually children are given more and more independence. So, when playing the game “Two Frosts,” the teacher first offers the following option: the one whom the “Frosts” hit remains in place, and the children, running to the opposite side, should not touch the “frozen ones.” Then the teacher complicates the task: while running away from the “Frosts,” the children must touch their “frozen” comrades and “warm” them up. After this, the teacher invites the children to come up with a version of the game themselves. The most interesting ones are selected from the proposed options; for example, the children decided that it would be more difficult for “Frosts” to “freeze” the athletes, so during dashes the children imitate the movements of skiers and skaters.

Using the method of creative tasks, the teacher gradually leads children to inventing outdoor games and organizing them independently. For example, Dima E., 6 years old, visited a mountaineering camp with his parents in the summer and, when he came to kindergarten, suggested new game, which he called “Mountaineers”. It is interesting that he began his explanation of the game with a plot story: “On the vast territory of our homeland there are deep rivers and lakes, waterless deserts, wide plains and high mountains. The mountains reach their peaks into the sky. In summer, grass spreads at the foot of the mountains; at this time, snow caps turn white on the peaks, which do not melt even in extreme heat, because it is very cold at the top. To climb to the top, you need to walk along narrow mountain paths (benches), climb into a cave (arcs placed in a row), jump over cracks in the rock (jump over a rope) and, finally, climb to the top (climb a gymnastic ladder). The group that reaches the top first will win.”

Thus, an indicator of children's creativity in the game is not only the speed of reaction, the ability to enter into a role, conveying their understanding of the image, independence in solving motor problems in connection with a change in the game situation, but also the ability to create combinations of movements, game options, and complicate the rules. The highest manifestation of creativity is when children come up with outdoor games and the ability to organize them independently.

In the school preparatory group, along with story-based and non-storyline games, relay race games, sports games, and games with elements of competition are held.

Children in the preparatory group should know all the ways to select leaders and widely use counting rhymes.

It is important to use games not only to improve motor skills, but also to develop all aspects of a child’s personality. A well-thought-out methodology for conducting outdoor games helps to reveal individual abilities helps to raise a child healthy, cheerful, cheerful, active, able to independently and creatively solve a wide variety of problems.

Games are selected in accordance with the objectives of education, age characteristics of children, their state of health, and preparedness. The location of the game during the day, time of year, meteorological, climatic and other conditions are also taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children, their discipline: if they are not organized enough, then first you need to select a game of small mobility and play it in a circle.

The teacher’s choice of outdoor games, as a rule, is determined, first of all, by the age of the children in the group, the objectives of the lesson and the conditions of the game. Each age group has its own characteristics of the organization and methodology of the game.

With the help of the game, the head of physical education or teacher carries out several tasks - strengthens, heals the children’s body, develops movements, evokes joyful experiences, cultivates moral qualities, etc. When including a particular game in the plan, the teacher must know what qualities and skills he can develop and consolidate with its help: in one game running predominates, and in another - throwing, in one - endurance is required from children, and in another - agility, etc.

Features of the methodology for conducting outdoor games in younger groups

For them, games with a simple and accessible plot are recommended, in which the characters are well known to the child from everyday life (cat, birds) or with which it is easy to introduce him using a picture, toy, fairy tale (bear, fox, hare). The rules in these fucks are very simple and closely related to the plot. Outdoor games are of great interest to children.

A large place in this age group is occupied by game exercises. They include simple motor tasks: bring a flag, ring a bell, catch a ball, etc. These movements are known and accessible to children (walking, running, etc.).

The teacher arouses in children an interested attitude towards the game or exercise by colorfully telling the simple and short story tasks, emphasizing the most complex movements with voice intonation and gestures.

In order for the game to go well, the head of physical education or teacher must carefully prepare for it; select manuals and small items, think about where the houses and nests will be, which of the children should be involved in the leading role, etc.; he must know well the content of the game, its course, rules, and accompanying text.

Compliance with the rules of the game contributes to the child’s development of organization, discipline, and the development of the ability to subordinate his actions to common tasks for the team, restrain them, and act meaningfully. Basic requirements for children of this age: act on a signal (permission, instruction, clap, hit a tambourine), move one after another; Having completed the task, return to your place. In addition, in the game the child must act most often in a certain way (crawl on all fours, throw the ball with both hands, etc.) and follow it at least in general terms. Young children rather slowly learn all the intricacies of the game and master the necessary skills. Therefore, the teacher and head of physical education can often play the same game without fear that they will get bored with it. Gradual penetration into the concept of the game, a deeper understanding of the rules and, as a result, increasing independence brings joy to the kids and maintains interest in the game for a long time. It is advisable to repeat the game 2-3 times in a row, then offer the children a new one or one from those previously learned, and then return to the first game again. During the game, it is important to ensure that the kids do not become overtired or excited.

As in classes, when combining several outdoor games and exercises, it is important to provide for a gradual increase in physical activity. You need to start with a simple game or play exercise, and then involve all children in active actions. As children accumulate motor experience, master the rules and content of games and exercises, the complexity of games and exercises increases, the number of their repetitions increases, and the intensity of children’s actions also increases the motor density of games.

When organizing the repetition of outdoor games, the teacher must take into account the degree of mobility of each child and regulate it (stop one in time, activate another, choose a suitable role for the third, etc.) We must strive to ensure that children fall in love with outdoor games.

Game management. For raising a child of the 3rd year of life, constant contact with adults is of particular importance. Children play with pleasure when adults are active, emotional, show interest in games and participate in them themselves. The cheerful, affectionate tone of the teacher, his interest captivates the kids, this joyful mood is conveyed to them. In such cases, children listen very carefully to the teacher, fulfill all his requirements, willingly repeat the games, and learn them well.

It is very important that the teacher, when participating in the game, gives a sample of movements and suggests the course of the game.

The explanation of the game is a crucial moment that influences its course. You need to explain the game to kids emotionally, emphasizing the intonations of your voice. characteristic features each character. So, the teacher speaks kindly about frolicking bunnies, but about the bear who wants to catch them - in a low voice, emphasizing the danger with a hint of threat.

When explaining games, it is necessary to clearly highlight the signals by which children will have to change their actions.

A child performs a motor action better if an adult accompanies it with an explanation and a hint.

It is important to intensify and direct children’s communication with each other. As a result of the teacher’s attentive approach to the students, skillful, timely, tactful reminders, demands to play together, provide help or give in to each other, good friendly relationships develop between children.

In the second junior group, outdoor games and play exercises are included in different parts of the lesson: introductory, main and final. Their meaning in each of these cases has its own specifics.

When choosing games for classes, it is important to consider the conditions in which it will take place: indoors or outdoors. In the latter case, you should focus on the time of year and weather conditions, the availability of equipment and necessary clothing. The content and methodology of outdoor games depend on this.

For classes, it is better to use games known to children, as well as games with simple rules, which are easily digestible by children. When preparing for a lesson, the teacher thinks through methods for activating children in the game (allocation to responsible roles, placement of players, individual approach, etc.). During the game, the teacher tactfully guides the children’s relationships and teaches them to play together.

Features of the methodology for conducting outdoor games in the middle group.

As a result educational work carried out in previous groups, the children’s movements become more coordinated. In games recommended for children of middle and older groups, the distance for running, throwing, height for jumping and climbing increases; A number of games have been selected that exercise dexterity, courage, and endurance.

Children 5 years old are already interested in the result of the actions performed and the efforts expended. They always strive to run away from the catcher, climb higher, jump further, etc. At the same time, they still love story-based games: “A Bear in the Forest,” “Geese-Swans,” “Planes,” etc., with enjoy fulfilling certain roles.

During the game, the teacher’s attention should be directed to improving running, jumping, and climbing, therefore, games are given with a gradual complication of movement.

In the middle and in the group, the teacher or head of physical education first tells the children how to play, who should do what, and then the roles are distributed. In a group of 4-year-old children, at the beginning of the year, the teacher himself appoints who will be who. At the same time, he takes into account the degree of activity of children, the ability to run quickly and climb. The role of the driver should initially be entrusted to children who can certainly cope with it, otherwise the child may lose faith in his own abilities and it will be difficult to attract him to active action.

During the game, the teacher notes the children's successes.

The teacher also uses outdoor play to instill goodwill, mutual assistance and other moral qualities in children.

In the process of daily work, the leader ensures that all children are able to perform different roles in outdoor games.

Besides story games, in these groups games are used that are based on a specific task: “Find yourself a partner”, “Find your color”, “Run quietly”, “Ball school”, etc. These games can be played with the whole group or with several children.

There are games that cannot be organized with a large number children, but they are very useful. These are mainly games with objects and toys.

While children are outdoors, it is necessary to involve children in outdoor games several times, choosing suitable moments for them.

In the middle group, the mental and physical development of the child continues. The development of all types of children's activities and their complication begin to be strongly influenced by the child's own plans. But their full realization is still possible only with the help of an adult.

Play motives of children's activities retain their significance. Now they are being implemented in creative role playing games, which children play together in small groups.

The child of the 5th life masters, in general terms, all types of basic movements. He strives for new combinations of movements, wants to try his strength in complex types of movements and physical exercises.

The attention of a child of middle preschool age is becoming more and more stable; visual, auditory and tactile perceptions are improved, intentional memorization and recollection are developed. Children distinguish well between types of movements and partially master the ability to identify some of their elements. The ability to perceive, imagine, analyze and evaluate the consistency and quality of one’s actions develops.

Further improvement of motor skills is determined by the level of development of those physical qualities, without which they cannot manifest themselves correctly and effectively. Leading elements of technology different ways running, jumping, throwing, acting with a ball, moving on skis, skating, etc. cannot be mastered by a child and used productively if his agility, coordination and accuracy of movements, speed, strength, endurance, flexibility, and ability maintain a stable body position in a variety of conditions.

The development of physical qualities occurs under the influence of constant exercise. As a result, children’s motor capabilities are expanded and enriched, and their physical strength increases. There is a psychological readiness to perform complex motor actions and demonstrate certain volitional efforts. Along with the game, the motivating motive for motor activity is the motive of mastering new skills and consolidating them. As a result, a solid foundation is laid for the school of movements, increasing efficiency and physical fitness.

The teacher's attention should not be directed to increasing the number of new games, but to repeating and complicating them, so that children learn and love the games played with them. Repetition and complication of games. Skills and habits are formed through repeated practice. In the middle and senior groups, a new game can be played for 2-3 lessons, then repeat the previously played games and return to the same game again.

When repeating the game, you need to gradually complicate it and use different game options so that children can apply the skills they have acquired in changing conditions.

Features of the methodology for conducting outdoor games in senior group.

The child’s motor activity becomes more and more diverse. Children already have a fairly good command of the basic movements, they are familiar with various gymnastic exercises and outdoor games; begins to master various ways of performing sports exercises many types. Manifestations of independence increase, creative searches for new methods of action, their combinations and options arise. Small groups are beginning to be created based on their interest in one or another type of exercise.

In the 6th year of a child’s life, his movements become more and more conscious and deliberate. The ability to understand the task set by an adult and independently carry out the teacher’s instructions develops.

In the older group, the number of games in which there are no images increases: various kinds"traps", ball games, etc.

Games for children of this age are also based on basic movements - running, jumping, throwing, climbing, but great demands are placed on children in terms of the quality of movements, the correctness and accuracy of their execution. For example, you need to walk in a circle without breaking the shape of the circle, run lightly (“Mousetrap”, “Catching Butterflies”).

The rules in the older group become more complicated. Following the rules requires children to have inhibition, endurance, concentration, observation, and dexterity.

Selection of games. As mentioned above, with the help of play, an adult accomplishes several tasks - strengthens and heals the children’s body, develops movements, evokes joyful experiences, develops moral qualities, etc.

When including a particular game in the plan, the head of physical education must know what qualities and skills he can develop and consolidate with its help: in one game running predominates, and in another - throwing, in one the children are required to have endurance, and in the other is dexterity, etc.

When selecting games, the teacher takes into account the characteristics of children in this group, their interests and preparedness. In addition, he has to take into account the time of year, weather conditions, and air temperature.

Game in all age groups carried out daily on a walk and indoors. In the older group, it can be part of gymnastics and outdoor games.

When selecting games for classes, in addition to general educational tasks, you have to especially take into account the hygienic side of each game - the degree of its load, the impact on physiological processes.

All manuals and materials required for the game must be prepared before it starts. Children must be involved in the preparation of these benefits and the organization of appropriate conditions.

Gathering for the game. You can gather children for a game in various ways. So, even before entering the area where games are mainly organized, the teacher tells the children of the middle and senior groups that a game will be held at the area. He agrees with the children that as soon as he calls them, hits the tambourine or rings the bell, they will gather around him or in a certain place on the playground.

Game management. Before playing the game, it is necessary to create interest in the game among children, especially in a group of children. Children's interest in the game helps them better understand its rules and perform movements more accurately. You can lead children into the game by asking questions or by showing a toy or picture. You can tell the children a fairy tale in advance or read poems on a relevant topic, show them objects or phenomena that will be encountered in the game.

Explanation of the game. After the children gather for the game, the head of physical education tells them its contents and tells them the name.

When explaining the game, the adult should stand so that all children can see him. The presentation of the content of the game and explanation of its rules should be brief and clear. Intonation is of great importance when explaining the game. A word, highlighted and emphasized with appropriate intonation, acquires a special meaning and special content.

An essential condition for the formation of motor skills is a preliminary idea of ​​movement - verbal or visual.

You should not overuse instructions and corrections in the game regarding the accuracy and correctness of movements - this can lead to the loss of joy from the game and its emotionality. Movement training in the middle and senior groups occurs mainly in gymnastics classes, and acquired skills are consolidated in games. In the younger group, the development of movements is carried out in the process of outdoor games.

Carrying out the game. During the game, the adult monitors both the behavior of the entire group as a whole and individual children. With his cheerful tone and keen interest in the game, he maintains a joyful mood in children during the game, encourages children to demonstrate determination, dexterity, resourcefulness, and initiative. At the same time, the teacher makes sure that the children do not become overtired. In some cases, the teacher is forced to participate in the game so as not to disrupt its intent.

When distributing children, the leader connects the weaker ones and those who cannot perform movements with the stronger ones, especially in games where there is an element of competition.

During the game, the leader gives signals - visual (raises a colored flag), auditory (hits a tambourine, drum), pronounces certain words. Sound signals should not be too loud: strong blows, sharp whistles, etc. irritate and excite children.

Rules of the game. Particular attention should be paid to children's compliance with the rules. The rules have great educational value. Rules are certain requirements that must be met by all players. Without disturbing the emotionality and ease of the game, the rules limit the behavior of the players to certain limits. Conscious submission to the rules of the game is of great importance for instilling discipline and collectivism. Obedience to the rules develops in a child will, endurance, and the ability to consciously control his movements and slow them down. The rules of the game must be appropriate for the age of the children.

The rules should contribute to the development of positive qualities in children. Therefore, you should not introduce rules into the game that encourage children to lose, for example, when the one who is caught becomes the driver, as the players begin to give in. The rule is also unsuccessful when the loser gets the right to dance, say a poem, sing: children are interested in completing one of these tasks, and they try to lose. Rules according to which losers are excluded from the game are educationally harmful. The loser should be given the opportunity to practice what he fails and correct his mistake, so his exit from the game is possible only for a very short period of time.

Distribution of roles. Very important point During the game there is a distribution of roles. The role played in a particular game determines the child’s behavior, which must correspond to the actions of the character being portrayed. You can assign children to responsible roles using various methods: the teacher himself assigns the child a role, allocates it with the help of a counting rhyme, or the child who played the role of leader chooses a deputy for this role. You cannot use a counting rhyme with meaningless text.

By selecting appropriate roles for children, you can activate inactive children, regulate unbalanced ones, making sure they strictly follow the rules.

Game over. You can finish the game in different ways. So, sometimes, after finishing a game, especially in the middle and senior groups, the teacher or head of physical education sums up: notes which of the players distinguished themselves with particular dexterity, speed, followed the rules well, and helped out their comrades; The teacher also names those who broke the rules, played around, and interfered with the children’s play. The game can be ended with the children leaving in an organized manner, or, if the theme of the game allows, sometimes leaving the playground or the hall can be made a continuation of the game. For example, if the children were playing with cars or horses, the teacher suggests driving the cars or horses “home”, i.e. to the group room.

Dosage of movements in the game. When playing the game, you should ensure that children do not become overtired, so that there is no excessive stress on the cardiovascular system, which is expressed in the fact that children’s faces turn red, their breathing becomes more rapid, and coughing appears; In some children, fatigue, on the contrary, is expressed in paleness of the face. Overload of attention leads to children becoming excited, breaking the rules of the game, and losing interest in it.

Overload can occur if the game continues for a long time, for example, the catcher cannot catch anyone for a long time. Then you need to pause the game, take a short break and select another catcher.

The average game duration is 8-10 minutes. The total duration of the game is counted from the moment the children gather for the game and the teacher begins to explain it.

The manager's attention should be directed not to increasing the number of new games, but to repeating and complicating them, so that children learn and love the games played with them.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving children’s movements, strengthening and hardening their bodies.

The value of outdoor games is that they are based on various types vital movements, and the fact that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate breathing, blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which significantly contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, and increases the mobility of joints, especially the spine. Since the body is a functional whole, increased activity of one organ system affects the increased activity of other organs.

Play is a natural companion of a child’s life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body - his insatiable need for cheerful movements. Creativity and imagination, which are an indispensable condition for most outdoor games, strengthen brain impulses, which, in turn, stimulate the pituitary gland, the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors for healing.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their overall and comprehensive development. In addition, when appropriately selected, taking into account age, health status, the nature of functional changes in the body and the degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games, especially outdoor games, undoubtedly contribute to the health, strengthening of the child’s body, hardening and thereby the prevention of diseases.

Games with an active physical component allow you to solve a whole range of important issues when working with preschoolers: satisfy their need for movement and stabilize emotions, teach them to control their body, develop not only physical, but also mental and creativity, moral qualities, etc.

From the standpoint of the practice of correctional and developmental education, the connection between physical education through games and the development of students’ cognitive processes deserves special attention. Thus, the positive influence of outdoor games has been established not only on the development of children’s physical qualities, but also on the formation of structural units of the psyche: memory - auditory, motor-auditory, visual; imagination - creative, recreative, as well as original problem solving; perception - the degree of development of observation, volume and adequacy of reproduction; visual-figurative and logical thinking - the ability to analyze, compare and generalize; voluntary attention and its properties such as switching, distribution and stability.

At the same time, the tasks solved by means of mobile and sports games, come down not only to increasing the volume and variety of forms of motor activity, restoring the harmony of the muscular activity of younger schoolchildren and normalizing psychophysical stress, but also to gaining them a lost, but still extremely necessary play environment.

Game name

Expected training result

Approximate list of diseases and conditions for which the game is recommended

"Find and keep silent"

Development visual memory, attention, ability to navigate in space, improvement of inhibitory reactions.

For diseases of the central nervous system, cerebral palsy, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and weakening of the emotional-volitional sphere.

"Blind Man's Bluff in a Circle"

Developing the ability to maintain balance, navigate in space and terrain, speed of reaction and attention, development of the functions of the auditory analyzer.

For diseases accompanied by lethargy and lethargy. With changes in the hearing aid in deaf children.


Training reaction speed, speed and dexterity of movements and spatial orientation.

Mental retardation, diseases with lethargy, absent-mindedness, slowness. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

FSBEI HPE “Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. I. Ya. Yakovleva"

Faculty of Preschool and Correctional Pedagogy and Psychology

Department of Preschool Education and Service

Album of outdoor games in different age groups



3rd year student of group B

Ilyina Tatyana


Ilyina L. L.

Cheboksary – 2015

I junior group:

Game "Bear and Children"


Learn to run in one direction, act in accordance with the words of an adult;

Create pleasure from joint actions; encourage children's independence.

Actions: The role of the bear is played by a teacher's assistant or a child in the older group. Children are placed at one end group room or plot. The teacher says the words:

The bear was walking through the forest,

For a long, long time he searched,

The bear was looking for children,

He sat down on the grass and dozed off.

Rules of the game: The bear walks around the group and pretends to be looking for children. Then he sits down on a chair at the opposite end of the room and dozes. The teacher says:

The children began to dance,

Mishka, Mishka, get up,

They started knocking their feet.

Catch up with our kids.

To these words, children run around the room, stomp their feet, and perform movements at will. The adult encourages them

Train game

Tasks. Learn to move in a certain direction, coordinate actions with other children; instill a sense of confidence and empowerment; encourage independent action.

Rules of the game: Children should not be disconnected from the teacher

Game "Chickens and Cat"

Tasks: Improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a feeling of joy from joint actions.

Come out, chickens,

Bugs, spiders

Collect the crumbs

On the green path.

Chicken children run out into the middle of the hall, flap their wings, and fly. The teacher continues:

Children-chickens squat down and tap their fingers on the floor, saying: “Knock-knock-knock!”

Suddenly a cat appears (teacher's assistant):

I'll go out, I'll go out onto the path,

Where the chickens look for crumbs,



The chickens scream loudly: “Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko!” - and run away to their houses.

Rules of the game: Children should go out only upon a signal from the teacher , should not run into houses without command

Game "Ducks and Dog"

Tasks: Improve walking, running; encourage imitation; evoke a feeling of joy from joint activities with adults and peers.

Attributes: Hats or breastplates with images of ducks according to the number of children playing, a dog hat or a toy dog.

Early, early in the morning She teaches them, teaches them!

The mother duck came out, you swim, little ducklings,

Teach the ducklings. Smoothly in a row.

The mother duck moves smoothly, moving her arms slightly back, and the baby ducks imitate her. Then she says: “The ducks are swimming in the pond, smoothing their wings” (stroking her arms and sides with smooth movements), praises the baby ducks: “Well done, how well they smoothed their wings, quack-quack, quack-quack.”

Suddenly a dog appears barking (an assistant teacher or a child in an older group). Mother Duck says:

Don't bark, little dog!

Don't scare our ducks!

Our ducks are white

Without that, they are not brave.

The dog runs up to the pond, and the ducklings quickly swim to the mother duck and hide under her wings. The dog runs away. The game is repeated. Then the mother duck says:

Don't bark, little dog!

Don't scare our ducks!

Better play with us.

Come visit us, we will treat you to something delicious

Rules of the game: Only after the teacher’s words, children should run to the teacher, and not before.

Game "I love my horse"

Tasks. Learn to gallop; develop attention, learn to act on a signal; develop imagination and imitation.

Contents of the game. Children imitate riders. To the words from A. Barto’s poem “I love my horse, I will comb its fur smoothly, I will smooth its tail with a comb...” they stroke and comb their horses. To the words “And I’ll go on horseback to visit...” they gallop (if they don’t know how yet, then as best they can). The adult first acts with the children, and they imitate him. Then the children act independently, and the adult encourages them.

Rules of the game: act only on a verbal signal

II junior group

Game "The mice hid"

Tasks. Develop the muscles of the spine and shoulder girdle; encourage independence; develop imitation; evoke a feeling of joy from the movements performed.

Game content. A bench is placed, children pretend to be mice, kneel behind the bench at some distance from it. At the adult’s signal “The cat is sleeping,” they place their hands and forearms on the bench (the spine bends) and remain in this position for 1.5-2 seconds. Then the adult gives the signal: “The cat is awake!”, The mice again hide behind the bench. The game is repeated 4-5 times.

Rules of the game: act on a signal, stay in a position for a certain time

Game "Humpty Dumpty"

Tasks: Encourage joint action; evoke a feeling of joy from joint activities with peers.

Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty

Sat on the wall. Fell in his sleep.

Children fall to the floor in a relaxed state.

Play the game with one child or a subgroup of children.

Rules of the game: act on the teacher’s verbal signal

Game "Bunny"

Tasks. To teach children to listen to singing, understand the content of the song and perform movements in accordance with its text; evoke imitation of an adult.

Bunny, stomp your foot, Like this, stomp your foot,

Gray, stamp your foot! That's it, stomp your foot!

Children, standing in a circle, stomp their feet, while keeping their hands on their belts:

Zainka, clap your hands, Gray, clap your hands!

Children clap their hands.

Little Bunny, turn around, Little Gray, turn around!

That's it, clap your hands, that's it, clap your hands!

That's it, turn around, That's it, turn around!

Children turn 1-2 times, keep their hands on their belts.

Little bunny, dance, dance like this,

Gray, dance! That's it, dance!

Children jump on two legs as best they can.

Bunny, bow, Gray, bow!

That's it, bow down, That's it, bow down!

Children bow, spreading their arms to the sides.

Rules of the game: act on the teacher’s verbal signal, perform all actions

AND gra "Sparrows and the car"

Target: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find their place.

Content. Children - “sparrows” sit on a bench - “nests”. The teacher depicts a “car”. After the teacher says: “Let’s fly, little sparrows, onto the path,” the children get up and run around the playground, waving their arms—“wings.” At the teacher’s signal: “The car is moving, fly, little sparrows, to your nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, the “sparrows” fly into the “nests” (sit on benches). The "car" returns to the "garage".

Rules of the game: act only on a signal from the teacher, you cannot run away without a signal

Game "My Merry" ringing ball»

Target: teach children to hop on two legs

My cheerful ringing ball,

Where did you start galloping to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Can't keep up with you.

Then the teacher invites the children to jump, while hitting the ball on the ground. After reading the poem again, he says: “I’ll catch up now!” The children stop jumping and run away. The teacher pretends to catch them. The teacher, without using the ball, invites the children to perform jumps, while he himself raises and lowers his hand above the children’s heads, as if hitting balls.

Rules of the game

Game "Sun and Rain"

Target: teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the teacher’s signal.

Rules of the game: Listen carefully to the text and run away only when the last words are spoken.

Middle group

Game "Bear in the Forest"

When the teacher says: “Go, children, for a walk!” - children leave the house and go into the forest, pick mushrooms, catch butterflies, etc. (bend over, straighten up, make other imitation movements). They say in unison:

By the bear in the forest

I take mushrooms and berries,

And the bear is sitting

And he growls at us.

After the word “roars,” the bear begins to catch the children running away home.

After the bear catches several players, another child is assigned to this role. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Rules of the game: Children cannot be caught behind the house line. Anyone whom the bear touches is considered caught: the bear takes him to his den.

Game "Traps"

Tasks: develop agility and speed

At the signal “one, two, three... catch,” all the players scatter around the playground, dodging the trap, which is trying to catch up with one of their children and touch him with his hand, staining him.

Rules of the game: When 3-4 players are spotted, choose another driver. The one whom the driver touched with his hand moves aside.

Game "Cook and kittens"

Target: exercise children in various types of walking or running, developing reaction speed, dexterity, and the ability to focus on words.

Pussies are crying in the corridor,

In kittens great sorrow:

Tricky cook for poor pussies

Doesn't let you grab the sausages.

With the last word, the “kittens” run into the “kitchen”, trying to grab the sausage. The cook is trying to insult the running players.

Rules of the game: The affected players are eliminated from the game. The game continues until all the sausages are stolen from the cook. The winning kitten becomes a chef.

You can’t run into a circle too early. The cook is not allowed to grab the kittens, only salt them, he is not allowed to go outside the circle. It is prohibited to take 2 or more items at the same time.

Game "Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Target: develop in children dexterity and the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running with dodging, catching, climbing, deep jumping.

Content: A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site. In the chicken coop, chickens are located on a roost (on benches), and children stand on benches. On the other side of the site there is a fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard. One of the players is assigned to be a fox, the rest are chickens - they walk and run around the yard, pecking grains, flapping their wings. At the “Fox” signal, the chickens run into the chicken coop, climb onto the perch, and the fox tries to drag away the chicken that did not have time to climb onto the perch. He takes her to his hole. The chickens jump off the roost and the game resumes.

Rules: The fox can catch chickens, and the chickens can climb onto a perch only when the teacher signals “Fox! "

Game “Burn, Burn Clear! »

Target: develop children's self-control and spatial orientation. Exercise in running fast.

The players stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. The “catcher” stands on this line. Everyone says:

Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out.

Look at the sky - Birds are flying,

The bells are ringing! One, two, three - run!

After the word “run,” the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the left, the other on the right, trying to grab the hands of the person in front of the catcher, who is trying to catch one of the pair before the children have time to meet and join hands.

Rules: If the catcher manages to do this, then he forms a pair and stands in front of the column, and the remaining one is the catcher.

Game "Wolf in the Moat"

Target: develop courage and dexterity, the ability to act on a signal. Practice running long jumps.

Content: Two parallel straight lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 80 - 100 cm - a “ditch”. A “goat house” is outlined along the edges of the site. The teacher appoints one player as a “wolf”, the rest as “goats”. All goats are located on one side of the site. The wolf stands in the ditch. At the teacher’s signal “wolf in the ditch,” the goats run to the opposite side of the site, jumping over the ditch, and the wolf tries to catch (touch) them. The duration of the game is 5-7 minutes.

Rules: act on a verbal signal, the wolf takes those caught to the corner of the ditch

Senior group

Game " Sly fox»

Target: To develop endurance and observation in children. Practice running quickly with dodging, lining up in a circle, and catching.

Content: The players stand in a circle at a distance of one step from each other. The fox's house is outlined outside the circle. The teacher invites the players to close their eyes, walks around the circle behind the children and says, “I’m going to look for a cunning and red fox in the forest!”, touches one of the players, who becomes sly fox. Then the teacher invites the players to open their eyes and carefully look at which of them is the sly fox, to see if she will give herself away in some way. The players ask in chorus 3 times, first quietly, and then louder, “Sly fox, where are you?” At the same time, everyone looks at each other. The sly fox quickly goes to the middle of the circle, raises his hand up, and says “I’m here.” All the players scatter around the site, and the fox catches them. The caught fox takes him home to his hole.

Rules: The fox begins to catch children only after the players ask in chorus 3 times and the fox says “I’m here!”

If the fox gave himself away earlier, the teacher appoints a new fox.

A player who runs out of bounds of the court is considered caught.

Game "Pass - stand up"

Target: To foster a sense of camaraderie in children, to develop dexterity and attention. Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back.

Content: The players line up in two columns, two steps apart from each other. In each they stand at arm's length from each other. A line is drawn in front of the columns. Two balls are placed on it. At the “sit down” signal, everyone sits down with their legs crossed. At the signal “pass,” the first in the columns take the balls and pass them over their heads to those sitting behind them, then they stand up and turn to face the column. The person who receives the ball passes it back over his head, then stands up and also turns to face the column, etc. The column that passed the ball correctly and did not drop the ball wins.

Rules: Pass the ball only over your head and while sitting. Stand up only after passing the ball to the person sitting behind you. The one who fails to receive the ball runs after it, sits down and continues the game.

Options: Pass the ball to the right or left, turning the body.

Game "Find the ball"

Target: Develop children's observation and dexterity.

Content: All players stand closely in a circle, facing the center. One player becomes the center, this is the speaker. The players keep their hands behind their backs. One is given a ball in his hands. Children begin to pass the ball to each other behind their backs. The driver tries to guess who has the ball. He can ask each of the players to show their hands by saying “hands.” The player extends both hands forward, palms up. The one who has the ball or who dropped it stands in the middle, and the driver takes his place.

Rules: The ball is passed in any direction. The ball is passed only to the neighbor. You cannot pass the ball to a neighbor after the driver demands to show his hands.

Game "Two Frosts"

Target: To develop inhibition in children and the ability to act on a signal (word). Practice running while dodging while catching. Promote speech development.

Description: On opposite sides of the site, two houses are marked with lines. The players are located on one side of the court. The teacher selects two drivers, who stand in the middle of the area between the houses, facing the children. These are Red Nose Frost and Blue Nose Frost. At the teacher’s signal “Begin,” both Frosts say: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are daring. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Frost Blue Nose. Which one of you will decide to set out on the path?” All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. The frozen ones stop where they were caught in the frost and stand like that until everyone else has finished running. The frozen ones are counted, and then they join the players.

Rules: Players can run out of the house only after the word “frost”. Whoever runs out first and whoever stays in the house are considered frozen. The one touched by Frost immediately stops. You can only run forward, but not backward or outside the area.

Outdoor game "Carousel"

Target: To develop in children the rhythm of movements and the ability to coordinate them with words. Practice running, walking in a circle and forming a circle.

Content: The players form a circle. The teacher gives the children a cord, the ends of which are tied. The children, holding the cord with their right hand, turn to the left and say the poem: “Barely, barely, barely, barely, the carousel started spinning. And then around, around, all running, running, running.” In accordance with the text of the poem, the children walk in a circle, first slowly, then faster, then run. While running, the teacher says: “It’s okay.” Children run in a circle 2 times, the teacher changes the direction of movement, saying: “Turn.” The players turn in a circle, quickly grab the cord with their left hand and run in the other direction. Then the teacher continues with the children: “Hush, hush, don’t write it off, stop the carousel. One, two, one, two, the game is over!” The movements of the carousel are becoming slower and slower. At the words “the game is over,” the children lower the cord to the ground and disperse.

Rules: You can only take a seat on the carousel by calling. Those who do not manage to take a place before the third bell do not take part in the skating. You must make movements according to the text, observing the rhythm.

Outdoor game "Mousetrap"

Target: To develop children's self-control, the ability to coordinate movements with words, and dexterity. Practice running and squatting, lining up in a circle and walking in a circle. Promote speech development.

Content: The players are divided into two unequal groups. The smaller one forms a circle - a “mouse trap”, the rest of the “mice” - they are outside the circle. The players, depicting a mousetrap, hold hands and begin to walk in a circle, saying: “Oh, how tired the mice are, they gnawed everything, ate everything. Beware, you cheaters, we will get to you. We’ll set mousetraps for you and catch everyone now.” Children stop and raise their clasped hands up, forming a gate. Mice run in and out of the mousetrap. According to the teacher: “clap”, the children standing in a circle lower their hands and squat - the mousetrap has slammed shut. Players who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught. Caught mice move into a circle and increase the size of the mousetrap. When most of the mice are caught, the children change roles.

Rules: Lower your clasped hands using the word “clap.” After the mousetrap has slammed shut, you must not crawl under your arms.

Preparatory group

Game "Burners"

Target: teach children to run in pairs at speed, start running only after finishing the words. To develop speed of movement and dexterity in children.

Children stand in a column in pairs. A line is drawn in front of the column at a distance of 2-3 steps. According to the counting, a Trap is selected. He stands on the line with his back to the other children. Everyone standing in pairs says:

"Burn, burn clearly,

so that it doesn't go out.

Look at the sky - the birds are flying,

The bells are ringing.

One, two, three – run!”

With the end of the words, the children standing in the last pair run along the column (one on the right, the other on the left), trying to grab hands. The trap tries to catch one of the pair and connect hands with him.

Rules: If the catcher managed to do this, he forms a new pair with the caught one and stands in front of the column, and the one left without a pair becomes a trap. If the Trap is not caught, he remains in the same role.

While pronouncing the words, the Trapper does not look back; you can catch before the players hold hands.

Game "Traps" (with ribbons)

Target: teach children to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction.

Children line up in a circle, each with a colored ribbon tucked into the back of their belt. There is a Trap in the center of the circle. At the teacher’s signal: “One, two, three – catch it!” children run around the playground. The trap tries to pull out the ribbon. At the signal: “One, two, three, quickly run in a circle - all the children line up in a circle.”

Rules: After counting those caught, the game is repeated.

Game "Frost - Red Nose"

Target: teach children to run across the scattered ground from one side of the site to the other, dodging the trap, act on a signal, and maintain a motionless posture. Develop endurance and attention. Strengthen running with shin overlapping, side gallop.

On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, in one of them there are players. In the middle of the platform, the driver, Frost the red nose, stands facing them, and he says:

“I am frost - a red nose.

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?”

The children answer in chorus:

“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost”

After that, they run across the site to another house, the frost catches up with them and tries to freeze them. Rules: The frozen ones stop at the place where the frost overtook them and stand there until the end of the run. Frost counts how many players managed to freeze; it is taken into account that players who ran out of the house before the signal or remained after the signal are also considered frozen.

"The Kite and the Mother Hen"

Target: teach children to move in a column, holding on to each other tightly, without breaking the clutch. Develop the ability to act in a coordinated manner and dexterity.

8-10 children participate in the game, one of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a hen. The rest of the children are chickens; they stand behind the hen, forming a column. Everyone hold on to each other. To the side is a kite's nest. At a signal, he flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chicken in the column. The hen, stretching her arms out to the sides, prevents the kite from grabbing the chick. All the chicks follow the movements of the kite and quickly move after the hen.

Rules: The caught chicken goes to the kite's nest.


Target: teach children to run, trying not to catch up, to jump on one leg, landing on the toe of a half-bent leg. Develop agility, speed of movement, and the ability to change direction while running.

Progress of the game:

Participants in the game choose the owner and two buyers. The rest of the players are paint. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and quietly names it to its owner. When all the paints have chosen a color and named it to the owner, he invites one of the buyers. The buyer knocks:

Knock! Knock!


Why did you come?

For paint.

For which?

For blue.

If there is no blue paint, the owner says: “Walk along the blue path, find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” If the buyer guesses the color of the paint, then he takes the paint for himself. A second buyer arrives, the conversation with the owner is repeated. And so they come up one by one and sort out the paints. Rules: The buyer who collects the most paint wins. The owner can come up with a more difficult task, for example: jump on one leg along the red carpet.

Inna Atajanova
Features of outdoor play at different age stages


The formation of children's health and the full development of their body is one of the main problems in modern society. At preschool age, children undergo intensive physical development and the formation of functional systems of the child’s body.

Properly organized physical activity of a child helps to improve his health. It is one of the important conditions for proper metabolism, stimulates the development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory and digestive organs. Physical activity also plays an important role in ensuring full-fledged mental development child, as it stimulates positive emotions, increases the overall vitality of the baby, provides food for a variety of impressions and active cognitive activity.

A significant place in the system of physical education of preschool children is occupied by outdoor games, which are widely used in all age groups.

2nd junior group.

When selecting and conducting games, it is important to take into account the previous type of activity; children learn new games better if before the game they looked at a picture, repeated a poem, or designed, since the children are not tired and will be able to perceive a new motor task. After complex activities that require increased attention, concentration, and development of mathematical concepts from the child, it is better not to offer the kids new games, but to repeat familiar ones.

At this age, games include tasks related to memorizing objects, shapes, distinguishing primary colors and sounds (“Find your color”, “Run to the flag”, most games have developed plots and defined roles (“Cat and Mice”, “ Train"), the name of the game usually determines play behavior. At this age, the child can already take over. main role. The educational and educational side of p/games is enhanced if, when repeated, they are slightly modified (not to pass, but to run) or become more complicated. At this age, an explanation of the game is accompanied by a demonstration of game actions; later, an explanation of the plot and rules precede the game.

At this age, it is already necessary to achieve strict compliance with the rules and conditions of the game.

Middle group.

The motor activity of children in the middle group is largely due to a large stock of skills and abilities, good spatial orientation, the desire to perform movements together, showing restraint and intelligence. The child is already interested in more complex movements that require dexterity, speed, and accuracy. They enjoy competing to see who can jump farthest or who can collect the most. Interactions in the game become more complex, where the result depends on the coordination of actions in the game (“Find a pair”, “Colored cars”, on the ability to quickly and organizedly form into units, taking into account the interests of comrades.

Most games have detailed plots that determine the content of movements; in many games there is a role of a driver, usually there is only one, but as the game becomes more complex, you can introduce a second driver (for example: “There are two bears in a bear’s forest”).

The explanation of the game should be brief, touching only on the most important; the poetic text of the game is memorized by children right during the game.

In the middle group, the teacher rarely plays the role of a leader; during the course of the year it is necessary to involve all children in leading roles. At this age, I choose the children themselves to play the role of driver.

It is impossible to give instructions during the game, to achieve accuracy of execution - this reduces the emotional mood of the game; their activity; comments on violation of the rules are made at the end of the game (for example: the bear would not have caught you if you had not pushed the guys).

The rules in games for middle children become more complicated; catch only by touching; if caught, move aside. The teacher's attention should not be directed to increasing the number of games, but to repeating and complicating those already familiar, so that by the end of the year the children can organize the game themselves with a small group of peers.

The game is repeated for 2-3 lessons, walks, then after a while we return to it again. With repetition, you can complicate the content and rules of the game, and modify the organization of children.

Senior group.

In this age group, the content of play games becomes even more complex due to the expansion of children’s horizons; new images and plots are included, familiar from books, teacher stories, and film screenings, in which games reflect different professions (“Firemen in training,” “Hunter” and hares”, it becomes possible to choose games with standing long jumps, throwing and climbing. Plotless games like “Traps” occupy a large place in older groups, as well as with elements of competition, individual at the beginning of the year, then in groups.

The children themselves perform responsible roles in the game; the teacher reminds them of the rules and monitors their implementation, watches how the children perform game movements, and gives signals. However, sometimes the participation of the teacher is necessary; he can take on the role and show how to move quickly in order to catch many children; this technique greatly enlivens the game and promotes an emotional mood.

When distributing roles, as a rule, counting rhymes are used; the teacher participates only when it is necessary to create units or teams of equal strength.

The explanation of the game in the senior group occurs not only during the game, but immediately before the game. The teacher explains the content of the game from beginning to end, especially paying attention to the rules.

In the older group, children are already interested not only in the process of the game, but in its results, so summing up has great educational significance. It is important to fairly note the winners and explain that even a good result if the rules are broken will not lead to a win.

Preparatory group.

IN preparatory group children are more independent in organizing play games. The child knows large number games, their content and rules, he imagines their possible motor and emotional intensity. This allows you to choose games according to your interests and desires.

In this group, games and exercises are especially important for consolidating and improving children’s skills in basic types of movements and the development of physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity. Children begin to act most in effective ways with maximum mobilization of efforts to achieve results, showing positive moral and volitional qualities.

The manifestation of physical and moral-volitional qualities is most facilitated by the child’s participation in such games, where the overall result is important, which depends on the interaction of the participants in the game. This is especially evident in relay races.

In outdoor games for aunts of the 7th year, the entertaining nature of the plot is no longer of great importance; children’s behavior is now regulated game rules, which the child is consciously guided by.

The requirements for strict compliance with the rules contribute to the development of self-control, discipline, and a sense of responsibility. The emotionality of games and the interest of children lead to the fact that older preschoolers are increasingly organizing them themselves, on their own initiative.

When explaining a new game, the teacher ensures that children imagine its entire course, the nature and methods of the characters’ actions, and understand the rules. The initial explanation of the difficult moments of the game may be accompanied by a demonstration. The distribution of roles should be equal in strength; children themselves are beginning to understand the reasonable distribution of forces.

Summarizing is very important. The teacher helps children realize how important it is to achieve a positive result according to the rules, and not a result by any means. This prevents possible negative manifestations, reduces excessive excitability and excitement.

In the preparatory group, all children must learn to independently organize and conduct games; it is very important to encourage children’s play creativity.

Publications on the topic:

Consultation “Guide to conducting outdoor games” Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving children’s movements, strengthening and hardening their bodies. Value.

Algorithm of action for adults and children at the stages of mastering design. Specifics of design in different age groups As you know, a project is a goal accepted and mastered by children, relevant to them, it is a children’s initiative, a specific creative endeavor.

Games and exercises for the development of coherent speech in preschool children at different age stages. Games and exercises for the development of coherent speech in children at different age stages. Preschool age- This is a period of active assimilation by the child.

Card index of games and relay races for children of different age groups Children's stay in the fresh air is of great importance for the physical development of a preschooler. Walking and playing are the first and most.
